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Single Herbs

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.9-1.5grams 1. : Dosage of Hong Hua to Harmonize Blood: 1. Chen Pi 2. : What are the 3 herbs that prevent stagnation from 2. Mu Xiangtonifying/cloying herbs? 3. Sha Ren 1. Chuan Xiong 3. : What are the 3 herbs in the Activate 2. Dan Shen Blood category that are NOT 3. Chi Shao contraindicated in pregnancy? 1. Da Ji 4. : 2 Herbs that are incompatible with Gan Cao: 2. Hai Zao 1. Dan Zhu Ye 5. : What are the 3 herbs that go to the 2. Mu Tong HT and SI? 3. Deng Xin Cao 1. Ge Gen 6. : What are the 5 herbs 2. Sheng Mathat raise clear Yang 3. Chai Hu Qi? 4. Huang7. Qi : Parts of Dang Gui 5. He Ye and what they do: 1. Head: Tonify 1. Kuan Dong Hua 8. : 2 Flowers that 2. Body: Tonify >Activate 2. Xuan Fu HuaDESCEND Qi 3. Tail: Activate (most flowers ascend) 1. Shi Gao 9. : What are the 3 VERY COLD herbs? 2. Mang Xiao 1. Wu Wei Zi 10. : What are the 3 herbs that 3. Tian Men Dong2. Fu Xiao Mai stop sweating? 3. Mu Li 15-60 grams 11. : What is the dosage for Shi Gao? Activate blood and clear blood masses 12. : What are San Leng & E Zhu pair herbs for? Activate blood and generate tissue, stop pain 13. : What are Ru Xiang & Mo Yao pair herbs for? Ai 14. Ye: Stop Bleeding Warm womb and stop bleeding Calm the fetus (if there is cold) Disperse cold Ba Ji Tian 15. : Yang Tonic Strengthen sinews and bones Good for fertility Bai Bian Dou 16. : Qi Tonic Clear summer heat Treat food poisoning Bai 17. Bu: Stop Cough and Wheezing Expel parasites and kill lice Dosage: 3-9g, *30-60g (pinworm) Bai Dou Kou 18. : Aromatics for Damp Is aromatic and warm Bai Guo, Ginkgo Sm. 19. : Astringent Good for cough Aids memory Remove husk, crush seed Bai He, Lilli Bulbus 20. : Yin Tonic Goes to HT, LU Good for tonifying HT yin Used for mental/emotional type issues Calm shen, clear HT

Bai Hua She 21. : Dispel WD TOXIC Dispel wind from the skin, settle jitteriness/convulsions Dosage: 3-9g(decoction), 1-1.5g(powder) Bai 22. Ji : Stop Bleeding Generate flesh (topically) Good for dry lips Bai Ji23. Li: Extinguish LV Wind Brighten the eyes Dispel Wind, stop itching Bai Jiang Cao 24. : Clear Toxic heat Used for intestinal abscess Bai Jie25. Zi: Dissolve Cold Phlegm Dissipate nodule and reduce swelling Don't decoct for a long period of time Expel phlegm Stop pain Bai Mao Gen 26. : Paired with Lu Gen to clear heat and promote urination: Bai Mao Gen 27. : Stop Bleeding Used for all kinds of bleeding-->UJ & LJ -Nosebleeds, bleeding of the mouth, bleeding of the anus, blood in the urine, etc. Clear heat Bai Qian 28. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm Directs LU Qi DOWNWARD Good for phlegm in the throat Bai Shao, Paeoniae Rx. Alba 29. : Blood Tonic Sl. Cold Regulate menses Calm and curb LV yang and alleviate pain Preserve the Yin and adjust the Nutritive and Protective levels (ying & wei) Acts like LV 3 Bai Tou Weng 30. : Clear Toxic heat Used for hot dysentery and bleeding Bai Wei 31. : Clear Deficient heat Bai Zhi, Angelicae Rx. 32. : Disperse WC Yang Ming, frontal HA Expels pus Opens nasal passages Bai Zhu 33. : Qi Tonic Stabilize exterior, stop sweating Strengthen SP and dry damp Calm the fetus (SP xu type) (Cang Zhu induces sweating, this herb stops sweating) Bai Zi Ren 34. : Nourish & Calm Shen Moisten intestines and move stools Used for yin deficient NIGHT sweats Antagonizes: Ju Hua

Ban Lan Gen 35. : Clear Toxic heat Benefits the throat Prevents epidemic Cools the blood Ban Xia 36. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm TOXIC Descend rebellious ST Qi and stop vomiting Major herb for vomiting Clears phlegm Dissipate nodule and reduce swelling Incompatible with Wu Tou Bi 37. Ba: Warm Interior Warm MJ, stop pain Used for HA and nasal congestion Used for toothache (topically) Bi Xie 38. : Diuretic Separate pure from turbid for Gao Lin Expel WD Clear DH Bian Xu 39. : Diuretic Expels parasites Stop itching Bie Jia 40. : Yin Tonic MOVE Blood, promote menses Dissipate nodules Disperse clumping CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy (so heavy) Dosage: 9-30g Crush, cook 30 minutes longer Bing Lang 41. : Expel Parasites Kill wide variety of intestinal parasites-->esp. tapeworm Bo He, Menthae Hb. 42. : Disperse WH Clear eyes Soothe LV Qi Good for digestive issues Benefits the throat Add in the last 5 minutes Bu Gu Zhi 43. : Yang Tonic Very warm Warm SP/KD yang and stop diarrhea Used topically for vitiligo Calm the fetus with Sp Qi 44. xu: What are Huang Qin and Bai Zhu pair herbs for? Cang Er45. Zi: Disperse WC TOXIC-->overdosage can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and/or abdominal pain Expels W-C-D Cang Zhu 46. : Aromatics for Damp THE driest herb. Strongly dries damp Improve vision, contains Vit. A Release the exterior INDUCE sweating (Bai Zhu inhibits sweating) Cao Dou Kou 47. : Aromatics for Damp Add near the end

Cao Guo 48. : Aromatics for Damp Check malarial disorder Cao Wu, Aconiti Kusnezoffii 49. : Warm Interior Hot, very toxic Expel W-C-C, remove painful obstruction This is the wild version of this herb--is rarely used alone. Used for pain in the channels CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy Boil for 30-60 minutes longer to make less toxic Ce Bai 50. Ye: Stop Bleeding Stop cough and expel phlegm Used for bleeding and burns Chai Hu 51. : Disperse WH Goes to GB, LV, PC, SJ (Last 4 channels) Resolves Shao Yang disorders and reduces fever Soothes LV Qi Raises clear Yang Qi Chan Tui, Cicadae Peri. 52. : Disperse WH Stop itching Benefits throat, benefits voice Extinguish LV wind, stop spasm Clear eyes CAUTION in pregnancy Che Qian Zi, Plantaginis 53. : Diuretic Solidify stool for diarrhea Clear the eyes Wrap in porous bag Chen54. Pi : Regulate Qi Regulate MJ (Mature fruit, weaker) Chen Xiang 55. : Regulate Qi Anchors LU Qi (is a heavy herb) Direct rebellious Qi downward Used for asthma and wheezing Warm the KD Dosage: 1-1.5g (powder) Add near the end in decoction Chi Shao, Paeoniae56. R.: Activate Blood Move blood, cool blood Chi Shi Zhi 57. : Astringent Contains blood and stop bleeding Stop diarrhea Antagonize: Da Huang Counteract: Yuan Hua, Huang Qin Chuan Bei Mu 58. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Stops Cough-->DRY cough Good for treating children For yin xu cough with slight sputum that is difficult to expectorate Dissipate nodules

Chuan Lian59. Zi: Regulate Qi Sl. Toxic Clear heat and dry damp Kill parasites Soothe LV Qi Chuan Niu60. Xi: Activate Blood More moving form of this herb Induce DOWNWARD movement of blood Unblock menses Chuan Wu, Aconiti Rx. 61. : Warm Interior Hot, very toxic Expel W-C-D, remove painful obstruction Used for pain in the channels CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy Boil for 30-60 minutes longer to make less toxic Chuan Xiong 62. : Activate Blood Goes to *PC, LV, GB Used for various types of HA Expel wind and stop pain, esp. for HA Moves Qi within blood Dosage: 1-1.5g Chun63. Pi : Astringent Kill parasites Clear heat, dry damp Stop bleeding Found in Gu Jing Wan (for stop bleeding function) Ci Shi, Magnetitum 64. : Anchor & Calm Shen Calm LV Yang Tonify KD/LV (impaired hearing and vision) Good for tinnitus Antagonizes: Mu Dan Pi Clear heat and irritability (Wen Bing, Qi level) 65. : What are Zhi Zi and Dan Dou Chi pair herbs for? Clear heat and stop cough and pain 66. : What are Jie Geng and Gan Cao pair herbs for? Da Fu67. Pi: Regulate Qi Direct Qi downward Promote urination and move damp Da Huang 68. : Purgative Drains DH Drains blood heat Invigorates and moves blood stasis (wine-treated) Clears TH CONTRAINDICATED: Nursing mothers-->enters milk CAUTION: Pregnancy or menstruation Cooking for more than 10 minutes will reduce purgative effect Da69. Ji : Cathartic TOXIC Drains water downward and drives out congested fluids Dosage: 1.5-3g Is INCOMPATIBLE with Gan Cao

Da Zao, Jujubae Fr. 70. : Qi Tonic Sweet Nourish the blood and calm shen Harmonize characteristics of other herbs CONTRAINDICATED: Excess damp conditions, food stagnation, damp/phlegm disorders (because it is sweet) Dai Zhe Shi, Haematitum 71. : Extinguish LV Wind Cool blood and stop bleeding Good for blood issues Lowers BP Dan Dou Chi 72. : Disperse WH Is cold or warm Eliminates irritability Dan Nan Xing 73. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm For tremor, seizures, or stroke due to phlegm-heat (Tian Nan Xing processed with bile becomes this herb->becomes cool) Dan Shen, Salviae Rx. 74. : Activate Blood Move blood and cool blood Clear HT, Calm Shen Dosage: *60g for vasculitis Dan Zhu 75. Ye: Clear and purge heat Clear heat, promote urination, and clear DH, esp. for SI channel Goes to the HT and SI channels Bland Used with Lu Gen Dang Gui 76. : Blood Tonic Goes to HT, LV, SP (blood organs) Regulate menses Moisten intestines, move stool Dang Shen, Codonopsis Rx. 77. : Qi Tonic Used for exterior wind and interior Qi deficiency Tonifies LU/SP Use 2-3x dosage of Ren Shen Deng Xin Cao 78. : Diuretic Goes to HT, SI-->Drains HT via SI Can use with moxa at SJ 20 for mumps Used for pediatric sleep disorders Di Fu79. Zi: Diuretic Stop itching Di Gu80. Pi: Clear Deficient heat Cools blood and reduces steaming due to KD yin deficient heat WITH SWEATING Stops cough Good for toothache (Opposite of Mu Dan Pi) Di Long 81. : Extinguish LV Wind Clear heat and unblock channels & collaterals Calm wheezing Promote urination Used for hypertension

Di 82. Yu: Stop Bleeding Used for hemorrhoids and dysentery Generate flesh (topically), also for burns Paired with Huai Hua Mi Di Yu and Huai Hua 83. Mi: Pair herbs for hemorrhoids and dysentery Ding Xiang 84. : Warm Interior Warm KD and aid yang Good for cold in the tip of the penis Dong Gua Ren 85. : Diuretic Dong Kui86. Zi: Diuretic Benefits breasts, promotes lactation Moistens intestines Du Huo 87. : Dispel WD Used to disperse W-C-D in lower back and legs, low back ache Used for Shao Yin HA and toothache Du Zhong 88. : Yang Tonic Strengthen sinews and bones Used for hypertension Treats low back pain Calm the fetus E Jiao, Asini Corii Colla 89. : Blood Tonic Nourish blood and stop bleeding Nourish and moisten the Yin (dry LU cough) Sticky herb-->very strong blood tonic Dissolve in strained decoction E Zhu 90. : Activate Blood Pair with San Leng to break up blood, remove accumulation and stop pain E Zhu & San Leng 91. : Pair herbs that invigorate blood, break up blood, remove accumulation and stop pain Fang Feng 92. : Disperse WC Used for BOTH WC or WH Also used for W-C-D for Bi syndrome Good for interior or exterior wind Very good for stopping PAIN Feng Mi, Mel 93. : Qi Tonic Moisten the intestine Good for MJ Moisten LU, stop cough CONTRAINDICATED: Conditions with phlegm heat (better for dry cough) Fu Ling 94. : Diuretic Strengthens SP, harmonizes MJ Transforms phlegm Quiets heart, calms shen Use up to 60g for facial edema Fu Ling95. Pi: Diuretic form of Fu Ling Fu Pen96. Zi: Astringent Restrain urine Assist yang and improve vision (antioxidants) Fu Shen 97. : Calm shen form of Fu Ling

Fu Xiao Mai 98. : Astringent Goes to HT Inhibit sweating (fluid of the HT) Fu Zi, Aconiti Rx. Lateral. 99. : Warm Interior Hot, toxic This is the lateral part of this herb. Warms the channels, stops pain Guide the actions of other herbs into the 12 channels Warm fire and assist yang Focuses mostly on the KD CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy Boil for 30-60 minutes longer to make less toxic Gan Cao 100. : Qi Tonic Goes to all 12 channels, esp. (HT, LU, SP, ST) Soothe spasm and stop pain Harmonize characteristics of other herbs Moisten LU, stop cough Gan Jiang 101. : Warm Interior Warm SP/ST and expel cold Warm Lu, transform phlegm Focuses on the SP CAUTION: Pregnancy Gao Ben 102. : Disperse WC Goes to DU channel Jue Yin, vertex HA Expels W-C-D Gao Liang Jiang 103. : Warm Interior Warm MJ and stop pain Good digestive herb Ge Gen 104. : Disperse WH Good for diarrhea Releases muscles Nourishes fluids and alleviates thirst (Xiao Ke) Treats hypertension Raises Yang Qi Vents rashes Geng 105. Mi : Qi Tonic Protect MJ Stop thirst, generate fluids Stop diarrhea and dysentery Gou106. Ji : Yang Tonic Strengthen sinews and bones Expel WD Stabilize KD Gou Qi Zi, Lycii Fr. 107. : Blood Tonic Neutral Benefit the essence and brighten the eyes Enrich the Yin and moisten the LU Good herb for jing Gou Teng 108. : Extinguish LV Wind Control spasms and tremors Pacify LV yang One of the king herbs for Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Don't cook more than 20 minutes

Gu Sui 109. Bu : Yang Tonic Strengthen sinews and bones-->good for broken bones Used for traumatic injury Gu 110. Ya : Digestives For starchy foods Strengthen SP/ST Gua Lou 111. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Moisten intestines (Fruit) Gua Lou112. Pi : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Good for hot, dry phlegm (Husk of the fruit) Gua Lou Ren 113. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Moisten intestines (Seed of the fruit) Gui Ban 114. : Yin Tonic Benefit KD and strengthen bones NOURISH Blood/Yin Nourish blood and tonify HT CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy (so heavy) Dosage: 15-45g Crush, cook 30 minutes longer Gui Zhi, Cinnamomi 115. : Disperse WC Goes to the HT-->assist the HT in unblocking Yang Qi in the chest Harmonize Ying & Wei Stops pain in the neck and shoulders CAUTION: Pregnancy

Hei Zhi Ma 124. : Yin Tonic Nourish blood and extinguish wind Moisten intestine Increase lactation Darkens hair Hong Hua 125. : Activate Blood Paired with Tao Ren for amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis Harmonizes blood (Dosage .9-1.5g) Good for UJ issues Add near the end Hou Po, Magnoliae Cx. 126. : Aromatics for Damp Used for bloating Direct Qi downward, calm wheezing Reduce phlegm CAUTION: Pregnancy Hu Jiao 127. : Warm Interior Warm MJ, stop pain Primarily a digestive herb Crush Hu Tao Ren, Walnut 128. : Yang Tonic Moisten intestines Warm the LU and help KD to grasp Qi Good tonic for the brain Hua Jiao 129. : Warm Interior Sl. Toxic Kill parasites and alleviate abdominal pain Hua Shi, Talcum 130. : Diuretic Clear summer heat Absorb damp for eczema Wrap in porous bag Huai Hua 131. Mi : Stop Bleeding Used for hemorrhoids and hypertension Paired with Di Yu Huai Niu132. Xi : Activate Blood More nourishing form of this herb Induce DOWNWARD movement of blood Good for knee pain Clear DH in LJ Strengthen muscle and bone Huang Bai 133. : Clear DH Used for LJ issues (KD, UB) Drains deficient KD fire Huang Lian 134. : Clear DH Used for MJ issues (HT, LI, LV, ST) Clears HT fire Clears heat, stops bleeding Clears LV fire Should NOT be taken with PORK

: What are Qiang Huo & Du Huo pair herbs for?

Guiding herbs for the upper back, shoulders, and pain below the waist. Also the two king herbs in Ren Shen Bai Du San Hai Piao Xiao 117. : Astringent Neutralize ST acid Antagonize: Fu Zi, Bai Ji Hai Tong118. Pi : Dispel WD Used as a gargle for toothache due to dental cavities Hai Zao 119. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Soften hardness for neck nodules Used for pain associated with hernial disorder Used for hypothyroidism INCOMPATIBLE with Gan Cao Han Fang 120. Ji : Diuretic Alleviates pain Is good for YANG edema Harmonize the interior 121. : What are Gui Zhi & Bai Shao pair herbs for? He 122. Ye : Clear Toxic heat Goes to the HT Clears summer heat Stops bleeding, cool blood Calms the spirit He123. Zi : Astringent Improve condition of the throat

Huang Qi, Astragali Rx. 135. : Qi Tonic Stabilize exterior, stop sweating Raise Yang Qi Tonify Wei Qi Discharge pus, generate flesh Used for Xiao Ke syndrome Huang Qin 136. : Clear DH Used for UJ issues (LU, GB, LI, ST) Used for Shao Yang syndrome Stops bleeding (charred) Calms the fetus (for restless fetus due to heat) Huo Ma Ren, Cannabis Sm. 137. : Laxative Moistens intestines Nourishes yin Good for postpartum and blood xu Crush before cooking Huo Xiang 138. : Aromatics for Damp Used for traveler's diarrhea Good for GI flu Stops nausea and vomiting Release the exterior, used for summer heat Cook no more than 15 minutes

Ju Hua, Chrysanthemi 147. Fl. : Disperse WH Clear eyes Good for HA, stress, and hypertension Jue Ming148. Zi : Clear and purge heat Clears LV and eyes Moistens intestines Treats hypertension, lower serum cholesterol, and prevents athersclerosis Used with Xia Ku Cao Ku Shen 149. : Clear DH Good for jaundice Kills parasites (can be used in a bath) Stops itching Clears heat, promotes urination Kuan Dong Hua 150. : Stop Cough and Wheezing Descends LU Qi DOWNWARD (only 2 flowers that descend) Lai Fu151. Zi : Digestives For fullness and distention Used for bloating Antagonizes Ren Shen (neutralizes it) Must be crushed Lian Qiao 152. : Clear Toxic heat Expels WH Goes to the HT, LU, GB Clears HT heat Used for 4 stages of warm febrile disease Lian Xu 153. : Astringent Stamen of the lotus Lian Zi, Lotus Seed 154. : Astringent Tonify SP, stop diarrhea Nourish HT Calm HT shen Long Dan Cao 155. : Clear DH Drain DH from the LV/GB Good for issues in the genital area, STDs Can be used as an anti-biotic, anti-viral Long Gu, Fossillia Ossis Mastodi 156. : Anchor & Calm Shen Calm LV yang Used for chronic non-healing sores Paired with Mu Li to prevent leakage of fluids (more yang) Counteracts: Shi Gao Should not be mixed with fish Crush, cook 20-30 minutes longer Long Yan Rou, Longan Arillus 157. : Blood Tonic Goes to HT, SP Tonify HT and SP, nourish blood, and calm the spirit (as in Gui Pi Tang) Lu Gen 158. : Clear and purge heat Clear heat and promote urination Generate fluids, moisten dryness Used with Dan Zhu Ye Lu Gen 159. : Pair herb of Dan Zhu Ye:

: What are Chuan Lian Zi & Yan Hu Suo pair herbs for?

Hypochondriac pain, clear heat, eliminate damp, move qi, quicken blood, stop pain Ji Nei Jin 140. : Digestives For various types of food retention Secure the essence and stop enuresis (jing) Transform stones-->urinary or biliary tract Dosage: 1.5-3g powder More effective taken in powdered form Jiang Huang 141. : Activate Blood Good for shoulder pain Found in Juan Bi Tang Jie Geng 142. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm Open up and diffuse LU Qi Benefit the throat, good for sore throat Promote discharge of pus Direct the effect of other herbs UPWARD CONTRAINDICATED: Hemoptysis (coughing blood) Jin Yin Hua 143. : Clear Toxic heat Expels WH Clears DH in LJ Good for skin issues, rashes Used for 4 stages of warm febrile disease Dosage: 6-20grams (Small-->WH, Large-->TH) Jin Ying144. Zi : Astringent Bind up intestine and stop diarrhea Jing Jie, Schizonepetae 145. : Disperse WC Used for BOTH WC or WH Stops bleeding (charred form) Ju Hong 146. : Regulate Qi More drying and aromatic than Chen Pi, but less effective in harmonizing MJ

Lu Hui, Aloe 160. : Purgative Kills parasites Clears heat and cools the LV CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy Lu Jiao Jiao 161. : Yang Tonic Leftovers of Lu Rong-->less expensive Used in Zuo Gui Wan & You Gui Wan Lu Rong 162. : Yang Tonic Warm, goes to KD, LV Regulate Chong, Ren, strengthen Dai Tonify Du and augment essence and blood Strengthen bone and sinews Tonify Qi and blood Dosage: 1-2g(powder), 3-4.5g(decoction) Mai Men Dong 163. : Yin Tonic Tonifies ST yin, HT yin, and LU yin Moisten intestines Clear HT, eliminate irritability Mai 164. Ya : Digestives For starchy foods Restrain lactation Soothe LV Qi Dosage: 30-60g-->inhibit lactation Malaria--like PC 165. 5 : What are Qing Hao & Cao Guo pair herbs for? Man Jing166. Zi : Disperse WH Best herb in WH category for HEADACHES Clear head Expel Wind-Damp Bi Clear eyes Mang Xiao 167. : Purgative VERY COLD Moistens dryness and softens hardness (acts like Drain-O) Clears heat CONTRAINDICATED: Pregnancy Dissolve into strained decoction Mo Yao and Ru Xiang 168. : Pair herbs that invigorate blood, and are used for pain due to trauma and W-C-D Bi syndrome Mo Yao, Myrrha 169. : Activate Blood Promotes healing (topical) Reduce swelling and generate flesh Paired with Ru Xiang for pain due to trauma and W-C-D Bi syndrome (more blood level) Mu Dan170. Pi : Clear blood heat Used for deficient heat WITHOUT sweating Invigorates blood, dispels blood stasis Mu Gua 171. : Dispel WD SOUR Relax sinews for cramping pain, esp. in legs Reduce food retention CONTRAINDICATED: exterior conditions (sour herb), internal constrained heat CAUTION: if taken to excess, can harm the teeth and bones

Mu Li, Osteae Concha 172. : Anchor & Calm Shen Calm LV yang Soften hardness and dissipate nodules Absorb ST acidity and stop pain Paired with Long Gu to prevent leakage of fluids (more yin) Crush, cook 20-30 minutes longer Mu Tong 173. : Diuretic Goes to HT, SI-->Drains HT via SI Unblocks blood stasis-->good for pain Promotes lactation CONTRAINDICATED in pregnancy Mu Xiang 174. : Regulate Qi Adjust and regulate stagnant Qi in the intestine and ST Prevent stagnation Add in last 5 minutes Mu Zei 175. : Disperse WH Clear eyes, brighten eyes Is neutral Clear heat, stop bleeding Can be used for prostate or urination issues Muscle spasms 176. : What are Bai Shao & Gan Cao pair herbs for? Niu Bang177. Zi : Disperse WH Benefits throat-->is the best herb for sore throat Moistens intestines Should be ground Niu Huang 178. : Aromatic Open Orifice Clear HT, open orifices, awaken spirit and expel phlegm Clear LV, relieve toxicity, extinguish wind, stop tremor Dosage: .2-.5g(pill or powder) Nu Zhen179. Zi : Yin Tonic Clear heat from deficiency Improve vision Makes hair darker Tonify LV & KD yin Pao Jiang (charred ginger) 180. : Stop Bleeding Stop bleeding, esp. menstrual Warm the channels Pi Pa 181. Ye : Stop Cough and Wheezing Transform phlegm Used for nausea, vomiting due to ST heat Pu Gong Ying 182. : Clear Toxic heat Used for breast issues-->mastitis and poor lactation Promotes lactation High in iron Pu Huang, Typhae Pollen 183. : Stop Bleeding Astringe blood and stop bleeding Promote urination Wrap in cheesecloth Qian Cao Gen 184. : Stop Bleeding Qian Hu 185. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Descend qi downward and expel phlegm Release exterior wind Counteracts Li Lu

Qian Shi 186. : Astringent Tonify SP, stop diarrhea Qiang Huo 187. : Disperse WC Tai Yang, occipital HA Good for upper body pain Expels W-C-D Qin Jiao 188. : Dispel WD Sl. cold Clear heat from deficiency Qing Hao 189. : Clear Deficient heat Clear summer heat Checks MALARIAL DISORDERS and relieves heat Cools blood and stops bleeding Must use fresh herb for malaria. Do not subject to prolonged cooking Qing190. Pi : Regulate Qi Break up Qi stagnation Dissipate clumps Used for breast abscess due to Damp/phlegm Soothes LV Qi (Immature fruit, stronger) Qu Mai 191. : Diuretic Raise Qi, prolapse, clinically chronic diarrhea 192. : What are Chai Hu & Sheng Ma pair herbs for?

Ru Xiang 198. : Activate Blood Relax sinews, activate channels Reduce swelling and generate flesh Paired with Mo Yao for pain due to trauma and W-C-D Bi syndrome (more Qi level) San Leng 199. : Activate Blood Pair with E Zhu to break up blood, remove accumulation and stop pain San200. Qi : Stop Bleeding Used for traumatic pain Best herb for TRAUMA Stops bleeding AND moves blood Sang Bai201. Pi : Stop Cough and Wheezing Cold Promote urination and reduce edema Used for hypertension Sang Ji Sheng 202. : Dispel WD Nourish blood, calm the womb Treat hypertension Good for cancer Strengthen bones and sinews Sang Shen 203. : Blood Tonic Cold Nourish the Yin and generate fluids Moisten intestines Very mild herb, but a good yin and blood tonic Sang 204. Ye : Disperse WH Clear eyes Moisten dryness Cool blood and stop bleeding Sang Zhi 205. : Dispel WD Benefit joints, esp. for upper limbs Also used for edema Dosage: 9-15g (up to 30g) Sha Ren 206. : Aromatics for Damp Used for diarrhea due to SP cold Calm the fetus (for morning sickness) Prevent stagnation from tonifying/cloying & sticky herbs (esp. for Shu di Huang) Crush, add near the end Sha Shen 207. : Yin Tonic Tonify LU & ST yin Moisten dry/itchy skin Sha Yuan208. Zi : Yang Tonic Secures essence Brightens eyes, improves vision Used in Jin Suo Gu Jing Wan Shan Dou Gen 209. : Clear Toxic heat Benefits the throat Anti-cancer

: What are Yi Mu Cao & Xiang Fu pair herbs for?

Regulate menses and move qi, resolve depression, dispel stasis Ren Shen, Ginseng Rx. 194. : Qi Tonic Tonifies LU/SP Strongly tonifies Yuan Qi Stop thirst and generate fluids Benefits HT Qi and calm shen CONTRAINDICATED: LV Yang rising, hypertension Antagonizes: Wu Ling Zhi Abstain from tea and turnips Cook separately Rou Cong Rong 195. : Yang Tonic Moisten intestines Augment blood and essence (Endangered species) Rou Dou Kou 196. : Astringent Warm MJ, stop pain Stop diarrhea Found in Si Shen Wan Rou Gui, Cinnamomi Cx. 197. : Warm Interior Disperse deep cold, warm the channels, stop pain Lead fire back to the source Warm fire and assist yang Warms HT, KD, LV, SP Focuses on the HT CAUTION: Pregnancy Dosage: 1.5-4.5g(decoction), 1-2g(powder) Add near the end

Shan Yao 210. : Qi Tonic Goes to the KD, LU, SP Great Qi & Yin tonic Very safe herb Stabilize and bind the KD Used for Xiao Ke syndrome Dosage: 9-30g, (60-240g alone) Shan Zha 211. : Digestives For meat and greasy foods Move blood stasis Stop diarrhea (charred) Used for hypertension, coronary artery disease, and ELEVATED SERUM CHOLESTEROL (has protease and is acidic) Shan Zhu 212. Yu : Astringent Stabilize menses and stop bleeding Stop excessive sweating Antagonizes: Jie Geng, Fang Feng, Fang Ji Shao yang--temporal headaches also 213. : What are Chai Hu & Huang Qin pair herbs for? She Chuang214. Zi : External Use Dry Damp & kill parasites Stop itching (topically She Gan 215. : Clear Toxic heat Benefits the throat Shen Qu 216. : Digestives For minerals Added to pills containing heavy minerals to aid in digestion and absorption Sheng di Huang 217. : Clear blood heat Used for Xiao Ke syndrome Cool the upward blazing of HT fire Nourishes yin Should be avoided with onions, garlic and radishes Sheng Jiang 218. : Disperse WC Harmonizes Ying & Wei Qi Reduces the toxicity of Ban Xia, Tian Nan Xing Warms MJ, stops vomiting For seafood poisoning Sheng Jiang219. Pi : Diuretic form of Sheng Jiang Sheng Ma 220. : Disperse WH Clears heat and detoxifies Raises Yang Qi Vents rashes Shi Gao, Gypsum Fibrosum 221. : Clear and Purge Heat VERY COLD Clear LU heat Clear blazing ST heat (for toothache) Good for eczema, burns, and sores Dosage: 15-60 grams Crush, cook 30 minutes longer Used with Zhi Mu Shi Hu 222. : Yin Tonic Brighten vision-->Best herb for the eyes Improve vision

Shi Jue Ming 223. : Extinguish LV Wind Improve eyes, brighten eyes Used for increased gastric acidity and topically for trauma Crush, cook 60 minutes longer Shi Wei 224. : Diuretic Stop bleeding Shu Di Huang 225. : Blood Tonic Nourish yin, nourish blood (very sticky herb) Tonify essence Used for Xiao Ke syndrome Dosage: 9-30g Shui Niu Jiao 226. : Clear blood heat Clear heat-toxin Clear heat, ARREST TREMORS Can be used to replace Xi Jiao 30-120g (decoction), 6-15g (powder) Soften nodules 227. : What are Xuan Shen and Mu Li pair herbs for? Suan Zao Ren 228. : Nourish & Calm Shen Sour Nourish LV blood-->good for insomnia Astringe sweating-->good for DAY sweating Is a sedative so should be taken at night Crush Suo Yang 229. : Yang Tonic Moisten intestines Augment blood and essence Tan Xiang 230. : Regulate Qi Regulates HT Regulates HT rate Tao Ren 231. : Activate Blood Paired with Hong Hua for amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis Moisten intestines Good for LJ issues Crush Tao Ren & Hong Hua 232. : Pair herbs that invigorate blood, and treat amenorrhea and dysmenorrhea due to blood stasis Tian Hua Fen 233. : Clear and purge heat Used for Xiao Ke syndrome Major herb for THIRST CONTRAINDICATED in pregnancy Tian Ma 234. : Extinguish LV Wind Control spasms and tremors Very important herb for internal LV wind-->can be caused by heat or cold One of the king herbs for Tian Ma Gou Teng Yin Tian Men Dong 235. : Yin Tonic VERY COLD Moisten intestines Can create diarrhea without other warming herbs because it is so cold Nourish KD and generate fluids

Tian Nan Xing 236. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm TOXIC Disperse Wind-phlegm, stop spasms Reduce swelling, alleviate pain CONTRAINDICATED: pregnancy Dosage: 4.5-9g(decoction), .3-1g(powder) Treat dysentery 237. : What are Mu Xiang and Huang Lian pair herbs for? Tu Fu Ling 238. : Clear Toxic heat Clears DH from the skin Treats SYPHILLIS Should NOT be taken with TEA Tu Si239. Zi : Yang Tonic Neutral Secure essence and reserve the urine Improve vision STOP DIARRHEA (even though it's a seed) Calm the fetus Wang Bu Liu Xing 240. : Activate Blood Unblock menses Promote lactation Reduce swellings-->for breast and testicles Good for pain (used for ear seeds) Wei Ling Xian 241. : Dispel WD Soften and transform fish bones Dosage: 15-30g for fish bone, 6-9g normal Wu Jia242. Pi : Dispel WD Good for pain Strengthen sinews and bones Wu Mei, Mume Fr. 243. : Astringent Expel roundworm Wu Wei244. Zi : Astringent Lower LV enzyme levels Generate fluids Stop diarrhea Inhibit sweat Used to improve hepatitis conditions Astringe essence Calm HT shen Wu Yao 245. : Regulate Qi Expel cold and alleviate pain Goes to the KD (is a black herb). Warms the KD Used for frequent urination Wu Zhu 246. Yu : Warm Interior Sl. Toxic Warm MJ, stop pain, stop diarrhea and expel C-D Good for vertex HA due to cold Warms the LV and soothes LV Qi Xi Xian Cao 247. : Dispel WD COLD Used for hypertension

Xia Ku Cao 248. : Clear and purge heat Clears Lv and eyes Dissipates nodules Treats hypertension Used with Jue Ming Zi Xia Ku Cao 249. : Pair herb of Jue Ming Zi: Xian He Cao 250. : Stop Bleeding Used to alleviate diarrhea and for dysenteric disorders Kill parasites-->trichomonas vaginitis and tapeworm Xian Mao 251. : Yang Tonic Hot, Toxic Used for infertility from either cold womb or cold essence Paired with Yin Yang Huo for premature ovarian decline Xian Mao & Yin Yang Huo 252. : Pair Yang Tonic herbs that are used for premature ovarian decline: Xiang 253. Fu : Regulate Qi Regulate menstruation and alleviate pain One the the BEST herbs for menstruation issues Soothe LV Qi Xiang Ru (summer Ma Huang) 254. : Disperse WC Expels summer heat, transform damp Promote urination Cook short time for exterior disorder Xiao Hui Xiang 255. : Warm Interior Good digestive herb Xin Yi Hua 256. : Disperse WC Good for nasal discharge Acts like LI 20 and Bi Tong Must be cooked in cheesecloth Xing Ren 257. : Stop Cough and Wheezing Sl. Toxic Used for many types of cough (esp. for externally contracted dry cough) Moisten intestines Crush and add near the end Xu Duan 258. : Yang Tonic Strengthen sinews and bones-->best herb for broken bones Activate blood, stop pain, and generate flesh Used for traumatic injury Calm the fetus Xuan Fu Hua 259. : Dissolve Cold Phlegm Directs LU Qi DOWNWARD (only 2 flowers that descend) Used for vomiting, hiccup, and belching Wrap in cheesecloth Xuan Shen 260. : Paired with Mu Li to soften nodules: Xuan Shen 261. : Clear blood heat Good for swollen throat Dissipates nodules Incompatible with Li Lu Yan Hu Suo 262. : Activate Blood For various types of pain-->stops pain Is an analgesic herb-->good for the ST (aspirin is bad for the ST)

Ye Jiao Teng 263. : Nourish & Calm Shen Nourish blood and unblock channels Alleviate itching Yi Mu Cao 264. : Activate Blood Regulate menses and promote urination Clear heat and resolve toxicity Paired with Ze Lan Used for edema-->this herb is better for acute edema/nephritis Yi Mu Cao & Ze Lan 265. : Pair herbs that invigorate blood, regulate menses, and promote urination Yi Tang, Maltosum 266. : Qi Tonic Tonify MJ, stop pain Used for abdominal pain due to deficient cold Moisten LU, stop cough Dissolve into strained decoction Yi Yi Ren 267. : Diuretic Expels pus Can be used for plantar warts Yi Zhi Ren 268. : Yang Tonic Warm SP/KD yang and stop diarrhea Control SALIVATION Crush Yin Chen (Hao) 269. : Diuretic Principle herb for JAUNDICE Acts like DU 9 for jaundice Yin Yang Huo 270. : Yang Tonic Tonify the Yin/Yang, increase libido Paired with with Xian Mao for premature ovarian decline Yu Jin 271. : Activate Blood Move blood, cool blood Used for GB disorder-->jaundice, gall stone Good for depression Clear HT, open orifice Yuan Zhi 272. : Nourish & Calm Shen Expel phlegm and open orifices (HT) Used in Gui Pi Tang Ze Lan 273. : Activate Blood Regulate menses and promote urination Used topically and internally for trauma Paired with Yi Mu Cao Used for edema-->this herb is better for postpartum/facial edema Ze Xie 274. : Diuretic Settles ministerial Fire in KD Drain DH from LJ Zhe Bei Mu 275. : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Stops cough-->PRODUCTIVE cough For acute LU heat pattern with productive, moist cough Dissipate nodules Dosage: 3-9g, 1-1.5g(powder)

Zhen Zhu, Margarita 276. : Anchor & Calm Shen Sedate HT Good for skin/acne Insomnia Dosage: .3-1g Used in pill or powder form Zhi Gan Cao 277. : Qi Tonic More warm than Gan Cao Better for MJ Used for irregular heartbeat Zhi 278. Ke : Regulate Qi Circulates Qi in the chest (Mature fruit, weaker) Zhi Mu 279. : Pair herb of Shi Gao: Zhi Mu 280. : Clear and purge heat Good for excess and xu heat at the same time Used with Shi Gao Zhi Mu & Huang Bai 281. : Which two herbs are added to Liu Wei Di Huang Wan more heat conditions? They enrich yin and clear deficiency heat Zhi Shi 282. : Regulate Qi Break up stagnation Direct Qi DOWNWARD and move stool Used to RAISE blood pressure (Immature fruit, stronger) Zhi 283. Zi : Clear and purge heat Goes to HT, LU, ST, LV, SJ Drains DH Used for JAUNDICE Cools blood and stops bleeding (charred) Crush Zhu Ling 284. : Diuretic Goes to SP, KD, UB Promotes urination Zhu 285. Ru : Dissolve Hot Phlegm Used for GB fire harboring phlegm Clear ST heat, stop vomiting Chief herb in Wen Dan Tang & Ju Pi Zhu Ru Tang Zi Cao 286. : Clear blood heat Clears DH in the skin Used in burn ointments Zi Su 287. Ye : Disperse WC Calms fetus-->good for morning sickness For seafood poisoning Better in dried form Zi Su288. Zi : Stop Cough and Wheezing Transform phlegm Moisten intestines Usually ground before use Zi Wan 289. : Stop Cough and Wheezing Good for cough

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