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"1'he Blood of Juru CleafUieth ru From All Sin."

==-----:;;.....-. :-:-.= ..... =====,...,=---
Vol. ' XIV. No. 31 Los Angeles, 27, 1910
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God lcnows the way, He holds the key,
He guides us with unerring hand,
Some time with tearless eyes we'll see;
Yes, there, up there, we'll understand.
- ..
Then trust in God through aU thy days;
Fear not, tor He doth hold thy hand;
Though darlc thy way, still. sing and praise;
Some time, some time, we'll understand.
. . . .

The Way the "Ol;d Man"


1?12JT is God' s purpose- through His promises, provision ;came and chided him with the words: "Simon, sleepest
lru and experience- to "make the man of God perfect, ' /tou? Couldst not thou watch one hour?" Thou, Peter,
thoroughly furnished unto every good work." It is the made such a strong resolution of faithfulness to me!
purpose to hinder that being done, or t9 undo it .Q how often do we allow things condemned by conscience.
after God has commenced this work in the soul. , One of 1'he second downward step was "Peter followed
the gteat hindrances to the stability of Christian character 'Him afar off.'' When the first step is taken, the Old Man
is the permission given to the "old man" to remain in the :W'ill soon get men following :afar and they will
heart, with the idea that he can be taken of. Is it lose their grip in prayer, their love for the Word,
l)Ot time that Christians faced the fact that he cannot be , slack off in their faithfulness to the house of God. Very
controlled? He exists only to prevent, hinder or undo the soon Peter was found in ungodly company-warming him-
work of the Holy Ghost in the soul. Scripture plainJy at the fire; instead of being on fire with Jove
teach::!s that be "is ttot subject to the law of God, nejtheJ; Master, he is now ashamed of Him and denying
indeed can be, " and experience proves tliat he cannot be H1m. It is either the devil's fire or the fire of the Holy
kept in order, unless obeyed-and that means to Ghost. The last awful step that the Old Man led Peter
spiritualit,.. One of the busiest places of his activity is to was to openly deny his Lord with cursing Oh! Peter,
in the realm of resolutions- whether it be a resolution to is now thy resolution, "I will die before I will deny
cease from evil or one to do good. fhee," of only a few -ho\}rs ago? Back to thy tricks of a
Peter stands out as a very clear example of this fact. swearing fisherman. Thank God, Peter had a repentant
He was a strong character in many ways; and yet as a heart when he realized 'the eyes of the Lord were upon
justified believer, with carnality still alive, he went down .. him, and he wept in penitence for his grievous falJ; but
notwithstanding his strong resolution, and is a type of all thank G0d again for the fire of Pentecost that destroyed
who are under the dominion of the Old Man's power. which made him do it-the Old Man. May believers
Jesus was on l!is way to Gethsemane and had been telling everywhere come to see that there is no safe place short
His disciples that they should all be offended because of .,i;i the destruction of" sin by the baptism with the Holy
that night's awful WOJ:"k. 'Peter with his impulsiveness Ghost. We are praying that the Pentecostal Church of
and sincerity, instantly replied, "If I should die the Nazarene will ever keep the truth blazing out that
with Thee, 1 will not deny Thee in any wise., And this Christians need the "second blessing" to enable them to
:keep the first. If we pennit our to sit at ease
was after Jesus had told him what he would do in a while the Old Man is still alive, there is only one sure
hours' time. We have no doubt that thou_sands of Chr1s- to happen sooner or later-failure and sin. No man
tians are just as sincere in their resolutions, and as firm wjth carnal heart can be sure of keeping any good
in their professed loyalty to the Master, as Peter was, and re_solutions ,may make them
firid that when the test comes their resolutions fail and a . w1th alJ the smeer1ty _of h1s but the !ire ?f
h ..... Aft th the Holy Ghost bummg up mbred sm can put a man m
breac m t etr smcer1ty .,rmgs sorrow er e reso- place where he is safe and where he can be trusted
lution came the testing- they c3:me to a place which _ R. PIERCE.
was called . It was that the weakness X . .. .
caused by inbred sin Degan to show itself. THE OFFICE EDITOR.
It is interesting arid profitable to follow the down- ' AFTER four years of . very fellowship wit;ll the readers
ward steps of Peter under the C$)ntt:C?l .. of the Old. Man, :'Itt the MEsssKosa,' aa Office Editor, I from
before he got to the outbreaking &in: -:-Of, the denial of .. his ltb)it position with this . .. Aa the writer'of the " Kessagea to
Carnality gets very' few to out- Saine.,' which have appeared on th'is page after week
breaking sins at first, but gradually leads them from that uerlod, I have been richly blessed in my own .Out, and
seemingly little neglects to th.e sure breaking wit_h God. desire to 'record here my appreciation of -the very many kind
4.ions of blessing these " Meseagea '.' have to the sainte.
The first step .Peter w I desire that all letters in. the be to
ought to have Heytelded to d,rowsmess- . . n;y reside.nee, 4071 So. Ma.in St., Los Angeles. ...Apples .t
self-indulgenee.-wben he QU_g.bt tohave . un still be ordered from the Publishing Co. R: PJBRCB.
Nazarene Messenger
[January ZT, 1910
(}ontributed Articles
In bondage in Egypt, a sinner was I.
Ther e, evil entreated, to God did I cry.
He crushed my oppressors; He cleft the
as you once did f If not, you .n eed a
revival. This does not infe).' ' tliat you
are in trespasses and in sins .and need
to be recl"aimed or to re-consecrate, but
does infer that you need to be revived
or brought into a state of activity. An
inactive church or individual cannot be
a fruit bearing !Stanch. Hence the r e-
-unsatisfied desire, deeper down and
further back ; an intense craviQg to
know God, t o possess Him fully;
to be possessed by Him. To love )Jim
supremely, with the whole bding, body,
soul and spirit.
Red Sea.
In power and glory my Lord set . me
f r ee. .
:.- .
vival must begin in the _heart of t he
church which is com.posed of
members. when the revival takes
He promised me if I would place, when the fire oj. heavenly love is
obey, burning in our . sows, the awakening,
He sent me an angel to guide all the C\Oil Version and sanctification of souls is
I never will t a rry-no Kadesh delay. inevitable.
In Eschol 's rich valley I'll homestead There are hindrances to n r evival
today. which space will not allow me to men-
t ion, all of which when traced to tiH!
From bondage in E gypt hast thou been source . are attributable to a stat e of
made free?
Come, enter thy Canaan, long proniised spiritual languor. Let us pray for a
to thee. revival to take place now. in our (my)
The , vill of the Father to san ctify you- hearts. If we are not seeing t4e r esults
.Just follow .the Spirit ; He'll take you we desire, let us change tactics, lay
straight through. down .' t he pitchfork and- take up t h e
. Jacob at Bethel. and Jacob at Peniel
are two Ja'cobs--Jacob at Bethel; a
guilty sinner finds' peace and pardon in
belieY.in'g a-pd obeying the voice God.
Later ori at-Peniel he finds his justified
heart can only be fully satisfied by a
.touch from One with whom lie wres-
tles an entire night, and will not ) et
Him go' until He blesses him.' Just an
ordinary blessing will not suffice. He
must have the touch of God. He
know Him; must sec Him face to fac(.
It is the test of His life. His
whole being !s obsessed with one pas-
sionate purpose to possess God. H<
gets a touch thar he never afterwards
gets over.- He is humbled indeed by
.t he powe1 of gtace divine. He is clothed
0, grieve not the Angel; the wilderness rake. Instead of for our fa-
upon wit h meekness, and had no will
. ...
Just say to the Father, "Thy will now vorite evangelist, let us ask God to send
be done.' ' one. when he l!Otnes and asks for ad-
He' ll sanctify ,\:holly; He'll cleanse you mission, tl o not close the d<_>or. Let us
f r om sin. tome down from our stilts and in hum-
To all that ;s m ('annan He ushl'l'
ble submission "Not as I will, hut .
you in.
as thou wilt. " Ld. us go a litt le fa r-
Refrain: .
Sweet will of the Father-
My soul is now all thine own.
For time and eternity-
Thy will b e done.
, .- .-
The word revival has a meaning.
genuine revival will r esult in t he awak-
ening and conversion of sinners and the
sanctification of believer s, which is t he
end in view at .the beginning of every
series of meetings. The verb revive
means to r eturn to life or raise from in-
activity. Hence revival means re-
newed interest in r eligion after decline
and is a means to the end, and certainly
applies to t he .church.
When is a r evival needed? I would
say whenever a church is in a stat e -of
indifference or decline. This may apply
either collec:tively or individually.
Whenever this state of declension is
found to exist a r evival is certainly
needed. JVhere shall it begin? Reli-
gious fervor, force or effect is always
dependent upon the existing state of .
heart. I s your church or zeal-
for the salvation -of souls as
tofore 1 If not, yoU: need a revival. Arc
: you exercising as much 'interest as you
. once_ Do you weep over lost
ther into t he gath en.
.- .- .-
H. H. B. ClP"R!CO.
Tiallelu.jah. I have found- Him
Whom my soul so long hafh er nved;
.r rsus satisfies my longings
'J;'hrough His bloCid I now am saved."
. " 'hereof the Holy Ghor-;t a lso ir-; a
witness. " - Heb. 10:15.
Many t imes in si nging the above
rhorns I have supposed that i ts author
was descr ibing t he joy of a young con-
ver t , but a!:! I consider it now, it sounds
\er y mnch like n full salvation testi-
mony. Likewise the above script\ne
might be taken to refer to the work of
regeneration, but jf the context be care-
fully considered it will be seen thnt it
applies to n second experience, proper-
Sinners under conviction, wrightecl
with guilt of nnpardoned sin, do not
cr ave Him so much as . they desire His
forgiveness. His pardoning .love and
mer cy. when t hey see Him bleeding
on the cr oss, bruised for their iniquities
ancl r ealize that by His stripes they
heal ed, they rejoice in a new-fonnd love
to wl{ich the Spirit also .Witner-;_se<l. This .
love finds expr e-ssion in trustful heAr t
obedience and service, but t he lioui'.is
not ! is a longing,
but God's. He was not content to ' take
the blessing by faith. Not Jacob. He
knew his heart and knew that unless
God t onched him he would never know
for a ecr tai nt.y that his old Jacob na-
t ure hnd been destroyed. But he bears
the< words, " Thy uamc shnll be no
longer Jacob but Israel, for 1;r-; n princl'
t hon hast prevailNl. "
_Hallelujah! Now he is satisficO. Had
h e been COntent to t ake it by faith. hP
might still have been called Jacob, or
worse still might have forgotten
Bethel experience. Jur.oh 'prized th<>
blesser . more than any oth<>r blessing.
hence his victory. He persevered until
t he witness came to his soul. Shall wr
not do likewise ? wt> he <>on t ent
".'ith than J acob? ) [ny it not lw
with mnny jnst.ifif'd souls. that tlwy
have taken the blessing of sanctification
hy faith and rested there instead of in
sisting on r ee!eiving the witness of God's
spirit. .John Wesley
witness of God's spirt\ as a necessary
experience not only to t he grace.of jus-
tification but also to tl1at of sanctificn
"Whereof the Holy Ghost also i10; 11
witness. ''
Many believers seeking holines.s p er-
haps mist ake .the overflow r e
ceived in meetings wher e the Spirit's
power is manifest, f or the witn.ess of
Gocl 's Spirit 'to sanctification and begin
to profess a Peniel experience .before
they have r eceived the seal. Thh{ I be-
lieve .I have .done. myself in common
with and later on under stress qf
.. 1910l Nazarene Messenger
severe provocation have lost -out> here:, the soldiers ..' heads; The }?ands -played
and mys.e}! S:nd then re- : the old ttine, Sweet Home," as
. sumed my profession, thus'lowering_ the boats plowed their way up streain
This sort of thing graduapy, . loaded with the boys in blue: : Some
degenerates into a professional ; had lost a limb, ' som'e an ' eye, some a
habit .withc;mt life or power; a. tasteless; hand, . others were . covered. with scars
inanimate, spineless' thing; . . . ... . .. and wounds. 'I :i:uiver:shall forget that
The popular church niembe!ship roll , day, as we welcomed the soldiers home: .
is said' to be crowded with unconverted Soll)e . waved some
people, producing a death that is real. aprons, 'some newspapers and .hats and
Scarcely any life is at all manifest for : cheered; :wives clasped their husbands,
reasons appreci!J.ted by those wh_o have sisters , their brothers, and lovers in
risen from among their dead, and are . their loving embrace, while scores wept
now alive, in Chr-ist Jesus. While t}:lis fo:r joy. Dear reader, so it will be when
may be so and d9ubtless is, it may be the wars of life are ended. The cbil-
. said of the holiness churches, that not dren of our God shall be an army
. a few of _their members are not sancti- with baD;ners comih'g home tO' glory,
: fied,- which produces a condition that where the angels will wclcome:-,us home
robs them of' much of their power and with psalms o.f victory and .cro.wns of
glory. Many holiness professors, or glory we shall wear. 0 glory! There
those who are . identified wilh it, are we shall all be abl e to stand amid that .
still unsatisfied. _ If honest, they will be blood washed throng in our Father's
found at the mourner's bench a good Kingdom and sing the songs of redeem-
part of the between professions. ing 0 praise the Lord, I }lave
If hypocrit-ical, they will grow that living witness within my soul that
and critical, and back- in that day I shall be one of this great
biting. The command of Jesus was to army with banners, and shall bear the
"tarry until." They believed but did angel of our God when he shall fly
not for the witness. .No wonder through the midst of heaven crying,
they seek a third experienc& unless "Holy, holy, .holy, Lord God of Heaven;
thoroughly soaked in holiness teaching. glory and honor be unto Him who hath
May it not be that some good. well- redeemed us \Vith His own blood."
meaning and erstwhile deeply spiritual ,.. ,..
and s.weet-spiritcd children of God ha Y_c
Testament church. They marked: those
who wa1ked disorderly among 'them
and withdrew their fellowship from
them. ' This all waa commendable. They
had not fainted in their.- work atid had
labored in Jesus' name. 'It was"not for
vain glory. Any church .in the land
today wllo .would have the above ele-.
ment <,) grace' be considered all
right by every authority but God .and
His truth: . For this much I God
is pleased, but He tells them they are
fallen behind . in one thing, He . tells
them what it is . . They were fallen
cause they did not have. the Jove of
God, the heart. of true faith .
At the moment our souls are regen-
erated by the Spirit, God's love is given
us. Every one that l9veth Go_d and his
neighbor is born of God. He loveth
Him that begat and loveth Him that is
begotten. He loves to keep his com-
mandments and this love is the motive
power of faith. All' sin must further be
cleansed out for this love to be pure
and increase so that the soul
abound unto every good work. The
Ephesians had allowed . their loYe to
wax cold. They had lost it out amid
their activities and patience. How few
saved souls retain the love of God in
their hearts, and as a result their ser-
vice becomes mechanical. To keep
saved is a greater .work than to be
saved. Men are saved and then lose
. been. Je.d to see.k._a ___thir.d. 'exp_cricnce .or
baptism as they call it,- when in reality
what their souls craved was tl1e witness
of God's Spirit that the work of entire
sanctification was an accomplished fact.
May it not be that the witness of God'!>
Spirit to entire sanctification is not
phasized as much as it should. 'be. nc
that as it may, we purpose to be sure of
where we stand. We wUl take it by
faith but we will not let Him go till He
hath given us the touch. We will tarry
for the power, and wr estle till He comes
and fills us with His effulgent glory and
enswathes us in .. ocean of His per-
fect love. Halleluja}l. amen. .
their love out of their hearts and be-
The other evening the writer was
come opposers to holiness. To r etain
,)1 .11 .11
I once stood on the banks of the old
Mississippi river at the town of Homer,
Minn .. at the close of the Civil Vvar,
and with the people of the whole town
we stood on the shore, and witnessed
the return of two large boats and four
large barges loaded to 'their utmost
capacity with soldiers of the Civil War.
At topmast waved Old Glory, the flag
Of our country, and just beiow a
white flag of peace floated high above
greatly impressed in the reading of
love and get perfect love a_ soul
Christ's message to the church at
must go on and be .sanctified wholly
Ephesus. Truly a church can be in a
condition conimenaablc in the eyes of apd then have this grace preserved by
the power of God. He can then abound
men but be incapable of doing the real more and more in love.
work of God. 'How important it is for
God.'s Spirit and Word to search us and I note in the l ast part of the message
try the reins of our hearts. Let us note of God to the Ephesian church that the
the state heart and life of this only way for a soul who has lost his
church. first love to be reinstated in divine fa- .
Paul says of them in his let ter: "You vor is to come he did the first time:
hath he quickened, who were dead in Repent and come as a sinner to God.
trespasses and sins; wherein in time His candlestick will soon be removed
past ye walked according to the course out of if he does not come quick-
of this world, to the prince Iy to God in penitence. No time to }?e
of the power of the air, the spirit that lost. Jesus the Judge is near at hand.
now worketh in the cl1ildren of dis- . No use to come as a seeker for snnctifi-
obedience .... We are his workman- cation, or deeper work of grace, it is
ship created unto good works." The justification before God that . brings
Lord says of them iater in Revelations back the love wh-ich characterizes _son-
t hey had works. They had. a faith that ship. When .the soul or church comes '
worked; 'for no ki nd of works is with true penitence and faitk to Jesus
acceptable unto God. They too had la- and asks for the grace of adoption, God
bored and borne the heat and burden will receive, pardon and restore their
of an apostolic tribulation. They had first love and there will then be faith,
borne all these things patiently and hope, love-thes-e three. When the
would not foster ungodliness among church is sanctified wholly and walks
them. They stood for a clean; New in the light as christ is in the. light;
then will abide "Faith, Hope., Love;
these three,. out . the greatest of these is
love." What "justifies an Ephesian
church in their w.orks; labor patience
is a ''faith that worketh by love.''
Boise, Idaho.

While there has only been one kind
of flying on exhibition in Southern
California of late there has been var-
ious kinds of flying participated in by
people who have not gained any great
reputation by their flights.
are those \vlio "fly into a pas-
sion'' or ''fly off the handle. '' :Most of
us have made, at _least, a few pretty
successful flights along that line, while
others have made some very perilous.
flights. Doubtless many more people
have been killed from this kind of tly-
ing than the :kind that has been so re-
cently O:Q exhibition. Cain was the first
person we have any_ knowledge of who
"flew into a passion"; and Abel was
. the first victim of that kind of flying.
Again there are various kinds of
flyers. Paulhan makes the monoplane
fly, Curtiss makes the biplane fly, Old-
field makes t he automobile fly, and
tourists make the money fly. Then
there are the "high flyers" of our city.
They do not stay in the air very long
at a time and they usually .. alight in t he
police court or poorhouse. 'Vhile they
are called "high flyers, " they are low
But the only. kind of an aviation that
is really . worth _going to see is at a
great camp meeting or convocati'on
where the saints ''mount up on wings
as eag1es, '' and soar above the clouds
of doubt, over seas of trouble and
across rivers of discouragement. Talk
about Paulhan ot Curtiss r eceiving an
ovation as they sailed or in "'front
of the grandstand. It . is nothing as
compared with the ovation that some
good old brother or sister received
when they sailed away on a flying trip
up and down the aisles and back and
forth in front of. the pulpit at some of
our camp meetings. The is a r eal
"aviation meet"( ing).
Though it is wonderful to see men
like Paulhan and Curtiss flying through
the air like birds, yet one turns away
disappointed; . but not so when one
t urns away from a great camp mee.ting
of the saints. He feels like shouting
all the way home: .
. can have their airships. Just
., give me the wings of faith and love, of
surrender and trust and I will sail from
the Atlantic to the Pacific, from the
Lakes to the Gulf without alighting.
some sweet day will fly to my
heavenly home.
Los Angeles, CaL
Nttzrene MesBentier' [January 19JO'
. Sister Epperson's =preaching; _said that
she .felt that this . was .helf . spiritual.
home, and permiss.ion . to join the
church. :_ Sti:Qday .evenin"g Sister Epper-
son did not preach, but gave a brief
The kingdom of God is. being extepd- hortation and c.aned on "the people for:
ed somewhat on this . scriptural . quotations. . There was- a
The churches report victory and. sa:i:va- very gener.al God-blessed
tion, and there -is no discol,lraging re- F{isword. a season of te.stimqny,
ports from pastors. . There has been. the meeting elosea witb) a very graci.ous
another Nazarene baby born , within altat: servfee. We nave made arrati"ge-
our borders. . Sunday, January . 16th; ments for Rev. A. 0. H;enri('ks to give
we a splendid clasS" in the us a ten meeting, . beginning the
city of Fresno. Bro. and Sister Lang- latter .par.t of .February, and .between
staff labored, and sacri- now an.d then we will hold a cott1:1ge
ficed for two to bring about the ever; Friday. in
organization of a church; .an(! to om
tltey were able to witness it and shout meetmg. The ttde 1s rtsmg,
. with th.e saints . over it.. Bro. c. B. we are trustmg for the greatest re-
was called t"o supply the worl{ vtyal that Ber,keley has ever h!ld.
m:itil the. District ' Asseinbly; wnieh. wil.l E. A. Gtrvm.
likely be held .July 6-8, or the first part
of our district camp. meeting. .
Our God seemed well pleased with
the of the church in Fres-
no. He poured out His Spirit and the
saints shouted and acted like they had
been Nazarenes for years.
We hope soon to have our own prop-
erty in this beautiful city. The out-
look is good for a splendid work here."
P. G. Linaweaver . .
J;ove, grace and peace be multiplied,
God bless you all more and more.
Amen. The good Lord has
pleased to bless us here in Fresno. Bro:
Linaweaver has just recently been here
and organized us the church in
order, with twenty ,. meml>ers .. of real
Nazarenes, and as Bro. Langstaff has
resissned his pastorate, I have taken the.
pastorate until the Assembly, and I
know you will all pray much for us, as
we will also for you. We have some
prospect of securing a lot in a b(;lauti-
ful -part of the city and are looking
forward toward a good place for true
holiness and the salvation of souls.
C. B. Langdon.
..:....________ _
'Ve have been on the up grade ever
since the watch night service. The
first Sunday in the year was character-
ized by the manifest presence of the
Holy Spirit. Our prayer meeting last
week .was more largely attended than
any we had for a long time. The peo-
ple had the spirit 9f prayer and spent
nearly an hour ab6ut the altar in earn-
est petition. God greatly refreshed our
souls. On Friday evening ,.Ve held a .
cottage meeting, and a . dear
brother who had drifted away from
God was graciously reclaimed. There
was an increase of -attendance at all
our services last Sunday, and in the
morning there were several requests ,
for p_rayer. A strange lady from san
Francisco up after the altar service
and said that God had restored to her
. the joy of salvation; Another sister,
cdnverted several months ago under
We havG just closed a t en days'
meetings, with Sister Wallace of Seat-
tle in charge. We had victory the
way along. Hallelujah! Sister Wal-
lac.e knows ho'v to win the hearts. of
the people, and preached 'vitli great
power . and unction. Hearts were .
melte.d, 'sinners got to God, and believ-
ers got sanctified. Some from other
churches came aod caught the fire all(]
went away happy in the. Lord . .
cast in lot with us. and others are
looking our way. The saints took a
firmer hold upon .God, and began-to-add-
to our virtue, or courage, . as Sis-'
ter Wallace told us, .and before we
through adding we. felt like running
throug:4 a troop, and le,_aping over a
wall. There are plenty of them around
us too, but by the grace of Go,d we are
determ.ined to make a way through.
Bro. Wallace joined us before the
meetings closed, and our
hearts by his presence and godly coun-
We look forward to the time when
they will come again. but in tlte mean-
time we expect .to rally around our pas-
tor and "boost" as we never have be-
fore. Look out for Ashland! We have
no intention of letting the devil wipe
us off the map.
Our pastor and family are now occu-
pying the new parsonage.
The Sabbath srhool is increasing, and
we expect by the help of the Lord to
raise every cent of the amount appor-
tioned to .us by the Missionary Board.
We . are proud of our crew, and are
all going through. Hallelujah!
Edith King.
These are surely grand days with us
here. We have not had a Sabbath or
a prayer meeting for a lol)g time with-
out. souls seeking .and finding the Lord.
Last Thursday evenil;lg .it was. our priv-
ilege to preach for the Swedish .Sal"
vat1on Army p,eople, and we Jtad
ty at the . for pard?n
but nearly all for the s.eeond olessing
January-27,: 1910)
It did .ria good to see
these souls . get the victory.
the Swedes get it, they get it
. .
Sunday was a day never to be for-
gotten. In the morning we had a fine
congregation, 'the largest for some time,
and five seekers came to the altar, all
of. whom professed to r get what they
.came for, and at night one young mari
and fourteen young ladies came to the
altar, and all but one or t:wo seemed to
get the victory. This is enough .. to make
anyone shout. Bro. Rutp is to be with
v.s from January 26th to February 6th,
. and we are looking for a great
Remember us at the throne of grace.
""- p.
S.unday ;was a great day in Zion at
our church. In the greatest day
:we have ever had at' our regular ser -
vices. Sunday morning Bro. Henriclcs
was at his best, and set forth. the truth
in a. clear, logical and impressive way,
so much so that five hungry .souls came
to the
The high water mark 'vas . not
reached until the evening service,
when t he Lord gave Bro. Henr icks an-
other message which proved to be a
stirring sermon, and when the altar
call was given . fifteen precious souls
made their way to the altar, making
twenty for the day. Truly God is good
to us and giving' His servant souls for
his hire.
. Our Sabbath school is growing, in
fact we have had a good increase in at-
tendance the past year . And the pros-
-- pect s arc very fla.ttering for ' the future.
We are expecting great this year
from the presence of the Lord. How it
behooves 11s t o be up and while
. we have time . and opportunity. The
harvest is so great and the laborer s
(that God can trust) are so _few. May
God give us many precious souls this
I just had a letter from my pre<>ious
companion who is on her way to India,
and I am to inform the readers <'f
the Messenger and friends that she is
better than she has been since she left.
She has been very poorly since she left
San Francisco. Has had. a bard trip,
si<'k most of the way, but on De-
cember 13th .she was feeling the best
yet. She expected to change boats the
next day at Hongkong, China. She
was greatly disappoin.t ed that she
could not reach Calcutta for Christmas.
E. G. Eaton.
We can r eport victory again over the
world, .the fiesh . and the devil. We
opened a meeting at Deering, N : Dak. ,
with a little band of our young people
that are saved al!d' sanctified, lind a
burning <;lesire iri their souls for the
Naz.arene Meaaenger 6
mosphere he does carry. Bless God
for the path that shineth more and
more. We are looking forward for
great things.
0. F. Goettel, Pastor.
our services. They 1ave us their -eon-
sent and told us to. g9 ahead, .which. we
did. But 'the principal met us -said
that we .could not our meetings
there, as he had something to say about
t hat . . The , second night of . the -meet-
ings the principal came. in and inter-
rupted the me.eting, saying : ''I want
to read you .the. law. " And we lis- Keep on believing! The work of sal-
tened . . I safd, 1Let. us sing number
vation still goes on at the Pentecostal
in Best of . All." He slammed the door Church of the Nazarene in Louisville,
as he w.ent out, left the building. and During the month of December we
went to the of the peace to get a score of at the altar, many
an injunction against us to put us out,- of whom got through.
but he would not grant it. , . teen. have umted With the church, m-
. .After the meeting. we r eturned to the cludmg a young Hebrew who bas !or
directors and they aid we had .better th_e past two bee_n attendmg
leave as the prijl.eipal might cause us a school ,
trouble. we .' felt like . .the Psalmist with the of fittmg himself f?r
when. he said in Psa. 37:7: - "Rest in gospel m.Imstry . . Amen! God still
the Lord, and wait patiently for bini : h_ve.s, and honors the _truth, pre-
fret not thyself. because . of him who CIOUS souls are. findmg
prosperetb in his way, because of the through the precious blood. Glory .
h b
h k d d Howard Eckel.
man w o rmget w1c c evices to
pass." '
We closed our meetings in Deering
and went three and one-bl}lf .miles
. south where we continued our meet-
ings. God is giving us great victory in
the saving of souls. A Luthern family
was saved-,.fatber, mother and daugh-
ter. The house is being crowded eve'ty
night .. . Glory to God. The saints are
shouting. The fire is .falling. We close
. here Sunday nigl\t:.. nnd open . another
meeting in Nashua, 1\:font. Pray for
us; our God is leading on to cer taii1
Lyman Brough, D. S.
Your Nazarene Messenger is a great .
blessing to me. I can hardly wait each
week for its arrivaL The New Year's
number was especially helpfuL The
articles by Rev. Goodwin a.od Rev. La
Fontaine were much enjoyed as I had
the privilege of listening many times
to these men of God as broke the
bread of life, and was always greatly
blessed by their pulpit teachings. God
bless the holiness people and grant you
a 11 a h'appy qew year!
Susie W. Teel.
Rev. C. A. Imhoff was with us on
Friday evening.' He delivered a power--
ful message and later told the history
of the Nazarene church. Bro. Imhoff
'vill be with us for a series of revival
meetings, February 6 to 14. Pray that
God may lead these meetings.
We have but a few in 'Yh9.,.
attend. our meetings and so
the Pentecostal Church of the Naza-
r ene of Mt. Washington subscribed
$25.00 to the support of these meetings,
for which we wish to express our ap-
IfGod should lay it upon y_9ur heart
to help us. to spread holineSs in this
wicked city send your to-our
treasurer, Sadie Colwell, P. 0 . Box 374,
Allegheny, Pa .
Theodore M. Hofmeister.
Well, amen! Ark took another jump
yesterday! Rev. Andrew Johnson
preached one of the best sermons on
the ''Unpardonable Sin'' that was ever
preached in Malden church. We had
to push open our .doors into the vestry
in the evening to let between 300 and
400 people in. Great conviction is on.
. Some are seeking. We look .for souls
in nbundance. L. D. Peavey.
Our church here is marching on,
never have had better conditions, mem-
bers never in better spiritual condi-
tion. Some new voices are being beard
. nnd victory is the watch-word. Our
Sunday school voted to send $5 to the.
Some of the powers that be try us
very hard. First, we saw the directors
of the hfgh school .for a room to. bold
Our revival conducted by
Bro. E. lVL'Isaa.e of Lidgerwood, N. D ..
.closed last Sabbath with . a-;food
ence and a shout of victory and souls
at the altar. Over a score of souls fell
into the fountain and- many are under
deep conviction. The church was
greatly built up and strengthened on
aJl lines: A- goodly number will unite
with us nnd help push the battle in
this wicked city. Bro. Isaac is an un-
tiring worker and a man of indomitable
courage. He. gave us much practical
t eaching wliich was greatly needed.
The .expenses of the meeting were
easily met . . Thank God. Brq. Jonas
Brooks stepped in over the: last" Sun-
day and greatly helped by his. prayers
and presence. ,What a heavenly at-
. p_ C. I . as a Christmas gift. At the
prayer meeting se!vice' the. . be-
fore Christmas the pastor was handed
an containing $31.30, the-gift
of the members and friends to pas- ..
tor n,nd his wjfe. Eaeh
Thursday .e.v.en-
ing some .of the. members are ineeting
to spend the tim.e in prayer, . apd .
effect of it is seen in the services.
J. W. Gillies.
Nazarene Messenger
P. F. Bruee, Editor
R. Pierce, - - - - OHice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - A .. t. Editor and BJU. Mgr.
Entered at the J)08t.offico. 7, 1900, at Los
Angeles, California. aa eecond-claaa matter.
Publlahed Every Thureday.
TBit..S- $1 a year in advance; to .Minlaters 76 cents;
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The desire of the churches hl\S been
such that there has been an especial
effort to have them visit, as far as pos-
sible, all our churches in Southern Cal-
ifornia. They have visited during the
past week, Elysian Heights, Vern on,
Latixi, Erwin Heights, Ocean Park,
Pasadena Second Church,
Grand Ave., Bakersfield, and San
Diego. At each of these places they
have had a good hearing, and the peo-
ple were . enthusiastic in the 'YOrk.
There seems 'increased earnestness all
alon'g the line, to carry out in full unity
the purp.oses and methods of the Gen-
eral Missionary Board. The church
missionary committees especially see
their possibilities and duties of putting
into the hands of all church members,
early each month, a mi'ssionary envel-
oi)e, and gathering them in at the cl9se
of the month, and sending the aJ;Dount
at once to the District Treasurer. Pas-
tors and people feel more and the
privilege of at l east once a month com-
ing together and heaven 4own
Oll the work of the church in the .home
and foreign lands; hearing . reports
from treasurer of the church com-
mittee, of how much their united offer-
'ings for home and foreign missions the
preceding month have .'and "then
of putting into the censor much incense
of real praise apd prayer. These: mis-
sionaries have much endeared tbem-
selves. 'to . the. hearts of the people in
Nazarene Messenger
this part of the chuich, who will "fol-
lo'v them with their earnest prayers.
The missionaries will visit 'the
churches, as far as possible, in the San
Francisco District, and sail from that
port February 1st.
.. .. .JI
No relation to. the church nor any
position in it is so responsible and so
full of possibilities as the pastorate. It
11as in it all the excellent things of
Christian service, and gives oppor.tu-
nity for the exercise all the elements
of heroism, sacrifice and devotion to
Jesus Christ. It bas in it the evangel-
istic privileges. The pastor is a soul
winner . . Not by a spasmodic effort,
. but by all kinds of methods-preaching
the word of life. individual effort.
brin.ging personal influence to. bear
upon family life, leading the children
as well as the older ones to the
of Jesus.
He bas pressed upon him the de-
lightful privilege of delving in the
mines of truth, of its richest
ore, and of fusing it in his own heart
and coining it: in his own ' brain; and
enjoying that inexpressible luxury of
feeling his own stamp on the ;newly
coined truth, and of. giving it awaY. to
men- more valuable than golden
eagles; feeling what the apostle meant
when he said: "Poor yet making many
rich." .There is probably no joy that
a soul ever felt that is superior to that
experieiJ.ced by. a human .. heart in this
process 'of the fusing of divine truth,
by the divine Spirit, and being the ave-
nue of its outpouring. This is espe-
cially so when it is for and given unto
a people carried upon the heart of the
preacher, whose . every joy and sorrow,
despair and hope are a. part of his own
life. The awful, pr.ecious, glorious
privilege of being a pastor-preacher is
beyond eipress1on. No official place,
no assumed or proposed dignity of
office, no of evangelism, is any
adequate recompense for its loss.
It is the pastor's privilege to lead up
to the mountain tops of transfiguration.
No other person can so yitally affect
the of the church. Indeed
to a very great extent he is responsiule
for the Christian standing of the people
to whom he ministers. His experience
fusing the word he pre;lches; his tes-
timony, . his earnest loving words, .his
personality, will lead the .flock into
green pastures; if be :himself knows
and treads the way:. The people will
soon reflect' the 'pastor's or
[Januaey27, 19:W
else rejecting it, they. will lead him
forth. to cast. bini .down, and he, like
his Master, will go forth on his . w:ay.
The experience of preacher is
seen in the and lives
of those to whom he min.isters. Their
ideal of the Christjan life is what they
have caught .him, and they h'-ve
come to drink of the cup of which he
drinks. The that en-
swathes the preacher will come. to fill
the church: They will hear him say,
"Follow me as I follow Christ," and
following ''him and the Lord,'' they
drink of the streams eat of
the same sp.iritual bread.
.. J/1' ..

The. year of our . Lord .1909 was the
.centennial anniversary year of many
very distinguishe.d men: None of them
greater, perhaps none so great as Wil-
liam Ewart Gladstone, who was born
December 29th, the one hundredth an-
. nive.rsary of whose birth has just been
celebrated. Among the excellent a.rti-
cles on t)lis distinguished man we find
at the of an able editorial in the
Christian 'Advocp.te the following fine
Of civilians he must be numbered
among the greatest who have lived.
If a hundred be selected, be must be
one; if fifty, he cannot be left out; if
twenty, there must be only , nineteen
others; and if there be ten,. we doubt if
could be justly passed by. However,
it is impossible to make a just compari-
son among stars of the f).rst magnitude
viewed at unequal distances from the
eye, and through atmospheres of differ-
ent densities.
. Physically the beauty of his person,
the agility of his movements, his endur-
ance, his voice, the only one wortHy to
be compared with that of Whitefield,
made him a man hardly to be paralleled.
As a singer his cultivated baritone
would have made his fortune, and it
was customary in his day topay great
singers and him a compliment by say-
).ng to them: "How fortunate for you
that Gla.dstone did not become a pro-
fessional; you would then have had a
serious rival." It was his singing that
first attracted Mrs. Gladstone. She was
staying at a hotel in France and lis-
tened to a young man playing and sing-
ing in another room. She was en-
tranced and asked who it was.
Mentally be possessed a iriost won-
drous memory: The world has rarely
known the equal of his five-hour finan-
cial speeches, his power of absolute con-
his . alllazipg lingui.stic full-
ness and the comprehensiveness of his
versatility. .
' Be .was. :everYthipg b.ut a. poet, and
... there .not .. .to. maQy. who
pose as such. He had limitations. One
[Januaey27, 1910 .
was. not.withstanding his .great
knowledge of mankind, he had a poor
knowledge of individual men. "He
could not remember faces, and his sup-
porters often thought he cut them; but
tell Jiim t!ny mang name, and he could
tell you all about him." All his
he applied .to. up a subject,"
and in addition they gave him ''the
important complementary faculty of
detailed and lucid exposition." .His
oratory was unparalleled in the union
ofthese qualities: convincing, persuad-
ing and arousing. o thers were equal
him in one of these, a very fe\v in
two, but none in all, .
In power he was incomparable
among of his grade.
When the moral element was
niost he utterly confounded such men
as Disracli and Palmcrston and awed
the whole ply.. .
Iii's religious . spirit rpade him almost
absolutely irresistible. No one of his
changes ever sprang from self-interest;
for most of them he paid a heavy price,
not merely in popularity, but in actual
position. All his life his SY.mpathics
were with the Conservatives, but his
opinions, conscientiously formed, were
with the Liberals. Four times Glad-
stone was Prime :Minister to the Queen
and practically ruler of theBritish Em-
pire.- Not even the greatest of his pre-
decessors enjoyed this. , . The only
scription that the statue Lord
Beaconsfield (Disraeli) in Westminster
Abbey contains, in addition name,
is that of Twice Prime Minister of Eng-
Gladstone was a mem6er ef Parlia-
ment seven years before Queen Vic-
toria ascended the throne, and was as
great a figure in the world's eye as the
Queen when she celebrated her. sixtieth
regal anniversary. He was great in the
splendor of his setting sun, sublime, as
de.ath approached, as he discoursed
of God, of the forgiveness of sins, of the
great hereafter, and made sublime in
the eyes of all men \vhen his life-long
opponent, Salisbury, conferred 'on
him the highest title that even the Crea-
tor Himself can bestow upon a humnn
beh)g: "A great Christian man. "
. .J/1 Jl
President Taft has recommended an
advance in the price of postage on
newspapers. The .large. deficit in the
postoffice department is largely due to
the great amount of second-class mat-
ter which is carried at the low rate of
one cent a pound. We believe it would
be proper to raise the rate of postage
on newspapers and magazines, but we
are deci.dedly opposed to what seems to
us an unjust . discrimination . in the
President's recommendation. He rec-
ommends that the raise in rate be only
applied to magazines and weekly pa-
pers, and th'at daily papers be carried
Nazarene Messenger
at the present rate. The ground for
this discrimination is that,- according
to carefully compiled statistics, the
average number of miles newspaper are
carried. is 291 and for mi'scellaneous
periodicals it is
While frotn this it W'Quld seem that
there should be some discrimination in
favor of such periodicals as are mostly
local delivery, there is one point on
which there is no difference, i. e., one
of the most expensive items i.p the
of carrying mail is' the free delivery at .
the end of tlie route.. is especially
so in the case of large daily papers with
t heir Stinday editions. Many
of .these mostly advertisements and
news. We all know that the
original purpose of the low newspaper
rate was to encourage and facilitate
the of useful information
and helpful literature. Such a pur-
pose is surely worthy in our national
government, but now it seems ihat in
raising the postal rate the pa-
pers. (which class includes nearly all of
the religious papers) arc to be charged
a higher rate, and the daily papers
(which arc largely composed of adver-
tisements and sensational matter) are
to continue at the old rate.
'Ve believe that magazines and pcri-
odicais of less .frequeaey than weeklies
should pay a 4igher rate than the
newspapers, but we sec no reason why
the newspapers should not pay a higher
1atc than no,v, and we would include
ail classes of papers in this list. Let
the daily paper help pay its share of
the deficit.
If you will help us, perhaps we can
bring some influence to bear in the
right place. Send a mnrkcd copy of
this paper to your congressman and.
senator at ':l{ashington. "Trite to them,
asking them to oppose the discrimina-
tion against church papers.
.J/1 Jl Jl
Do not forget to read nnd then re-
read that wonderful article .of Dr. Bre-
see's in the Messenger for January
13th cntitl<>d "Passing Strange." It
is full of loYc, thought. and gives hon-
est response for the posi t ions taken. I
t.rnst the preachers csp!' einlly will r ead
this important nrticlc.
.. J. :w. Goodwin, Dist. Supt.
Bro. J. A. Chenault, one of.the out-
going missionaries to Japan, writes
that they are expecting a great meet-
ing io and says: ''I am
counting on 4000 in Southern Califor-
nia to pray for us.''
Notes and Persolials.
. Bro. Ruth is holding meetings with
the Portland, Ore.,. church, to continue
until Febr-uary '6th.
An aU-day meeting will be held at
the Long Beach ch.ur.ch tomQrrow (Fri-
day). All are invited.
Sisters Lura A. Hort9n and Elsie N.
Cunningham have recently held meet--
ings in Brockton, Mass., amid discour-
aging conditions. 'l'hey are . . now lo-
cated at 43 Tilto..n Terrace, Lynn, Mass.
It is expected that work on the new
chapel for Sister Palmer's church in
will begin soon and ' that it
will be ready for dndication before Dr.
Bresee goes East to hold the Assem-
The many friends of the old veteran
of t he cross, Bro. W. S. Dorwin, will
he glad to see his face once more in
Los Angeles. He arrived here on last
Saturday. Though rather feeble, he is .
rejoi cing in the Lord.
Rev. Harry J. Elliott, who is now in
the evangelistic fi eld, expects to go
nort h to hold a number of meetings and
on his way will be witlt Bro. Williams .
at Bakersfield for a r eviYal meeting
ahout the first of March.
'Vo.rd comes from the Distri ct Su-
peri.ntendent that he, with Bro. Elliott,
expects to commence meeting at Lorn-
poe, Cal.,. the first of February. This
is a new field and let there be very
much pray for its success.
Mrs. R. P. Whear passed her eighty-
fourth birthday on Monday, January
24th, nt her l10me with RcY. and Mrs.
C. V. LaFontaine, and r ecei,cd the con-
gtatulations of her many friends. She
is better in health and happier than
ever, as she so often says.
In a letter from Bro. 'Villiams h e
tells us that nll told we havc about 100
Nazarencs in Bakersfield at present.
This is a good showing for less than
two years' labor. but lte is a great
pusher and untiring in his efforts to
win. Blessing upon this work.
Rev. R. Pier<>e, after a service.of four
yenrs. r.ctires from the position of office-
editor with this issue. All communi-
cations- in reference to the Messenger
should be addressed to the editor, . and
personal letters for Bro. Pier ce should
be nddresscd to his residence. 4071 So.
l\Iain street, Los Angeles, .Cal.
Bro. St. Clair is having great meet-
ings at Lorig Beach. About sixty
have been' to the altar, and he is
expecting a great break.
. Los Angeles-and Vicuiity
. .
. .
''And the glory of the _Lord filled the
tabernacle" (Ex. 40 :34) . This scrip-
ture is in some measure fulfilled in the
tabernacle of First Church; but we are
wishing that it were more' even that
we might not be able to minister be;
cause of the excessive glory. But the
. Lord does ,manifest His presence in our
midst. Praise be to His . name !
Last Sabbath Pastor Walker ha.d
charge all day.
. The morning theme was "Power to
Witnesses' '-the text, "Ye shall re-
ceive power . . . and ye shall be wit-
nesses uri to me" (Acts 1 :8). Chris-
tians are called to represent Christ not
only in . holy life and holy service, as
we have in two preceding S.ab-
baths; but as He said, ''We speak that
we do know, and testify that we have
seen" so His followers are to be living
1. A witness is qualified .by knowl-
edge. No one is capable to testify who
does not know. No one who merely
"tries," or "hopes," or defers to the
future the gre.at matter of Christ and
His salvation, is qualified .as a witness.
.The gospel proposition :is- ' 'full assur.-
ance"-of faith, of hope, of under-
standing. The apostles with great
powe.r gave witness unto the resurrec-
tion of Jesus, because that in t he!r o":n
souls. they_.know the power of His res-
urrection. Their own convictio'ns made
them bold, and Convicted others lli.Hler
the power of the Holy Ghost.
2. A witness tells what he kuows.
Qualification is not enough. He rriust
testify; must speak the t_ruth in love.
It is not enough to live the Christian
life. We must be the witnesses of the
Living One. "Ye are my
the Lord. Certainly our. lives
must speak for God; if they do not,
then let our lips be silent. But if we
found redemption through His
blooa. and by His Spirit, then let our
. lips pour out testimony to His praise.
And this we always do when the power
of the Holy Ghost comes upon us.
3. A witness so. speaks that those
who hear. un'derstand. John \Vesley
said that we should declare in the
plajnest terms what the Lord has done
for us. Befor.e l1irri David said, "I will
declare what he has done for my soul."
On the day of P entecost, when lhe
promise of the te=!Ct was first fulfilled,
the disciples so spake as the Spirit. gave
them utterance that all . of those people
present out of every nation . under
heaven heard and understood what was
That was not speaking in "an
unknown tongue." It was prophesy-
ing; and "be that prophesieth. speak-
eth unto : man, to edification, -
tion and Under the power
of as well as the power
o.f the people got. in-
Holy Ghost and so
thousands were led to christ.
Naza rene .MesseJJ,g.er
_Such a witnessing church is . t:!le
great need of . today. .Pentecost al'one
can furnish such witnesses.
The afternoon meeting was well at-
tended. The .. text was, "Sing unto the
Lord; . for he hath done excellent
things: iet this be known .in an the
earth" (Is. 12 V.) . .. .
- In the evening the pastor again
preached on t'ne Great Salvation, )l.Dd
considered the< way of the esc-ape of
neglectors, as . proposed by
ism. T4e preacher showed that nei-
the:r in _reason nor scripture can any
ground be _found for the idea that men
may finally by .the way of hell.
At all of these services there were
.seekers and finders. Especially at the
night meeting the altar service was
quite blessed and fruitful in salvation
results. .
N e:X:t Sabbath new members will be
received: E. F. W.
People's meeting on Sun-
day evening was very precious indeed.
Somehow the Lord is melting. our
hearts 'and drawing us closer to Him- .
self. Bro. Brooks Russell . brought a
stirring message on our preparation. for
life, by giving ourselves fully to Christ.
We praise Him for victory: .
G. E. T.
27:_. .
McCampbell,. a Qua::!rer
ly come to us, wa:s a fiDe fore .token of
what. was to follow. ' The addl'ess . of
Dr . . Bresee, setting forth t he missionary
of t he church, arid the providen-
tial arrangement for its maintainance,
-the words of cheer . . and i_nspiration of
Thompson and Chenault,
were all heartily received and many
pledged their prayers ,and supp.ort .to
the missionary work. The .third native
Japanese worker, who becomes con-
nected with our new Japanese work to
be, is to be to Grand: A venue
Church; so we will be personally repre-
sented in the field.
The pastor preaches at 'Qoth services
next Sabbath, and in the evening will
deliver the second sermon on the sub-
ject of"Temptation." Come and hear.
Sin'ee the street grading we have
)>een putting in a retaining wall and
cement steps to help our looks out-
wardly; while inwardly we are pushing
the battle for. holiness, led on b;v
Pastor Reinschmidt, whose sermous
al ong this line are a great inspiration.
The missionary meeting on Monday
evening was an inspiring occasion. We
hope our zeal will continue to increase
. in the miS.sionary work. . -
On we hael with ns Bro . . and
Siste.r I. G. Martin, and with Bro. and
Sister J. H. Mcintyre we had a feast
of good things. We ar e going on, "On
This has been a regular meeting of
First Church for many years, and bas
proved to the full salvation of hun-
dreds of souls . . At the present time the
attendance is. large and the interest ..
the victory side." Glory to God.
. . R.N. E.
great. As the :r:ule but a very brief SILVER WEDDING.
message is. The- time is mostly
taken up with testimony. meeting A very pleasant gathering of the:
never runs down. Many witnesses at friends of Bro. and Sister J. A. Jaynes
once are on their feet awaiting their to the number of forty-five was held at
turn to glad testin:tony for Jesus their home, 1641 Scott Tuesday
and His great .salvation. Last week evening, to help celebrate their silver
altar service broke into the testimonies. wedding. It was a complete surprise
Quite a number \vere forward ' and to Bro. and Sister Jaynes, and they
seemed to get that for. which they not a little taken aback whc1!
sought. Every Tuesday at 2:30 P m. told to. take their places in the middle
It was high tide at thjs. church for
the missionaries -in t heir meet-
ing for Southern california. Keen dis-
appointment was felt for the absence
of Miss lHinnie Upperman and Mrs.
Thompson, our peQple wanted so
much to meet; but nevertheless the
glory of the I;ord fell upon us, and we
h-ad a high-tide meeting. The church
was. completely filled with an interested
and aftentive congregation, to many of
whom the D'Jiss.ionary work . of our
chorch, and the presence of . our Gen-
eral. Superintendent; Dr. P. F. Bresee,
was new. The' is giving us a .
splendid .audience of new folks that
will soon be -full-fledged Nazarenes. _
This is what we want. New. stock to
add to our already most excellent class
of saints who are filled with fire and
glory. The early meeting led by Mrs.
of the room, when Bro. Mcintyre in .a
few well chosen words presented in be-
half of their friends a fine -set of table
.silverware as a reminder of the day as
well as the appreci_ation of their friends
and neighbors. Bro. and Sister Jaynes
responded in a few feeling remarks.
The evening was spent with singing
and social intercourse, and many wish<>s .
that they live to .celebrate their
golden wedding.
The blessing of the Lord whi ch
maketh rich and a'ddeth no sorrow
t}:ler.eto has been our , . and
strength t}:le past month . . "'v_Ve found at .
Christmas time that we were not for-
gotten. We .t hank all whose kind re-
membrance made _so many -happy. Our
precious ones are in grace anrl
in the knowl edge of God. A . number
have found salvation/ this month there
January 'n, 19101
have been . tw:elve seekers for paidon.
one sanctifted and were baptized
in our baptismal fountain.
The Su:n.daynight service was full of
victory and beginning with
pray.er service.. Hearts drew
nearer to God in. intercessory .prayer,
it easy to preach, and .the mes-.
found wax to hearts arid many
testified to the presence and power of
God ' witli them _-in thei'r daily lives.
Surely God is leading. these that had
. been 'blinded so long, in a. way they
not of, andthey enjoy it and tell
it out to others.
Bro. Athan.s reports fifteen additional
members received in our mission at
Bakersfield the Sabbath before he
came. Pray much for our. work in
B11kersfield. We need a pastor for our
floc>k there; the dear ones with' B1o.
Williams . are holding the fort until
helo arrives. Who will go?
:Santos sends reoort that during the
extreme cold and necessity, p ersecn-
.tions, and afliictions. God is her e;on-
stant. and help. She has now
.a s(>hool in daily session and -with very
efficient help . from a lady who
was formerly a government teacher in
Mexir>o. We are following on . to pos-
sess the land. Help us keep alert ancl
ready for everv onward move.
Mrs. M. _McReynolds, Supt.
We .are glad. to r eport victory in the
work God has called us to in t.he Pen-
tecostal Church of the Na?.arene at
Whittier. The presence of the l\f aster
was manifest in a very manner
in the Sabbath services, Janm\ry . .
afternoon and
congregations in the morning and
ing, as the Lord talked to them. wer e
moved to a closer w11lk with Him who
is the of the Jn .the af.
ternoon a orecious time was had in a
Bible reading- on consecration, which
was profitable and blest .to all present.
The young . converts are feeling Yf'ry
much. at home in their new .relations
and are . growing in grace . and in t he
knowledge of the Lord. we com-
a Young People's meeting on
Friday which promises great
good, as we have a band of gifterl
young people here which the Lord can
use in the vineyard. 'I' .. F.
The r evival under Rev. Fred St.
Clair is still going on in the First
Church of this city and will continue
indefinitely. '!'here are seekers at 'al-
most if not every service . . Ahont sev-
enty-five s'ouls have been converted. re-
claimed or sanctified since the he.gin-
ning. The morning Bible study meet.-
. ings have been a real blessing to all
the saints--a real feast of" fat things
and anointing of the spirit. Many
have a burden for souls..:....conviction is
on the people also.. Bro. St: Clair is
Nazarene Messenger
.one. of ' God's fire ... brands. The devil
has been busy .. too, his forces,
but our God is able to 'defeat him. We
are determined to have victory.
Next Fridav. we are going to have an
alJ-day meeting, and want Nazarencs
and others who are interested, to come
from far and near to help or be helped
in this battle. E. Todd.
Things continue(l to mo"e forward at
Latin, and both the outlook and uplook
are looking for a successful
and permanent work f)t this place.
Tuesday January,l8th, our out-
going missionaries were with us and
were greeted with a most hearty
come on the part of the andiencl". whieh
exceeded our expectations.
our dear Bro. Gay was at his usual
tide of missionary <>ntlmsiasm an<J
of divine unction.
Our people a !Jew impet.11s of
sniritnal and missionary favor .
'\Ve expect to do more than our propor-
tion. as by our Distri11t Su-
perintendent in the matter of Mission-
ary money.
T. S. 1\fashbnrn.
Our meetings here in Santa Barbara
wl1ich we commenced in the Faith Mis-
sion. January 9th, will <.-ontinue oYer
Sunday the 30tlJ. There has hecn a
inter e<;t. and. we l1ave had some>
very fine congregati<?nS, llTI(l several
have found salvation and a number
have been blessed in the meetings.
We been called to do mnc-h along
the line of tca(>hing in tlie do<.-.trincs of
salvation. justification and
sanctification. whi ch has heen enjovcd
by many. There haYc been Ynrious
ideas afloat ancl there has
been snch a general mix np in
plac>es that we ar<' <>allei at times to
begin .at the very lwginniil!! of things
nnd c>learly show from th<' Srrintnres
the true of l1ol in<>ss. God has
helne(l us in thf'sc m<>c>t.ings t.o f!ive
li<?ht from the \Vord to several
souls. who now see th( wa.v mo1c p<>r-
Bro. Elliott, my ro-wmk<'r. is a
hlessed man of Gocl. and is h<'iltg use<l
in winning the p<'onle. ancl t.h1ough his
happy w.ay of at. the people he
is a great bl essing to His songs
and triumphant shouts "hile .arl"
new to mosf of tlH h<'J'<' yet
t.hey 'tP.ll for the gloty of Gorl. H <' ga Ye
his life . st.ory to a
lnrge and ver:v intPr<'Stl'cl r>ongregation.
which was indeed u W(lll<lrrfnl .servic>.
r\s he keeps humble> an(J nncl<'r tlw
ble!<sing; of God. he has a fielcl of
usefulness . before h'im.
Santa. Barbara is n henut.iful litt.lc
town ... of about .12.000 neople !Jnd .there
is a great need here for some aggres-
sive movement nlong the line of full
salvation. Let the saints pray. that
God may open heaven on the place and
give a real 6 glory such as
shall sweep everything before it and
establish a center of fire which shall
burn to heaven. .
.J. W. Goodwin, D. S.
Our meeting at Pasadena closed. las.t
Sunday night with a goodly. number
either saved or sanctified. To God be
the glory: . We see for the church at
Pasadena a ..great future. Why not, as
in days of early Methodism, build great
centers of holy fire 1
At an urgent call we are in Nordhoff
for ten days. So f.ar as we are able to
discern there is no one here who. is
making a specialty of pushing holiness
save a small band of who
have been called to thls work. Sister
Rogers ha's recently closed
here whicl1 were owned of God. Will
you pray that God may come
t.o our aid the .next few days?
we to Norwalk. Cal., February
1st. Guy L. Wilson.
readers of tl1e Messenger knew
that we felt led .of the Lord to leave
the precious little \vork which God was
so blessing llnd building up at Monroe,
":'ash:. and come hack to Southern Cali-
foruia on account of my heillth.
We reached Los Angeles, November
10. 1909, and we are so to say .that
we are improving.. While husband
has served as 8 supoly in different pul-
nits in and about this city most every
Sabbath since our ret.urn: I have been
drinking in the at First
Churcl1, and all the time so lost
without the work of the . Sunday. sch.ool .. ,_
upon me, as it was when I . had to serve
hot.h as superintendent and teacher ,
also had the.blessed privilege of
and much personal work during
the weeks. It seemed the more I found
that I could do, the more t he Lord
blessccl me. Thank God that I am ll<!ain
able to do some little thill<!S for Rin. :
F9r the prist few days I have been
working. for our Sunday school at First
Church, and thank the Lord for some -
frnits already to be seen.
To God he all the ,glory forever and
J wish to say to the people of the
Onitecl States who own town lots in f.he
Pm1-American Land and Colonization
at .Jalisr>o. Mexico. that we .
hn n' located our Bihle school ancl or-
. pl111ns home at this place. and desire to
loc>ale mnny of our conv<'rts nenr us
ns possible. and '"i]] he thankful for all
lots us for tl1at. purpose. Send
tll P. nnmher of VOltr Jot and name.
S. M. Stafford.
Deets Pacific Bible College .
641 E. 28th St Loa A1111elu. Cal.
Chapel Service Each Morning at 8:30. .
Monday, 9 A. M.-Holl'l lleUcs :: ............. Rev. R. Pierce
10 A.M.-Moral Science ............. Rev . . W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-Hollnt>ss Biograph y ........... Re v. W. W. Danner
Tuesday, 9 A: M.-Engllsh ...... : . ....................... Benj . D. Scott
10 A.M.-Theology .... . ............. . Rev. W. w. Da nner
'n A.M.-All About the J;}lble ............... Rev. W. W. Danner
Wednesday, 9 A. M.-Publlc Speaking ...... Miss Adelaide ' Haller,
In Cumnock School of Expression . .
10 A. M.-Sermonlzlng ..... .. ....... .. Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-lsRiah and Methods of Work ... Rev. P. 1'\ Bresee, D. D.
Thursday, 9 A . .M.-Lite ot Chr ist . . . .. ..... . . . ..... Rev. W. W: Danner
1 0 A. M.-Oid Test Studies ... . .... .. . ...... . . Rev. W. W. Dan ner
11 A. M.-Church History ................. W; Burt Clark. LL. B.
Friday, 9 A.M.-Text Drlll . . . .. ..... .. .... . ... ... .. , : . . Fred C.
10 A.M.-Ne-w Test St udies . .... ... .. .. Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
11 A. M,-Holl ness . : . ..... .. ........... Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
Thursday, 7 :30 P. M.- Vocal Music and Sight Reading ........ . ...... ..
. . . . . . . . . . . . Miss K. Stone, Supervisor Music, Los Angt>les City Schools
Vocal Music . . ..... . ............ . .. ... . ... .. . ... . ..... .. .... Miss NeJlle Green
Plano ... .. ..... . . . . ... ..... .................. ... . . .. ... . Mrs. H. Scheldeman
A_dvanced PlanO ;"''"'""' ' " ''"""'"' ' " ......... .... ......... .. ...... . .. Miee Lela 8. Torrey
Miss Cora a: Sn ider, Supt.
Ar ithmetic, Algebra, P hysical Geography ... .. ... ... . . .... Miss Cora G. Sni der
Greek Hi s t ory ..... . ....... , .. ............. . ... . . ......... Mr. Leslie Gay, Jr . .
English, U. S. History, Lp.ttn .. . .... .. ..... . . . .. . ......... Mr. BenJ. D. Scott
Spanish .. . , .. : . ............ : ....... _. ........... ... ... . : ....... Mr. D. Mata
.Mr s. M. McReynolds, Superintendent .and Teacher In English and Wood 's
Perte.ct Love.
Thtology .................. : ... ... ; ........ . ............ . ... .. Mr. W . . Brand
PhllMnphy ot PIAn of Salvation ........................ . ....... Mr. Wsm.
Rlbllcal ' Geogrnl>hY ..... : . . .... ............................. Mr. S. D. Athans
Text Dr ill and Ottlces ot the Holy Spirit ................... . :Mr. S. D. Athans
Music .. ............. ........... ................. . .. . ........... Mil's L. McKee
Spanish .......................... ......... . .. . ..... . ........ .. ... Mr. D. Mata
I .desire to acknowledge the
of further amounts for the taxes on the
college property at Twenty.eighth and
San Pedro street s: Cucamonga, $4.00;
ents God has given him. Neither will
it impart brains to the one who- hAs
none. t hough it may and should show
him the value of such training, and if
he is filled witlt the Holy Ghost ( Hnd
thank God all may be so, brains or no
brairis !) it may set him to work with
his hands so as to be able to help some
with more mental capacity than he to
get a traini ng which they ('Ottld not
afford unless. helped by n generous
hand. "
Seattle, $16.47. P. F. Bresee.
"rhe gr eat end of n Bible S.Ch90l as
the name suggests ts to get t o know
t he Bible. .A student from a t heologi
cal college recently remarked t hat lw
was so busy st udying books about t he
Bible that . he rarely read t he llihle it-
self. . .
" I n Holiness Bibl e Schools. at least,
t he Book itseJf takes t he first
Students ar e taught to know it t hor-
oughly, its histQry, its biographies, its
types and prophesies, its epistles, and
last but not least, its cet:ltral t heme, the
gospel of J esus Christ.'' .
" It is manifest God puts no premium
upon ignor ance or idleness, nor will
t he Holy Spir it teach us those .things
upon which, by study and pains wP
may inform ourselves."
"Some persons h ave a mind like H
ragbag. I t is full of '(raluable pieces 9f
informat ion, but so disorderly that it
is difficult to find what is required. To
bring or.der out of such chaos is the
aim of a Bible sch ool , nnd after a littl,.
t raining in t his. direction. young peopl e
are often encouraged to find t hemselves
abl e to thi nk c:learly an(l
arx:imge th.oughtR jn an
fashion. '' . .
''Or' cour8e n Bible schqol wi.ll not.
make a dull man brilliant, but it will
help .him t o.' make the most of the tal-
A t wo-dollar bill came into the ha nrls
of a r elative of mine, writes a larly in
Boston, which speaks vol umes on t he
horror.s of stror.g drink or t he traffi c
of it. There was written in red ink
on the back of it the following: "Wife,
child.ren and over $40,000 all' gone. I
am responsible. All bas gone down my
thr oat. When I was twenty-one I had
a fortune.. I am now thirty-five years
old. I killed my beautiful wife, who
died wit h a broken hear t; have mur-
der ed my childr en wit h neglect. 'Vhen
t his bill is gone, I do not know how I
C'an get my next meal. I shall die a
drunken pauper . This is my last money
and my history. If this bill comes into
the hands of a man who drinks, let him
take warning by my lif e's r uin.
. WANTED- A sanctified physician t o
locate at Betha ny, t he home of Okla.:
homa Holiness CoJI Pge,' which is adja-
cent to Oklahoma City. For informa-
tion, ad.dress Rev. H. H. MilJer,
President Oklahoma HolinE'S!'I Col1eg e,
Okhihnma City, Okla. , R. F . . D. No. 4,
Bo'C 66 B.
The Manual
The usual prices. in quantities
Retail price 25c pos t paid.
hazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
The Purity Jo.urnal
A mon t hly magazine devoted
to rescue work and s ocial pur-
ity. This is an ably- edited and
well-gotten-up journal which
deser ves the support of all
Chris tian people.
REV. .J.' T. the
Editor, is also in charg e of
the Home. at Arlington, Tex:
Send 10 cents for sample copy
(ask for the June No. )
Subscription price. $1 p er yr.
The Purity Journal

Some of God's Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 p ages pack ed full of
str iking lessons f r om t he li fe of J acob. writ-
t en in .the dear and direct style of t his emi-
nent Evang elist.
Bound in ()loth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins ...
We havea new supply of Nazar ene
Pins. The Nickel-pl at ed. such as
we have heretofor e s old, and' a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
b lack
Plat'ed :
25c ea&b
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
Waves Of G I 0

'IIAZAREIIE PUB. CO., 730 Su Pedro ft. Los Anplea, Cal
January ?:7, 1910]
Our Young People
Live for something, have a PU!-'pose,
And that purpose keep in view ;
Drifting like a helpless vessel
You can ne'er to life be true.
Half the wrecks that strew life's ocean,
If some star had been their guide,
Might have long been riding safely;
But they drifted with the tide.
An exchange tells a story about a lit-
tle girl who went into a neighboring
town, where there was a revival. She
attended the meeting and heard the
story of the cross, and gave herself to
When she returned home she went to
an -old man who was a Christian, and
to him.:
"Can't we have n prayer meeting?"
"WeT" said he; "I don't know of
imother Christian in the district. ' '
"Well," said she, "you arc a Chris-
tian and I am. a Christian ; can't we
-have a prayer _meeting?"
''Well,'' said he, ''we can say 'we'
They did have a prayer meeting. The
next day two or three -more God
answered their prayers and now be-
tween . twenty and thirty have found
the Savior.
In ' this day of activity there is great
danger, not of doing too . much, hut of
praying too little for so inuch work.
These two-work and prayer, action
and contemplation-are twin sisters.
Each pines without the other. We are
!'!''er tempted to cultivate one or the
other disproportionately. Let us imi-
tate Him who sought the mountain top
as His rcfreshmei1t after toil, lnit never
left duties undone or sufferers unre-
lieved in pain. TJord, tea<>h us to pray.
- A. Maclaren.
Sam was a farmer's son. A new rail-
road had .fnst peen made through his
father's farm. One Sabbath morning
Sam was surprised to see an engine
drawing a car stop in front of his
house. . The president of the road
stepped out and started to examine a
new bridge. =The little barefotted Sam
tru9,ged along behind the party. After
awhi1e the president turned to Sam and
said, "See here, my little fellow, do
know who I am 1"
'' YeR, sir, " said Sum, "I suppose you
are the head man of 'this railroad.''
"And what do you I would be
likely to want .inst now above anything
else 1"
Sam replied, ''I should think, sir, yoil
wcmld want to get God to forgive yon
for taking llis day to come and look at
your new bridge. '' .
The president at: the boy a
Nazarene Messenger
moment and then said : ''Who told yon
to say that?''
"No one," . answered Sam ; "I just
thought it in my heart, sir."
"You think right, my boy, I
thank you for reminding me of my
duty; and promise you that the re-
minder -will not be forgotten. You have
shown yourself a greater man tht.m t.he.
railroad president. "-Selected.
Fifty years ago a child gave a penny
to the missionary box. A litt le tract
costing just one penny was bought with
it and one gave it to. a young man,
the son of a Burman chief. He trav-
eled 250 miles to learn to read. it, The
Christian teachers taught him, and God
gave him a new heart. He went home
and preached to others and fifteen hun-
di-ed heathen were eonvert.ed and hap-

Seeds often are planted far from the .
spot where they are ripened. The wind
may bear them miles from their
pla.ce. Some of them the ocean
clinging to the fleece of sheep, and start
life in a new world.
It seems hard 'to believe that a 'girl
in California may influence the .life of
another in Maine; or that an Ameri can
girl may help a Japanese cousin,. hut
this is the case. Keep sowing good
seed. You cannot tell in what far-away
liv!3R it may bear grain.-Ex.
"".,. . .,.
"Apples of Gold" is ju!lt the hook
for an inspiring gift. It will bless the
soul and inspire faith. Send for one.
25 cents postpaid: 10 for $2.
We have quite a number_ of eubseriptione
which have expired within the past few
which we have not discontinued,
because we failed to eeqd t)Je usual notice. .
We trust that Jtll will want the paper con-
tinued and that they will aeiul in their
renewal without waiting for 08 to write them.
It.ie oUr rule to discontinue the paper unleu
it is ordered continued. Before doing this .
we send out notices to remind the eubee.riber
that it is due. If we do not hear from them
in a reasonable thne, we are opJiged to stop
the paper. Owing to the. fact that we &ave
not bad help enough to keep up with the
work, we have neglected sending notices to
many. Although we constantly publish the
fact'that unless the subscription is renewed
we must atop the paper, there are many who
seem to think we are not treating them right
if we do so.
Please look up the matter, and if your
subscription is due, send the money or an
order for renewal.
Mohave Children
Stories from life by.
Missionarv to Mohave Indians
A beautiful book, illustrated with tine half-
tone boupd_ in Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-.
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people.
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes.
.15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
two for 25c Los Angeles, Cal.
r Songs of the
156 Songs, also select Psalms and Readings. A large number of
songs never before published. Round or shapEd notes.
Manilla Cover, Postpaid. 16c .
. . . 100 Not Postpaid - $12.00
.j . We will deliver these books to any a _ddress for $13.00-per 100 .
REV. C. L. SHELBY, PARIS, -TEXAS, says ;-"I consider 'Pentecostal
of the Nazarene' the ' best Song Book we have ever had. It is especially
adapted for revival work. It contains about forty new songs that hot.ve never
come to us before, as well .as a choice lot of old, tried songs. There is a &uffi-
cient number of older songs so that you will find no difficulty in taking the
boo)( right up in your church meetings. I would especially call attention to
Nc 10, Brother Martin's 'Glory also No. 116, 'It's Real,' and No.
120, 'The Year of Jubilee.' This'is the song thE> New England girls sung at
the General Assembly. Also No. 136, ' Mounting Up.' No. is one of
the sweetest I have ever heard. Thesefour songs alone are worth
more than. the of the book. It is the book you need for your sum-
mer meetmgs. ' .
, Nazarene_ Publishing Company _i
730 San Pedro Street '

. Relpful ".8eading: .
This may be the lnst yem of your
life. Tili,e. Is I 1 ak;). my hour-
' glass, and put it down me. mnuy
an hour, just to see t.hu.t time is in a
. hJ_trry and won't The yellow d
from off some tawny desert rui1s dow;,
-:-nothing can stop it; runs dow1.1 . :
few gr aitis at a time, pcn;il'lt.\mt. ns t.hl'
unsealed . glacier in its onwnd m0\'1'
ment, .and as certain as the rush
great sea- goi ng, going. t.il l at -lnst
every grain. hm; seeped out. and the
bulb above is empty imd the hnlh hc-
low is full.
'\Ve haven't much tinw. You t'Hnnot
stay .here long ; you ha \' C got t.o go
quickly; pretty soou you will be
and your hands wi ll have rest fm' "
years. Get tired while .von ar<
h.er e. '\York hard. .Don't whine be-
cause you have to work bnt thank God
have tlie chance to do it. Be so
honorable in this wor ld's indnstrv. and
SO eager tO serYe, that yon wjl( COVet
the hours yon sleep. \Vork, work :
Hurry up! D9 u 't waste time: Don't
do things you will.have to undo.
at your work, and. do it: right.
Pretty soon it will be time to stop ;
and a strange visitor will come by. anil
say: ''Quit work!'' .You will say :
"It is uot night. " Bnt he will per-
sist-.. Quit work."
"It is only two o'clock; I have only
jrist begun for the afternoon.''
"Quit work.!"
" It is not sundown y<'t. lllHY r 11 ot
work till . night?"
''Quit work! ''
And. you 'will lay down ham me
ou. the anvil, with your hands black
with the grime of the smithy. and you
' will go out with him, and he will
to you: "It is time to quit work."
And you will say : ''Will I be back
in the morning ?"
"No, not in the morning."
''Will I he back tomorro-lv ? ''
not tomorrow."
''Where are.-you-taking me 1 ' '
" I .am tak irig ' you to a land very far
off; and from whose 'bdurne no traveler
returns.' Come along. This is t he
way.'' . .
"Can't I back once?"
"No," and somehow t here is a little
sternness in his voice.
But you will say: "I must go back
.a minute, . only a minute, just once, to
. tell-"
Nazarene Messenger
fJanuacy ZT,. 1910
Cluil'lt will he with you, lest you perish . sage. which
in solit.ude.-=-Bishop Quale, in Pittsburg. serves to challenge the attention of' the
Chril;t.hm Advocate. world.
God does not help His childrfln now
and t hen, but now, always now . .'l'here
is iw "then" ; it. exists only in imagina-
tion. The onl;v time we ever actnnlly
wcd God is .now. If "theu" troubles
us. in .imagination, 1{n1l we won<ler what
wHl become of us then; let us learn how
to live with God now.. }.<'orm the habit.
c>f using God and beiug used or' God.
.1iow. and the imaginary and dreadful
" then " will he swallowed up in 'the
strea 111 o' 110\Y w h e11 the time co tiles.
No docks keep time tomorrow. Springs
pu:sh and point now. Now is the
appointed time for clocks as well as
pco.ple. . God never helped any one to-
morro.w; He is a very present help.
what is eternity but--God 's no\v ? IJet
ns t hen liv(l the eternal life with God
A great r evi,;al has come to differ ent
eities in Australia through the labors
1) Dr . . Chapmnn. .Dr. ' li'itchet, a great
Austral inn author , in a magazine
the Souvenir, ''
g'ives 'his estimnt.c of the secret of Dr.
Chapman's suceess, which is vet:y sug-
and worthy of. study by all
Christian workers.
" !.believe Jesus Christ," he said, "to
be the Son of God, and the Savior of
t he world. I believe in the Bible right
through. I believe t hat men must be
born again. If you do not believe with
me," he said t o his audience, " I am
sorry for you but shall not fight you."
Then he added with emphasis, ' .'If I
did not hold t his creed I could not do
this work.'' And in these few sen-
ten ces undoubtedly Dr. Chapman
tonel1ed what may be called the dyna-
mic center of the Christian faith, the
<loctrines. which have shaped Christian
history; the creed that has created
martyrs, that sends our missionaries.
that regenerates slums, and that alone
can save the world. And all history
is a witness to the fact that this
doctrine.center is abandoned Christian-
ity suffers instant and arrest,
its power slips from it. It has no mes-
Philadelphia April 6-10.
Washingt?n District; April 13-17.
New York Distri.ct, April 20-24 .
New England District, May
Northeast District, May 11-15.
Pittsburg District, May .25-29.
The places where these assemblies are
to be heldwill be announced later. The
r ule is that t he General Superintendents
shall fix the time, and the District. Su-
perintendents the place of these meet-
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"No, come on."
Oh, who is it? It is the master . d d t t h B.bl H. t
Death: You cannot go back:_not for a An mterestmg game . o 1 e IS ory.
minute; no, you might just a.s well ask . . Both. young and old find .lt attractive a!ld helpful.
for a century as for a ininute. Sudden- An excellent present for your young fr1ends.
ly it be pitch dark and Death will ' .
be gone, and you will be in the .silence, 25 CENTS, POST-PAID.
where you can hear the blood beat N Pub} h C
around yo1Ir t emples like the flow of n azarene IS Ing ompany
.:rnSl)ing river, all alone.
Pray G9d that when you get there, 730 San. Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.

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