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... TM l!lootl of ,. From .AU Sin.

Los _Angete&, Januari 20. t9iO No. 30

Obedience to Light a1}il Revelation Necessary.
. BY W. B. '(JRUNB.
To one who i!t. unilluminated, or igno-
rant of the things that are spiritually
discerned; as they view the likes and
dislikes of t hose who follow or cl!lim
allegiance to Gorl, they would be led to
think that it was left. optional with the
b eliever ns to whether they should ac-
cept or r eject a part or what is dis-
tasteful of that which has been pur-
<!hased for them by the atoning blood.
H. is for m;:. us J>eings of d estiuy, to
dearly know that whatever has been
purchased for ns, in the atonement, is a
ne(:essity, au<l imperils our sonl by our
The will of Oocl in the R<><lcemcr. is
so grounded in the nc< cssity of things
that pertain to "life and godliness,"
that to fail or refuse t h<> and
acceptance on our part, is to fail of life
anrl the Di,in<' Nature ; whether it be
in its initiatory state or its fullness.
We are as we look at the
< 'hristian community of todny, to the
t<'mclusion tba t many who were one.e
children of light have lost the life of
God and are living on the expc-
Jiences of the past! And this state of
t.hings bas been brought about very
lnrgely, and with many nltogether, b e-
<!ause of thcil t.o walk up to
knowledge. or light!
Tftcre can be no justification. huck of
r evelation of a Divine command. Rc-
. hellion agninl'lt the. mandates oY heaven.
. God's camp, is treason, and meets its
consequences: ''.If ye be willing and
ye shall eat the good of the
hut if ye refuse and r ebel, ye
sliall .be devoured with the sword; for
mouth of the Lord hath spoken it' '
(lsa. 1:19, 20.).
. it is a fatal and awful a ct to say
Ghost. The Kadesh
Barnea' ', crisis comes to every believer,
advance must be
. lt.is tl)e. or'the . .
. obeyed tiie. ''Spirit of life" places us .
Hpiritually in the kingdom of God,
wliere obedience tQ of health
nnd growth does tftc child physically:
an ill\isible line is. bliossed nnd the m'im
puis away "thildisli things" and ent ers
upon a lmger scoP.l' and reali zation of
nut t he in heart, and too
"fteu in life, who hnve " lost their Sa-
viour" and becom,o '.'good for noth-
ing," nrc bnt the .lifeless shadows of
l.)ther days, wlum $l1ey walkNl in the
light of God . .
There are otcnsi'ous in human life
.vhicb come into one ... s experi<!Jl((.", when
natural darkness would he disn!'!trous ;
light and its pursuit would be nc<e_s-
sary to the preservktion .of life.
From the moment we c:o11w into a
sa<:l't!d r elation witJ1 God. it is light
progress.- " If,,.<' walk in t he light .
ns He is in the light, we lul\' c fellow-
ship. Oil<' with anotitcr, and the hlood
of Jesus Christ, His Son, clcans<'th us
fr om all sin. ''
One of the frnitfpl to hlwk-
slide in hcnrt is at n fnll tide holiness
m<>eting ! The refui:lh1g to "go on u11to
perfection." and oft()n "desP.ising" this
atonement-provided proves
t.oo often, and drhleR in nfter days one
to the altar for pardon and pea<'e which
they lost when t.hey rcjccied this higher
calling. " For God has not N\llcd us
unto uncleauness, unto holiness. He
therefor e that despiaeth, despiseth not
1nan (the preacher who declares it) but
God, who hath also given unto us His
Holy Spirit" (l Th(';SII. 4:7, 8).
If it be of the g"Featest importauee
to walk in the Spirit's l.eadingR, it be-
hooves us to seek to,know the mind of
Gou, and to .one's heart, as it
were, :in God's cru.Qtble for !lnaly-
sis. . Observe: Jll,\t one's self in the
crucible.. of God ;8 analysis as to our
heart's conditiqn is too often to
discover the same thing hidden away
deep in our heart!
To sny with sincerity to the Holy
Ghost: '' goocl t hing must I do
to inh<>rit <!fernal life in its fullness?''
is to often find Him pointing, not to
some " good lie .would Jiave lL'>
do, l>ut some evil thing HP. have
li S abnndon and I)Jing to the blood! Or
some !sane He would have us crucify,
or lay 11pon the altar!
To go aw11y from revealed light to
be closer joined to that which we have
refused to surrender! \Ve become a
part of th11t with which we correspond,
or haYe an affinity, and the fine sensi-
bilities become blunted, and our
powers weakened, so that it becomes--..:
not easy to turn away from that which"
we ha Ye " loved too long and too well. " if.
To r c,jcd light is to go to
spiritual doom and seclusion! \Vc;:.
IH:\cr hear from the "good young:::J
nlcr" (who was undoubtedly sincere{.!)
in his approach to Jesus) after Be:
turn<>tl "sorrowfully away" from
deep heart probing of the Saviour, He
<lung to his "g<Ht possessions, " set
his heart upon them, refusing to be
trucified ! And many have been thl!
<lel uded souis who have made this fatal
<hoice, . those wh.o might ha,e been
'bright nnd shini ng in their
place and day. ' turned ba<>k to a night
whid1 }mows no morning." which ends
in the gulf of seclusion and despair!
And the solemn warning and admoni-
tion of the Saviour is ;just as clear, anrl
has coupled with it like conclusions to-
day, ns when lie prol>ed hearts, reveal-
ing to the _inquiring ones their. true con-
dition, or taught the multitudes in Gali-
l ee, and the of the people in the
temple long ago, "walk wh.ile ye. h.ave
t.he light with you, l est qarkness come
upon y6u, for he that walketh in dark-
ness knoweth. not whithe.r be g(!eth"
(.John 12 36).
Contributed A-rticles

Our God is love. Repeat the strain;
Yea sing it o'er and o'er again,
While bells chime in from far and near,
Till all the world shall pause to hear
The sweetest song of all the. year.
Then ring sweet bells-rin'g loud and
while hosts on earth and hosts above
Sing, Hallelujah! God is love.
$ $
By a "continuous revival," we mean
having folks saved or sanctified right
along in our regular services. First-
Have we any scripture to encourage ns
to expect this '? Yes. Jesus said, "I
willmake of men." "!have
clfosen yon :and ordained you, that ye
should go and bring forth fruit . . . .
that whatsoever ye shall ask of the
Father inr my. name, h e may give it
you." .
Isaiah s, id, ''I. will be inquired of for
Israel to do it for them; I will increase
Israel with men like a flock" A man
is supposed to fish where there are fish
and . to cat ch them, at least one occa-
sionaliy, and not fish on for mouths
witi10ut catching any.
A flock is supposed to in cr ease also.
A tree bears ftuit in its season. The
gospel tree bas twelve manner of fruit,
and bears all the year round.
Second-Have we any examples of
r evivals7 Yes. The apos-
tles did at Jerusalem until driven ont
by persecution, but continued at
tioch and other places. Many o the
early Methodist churches had t hem
while they preached holiuess as a defi-
nite second work of grace. Spurgeon,
the noted English preacher of London,
England, had a constant stream of con-
verts coming into his. church. In fact,
he expected seekers as the result of
every' service.
Third-Have we any more examples
now? Yes; thank God, we have some.
Take the First Nazarene church of Los
Angeles, for instance, with its thousand
or more converts a year: Also the First
Church in Chicago. Read its reports.
Sometimes as many as twenty to thirty-
five or sanctified in the r egular
services of .one Sabbath.
. Om: owri district has all the way from
. two . to' a dozen . or more seekets each
week; showing . we need not go away
, Nazarene Messenger
from home for samples. Our folks ex-
pect continuous r evivals and are having
them .
.. .. ..
Thank God, there is a way from
Egypt to Canaan, and not only a way
but the way-there is no other. This
journey from Egypt to Canaan typifies
a spiritual experience for this life.
Those who r eally got into Canaan did
not get t here by way of the grave.
Crossing the Jordan is not typical of
physical death (Luke 1:74, 75. See also
the 63rd chapter of Isaiah) .' This ex-
perience is to be enjoyed and to glorify
God ''all the days of our life.'' There
are no "days" in Heaven (no njghts,
either, thank God).
To be sure, a multitude of the Israel-
it.es did d'ie on the trip, but those who
died never got: into Canaan. Not even
their bones got in. ' 1'beir carcasses
rotted in tl;te wilderness, and their
bones bleached upon the sands.
Not only has God provided the way
f rom the Egypt of sin to the Canaan of
holiness in this life, but He is so anxious
that all His children sl1 all get into this
Canaan that He sends a heavenly guide
to keep them in the wny: Then again,
He shows His confidence that His chil-
dren will actnally get into Canaan, by
giving them minute, explicit instruc-
t ions what to do when they get there.
In Deut. 26 :8 we s<'c that the way
ont of Egypt, and in verse 9 we
find that it actually leads into Canaan.
Keep this cliapter before yon as we go
1. Out of Egypt. The natural men
1s m Egypt, in sin. He can truthfully
say, in the words of verse 5, ''A Syrian
ready to perish, was my father.'' We
are shapen in iniquity, and begotten in
t he corrupt image of father Adam.
Verses 6 and 7 contain a true picture
of liis condition. Surely the devil and
his servants lmve "'evil-entreated h\m,
and afflicted him, and laid upon him
hard bondage. 0, the evil treatment,
the a'fllictions, tlie hard bondage, laid
upon us by sin ! How it seduces us with
flattering promises of pleasure and
profit only to redeem them with dust
and ashes, death and destruction. How
it. betrays us into selli-ng our health for
disease, our strength for palsy, our
glory for ignominy, life for death,
Blind we invest. a .lifetime of
.. bondage only to realize an .eternity .of
A . dark bless
[January. 20; l910
God...:_there is a better way-a way out
-the way of the Lord ..
Does your soul weary of . evil
treatment 1 Take the way of. the Lord.
Are you bowed and' broken under' the
afflictions 1 Take the of the Lord.
I s the bondage galling.? . Take the way
of the Lord. You shall escape it all.
Yes, better than that-for, "Where sini
did abound, grace doth much more
abound.'' Yon shall not only escape
from the evil treatment, the affiict(ons,
the bondage, but you shall be ''more
than conquerer." Hallel ujah! Get ;out,
brother, today. The way. is open-:-the
way of the Lord-even the new. and liv-
ing way, through the blood of Jesus
Christ, who Himself is the way, the
truth, and the life.
2. Into Canaan. In the first verse
we see tliat God really expected the peo-
ple to get into Canaan. He expects peo-
ple. to.day to go on in . . . He says "when"
ye are co1ne; not "if" ye come. WeU,
beloved, let us not disappoint our Lord.
Let us go on in. If yon an
a child of God, go on in. Why do you
Do you notice that, in all His dircc-
. tions to the Israelites, God say uot one
word abont forty years' wandering in
t he wilderness 1 Do yon know why f
That wilderness wandering was not in
the way .of the Lord. It wns put in by
the disobedience of the p<'ople. God
does not intend you to spend a tong
t.ime between the Red Sea and the Jor-
dan. It is only eleven days' journey
(Deut. 1 :2). Go on in.
After you have trulY. r epented and
believed in Jesus Christ, and received
the witness of the Spirit to those facts,
make a bee-line for Cannan (He b. 6 :2).
l'f you don't, you arc booked for tron
ble. When the Israelites got to Kadesh
Barnca and rebelled, t he resnlt was suf-
fering, sickness, and death. They gc,t
the light regarding Canaan t here, and
refused to walk in it, r efused to go in.
Not a single light-rejecter ever entered
CanaanJ The same God -\vho said, "GP.t
out of 'E1gypt," said "Get into Canaan."
They disobeyed the last command, and
miserably perished in the wilderness.
The same God who commands the sin-
ner to repent .commands the Christian
to be holy. The sinner who r ejects the
light of the Holy Ghost in conviction
and refuses to repent, dies. The child
of .God who rejects the light .of the Holy
Ghost in conviction for his.hc&rt-cleaQs-
ing, dies also. .'\Vc l1ave their co;tpse"
with us, going through the moti.o.ns of
r eligious and' all that...:...but 'Je.ad
January 20, 1910]
and dry as the bones in the wilderness.
Why not 7 God, in all His majesty and
power, is back of all His commands.
The same God who is insulted by t he
sinner's neglect and rejection of par-
don, is insulted by his chilc;l 's neglect
and rejection of entire sanctification.
Surely God brings us out of Egypt that
fie may bring us into Canaan (Ex. 23:
20-25). We are justified in order that
we may be sanctified wholly. Glory'to
Reader, are you over in Canaan Y If
you are a child of God, you must be in
or on your way there. , If I am in a jus-
tified state, I am on my way to entire
sanctification, or else I am in danger of
losing my justified standing. The hom;e
must be put up in order to save the
foundation (Heb. 6:1, 2). \Vhen we arc
horn of God, He puts eternal life in om
soul. This life, in order be retained,
demands food and the .possession of the
rntire being. Every true child of God
loves holiness. This; love of purity is
an element of t he spiritual life begotten
in the soul by the Holy Ghost i!l <' OD-
,crsion. Bnt opposed to t his s piritual
lif e is the " carnal mind" which yet r e-
mains in the soul. Neither one of thcs<'
can be satisfied while the other remains.
The cotmnand to all men is- give me
thine heart (:\fat. 22:36-38) . So long
as the "old man" r<>mnins in the heart,
we lack just so m\wh of tl1is
command. This "<arnal mind " is en-
mity to God. consequently the r oom it
occupies is not given to Gocl.
God did not pnt this enmity toward
himself into Adam's human uatute
(John 2:16) . Adam lived without it
for n time. 'fherefore it is not an
sential part .of humnn nature. No 1m-
man being needs to keep it. God hates
it. True children of God hate it also
( 1 John 2 :15; James 4 :4). The destruc-
tion of this thing wns included in the
plan of salvation (2 Thes. 2:13, 14;
Rom.' 6 :22; Luke 1 :74, 75).
After God had given the law at Sinai,
it only r equire.d eleven days to get the
people to the hordcr of Canaan (Dent.
1 :2). If the new-born, justified soul
will follow the l ending of the Holy
Ghost, he, too, will speedily be led to
the border of holiness. Then. if he will
(onsccrate his all to God definitely for
t he purifying of his heart, the caimtl
mind will be out, the "old man"
will be crucified. and he will find him-
s<lf in Cannan. The justified soul will
t hen find itself wholly sanctified. He
who bro.ught us by the way of t.he !Jord
ont of the Egypt of sin, hns, by the snmc
Nazarene Messenger
way, brought us into the Canaan of holi-
ness. Praise the Lord, I 'vc be'en in for
nearly three y_ears, and I like it better
every day. Beloved, go on in.
J/1 .JI' .JI'
. ' Missionary Items.
And shall I not at God and duty's call
Fly to the utmost limits. of the ball 'I
Cr oss the wide sea, along the desert
Or ci rcumnavigate _each Indian isle,
To torrid. regions fly to save the lost,
Or brave the rigo.rs of eternal frost?
I may, l_ike -Brainerd, perish in my
A group of Indians weeping round my
T may, like Martyn, lay my burning
head ,
In some lone Persian hut, or Turkish
I may, like Coke, be buried in the
.... wa:ve; .
Or perish, like a Xavier, on the beach
In a . lone cottage, out of friendship's
I may-but never let my soul repine;
"Lo, I am with yon"- heaven is in
t hat line;
Tropic or pole, or mild or bur01ng zone,
Is hut a from my celestial throne.
It is said that Africa is fast losing
the right to be called the "Dark Con-
tinent." In it arc to folmd today,
2.470 missionaries, assisted by 13,089
native Christian workers. There are
4,789 places of worship, 221 ,156 com-
municants and 527,790 professed adher-
ents. In the 4,000 missionary schools
arc 202,390 pupils. Ther e are ninety-
five hospitals and sixteen printing es-
tablishments under missionary conduct
and control. A chain of connected mis-
sions reaches from the Atlantic to the
Indian ocean; and in Uganda, which
thirty years ago was pagan and unex-
plored country, one-half the 700,000
population are enrolled as Christians.
Cape Colony has 200.000 negro ('hris-
t ians out of a total of 700,000. In the
whole history of Christian missions, it
is doubtful whether any race has shown
itself more open to the gospel or more
heneficently affected by it. The natives
of South America are todny less influ-
enced by the gospel thnn those
Africa.-Lutheran Observer.
A missionary was asked why he
lahored so unweariedly. and replied:
''.One night J wn11 going across a
field and saw my little boy coming to
meet me. Suddenly he disappeared.
Then the thought flashed across ll\Y
mind, there's an old well there and hP
hns fallen in. I hurried up to him and
reached down the well and lifted him
out; and as he looked up into my face,
.what do you think he said'/ 'Oh, papa,
why dido 't you hurry'/' These words
never left me. They kept ringing in
my ears until God put a new and
deeper meaning into them, and bade
me think of others who are lost, w.ith-
out God and without hope in the world;
and a message came to me as a mes-
sage from the hea:venly Father, 'Go
work in My name'; and then from that
vast throng a pitiful, pleading cry r oll-
ed into my soul as I accepted God's
call, Oh, why don't you hurry 'I' "
A young Brahman put this question
to the R ev. E. Lewis of Bellary: "Do
the Christian people of England really
helieve that it would be a good thing
for the people of Indir. to become Chris-
tians?" "Why, to be sure they
do,'' -he replied. \1\'!at I mean is,''
continued the Brahr.r.lin, "do they in
their hearts believe that the Hindus
would he better and happier if they
W('J;e converted to Christianity?" "Cer-
tainly t hey do," said Lewis. "'Vhy,
then. do they act in such a strange
way? Why "do they sen'd so few to
preach t heir religion 1 'Vhen there are
Yacan!!ies in the cfvil ser vices, there
arc numerous applicants at once;
when there is a military expedi-
tion. a hundred officers volunteer for
it ; in <ommercial enterprises also you
are full of activity. But with religion,
it is different. I see one missionary here
with his 'vifc. and one htmdred and'
fifty miles distant there is another and
one hundred miles farther on in a differ-
ent direction there is another. How can
Christians expect to !!Onvert t he people
from their hoary faith with so little ef-
fort?"-Youth Instructor.
I wish to say to the people of the
United States who own town lots in the
Pan-American Land and Colonization
Company at Jalisco, Mexico, that we
haYe located our Bible s-chool and or-
phans home at this place,. and desire to
locate as many of our converts near us
as possibl e, and will be thankful for all
lots donated us for that purpose. Send
the number of your -lot and .name.
S. l\L Stafford.
An artist was once asked fo paint a
picture of a decaying chur cH. . To the
astonishment of many, in/)tead of put-
ting on the canvass an old tottering
ruin, the artist painted a stately edifice
of modern grandeur, with a carved pul-
pit, magnificent organ and colored win-
dows. But suspended from a nail in
t he wall hung a square box very sim-
ply painted ''Collect ion for Foreign
Missions'' and over the slot was paint-
co a robweb.-From the Christian Her-
Victory still rolls all over the district.
We filled the pulpit for Pastor Mcln-
t:v.re City, December 19th. The
church there is still alive; nine at the
altar and four prayed through. Pastor
Q: W. Edwards is in a revival at How-
ard, Kansas, while Bro. James Hughes
is stirring things at Newton, ' Kansas.
We assisted Rev . . H. M. Chambers, our
' .. .
feet down before the old-line churches
gobble up our holiness people.
C . . B. J ernigan, Dist. Supt.
I am glad to report continued and in-
creasing victory in the 'vork of the
First-Pentecostal-Church .of the N aza-
panua*, 20, :1910
.r We aren6w visiting our First
in Pittsburg, Rev: J. H. Norris, pastor.
Had a good day yesterday (Sabbath).
From here go for a regular meeting
to Pa., beginning the 16th.
Our work is prospering and t he
ing of the is upon it.
.. Q. A: Imhoff, Dist. Supt.
rene in this place. Our holiday conven- FROM THE I)ALLAS DISTRICT.
t.ion was a time of and blcssin g. We send you . New Year greetings:
Souls were saved and sanctified wholly. The precious Blood cleanseth from all
District ,Superintendent C. B. Jernig:an sin. The fire of Pentecost is burning in
and preached wtth our souls and the Comforter sweeth
hts accustomed vtgor and power. abides. Hallelujah! The Lord is
.Tames . Hughes, for!"erly a to the upright in heart.
At Hutchinson pastor and transferred his These are blessed days in His service
in a ' Christmas r evival. The altar was church relation to the Church of and He is 'permitting us to witness
often filled and many prayed through. and blessed some gracious manifestations of His
Bro. Chambers is a success sure; they ance m _the Evangelist D. mighty power amid our humble l abors .
. have r eceived .twenty-six members since H. Colvm. also_ was:with us a days All glory t'o His. matchless name!
the Asse
mbly and added a primary de- and. preached
.a heart senrcbmg way. The annual mid-winter holiness c:ou-
. d h Smce mv commg here as pastor, No-
d h
1 partment to the school tl1ere, an t ey b
h eceived vent10n Just c ose m t e nrge c npe
are so crowded t hat they have to. en- vt em tert . ' t th' whe have 'tr}, hall of the Nazarene Institute of
. . b 'ld' wen y- wo In o e c nrc . Wl P' l t n . t T
large their already spnmous u1 . !ng . . . t f
w - -- 1 o ,.!;"om . exas. u
Rev . . James .Hughes, an- ol d __ of
is increasing in numbers Rev: Sg'th :0.-__
Bro Chambers from Iowa, 'Qmted wJth d . 6. f d "w h e st was our- preacher and l ender. Th1s was
the church -there. He is a scholar of or a t e one of the greatest meeting_s held iu
rare w6rth and a mighty preacher. . e -:: c
1 r mEnd w a t his State for power, salvat.ion, fruitful -
Rev D H Colvin, ev.angelist, was with fis In c atrgde
t f c
ses t . nalnHa.
".r e'snsaun'n
ness and effectiveness, and for general
. h ormer s u en o n rc 10 - d
f b k 11 1'
us three days and d1d some fine preac - 't . . Th L d . bl . g eve opment o t e wor on a mes.
. verst Y e IS essm
Specially touching the college. r escue.
g. greatly. h r t d . .
We have planned a
i -
was glorio sly con- orp .evange 1s 1c an miSSionary
ne ous sou. ' . u enterprises. 0, what power and
Great District Camp Meeting verted I.n. tbethmeeLbngd ]bast mght.f Wire rested upon t he preacher , the \V'or<l.
ar e e or o .Js the work and the people!
for Hutchinson, Kansas. <Tune 3-13. L. dealmgs w1th us. .He 1s answermg. . Several hundred souls wer e at thl'
Milton Williams and I. G. Martin, with prayer and enlargmg Ott_!:' borders. altars and the most of this number
the District Superintendent_ and one of Pray for us. We a fattbful band were saved, reclaimed and sanctified .
the General Superintendents will be in of workers who know ho'v to pray ,vhollyl The college ancl ...
its vnr

the lead. We expect to make this a tb h "
. t t' f th d' t 'ct Plan ro?g . . departments are moving on with
coa mg s n ton or e IS r1 Our n_ow known the Kan- smoothness arid acceptability.
to come. F:as Hohnes_s and Bible SchoC!l. This is a fine body of students who
At Plainville Mrs. Hoke. IS the are studying the Word and prepnring
we dedicated the new $3000 church. It and .. W? alm themselves for life's duties and .their
was a great day. The snow nad been to c_are for and mstruct. pupils
all possibilities. The church berl'
on the ground. for six weeks but folks t he branches_ besides the is moving forward with n tread of vir-
came anyway. There was a debt of Jar Btble course and m tory. The pastor, Rev. B. M. Kilgore.
$900 which was paid in just a few min- other special studies. . is doing blessed and substantial work
utes amid shouts of joy. Our pastor, We a first cl_nss eql!Ipm_ent for The doors of the. church were opened
Rev. J. B. l\1ickey, is a hustler and he ;.ocal and mstrumentnl muslcnl mstrnc- the last night of the meeting and ther1
has a bustling church. Here we found

were quite a number of men, women.
our district evangelist, Rev. R. E. Gil- n e are expecting great things from boys and girls who "came in with n
more, of Wichita, .Kansas, in a r eal old- God. H. M. Chambers, Pastor. shout." Ob. such shouting, Jenping
time revival. He k,now"s how to get for joy. singing in the Spirit.
the church to pray the heavens op_en. PITTSBURG DISTRICT. Many workers, saints, preachers and
En route home we touched Salina, \Ve bad the plMsure of conducting well-wishers came to enjoy this fcnst
Kansas, where we have a few Nazarenes a New Year's holiness for and to assist in pushing the battl e wit h
but no church. There was a r evival on, their songs. prayers, tenrs. shout s.
conducted by Rev. J . T. Bivins, Free three days in Oil City, Pa., with splen- moneys, and glad hallelujahs.
Methodist, and Rev. G. W. Kearns, U. did results. About t hi rty for The many workers and members and
B. Both full of fire-a fine place to pardon or holiness in the three days ministers of our church; on this dis-
plant a mission church if we had some and not a barren altar call. Thank the t.rict, who attended this royal f east .
mission money. Lord! The meeting was held under the will go out and down into their work
If we had $500 home mission money auspices of the holiness association of with a greater flame of holy fire. great-
we could plant several mission churches the city, with Bro. A. G. Whitehill .!S er currents of divine_ power, larger
in the large town!! on our district. Dr. its efficient president. We have held visions of His with a Rtr'onger
. Brooks is in full swing in his Bible several meetings for these f9lks within faith to push the battle for God and
school at Bethany Station, Oklahoma .the last few years and always have a ::;ouls. with t hflt quenchless passion to
City, in the Oklahoma Holiness College. time of salvation. We are invited back see and get men saved. and sanctified,
We expec.t great times at Bethany when for a siege meeting in April at whi ch with a larger outlook, a cl earer uplook.
the Milton William's meeting comes off, t ime we hope to organize a Pentecostal nnd a brighter in look for our work, tb'e
January 28th. Nazarene church. Closed with sixteen n'enr Rpproaeh of our coming Lord and
Pray for the work here we are try- at the altar and a good feeling on the King. and for "The White City that's
ing to plant in every open door in this part' of the people and a demand for coming (}lory 1
new territory. We want to get our another meeting as soon as possible. We opened up bnttle here (Lufkin,
20, 1910] Naz.ar.en'e
. I,.

Texas) for our church, in the large, ..BERKELEY. CAL. . /
new court house .on last Thursday night I thank the LQrd we have . . d people
and the prospects are brilliant for a here we can ' count on. Quite a'> number
blessed sweep of power and salvation. of one of mr y p.eople are the
' A fine band of Nazarenes live here. Our A
slate is rapidly filling_ for year . . Lord; some getting blcs< We are
'hose who wish our labors as district . looking upward a gra-
evangelists on this district or in other cious revival. Our watch-night meeting
-fields will commUnicate with us at Box was a time of The liburs
Point, Texas. .J>assed all too soo.n.; at close three young
men came to the. altar seeking a clean
ILL, heart. Sunday. was a good day all day.
. . pastor in the morning
Ou,r renyal meetmg, conducted by from He b. 2 :1; in the evening from
Rev; C. A. Bromley, . closed last night Luke 6:7, .8. l)eep :conviction on un-
after two weeks of blessed victory, with .. saved. At close several" came. to
souls at . most every service. We are for We -are this
t ld b th h h b h f r year to be a year of victory all
o . ose w o ave een ere. o along the line. .
years 1t one of best meetlJ?gs Mrs. Phebe Epperson Pastor.
held p.t thi!!J . place. Sm.ners were Im- '
pressed with the . goodness of God;
seekers were finders and the people of
God inspired to ev.er be true. , . My heart is with you in the work of
We will all be glad to have our the Nazarene church, and all of its de-
brother. come this way_ again. His partments. r' belong to Brot her Hen-
preaching . is clear and .. in.sp.j.dn g ; . his
teaching logi_c
L . ;He is tru.ly in Ore. We a.re
\"s.weet exponent of perfeet love. 'Ne Nazaren': church here
commend him to the ' brethren everv- . m McMmnville, and praise . Lord
where_ . c. H. Strong, Pastor. : . ... . dfor":, the. prospect the
We are glad to report in our
church here. Our services are increas-
ing in interest and attendance. \Ve are
having souls saved or sanctified nearly
every week. Had four at the .altar last
Sabbath, two in the morning and t\vo
in the evening. \Ve will begin ou'r r e-
s: D. Crawford.
" . .
I wish to say that I belong to the Naz-
arene church at Troy, Idaho. I live at
Clarkston, \\rashington, a distance of
forty miles, and can not get t here very
often. Praise the Lord, He is with me
Jiere in rriy home and the waves of sal-
vival services January 14th.
A. R. Welch.
Pastor:- .. .. vation sweep over nay soul' in fathom-
. less billows of love; praise His holy
Well, glory! Ark keeps coming !
Blessed times! Our Christmas
dses jn the s unday school were the best
we ever htrd-glorions! Bcatitiful
watch night meeting with the Ken-
tucky sisters. Yesterday Rev. Andrew
JQhnson began with us. How he does
preach! What a glorious meeting we
had! T\VO brethren united with us in
L. D. Peavey.
name. How I do long to attend some of
t hose holiness meetings. It would be
like a r eal family reunion to sit around
our heavenly Father's table and par-
take of the bread of life and drink in
the fullness of the of salvation
and the oil of gladness; where the Holy
Spirit administers to all who are sanc-
We held a at Southwick.
Idaho, a little later an)id great opposi-
tion, though only a little band of us
who were faithful. The Lord gave us
great victory. q howtbe power came
upon us arid your humble servant got
wonderfully blessed in spirit and in
power that I long for another engage-
ment against the hosts of Satan.
R. H. Eves.
over three score years agQ, . and thank
God I liave not lost my birthright yet.
Hallelujah ! At that time there were
centers of fire equal to al').y .modern
Nazarene fire now-4\-days; and to my
sorrow I ' have seen them put out by
sentimental preaching, void of Holy
Ghost power. The reason is, the
-help that the Na:?arene teaching bas_
been. to me personally.\ And the third
reasc;m is, tbe help it has been to the
world and mankind generally. There
has been nQ evangelistic mo.vement in
the last hundred years that has done
half the good the Pentec9stal Nazarene
.Church has done in the last fifteen
years; and the church is in its infancy.
May the ministry and the layety keep
low and not get in love with filthy
lucre. This church, co-operating with
the Prohibitionist, is the two
main factors in, God for the salvation of
the world. N. Parker.
.. .iiJ Jfl
HUGG-Emma :fi.cid was born Dec.
24, -1851, died Dec\: 31, 1909, at her--home
near Howard, Kansas. She became the
wife- oi Saniuei .. Hugg;-septemoer- 29, -
1884. Early in life she became a Chris- '
tian, un.ited with the M. E. church and
in l904 became a member of' the Church
of 'the Nazarene. A husband and two
sons mourn her departure, but our loss
is her gain. Sister Hugg 'vas a firm
believer -in the doctrine of the Church
of the Nazarene, a strong advocate of
holiness, and thus died in the triumphs
of a living faith. Those who knew her
best are fully assured that the .gates
swung open wide for her admittance,
and now she joins the heavenly throng
of the r edeemed in giving all honor to
our King, having r eceived the crown of
life that . is prd,mised to those that are
faithful unto death. We feel sure had
our redeemed sister many lives to live,
she would heartily and gladly lay them
at His feet.
. 0. W. Edwards, Pastor .
.. JJ ..
Praise God for victory. My soul is
on th-e wing. Th_e ark is coming up the
road. Rev. R. L. Erickson began meet-
ing here 26th. God put His seal on
the first meeting by saving an old in-
fidel. Some at the altar every service.
Two young men got- gloriously saved at
an afternoon cottage meeting. This
town is stirred as never before. The
Methodist nnd Baptist ministers are
coming in and helping push the battle.
Bless GQ.d. Now let everyone who
reads this unite . with us in prayer for
salvation of sinners and sanctify-
ing of believers in this mountain State.
Alex J. MeN eill.
In the issue of December 30th I find
a notice to this effect: "If you ha 'if
been _helped by reading the Messenger,
send us a This opens a 'vide
door and if it was filled as it might be
you wo.uld have .to enlarge your border.
As it regards my owp experience I have
been helped in various ways and for
various reasons. First, I was born a
Nazarene, after the John Wesley type,
The believer does not wal.k in dark-
n ess; that is the abode of sin. It is in
the light each. one should walk-the
light which leads out of the fog, the
mist, the clouds, and grows more and
more to the perfect day. The nearer
we come to a light the brighter it be-
comes. The nearer we approach the
source of God's light the brighter be-
comes to the believer. Nearness to
Jesus Christ means bright, clear, radi-
ant light, illuminating the heart and
making known the will of God. "Fol-
lowing afar off" means walking in the
shadow, in the dark, and consequently
into false ways and false doctrines.
There is nothing like keeping snug up
t o Jesus if we would .be sound in doc-
trine and clean in practice. '' In thy
light shall we see light. "-Wesleyan
P. F. Bruee, Editor
R. - ORice Editor
C. J. Kinne, - A88t. Editor:and IJIU, Mgr.
Enwred at tho J)08t-office. Aug. 7 1900, at Loe
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Publl8ned Evory Thursday. .
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Nazarene Messenger
t his city.
his people
Bro: Stone, the pastor,
gave happy welcome ..
On Wednesday evening Bro. L. F.
Gay and wife attended the missionar-
ies to Whittier. . The meeting was
large and .enthusiastic. Bro. Gay sp,oke
briefly in reference to the methods of
carrying on the work. In no place is
Bro. Gay more at horne than .on
mission platform, and there are few
laymen or minist ers whom the people
ar e more glad to listen to. The mission-
aries all. spoke and the peopl e seemed
much edified in reference to the work.
Bro. Fluck i s having victory in
.t ier.
A good attendance, full of earnest
NAZARENE PUBLISHINq co. .. desire and expectancy looked into the
ws ANGELES, CAL. faces of the speakers at Vernon on Fri-
day night; The pastor, Bro. Pierce,
ha4 everyt hing in good .. order, and his
peopl e well hand in aii depart ments
of the missionary work. They had been
THE MISSIONARY ITINERARY . well instructed in r egard to methods
Several more places have been visit- of work, and it 'vas their j oy to hear
ed during the past week by our outgo- the intense words of the divine call of
ing missionaries toJapan. On :Monday . the servants the LorQ. and of God's
night a good audience welcomed them leading hand, bringing them on their
to way this far. The hearts of the people
Cucamonga. seemed to bound with joy, that they
As t hey spoke, the blessing of the too were workers together with God in
Lord fell upon t he people, and there this great salvation.
was much joy and holy 'triumph. The
Lord is giving prosperity to this peo-
ple. Bro. Griffin, the pastor, is abun-
dant in labors, and efficient, not only
in the pulpit but in house to house vis-
iting and in personal w:ork. There
seems to be a general spirit of convic-
. tion upon the people, which is not com-
mon in these days. Some remarkable
conversions have taken place. All re-
joiced in the privilege of meeting and
hearing the missionaries, and evidenced
their glad purpose to bear them on
their hearts before the throne.
On Tuesday night they were at Po-
mona. A goodly number from Ontario
were present and added much to t he
enthusiasm of the meeting. The mis-
sionaries were all heard, and their
statement of their call to the mission
work, their special l eadings, and the
overruling providences of God were
full interest and a r eal means . of
grace to the many people present. It
was a jo'y to fhid this young church so
comfortably situated in their new
building. Very much has been accom-
plished during the last few months in
Compton Avenue.
Sabbath morning was somewhat
rainy, .but it was refreshing to find the
church arowded with children-some
of them of maturer years-studying
the Word in the Sab'Qath school. Then
the cliurch was full, a'nd the 'service
went on. A missionary meeting is no
strange t hing in t his church. It has the
distinctive glory of raising more mis-
sionary money according to its mem-
bership. than any other church in our
coQnection,' and we doubt if numbers
and ability are taken into account
there is any church in any connection
in this country that does as well. With
an average membership .or the past
year of about a hundred and fifty, they
raised during the year ' from December
1, 1908, to November 30, 1909, $1326.91
for missions. This was not a matter of
a great enthusiastic offering, but com-
ing in r egularly every month. Neither
did it interfere with other interests.
The were regularly
and promptly met, a considerable . sum
raised to apply church debt, and all
other interests looked after. It was the
thoughtful, prayerful use of the envel-
[January 20, 1910
opes each month, with enthusiastic
leadership. There were present at t he
service Rev. C. E. Cowman and wife
and Miss Kilbourne from Japan. Their
successful work in that country is well
known. The missionaries spoke with
special unction, an.d there was great
First Church, Los Angeles.
Sabbath pight the missionaries had a
large and enthusiastic hearing at First
Church. At th.e opening of the
Rev. J. A. Chenault, one of the mis-
sionaries who had been elected t.o
Elders Orders by the Abilene District
Assembly, was ordained by General
Superintendent P. F. Bresee, assisted
by several elders who were present.
The college students sang. Bro. and
Sister and Sister Kilbourne rc>-
ceived hearty r ecognition when
:werc introduced, the audience rising
and singing and waying their palms of..
victory. The missionaries were heard
with much interest, and a great _glory
was upon the audience, which was not
disu.1issed, but given opportunity, amid
songs of rejoicing, to gather about the
altar and take tb.em ' by the hand.
"' . P. F . B.
,;1 .II .II
Those who look for the work of God
to go on tlirough a sanctified church
have not forgotten that the young men
and women are to be educated, and
that it needs to be done under the
sacr ed, hallowed influences of the. Holy
Ghost. That ther.e should be education
where the professors are orthodox, but
not that alone, but w'her e they know
t he fullness of the blessing of Christ,
so that the very air of t he institution
would be .filled with the holiest of in-
fluences, where every class room should
be as a holy altar, and the gatherings
be sweet and holy places where Jesus
is the honored Guest. Where the real
end of life is not felt simply as a duty,
but a glad, joyous privilege-to glorify
God and enjoy Him forever. That with
such environments our young people
should be educated, drinking o the
waters of divine love flowing from frc-
and holy anointings,
that they may go forth to all the variecl
positions and labors of life, rooted and
grounded in t:l;uth, which is made so
experimental that their lives shall be
luminous and blest ..
With this earnest purpose in view,
some of our people in Southern Califor-
nia a fe'v years ago organized, and se-
January 20. 1910]
cured a charter from the State, for
"The Nazarene university and Deets
Pacific Bible College.'' Though the
first clause of the name w:ould have
covered the last as one of its colleges,
yet as it was noi desired to especially
advertize what was not yet in
ence as a fact as well as chartered. and
it was determined to begin with that
wliich our needs pressed us to most, the
name of the Bible College was made
prominent. This first department-
"The Deets Pacific Bible .Colleg.e"-
was opened has been in very suc-
cessful operation for a half-dozen years.
Several classes -have been graduated,
and the work greatly reinforced by it,
some of the graduates being among our
foremost preachers, others serving hi
different capacities. This year is the
best of the years thus far. The larger
attendance, the new Dean, Rev. W. W.
Danner, who is doing especially excel-
Hmt work,. with a fine corps of profes-
sors; and the added Academic Course,
with Miss Prof. Cora Snider, an especi-
.ally"' cultured and adapted pteceptress,
with exceptionally excellent professor s,
have brought us on a goodly way.
A still further advance is now plan-
ned. It has seemed providential to
change its location. It has hith;e,rto
been in quite comfortable quarters at
Twenty-eighth and San Pedro streets,
Los Angeles, yet this has always been
regarded as a temporary location.
About three years ago, through the
great generosity of Mr. and Mrs. Jack-
son Deets of Upland, Cal., a very beau-
tiful campus of about nine acres was
purchased in the western part of the
city, costing $30,000. The Board of
Trustees and friends of the Institution
have become convinced that, for the
founding of the great Institution which
Providence seems to indicate that this
is to be, larger grounds are a necessity.
After careful and prayerful study and
examination into possibilities, a large
and beautiful tract of land ha.s been
purchased at Pasadena- a city of about
40,000 inhabitants, which is far famed,
its attractions being world-wide, be-
cause o.f its beauty and healthfulness,
the people loving to emphasize what its
name suggests, that it is " The Crown
of t he Valley.'' It is a suburb of Los
Angeles and seems to have every ad-
vantage for such an Institution.
What seems to me to be the most
beautiful location in or about it for such
a purpose, has been purchased for this
University. A plat of land of one hun-
dred and thirty-four acres, within a
Nazarene Meaaenger
few minutes' ride from the center of
the city, lying aimost under. the shadow
of the beautiful Sierra Madre moun-
tains, on the eastern side of Hill avenue,
ovet:looki.Dg the city and valley, said
to be one of the most beautiful valleys
in the world; causing Bishop Gilbert
Haven, as he lboked upon it, to call it
"the Damascus of America," perfectly
level only as. it slightly slopes towards
the south. At the upper end is a kind
of palatial residence, with other build-
ings, with finely o-rnamented groUnds
and great trees, all facing a beautiful
palm avenue. It is where the frosts
do not nip the most delicate flowers or
foliage, with a climate all the year most
salubrio.us and healthful; a place that
charms every beholder and which is
universally a4mitted to be ideal.
Though the purchase price was one hun-
dred and sixty-five thousand dollars
($165,000), yet it was providentially
cheap, and offers largely in advance
were- alm()st immediately made for it.
It is exp-ected that about thirty
will be. reserved for a and that
the rest will be converted into resi-,
dence lots for those who may desire to
live near the University.
Here it is eitpected the school
will be opened next year, such addition-
al buildings as may be necessary for
the housing of the school being erected.
Also that a College of Arts and other
d epartments will be added, and that
comparatively soon the pressing need
of a real University, under the most
reverent, sacred and holy influences,
will be at hand.
. The buildings and grounds where the
school is now carried on, together with
. the campus in the western part of the
city, will probably be sold, and thtf re-
turns put into the new enterprise, which
is but the fruitage of the old . .
All of the friends of the school will
rejoice with those who have been more
especially carrying burden and feel-
ing . the. heat of the day.
The Sabbath services at the Vernon
Church wer e attended by incr eased
congregations, and were blessed by the
manifest presence of the Holy Spirit.
The fellowship of the saints is becom-
ing sweeter, their love deeper and their
faith stronger. A cry is going up for
a gracious reyival, and good things arc
expected from the Lord.
Miss Clary D. Brown was married to
Mr. Fred A. Philbrick at the residence
of her mother , on Twentieth street, Los
Angeles, on the evening of January 5,
Dr. P. F. Bresee officiating.
Notes and Personals
The church at Pilot Point, Texas, has .
greatly revived by the meetingR
r ecently held by Rev. Seth C. Rees.
A good New Year's resolution-to
pay up your own subscription for the
Messenger and also to send it for a
year to a friend.
The "Gospel Stamp" is a quiet but
effective way of spreading the good
tidings. A new and beautiful series is
by our Publishing Company.
An aU-day meeting will be held at
Long Beach Church on Friday, January
28. All N azarenes and friends are in-
vited to be present, .bring their basket
lunch. and stay all day.
General Superintendent H. F. Rey-
nolds is now permanently settled at 300
W. 65th street, Chicago, lll., where he
cari be addressed on the business of the
church and missionary society.
Bro. S. M: -Stafford of Jalisco, Mex-
ico writes: ''Everything is going fine
here at the present. praise the Lord.
Almost every service there is some one
at t he altar; to our God be all the
Sister Palmer, pastor of our Mricau
church in Pasadena, has been movinga
cottage on the newly purchased lot to
be used as a parsonage, and work on
her new chapel will begin in the near
Calls are coming to the District Su-
perintendent of Southern California for
meetings in new fields, and arrange-
ments are being made to meet the de-
mand as far as possible. God calls us
to spread holiness over these lands, and
we expect to fulfill our calling .
The San Diego church is putting a
new ceiling in their tabernacle this
week which, when completed, will give
it a new effect throughout and will be
much easier to heat. Our Bro. Bowes
is doing a noble work among this peo-
ple. Blessings upon him and his work.
Rev. S. B. Rhodes, who labored much
in Southern California, contemplates a
visit with us in the neaT future, and
will be at liberty to hold meetings or
give his course of illustrated sermons
which are of inter est to our people.
. \Vrite him at 2137 Clinton avenue, Ala-
. meda. Cal.
Bro. C. P. Lanpher, associate pastor
of our church at Lowell, 1\Iass . writes :
"We appreciate the weekly visitS of the
Messenger. We are constantly
ahead here in First Church and God i"s
gtvmg gracious increase. We antici-
pate the visit of Dr. Bresee to our
New England Assembly this spring . .,
Los Angeles and Vicinity
Rainy was the weather last Sabbath;
but congregations were large at F'irst
Church. '\Vc praise the that win-
ter weather does not dampen the ardor
of real
It. was "Pentecostal Missionary Sqn-
day," and the Head of the missionary
cause was present and potent.
Pastor Walker in the morn-
ing from Acts 1:8: "Yc shall r eceive
power.'' The Christian's calling is to
re-present Christ. And this is to be not
only in holy life, but also in holy min-
istry. Jesus came not only to show us
the Father; but to do t he work the
Father gave Him. to do. At twelve
years of age He said, "I must be about
my Father's business.'' His mother
had referred to Joseph a!': His father;
but His mind was lifted from the earth-
ly to the heavenly. Though He was, in-
cidentally, a car penter. He came to seck
and to save that which. was- lost. With
Himself He associates His own in lhis
great work. As of Himself He said. '' I
am the light of the world''; to His (lis-
ciples He said, "Ye are the light of the
world." As of Himself He sai d, "I
came into the world that the world
through me might be saved"; to His
disciples He gave the commission, "Go
into all the world and preach the gos-
-p.el. to every creature," to the that
men believing might be saved. '\Ve
have exactly . the same business here
that He had. To His Father; when He
was praying for the sanctification of
those whom the Father had given Him.
He said, tt As thou hast sent me into t he
world, even so also send I t hem into the
world.'' To His disciples He said. ''As
Father has sent me, even so send I you.
And .when he had said this he breathed
on them, and saith unto them, Receive
ye the Holy Ghost." All our earthly
avocations are incidental , secondar y.
and contributive to the main business
of the enlig4tenment and salvation of
others. It is not our duty to "make
a living." "Your heavenly Father
knoweth that ye have need of all these
t hings.'' Our business is to '' seek first
the Kingdom of God and His righteous-
ness. " It is His assuran ce that, if we
so .do, our and. 0\1-r drinking and
our clothing will be added unto us. And
most especially tlie Christian must not
lay up treasures on earth for himself.
but should lioard his wealth in heaven.
His chien)usiness is to bring his fellow
men to the exper.ience in which they
can sing, "The Lord i's my light_ and
my salvation." And for t his He prom-
ises power. He assures us of success i n
oitr Christian mission:
. . .
In the afternoon the pastor prescntecl
to. the people the text, ''And in that day
ye shall say, Prais.e ye the Lord, call
upon his name, declare his doings
the people, make mention that
his name is exalted.'' Ps. 12 :4. Pente-
costal mission to other-s, inspir ing them
to prayer, publishing. Thr.ee
professed conversion at very
hlesscd service.
At night, General Sup erintendent Dr.
Bresee had charge. Jacob Anderson
Chenault was ordained elder. Br o. nnd
Sister Thompson, Sister Upperman and
Bro. Chenault-all soon to depart as
missionaries to Japan-told us t heir
personal experience and call to this
work. On the' platform-in loving
Christly interest-were Bro.
and and Miss Kilbourne, recently
returned from the mission field in
Japan. .
Mrs. Mae C. Peter of 3016 Inez slreet
and Miss Minnie Agnes Upperman, en
route to Japan, were r eceived in church
membership with l,lS.
E. F. W.
The Young People's meeting on Fri-
day evening lead by Bro. C. E. McKee
was made memorable by an unusual
manifestation of the div.ine glory. Af-
ter a season of earnest prayer , duri ng
which the heavens seemed to open upon
ns, and a brief message by one of our
college girls, opportunity was given for
testimony. There was the . old-time
swing of freedom and liberty and many
shouted aloud for joy. The ring of
victory resounded in the songs and in
the voices of those who testified.
J.P. C.
The annual meeting of the Sunday
School Board of First Chruch was held
Tuesday evening, January 11th, at the
home of Dr. P. F. Bresee, at which the
following officers were el ected and ap-
pointed for the ensuing year: Super-
intendent, R. E. Shaw; Assistant Super-
intendents, Mrs. F. A. I;aw and C. 0 .
Bancroft; Superintendent of Primary
Department, :;\Irs. Paul Bresee; Assis-
tant, Miss Clara Ghcn; Superintendent
of Kindergarten Department; Miss
J enn ie Dick; Assistant,. Miss Grace
Todd; Secretary of. Primary and Kin-
dergarten Department.<>, Miss Sue Bre-
see; Financial Secretary, Miss Alice
Rhssell; Assistant, Miss Esther Killin-
ger; Corresponding Secretary and Li--
brarian, J. C. Holman; Treasurer, Mrs.
J . C. Ennor ; Organist, Miss Edith Ben-
ton .
Sabbath day was filled with rich
things for our little flock. There were
188 enrolled . in the Sabbath sc.hool.
Thirty-eight certificates, ten New Tes-
taments and forty-two Bibles have been
awarded for rcgular attendance. .
The Lord wns. good to us in letting
ns look into the faces of t he four con-
secrated missionaries who are about to
start to t heir God-appointed field of
labor (Japan) , and their testimonies
we:i:e an inspiration to our hearts. We
were also blessed in having with us our
[January 20, 1910
General and Bro. and
Sister Cowman, . together with Qther
visiting laborers for t he Master.
In the evening it seemed good to have
our dear. pastor .bring us a message
again from the Word of . Life, it being
the first time she has preached sine('
. .
God crowned t he day with six seek-
. ers (.each an .answer to -prayer) who
gave testimony to deliverance.
C. D. C.
The Lord is giving His Word a splen-
did hearing with many nc'v faces, who
ar e coming every Sabbath to kno.w
about the doctrine of full salvation . The
seed is being well and f alling
into good groupd, and is being watered
with many prayers and much faith, and
in due season ''we shall reap, and we
shall 1;10t faint." The .pastor. preached
at 11 a. m. fr.:om Mathew 3:11 on "The
Baptism with the Holy Ghost,''. and
t he message was blessed to the
saints. In the evening the subject: was
" The Temptation of Jesus," befdre a
large congr egation that filled the
church . .
Next. Sabbath will be ''Missionary
Sabbath," with. the . General Superin-
tendent and t he four outgoing mission-
aries to Japan. The pastor will preach
a missionary sermon in the . morning,
and the missionarieS" will have charge of
the night meeting. Mrs. McCampbell
will have charge of the 6:30 meeting.
Our special meetings with Fred St.
Clair will begin on February 20th, and
will probably continue until Easter.
Pray for us.
The usual aU-day meeting, which was
discontinued during the holiday season,
will be resumed on next Thursday,
January 27th, but with only an after-
noon and evening session. The first
meeting will be at 2 p. m. and the even-
ing meeting at 7 :30 p. m. Let all the
friends r ally for these two meetings.
C. V. L.
The Lord has been wonderfully bless-
ing t he people here the last weeks.
Last W cdnesday afternoon holiness
meetings. are to be held ever y
Wednesday at 2:30, were cQnduct.ed.
It was a glorious meeting. One man,
who has been addicted to the drink
habit, was converted, and two believers
' vcre sanctified.
All the services of. Sunday last were
attended with blessi ng, and an unusu-
ally large att endance was present both
morning and evening.
Bro. Wilson , our pastor, preached a
.r emarkable sermon in the morning; at
the close of which the sacrament of the
Lord's Supper was observed, 57 people
coming fprwarQ. to partake of it.
Bro. Guy Wilson preached at the
evening service, the last of a series of
servic.es which he has bee11- conduct ing
January 20: 19101
every evening in the church her e fm: the
last few weeks. His text was John 3.:
16 and Bro. Guy spoke especiall y on the
infinite love of God and the efficacy of
the blood of Jesus. Four seekers were
at the altar for sanctifica.tion and r ecla-
mation. One girl especially was brought
t hrough to victory. Glory to
J esus! Edna Murray.
Since our last r eport God h as
wonderfully blessil;tg us. souis have
been saved and sanctified. This Sab-
. bath bas been a most glorious day.
Two young. ladies were sanctified at the
morning service. God wonderfu1ly
blessed t he evening meeting. Convic-
tion deepening, interest growing.
crowds coming as God is getting al l
the glory. Amen. C. W. Griffin.
Sunday, January 16th, proved to he
a day both well and profitably spent iu
God's service. The attendance 'vas
good, and some new faces were seen in
our midst. God gave libert.y in preach-
ibg the Word. and we feel assured
there will be fruit from it. Some of
our most efficient workers expect" to re-
move to Texas, and then others are ser-
iously ill, all of. which we feel keenly.
of course, t hose t hings come in t his
li fe. We are l eaning on the evcrlasti nf!
arms, and at:e going on. 1\fay God go
with our brother and sister and make
them a great blessing in the Stat e of
Texas, T. S. Mashburn,
It was our privilege to have Evan-
gelist Cbas. B. Allen of Denver, Colo ..
and Dr. W. B. Godby with ns in t.lw
Sunday mor ning service. Dr. Godby.
several times reported dead, is appar-
ently lively and aggressive as ever.
Bro. Allen delivered an inspirin,g mes-
sage on t he "Garden Covenant."
Many testified to being greatly blessed
by the message. One young lady
united wit h the church. In t he
noon service one man was saved. The
day was one of special rc,joicing for thc
improved Mndition of the church. .As
a brother testified, it had r eceived th<'
second blessing. Last Sunday we asked
for an offering to buy lumber to line
the entire inside of the church, and
thus covered the rafters and barred
out the draft, and the congregation
gave with an hilarious spirit a total
o"tfering for the day of $181,25. Six to
eight of the brethren set to work on
Monday and stuck to it with
interest (some working until nine or
ten o'clock at night). so that on Snh-
bath we had practically a. new church.
[t was a wonderful improvement. It
w-ould seem that the extra call on t.IH
people. would have affected the J'egnlar .
church offering, but t hat was $26.74.
fn. spite of the mud and r ain, good con-
gregations came to worAhip in a com-
fortable, . cJ:mrch.
With a bright o'lttlook, '"e give Go'd all
the glory, and presA forward for
greater victory.
Alpin M. Bowes,
With the cri_es of happy children, the
prattle of new-born souls and the
prayers of saints all mixed in the noise
of ):>attic. we have seen the ending of
the ol d year and the beginning of the
new at t he Spanish mission. \Ve rc-.
joice in what o"ur eyes h.ave seen of t he
power and pr esence of God witn our
people this winter.
Our Christmas t reat of plenty of
good things to eat to over 100 people
was a great success. Some of onr hoys
ha've consecr at ed their lives to the min-
iRtry and are bringing f orth fruit.
Twelve soulA have found pardon at our
altnr since the first of the year and one
has crossed the Jordan. At our baptis-
mal service eight persons were buried
with Ch:rist. and " 'e have as many more
to baptize at 1\ near date.
. William Peterson.
('":_:._ : ____ _
Praise the Lord! These are good
days with us in Nordhoff. God is giv-
ing victory in our special meQtings with
Sister Lula B. Rogers of Los Angel es.
which began Friday.. the 7th. Sunday,
the 9th. was a good day throughout.
One brother was sanctified at the morn-
ing service; several came forward .. ir.
the afternoon ser vicP. as well as the
evening service. Several
througl1 to \'ictory in cnch sc>rvic<'.
Thos. J. O'Neal , Pastor.
This fall and winter God is gracious-
bl essitig our pastois and churehes
with r<'vival interest. While our J?<'O-
ple a re always in the husiness of press-
ing the battle for souls. yet th<'r e nr<'
times of special inter<'st when God in
grent power upon t he people.
thus a number . of our c>hnrches have
had spe<>ial manifestations of God's
grnce in the ingnthering of souls .iu th<'
last few 'veeks. I f ully believe our
camp meeting was n f! reat blessing to
this end. and the various churchi s were
qui ckened into new passion for soul
. .
On the eighfh of January I nrri ved
in Santa Bar bara to <>omnH'n<'c special
mnetin.gs nt Sister Smtdder 's FRith
T foun d tbe pf'opl<' very glad
lo welcom<' me nlthongh word of my
coming hacl not r each<'d them in tinw
to f!ivc good noti c>C' of th<'
This mission was hlished som<'
years ago nnd has unclnr God done a
noble work Rlong mission lines. But.
in later years. on account of t.he
strength of Sister Scudder. the work
hAS lost much of its interest, and the
people -have in a very large degree
SCf\ttered.. Our meetings have not been
as largely attended as we had hoped,
but t her e has been a growing interest
and new ones are coming into t he se;r-
vices. A . number have been .at the altar
and others . have expressed .their inter-
est in full salvation. Bro. Elliott came
on Wednesday and is to be with . me
her e through the meeting. God bas
wonderfully used pur brother in tlie
sal vation of the lost, and be just closed
a precious meeting with our church in
Whit t ier in which from seventy-five to
a hundred soul s ' vere seeking at the
altar . Let the people pray for the
meeting here. I trust we shall have
mor e: to report next week.
J . W. Goodwin, Dist. Supt .
In addition to the following chutrches
in Southern California, District Super-
intendent Linaweaver of the San Fran-
. cisco District, sends us the . follow.ing
list of appointments. for the . .outgoing
missionaries, who sail from San Fran-
cisco February 1st:
San Diego, Friday. J an. 21, 7 p. m.
Pasadena, First . Church, Sunday,_
Jan. 23. 11 a. m.
Pasadena, Second Church, Jan 23,
2:30 p. m. .
Grand A vc. 23, 7 :30 p. m.
Bakersfield, Jan. 24. 7 :30 p. m.
J an. 25-Arrive at Oakland.
J an: 26-San J ose (two of t hem),
7:30 p. m.
J an. 26--Milton (two of tliem), 7 :30
p.m. .
Jan. 27-San Francisco, 7 :30 p. m.
Jan . . aU-day meeting
and mission{lr y rally for the District.
Jan. 30-Alameda. 11 a . . m.
.Tan. 30-0ak)and, 2:30 and 7:30
p .. m.
.!II .. ..
A very interesting Missionary Meet-
ing was held by the young people of
the First Church, Los Angeles, on
Sabbath night last, when Miss Minnie
U ppennan, one of the outgoing mis-
sionaries to Japan, .gave an interesting
talk. A good audknce was present
and deep interest was manifested.
A subscri ber writes: " The Messen-
ger is a great blessing t.o our home, and
we look forward with joy to its arrival
<'a<'h week. )[av God's blessing con- .
t? rest upon it."
'Vill secretari es of District Assem-
blies. who l1ave had their minutes
printed, please send a copy of each to
R<'v. R. Pierce. General Secretary, 730
San Pedro street. l .. os Angeles.
.:11 .,. .,.
" A pple!'l of Gold" is just the hoolr
for nn inspirinsr gift. It will h1E'88 tlu
c:nul and inspire faith. Send f01' one.
25 cents postpaid : 10 for t2.
Deets Pacific _Bible College
641 E. 28th St Lo. .A.,.,e"- Cal.
. MAT&ON, MR& S . M. ELY
Chapel Service Each Morning at 8:80. . ,.
Monday, 9 A. M.-Homllettcs ................ .;.;.;. Rev. R. Pierce
10 A.M.-Moral Science ....... : .. nev. W. W. Danner
11 A. Biography ........... Rev. W. W. Danner
Tuesday, 9 A. M.-Engllsh .............. ..... Benj. D. Scott
10 A. M.-Theology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-Ail About the Bible ........ Rev. W. w. Danner
Wednesday, 9 A. M.-Publlc Speaking ... .. Miss Adelaide Haller; Teacher
. . In Cumnock School ot
10 A. M.-8ermonlzlng ................ Rev. W. W. Danner
11 A. M.-Isalah and Methods ot Work .. . Rev. P. F. Bres84!t.. D. D.
Thursaay, 9 A.M.-Lite ot Christ ................... Rev. W. W .uanner
10. A. M.-Old Test Studies .............. Rev. W. w. Danner .
11 A. M.-Church History ........ : ..... W. Burt Clark, LL. B.
Friday, 9 A.M.-Text Drill .................... ....... Fred C. Eppenon
10 A. M.-Ne-w Test Studies ............ Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D,
11 A. M.-Hollness ............ .. ...... Rev. E. F. Walker, D. D.
Thursday, 7:30 P. M.-Vocal Music and Sight Reading ..........
. . . . . . . . . . . Miss K. Stone, Supervisor Music, Los Angeles City Schools
Vocal Music .................... . ...................... Miss Nellie Green
Plano .......... ...... . .. ... . . ... ... .. ... . .. ... . .... .... . Mrs. H. Scheldeman
Advanced Piano............. ....... ............... ..... .... ........... .. ................... .... . Mias Lela B. Torre7
Miss' Cora G. Solder, Supt.
Arithmetic, Algebra, Physical Geography .. .. .. , . . . . .. . Miss Cora G. Snider
Greek History. .. ... .. :: .................................. Mr. Leslie Gay, Jr.
English, U. S. History, Latin ........ ... ................ Mr. Benj, D. Scott
Spanish ............................... , .................. Mr. D. Mata
Mrs. M. McReynolds, Superintendent and Teacher In English and Wood' s
> . Perfect Love. : _
Theology .... . . .......... . .-,. ; ............... .. .. ; ....... Mr. W. Brand
Philosophy of Plan or Salvation' ' ..... ...... .. .. . .... . .......... .. .. Mr. Warn
Biblical Geography : . . .. . . .......... .. ...... ......... Mr. S. D. Athans
Text Qrm and Offices of the Holy Spirit ...... . ..... . .. . .... . Mr. S . D. Athans
Music)" ... : .. ... ............. ... , ; ............................... Miss L. McKee
............. . .... .. . . "' .................. .... Mr. D. Mata
' .
L .
Among the latest things we hear:
ber registered in the short course fol:-
Christian workers.
Dr. D. F. Brooks is here in the full-
ness of the blessing, giving two lec-
tures daily. What a feast he spreads.
He will be with us this month. L. Mil-
"Oh dear, these examinations!"
The prospect is, nearly all the present
students will be in school next semeSter .
One ri:10re week will end the present
semester. How the time slips away.
Soon the school year will be ended.
Then school life will soon be seen only
in the memory, and can not be lived
over again. How precio:us t.he moments
we now have. Much as we may see in
them now, greater possibilities will be
seen in them when we view them in
the distant past. '
Dr. Bresee, our General Superintend-
ent, brought with 'him on last Wednes-
day .forenoon the outgoing missionaries.
Rev. J. A. Chenault. Rev. Thompson
and wife and Miss Minnie Upperman.
The class hour from eleven to twelve
was given to. happy greetings, and we
were all thrilled by their short address.
full of the spirh of our Christ. They
are to sail for Japan in a few days and
when they plant their lives in that ,
country we feel we will have new in-
terests in that field, and we are sure
they will come some d,ay "bringing
their sheaves with them.
At the beginning of the school week ,
of the second term we have a larger
enrollment than last term, with a num-
. ton Williams is due January 28th for a
ten-day meeting. We are expecting
great things from God.
But the revival is already on. Sun-
day 'night after a sermon by the writer,
eleven came to the altar, and some
prayed through and got the blessing of
entire sanctification. Of course the
meeting l1acl to be continued, and each
evening so far has brought an altar full
of seekers. And they just pray
through. There have been some mar-
velous demonstrations of the power of
God. There is a praying band of
young women and men in the college
who do not know what defeat is. The
signs are following that might be ex-
pected in a place like this. God is call-
ing young people for the foreign and
home field, to special work.
H. H. Miller, President..
Having_ been continued as t he fi eld
representative of Oklahoma Holiness
College by the Bo.ard of Trustees, I am
planning the work of the .year. After
February lOth, I canassist pastors some
in revival . meetings, or if there are
. those who would like to have a holi-
ness rally in their town or commnnitv
to l11st. from three to twenty days. 'r
would be glad to hear from them.
E. B. Hackley.
Route 4. Box 66B, Oklahoma City.
20, ,1910
The Manual
The usual prices in quantities
price 25c post paid.
lttazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street
Los Angeles, Cal.
The Purity J
A monthly magazine devoted
to rescue work and social pur-
ity. This is an ably-edited and
well-gotten-up .journal which
deserves the support of all
Christian people.
Editor, is also in charge of .
the Home, at Arlington, Tex.
Send 10 cents for sample copy
(ask for the June No.)
Subscription price, $1 per yr.
The Purity J ourn.a.l
Jacob the Heelgrasper;
Some of God;s Pictures of
the Carnal Mind.
With Portrait and Introduction
This is a volume of 350 pages facked full of
striking lessons from the life o Jacob, writ-
ten in the clear and direct style of this emi-
nent Evangelist. .
Bound in Cloth, Price $1.00
Nazarene Publishing Co.
730 San Pedro Street,
Los Angeles, Cal.
Pins. ..
We have a new supply of Nazarene
Pins. The Nickel-plated, such as
we have heretofore sold, a.nd a new
kind made of Abalone shell with
black lettering.
25c each
50c each
Nazarene Publishing Company
aves 0 ory fl.
Sample, post paid 2Sc:
"AZAREU PUB. CO., 730 San Pellro St. Los AIIPIU, Cal .
January 20, 1910]
Our Young
Every boy and girl
Arising with the sun,
Should try this day .to do alone.
The good . deeds t9 be done_:_
smiles imd kindly words,
Strong; hands should lend, .
And to each other's wants and cries
Atte.ntive ears should lend.
How many homes would sunny l?e
Which now are filled with care!
And Joyous, smiling faces, too,
"\Vould greet us everywhere.
"Grandpa, why did N onh let any
toads come into his nrk?" "I will
show you,'' said grandpa.
Nazarene., Messenger-
tle niece; who was standing, unper-
ceived, beside me.
''Turn your face .to the light!'' The
words set me to thinking. That \vas
just what I had not been doing. I had
. persistently kept my face in the oppo-
site direction, refusing to see the faint-
est glimmer! She d.id .not know what
healing she had brought. Years have
gone by since then, but the simple
words have never been forgotten-
. A bright little boy once took the
Bible from the center table of his fath-
er's home and. turned its dusty pages
and said, "Mother, is this God's .
book?" "Certainly," "\vas the
mother's reply. "Well,. I think we had
hetter send it baek to God, for we don't
usc it here,'' said the little fellow. This
is n. fair picture of many a home and
the way the Bible is treated. The cen-
ter table Bible is a cntch-all. It is a
place for , relics, letters, poetry and
pressed flowers.-Ex.
So he went to the workshop, and
chose four bloeks of wood of the right
shape and size. He carried them to the
garden, and hnilt n little house of them
beside a row of young pumpkin plants.
Then he gave the toad a ride on the coal Philadelphia District, April 6-10.
shovel from Tommy's garden to the lit- . Washington District, April 13-17.
tle "blockhouse. York District., April 20-24.
"This is Mr. Toa(l's house," said N(w England District, May 4-S.
.grandpa. "We will leave him here.
and never disturb him." District, May 11-15.
Mr. Toad seemed to take kipdly to Pittsburg District, May 25-29.
his new quarters. He \vas often seen The places where these assemblies are
sitting. in his front d<_>or and look_ing to be held will be announc d 1 t Tl
out wtth a very ser1ous expressiOn, . e .a er. IC
winking his bright eyes.. and . spreading .... rule 1:'> that
out his fingers just as baby spread hers shall fix the time, and the District Sn-
wlten Tommy (:onnted "0, n, t, 6ut.," JWrint<>ndents the place of these meet-
on them. Tommy could not see how ings.
toad did any good.
"Neighbor Smith says that tlw slugs
have eaten up all his pumpkin vines,"
said grandpa( one day. "Why have
they not touched ours, Tommy?"
Tommy did not know.
"How about our lodger in the gar-
denY" said grandpa, smiling.
We have quite a number of subscriptions
which have expired within the past few
months which we have not discontinued,
because we failed t9 send the usual notice.
We trust that all will want the paper con-
tinued and . that they will send ' in their
renewal without waiting for us to write them;
It is cfili; rule to discontinue the paper unless
it is ordered continued. Before doing this
we send outnotices too remind the sul:>scriber
that it is due. If we do not hear from them
a reasonable time, we are obliged tO stop
the paper. Owing to the fact that v;e have
not had help enough to keep up the.
work, we have neglected sending notices to
many. Although we constantly publish the
fact that unless the subscription is renewed
we must stop the paper, there are many who
seem to think we are not them right
if we do so. '
Please look up the matter, and if your
subscription is due, send the money or an
order for renewal.
Mohave Children
Stories from life by
_ Missionarv to Mohave Indians
. A beautiful book, illustrated wit)l . fine half-
tone engravings, bound i.n Onyx Bristol.
This book is instructive as well as entertain-
ing and gives an interesting account of real
life among these little known people. .
An admirable gift for Sunday School Teach-
ers to present to their classes. -
15 cents 730 San Pedro Street
two for 25c J L<>s Angeles, Ca(.
"Do you mean Mr. Tond Y" asked
Tommy. "Docs he catch the slugs?"
"If you watched him long enough,
yon would see," said grandpa. ""When
he sits in his front door, he -is
care of our garden, and when a tres-
passer comes along, Mr. Toad arrests
him at once. The .lcnst that we can do
156 Songs, also select Psalms and Readings. A large number of
songs never before published. Round or shapd notes.
Manilla Cover, Postpaid, 15c
for him is to him a house rent free;
don't .you think so?"
"Oh, grandpa," said Tommy, eager- .
ly, "is everything in the whole world
of some use Y Southern Cross.
It had been one of those days on
which everything goes contrary, and I
had come home tired and discouraged.
As I sank into a chair, I groaned,
'.'Everything looks-.dark: dark
''Why don't you turn your face to
the auntie, dearT" asked my lit-
.. _.,
100 Not Postpaid - $12.00 .
We will deliver these books to any for $13.00 100
. Nazarene Company. 1
730 -San Pedro Street

PRAY . .
. Be i)ersistcnt in yo'nr prayets when
Yoit sta'rt to pray for a 't hiri.g. If you
do. not get it the first day, pray the
day. Keep at it till you get it.
But be as to what you pray for.
Do not go mto God's presence heedless-
ly and pray for a thing witl10ut think-.
ing it over. But when you begin to
pray for a thing, never give up until
you get it.
r think one of the lessons that our
day needs to learn more than any other
is to pray through. People pray, nnd
pray, and pray, and they are just on
the of getting something when
they give up. If they had just. prayed
a little. fatthcr they would. hav'C hll<l it.
Friends, pray thrc;mgh !.:.....:..St-lelt.<>d.
A young nwn Jll'eparing for the Ill i)l-
tcr of man and-how to live- a. right life
than any other ancieut writers have left
--on r ecord, no ' matter where. you may
look for them.''
. Again lie .seized the fragment, and
tore out three leaves, which he waved
aloft jn one hand, while the rest of the
book <\lropped to the floor, and then lie
spoke again.
"These six pages contain the Sermon
on the Mount; one Ringle discourse by
Jesus Christ. In that sermon yon will
find a higher standard of character, a
nobler ideal for man, than any other
single writing, ancient or modern, in
the whole woHd contains. I dare yon.
sir, to read the opening words of that
disconrsc before t his audieuce. Let
those who judge for themselves!"
The infidel orator was silent, for he
had . no answer to this appeal. After
waiting a moment t he young man
<io"n. The lecturer niade .a feeble at-
tempt to prMecd. hut it was in vain, his
power ov<>r hifl rindience was brok(\n.-

ist.ry iu ]<; uglnnd saw one (lay on thl' IN THE BEGINNING, GOD.
street tlH' p.osters amJotmeirig .a lecture .John ha!i a valued friend
on the Bible. t.o he given iu the pnblic who igi1orcd the Bible and said that all
hall that eveiiing. i-ie 'went, and, to }Jis
things came by chance.
surprise, found that the speaker was an They both great students of as-
to all revealed religion, and his
tronomy. and so Newton de-yised a plan
le<"t.ure was a hit.t.('r attack upon the
Holy Scriptures. He declared that to lllakc his friend feel ashamed of his
there was Bot.h}l)-g orlgi'ital in the Bible "hy chrrncc" theory--of creation: He
except what was worthless; that all .its had made for himself an astronomical
moral teachings were contained in other globe by one of the best artists of Lon-
and earlier books, from which the writ- don, under his SP.ecific direction, and.
crs of the 'Bible had stolen not only t})e had it placed in his library, where his
ideas, but the very language found in friend was to meet him on a certain day .
t.he so-called Holy Scriptures. to talk over astronomical facts.
The lecturer said, boldly. "If there is The globe arrested his at
any. gentleman here. who dares to den:v once, as a wonderful production of in-
that the best things in t he Bible are bet- tellcct and art, and he exclaimed:
ter stated in other ancient books, let him "Why, Newton, where in the world
stand up and say so.'' did you get that magical work of art
Instantly the young student arose, and star knowledge?"
and, in order to be seen by "Oh," said Newton, "I came into my
stood upon a bench. He was very tall. library yesterday and here it. was. It
over. six feet, and at' that time quite thin came entirely by chance, just to con-
in his figure. "He looked sixteen feet vincc me of the truth of your theory of
high," said one .. who saw him standing 'rcation. "
there, with a long arm stretched out to- His friend saw the point at once-
wards the lecturer, and l10lding a small ho" impossible it was-and if so. how
hook in his hand. imnossible that the heavens. which de-
"Well," said the orator. "what has the glory of God, could have c;ome
the young gentleinan .to say?" chance .. if this human picture of them
r January 20, :1910
There has been- so much seeming de-
sire on the part of some of the churches
of .the district for short . meetings . . or .
conventions lasting for a feW' days, em-
bracing, if Sal:iQath, :heJd
largely by our own preachers. peo-
ple, that the AdvisorY. .Board o( tpe.l,)is-
trict advised that I as District Superin-
tendent should arrange wherever it
should be fo.und to' hold a
five days conventjon. 'l'his I hav.e al-
ready held in two of our churches with
results, and I am ar-
ranging for some- farther services of
this kind.
. Any church desiring such a eonven-
tion if they will communicate with me
at ari early date I shall be to
undertake to arrange .for. them as soon
as . practicable. These meetings unify
onr work and give opportunity to
gather the people to us.
J. W. Goodwin, 'District Supt.
7:30 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.
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"This is what T. have to say." an- rould only cowe by the design of a
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voice: that sounded throughout the ist who made it. As a result he becamo
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mv hand is .the New Testament. about . .
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wh'ich conDtiils the four gospels, there
is more of. value concerning the charac-
An. interesting game designed to teach Bible History.
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An excellent present for your young friends.
Nazarene Publishing company.
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730 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, Cal.

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