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PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL INTRODUCTION :The administratoring system to have information regarding the performance of all the personnel working

in this area . Except for the few top administrative officers the administrator will not have direct information of those working in a medium size or large organization. DEFINITION :Performance appraisal is the evaluation of work done during a specified period against the background of total work situation. OBJECTIVES : To provide Data for management decisions concerning merit,salary, increment, incentives ,rewards promotions transfer or discharge from service. To consider assignments the employees suitability for different types of

To have an hand information required for purposes like letters of recommendations, domestic inquiry ,avoidance of arbitrary on the spot decisions ,reemployment. To create a desirable culture and tradition in the department. TECHNOLOGY OF APPRAISAL The appraiser Who knows best about the individuals performance Is an important issue in appraisal. Equally important is the question whether the person who knows best about the individual performance is the best person record this perfomance in the light of organizations objectives. The superiors as appraisers The superior is likely to be the best person to assess the contribution of his immediate subordinates towards achievement of his departments and the organizational objectives.

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL IN COMMUNITY SETTINGS Introduction Performance appraisals are a needed tool to use in judging employee performance and there are ways to improve the traditional process. One way to improve the performance appraisal process is to analyze and update the performance appraisal itself periodically to make sure it is as effective as possible. APPRAISAL INTERVIEW Interview is held periodically between the superior (appraiser) and

subordinates (appraisee). Depending upon the nature of the interview the subordinates may have to the appraisal of analysis of factors facilitating or inhibiting his performance ,additional resources that may be required by the subordinates for effective performance etc. Appraisal interview may follow The tell and sell method, where the supervisor informs the subordinates the subordinates of the best manner possible of his ratings and advices him on how to improve . Objectives of interview Providing legitimate feedback to the individual on how his performance is perceived by superior. The subordinate while coming to know of his weakness can focus on corrective action.

The superior can also plan training progrmmes ,continuing education etc..









performance especially when the individual considers himself better than the superiors assessment of him. Appraisal is often associated with salary decisions ,promotions ,transfer ,dismissal etc.. FORMATS FOR APPRAISAL IN COMMUNITY SETTINGS Free written ratings Appraisers write short essay on each employee detailing the latters strenghths, weakness, potentials etc. the format is not structured. The appraiser has the choice to determine the aspects of empoloyees in aform of short notes mentioning the specified criteria.it is a descriptive time consuming method and it masks the true performance of the individual Forced distribution technique This technique is essentially a group orger making where the appraisal assigns each employee to one of the five groups as in the case of normal distribution. Eg: 10% of men in the best end of scale 20% in the next category 40% in the middle category 20% in lower category 10% in lowest category Disadvantage

This does not discriminate between the individuals in the group The scale does not provide reasons for certain performance and does not improve the performance

Ranking method This aims at establishing a rank order based on relative merit. The supervisor asked to choose the most valuable employee crosses the mame and write it in the top of list. He next select the least valuable employee and not the name in the bottom of the list. Subsequent paired comparisons are also made between the employees. Disadvantage This comparison have only a subjective judgement. It is cumbersome when there is more than 20 employees. Advantage The advantage of this is can be used by untrained appraisers Graphic rating scale This is an attempt made to ascertain the degree of presence in the employees of certain characteristics ie personality traits, knowledge, skill, quantity and quality of work. The response vary from three points to several points on a horizontal scale enumerated numerically and indicate the degree of applicability of the citeria Eg: 5,4,3,2,1 excellent , good, average, poor , very poor. Advantage This is easy, inexpensive and provides information about the employees number of characteristics and degree of applicability Forced choice rating method

This is essentially a scale containing a number of statements. The appraiser is required to indicate those statements which fits best to the employee and those least describes the employee. Each statement carries a weight or score, but the scores are not revealed. Advantage It is made more objective , reduces the halo effect, linencie error and improves the reliability of ratings, can be used for self appraisals. Limitation It takes a great deal of time and effort and irritates the appraisers Behaviourally anchored rating scale A persons effectiveness on the job can be best inferred from the behavior on the job rather than on personality traits.during the evaluation process the amount or degree of each dimension is recorded through statements rather than by numerical gradation Advantage This is more objective, have higher validity and reliability , less halo effect Limitations It is time consuming and requires high turn over among tha appraisers for this BARS costruction scale

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