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Homeland Viso geral

Homeland segue Carrie Mathison, uma oficial de operaes da CIA que, depois de conduzir uma operao no autorizada no Iraque, colocada em liberdade condicional e transferida para o Centro Contraterrorista da CIA em Langley, Virgnia. Enquanto conduzia sua operao no Iraque, Carrie foi avisada por uma fonte que um prisioneiro de guerra americano passou para o lado da AlQaeda. Seu trabalho complicado quando seu chefe, David Estes, a chama junto com seus colegas para uma reunio de emergncia. Nela, Carrie descobre que Nicholas Brody, um sargento dos Fuzileiros Navais que desapareceu durante o servio em 2003, foi resgatado durante uma incurso da Delta Force em um complexo pertencente a Abu Nazir. Carrie passa a acreditar que Brody o prisioneiro de guerra que sua fonte estava falando. Entretanto, o governo federal e seus superiores consideraram Nicholas Brody como um heri. Percebendo que seria quase impossvel convencer Estes a colocar Brody sob vigilncia, Carrie pede ajuda da nica pessoa que ela pode confiar, Saul Berenson. Os dois comeam a trabalhar juntos para investigar Brody e impedir um novo ataque em solo americano.

The series follows Carrie Mathison, a Central Intelligence Agency operations officer who, after conducting an unauthorized operation in Iraq, is put on probation and reassigned to the CIA'sCounterterrorism Center in Langley, Virginia. In Iraq, Carrie was warned by an asset that an American prisoner of war had been turned by al-Qaeda. Carrie's job grows complicated when her boss, Director of the Counterterrorism Center David Estes, calls Carrie and her colleagues in for an emergency briefing. Carrie learns that Nicholas Brody, a U.S. Marine Sergeant who had been reported as missing in action since 2003, has been rescued during a Delta Force raid on a compound belonging to terrorist Abu Nazir. Carrie comes to believe that Brody is the American prisoner of war whom her asset in Iraq was talking about. [8] However, the federal government and her superiors at the CIA consider Brody a war hero. Realizing it would be nearly impossible to convince her boss to place Brody under surveillance, Carrie approaches the only other person she can trust, her mentor Saul Berenson. The two must now work together to investigate Brody and prevent another terrorist attack on American soil.

Revenge - Sinopse
Emily Thorne, cujo verdadeiro nome Amanda Clarke, volta aos Hamptons para se vingar das pessoas que destruram sua famlia e causaram a morte de seu pai. Quando Amanda era criana seu pai foi preso acusado injustamente de terrorismo, sendo julgado e condenado a priso, onde acabou morrendo. Amanda sente que teve a vida destruda por essas pessoas que armaram contra seu pai, fazendo com que ela passasse sua infncia na deteno juvenil. Quando completou 18 anos, ela foi solta e recebeu a herana de seu pai, alm de uma caixa contendo detalhes sobre as pessoas que arruinaram a vida deles, assim ela muda seu nome e resolve se vingar de cada um deles. Emily Thorne (Emily VanCamp) comes to the Hamptons for the summer, renting a home next to the Grayson family to enjoy a bright summer. However, it is revealed that Emily has been to the Hamptons before as a little girl. In reality, Emily is Amanda Clarke, whose father was framed for a crime he did not commit and sent to prison for life. She was permanently separated from him and never saw him again. Now, she has returned to the Hamptons, intent on getting revenge on those who wronged her and her father. At the top of her list is Victoria Grayson(Madeleine Stowe), matriarch of the Grayson family and the woman whom her father loved and who, in the end, betrayed him. Emily wants to get revenge on them all. As she sets her plan in motion, Emily tries to navigate the upper society to destroy those who betrayed her father. But the further she goes, the more her emotions get involved and the more she questions her motives and the moves she makes.

Aguas Desde que perdeu sua esposa, Jacob Jankowski vive numa casa de repouso, cercado por senhoras simpticas, enfermeiras solcitas e fantasmas do passado. Por 70 anos Jacob guardou um segredo. Ele nunca falou a ningum sobre os anos de sua juventude em que trabalhou no circo. At agora. Aos 23 anos, Jacob era um estudante de veterinria. Mas sua sorte muda quando seus pais morrem num acidente de carro. rfo, sem dinheiro e sem ter para onde ir, ele deixa a faculdade antes de prestar os exames finais e acaba pulando em um trem em movimento - o Esquadro Voador do circo Irmos Benzini, o Maior Espetculo da Terra. Admitido para cuidar dos animais, Jacob sofrer nas mos do Tio Al, o empresrio tirano do circo, e de August, o ora encantador, ora intratvel chefe do setor dos animais. tambm sob as lonas dos Irmos Benzini que Jacob vai se apaixonar duas vezes: primeiro por Marlena, a bela estrela do nmero dos cavalos e esposa de August, e depois por Rosie, a elefanta aparentemente estpida que deveria ser a salvao do circo. "gua para Elefantes" to envolvente que seus personagens continuam vivos muito depois de termos virado a ltima pgina. Sara Gruen nos transporta a um mundo misterioso e encantador, construdo com tamanha riqueza de detalhes que quase possvel respirar sua atmosfera.

Since losing his wife, Jacob Jankowski lives in a nursing home, surrounded by ladies friendly, solicitous nurses and ghosts of the past. For 70 years Jacob kept a secret. He never told anyone about the years of his youth he worked in the circus. Up to now. At 23, Jacob was a veterinary student. But his luck changes when his parents die in a car accident. Orphaned, penniless and with nowhere to go, he left the college before giving final exams and end up jumping on a moving train the Flying Squadron of the Benzini Brothers Circus, the Greatest Show on Earth. Admitted to take care of animals, Jacob will suffer at the hands of Uncle Al, the circus impresario tyrant, and August, the sometimes charming, sometimes intractable chief of the animals. It is also under the pads of the Benzini Brothers Jacob will fall in love twice: first by Marlena, the beautiful star of the number of horses and the wife of August, and then by Rosie, the elephant apparently stupid that should be the salvation of the circus. "Water for Elephants" is so engaging that your characters are still alive long after we turned the last page. Sara Gruen transports us to a world mysterious and lovely, built with such great detail that you can almost breathe its atmosphere.

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