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Presentation Overview




Teaching in the Inclusive Classroom

Case Study

Strategies And Suggestions


Asperger Syndrome is a neurobiological disorder named for Austrian physician Hans Asperger. In 1944, Asperger published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several young boys who had normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills (Kirby,2005).

Asperger described his patients as "little professors".

Six Criteria:
1. Social impairment with extreme egocentricity 2. Limited interests and preoccupations 3. Repetitive routines or rituals

4. Speech and language peculiarities

5. Nonverbal communication problems 6. Motor clumsiness
It has been speculated that Albert Einstein had
what is now considered Asperger syndrome.

Kindergarten student Excellent rote memory Obsessions and Compulsions Specific interests Higher than average intelligence Poor social skills and social language Sensory issues Poor gross motor skills Anxiety

Boy with Asperger's

Very socially nave

Inability to interpret social cues

Tend to misread social situations Inability to interact with peers Deeply frustrated by social impairments (Autism Society, 2012)

Odd verbal responses Tendency to over-focus on particular objects or subjects One-sided conversations and inability for small talk Communication is for information delivery and not as a way to interact socially Superficially perfect formal language Voice lacks expression Cannot detect changes in expression and tone in other peoples voices Trouble with comprehension of literal and implied meanings Non-verbal communication problems (example: limited use of gestures)

May respond poorly to changes, sensory stimuli, transitions, lack of structure and transitions Repetitive movements and repetitive speech Rigid, inflexible rule-bound behavior Inappropriate social behavior Exaggerated emotional response to situations (example: tantrums) Behavioral outburst especially in a non-structured environment such as hallways and cafeterias

Difficulty with abstract and creative thinking Prefer technical/factual information over abstract information Weak problem-solving skills Problems with organizational skills such as time management Strong academic skills in rote reading and calculation Writing mechanics are weak Struggles with literal and idiomatic language Detail orientated approach to tasks May miss the big picture May have associated learning disabilities

Structured day Visual Schedule Positive behavior management techniques Use picture cards and label when possible If possible write the directions down in order Type on the computer instead of using pencil and paper for handwriting Minimize loud sounds Seat near a window instead of near fluorescent lights Copy work on colored paper or use colored transparency overlays Small group instruction for conversation skills- not just one on one Role-play Educate peers Help the child use to do lists Use graphic organizers: webs, charts, story maps Give examples of what is required Model relaxation techniques

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