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Business Expressions 1

1. I thought this time things were going to be better. Losing the contract was ........ to swallow. a. bottom line b. blue collar c. a bitter pill d. back to the drawing board. e. blow-by-blow

2. We've lost the contract thanks to your incompetence. You really ........ , didn't you? a. back to the drawing board. b. bottlenecks c. bottom line d. blue collar e. blew it

3. I'd be better off stopping my legal job and doing jobs for cash. The ........ is the only way to make money these days. a. blow-by-blow b. back to the drawing board. c. bottlenecks d. black economy e. bottom line

4. The product didn't work in the States. As they say there, it really ........ . a. back to the drawing board. b. bottlenecks c. bombed d. blow-by-blow e. bottom line

5. However, the same product sold really well in England. As they say there, it ........ . a. back to the drawing board. b. bottlenecks c. bottom line d. blue collar e. went like a bomb

6. He used to work on the factory floor. Yes, he really started out as a ........ worker. a. blue collar b. back to the drawing board. c. bottlenecks d. bottom line e. blow-by-blow

7. There are many reasons why this should be a success. However, the ........ is that it has been a big flop. a. bottom line b. back to the drawing board. c. bottlenecks d. blow-by-blow e. a bitter pill

8. Production has been unable to keep pace with demand. We are doing our best to eliminate the ........ . a. blow-by-blow b. back to the drawing board. c. blew it d. a bitter pill e. bottlenecks

9. We'll have to start again on this one -it's time to go ........ . a. blow-by-blow b. blew it c. black economy d. bombed e. back to the drawing board.

10. Don't leave out any details. I want a full ........ account of what happened in the meeting. a. blow-by-blow b. blew it c. black economy d. bombed e. went like a bomb

Business Expressions 3
Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. I reckon we owe you about the same as you owe us. Why don't we just ........ ? a. call his bluff b. called it a day c. calls the shots d. chicken e. call it quits

2. We've been working on this for forteen hours now. Isn't it time we ........ ? a. called it a day b. call it quits c. calls the shots d. chicken e. call his bluff

3. Let's face it, he decides. He's the boss so he's the one that ........ . a. called it a day b. calls the shots c. call it quits d. chicken e. call his bluff

4. He says he will go elsewhere if we don't lower our price but I don't think he will. I think we should ........ . a. call his bluff b. call it quits c. called it a day d. calls the shots e. chicken

5. I'm sure that there is a lot of corruption in that country. If we order an internal audit we may be opening ........ . a. carry the can b. chicken c. can't win d. chicken and egg e. a can of worms

6. Someone is going to have to take responsibility for this disaster. Who is going to ........ . a. can't win b. carry the can c. chicken d. a can of worms e. chicken and egg

7. Whatever we do, we are going to come out badly. It's a ........ situation. a. a can of worms b. carry the can c. chicken d. can't win e. chicken and egg

8. She always like to think things through very carefully. She likes to ........ . a. chicken and egg b. chicken c. chew things over d. call his bluff e. call it quits

9. We need a loan to start the company and we need a company to get the loan. It's a ........ situation. a. calls the shots b. chew things over c. chicken d. call his bluff e. chicken and egg

10. We wanted to expand into Asia but we were a bit frightened. We were soon sorry for being so ........ . a. chicken and egg b. chicken c. calls the shots d. chew things over e. call it quits

Business Expressions 2
Click the answer button to see the answer. 1. At the start of the meeting everybody was very quiet and reserved but he told a few jokes to ........ a. across the board b. break the ice c. broke the news d. back to the drawing board e. take on board

2. He's not very quick on the uptake. it takes him quite a while to ........ new ideas. a. on to a good thing b. take on board c. bullish d. breathing down e. brief

3. We're going to have to reduce budgets in every single department. There will be ........ cuts. a. back to the drawing board b. brief c. on to a good thing d. brainstorm e. across the board

4. My boss never gives me any freedom. She's always ........ my neck. a. broke the news b. brief c. breathing down d. back to the drawing board e. bullish

5. We need a name for our new brand. The best thing is to get a few people together and try to ........ a name. a. brief b. on to a good thing c. broke the news d. bullish e. brainstorm

6. I'm very happy with our sales prospects for the next year. I'm feeling really ........ . a. bullish b. back to the drawing board c. broke the news d. on to a good thing e. brief

7. We would have liked to have looked at that but that wasn't part of the ........ you set us. a. brief b. on to a good thing c. back to the drawing board d. breathing down e. broke the news

8. I've heard all about it. Sally ........ to me. a. brainstorm b. on to a good thing c. back to the drawing board d. breathing down e. broke the news

9. I'm well aware that this is potentially a good new product and that we are probably ........ with it a. on to a good thing b. back to the drawing board c. brainstorm d. breathing down e. across the board

10. I guess this market study shows that nobody wants to buy our product. It's ........ for us. a. back to the drawing board b. brainstorm c. breathing down d. across the board e. take on board

1. I've got to learn English fast. I need a real ________ to get me up to speed quickly. a) crash course b) closing a deal c) coining it in d) chew this over 2. The genuine results for the year were pretty bad but thanks to ________ we made them look OK! a) copped out b) cog in the machine c) keep a cool head d) creative accounting 3. You did it too fast. You always make mistakes when you try to ________ . a) cut corners b) closing a deal c) coining it in d) chew this over 4. I'm sure a lot of our future income is going to come from the Internet and other ________ activities. a) copped out b) cyberspace c) keep a cool head d) chew this over 5. I'm not an important person in this company. I'm just a lowly ________ . a) keep a cool head b) closing a deal c) coining it in d) cog in the machine 6. Their products are really selling well. They must be ________ . a) copped out b) closing a deal c) coining it in d) chew this over 7. Stop getting so angry. You really need to ________ and control your temper. a) closing a deal b) chew this over c) copped out d) keep a cool head 8. I cannot decide straight away. I'll need to ________ with my colleagues . a) cog in the machine

b) chew this over c) copped out d) closing a deal 9. He isn't a very good salesman. He has a lot of problem when it comes to ________ . a) cog in the machine b) copped out c) cyberspace d) closing a deal 10. She didn't even try to raise the matter at the meeting. She just ________ completely. a) crash course b) copped out c) cut corners d) creative accounting

Click on the buttons until you find the correct answer

1 R.S.V.P. as soon as possible


please reply per week value added tax paid

2 qty as soon as possible please reply please


quantity paid

3 thx

thanks please reply please quantity with reference to

4 E.T.A. thanks for the attention of


estimated time of arrival quantity with reference to

5 pls cfm thanks for the attention of estimated time of arrival number

please confirm

6 @


at for the attention of estimated time of arrival number please confirm

7 a/c at

account estimated time of arrival number please confirm

8 A.G.M. at account

annual general meeting number please confirm

9 A.O.B. at account annual general meeting


any other business please confirm

10 attn thanks

for the attention of please quantity with reference to

11 I.P.O. copies to Chief Executive Officer


initial public offer any other business approximately


as soon as possible please turn over per week value added tax paid

13 re as soon as possible please reply please quantity


with reference to

14 C.O.D. copies to Chief Executive Officer initial purchase offer


cash on delivery approximately

15 approx at account annual general meeting any other business



16 E.G.M. copies to Chief Executive Officer initial purchase offer cash on delivery

extraordinary general meeting gross domestic product Chief Executive Officer initial purchase offer cash on delivery extraordinary general meeting

17 G.D.P.

18 G.N.P. gross domestic product


gross national product initial purchase offer cash on delivery extraordinary general meeting

19 pls as soon as possible please reply


please value added tax paid

20 no. thanks for the attention of estimated time of arrival number with reference to 21 lb public limited company gross national product

pound (weight) incorporated limited company

22 C.E.O. copies to

Chief Executive Officer annual general meeting any other business approximately

23 I.O.U. public limited company


I owe you pound (weight) incorporated

limited company 24 Jr. public limited company I owe you pound (weight)

junior limited company

25 mo. public limited company I owe you pound (weight) junior


month public limited company I owe you pound (weight) junior

26 mth


month gross domestic product gross national product hire purchase

27 Inc.


incorporated extraordinary general meeting

28 H.P. gross domestic product gross national product


hire purchase cash on delivery extraordinary general meeting

29 VAT public relations please turn over per week


value added tax paid

30 N/A

not applicable I owe you pound (weight) junior month

31 p.w. public relations please turn over


per week per annum paid

32 Nb not applicable

pay attention to this pound (weight) junior month

33 plc

public limited company gross national product hire purchase incorporated limited company

34 PA not applicable pay attention to this


personal assistant junior month

35 p.a. not applicable pay attention to this

personal assistant

per annum month

36 Ltd. gross domestic product gross national product hire purchase incorporated

limited company not applicable pay attention to this personal assistant per annum

37 pd.


paid public relations pay attention to this personal assistant per annum paid

38 PR

39 cc

copies to account annual general meeting any other business approximately

40 PTO public relations


please turn over personal assistant per annum paid

A mixture
Click on the correct answer

1 Staff who refused to ______ by the new rules were fired. YES abide adhere angle arrive attend 2 I hope they don't serve seafood. It just doesn't ______ with me. abide

agree angle ask associate

3 We're ______ at doubling production by the end of the century. according


aiming answering asking associating

4 I need to call the technician. My machine is ______ up. YES acting aiming angling arriving attending 5 I'll deal with it as soon as I can but I've got another couple of matters to ______ to first. accord agree answer arrive


6 Even ______ for exaggeration, it sounds like Jordi was really incompetent. acting

allowing amounting asking associating

7 I saw Simon the other day and he was ______ after you. according adhering answering

asking averaging

8 The changes introduced have not ______ to anything very significant. added adhered

amounted asked associated

9 I don't understand why she's going to a new job with less pay and longer hours. It just doesn't ______ up. YES add adhere amount arrive attend 10 Diplomacy is not a quality I'd normally ______ with Dorothy. abide adhere answer arrive


11 The working atmosphere has gone downhill since you joined. You have a lot to ______ for. abide agree


answer ask attribute

12 Although I may appear to be autonomous, I have to ______ to a manager in the Basel head office. abide adhere

answer ask average

13 We negotiated with the unions for several hours but weren't able to ______ at an agreement. abide agree angle

arrive attribute

14 Absenteeism per employee ______ out at 4 days a year. acts aims answers arrives


15 This company has always ______ to a strict no-smoking policy. acted


adhered amounted asked attended

16 I don't know the answer myself but I'll ______ around and see if anybody else knows. accord aim answer

ask attend

17 Bob's always sucking up to the boss. I guess he's ______ for promotion. acting adhering

angling amounting associating

18 She's the best assistant I've ever had. I couldn't ______ for a better one. abide agree answer

ask average

19 Jim's version of the facts doesn't ______ with the version I heard from Jules. YES accord argue amount arrive attend 20 He ______ his success to hard work. abides aims angles arrives


Click on the buttons until you find the correct answer

1 He spoke English with a ........ French accent. average careless widespread


pronounced chronic

2 His new novel has met with ........ acclaim. careless dreadful

great pronounced wholehearted

3 We need to make sure that there is enough ........ accommodation to house all the delegates. careless dreadful yellow

luxury wholehearted

4 He gave us a ........ account of all that you had achieved over there. ready yellow careless luxury


5 Could you please give me an ........ account? YES itemised dreadful great luxury glowing

6 We need to crack down hard on the ........ abuse of drugs. average outright

widespread frenetic careless

7 He was able to predict what was going to happen with ........ accuracy. itemised

uncanny careless luxury glowing

8 They've made some highly ........ accusations about us. itemised uncanny

damaging luxury glowing

9 We need to find a new site with ........ access to the European motorway network. YES ready outright widespread pronounced wholehearted 10 This will probably be the ........ achievement of her career. itemised uncanny damaging

crowning glowing

11 I did all the groundwork on this project but he only gave me a ........ acknowledgement in his report. itemised uncanny

damaging crowning


12 I don't know him very well. He's just a ........ acquaintance. YES casual uncanny damaging crowning grudging 13 We're fighting for the ........ abolition of the death penalty. average

outright decisive frenetic chronic

14 I'm afraid he was involved in a ........ accident. ready


dreadful widespread pronounced wholehearted

15 He invited me around to see his ........ acquisition, a new BMW. casual


latest damaging crowning grudging

16 We need to take some ........ action before it is too late. casual latest

decisive crowning grudging

17 He wasn't particularly good. He was of about ........ ability. YES average

latest decisive frenetic chronic 18 I don't think we can succeed without the ........ acceptance of the unions. average polite careless pronounced


19 There always a lot of ........ activity going on but nothing much seems to get done! careless latest yellow

frenetic grudging

20 I'm afraid her husband has got a ........ addiction to gambling. careless latest decisive frenetic


Business Idioms
Click on the buttons until you find the correct answer

1 He's the perfect person to take on this difficult job. He's a really hard-______ person and won't stand for any nonsense. deal ship

nosed handshake bargain

2 We have to work hard for our money while the fat ______ in the City make money doing very little. YES cats pack market shots fish 3 She's obviously going to get a top job soon. She's a real high ______ . cats

flier market shots fish

4 The product has been a great success. We're doing a roaring ______ in it. deal ship nosed

trade bargain

5 Their accounts were completely phony. They had been cooking the ______ for years. spinner make


trade killing 6 Well I'm not surprised they are in a mess. It's not exactly ______ -shattering news. spinner make books till


7 He thinks he is really important but he is only really a big ______ in a small pond. it pack market shots


8 She's an excellent manager. She runs a really tight ______ . deal


ship hat handshake bargain

9 I bought them cheap and sold them for a lot. I really made a ______ . deal ship nosed trade


10 Tim was forced to leave his job but he got a very generous golden ______ . cats flier hat

handshake fish

11 The accountant had stolen a lot of money. He had had his hand in the ______ for years.

spinner make books


till killing

12 John doesn't look very impressive but he's one of the big ______ in this industry. it pack market

shots earth

13 I've had enough. I'm going to hang up my ______ and retire. cats flier

hat shots fish

14 You can make a lot of money selling this product. It's a real money______ . YES spinner ship nosed trade killing 15 If you want to succeed in this business you need to always stay ahead of the ______ . it

pack books till earth

16 It's hard doing business with Maggie. She drives a hard ______ . cats flier hat



17 He's the only person who imports this product. He's really cornered the ______ . it pack

market till earth

18 We're both competing for the same business. Perhaps we can cut a ______ to share out the work? YES deal flier hat handshake bargain 19 I wouldn't trust Harry an inch. He's definitely someone who is on the ______. spinner

make nosed trade killing

20 Now that I've got a million pounds in savings I really feel I've made ______ . YES it make books till earth

Back to Exercise List

Click on the answer you think is correct. 1. I'm afraid the person you want is ________ holiday. a) on b) in c) to d) at 2. I'm afraid he's ________ Helsinki at present. a) under b) on c) at d) in 3. I'm afraid he's ________ the other line. a) under b) beneath c) on d) out of 4. I'm afraid Ms Walker is ________ the factory at the moment and we cannot contact her. a) into b) under c) out of d) towards 5. I'm afraid he's ________ a trip all week. a) on b) in c) at d) through 6. I'm afraid that he is ________ his office and I don't know where he is. a) out of b) in c) at d) under 7. I'm afraid he's ________ a meeting. a) through b) at c) on d) in 8. I'm afraid you've been put ________ to the wrong extension.

a) b) c) d)

in on by through

9. I'm afraid Mr Cook is ________ our Head Office today. a) at b) through c) over d) on 10. I'm afraid Ms Chang's ________ lunch. a) in b) on c) at d) with

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