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Se dice que una oracin est en voz activa cuando el sujeto de la oracin es quien realiza la accin: Pedro de Mendoza founded Buenos Aires. (Pedro de Mendoza fund Buenos Aires). 2. Se dice que una oracin est en voz pasiva cuando el sujeto de la oracin no realiza ninguna accin, sino que recibe la accin realizada por un agente Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza. (Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza) 3 a.Usamos la voz pasiva cuando no sabemos quien ha hecho la accin.
o o o

Ejemplos: A civilian has been killed. (Un civil ha sido asesinado.) The car was stolen. (El coche fue robado.)

3 b. Usamos la voz pasiva cuando queremos dar importancia a lo que pas, ms que a quin hizo la accin o cuando no queremos decir quien lo hizo.
o o o

Ejemplos: The letter was delivered yesterday. (La carta fue entregada ayer.) A mistake was made. (Un error fue cometido.)

4. La voz pasiva se forma con el verbo to be conjugado ms el participio del verbo principal. En ingls es mucho ms frecuente que en espaol y, normalmente, aparece cuando no es importante quien realiza una accin sino el hecho en s. Por eso, no siempre que veamos una pasiva, tenemos que traducirlo literalmente, puesto que en espaol suena ms forzado. Slo es posible el uso de la voz pasiva con verbos transitivos (verbos que llevan complemento directo). VOZ ACTIVA Tom writes a letter Tom is writing a letter Tom was writing a letter Tom wrote a letter Tom has written a letter Tom had written a letter Tom will write a letter Tom is going to write a letter Tom can write a letter Tom could write a letter Tom must write a letter Tom may write a letter Tom might write a letter VOZ PASIVA A letter is written by Tom A letter is being written by Tom A letter was being written by Tom A letter was written by Tom A letter has been written by Tom A letter had been written by Tom A letter will be written by Tom A letter is going to be written by Tom A letter can be written by Tom A letter could be written by Tom A letter must be written by Tom A letter may be written... A letter might be written...

5. Para hacer referencia al agente que realiza la accin se usa la partcula by (por) Buenos Aires was founded by Pedro de Mendoza. (Buenos Aires fue fundada por Pedro de Mendoza)

EJERCICIOS DE TRADUCCIN 1. The building was not seriusly damaged by the fire. 2. The interview has been canceled. 3. Who was the telephone invented by? 4. When was America discovered? 5. How is beer made? 6. The building was built in the twenty century. 7. The Santo Domingo mine will be developed as an open-pit operation 8. How much gold is mined in a year? Each year, approximately 2500 tons of gold are mined throughout the world. 9. Thousands of products are made from oil and gas, like fuel, electronics, sports equipment, medical supplies, household items and clothing. 10. Before food was processed we ate things that came out of the earth, out of the water, off a branch or plant or tree or bush. 11. The tensile strength of Portland cement is being studied. 12. Jewel Blast for iPhone & iPad, has just been released. 13. In 1830--the same year the Indian Removal Act was passed--gold was found on Cherokee lands. 14. In 1958, a new chemical element was discovered. It took the name Nobelium after Alfred Nobel and was classified as number 102 in the periodic table. 15. Everything that can be invented has been invented. 16. The server did not provide a meaningful reply; this might be caused by a premature session shutdown. 17. This research was conducted as part of the project Solid waste management in. Amazonia conducted by A.C.R.A. (Associaaon for Cooperaaon in Rural Areas). 18. Much research had been done on the subject. 19. Water is distilled by boiling it. As the water boils the steam is captured and then recondensed into a clean container. 20. The system is monitored by looking at the output voltage, if this is to low or to high the system will be adjusted.

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