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# Modificado por Juani Ubeda para uso temporal #(http://www.informaticartica.blo gspot.com) __all__ = ['update_openerp'] import os import shutil import glob import bzrlib.builtins from bzrlib.plugins import launchpad from bzrlib.branch import Branch from bzrlib.errors import NotBranchError from bzrlib.revisionspec import RevisionSpec def run_cmd(cmdname, *args, **kwargs): f = getattr(bzrlib.builtins, 'cmd_' + cmdname)() if hasattr(f, '_setup_outf'): # old versions of bzr does not have this function # this function must be called to avoid a exception in bzr code f._setup_outf() return f.run(*args, **kwargs) _VERSIONS = ('4.2', '5.0', '6.0', '6.1','trunk') _DEFAULT_VERSION = '6.1' _EXTRA_ADDONS_MAP = { '4.2': '4.2-extra-addons', '5.0': 'stable_5.0-extra-addons', '6.0': 'extra-6.0', '6.1': 'trunk-extra-addons', } def update_openerp(dest_dir, version=_DEFAULT_VERSION, lplogin=None, export=Fals e, revision=None, verbose=False): """ if lplogin == None -> make a branch instead of a checkout if export == True -> bzr export if revision is provided, get the branches at this revision more information with: $> bzr help revisionspec """ def log(msg): if verbose: print msg if version not in _VERSIONS: raise Exception('Unknown version') dest_dir = dest_dir or '.' branch = lplogin is None if branch: BASEURL = 'lp:' else: BASEURL = 'bzr+ssh://%s@bazaar.launchpad.net/' % (lplogin,) # map branch URLs according to version extraversion = _EXTRA_ADDONS_MAP[version]

communityversion = 'trunk' webversion = version bzr_repository = { 'server': (BASEURL + '~openerp/openobject-server/' + version, True), 'client': (BASEURL + '~openerp/openobject-client/' + version, True), 'addons': (BASEURL + '~openerp/openobject-addons/' + version, True), 'addons-extra': (BASEURL + '~openerp-commiter/openobject-addons/' + extr aversion, False), 'addons-community': (BASEURL + '~openerp-community/openobject-addons/' + communityversion + '-addons-community', False), 'web': (BASEURL + '~openerp/openerp-web/' + webversion, True), 'spanish': (BASEURL + '~openerp-spain-team/openerp-spain/' + version, True), } bzr_links = { 'addons/*': 'server/openerp/addons/', 'addons-extra/*': 'server/openerp/addons/', 'addons-community/*': 'server/openerp/addons/', 'spanish': 'server/openerp/addons/', } if branch: cmd = {'new': lambda u, l, r: run_cmd('branch', u, l, revision=r), 'update': lambda u, l, r: run_cmd('pull', u, directory=l, overwri te=True, revision=r), } else: cmd = {'new': lambda u, l, r: run_cmd('checkout', u, l, lightweight=True , revision=r), 'update': lambda u, l, r: run_cmd('update', l), # no revision opt ion :( } cmd['export'] = lambda u, l, r: run_cmd('export', l, u, revision=r) msg = "%(status)s %(type)s of %(from)s into %(to)s" if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): os.makedirs(dest_dir) for local, (bzrdir, has_tags) in bzr_repository.items(): local = os.path.join(dest_dir, local) typ = ['checkout', 'branch'][branch] if export: if os.path.exists(local): shutil.rmtree(local) status = 'export' typ = 'sources' else: try: b = Branch.open(local) # FIXME check that the current workingDirectory is a branch or a checkout status = 'update' except NotBranchError: status = 'new' frm = bzrdir rev = None if revision and (not revision.startswith('tag:') or has_tags):

frm = '%s (%s)' % (bzrdir, revision) rev = RevisionSpec.from_string(revision) log(msg % {'status': status, 'type': typ, 'to': local, 'from': frm}) cmd[status](bzrdir, local, rev and [rev] or None) # Doing symlinks log('(Re)Computing Symbolic links...') for src2,dest2 in bzr_links.items(): src2 = os.path.join(dest_dir, src2) dest2 = os.path.join(dest_dir, dest2) for src in glob.glob(src2): dest = os.path.join(dest2, os.path.basename(src)) if not os.path.isdir(dest): os.symlink(os.path.realpath(src), dest) log('='*79) log('Sources of OpenERP have been installed. If you develop new features,') log('you can get more information on how to contribute to the project here:' ) log('\thttp://test.openobject.com') log('='*79) # # Testing bzr send # if __name__ == '__main__': import optparse description = """Tool that allows you to get the last sources of openerp on launchpad. It downloads all branches, and create symlinks for addons in the server. By default, it loads the latest stable version. """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(description=description, usage="%prog [options] [directory]") parser.add_option('--checkout', dest='lplogin', help="Specify the launchpad login to make a checkout instead of a branch") parser.add_option('--export', dest='export', help='Make an export of the sou rces, instead of branches', action='store_true', default=False) parser.add_option('-v', dest="version", default=_DEFAULT_VERSION, type="choi ce", choices=_VERSIONS, help="Specify the version to take (trunk, 4.2, 5.0, 6.0) ") parser.add_option('-r', dest="revision", default=None, help="Specify the rev ision to take. (useful to take a specific TAG or to specify a DATE)") parser.add_option('-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', help='Suppress the output', action='store_true', default=False) opt, args = parser.parse_args() dest_dir = args and args[0] or '.' update_openerp(dest_dir, opt.version, opt.lplogin, opt.export, opt.revision, not opt.quiet)

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