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Investigation of the infertile couple for 2 assisted conception

Amir Lass
Normal fertility is usually defined as achieving a pregnancy within 2 years by regular coital exposure'. It is estimated that about 90% of couples will achieve pregnancy in the first year and 95% in 2 years. Therefore, 810% of couples world-wide experience some form of infertility problem2. There are variations in the incidence of infertility in different regions and countries3. Although the prevalence of infertility has probably remained constant in the last rv.'o decades, attendance of patients for fertility treatment has increased dramatically all over the world with, in parallel, the creation of more new fertility centers. In the UK alone there are currently 76 centers performing more than 30 000 IVF cycles a year4. This observation is probably the result of the higher profile of infertility issues in the public arena, manifested by intensive coverage in newspapers, magazines, radio and television programs. Moreover, the abundance of treatment facilities and easier access to fertility specialists has increased the awareness of patients and health-care providers to seek expert assistance much sooner. Only in a minority of cases is one partner completely sterile, meaning that there is no possibility of a natural pregnancy occurring (i.e. azoospermia, bilateral tubal occlusion, absence of uterus, anovulation); therefore fertilityimpairment is seen in both partners more frequently than expected5. their general practitioner, gynecologist or andrologist after completion of basic infertility investigations. A substantial proportion of these patients have already undergone some infertility' treatment such as ovulation induction, inrrauterine insemination or tubal surgery. Moreover, some couples have had treatment by in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles in other centers. We encourage both partners to attend the primary consultation in the Clinic together and thoroughly investigate them as a unit. \Vc ask them to supply any relevant information and test results that are in their possession, with a covering letter from their general practitioner or consultant. In this interview, a detailed family and medical history is obtained to rule out other health problems. Due attention is given to exclude conditions that can contribute ro the infertility', such as diabetes mellitus, endocrinopachies or autoimmune disorders. The menstrual history is recorded and any previous investigations and pregnancies are noted. Although sometimes embarrassing, it is important to verify the frequency of intercourse and the timing of these occurrences related to the menstrual cycle. It is also important to explore any sexual problems such as impotence or premature ejaculation. It is still surprising that inappropriate intercourse due to biological or sexual problems or lack of knowledge contributes up to 6% of the causes of infertility. It is not rare to discover that some couples with sexual problems present themselves as suffering from infertility. A complete physical and pelvic examination of the female and genital examination of the male are an integral part of the primary consultation. Our policy is to assess the patients promptly, without"8' unnecessary repetition of previous examinations and tQ offer the appropriate treatment to the right patients. The


Most patients are referred for assisted conception treatment in a tertiary center such as Bourn Hall Clinic by


In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction basic groups of investigations required are shown in Table 1.

hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies. Where relevant, the woman is tested for rubella immunity; if the test is negative and she is resident in the UK, she is strongly advised to be immunized before continuing with fertility treatment. Cervical cytology is obtained if she has not been tested within the preceding 3 years or if clinical examination suggests the presence of a suspicious lesion. Routine high vaginal or cervical swab cultures are not usually taken unless there are symptoms or signs of infection. The hemoglobin is estimated and should be more than 10 g before IVF is embarked upon.

General condition The woman's body mass index (BMI) should be in the range of 2030. Both being overweight and underweight can affect normal ovularion, alter the response to super-ovulation with gonadotropins, reduce the chance of conceiving, increase pregnancy complications and neonatal morbidity, and increase the risks involved in anesthesia and surgical retrieval of oocytes6-7. Patients whose BMI is not in the recommended range are referred to a dietitian in order to achieve that goal before they are allowed to continue with assisted conception treatment. Couples are routinely required to be tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) within the 6 months preceding treatment, and they are offered the option of counselling regarding the implication of this blood test. Similarly, it is essential that they have been tested for Table 1 Investigation of infertility. Asterisks mark the tests thai are considered essential; the rest are optional, depending on clinical necessity General body mass index* HIV antibodies* hepatitis B and C antibodies* hemoglobin* basal temperature charts cycle day 26: serum LH, FSH, Ovulation estradiol, prolactin cycle day 21: progesterone* serial ultrasound scans of the ovaries cycle day 2-6: serum FSH, estradiol* ovarian volume by ultrasound Ovarian reserve Sperm Tubal and factors Uterus hysterosalpingogram laparoscopy hysterosalpingogram ultrasound* hysteroscopy D & C with histology ofendometrium Doppler scan of uterine arteries LH, luteinizing hormone; FSH, follicle stimulating hormone; D & C, dilatation and curenage semen analysis of 2-3 samples*

Assessment of ovulation Normal ovulation is defined as rupture of the follicle with release of an oocyte8. The only true evidence of ovulation is a subsequent pregnancy and regrettably there is no established method to confirm completion of ovulation. The most common means of assessing ovulation in the menstruating woman include: basal temperature recordings, cervical mucus changes, testing of the luteinizing hormone (LH) surge'and serial ultrasound scans. Fortuitous laparoscopic examination may demonstrate actual ovulation or the ovarian stigma. Temperature recordings are still a mainstay of many infertility clinics and something which many infertile women may use before seeking the advice of a general medical practitioner. Such charts are rarely 'textbook' in result, and are notoriously difficult for couples to interpret in deciding on the best time for coitus. A biphasic temperature chart indicates that at least some progesterone is being produced, and a luteal phase plateau suggests that the progesterone output is satisfactory, while multiple peaks may indicate 'luteal phase deficiency'. Home-testing of morning urine samples for the LH surge with one of the easily available proprietary kits may give more definite answers and more accurate timing9. However, patients do not always find them easy to interpret. Furthermore, some may notice a lack of correspondence between cervical mucus changes, temperature response and the LH surge10. Serum progesterone levels of>10 ng/ml a week after the LH surge or mid-cycle temperature change are indicative of adequate ovulation9, but only serial ultrasound scans or fortuitous direct inspection will confirm that the dominant follicle has ruptured. Even then, there is the possibility that the egg may still be trapped within



the follicle, a not uncommon finding of gynecologists used to laparoscopic oocytc recovery. Anovulacory infertility is the commonest cause of female infertility, often characterized by irregular oligomenorrhea; however, menstruation, amenorrhea may or ovularory dysfunction occur

Investigation of the infertile couple for assisted conception younger than 30 years of age should have a karyotype determination. The incidence of chromosomal abnormalities in POP patients with secondary amenorrhea is esrimatedto be 2-5%. The presence ofaY chromosome requires surgical removal of the gonads as there is 25% risk of malignant tumor formation 15'16. The most common cause of POP in adults is probably autoimmune failure and investigations for autoimmune disorders should take place. Other rare causes of high levels ofgonadotropins are summarized in Table 2. In normogonadotropic anovulation, the majority of patients are likely to have polycystic ovaries. This condition is discussed in a separate chapter.

coincidentally with apparently regular cycles. Women who suffer from primary amenorrhea have usually been evaluated previously and not in the context of infertility, the investigation and management of which are outside the scope of this chapter. We may take a blood sample at day 2-6 of the menstrual cycle for prolactin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), LH and escradiol to identify the four main causes ofovulatory failure: (1) Hyperprolactinemia; (2) Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism; (3) Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism; (4) Normogonadotropic anovulation. If the prolactin level is raised more than 800 mIU/ml", then a repeat estimation is made and a new sample is also sent for estimation of the level of thyroid stimulating hormone. If there is occult hypochyroidism, thyroid function is further tested, including thyroid autoanti-bodies. Although stress remains the commonest cause of a rise in prolactin level, polycystic ovaries, psycho-therapeutic medication and the premenopausal state have to be considered, besides the comparatively rare pituitary prolactinoma. Galacrorrhea may be present. Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism is usually idiopathic and is a result of primary hypothalamic or pituitary failure. Other causes include excessive stress or exercise, malnutrition or underweight 12. This condition is best diagnosed by low LH and FSH levels (< 5 mIU/ml), low estradiol level (<40pg/ml)13 along with a negative gestagen challenge test (no withdrawal bleeding). Hypergonadotropic hypogonadism is defined by raised FSH levels (> 20 mIU/ml) and indicates ovarian failure. It may occur at any age. Whilst in younger women the cause is mostly genetic (e.g. Turner's syndrome), in older women near the end of their reproductive life a raised FSH level is due to aging of the ovary and therefore indicates imminent menopause. If the woman is < 40 years old, she is classified as suffering from premature ovarian failure (POP), which occurs in 1% of women14. Patients

Assessment of ovarian reserve A major factor in successful IVF treatment is the ability of the ovary to respond to gonadotropin stimulation and to develop several follicles. That response reflects the ovarian function or 'ovarian reserve'. The reduction of ovarian reserve is apparently due to reduced numbers of ovarian primordial follicles from about a million at birth to over 250 000 at menarche, to very few at the end of reproductive life. This loss accelerates around the age of 37 and precedes the menopause by 1012 years17'18. There is wide variation in the number and rate of depletion of follicles. Some women fail to respond to gonadotropin stimulation, and the cycles are cancelled. This is common, particularly in older women. Obviously, it would be clinically and economically helpful if we could predict a poor response before treatment.

Table 2 Causes of hypergonadotropic hypogonadism Idiopathic Concomitant autoimmune disease thyroiditis, myasthenia gravis, idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura, rheumatoid arthritis, adrenal insufficiency, vitiligo, autoimmune hemolytic anemia Resistant ovarian syndrome Previous surgery Chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy Infection Galactosemia 17-hydroxylase deficiency Tumors producing gonadotropins lung cancer, pituitary adenoma


In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction Age of the female partner is an important factor in fertility; as a woman gets older her fertility diminishes19'23. In developed countries, more women are now choosing to delay starting a family 24 for various social reasons. As more couples delay the commencement of child rearing, the age of those attending for infertility treatments will increase25. Although many women are fertile nto their late forties, most are not, but the precise reason for this loss of fertility is not understood. There are thought to be a number of factors, including the decline in the frequency of intercourse25, decreasing numbers of primordial follicles17, poorer oocyte quality ' , problems in the uterus and embryo loss , sometimes due to chromosomal abnormalities29. At Bourn Hall we do not limit the upper age for treatment for women as long as they are not menopausal. We inform patients at the end of their reproductive life about their slim chance of conceiving. Recently, around 15% of our treatment cycles were performed on women of 40 years or older, while the average age of our patients is 36.5 years. Age and regularity of menses alone are unreliable ways of predicting ovarian reserve. The biological age is more important than the chronological age . In the aging process, the ovaries become progressively less responsive to exogenous gonadotropins, until they are totally refractory at the time of the menopause. Oddly, the ovaries cease to respond to stimulation even though some follicles still remain in the srroma. Ovarian reserve may be evaluated by the following assessments.
30 26 27 28

threshold we postpone treatment and check the PSH level again in the next cycle. Once the FSH levels start to fluctuate, there is already a decreased ovarian reserve and it is not clear whether starting stimulation in a later month with 'normal' FSH levels will give a better result34. It is important for each fertility center to define their cut-off point, depending on their experience and results.

Basal estradiol level Measurement of basal estradiol in addition to FSH might improve the ability to predict fertility potential compared with basal FSH and chronological age alone35"37. On cycle day 3, an estradiol level of less than 80 pg/ml with a normal FSH level in women of 3S-42 years gives a good prognosis of successful treatment35.

Ovarian volume Increased age is associated with decreased ovarian volume. Transvaginal measurement of ovarian volume is quick, accurate and cosc-effective. Decreased ovarian volume is a sign of ovarian aging that may be observed earlier than a rise in FSH levels. Small ovaries are associated with poor response to superovulation and a high cancellation rate in IVF38'39. Other tests that are not widely used clinically and are performed only in special circumstances in our clinic include the following.

Basal serum FSH levels

Once the ovary is more or less exhausted, increased pituitary production of FSH follows. This event takes place a few years before the actual menopause. Currently, the FSH level is the best marker for assessing ovarian reserve and for predicting the response to superovularion, with a good correlation with pregnancy rates ' . However, lack of a clear cut-off point, huge variations between different laboratories and monthly variations in FSH secretion means that FSH measurement is of only limited value in assessing the prognosis ofIVF treatment27'33. We check the day 2 FSH level in the treatment cycle of all patients of 38 years or older and women with previously reduced response to superovulation. Our cut-off point is 12 IU/1 or 12 mIU/ml; if the level is above that Dynamic tests
3 32

Basal inhibin-B level Inhibin-B is a heterodimeric glycoprotein released by the granulosa cells of the follicle. A recent study has shown that women with low day-3 inhibin B level (< 45 pg/ml) had a poorer response to superovulation for IVF and were less likely to conceive a clinical pregnancy. It also showed that a decrease in inhibin-B probably precedes the increase in FSH levels40.

The clomiphene challenge test (GCT) was first described in 1987 by Navot and colleagues41. This simple rest


Investigation of the infertile couple for assisted conception

consists of measuring the serum FSH level on cycle day 3 and again on day 10 after administration of 100 mg of clomiphenc from days 5 to 9. An abnormal test is defined by elevated FSH levels on cycle day 10. This provocative test unmasks patients who might not be detected by basal FSH screening alone. An abnormal test is highly predictive of diminished ovarian reserve in natural cycles, during ovulation induction and in IVF42"44. It is superior to early follicular FSH screening, but has poor predictive value in women over 40 in terms of response to superovulation and pregnancy rate in assisted reproduction technology cycles42'43. The gonadotropin releasing hormone agonist (GnRH-a) challenge test has been proposed recently 45'46. In this test changes in estradiol levels from cycle day 2 to 3 after subcutaneous administration of leuprolide acetate45 or FSH increase 2 h after buserelin injection46 are measured. However, although the dynamic tests are strongly predictive of stimulation outcome, it is not yet clear whether they are more useful than measurement of basal FSH in predicting IVF outcome.

Semen analysis This topic is reviewed in greater length elsewhere, but there are some points worth emphasizing here. The World Health Organization (WHO) laboratory manual for the examination of human semen and semencervical mucus interaction 52 contains a wealth of practical information and outlines the criteria of fertility commonly used for semen samples. These include: (1) Volume of ejaculate 2.0 ml or more; (2) Sperm concentration > 20 X 106 spermatozoa/ml; (3) Total sperm count S40X 106 spermatozoa per ejaculate; (4) Motility > 50% with forward progression, or > 25% with rapid linear progression, within 60 min of ejaculation; (5) Morphology > 30% with normal forms; (6) White blood cells < 1 x lO^ml; (7) Immunobead test < 20% spermatozoa with adherent particles. At Bourn Hall we recommend that the ejaculate produced by masturbation be split into two (linked with adhesive tape) dry plastic pots. The highest sperm concentration commonly presents in the first part of the ejaculate. This is not only an aid to prognosis, but is also helpful to the laboratory in any subsequent sperm preparation procedure (see Chapter 13). The grading of sperm activity on an arbitrary scale of 0-4 is useful for comparing samples from the same man; problems tend to arise with fertilization should the score be less than 2. As described in later chapters, the addition of culture medium to the specimen pots before semen collection results in improved sperm motilicy if there has been marked viscosity of previous semen samples. Likewise, addition of50%Albuminar-5, (A5; Armour Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Eastbourne, UK) to the pots may alleviate sperm agglutination or diminish the effect of proven antibodies. The mixed antiglobulin reaction (MAR) rest will distinguish IgG antibodies attached to the motile spermatozoa and therefore present in the seminal plasma. Should the MAR test be positive, then

Ovarian biopsy A method of quantifying the number of small follicles in ovarian biopsies from infertile patients was established recently47. Follicular density decreases significantly with increasing age. Women older than 35 years have only one-third of the concentration of follicles of younger women. Fewer primordial follicles are found in women with unexplained infertility than in women with tubal disease. Although this was a preliminary study in a relatively small group of patients, if these findings are confirmed in studies of more patients, it may be suggested that ovarian biopsy could have a place in the evaluation of unexplained infertility and in women in the later part of reproductive life. A unique group of patients with some concern about their adequate ovarian reserve are those with only one ovary. A few studies have shown that, although the response to superovulation is slightly reduced, the pregnancy rate and the chance of having a child are the same as for women with two intact ovaries, providing they reach the stage of embryo transfer47"51.


In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction

an indirect test with immunobeads will distinguish the presence of not only IgG, but also IgA antibodies. The MAR/immunobead test is regarded as positive when more than 10% of the motile spermatozoa have adherent particles/beads. Many non-specialized laboratories quote onl'7 a percentage of sperm motility and fail to assess the grade of sperm progression. A reported normal' result may thus exonerate a man who in fact has a sperm motility problem. Sperm progression and motility may appear unexpectedly poor on assessment if a long time has elapsed between the production and testing of the sample. The significance of abnormal results must always be measured against the length of abstinence before production of the semen sample and ought also to take into account tobacco and alcohol consumption, concurrent medications and a history of any recent (within the last 2-3 months) debilitating disease, such as influenza. It is still not uncommon to find that the only previous medical contact with the male partner of an infertile couple has been indirect, via a semen sample report. If any abnormality is present in the semen analysis, a full history should be taken from the male and an examination of at least his external genitalia and prostate gland performed. It is not now our usual clinic practice to culture the seminal fluid, unless there is excessive leukocytosis or genitourinary symptoms. A history of previous sexually transmitted disease would make it wise to culture not only the urine, but also a urethral swab taken after prostatic massage. The reader is recommended to refer to Chapter 4 for a fuller exposition of the investigation and management ot the infertile male and to Chapter 17 for details concerning the newer techniques of assisted reproduction when male infertility factors predominate.

Tubal-peritoneal factor Knowledge about tubal patency and function is crucial for deciding which treatment is the best for the couple, Clearly, women with severe tubal damage need IVF and cannot be treated by other methods such as intrauterine insemination, with or without superovularion. Hov/ever, couples whose only chance of conceiving using their own gametes is by IVF, for example those with severe

oligospermia, probably do not need investigation of the Fallopian tubes. The first-line diagnostic tool for assessing tubal status is hysterosalpingography (HSG). It is a relatively easy procedure, provides a measure of tubal diameter, locates tubal occlusion and identifies pathologies such as hydro-salpinx, salpingitis isthmica nodosa or tubal polyps. HSG cannot, however, distinguish between genuine occlusion and tubal spasm, although the administration of a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent prior to the procedure can reduce the occurrence of spasm. Moreover, HSG is not reliable for the evaluation ofperitubal adhesions53. HSG has therapeutic value, especially in the first few months following the procedure, possibly by removing mucus plugs and debris. The effect is stronger with oil-soluble rather than in water-soluble media54'55. In cases with a normal HSG, without any relevant medical history, laparoscopy is probably not required56. Tubal patency on HSG does not necessarily indicate normal tubal function and, where there is any history of pelvic inflammation or surgery, laparoscopy is recommended to confirm the normality of the tubo-ovarian relationships, especially tubal motility, and the state of the fimbriae. A rigid tube, even with free flow of dye on laparoscopy, is unlikely to be functional. Laparoscopy is the only accurate means of detecting and staging endo-metriosis. Periadnexal adhesive disease and cubal occlu-sive disease can be identified and staged. Laparoscopy is a patency test rather than a functional one because it does not provide information about the mucosa and the lumen of the tube. To achieve this, a new endoscope, the falloposcope, which can be introduced into the tube via a laparoscope5'"59 or transcervically60'61 has been developed. The role of salpingoscopy in tubal infertility is discussed in depth by Brosens62. Another option to assess the patency of the Fallopian tube, although it does not give much information about its function, is hysterosalpingo-constrast-sonography (Hy-Co-Sy). A combination of air and saline or contrast medium (Echovist-200) is introduced to the tubes through the cervix. The flow of the media in the tubes and the spillage in the pelvis is detected by ultrasound63'64. Laparoscopic evaluation of the Fallopian tubes, adnexae and pelvic peritoneum in patients with radiolog-ically damaged tubes permits decisions to be made about


Investigation of the infertile couple for assisted conception

che optimum treatment. The options that may be offered include: (1) Transcervical tubal recanalization; (2) Laparoscopic tubal surgery; (3) Microtubal surgery;

is mandatory in the investigation of the subfertile woman in the following situations: (1) An intrauterine lesion suspected on HSG or on transvaginal scan (a) Fibroid, (b) Endometrial polyp, (c) Congenital uterine anomaly; (2) Relatively high risk of intrauterine adhesions (a) Instrumental interventions in the past (e.g. dilatation and curettage (D & C), termination of pregnancy, complicated forceps delivery), (b) History of endometritis: post-delivery, post-Cesarean section, severe pelvic inflammatory disease, (c) Recurrent miscarriage; (3) Failure of implantation of reasonable embryos after three consecutive IVF cycles. If a lesion causes a significant distortion of the uterine cavity and is therefore estimated to jeopardize the chances to conceive or to carry the pregnancy to term, it can be corrected successfully by surgical hysteroscopy in the majority of cases. The abdominal approach is required for large intramural fibroids. Pregnancy rates following myomectomy in women whose fibroids were the unique cause of infertility, or after surgical correction of intrauterine anomalies, were satisfactory72'75'76.

(4) IVF.
The indications, effectiveness, complications and costs of these different options should be fully discussed with the patients, with possible referral to specialized centers.

Uterine factor In spite of much progress in the earlier days of IVF, such as ovulation induction, oocyte retrieval and culture media, the maximum conception rate, even in the best units, still does not exceed 30% per embryo transfer, and at least 90% of apparently normal embryos fail to implant4. Uterine anomalies, fibroids, intrauterine synechiae and endometria! polyps are commonly considered to be closely associated with spontaneous and recurrent miscarriages, although there is still controversy about their incidence, classification and role in reproductive failure65 and especially in IVF treatment. Although these lesions, with the exception of intrauterine adhesions, are not a cause of infertility, they can cause pregnancy loss and early delivery. It is a tragedy to establish a pregnancy by IVF only to lose it because of a preventable miscarriage. There are few accurate methods for investigating the uterine cavity: HSG, ultrasound, hydrosonography and, recently, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)66'67. However, the 'gold standard' for uterine cavity assessment is diagnostic hysteroscopy. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the incidence of intrauterine pathology (mainly adhesions) before IVF treatment is up to 50% of the patients68"71 with a similar frequency in women who failed to conceive in one72 or two IVF cycles73. Moreover, in women with a previously normal hysteroscopy followed by three or more consecutive failed cycles of IVF-embryo transfer (IVFET), 18.2% demonstrated abnormalities on repeat hysteroscopy74. Every woman should ideally have her uterine cavity investigated by HSG and/or hysteroscopy before starting IVF treatment. We believe that diagnostic hysteroscopy

Immunological infertility Immunological factors account for up to 10% of the causes of infertility. Cervical mucus hostile to spermatozoa was usually diagnosed by the post-coital test (PCT). Recent studies have shown that this test has a very low predictive power for achieving a pregnancy77'78 and therefore the PCT has become less fashionable and, with the advent of specific new and reliable sperm antibody tests for both partners, it is now possibly outmoded. Nevertheless, the presence of a good number of motile spermatozoa 4lOh after intercourse provides direct, evidence that cervical mucus hostility is not a cause of' infertility. Caution must be exercised in interpreting an


In Vitro Fertilization and Assisted Reproduction

apparent 'shaking phenomenon' of the spermatozoa within the mucus, as this may represent preliminary coating with antibody from the male genital tract, rather than an antagonistic factor derived from the female. The sperm-mucus contact test makes it easier to ascertain that the cervical mucus itself is responsible for the 'shaking', but false-positive reactions do occur 52. The characteristics ofovulatory cervical mucus are clearly and helpfully detailed in the WHO manual 52, to which reference should be made. Performing the test at other times than that ofovulation can produce grossly misleading results. The association between recurrent miscarriage and antiphospholipid antibodies (APA), mainly anticardio-lipin and lupus anticoagulant, led some authors to investigate the correlation of these antibodies with infertility and repeated IVF failure79'80. The prevalence of APA in infertile patients is yet not clear, nor has the best treatment yet been established. Various combinations of mini-dose aspirin, heparin, steroids or immunoglobulins have been suggested81"84. The effect of treatment on improving pregnancy races and decreasing miscarriage rates is still under evaluation and is discussed in Chapter 20.

(1) "Wait and see'; (2) Ovulation induction; (3) Inrrauterine insemination; (4) IVF; (5) IVF plus intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI); (6) Use of donated gametes or embryos; (7) IVF surrogacy. These options are described in detail elsewhere in this book. The final decision on which treatment options to select depends on the infertility diagnosis, the female patient's age, their estimated chance of success, the cost, risks and side-effects of each method and, not least, the couple's own preferences. Ovulation induction may be all that is required for the anovulatory woman of normal body weight85 with normal Fallopian tubes and whose husband has normal sperm. Antiestroecns such as clomiphene citrate 50 mg daily from cycle days 2 to 6 inclusive provide a good initial starting therapy. The dose may be increased to 50 mg twice or even three times daily. Whilst luceal phase progesterone levels may be used to confirm ovula-tion (with the limitations previously described), some women react adversely to this drug and any pelvic pain warrants at least a pelvic examination and more helpfully an ultrasound scan to exclude multifollicular development and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Indeed, there are some patients for whom a dose of only

Unexplained infertility Follov.-ing comprehensive investigation of the infertile couple, as detailed above, some 1015% of couples will have no apparent reason for their infertility and will therefore be classified as suffering from 'unexplained infertility'. Although couples with unexplained infertility have a 40-89% chance of conceiving spontaneously in the 3 years following investigation', they are usually an anxious group of patients who find it difficult to come to terms with the inability of advanced scientific investigation to give them a logical explanation for their longstanding infertility. Female age of > 30 years, increasing duration of infertility and primary infertility are factors which adversely affect their chances of conceiving without treatment. The indications for proceeding to IVF treatment at Bourn Hall Clinic during the period 1995-96 are shown in Figure 1. After completion of all investigations the results are discussed with the couples and the optimum treatment modalities decided for each couple. Today our treatment 'arsenal' is quite wide and Includes:

More than one cause 17% Tubal disease 24% Unexplained

infertility ^ale factor 12% 24% Figure I Indications for proceeding to in vitro fertilization treatment at Bourn Hall Clinic during 1995-9,6


Investigation of the infertile couple for assisted conception

25 mg of clomiphene citrate daily is sufficient. For a small percentage of women, injection of human chori-onic gonadotropin may be required to induce ovulation. At Bourn Hall, for women having timed intercourse following this sort of induction regimen, serial ultrasound scanning with hormone monitoring (estradiol, LH and progesterone) is employed, beginning on day 9 or 10 of the menstrual cycle. Another alternative, especially for women who experience some sideeffects with clomiphene, is tamoxifen in an initial dose of 20 mg daily from days 2 to 5 inclusive. Clomiphene is successful in inducing ovulation in 80% of the women after 6 months of treatment, and 40% will conceive. Rossing and co-workers86 established an increased risk of ovarian cancer after the use of clomiphene (but not tamoxifen) for more than 12 months, and the Policy and Practice Subcommittee of the British Fertility Society (BFS) has recommended that the use of clomiphene be limited to 6 months87. Should the antiesrrogens fail to induce ovulation and hyperprolactinemia, and hypergonadotropic states have been excluded as previously described, then recourse may be made to the use ofgonadotropins, of which the most used has been human'menopausal gonadotropin (hMG) or FSH. Nowadays, estrogen monitoring (urinary or blood) is regarded as insufficient by itself ro exclude the possibility of hypersiimulation and multiple pregnancy, and ultrasound scan monitoring is considered essential. Alternate-day or daily doses of FSH or hMG may be employed, as is most convenient to the patient and the medical attendant. At Bourn Hall, alternate-day regimens commencing with 1 or 2 ampoules daily are used, especially for ovulation induction in intrauterine insemination cycles.

(1) The success rate of the individual clinic; (2) The characteristics of the couple. Pregnancy rates vary enormously in different countries and in clinics in the same country and region4'88'89. In the UK live birth races range from 9 to 26% while the national live birth rate is 15.0% per cycle4. This difference may result partly from different entry criteria (e.g. by limiting the upper female age, or the number of previous unsuccessful cycles) or from the fact that some tertiary referral centers with very good records are treating the most resistant cases. However, variations in success rates reflect genuine differences in quality of care and experience between clinics and each clinic should therefore present couples with accurate recent pregnancy rates from their clinic, rather than quoting national or international figures. Numerous studies have investigated the factors that affect the outcome of IVF treatment. The most comprehensive study was conducted on more than 50 000 cycles registered on the Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority (HFEA) database90. Female age emerges as the single most important factor influencing the outcome of IVF90"93. The effect of increasing age on the reduction in fertility has been discussed previously in this chapter. Our results at Bourn Hall confirm this finding (Table 3). The biological age is more important than the chronological age, as older women with a good response to superovulation and satisfactory cycles have very reasonable chances of conceiving. The lower pregnancy races seen in older women seem to be due partly to a worsening response to superovulation. In spite of increased Table 3 Correlation between maternal age and delivery rate in 1943 IVF cycles performed at Bourn Hall Clinic in 1995 and 1996
Age (years) C n <30 30-34 35-39 40-44 S45 Total 269 748 651 243 32 1943 'yclcs % 13.8 38.5 33.5 12:5 1.6 Number of deliveries 58 158 111 23 I* 351 Delivery rate (%) 21.6 21.1 17.1 9.5 3.1 18.1


Where a couple, after proper investigation and careful counselling, decide to embark on demanding and expensive IVF treatment, their main concern is usually what their real chance of succeeding is, and whether they will become parents. Although no definite answer can be given before treatment is started, the two major factors influencing success are:


In Vitro Fertilization rind Assisted Reproduction

dosages of hMG, older women generally yield fewer oocyrcs and have a higher cancellation rare. Therefore, Roest and colleagues94 suggested recently that ovarian response was a more useful predictor of pregnancy than age alone. The cause of infertility, even if two or more f ctors are involved, does not affect IVF outcome90'93. In ihe past, male infertility was associated with lower pregnancy races in IVF95'96, but since the introduction ofICSI97, we now expect similar pregnancy races in infertility from all causes (Figure 2). The HFEA database showed a significant reduction in the success rates with increasing duration of infertility, even after adjustment for age90 (Figure 3). Women who suffer from secondary infertility (i.e. those who have had a previous pregnancy) are more likely to have a live birch after IVF treatment, regardless of the pregnancy outcome90'96.

cycles99, others, studying larger numbers of patients, found an equal chance in the first three cycles, followed by a significantly reduced chance93, or decreased chance with each consecutive cycle90 (Figure 4). The overall cumulative pregnancy rates after six cycles of IVF range from 56%100 to 72%93 compared with 55% cumulative probability of pregnancy after 6 months of intercourse in a normally cohabiting, fertile population.
25 20 15

5-1 0 Tubal Male Unexplained Others Male and female


Figure 2 Delivery rates in 1943 treatment cycles at Bourn Hall Clinic

during 1995-96 related to the causes of infertility (not significant) Because the chance of conception with a single IVF treatment is still relatively low, treatment cycles cannot be realistically D per cycle a per OCR o per ET considered in isolation. Calculations of cumulative pregnancy 20-i 18-16-14 -12 -14 -12-10-8 -6 rates are needed, as are trends in success rates with repeated cycles. It is 'widely believed that couples who discontinue IVF 0 llo 3 4 loti 7 to 9 10 to 12 >12 Duration of infertility (Y) Live birth rate after a failed attempt do so because they have a poor prognosis. ^ Croucher and colleagues93; in a large study of more than 9000 by duration of infertility (HFEA data; cycles in a single tertiary center, found little evidence for this view. When they compared the etiology, age, ovarian response from reference 90) and fertilization rates of those who returned ag,ainsi those 0 3 0 per cycle 0 per OCR 0 per ET Figure 3 who did not; they found no difference in outcome. This suggests adapted that poorer responders were not dissuaded from returning. 20-i 18Those women returning for a repeat IVF attempt, having delivered a live infant after an IVF cycle, are reported to have a ^4: better prognosis98. Women who had unsuccessful pregnancies in s 12 their first cycle (e.g. miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or c 10 biochemical pregnancy), have a better chance for a live birth in 8 ^ 0 .-1 4 the next cycle than women who did not become pregnant in their first attempt90'93'96. 6-9 >10 While earlier studies reported the probability of pregnancy Number of previous IVF attempts Figure 4 Live remaining constant throughout successive birth rates by number of previous unsuccessfu IVF attempts (HFEA data; adapted from reference,90^.


Investigation of the infertile couple for assisted, conception IVF treatment should not be seen as an isolated event, and biochemical and failed clinical pregnancies should be viewed with a degree of cautious optimism. All couples undergoing IVF treatment should consider that this implies a course of at least three treatments, with equal chances of pregnancy in each. Beyond three cycles, success rates per cycle do fall, although cumulative pregnancy rates continue to rise, albeit at a slower rate, and the chances are still good enough to encourage those with sufficient resources and commitment to try three more attempts. Whilst accurate prediction of those who are likely to have a child is impossible, analysis of the cumulative pregnancy rates from an IVF center provides useful information to help couples make decisions about their treatment.

In summary, a clinic offering IVP and associated treatment methods must pay attention at the initial consultation to the past investigations of an infertile couple, their previous obstetric and gynecological history and the need for further special investigations. Attention to detail throughout the whole process is necessary and yet a flexible approach to investigation and treatment must be maintained. Failures of treatment, which sadly always exceed the successes, must be discussed with couples in the light of information drawn from both the medical and the scientific records of previous treatment cycles. Only in this way can one give them soundly based advice about future therapy. In no field of medicine is there a closer relationship between clinicians, laboratory scientists, counsellors and patients.

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