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Some properties of Newton-Gauss s line

Ion P atra scu, C at alin Barbu Abstract. In this note, we present some properties of Newton Gauss s line of a complete quadrilateral. 1. Introduction Given a cyclic quadrilateral ABCD; denote by F the point of intersection at the diagonals AC and BD; E the point of intersection at the lines AB and CD; N the midpoint of the segment EF and M the midpoint of the segment BC: In this note, we present some properties of Newton - Gauss s line of a complete quadrilateral. A complete quadrilateral is the gure determined by four lines, no three of which are concurrent, and their six points of intersection ([1, pp.61-62). A complete quadrilateral has three diagonals (compared to two for an ordinary quadrilateral). The midpoints of the diagonals of a complete quadrilateral are collinear on a line, called the Newton-Gauss line ([1, pp. 152-153). 2. A equality of angles determined by Newton - Gauss s line Theorem 1 If P is the midpoint of the segment BF; the Newton - Gauss s line of the complete quadrialateral EAF DBC determined with the line P M a angle equal with angle \EF D: Proof. Because P N kBE and P M kF C results that \EAC = \N P M and PM 1 PN BE = F C = 2 :

When ABCD is cyclic quadrilateral we have \EDF = \ADE + \EDB = \ABC + \ECB = \EAC; and AF F C = BF F D: Thus, \EAC = \N P M = \EDF: \BAC we obtain (3) sin EAF = sin BAC: BE 2R1 sin EDF R1 2R1 sin ABF ED = = = = ; BF 2R2 sin BAF R2 2R2 sin ABF AF (where R1 and R2 are the radius of the circumcircles of the triangles BED and BF A); so BE AF = BF ED: (4)
FD FD M FC = ED : Consequently, ED = P Combining (2) and (4) we get BE P N ; and now using (2) results that triangle EDF is similar to triangle N P M: This completes the proof of the theorem.

(1) (2)

Because \EAF = \EDF = 180

Appling the law of sines in the triangles BED and BF A; and using (3), we get

Remark 2 If point K is a midpoint of the segment F C we nd that \EF A = \KM N: 3. A parallel to the Newton-Gauss s line Theorem 3 The parallel from E to the Newton - Gauss line of complet quadrilateral EAF DBC and the line EF are isogonals lines of angle BEC: Proof. Since EDF is similar with N P M; we have \DEF = \P N M:

Let E 0 be the intersection of the parallel at the line N M with the side BC . Because P N kBE and N M kEE 0 the angles BEF and P N F , respectively F N M and E 0 EC are equals. Thus, \E 0 EC = \F ED \F EE 0 = \P N M \F N M = \P N F = \BEF:

4. Two cyclics quadrilaterals determined the Newton-Gauss s line Let G and J are the projections of the point F on the lines AB and CD; respectively. Theorem 4 The quadrilaterals M P GN and M KJN are cyclics. Proof. From Theorem 1 we have the equality \EF D = \P M N . The points P and N are the circumcenters of the right triangles BF G and EF G; respectively, then \P GF = \P F G and \N GF = \N F G.


\P GN + \P M N = (\P GF + \N GF ) + \P M N = \P F G + \N F G + \EF D = 180 ;

so we get that M P GN is a cyclic quadrilateral. In the same way we nd that M KJN is a cyclic quadrilateral. Remark 5 Because M P G and JKM are congruent triangles, result that the circles circumscribes quadrilaterals M P GN and M KJN are equals. 3

5. Two completes quadrilaterals and the same Newton-Gauss s line Let G and J are the projections of the point F on the lines AB and CD; respectively. Theorem 6 The complete quadrilaterals EGF JBC and EAF DBC have the same Newton-Gauss s line. Proof. Because the complet quadrilaterals EAF DBC and EGF JHI have a common diagonal, EF , means that the point N is situated on the NewtonGauss s lines of this quadrilaterals. We proof that the Newton-Gauss s lines still have a common point, it is midpoint of the segment BC: First, we will demonstrate that M G = M J . Because P M is a medium line in the triangle C : In the right triangle F JC the segment JK is a BF C we have P M = F2 FC median, then JK = 2 : Thus, P M = JK: In the same way we nd that GP = M K:

The quadrilateral ABCD is cyclic, so \ABF \DCF , thus \GP F \F KJ: Because O1 B1 M C1 is parallelogram we have \F P M \F KM: Therefore, \GP M \JKM: This, together with P M = JK and GP = M K; yields GP M JKM , thus M G = M J: If L is midpoint of the segment GJ , we have that M L is the perpendicular bisector of the segment GJ; then M L ? GJ: Since N is a circumcenter of the circle through E; G; F; J , then N L ? GJ: The collinearity of the points L; M and N follows, then the complete quadrilaterals EGF JBC and EAF DBC have the same Newton-Gauss s line.

[1] Johnson, R. A. Modern Geometry: An Elementary Treatise on the Geometry of the Triangle and the Circle. Boston, MA: Houghton Mi- in, 1929. [2] Mihaela Berindeanu, E: 14251, Gazeta Matematic a, 10 (2011), 481.

Ion P atra scu: Fra tii Buze sti College, Craiova, str. Ion Cantacuzino, nr. 15, bl S33, sc. 1, ap. 8, Romania. E-mail address : patrascu_ion@yahoo.com C at alin Barbu: Vasile Alecsandri College, Bac au, str. Iosif Cocea, nr. 12, sc. A, ap. 13, Romania. E-mail address : kafka_mate@yahoo.com

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