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A Young Persons Guide To Growing Up Today

By Isabelle Sennery http://www.sennery.com

To All the Children of the World

May Growing Up be a Fulfilling and Joyous Adventure

Copyright Notice Text @Isabelle C. Sennery 2000 First Published January 2000 ISBN 0 64639 096 1 Odyssey Mind Institute Publications Australia

This e-book format is also available with illustrations or in audio CD format from www.sennery.com.au


This program offers delightful access to children of all ages into the magical world of the human mind. I happily endorse Discovery!" Louise L. Hay, Author of "You Can Heal Your Life" and "Empowering Women" I am a young person who wishes that I had read Discovery while I was still at school. It would have turned my life around and made it easier to reach my goals. It is a huge short cut to information that I have since learned the hard way. Within this book are new ways of looking at the world, and each person's important role in it. Whether you are an adult or a child it is a Discovery that will change you life - Graham Squires Actor Home & Away- Sydney "Over the past six years I've marketed a wide range of personal growth products and have thousands of customers Australia-wide. Over that time I've tested and reviewed dozens of programs but I had always thought it a shame that I had never found any good program that were designed specifically for children and teenagers. That was until I was introduced to Discovery. As I went though the program I became more and more excited by the potential this amazing program has to make a huge difference in the lives of young people and the massive positive effect this could have on the future of this planet. This step-by-step program with beautiful illustrations and practical application exercises is a powerful tool that every teacher and parent needs to have to ensure that the young people in their care have the opportunity to live full and happy lives..." Alan & Lesley Hewitt - Managing Director, Earthstar Publishing - Perth WA "Discovery is a powerful tool even in the hand of the most inexperienced enquirer who ventures on its exciting journey. Isabelle Sennery has woven a masterful journey for adolescents and emerging adults, a trove of treasures to enhance and resource the journey of all children who travel with you. I have every confidence in commending Discovery. Terry Parsons - School Principal / BSc Dip Ed Grad Dip RE/Author "I believe Discovery would be a great resource for the kids of today. With so many pressures that they find themselves dealing with, Discovery will give many children/teenagers a way of not only dealing with those pressures, but show them how to get the most out of life, making choices that support them in the growing up process." Benita Collings TV Presenter - Director, PlaySkills Pty Ltd "What impressed me the most about Discovery is that it reaches beyond any and all social conditioning and reinforces the beauty and importance of the self. Most exciting to me is how the gentle and beautiful manner of the presentation enhances the adventure of self discovery and stimulates abstract thought processing." Rose Konda - Director, Lightseed Connections, Montana USA . "Wow! What a delightfully gentle yet powerful presentation Discovery is. I believe it is a message that the children of our world need now. This program will provide a key for children to escape the left brain prison our formal schooling has locked them into. It will give them tools to

build LOVE and FREEDOM into their life and ultimately all our lives." Robyn Hanlon (Home Educator) - Dip. T. Grad Dip Except.Child B.Ed (early childhood) "I love Discovery and congratulate Isabelle Sennery on producing this magnificent journey of self-realisation. Here is an opportunity for children to appreciate their true purpose in life. The language is simple, easy and fun. It will enable children everywhere to benefit, by finding out about themselves as they are invited to participate in this adventure of personal understanding. John Mulvey - Business Consultant, Presenter and Author Discovery: "...the course content and presentation are excellent. Discovery makes complex information clear and simple but powerful, and is a very good combination of information and experiential exercises. Above all, it will give children an understanding of , and access to, their own inner self and its astonishing power, and a positive tool for creating a great life." Elizabeth O'Brien - Business Development Manager, Global Walkabout



Why this book?

Introduction Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26

Brain, Mind & Thought Your Control Centre An overview of your brain The Gate Keeper What Is The Mind? Your Conscious Mind Your Subconscious Mind Measuring Your Brains Activity Use the Alpha State Winners Do! Lets Talk About Thinking Everything Vibrates; Nothing Rests! Thoughts Can Be Measured Too! What Happens When You Think? The Power Of Your Spoken Words Deciding Who You Want To Be How to Imagine & Visualize The Power Of What You See And Hear How To Write Powerful Affirmations What Do You Really Want? Your Self-made Enemy And How To Get Rid Of It You And Other People The Law Of Growth Abundance For All Higher Wisdom & The Universal Mind Evolution & Change Walking Into The Future

Foreword WHY THIS BOOK One day when I was about 9 years old, I read somewhere that we human beings use less than 10% of our brain. Less than 10%? How could this be possible? It did not make any sense to me. Specifically what did not make sense was the purpose of having an obviously extremely vital organ in our body while not using it fully. Why would we have it in the first place then? And, if we only use less than 10%, think of the potential we would have if we knew how to use the rest! I wondered ...did anybody know? Has anybody ever figured it out? At about the same time, I was also asking myself a lot of questions about life. What is it? Where do we come from? (If we do come from somewhere) Where do we go to afterwards? (If we are to go somewhere) Was I just my body, or something more than my body? If I was, what and who was I?

The funny thing is that I was not that kind of a serious kid! I had many friends, had a lot of fun and I was often behind as a student. Mind you, I once had two prizes for excellence in one year! You'd never guess what they were for though! Best Chatterbox and Best Daydreamer! I am serious and this is a true story. I let you imagine how embarrassing that was to receive these prizes in front of all the teachers, all the parents and much worst in front of all my friends! But that was me. I had questions about everything. I guess all children have. Answers however, came from all sorts of places. Some came from quite unexpected directions. Others came from friends, parents, teachers, books and some just never surfaced. One of those that didn't surface was my question about how I could utilize the other 90% of my brain. Another was who am I? With both of these I really got stuck. Nobody seemed to know. Those adult who did have some clue, kept on telling me that I was too young to ask those questions, or failing that, too young to understand the answers. What is it?

Years went by. As a matter of fact, more than 30 years went by, accompanied by lots of books on the subject, classes, workshops, seminars, you name it! I still do not know the answers to every one of these questions. No one person knows all the answers. The subject area is just too large. But, together with many other people around the world, I found some really, really interesting answers that since discovering them have changed my life forever. For the better! When my own children started to ask me similar questions, I found that I could actually give them some answers that they could understand and use! So this is how the writing of the book you are right now holding in your hands came to pass. Because I was seeking to provide answers for my own children, I decided to write it. Maybe you are also asking yourself what life is all about, what the future holds and how to make sense of all that is happening in the world today. I later on found that sometimes it is hard to find the motivation to read stuff that is not necessarily our first choice of reading material. You can be forgiven for wanting to choose Harry Potters or Alex Riders latest adventures rather than a course teaching you how to access and develop your very own power. To make it easier for you to learn and practice what you are about to discover, I made an audio version which is now available on CD from www.sennery.com. You may wish to have a look at them someday. You can also if you wish make your own audio version. This would work very well and would be very easy to do and the magic of it of course is that you would HAVE to read through the material as you are recording your voice reading it. So in fact, I recommend you do just that Whichever way you choose to explore this program, my deepest wish is that it guides you in the right direction, so that it does not take you 30 years to understand the world of possibilities and the power that lies right there, right now, within you. Isabelle

Introduction BRAIN, MIND & THOUGHT

Are Brain, Mind and Thought your favorite subjects? I'll take a guess... and say they are not! This is quite understandable. The Brain is so complex, so amazingly intricate, that anybody in their right mind would rather choose to leave the daunting task of under-standing it to the experts, the neuroscientists and the neurophysiologists, right? Who? Yes, you are right. Even the names given to the people researching and studying the brain are complex! What about the Mind? Phew! Now that is even more wondrous and complex! It remains a mystery! It is not even physical! Exploring the Mind is like space travel. Going deeper and deeper, further and further, never ending, discovering along the way things that we did not even know existed! What about Thinking? Surely you know that you think. You do this all day long. And I suspect that you know what you think. But, and there is always a but, do you know how you think? Did you ever try to work out what actually happens between your ears when you think? What could be so fascinating about the Brain, the Mind and Thinking, that the race to discover their mystery is as frantic as the race to the stars? And what's in it, for you? Well, as you might already know, your Brain and your Mind are the greatest, most amazing, most beautiful and most powerful parts of who you are. What you might not realize just yet though, is that your thinking holds a secret. That secret is that your thoughts, what you think and how you think are the keys to unlocking the power of your brain and mind, or in other words, the keys to unlocking your personal power. Imagine a super computer. The most powerful computer, loaded with all the programs that can possibly exist. Most of them, you haven't even heard of! The best software, an internet connection, the lot! That is what you have in your head! All for free, and in there for the rest of your life! If you had such a computer at home you would learn how to use it, wouldn't you?

You'd want to know how to turn it on, how to access the programs that you need, how to open them and work or play with them, how to connect to the internet; surf around web sites... Well, this is the purpose of this program.. To help you understand what your Brain is all about, what the Mind is all about and how to use them together. To help with the understanding of the Mind we must consider the physical things that can affect the way our mind works. I have included stretching, breathing and relaxation exercises in the chapters which will help you achieve a state of harmony that in turn will allow you to reach a physical and emotional state known as the Alpha State, the most beneficial way to absorb the information before you. There are fun pages between the chapters to do with as you please. You can draw on them, write notes, stick collage, or attach your favorite movie or concert tickets. Let your imagination take over! In other words, Ill show you how to have a great time in the Game of Life. True!


Chapter 1 Your Control Centre YOUR CONTROL CENTRE

Imagine yourself at an airport. Look around you. What is the tallest building? Usually it is the control tower. Just like an airport has a control tower to check on planes taking off and landing, your brain is your body's control box. It receives messages about what is going on around you, and inside you, telling your body what to do.

All this information received through your ears and eyes and other organs, travels to your brain as signals to be sort-ed out and analyzed. These signals tell your brain about conditions outside your body. It is cold or hot; you are inside or outside; there is music playing in the back-ground, there is silence; the food you are eating is hot; the water is cold; the apple is sweet; your book is blue; your hair is soft etc. Your brain decides what to do, then send signals back through the Nervous System to the muscles that control body movements - telling your body what to do. The brain is also the place where you think, remember, work out problems, have feelings, imagine and daydream. People studying the brain and how the brain works are called Neuroscientists. The study of the brain is a subject that has fascinated many people for many centuries. As we enter the 21st century, the understanding of the brain is accelerating at an incredible pace. New discoveries are made every day! There are more than 100,000,000 (one hundred million) connections between the various parts of the brain. Imagine a very large city, like Sydney, London, Paris, New York or Los Angeles, with all the lights on at night. Every single light is on in the whole city, in each building, on each floor, in each house and on every street. Imagine also, in this city you have chosen, that there are headlights from thousands of cars driving up and down the many streets. This network of still, blinking and shining lights, is very much how your brain looks when it is operating. The human brain leaves even the most advanced computers (super computers) far behind in its capacity to process information. Just imagine. It has been estimated that the brain is able to process more bits of information than there are atoms in the entire universe! This is huge! In order to do something similar, a modern computer would have to be at least 10,000 times larger than the aver-age brain!


What is even more surprising is that much of this enormous capacity goes unused. It is very hard for scientists to say exactly how much of the brain we use, but it is generally accepted today that it is still less than 10%. Quite a bit less in fact, but let's be kind to ourselves... Why do we have such a brain, with such a potential, if we don't fully use it? And what could we possibly do if we knew how to access more of our brain? It is like having a super computer, with an awesome game ready to play. You have a finger on the start button, you press start but you only use a couple of the twenty or so buttons and special function commands. Surely that if you had such computer, you would try to figure out what would happen when you start playing with other buttons and functions, or even smarter, you would ask somebody that does know to show you how! It is very much the same with your brain. What you are about to learn through this book is some of the other functions that are available and how to access and use them! For this, it is important that you understand the various parts involved. The same as for a computer, you have to learn how to use the keyboard and the mouse before you move on to a game!


Chapter 1 Your Control Centre YOU ARE THE SEED A Relaxation Exercise Relaxation is the first step in learning how to access and use more of your brain. Here is a simple process to relax your body, and slow down your inner chatter. Before you start, get some drawing paper and colored pencils and place them on the floor, or on a table next to you. Now, sit or lie on the floor, and close your eyes. Imagine you are the seed of a tree lying in the earth, warmed by the sun. Gradually, be aware that this seed has started to shoot - a little sprout breaks out of the seed shell, moving up in search of the warm sunlight. Very gradually, this little shoot begins to grow into a special tree. Just let your body move in the way it feels best for this to happen. In your imagination, allow your tree to grow slowly and steadily in its very own way. See and feel the trunk growing. See and feel the branches growing. Now see and feel the leaves growing. And finally, your tree produces beautiful flowers. Hold this position and notice what it feels like to be this very special tree. Now gradually bring your attention back to the present, into this room. Without speaking or looking at anything, take your drawing paper and colored pencils and draw your tree. Be sure that this is a picture of the tree your seed grew into. Keep drawing until your tree is complete. When finished, date and sign your work.


Chapter 2 - A Brief Overview of Your Brain A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF YOUR BRAIN Look at the drawing that is here to help you. The Cortex is mostly described has having two sides, the left and the right. These are called hemispheres, sitting side-by-side in your head. Your brain is divided into various parts and for the purpose of this book, we are going to see how some of these parts function and interact with each other. You might find this a bit technical at first. However, it is really important that you understand how they work. Every thought and movement we make is controlled by the brain. The brain is made of billions of living units called nerve cells, just like the lights in the city you just imagined. These nerve cells carry millions of messages to the brain along the spinal column which runs all the way down your back. The spinal column and the spinal cord within, links your brain to the rest of your body. The top of the spinal column is called the brain stem. This is where the spinal column meets the brain. Surrounding the brain stem is the Limbic system. The Limbic system is in continuous contact with all the different organs in your body, checking how they feel. Surrounding the Limbic system is the Cortex. This is what people usually draw when they are asked to draw the human brain. It looks a bit like a bicycle helmet with a split down the middle. Are you still with me? Look at the drawing that is here to help you. The Cortex is mostly described has having two sides, the left and the right. These are called hemispheres, sitting side-by-side in your head. The left hemisphere, also called the left brain, is the part of you that deals with arithmetic, language, judgment and speech. It is logical, concerned with details, always describing things, making decisions. These are all left brain activities. The right hemisphere, also called the right brain, is the part of you that looks more at the big picture. It is quite happy when things do not seem to make too much sense. It is creative and is the part of you that is good at drawing, painting, singing, story telling, imagining and music.


The left and right brains are always communicating with each other, and they do so through a thick bundle of nerves called the Corpus Callosum. This bundle of nerve fibers forms a bridge between the left and right brain. This bridge allows information to be transmitted from one side to the other. In this way the two hemispheres talk to each other. Let's go back to the brain stem again and I'll tell you about one of life's best kept secrets. There is another part of your brain that is very interesting. Near the top of your brain stem, where it joins the left and right brain, there is a small part of your brain (no more than 1 % of your total brain) that is made of a very thin web of nerves called the Reticular Formation. Right at the center of this formation, is an even smaller part that works like a filter. A filter usually decides what can and cannot pass through. This filter is called the Reticular Activating System, or RAS. This is a major key to unlock the secrets of your brain. The RAS is the Gatekeeper to a very important and special part of your brain. It is the gate to the functions of your brain that work at subconscious levels. (You are not aware of these functions however they certainly exist and are very powerful). It is also the gatekeeper to your mind, the non- physical energy that works through your physical brain. The subconscious and conscious aspects of your mind are explained in the following chapters. To understand how to work with your Gatekeeper and to discover what is behind the gates to your subconscious and your conscious mind is one of life's great secrets!


Chapter 2 A Brief Overview Of Your Brain THE QUICK BODY SCAN A Relaxation Exercise Remember that relaxation is the first step in setting up a communication link between the various parts of your brain. There are many ways to relax the body. Here is another exercise for you to practice. Once you are familiar with different techniques, keep using the one that works best for you. Let's start...Sit down comfortably, leaning into and against the back of your chair. Close your eyes. Begin to relax your whole body. Think about your toes - think about the bones and muscles inside them, feel their weight. Now tense up your toes as tight a possible. Hold that tense feeling in your toes to the count of five. Now relax your toes, relax them completely and feel the difference. Now, feel the lower part of your legs, and repeat the same process. Think about the bones and muscles inside your legs, tense up the muscles as tight as possible. Hold to the count of five... and let go. Lets move up your body. Think and feel about the upper part of your legs. Tense up the muscles, hold to the count of five and let go. Now, tense up your buttocks, hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and relax. Tense up the lower back, hold and let go. Tense up the upper part of your torso, hold and let go. Tense up your jaw, hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and relax. Tense up your face, squeeze up all the muscles of your face. Hold and relax. Now tense up your whole body. All the muscles tensed together, as tight as you can, hold1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and relax. Remain in this relaxed state for a while. Once you get familiar with this method of relaxation and become a master at doing it really fast, it is a great one to do just before you start a class.


Chapter 3 - The Gate Keeper THE GATE KEEPER

One of life's great secrets is to discover some extraordinary functions of your brain that you are not aware of. These are Functions that you are not conscious of; functions that control your body and your life whether you are awake or asleep; functions that happen at a subconscious level. These functions that you are about to discover, are so powerful that they totally control who you are, and everything in your life, despite the fact that you are not aware of them existing within your very own brain! It is like having two selves. One that you know and one that you do not even know exists! And the one that you do not know about is wiser and more powerful than the one that you do know. Wouldn't it be great to learn how to get to know that other self? Opening the door to this other self, is precisely what working with this filter called RAS, is all about. RAS is also the gatekeeper to your mind, which is the non-physical energy that works through your physical brain. There is a whole new world out there, and the most amazing thing is that out there is nowhere else to be found but within your own brain! The easiest way to understand what RAS is all about is to think of it as a little helper. Imagine a tiny little person sit-ting at a desk, kind of between your left and right brain; a little person forever standing by the gate to your subconscious. You might not know just yet very much about this filter, however you use it all the time and this is an example of how you do that.


Remember a time, at school and it is recess. The playground is very noisy. Voices everywhere! In the background, you can hear laughter, noisy games, cars and trucks passing by, planes flying overhead. You are talking with a friend, and you are so involved in your conversation that you do not even notice the noise around you. But all of a sudden, you think you heard something. Did you hear your name? Is somebody calling you? You hear it again. This time you hear it! Someone is indeed calling you! Now, did you really hear it the first time? Really hear it? No, because you were completely absorbed in your conversation with your friend. But out of all the agitation and background noises, your little keeper at the desk heard it. It pulled a little string to get your attention, (this string is a nerve fiber) and ring-ring, you are now fully aware that somebody is calling you. That's one of the many ways how RAS works. By getting your attention about what is necessary for you to be aware of. When you were deeply focused on your discussion, it was still there, working for you, filtering what was important for you to hear, from what was not important. Its function is to analyze incoming information. It can accept it and let it pass through the bridge of nerves (Corpus Collosum) from the left side of your brain to the other side (your right brain); or it can reject it and not let it pass through to the other side. The ability to accept or reject information is the responsibility of this filter. The part of your brain that functions at subconscious level (your right brain) does not have the ability to make this choice. It can only accept whatever comes across the bridge, then act upon it. In other words, this part of your brain only obeys orders! This filter is very important. Wouldn't it be great for you to learn how to use it?


Chapter 3 The Gate Keeper IMAGINE YOUR OTHER SELF A Relaxation Exercise

Close your eyes, and consciously start by slowing down your breathing. To do that, count from 10 to 1. Each count is one inhale and one exhale. Inhale, exhale... that's 10. Inhale, exhale... that's 9 Keep going until you reach the count of 1. Simply let your imagination wander. If you do have a secret self, another self that is really wise, really powerful in the sense that it could do anything you would ask it to do, what would it look like? Would it be a child, an adult, an older person? Would it look like you as you are right now, or would it be older, taller, and bigger? Or smaller like Tinkerbell in the Peter Pan's story? Let your imagination do the work for you. That is one of your right brain's best abilities. It loves day dreaming, so let it bring you a sense or images of what this other self might look like. Know and trust that whatever comes to you is perfect. Once you have an idea of what your other self might look like, take a piece of paper and write down what you have found. Describe the special skills that this other self might have to make it so special! Can it sing? Can it play music? Can it beat anybody else at Math? Does it know answers instantly? Can it rollerblades like a champion? Can it swim faster than an Olympic Athlete? Does it have many friends? Can it receive and give love to all? Does it talk to animals? Remember, this other self is very knowledgeable (it's a know it all!), very friendly and very likeable.


Chapter 4 - What is the Mind? WHAT IS THE MIND? In recent years, research in physics, biochemistry and psychology (those names again!) has shown that the brain works with a non-physical energy, called the mind. Many people still confuse the mind with the brain. Simply said, your mind is the intelligence that controls your life, and your brain is the tool that your mind uses for its activities. One of the things to understand here is that these two systems, the brain and the mind, work together but belong to two different dimensions. Your mind is a process that runs in parallel to physical processes of your brain. You can touch, weigh and measure the brain. One can measure its activity as you will soon learn but you cannot do this with the mind! The Mind is something that you cannot touch. No surgeon in the world would be able to cut a piece of it and put it into a glass jar so it could be analyzed. However, because it is like electricity, it can be measured and that is how we know it exists. It is invisible. It is energy and it is creative. Another thing that is rather special about the mind is that it does not seem to have a precise location within the brain. We could say that it is everywhere, multi-dimension-al and multigifted. The Mind works much faster than the most powerful super computer. The Mind moves faster than the speed of light. Now that is pretty fast! Right now, we still know very little about its power and all the things that it can do. Research has also shown that the Mind is a bit like an iceberg! There is a part that we perceive and a part that is kind of invisible. And as with an iceberg, the part that you understand the most so far, seems only to be the tip of what lays dormant; that part that we are unaware of. Let's try to explain this in terms of thinking. You could say that your mind is made up of three different levels of thinking. Let's briefly look at these three levels. We will explore them one by one as we progress through the chapters.


The first level is what is usually known as the Conscious Mind, which you think with all day long. It is called conscious mind because it's activities take place mostly within the left side of your brain, your conscious brain. It is the place where you make your conscious choices, where you make your decisions about things. It is your willpower. The second level is your Subconscious Mind which stores all your memories; all of your memories since the time you were born. It is like a computer databank and never sleeps. It is called subconscious because you are not aware of its activities. These activities or processes mostly take place in the right hand side of your brain; usually called the right brain. The third level of your mind is your super-conscious mind, which is so powerful we do not even know much about it yet. Mind is not in the physical dimension; however there seems to be a door, literally inside your physical brain, accessing it. I wonder if you can guess what this door is called? Not many people know about it. You could almost say it is a secret! If you guessed RAS or the Reticular Activating System well done! It is that bit of your brain with an impossible name, the Reticular Activating System! Your personal assistant! Your little helper! The gatekeeper! Can you start to understand why it is so important? It filters communication between your left and right brain, and also opens the door to your mind when given the ability to do so. How? That is precisely what you are about to discover...


Chapter 4 What is the Mind FIGURE OF EIGHT Relaxation Exercise Here is another way to relax, and connect with your mind. Find a chair in which you can sit comfortably, or sit on your bed, -or on the floor. It is better not to lie down as you might fall asleep! Close your eyes. Quickly relax your body by tensing all the muscles ...and let go. Breathe deeply and slowly for a few minutes. Feel your body gently slowing down as it relaxes more deeply. Breathe in, and start counting l, 2, 3. Hold for a second... and breathe out, 4, 5, 6. Breathe in, l, 2, 3, hold... and out 4, 5, 6. Do this a few times until you are really relaxed. Now, imagine that there are two circles floating above your body, forming a large figure of eight. As you breathe in, 1, 2, 3, imagine your breath going around the top part of the figure 8. And as you breathe out, 4, 5, 6 imagine your breath going around the bottom part of the figure 8. If you wish, you can let your body move slowly with your breath, making a figure 8, a little bit like a snake would move. Keep breathing, until you feel comfortable with the rhythm. Feel the sense of calm that is beginning to wash all over you. You are feeling more and more relaxed. You are now starting to tune into yourself. After a while, and when you feel up to it, gently bring your attention back to the room around you and when you are ready, open your eyes.


Chapter 5 - Your Conscious Mind YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND

The conscious mind is the part of your mind that works mostly through your left brain's functions. It thinks and reasons and tells you what is right or wrong. This is where you make your decisions about everything. Everyday, things happen to you and around you. Each moment, you must make a decision about things. Are car-rots good for you, or not? Is this right or wrong? Is this white or black? Your conscious mind can accept an idea or choose not to accept it and thus reject it. Let's explain this: Suppose that when homework or study time comes around, you choose to watch television instead. You will tell yourself all the good reasons in the world why you need to watch television at that time. However, another little voice in your head will tell you: Really! What you need to do is your homework. Otherwise you will be in big trouble at school tomorrow!" It is then your choice, to choose to do your homework and turn off the television! Nobody and nothing can force you to think thoughts or ideas that you do not choose. The thoughts that you choose result in what you do and at the end of the day will determine the results or success in your life. In the same way, (and you might find this idea a bit hard to swallow), nothing and nobody can make you feel any-thing you do not want to feel. Nobody can make you feel good or bad. You feel no matter what, simply because you are alive. You feel all the time! It is your conscious choice that makes you feel about how to react to what is happening. The feelings are there, but what you choose to do with them, is your choice alone. It is a conscious choice. Let's say that somebody is upsetting you. They are succeeding because right now you feel upset. Well, what's next? Option No 1: You can choose to accept that you are upset, and stay upset for as long as you like being upset. Option No 2: You can accept that you are upset and choose that you are not going to spend more time than necessary being upset, and let go of being upset!


Here is another example that you might face at some point in your life. Let's say that somebody is working hard at convincing you that smoking is great. You feel confused. You know that it is not good. There is enough talk about that, all around the world, but your friend seems to believe that it's cool to smoke, and you'd like your friend to find you cool too! What now? Again, it is all about choice. Not your friend's choice, not anybody else's choice but your choice: Option No 1: You can choose to respect and protect your body. That makes sense. After all you only have one body for the rest of your life! You can choose to trust that considering the amount of fuss about quitting there must be some pretty good reasons why people should not start in the first place! You can choose to walk away and say no. Option No 2: You can choose to imitate and follow your friend. In this case, it would be worth taking the time to ask your self about this friend. Is this really a friend that pushes you into something that is proven to be harmful and has the potential to kill? By choosing to impress your friend, you also choose to ignore your body. The only body that you have! Your body. Not your friend's. Yours. There is choice. There is always choice, about anything and everything. And the choice is always yours. Now, I agree that this is easier said than done! But, once you learn how to choose consciously, it is far easier than you would think! And it makes life so much more pleasant once you start being in control of your choices and reactions. This is what you can do now


Chapter 5 Your Conscious Mind WHAT DO I WANT? Application Exercise There are times when I might want something that may not be good for me or others around me. When this happens, it would be a great idea to double check with your other self, the wise one that resides below your conscious awareness. Again, count from 10 to one, slowing down your breathing, and ask yourself: Is what I want good for me? Why is it good for me? Would it be a good example or a benefit to those around me? If I know or have a gut feeling that it is not good for me, why isnt it good? If it is not good for me, could it also affect others in my life and how would it affect them? What would my wise self choose right now? What would I gain by trusting my wise self and following its advice?


Chapter 6 - Your Subconscious Mind YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS MIND The subconscious mind is a magnificent part of you. It is your power centre. It is the part of you that contains all the memories of all the things that have ever happened to you since the time that you were conceived, even though you consciously do not recall them. Every single thing that you have done, everything that has been done to you, every single picture that you ever saw and every single person that you ever met is recorded in there. Your subconscious is your memory keeper. It stores and files and keeps all of the information received by it through your conscious mind. Your conscious mind makes decisions based on information given to it by your subconscious mind. So, once you have made a choice (right or wrong, it does not matter) your conscious mind sends it back to your subconscious for information and for storage. Your choice becomes another piece of information in your memory bank. It would be totally confusing if every single piece of information stored in your subconscious was fully available to you all at one time, every single moment of your life. It would drive you crazy as maybe only one or two would actually be appropriate right at this moment. Your learning to ride a bike memories are not really appropriate while you are deciding how to wrap your Christmas presents! However, it is also really important to understand that because your subconscious is a data bank, used by your conscious mind to make decisions each and every time that you make a choice about something, it would be good to know that only good stuff is in there. This would make sure that only good choices are made by your conscious mind when time to make a choice comes around! It is still very much like a computer: some programs are good, some quite disastrous! Which ones would you rather use? The good news is that you are able to get rid of the pro-grams that are not helping you make the right decisions as you journey through life. By changing the things in your subconscious mind that are not helping you, you will be able to change what happens to you in your life, because you will be able to make better choices!


This is much easier to do than you think! As we move along in this book, you will learn some easy and fun ways to change how you do the things you do. Now that you know of the huge storage capabilities of your subconscious, and that you can change some of the pro-grams for better programs, there is something else that you should know. The subconscious mind does not have the ability to reject or select the thoughts, ideas, words and images you choose through your conscious mind. The subconscious communicates through thoughts, feelings and emotions, which belong to the world of energies and vibrations. What does this mean? It means that: Your subconscious mind is extremely creative. It has no limitation. It cannot say to itself that something is not possible. To your subconscious mind, everything is possible, and whether it makes sense really does not matter. Your subconscious mind can attract the people, circum-stances and events into your life that will allow you to create the life that you want. How? Let's find out...


Chapter 6 Your Subconscious Mind THE MAGIC MIRROR A Relaxation Exercise Close your eyes, and take a deep breath. Inhale... 1, 2, 3, hold it for a second, exhale... 4,5,6. Repeat a few times until your body feels deeply relaxed. Imagine standing in front of a mirror. A beautiful mirror that is so clear the more you look at it, the more you feel that if you were to touch it, your hand would go through it. Look straight ahead in the eyes of the person you see reflected in the mirror. At first, what you see is yourself in the way you see yourself every day. But look again and this time, very carefully, look at the eyes that are looking back at you. These eyes reflect the part of yourself that you are less familiar with. Look at yourself again, through these eyes, and take notice of what you feel, what you think, what you see. Who are you? When you feel ready, take a piece of paper and write down the person that you saw, the real you.


Chapter - 7 Measuring Your Brain's Activity MEASURING YOUR BRAINS ACTIVITY

A machine called a P.E.T. scanner can measure your brain's activity. In case you want to know what P.E.T. stands for, it means Positron Emission Tomography. Let's stick with PET! Thanks to this P.E.T. machine, scientists can see what is happening in the brain while we do certain activities. They can also see which part of the brain responds to these particular activities. The energy in your brain is like electricity and this electrical activity is also called Brain Waves. These brain waves are measured by another machine called the electro-encephalograph, also known as E.E.G. Scientists have found that there are seven types of brain waves. They have named them Super High Beta, K-complex, High Beta, Beta, Alpha, Theta, and Delta, from the fastest to the slowest. When your brain is in a particular brain wave activity, it is called a state. The brain states that are best understood to date are the Delta, Theta, Alpha and Beta states. Let's look at what happens when your brain is working in each of these states, from the slowest to the fastest. The Delta state: This is when you sleep. You are sleeping so soundly that you do not even have dreams. You are not aware of your physical body. A very, very deep sleep. If you want to know, the speed at which the Delta waves work is 0.5 to 3.5 cycles per second. Notice how low the numbers are? This means that the speed (cycle) at which these waves are moving, is very slow. Not much activity here! The Theta state: With this state you are usually still asleep, but mostly you are dreaming. Being in the Theta state is what makes our dreams seem so real. The Theta state cycle is 3.5 to 7 cycles per second. Notice the numbers. They are getting bigger... increasing. These Theta waves are moving faster than the Delta waves.


When you are in a Theta state you are very relaxed. Some people can be in the Theta state and not be asleep. They are so relaxed that it looks like they are asleep, but actually they're not. People who do that are also very still and they call what they are doing meditation. The Alpha state: This is when you are awake but relatively quiet. It is when you are concentrating on only one thing at a time. You can be totally engrossed, watching your favorite program on television. You can imagine being in some other place when you're not actually there. Some people call it daydreaming. You are awake and aware but not thinking, just absorbing. The Alpha state cycle is 7 to 13 cycles per second. Way faster! This state is very important. Remember your little gate keeper, the little helper that stands guard between your left and right brain? Well, the Alpha state is where you need to be for this little helper to do his work. He is there when you are in the Alpha state, not filtering, just opening the doors between your left brain and your right brain. He is opening up both doors so that the information in both sides of your brain can mix and mingle. Opening these doors allows your whole brain to function, to operate, to work together, all at the one time. There is no filtering going on. Information and knowledge is just flowing between the two. And you're not really thinking about anything. You're just relaxing and absorbing. Your senses are finely tuned and you feel great. Your two - sided brain is working as one! The Alpha state helps you to understand better, to remember more, to learn faster and to have more ideas because you are using your whole brain. All at once! The Alpha state is used by a lot of people. Since 1988, every country on our planet Earth has been training their Olympic Athletes in the Alpha state so that they can run, swim and perform much, much better. People who need to learn a foreign language quickly can do this faster than ever possible, by learning in the Alpha state. Sport champions train in the same way, by imagining their successes in their mind, in the Alpha State; well before they actually compete! The Beta state: The Beta state is the wide-awake state where you can think of many things at the same time. You can be doing your homework and watching television while keeping an eye on your little brother or sister, all at the same time. Mums, dads and teachers are great at this!


Research has shown that people have their own unique brain state profile, like people have their own unique fingerprints. In other words, no two people are exactly alike in how their brains process brain wave patterns. No two people have exactly the same finger prints. This research is called neuro-mapping or brain mapping. You are unique. There are not two of you - anywhere. Here is what I would like you to do now...


Chapter 7 Measuring Your Brains Activity A TOP SECRET PAGE ABOUT MYSELF

An Application Exercise

Again, count from 10 to 1, slowing down your breathing with each count. As you are counting down, tense up your body, and relax. Take a piece of paper and get ready to write some really top secret, great things about yourself. This is not about telling the world that you're wonderful. It is about telling yourself that you are wonderful. And if you have any doubt about that, consider for a moment your magnificent brain, your wiser self, your little helper working for you... all of these wonderful and extraordinary aspects of you that ARE you. Write a list or short story about the person you know you are: Remember, this is top secret, so don't be bashful or shy. This is for your eyes only. Put it in an envelope and hide it in a secret place. When you feel a bit down or forget about who you truly are, take it out of its hiding spot and read it again. OK. Who are you? Here are some ideas to guide you along the way: The best thing about me is: ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

The best thing I can do is ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I am great because ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ I am really good at ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 8 - Use the Alpha State - Winners Do! USE THE ALPHA STATE - WINNERS DO!

In the same way as there is a connection between your physical brain and your mind, between your physical brain and your body, there is a connection between your mind and your body. Can you guess how? Yes! You've got it! Through that bit of your brain, with the funny name, the Reticular Activating System! RAS again! Your own personal assistant, your little helper! You could say that, like your brain, your physical body is an instrument for your mind. It is the physical vehicle that your mind needs to operate through. Your body is also very much like a super computer. Your physical body is the frame (the hard drive tower, the monitor, the keyboard and the speaker). Your brain is the data storage disk. Your conscious mind is the software program and your subconscious mind is the internet. To surf the many web sites that are available, you first need to connect to the internet. Right? In the same way, to surf the many abilities of your subconscious you first need to connect the two sides of your brain, allowing your whole brain to work as one. For this you need to be in the Alpha state. So, the trick to get there as quickly and easily as possible is in using your very own body functions as the tools that they are intended to be, to enable you to enjoy and benefit from whole brain thinking. As brain wave activity slows down, something happens to your respiration. Your breathing slows down as well and gets more relaxed! As you get more relaxed and as your muscles let go of tension, your breathing becomes even more relaxed. This works both ways:


Consciously slowing down your breathing will relax your body and slow down the activity in your brain. From the fully awake Beta state, your brain will enter the Alpha state. To learn better and faster, as well as to do all the great things that you will hear about as we move along in this book, you need to be in the Alpha state. Like the Champions! And all you need to do really to be in that state, is to slow down your breathing and relax your body! That's easy, isn't it? You have a brain that can work magic once it is working as a whole, which happens as soon as the door, between the left and the right brain is open, when information can be transferred from one part of the brain to the other. You can access the storehouse of your subconscious by opening this door. Once the RAS is open, you can then add and remove stuff from your subconscious in the same way as you add or delete programs that you no longer use from your computers memory. This is best done in the Alpha state and slowing down your breathing will get you there! The following exercise will show you a very easy way to slow down your breathing and relax your body. It would be a great idea to learn how to do it by hart. Do it again and again until you can do it easily and quickly. Next time you want to learn something, at school or at home, do this just before you are about to start listening, or start reading. You will learn much faster and everything will be so much easier to recall! Slowing down your breathing helps you to reach the Alpha state. Here is another way to do this quickly.


Chapter 8 Use The Alpha State Winners Do! ACCESSING THE ALPHA STATE

A relaxation exercise

Sit in a comfortable position, with your back straight and your hands resting palms up on your knees. Now close your eyes. Take a few moments to notice your breath. Is it entering and leaving from both nostrils? Or is it from one nostril only? Is it your right? Is it your left? Or is it both after all? Take a deep breath and direct it down to the area where you sit allowing your tummy to fill in like a balloon. Hold it. Now allow this breath to flow out through your nostrils. Repeat this process one more time. This time, on your third breath, imagine keeping all your breath inside your body and more it up to the very top of your head. Now take your breath down from the top of your head, slowly allowing it to move down, just like the water moves down the side of the bath when you remove the plug. Slowly allow your breath to move down past your eyes, nose, mouth, neck, shoulders, chest, arms. Let it do down past your tummy, the tips of your fingers to the top of your legs. Past your knees, ankles, feet and finally out each of your toes into the earth. Take a deep breath and repeat. Do this 3 times.


Chapter 9 ~ Now, Let's Talk About Thinking


Thinking is the same as talking to yourself, or making pictures about your five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) - all inside your head. Here are some fun facts about thinking. Did you know that you think about 60,000 thoughts each and every day? It has been shown that an individual can pay attention to about seven bits of information at the same time. Why? In most developed countries where the telephone is used all the time, the number of digits in a telephone number is usually 6 or 7. This has become the average minimum bit of information that we can learn at a time. This is what is called conditioned learning! This is why a lot of people have trouble remembering telephone numbers when they are changed from 7 digits, to 8 digits! After a while, they are re-conditioned and do remember the 8 digits. An interesting study was done with children in Bulgaria where they were taught to remember 99 numbers in a row. Not one after another, but actually 99 numbers at once! Can you imagine what this number looks like! 456780912834975861983754921763482097452169731975769351976452829576123980568275 63810284658713286745 9? Guess what? They did, and by doing so their school marks climbed out of sight! Now, let's go back to thinking, and how you think: There are different methods of how to think. Not what you are thinking about, but how you are thinking. Some people think in pictures or in words or in feelings or even through physical sensations. People who think in pictures can move them around, change them, add colors, add more colors to the pictures or put two pictures together to make a new one. They are using their mind's eye. Also known as imagination. Try it: Can you see (imagine) your bedroom the way you left it this morning? Is the bed made? Is the blind up? Is it light or dark?


People who think in feelings know something rather than seeing it in their mind's eye. Try it. Think of taking a shower. Can you sense how you feel when the water runs down all over you? Do you feel relaxed? People who think through physical sensations actually experience through their body, the sensations associated with the image that is in their mind. Try it. Again, think of taking a shower. Can you feel the water running down all over you? Is it warm? Is it chilly? Can you catch that slippery soap? People who think in sounds or noises imagine these sounds in their mind's ears rather than seeing in their mind's eye. Try it. Imagine you can hear the sounds in the playground. Can you hear the school bell? Can you hear your teacher speaking to you? All methods and different ways of thinking are good. You need to use the way that is most familiar and easiest for you. It is your perception and it is right for you. What someone else sees, hears or feels is right for them. It does not have to be the same for everybody. Learn to trust your gut feeling (your intuition) , and your perception. That is the part of you which knows what is right for you. Listen, or tune into it. It is like an internal radar system, guiding you towards what is true for you. It helps you think clearly. This is what you can do now


Chapter 9 Now, Lets Talk About Thinking IMAGINE YOURSELF AS SOMEBODY ELSE An application exercise

Your own view of the world and the way things should be can be very different from somebody else's view of the world! Notice that people around you have widely different opinions and think differently about almost everything! That is great! There is choice for everyone! Think of something that can create a good discussion, something on which most people will have different ideas. It could be something like: What do you think the world will look like at the end of next year? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ What do you think the world will look like at the dawn of the year 2100? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ If you ruled the world, what laws would you pass? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

How parents should raise children in todays world?


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How could you become educated if school did not exist? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ How could society eradicate hunger and poverty in the world? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 10 Everything Vibrates; Nothing Rests! EVERYTHING VIBRATES; NOTHING RESTS!

How does this work? There is a natural law that is called the Law of Vibration. It is a natural law because it is something that happens in nature, without a need for machines or people to make it work. It simply exists on this planet and throughout our whole universe. The law of vibration explains the difference between the physical and the non-physical. It explains the difference between the things that you can see and the things that you cannot see. It also explains the difference between mind and matter. The law of Vibration explains that everything vibrates and nothing rests. Just think about when you're asleep or sitting very still. Not only are you breathing and not only is your heart pumping, every cell in your body, every molecule, the tiniest part of you is vibrating, which means moving very quickly. Everything is always moving. When you are asleep and you think that everything is motionless around you, the Earth, the Sun and the Galaxy are all spinning at fantastic speeds. Everything is always moving at different speeds. Rates or speeds of vibration are called frequencies. The stronger the frequency the more powerful it becomes. Thought is one of the strongest forms of vibration and therefore very powerful. Everything is energy. Everything vibrates. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. It simply vibrates at different frequencies. Things become a reality, come into being, within the frequency level at which they vibrate. The next example will help you to understand this concept a whole lot better. Imagine a snowfield. It is winter. The nights are very cold although during the day, the temperature warms up considerably. Let's see what happens to the snow...


When the sun comes up, it heats up the atmosphere and the temperature of the air rises. The snow melts and becomes water. The temperature keeps rising and the water turns into steam. From steam, it then becomes what seems to be air, vapor, nothing. But when nightfall comes and the temperature goes down again, down below freezing, what had disappeared into thin air becomes snow flakes again, tiny water vapor crystals. Now, at all times, water was there! But the frequency of its vibration changed and it seemed at the time, that you could not see it anymore. It seemed to disappear! It had gone! But it was there all the time. Because you don't see it, doesn't mean that it doesn't exist.


Chapter 10 Everything Vibrates; Nothing Rests! DAY DREAMING A Relaxation Exercise Once again, sit down comfortably, tense up your whole body and relax. Take a deep breath, hold it for a moment, and breathe out. Do this a few times until you feel that your body is totally relaxed. Imagine being a drop of water, floating and dancing amongst millions of other drops in a huge, vast, deep ocean. Imagine what it would feel like to be floating and dancing in this ocean. Feel the warmth of the sun hitting the ocean, increasing the temperature around you. Now imagine that from water, the warmth of the sun slowly transforms you into a light fog droplet. You feel yourself rising from above the water, now part of the air around you. Feel a gentle breeze carrying you away, higher and higher. Feel yourself becoming lighter, and lighter again. All of a sudden, you meet with a whole group of fog droplets that, because they are together, now form what looks like a cloud. Join them, blend with them and become part of a beautiful white fluffy cloud. Again, imagine feeling a gentle breeze pushing you away, floating well above the deep blue ocean. You are now reaching the shore. Look below you, and see the green pastures, the tiny houses, the tiny roads. To help you with this, imagine that perhaps you are a bird flying high above the ground. Look around you. By now, you are so high above the ground that the air is getting cooler. Many more droplets have joined you, and your cloud is getting larger and thicker by the minute. It is now also much heavier. So heavy that all of a sudden, it breaks down and you feel free to float down toward the earth. It is getting closer and you safely land on a flower, nourishing its petal with the water that you are. Imagine now becoming this flower, feel your petals opening, full of moisture. Feel yourself going down its stem, down its roots, down inside the earth around. And from the earth, again feel the warmth of the sun that is shining again in the blue sky high above, and feel your-self getting ready for another adventure.


Gently bring your awareness back to the room around you, and when you feel ready, open your eyes. On a piece of paper, write what it felt like to be a droplet of water. Write what you felt, what you saw, what state was the most pleasurable, or the least pleasurable. Realize that in the same way that you imagined being a droplet of water, you can imagine being the person that you want to be, doing the things that you want to do.


Chapter 11 ~ Thoughts Can be Measured Too! THOUGHTS CAN BE MEASURED TOO!

Your mind is like a stereo system, playing music all day long. If you play a piece of disco music, you hear a song, right? But listen carefully for a moment, and really listen... can you hear different sounds, some high, some even higher, some low and even lower? Have you ever tried to catch one of your thoughts with your hands? Have you ever tried to hold it so that you could look at it? It's a bit hard isn't it? Thoughts are non-physical. They are like the air that surrounds you. Invisible. Your thoughts being similar to the air that is around you travel through the air at different speeds. And just like music or sound waves travel through the air from a stereo system, your thoughts travel too! The different speeds that our thought energy travels at are called vibrations. Did you know that if someone is sending out a thought on the same level of vibration that your mind is thinking, you can catch their thoughts with your mind? Have you ever thought of someone, only to bump into them a few moments later? Have you ever felt that your class teacher was just about to ask you a question and a few minutes later she did? You knew it, right! In fact, you thought so much about it that your teacher's mind picked up on the vibration of the thought coming out of your mind! You've heard somebody say it or maybe you've said it yourself... "Are you reading my mind?" That's someone tuning into your thoughts at the same vibration as you're thinking them. Your thoughts like, or attract, the same vibrations. They are familiar to each other, they know each other. It's much like your friends at school. You hang out together because you have something in common. There is something that you are attracted to about the other person. You are sending out the same vibrations. Sending out the same vibes! Through your own vibes, you attract into your life the people and things that you need to create the experiences that you want to bring into your life.


Sometimes, you might think positive things, but as much as you can think and think again, nothing seems to be happening. Do you know why? It might be because your subconscious mind keeps sending you a program that conflicts with what you want! There are ways to make sure that your subconscious sends you back a program that matches, so that things turn out the way you want them to turn out.


Chapter 11 Thoughts Can Be Measured Too! TRUST YOUR GUT FEELING Application Exercise

How often have you heard a question and when you heard someone else answer, realized you had thought of it but did not dare say that because you thought you might be wrong? Often, the answer that flashes across your mind is right! Trust your gut feeling! Next time that you are reading a book, see if you can imagine what happens in the chapter following the one that you are reading; When you go grocery shopping with your parents, imagine the amount that will appear on the cash register at the check out; Imagine the color of the clothes that your teacher will wear when next he or she walks into the classroom. A word of caution. For all these guessing games, expect a few misses before you get good at it. As with all games, you need first to get the hang of them, which means in this particular case, you first need to trust your gut feeling! After a few misses, youll get it right. Once you get it right a few times, you will know for sure that you can trust your intuition. Imagine how useful this can be when sitting for at test or an exam!


Chapter 12 - What Happens When You Think? WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU THINK?

The energies that move around and out from your body are vibrations. All living creatures have vibrations coming from their bodies. In the same way as we cannot see music waves travel through the air, we usually cannot see the vibrations moving around people or animals. Many times though, we can feel them. Doctors have measured and quantified this energy field and found that this energy field is more responsible to stimulation than the brain itself. If for instance someone were to enter the room where you are right now, your energy field would sense this person's presence before your brain would. These vibrations always match a person's mood (state of mind). If a person is calm and happy their vibrations will be coming out slow and smooth. Your feelings about a per-son often tell you what they are like, because you are sensing the vibrations they are sending out. In the same way, if a person is very nervous or angry, the vibrations coming from that person will be fast and irregular. We feel uncomfortable, tense and sometimes even fearful when we are around such a person. That is when the hair on the back of your neck goes up! Many people are very good at sensing vibrations from others too! You, in particular, are doing it all the time! You choose your best friends, and get along so well with them, because you sense that you like each other. This knowing, this sense, is your vibrations being in tune with theirs, being almost the same! Animals are very good at sensing your vibrations. A dog can tell if you fear that he might jump at you as much as he can tell if you want to pat him. A horse can tell if you are afraid to ride it, or comfortable doing so. Animals sense vibrations coming from people by sensing love or fear which shows through the calm and loving vibrations or tense and nervous vibrations you are sending out. Let's look now at how all the above fits with what happens when you think: The mind holds a very large amount of energy. This energy is very strong. Your whole body is filled with great amounts of energy too. When you try to gather all of the energy of your body into your mind, you can make your mind very strong.


This energy is like electricity and it radiates out from your body. Your thoughts have great energy and they can be very, very strong. Scientists are now finding out about this special power of our thoughts. When you think, your thoughts become real thing that can move around through the air. Most of the time, we cannot see these thoughts moving around us and we do not even realize that they are there. These thoughts which are things are called thought forms. Thought forms float all around us.


Chapter 13 - The Power of Your Spoken Words THE POWER OF YOUR SPOKEN WORDS

You express your thoughts with the words that you speak. These words also travel through the air around you and they, just like thoughts and everything else for that matter have vibrations. You can use these spoken words and their vibrations to change the thoughts that you may have in your subconscious mind. It is like taping over an old tape, with new songs, or over an old video tape, with a new movie. This can be done by repeating what is called an affirmation. An affirmation is a group of words, repeated again and again until such time as your little helper gets it and recognizes that it is obviously something that needs to be stored in your subconscious and lets it enter for permanent storage. Everything that is repetitive in such a way is an affirmation, whether the message contained in the words is positive, or not. Advertising is a great example of the power of affirmations in influencing people's behavior. You might recall a time when you saw something advertised on TV that initially did not appeal to you very much. However, after a while, you might have caught yourself wanting that thing. It could have been a toy, food, or a drink. To affirm something to yourself, you choose a set of words that represents the new person that you want to be; the new attitude that you want to have or the new belief that you want to create. Once you have chosen this set of words you have an affirmation. By repeating this affirmation over and over again it will be accepted by your subconscious mind without question. Often, when you are first starting to do this, it will seem silly, because you may not consciously or logically agree with what you are telling yourself. For instance, if you think you cannot draw a beautiful picture and tell yourself (affirm) that you draw the best picture in the whole class, the little voice in your head (your conscious mind) will tell you that this is not so! Well, guess what! You can change this... Keep repeating the affirmation, again and again, even if for a while you do not feel or see that change is indeed happening. When you do this, RAS will understand that you really mean business.


It will then allow the instructions to pass from your left brain to your right brain, through the bridge of nerves (the Corpus Collosum). RAS will open the door for the new belief (you draw the best picture) to travel all the way inside your right brain, and replace the old idea that you had that you could not draw! Do you know what the most difficult thing is in all of this? It is to keep saying the good words to yourself, over and over and over. Even when it looks like it is not working. This is when you must keep on doing it. Think it. Write it down. Read it. Speak it!


Chapter 13 The Power Of Your Spoken Words CREATE A SUCCESS FOLDER An Application Exercise

Start a folder. On the cover, write I Am Successful Now. Decorate it in any way you like that means success for you. Write down everything that you have done successfully today. Each day, write something that someone else in your environment (a friend at school, a brother or sister, a parent) has done that you think was a success.


Chapter 14- Decide Who You Want to Be DECIDE WHO YOU WANT TO BE

By far the greatest discovery throughout the centuries has been the power of thought. The importance of this discovery has been a little slow in reaching the general consciousness (the general public), but it has arrived! It is really important that you understand that, because we are going to explain it and explain it again: Quantum physics suggests that we are part of a great and vibrating universe. Everything in physical existence, from the stars in the sky to the book you hold in your hands and to your hands themselves, is vibration. Thought is vibration. The waves of energy created through our brain when we think, is the language of the universe, the language of creation. We create our lives through this power. We are, all of us without exception, continually creating and re-creating our reality, our world, through the power of our very own thoughts. Through the power of our very own spoken words. For better or for worse, we use this power whenever we speak, whenever we think and whenever our feelings set in motion waves of energy, through our brain and mind. Thought is the most extraordinary source of personal and spiritual creative power. You use this power every day. Because of this discovery, there is a change happening on the planet. There was nothing else ever before like it in the history of the world. The whole human race is now learning what thought is all about and how to think. This massive change is happening because of the recognition that thought is the invisible bridge of communication between the world that we see and the world that we cannot see. Thought is the invisible link that enables each person, including you, to communicate with the universe. Thought is the energy that another law, the Law of Attraction uses to bring things into your reality, into your real world. From the Law of Attraction we learn that the words you think, the thoughts you have in your mind, all create vibrations and attract circumstances, things and people that fit into these vibration patterns.


It is now time to accept responsibility for who you are. Being responsible means your ability to respond to the world around you. You have the choice. You can be whatever you choose to be. You can be whoever you chose to be. If you can think it, you can be it.


Chapter 14- Decide Who You Want to Be CREATE YOUR OWN DREAMS POSTER An application exercise This is a powerful tool to keep you focused on the person that you want to become the things that you want to do, to have. Ask an adult for some magazines in which you can cut out bits and pieces that represent the types of things, people and circumstances that you want to have in your life. These could be friends, animals, a special holiday, a new bicycle; whatever. As long as it is something that you truly want to have. Stick these bits and pieces on a large piece of forest green cardboard that you can get from a stationary store. Write the words that you associate with these pictures and stick them on the poster next to, under or on the picture. Add anything you like, such as fancy and shiny stickers, your own drawing, photographs. Hang the finished poster on your wall, so that you can look at it often. You can also ask mum or dad to take a photograph of it, so that you can have it with you at all times. If it happens that things get tough at school, at home or anywhere, just look at it and remember that you have the power to choose how you think about your difficulties. You are to focus on what you have learned from it, then move on to more positive thoughts! You can also glue this photograph inside your schoolbook!


Chapter 15 How To Visualize HOW TO VISUALISE

Your mind can be used as a camera. You can take pictures and then zoom them on the screen in your mind. You could say that you can use your brain, through your eyes, to imagine (image-in) the pictures that support the life you want to create. This is commonly called Visualization. Pictures are important because that is one of the main ways the brain works. The brain makes pictures of things in your mind. The brain also records sounds, feelings, sensations, tastes and smells. Try it by yourself! Remember your bedroom as you left it this morning. Clean, spotless, all your things properly tucked away, your bed done (are you sure that this is what your bedroom looked like when you left home? You sure have lucky parents!). Can you imagine your bed in another corner? Can you imagine your name spelt in large colored letters on the wall above your bed? Visualization is like day dreaming, but you get to choose what to dream about. Visualization is concentrated, focused image creation. Everybody visualizes, although not everybody visualizes in the same way! Research has shown that even people who do not see can visualize, in their own ways. As an example, let's take your family car, or your neighbor's. What color is it? Some of you will "see" the color in your mind's eye. Some will have a "feeling" that it is yellow (for example), because they know it is yellow. What does a dog sound like when it barks? Some of you will hear a dog barking, some will feel how they feel when they hear a dog bark and others might see a dog barking. All of this is Visualization. Would you like to become really good at this? This is how to do it.


Find a color picture that you like. It can be of anything. Look at the picture (with your eyes open). As you look at it describe to yourself everything that you see on the picture; the colors, the shapes, the people. Do this for a good five minutes. Now close your eyes, and imagine the picture in front of you. Begin to describe what you remember, what you see (in any way that you see, feel, hear, or taste) in your mind's eye. Now, this is where things get a bit different. Start to imagine yourself getting into the picture; like in a virtual reality game. Walk through it, and pretend to be aware of what it would feel like to be inside the picture. Imagine looking at every object, every person, every thing from different perspectives. This is Visualizing. Remember, your subconscious (that works through your imaginative right brain) does not know the difference between what is real and what is not. When you are relaxed and breathing slowly, your brain is in the Alpha State which is the learning state. Once you are good at visualizing an existing photograph or things and objects that are familiar to you, it will take your new skills to a very creative level! You can start making pictures in your mind of things, people, circumstances and events that do not exist in your life, yet! Now you know the champions' and winners' secrets! This is exactly how they train: They go into the Alpha state then visualize themselves reaching their goals, winning the Olympics, winning the race... You can do this too! You can be the best at whatever you want! School, sport, health... You will learn more about what you can do with visualization as we progress through this book.


Chapter 16 - The Power of What You See & Hear THE POWER OF WHAT YOU SEE & HEAR

Visualization can help you become the adult that you want to become, by consciously choosing what you visualize. This also includes the things that you see all day long. You do not consciously look at them, however they are there all the time, and you have visualized them at subconscious level long ago! You do this all the time, but perhaps you were not as aware that you did this as you are now. Let's play! Think about the pictures that you have hanging in your bedroom. I wonder if you can guess why I am asking you about the pictures hanging in your bedroom? Look at them carefully and apply what you have learnt about visualizing. Are these pictures positive and encouraging? Are they supporting the life that you want to have? Do they make you feel good? Does the picture tell a story? What is the story? Is the story in the picture something that you want in your life? Are the story and the picture things that you want in your life? The pictures you have around you have become a model; they are examples that you give to your little gatekeeper. Because it sees them all the time it long ago passed them on to your subconscious, as one more program to use later on! Remember, your subconscious obeys RAS instructions, without asking whether these instructions are good for you or not! So when your subconscious received the image of the pictures that are hanging in your bedroom, it did not tell your conscious, Hey, that's nothing to do with what he or she wants! It's only a picture!" No, RAS took it for what it is, a picture, and stored it like everything else! Better have the right pictures hey?


.The good news is that you can use the pictures hanging in your bedroom to help you create the life you want. Do you see how? So, a good thing to do right now, would be to go around your bedroom and make sure that whatever is on the walls, -actually fits into what you want in your life, now and in the future! Studies have been made in North America, where children and teenagers have been relieved of their tense, anxious or angry behavior just by removing violent posters from their bedroom walls and replacing them with more calming pictures! There is more and this time, let's talk about the things that we hear all day long, in particular, the music that we play. Same thing! Yes, pieces of music and songs too, can help you become the person that you want to become. As you are listening again and again to the track, the words become another program in your mind as you listen to it over and over. Next time that you listen to your favorite album, listen carefully to the words. What do they talk about? What do they say? Are they positive and making you feel good and happy? Aggressive and violent music creates aggressive and violent people. This is proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. Be very cautious and very selective in what you are feeding your mind as this is what you attract to your life! You have the power to attract only good things if you choose! What about Television! What is the most likely brain state you are in when you are sitting there, comfortable and relaxed, watching TV? You guessed it - Alpha. What does this mean? It means that the door to your sub-conscious is wide open. And what are you watching? Good stuff? Are you sure? Again, just observe for a while the type of programs that you regularly watch. Are they supportive of your growth? Is the knowledge they feed your subconscious good for you? Same thing!


What do they teach your subconscious to believe? What do they teach you to do? To eat? To listen to? If you think of a computer, what goes in, then comes out, be it good or bad. It can be said garbage in = garbage out. Now, remember, your brain is a bit like a computer. However, your brain is much smarter than a computer. What goes in grows before it comes out. This is then garbage in, garbage grows = garbage plus. The words that you hear, the sounds that you hear, the pictures that you see, equal what is in your mind. Look, the point here is not that you cannot have the posters that you like on your walls, or listen to the music that is in, or watch whatever you like on TV. No. The point is that you must be aware that all of the above contribute to who you are, more than anything else. Remember, being aware gives you choices. Therefore, choose wisely. Choose what is best for you. Choose so that it helps you become who you want to be. It is your responsibility to yourself!


Chapter 16 - The Power of What You See & Hear BEDROOM SCAN Application Exercise

Get ready to spend a couple of hours focusing on this exercise. Before you start, take a large box or plastic bag that can be thrown away, and a note book. Now, take a deep breath, put a big smile on your face and go to your room! Look around. If it is messy, ignore the mess but simply notice if this mess is representative of the way you want your life to be. Or even representative of what is going on in your head. Are your ideas really clear or somehow confused? Now, first look around the wall. What's on it: Posters, pictures and, stickers. What do they portray? Are these things that you really want in your life? Things that support your dream and the future that you want to have? Whatever does not support your dreams, take off the wall and place in the box that you have brought for this reason. Do you listen to music? Do you have CDs or tapes? Take them one by one, and think about what words and sounds they convey to your mind. Good? No good? You decide, and you choose what to do with them. Do you watch videos in your room? Go through the same process. Without being extreme, think carefully about the images that you feed to your subconscious and the message that the message conveys. Is it good for you, for your life, for the world? Now, what about your books and magazines? Do the same, one by one. Do you have things and objects with happy colors in your room? Now take your book, and draw two columns. In the first column, write everything that you have found that supports you in a positive way. In the second column write down everything that does not support you in a positive way. Which of the columns has the greater amount of items? Is there anything that you need to change?


Chapter 17 ~ How to Write Powerful Affirmations HOW TO WRITE POWERFUL AFFIRMATIONS

This will require some skills, some patience with yourself, and quite a substantial amount of time. Remember the power of spoken words.

Remember the power of thought forms that your mind creates while reading words? Have you heard the saying "Careful what you wish for - you might get it!" This is what creating positive statements about you is all about. So, best do this with great care. On a piece of paper, write down all the positive things that you know about yourself, whether you already have these qualities but wish to express them in a more effective way, or whether you do not really have them at this point in time, but want to acquire them. Read your list again, and make sure that you are totally happy about the content. Imagine for a minute that all you have written will actually be given to you. Have no doubt about this. If you are still happy about the content, keep it. If not, keep changing the words until you are totally satisfied that this is what you want to be, and what you want to create in your life. Write it again, but this time in a short sentence. Example: "I am happy, healthy and learn very easily." Does this say exactly what you mean? What is it that you are learning easily - Mathematics, Science, Riding a Skateboard? You need to be a bit more precise, so what about: "I am happy, healthy and learn all of my school subjects easily." Now, that is more specific, isn't it? Of course it could also be "I am happy, healthy and the best skateboarder on the planet" if this is what you want to be! And that is great! Once you have short sentences describing each and every one of your desires, you then must write them again, but this time starting with I am now (in case you have not done so already).


Once you have done all that, read through your list a few times, and cross out words that you are not totally happy with. Why? Because remember, your subconscious does not know the difference between what is true and what is not true. Talk to your subconscious as if you already have what you wish to affirm. It is more effective! If you speak in the future (I will...), your subconscious will be forever creating something that will happen in the future! If you want it relatively soon, use the present, and as you are using the present, you might just as well be very specific and use now. "I am now the greatest skateboarder on the planet." All right, here comes the little voice of your conscious mind. You are not the greatest skateboarder on the planet - today. You might not even skateboard at all! That does not matter. You really must understand that about affirmations. Whether what you affirm exists or not today, does not matter. What you are doing is creating a thought form. This thought form does not belong to any time or space. It can be created today, brought to your consciousness (by reading your positive statement) as often as possible and eventually, through the law of vibration and the law of attraction, the circumstances that will allow you to become the greatest skateboarder on the planet will present themselves into your life. None of you would remember the man who first walk on the moon as you would not have been born in those days. However many of you would have heard of him. He was, after all, the very first man to ever walk on the moon! This did not just happened overnight, right? He did not know at age 12 that he would walk on the moon, maybe not even at age 20! But he most likely started thinking about it one day out of the blue, and thought about it more and more, until it became a thought form; one that stayed in his conscious and sub-conscious at all times! And the opportunities came to him to do whatever he wanted to do; to one day, walk on the surface of the moon! Lets go back to your own positive statements. You now have them in short sentences, in the present tense, and starting with I AM NOW.


Write them one last time in your best hand writing, on a piece of paper that you like or in a special book. Decorate your page with beautiful colors, stickers, pictures and read them often. One last word: Make sure that some of these positive statements include a few things that could happen relatively shortly after you start writing them down, and reading them daily. This is because, once you witness them happening in your life, you will also know that everything else will, in time, happen as well.


Chapter 18 - What Do You Really Want? WHAT DO YOU REALLY WANT? The reason people do not already have what they want, is because they often do not really know what they want, or how to get what they want! When you keep thinking about why you cannot have what you want, or are not clear about exactly what you do want, your little helper, who sits quietly there between your left and right brain, cannot make any sense of what you are asking him to do! Because he doesn't have a really clear idea, he cannot pass the instructions to your subconscious mind. So let's help the little guy out by being clear and precise in our thinking! You can really develop and create your life, your reality, your real world the way you want it to be. But first, there is a very simple rule. You must be very clear about what it is that you really want! Let's play for a moment, and imagine. Imagine that you have a mission in life, something that really excites you; something that you would love to be, or to do, more than anything else in the world that you can think about. It's something that you just have to do in the future, when you are grown up. This is called a Life Purpose. Imagine also, that everything you need to achieve this mission is available to you. This is a game between your subconscious mind and your conscious mind. So, let your imagination guide you and let's have some fun and find out what your mission in life could be. On the following pages, you will find everything that you need to do in order to play this game. Do not think for too long about the answers - just write down whatever comes to you first, even if it does not seem to make sense. Let your imagination guide you, and have fun!


Chapter 18 What Do You Really Want? WHAT DO I REALLY WANT? An Exploration Into Your Future List 1 Write down 5 things that you want the most out of life for yourself (example: to be a pilot, be a teacher, live in the jungle, be a scientist) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List 2 Write down 5 things that you would want to see on the planet when you are an adult (example: peace, flying automobiles, living on the moon, food for all the people, whatever YOU want to see) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List 3 Write down 5 things that you believe make you special (example: I am a great friend, I am loving, I am trustworthy) ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ List 4 Write down 5 things that you can do very well, right now (example: read, spell, work on the computer, play the guitar)


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Now, go back over your four lists. Choose ONE THING out of each one of your list. Choose the one that you prefer, the one you like best, the one that makes you feel good, even if your little voice tells you that another one might be better because your parents would like it better, or your friends, or that it would look better. Now write down the one you have chosen, your favorite, from each list besides the matching list number below. List 1 List 2 List 3 List 4 ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________

Now, fill in the blank space in the following sentence using what you have chosen as your most important thing for each list. It will not make much sense yet, but we will work this out in a few moments. All right, lets do it now. Complete the sentence: I will (your favorite choice out of list 4 goes here) using my ability to (your favorite choice out of list 3 goes here) to do, create, achieve (your favorite choice out of list 2 goes here) and by doing that I will become (favorite choice out of list 1).

Now, youd better read this again and rewrite it in proper English. You might like to ask an adult to help you with this, but do not let them change the mission that came through! If you said that you too will walk on the moon, because you are a great person and that by walking on the moon you will achieve a further step for humanity (and one of your dreams) and by doing that become the first student to travel to the moon let it be so!


Even if the person that helps you tells you that maybe you are a bit out there in your expectations! You never know, will never know what can be and what will be until you give it a chance. And the first change you give to any dream is to write it down and to feel it, see it, hear it in your minds eyes. Thats where it all starts. Everything that has ever been created, everything that has ever been achieved has been created and achieved in the mind first. So, rewrite your mission statement so that it makes sense and you are happy with it. You can now ad as many details as you wish. Make it fun. Make it alive. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to become that person? Would you like to achieve this dream? Well there are a lot of things that you can do to help it happen: First, write this beautiful sentence on a piece of paper. In fact, write it out as many times as you need to because you are going to put it everywhere you can see. Everywhere? Here are some ideas: You could glue it on the inside cover of your schoolbooks. You can put it on the wall in your bedroom, as long as you promise not to pay attention to anyone that may make fun of it, remember that you do not have to tell them what it represents. You know and that is enough that YOU know. It is you and it is who you want to be, period. You can read it often too and what that will do is tell your little helper to get the message across to your subconscious and creative mind! This is one way of reminding him to do his job!


You can also see if the way you are doing your schoolwork is suitable for what you want to achieve in your life. It will also be a good way to check if the friends that you are mixing with, are the right friends for you so that you can stay on track and achieve what you want to become.


Chapter 19 - Your Self Made Enemy YOUR SELF-MADE ENEMY

If you feel funny or a bit silly about writing all of these good things about yourself, remember that it is only your conscious mind telling you that. You know the little whisper within your head that would say "Wow, now that is really silly." These are only thoughts that right now, you believe, because you did not know that you could choose better thoughts, right? What do you say to yourself about yourself? Are these phrases and words that you've heard from others? Is this what you choose to keep in your conscious mind? Let's call these words and phrases limiting beliefs. That means, something you believe about yourself that does not make you feel good. When you do this and keep repeating these limiting thoughts to yourself, what happens? That's right! You are giving instructions to your little guy at the desk between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, between your left and right brain, and he'll pass them on to your subconscious mind, the creative you! And what happens when you do that? You also create thought forms, which are vibrations, which go out to the air around you. That's what people will sense coming out of you. If you are feeling angry and aggressive people will pick up on your angry and aggressive vibes. If that is what you keep telling yourself, wouldn't it be better, for you to choose better thoughts, better words? Wouldn't that feel better? So, let's go back to the great person that you want to become, and considering that you probably still feel a bit strange about saying great things about yourself, let's have another game. This is what you can do to face your Self-Made Enemy.


Chapter 19 - Your Self Made Enemy COMING TO TERMS An Application Exercise

Take a piece of paper and write down the thoughts that you have about yourself or the world, that somehow you ended up accepting and believing about yourself or your world. It is a good thing to let them out. Here are a few ideas: The things I do not like about myself are: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Life is hard because ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ So and so does not like me because ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ What worries me is ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

I cannot say no to (whatever or whoever it may be) because...


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I cannot change this (whatever this is for you) because... ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I will not be able to do what I want in the future because... ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I am no good at... ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ How many of these thoughts are truly yours? Recognize that they do not serve you, and have nothing to do with the real you. You can choose not to own them any longer. You owe it to yourself to get rid of these limiting beliefs, right now!


Chapter 20 - ...and How to get Rid of It ...AND HOW TO GET RID OF IT

You can choose to change the thoughts that are limiting you. These limitations have been collected over many years from other people calling you names or criticizing your abilities. Remember? These are not your thoughts about yourself, you did not choose them. You could say that you do not own them! You heard them from somebody else; they belong to somebody else! It may be that this is the way they think and feel about you, but it does not mean that this is what you are or that this is true! You simply took them on board and ended up believing that they are truth about yourself! That is why these thoughts are limiting. They are someone else's ideas, perception or beliefs, and now you think that they are true. Better thoughts will create a better reality, more love and more friends, better results at school and in sport. You are the one who chooses. You can replace these limiting thoughts with the qualities, the good points that you know are the real you. You are the boss! Remember everything that you have learnt so far. Everything is vibration and, the law of vibration is that anything that vibrates in a specific pattern will attract similar vibrations. So, just because you do not see something in reality, in your real world right now, does not mean that it does not exist. It does, but you need to attract it to yourself. You know this now. Your thoughts are vibrations. Your thoughts are very high or fast frequency vibrations. You communicate your thoughts through words. Words are sounds and sounds are vibrations. Vibration creates resonance or a rhythm, a wave pattern. If your words are harmonious and positive and happy, they create a happy resonance and result in a happy environment.


Likewise, if your thoughts are sad, angry and destructive, they create a disharmonious, agitated resonance which results as a disharmonious, agitated and unhappy environment! Choose better thoughts.


Chapter 20 - ... and How to get Rid of It CHOOSE YOUR OWN THOUGHTS An Application Exercise

This is how you can start being your own Boss! There are two things you can do about this. The very first thing is to take a plastic jar or a box. Decorate it if you wish. Go back to your limiting thoughts and write each of them on a piece of paper. As you write them down, acknowledge that they do not belong to you any longer, that they did not belong to you in the first place! Say good-bye once and for all and be joyous about it. Have fun doing it. Fold the pieces of paper one by one, and place them in your worry jar. Once your jar is full of what are now useless beliefs, either throw it away, or bury it, or keep it for future opening if you feel that one day you might want to prove to yourself how much you have grown out of them and successfully replaced them with positive beliefs. Second thing, write again this list of limiting beliefs and replace them with positive statements. For instance: The things I like about myself are ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Life is great because ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

I am good at


______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Write down at least 10 good, powerful, happy beliefs. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 21 - You and Other People YOU AND OTHER PEOPLE

Earlier we spoke about being attracted to other people through the vibrations that they project. Like attract like. This is another manifestation of the Law of Attraction. Your own thought patterns create a certain type of energy that translates into magnetic waves that travel through the air around you, searching for compatible vibration patterns! The words you think and the thoughts you have in your mind all create vibrations that attract circumstances and people matching these vibration patterns. It is so simple. Who you think you are is who you end up attracting into your life. Do you want happy, loving, caring people and friends in your life, then be happy, be loving and be caring and that is who you will attract... Being in a fearful, anxious, angry mood will work in exactly the same way! This is the Law of Cause and effect. Now, this really brings into the conversation the question of responsibility, doesn't it? Could it be that you are responsible for some of the things, circumstances and people that you have right now in your life? Could it be because of past actions and reactions, past choices and past decisions about things and people that were in your life at the time? Think about it. As a young person, you cannot be responsible for everything in your life, but you certainly are for quite a few. As a young child, and until such a time that you understand the control that your thinking has over the circumstances in your life, you are quite simply caught in a cross - fire between everybody else's thoughts and vibrations. You can also change, to a large extent, the behavior of people around you. Imagine going home one afternoon after school, and finding your parents in a very bad mood, probably because they had what they perceived was a very bad day!


If you stay loving, caring and relaxed you might notice that after a little while, their anger seems to dissipate. This is because the frequencies of the wave patterns coming out of Love, are much higher than the frequencies of the wave patterns coming out of Fear. Love is much stronger. Be loving and stay loving. Be caring and make a deliberate effort at remaining in that state, no matter what. It will help you out of many circumstances and will give you the opportunity to help others overcome their fear and anger. Choose to create things and circumstances that help you grow and become more aware. Choose to create things and circumstances that help all the people involved in your life become more aware in the process. You've probably heard the proverb, "what you reap is what you sow." That is very true, so be careful and choose every thought, every word and every action carefully, because each one of them is just like a planted seed... it will grow. For you, and for others. The same goes for understanding others. Their circum-stances can also be an opportunity to grow as a beautiful and caring being. You see, for every thing, circumstance and action, there is a fact that appears to be true, and there is another way to look at it that might be just as true! There are always many ways to look at the same thing. To gain a true understanding of life and be a good judge of people's personalities as you grow to adulthood, the wisest thing for you to do is to always look at the various sides of things. Look at what is happening for what it is. Then look into it. Look for the reasons behind the circumstances, behind the behavior, behind the words. View from another angle. Everything can be different. You might even find good in what seems bad, and sometimes bad in what seems good! Another way to create a positive environment for you and others is to smile a lot. When you smile, you create good vibrations about yourself and that will make people around you happy. The same goes for saying "Thank you". Have you ever noticed that when you are kind to someone, they are kind back. Learn to be grateful for the people and things that you already have in your life. Learn to smile, be grateful and say thank you!


These words and feelings are all associated with the vibration energies of Love.


Chapter 21 You and Other People I AM THANKFUL NOW Application Exercise

Get a book or a folder and on the cover, write MY THANKFUL BOOK. Decorate your cover in any way you like. Each evening, write down all the things that happened during the day that you are thankful for. Each night and just before going to bed, read you list for that day and feel about how good you felt when these things happened. You may like to note down anything that comes to mind right now and be off to a flying start! ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 22 - The Law of Growth THE LAW OF GROWTH

The entire universe is expanding. Every day, something small and something huge is happening in the universe. Stars come into and go out of existence. Planets are taking form and shape. Galaxies are spiraling into greater space, changing shape and giving birth to new stars, suns and planets. This magnificent universe, which you are part of, is changing. It is a living thing. Just as you are. Look at the law of growth, here before your very own eyes. Plants, animals and people are in a constant state of reproduction and growth. You are the same. You are always growing, changing and developing. Your body and your mind are constantly growing, becoming more just like the universe. There is no limit to your growth. If you were not changing, if you were not growing, if this was not occurring, you would not be here. You are constantly unfolding. This is the Law of Growth. Life is about growth. Growth is about change. Growth is inescapable. You can enhance and improve your rate of growth by let-ting go of your past. Let go of those things that hurt you. Let go of those beliefs that no longer fit with who you are now. Release and let go of worries, fear, anger, jealousy, pain. Release them all. They are not helping you to grow if you hang onto them. Open up your heart. Open up yourself. Allow yourself to grow, to spread your wings and fly. Accept more into your heart. Allow love into your heart. Allow yourself to see that the world is here for you to grow into. Take charge of your life. Sometimes, some days more than others, you may experience difficulties, at home, at school, with your friends or your health. This is the universe saying that it's time for you to grow. This is how you become wise. Your reactions to these life lessons change greatly once you understand how to think about them: If you focus on their negative side, you keep on increasing the negative effect or result they will


have on you. If you focus on what you are learning from these life lessons, you move out of the pain much sooner and with far less pain. This is growing up. This process will never stop, not even when you are an adult!


Chapter 22 The Law Of Growth

I AM THANKFUL FUTURE Application Exercise

Get a book or a folder and on the cover, write MY FUTURE THANKFUL BOOK. Decorate your cover in any way you like. Once a month, write and describe in this book all the things that you have on your dream poster and be thankful in advance for having them. Go to bed and as you fall asleep, use your imagination to step into your future and imagine what it feels like to be it Imagine it in as much details as you can so that it feels like it is happening right now. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________


Chapter 23 - Abundance for All


Let's have a look at nature. Abundance means a lot. Plenty is everywhere. How many trees? How many birds? How many flowers? How many people? There are billions of seeds in springtime, billions of suns and billions of galaxies. Nature provides plenty. Nature provides abundance for all. Abundance is another law of the Universe. There are millions and millions of trees, flowers, plants, animals and people. Scarcity (which means a lack of things, a lack of anything that you need, lack of friends etc.) is a limitation blocking our belief that we can have whatever we want, is something we humans have experienced since we have been on plan-et Earth. The natural flow and growth of the universe is about a multiplying, ever increasing abundance. If this weren't the case, there would be no universe! Look at nature again. One seed alone germinates and sprouts. It then blossoms and becomes a flower, and that flower creates more seeds, which multiply producing more, and more and more. Get the picture? You yourself, started as a single cell, divided into two and look now, you are millions and millions of more cells. Nature works in abundance. Everywhere in creation, abundance is the rule. The Law of Abundance is that everything replicates, makes something that is alike and reproduces after its own kind. Again, like is attracted to like. Accepting prosperity in our lives, for the good of all concerned, is simply tuning ourselves into the natural flow of nature and the universe. It is being willing to accept those things that you desire. It is expressing gratitude and thankfulness for already having them. Just think for a minute. As an individual, how does it feel to see poverty and scarcity and lack around you? And how would it feel to be able to truly do something about that? How would it feel to be able to give to others as much as you possibly could?


We live in a world where everything is exchanged for money. Everything is valued in monetary terms; from the house you live in, to the food on your plate. We cannot escape this and even if tomorrow we could replace money with peanuts, what we would do with those peanuts would be just the same. We'd either use it poorly or use it wisely. What we see and what we believe about abundance and wealth is what creates our reality. If you are abundant and wealthy in your thinking and abundant and wealthy in your mind, you attract abundance and wealth in your life. If you choose to concentrate on lack and limitation, even though they exist in our environment, in our world, you attract the same. You will attract lack and limitation. Do not be concerned about the how and when it will happen. Here is a little story to illustrate. An 8 years old, wanted a bicycle for Christmas. His mother could not afford it because of her financial circumstances. However, they both decided to imagine him riding his bike after school and on weekends, with his friends. Christmas was approaching fast, and the closer they got to Christmas, the more they were talking and dreaming about the bicycle! Now, his mother still could not figure out how on earth the bicycle was going to appear under the Christmas tree, but, she and he, trusted that it would be so! That this dream would come true. Two days before Christmas, she met a neighbor at the corner store. He was cleaning out his garage and had found an old, rusty bicycle that his son had used years before. He was wondering if that bicycle could be of any use to her children!!! You can imagine the answer! And the neighbor, feeling good about the way his offer was received, even polished the bike and fitted it with a new seat and accessories to make it look really cool! Two mornings later, you can imagine the smile on the little boy's face when he found his bike under the Christmas tree! You see, the point here is that everything is already there. It is just somewhere where you may not expect it to be. And if you need it and if you want it, it is yours to have! How? That is up to the natural law of the Universe, the Law of Vibration and the Law of Attraction. It is there for you.


Chapter 24 - Higher Wisdom & The Universal Mind HIGHER WISDOM & THE UNIVERSAL MIND Research indicates that some part of your consciousness is independent of brain processing. This has been described as Higher Wisdom (sometimes super consciousness) because it seems to be extremely intelligent. Can you remember the discussion on brain states: Beta, Alpha, Theta and Delta states? In this chapter, some other states were mentioned that have just recently been researched. The Super High Beta, the K-complex and the High Beta. The research involved in this field of Higher Wisdom or Super consciousness is so complex that it is also very slow. It is literally reaching the frontiers of what we know in the fields of mind and consciousness. What has been found so far is that the super conscious mind, because it vibrates at such a high level, is in constant communication with the energy of the Universe itself. The super consciousness frequency pattern and its vibrations, travel through the air, through the whole universe and connect with the energy that is the Mother/Father of all energies, of all vibrations, of all thoughts. What does this mean for you? It means that a higher part of your mind, your super consciousness is your direct communication link with the Universe, with the greatest of all energies, of all vibrations, of all sounds, of all thoughts! Through your super consciousness, your thoughts and the words that you speak, you can tap into the creative power of the Universe. Now, that's awesome isn't it? Through your super consciousness, you are part of the Universe. It is very much like a hologram. If you look at a holographic image, you will see the picture of an object. A whole object. Cut or break the hologram, and you will have many pieces that will each show the same whole object. Cut down the hologram to more, smaller pieces, and still, you will have pieces that each show the whole object!


Each piece is part of the whole. Each piece represents the whole and each piece is the whole, despite the fact that they look so much smaller than the whole! In the same way, you are part of the Universal Consciousness; part of the whole and the whole is part of you. Now, think for a moment. What does this all mean in term of us, people of the Earth, relating to each other? If each person's mind is part of this whole, giant, powerful hologram that is the Universal Mind, could it mean that each person is capable of much more than what he or she believes so far? If your mind is part of this whole, giant, powerful hologram that is the Universal Mind, could it mean that the same is true for the people that you love and for the people that you do not like? If we, human beings, are all part of the same giant, powerful Universal Mind, could it mean that we are all connect-ed to each other? And if so, wouldn't it make sense that we all love and support each other.


Chapter 24 Higher Wisdom & The Universal Mind IMAGINATION & RELAXATION Creative Visualization process

Sit comfortably on the floor, or a chair, or cross legged on your bed. Tense up all of your muscles, hold the tension for a while then relax. Repeat this process a few times. Start breathing slowly and gently concentrating on your breath until you feel totally relaxed. Open your palms and let them rest lightly on your knees or by your side. Imagine a white light, as bright as the light of the sun, coming down towards you from the heaven. Picture the white light entering your head, filling your face with light and warmth, moving down gently through your whole body, filling it as it goes with that same light and warmth. Imagine your whole body being full of light, becoming like the sun. Imagine rays of light beaming out of your whole body in the same way as they appear to beam out of the sun. Imagine that with each heart beat, your whole body pulses out beams of light. Your whole body is lit up and you feel energized like never before. Feel your hands tingle with a sensation of powerful, positive energy that seems to emanate from the light inside, above and around your body. Feel perfectly safe and comfortable, happy and at peace with yourself. Bring to your awareness part of the world where this peaceful and healing energy is needed and project it there. Imagine people in your life that might benefit from this loving energy and project it to them too. This energy is very powerful. When you feel ready, breathe in and out slowly, bring back your awareness to the room around you and open your eyes. This relaxation exercise is very powerful. Practice it often and use it frequently. Maintain this relaxation for a few minutes and enjoy the sensations generated before coming out of this visualization.


Chapter 25 Evolution & Change EVOLUTION & CHANGE

You have learnt of the greatest discovery of all centuries: the creative power of thought. You have learnt that because of this discovery, there is a change happening in how the human race thinks. This in turn will change the world around us like never before in recorded history. You are part of it. One by one, people are starting to understand that they can create a better reality for themselves, for their loved ones, for the world. When enough people have understood the process by which they think and create this better reality, the whole world as we know it will transform to a much better place for all. Nobody knows how far from this the human race is. And once you get into it, it is a bit like walking through a maze. Once you get it, you can only walk forward, on the path of discovery. And as you walk along, you discover new path-ways, new obstacles but have no other choices than to keep moving forward! Once you enter the maze, there is no way back! You never know how far you are from the end, from breaking through, until the very moment when you actually step out of the maze! Nobody knows how far the human race is from freedom. Freedom from hunger. Freedom from pain. Freedom from lack and limitations. Freedom TO LOVE Freedom TO SHARE Freedom TO BE Freedom TO DO Freedom TO HAVE


Chapter 25 Evolution & Change THE MOVIE OF YOUR LIFE Application Exercise

Imagine you are producing a movie of your life, and that you also have the power to design that life in exactly the way you want it to be, no matter what your circumstances might be right at this point in time. Take a piece of paper, or even better a book specially intended for the writing of this movie. Start with the cast. Who are the people you want in your life? How important are they to you and what is your relationship with them? Next the scenario. How do you see yourself living? What kind of home, environment or school do you visualize for yourself? What kind of clothes do you wear? What type of food do you eat? What type of movie are you watching? What type of music are you listening to? What type of book are you reading? Now the script. Remember that you are in full control of this movie. You can define your future in any way you want. Let your dreams and desires appear on the screen. Finally, create the soundtrack. Again, you are in total control here. What type of music would you like for the soundtrack? Choose carefully. Does this music represent what you really want? Are the words supporting the script? Do they represent the lifestyle that you have designed? Once you have the movie all ready, go to your Alpha brain state and imagine a huge white screen. This is the opening night of your movie and you are now watching it run on the screen in front of you. You can hear the music. Are you happy with the result or do you need to go back to the script and change a few things here and there? Watch your movie often.


Chapter 26 - Walking into the Future WALKING INTO THE FUTURE Imagine walking into your future, a future that is exactly the way you want it to be. Observe someone driving a car. Do they drive by only looking in the rear-view mirror, or do they focus on the road ahead, checking only from time to time, what is behind them? They would not go very far by only looking at what is behind them, in their rear-view mirror, would they? Life works in the same way. If you keep thinking about your past experiences of things, your own 'rear-view mirror', your past hurts, past grudges, your past memories you will not go very far forward. Look at what would happen if you concentrated on only looking behind you, in the past. By thinking only of past things, you are still creating those very same thoughts and thoughts are vibrations, remember? You are still creating exactly the same vibrations, putting out the same vibes in the air surrounding you. And you are only attracting much of the same things as you had in the past! So, if you want a different future, you have to stop looking at the past. You need to create in your imagination, pictures of the life that you want to have; pictures of the adult that you want to become and focus on those thoughts alone! Your thinking is the key. What you choose to think, what you choose to feed your subconscious with, is your true personal power. You now know that. So, what are your next steps? Next time that you have the opportunity to do so, look at a baby who is taking her first steps. She has a fairly good idea of what to do because she sees people all day long walking around her. But she does not know the feeling of walking because she has not managed to do it yet! So, here goes the baby, holding tight to something, lifting her body from the floor, one leg forward, the other leg...wow, down on all fours! She starts again.... and... again! Until she stumbles a few steps. All of a sudden, baby gets a feeling of what walking is all about. Now, she is starting to get it. She tries again and this time manages to cross over the room! Now she knows!


Learning how to use the power of your mind works in exactly the same way! Understanding and trying the concepts presented in this book, is the standing up and falling down stage. Your mind is powerful beyond anything you could imagine. However, to feel confident with its abilities to create you must practice. You must do it, and do it again until such a time as you become good at it. Practice the exercises and techniques that are given to you. Write down who you are. Write down the things that you want. Write down who you want to be when you are a grown up. Write down how you want to behave. Write down the story of the life that you want. Make a poster representing all these things that you want, all the qualities that are you. Use your imagination. Imagine what it is, to live with all the things that you have placed on your poster. Keep affirming (saying to yourself) the good and positive words that describe your life. Do this often. As much as you able to, do this before you fall asleep at night. This is when your brain is naturally in the learning state (Alpha state). Do this each and every time bad thoughts or feelings creep into your head. These thoughts and feelings belong to your worry jar! Inside your worry jar, they are not dangerous. Inside your mind they are very dangerous, as they become instructions to your subconscious mind, the part of you that creates things. Be very aware that as long as you are thinking (and aren't you thinking all day long?) the rule is that if you can imagine it, feel it, hear it, you can have it! There is but one condition... YOU and you alone, have the ability and the power to choose if you want to do this.


Nobody can choose for you.

Nobody can do it for you.



Chapter 26 - Walking into the Future TIME CAPSULE Application Exercise

Here's how to make your very own Time Capsule. Write on an envelope, Do not open until: -- / -- / ---(10 years from now).

In this envelope, put a copy of each exercise that you did in the process of going through this book. As you are doing this, look at each of them, in particular look at your dream poster, the script for the movie of your life, your affirmations. Realize that in 10 years from now, you will reopen this envelope and be able to evaluate where your dreams have led you to. Are you going to follow them all the way through? You now have the tools and the power to do just that, and nothing less! Are you now willing to take responsibility to make them happen? This is what you can also include in this envelope: A newspaper from today. You favorite magazine. Some private thoughts. A drawing you'd like to keep. Names of people whom are important to you. A page from your diary. A picture of yourself now. A message to yourself in 10 years. A good joke. Ticket stubs from a sporting match or concert you attended. Your favorite CD single. The name of the person you like most. Etc.



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