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A Mid Summers Dream Q & A

Hamiltons own peace pow wow & festival of colours


ISSUE 8, 2013

Oh Canada...you shouldnt have!

Warrior One: for the desk warrior
Desk bound? A look at the warrior one yoga pose and its many benefits.

Different Flavours of Hugs & Reiki

An interesting observance of our own individual energy patterns & the Reiki healing modality.

Cultivating Cultured Farm Hands

Whether you want to buy local, grow your own food - weve got you covered.

Conversations with you

Our monthly interactive column with advice from Stephanie Heartsong

Vegetarian in Hamilton

Check out some of Hamiltons best-kept secret vegetarian grocery store in the city!

Moms Kitchen recipe

Lemon Pesto Grilled Summer vegetables..YUM!


Page 3 - A Mid Summers Dream Festival Q &A with Mark Gowland Page 4 - Is this missing from your workout? Page 5 - The Pelvis: returning to balance Page 6 - Warrior one: for the desk warrior Page 7 - Different flavours of hugs & Reiki Page 8 - The power of words Page 9 - All about reflexology Page 10 - Mind over matter + Nikola Tesla Page 11 - Numbers speak & sometimes stalk! + Cultivating cultured farm hands Page 12 - Cultivating cultured farm hands (continued) + Understanding Antiperspirants & Deodorants Page 13 A conversation with you - with Stephanie Heartsong + Moms Kitchen: Lemon Pesto Grilled Summer vegetables Page 14 - Vegetarian in Hamilton + Where to eat in Hamilton Page 15 - Hamilton Happenings!

Letter from the editor,

What a fantastic summer so far! On June 15th we had the pleasure of being apart of Veggie Fest Hamilton - what a rush! Over 3000 people came out to the event - and many stopped by our table to find out all about Gusto. We met so many amazing people that day! Currently, Hamilton is experiencing a HUGE wellness movement, the success of Veggie Fest definitely showed how many people are interested in their own wellness and that of our community. We are constantly finding out about new wellness practices, restaurants and local business owners paving the way to a healthier Hamilton! Once a steel city - to perhaps a wellness mecca of Ontario! Either way, amazing things are happening in our city. Also, we have created a networking group for wellness workers (all welcome) called the Gusto Greet, Eat & Meet (GEM) Group. The idea is to bring all of our wellness community together and share business ideas, tips or just general kindness. Our first meeting will be on July 22nd, at Homegrown Hamilton (27 King William St) from 6:30 PM - 9 PM. Please send us an email if you are interested in coming info@gustomagazine.ca or just show up! We are also interested in what you think is wellness in Hamilton. If you have a wellness businesses, event or a community gathering that you think would be a good fit for Gusto - drop us a line.

GUSTO is a free alternative publication aimed to create unity amongst Hamiltons holistic, green, organic and spiritual community.
Executive Editor: Amy Bonin Monthly Contributors Amber Colbear Anita Kaiser Andria Hoda Care Hudson Erin Janus Jen Fleming Justin DOlimpio Juliana LaChance Katie McClelland Kathy Korbett-King Linda Kraan-Benson Miranda Black Shelley Gordon Stephanie Scheid Teresa Bonin T.K. Atkinson Vanessa Pazzi
OUR PHILOSOPHY IS SIMPLE Educate, Inspire and Grow. GUSTO provides readers with stories, interviews and information concerning holistic, health & wellness and environmental awareness shared by industry leaders in our Hamilton community. We are looking for article submissions, interviewees and businesses that wish to advertise with us , or wishing to carry our magazine. Please contact us at info@gustomagazine.ca for submission guidelines or advertising information.

THANK YOU Editor, Amy Bonin

Adaptations Studio

www.gustomagazine.ca info@gustomagazine.ca www.facebook.com/ Gusto Magazine

A Mid Summers Dream : Hamiltons Colour Festival

Gusto sat down with Mark Gowland from A Pure Creation Company and got the latest details on Hamiltons own festival of colours - A Mid Summers Dream.
What is A Mid Summers Dream? A Mid Summers Dream is a cultural festival and food raiser, with its roots based from Holi or the Festival of Colours that originates from India. The concept is that the colours break down all barriers that people have with each other, caste, race and religious belief are all dissolved for one day. The colours really do this, and its quite extraordinary. I started it because I wanted to do something amazing, I wanted to throw an epic festival, and this is a work in progress always, but its a labour of love. I also wanted Photo credit: Mike Cameron to do something really great for others too, which is why the food raiser aspect came into it. I read somewhere that the way to enlightenment was to serve people and feed people, and I thought, if everybody at the festival does it, maybe we can all get enlightened. What are the main events that people can looking forward to? People can really look forward to the colour throws, the music, art installations, and the other things I have planned this year. The colour throws will always be the main draw, and as it grows bigger, it will get better. Im really happy that I have different cultural musicians like Neeraj Prem and the Ohni Kara Drummers this year. I think most importantly its the vibe of A Mid Summers Dream that is most extraordinary, it has the capacity to change you, just because of the vibrations alone, I felt it, and I know others did too. How can people participate? People can come out, there is no admission charge, and they can watch if they want, or they can purchase the powder, which is one for three dollars or two for 5 dollars. I never wanted to give out the feeling of exclusion to anybody because that is in direct contrast to what the festival is all about!

August, 17th, 2013 Gage Park FREE Admission 2 PM - 10 PM www.createjoyfund.com


Is This Missing From Your Workout?

By: Justin DOlimpio
Youre going to love me for this tip because its so simple and yet it makes all of the difference when it comes to your fitness results. The sad truth is that more than 90 percent of gym goers fail to achieve the level of results they wanteven after a full year of faithfully going through their routine. Maybe you can relate. It doesnt have to be this way. I believe that you deserve to get the highest level of results possible from that valuable time that you invest in exercise. The simple concept below has the power to dramatically accelerate your fitness results...

In addition to seeing awesome results quickly; there are two more benefits to bringing up your exercise intensity.
The first benefit is that when you bring the intensity youre able to shorten exercise time. This means less time spent sweating away in the gym and more time doing the things you really love. All while getting even better results. The second benefit is the after burn that youll experience after an intense workout. Simply put, this means that your body will continue to burn extra calories long after you have finished exercising. Talk about supercharging your results! Just imagine how quickly your body could transform when you begin to harness the power of exercise intensity. One thing to remember though is that its important that you never sacrifice proper form in favor of intensity. As soon as your form starts to be compromised, reduce your intensity to where proper form is achieved. Im here to help transform your body. Call or email today to get started on a fitness plan that will bring the intensity and deliver the results.

The results you achieve are equal to the intensity of your workout.
In other words, you get what you give when it comes to exercise and results. If you simply go through the motions, while staying in your comfort zone, then results will always be a hope for tomorrow and not todays reality. So what exactly do I mean when I say intensity? Intensity is a measure of how much energy youre expending while exercising. The harder you push yourself, the higher your intensity. When youre simply going through the motions of a routine, without digging down and giving it your all, the workout lacks intensity and your results will disappoint. During your workout pay attention to how you feel. Could you be working harder? If the honest answer is yes, then step it up a notch.

Justin DOlimpio Certified Personal Trainer



The Pelvis: Returning T o Balance

When we think of our root or base we often immediately think of our feet. They are at the bottom of our structural pile, they are what touches the Earth and are what absorbs the most impact. And certainly they do carry the most weight the whole rest of our bodies rest atop them. But they are not the true source of stability. Stability comes from a much larger structure; the pelvis. The pelvis is a bowl shaped collection of four bones; the paired innominates or hip bones, the triangular sacrum and the remnant of a tail, the coccyx. Together these four bones create the true root of the skeleton and the base line on which posture rests. When we walk, during heel strike a kinetic force moves up from the ground through our legs to the pelvis. From here the force is distributed across the pelvis, up through the lumbar spine where it is then transferred our across the thoracic cage. At the same time, the force of gravity pulling down on our bodies is transferred across the same channels then down our legs into the ground. Structurally speaking this is the primary job of the pelvis; to evenly distribute kinetic and gravitational forces through our bodies. When this baseline is out of proper alignment this job becomes much more difficult to do. The forces can no longer be properly distributed and certain areas see more than their due. Take for instance the most common pelvic posture, the forward tilt. If we think back to the bowl analogy, a forward tiling pelvis would be pouring out the front aspect of the bowl. If we imagine the lumbar spine resting atop the sacrum, we can immediately see why low back pain is a common symptom of this simple postural problem.

By: Jen Fleming

Beyond muscular pain, if this forward tilt is not corrected in a timely fashion, damage to the discs in the L4/L5/S1 region can become an issue. Nerve compression can lead to sciatica and the postures above the lumbar spine begin to change as well. Luckily it really is quite simple to address. Lying on the floor with the knees up over the seat of a couch or chair is the easiest way to relieve discomfort. From this position gravity does all the work, elongating the muscles of the lumbar spine and opening the spaces between the vertebrae. This alleviates most of the pressure in this area, giving compressed nerves, muscles and discs a break. By opening up the channels between the vertebrae, drainage to the over worked areas can also be achieved decreasing any fluid congestion or swelling present in the area. To correct, assume the same position and engage the lower abdominal muscles to flatten the low back into the floor and hold for 5-10 seconds. Repeat this crunch 5 times to start building your muscles up. The primary cause of this postural problem is not the muscles of the back, but the muscles of the front. When the abdominal muscles get too long they no longer pull the front of the pelvic bowl upwards and instead allow it to tilt. By doing this simple tiny crunch one can train the lower abdominals to maintain a mild engagement throughout the day thus shortening them and return the pelvic bowl to balance. References: Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, Tortora, 11th Ed. Principles of Physiotherapy, Hertling and Kessler, 4th Ed.

Jen Fleming RMT jenflemingrmt@gmail.com

Did you know?


All about cinnamon Part 1

Ancient Indias Healing Tradition Ayurveda, the ancient healing system of India, often uses cinnamon to stimulate circulation as well as to increase the bio-availability of

other herbs. Ayurvedic healers, prescribe remedies based on an individuals dosha or body type. Ayurveda sees cinnamon as an appropriate remedy for people who belong to the kapha type (characterized as sturdy, heavy, calm, slow and moist) and the vata type (thin, cold, prone to nervousness) since cinnamon tends to have a heating and energizing effect. People who belong to the pitta type (fiery, oily, sharp) can partake of cinnamon in moderation.

Herbalists and acupuncturists in the Chinese tradition value cinnamon for its warming qualities. Doctors of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) may prescribe cinnamon, often in combination with another warming substance such as ginger, to ward off colds. TCM healers may prescribe cinnamon for disorders associated with the kidney meridian.

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Warrior One: for the Desk Warrior

By: Shelley Gordon
Warrior One opens the chest and hips, lengthens the spine and builds strength in the legs. Why do we need to do this and how will it benefit us? If youre always sitting behind a computer screen with your shoulders rolling forward, causing your upper back to round and chest to cave in, you may feel tension through the neck, shoulders and upper back. In Warrior One reaching your arms overhead (in proper alignment) opens the chest by strengthening the shoulders and back. Building a strong upper back can help reduce neck pain and the possibility of becoming the Hunchback of Notre-Dame. For the sedentary desk warrior, daily hip flexor stretches can help counterbalance prolonged hip flexion involved in sitting for hours. This shortening of the front body often pulls the pelvis forward causing strain or pain in the low back. Warrior One opens the hip flexors and neutralizes the pelvis. Sitting takes no effort from the legs, leaving the muscles inactive for most of your day. Warrior One awakens almost all the muscles of the legs by recruiting them to support your entire body. At first youll feel the weight in your quadriceps (thighs) but eventually youll learn to activate the hamstrings and shins by pressing the feet firmly and evenly into the floor. When youre feeling any low or upper back tension at work, get out from behind your desk and give Warrior One a try. Dont be shy about it. It only takes a few moments and you may find yourself feeling happier, healthier and more focused. Finding your Warrior 1. Stand with your feet inner hip distance apart (4 6 inches) with hands on your hips. Notice that your hips are facing the same direction as your chest & shoulders. 2. Step your left foot back roughly 2 4 feet, on a slight outward angle. 3. Press your left foot firmly into the floor to activate the left leg as you bend your right knee over the right ankle. Press your left hip forward and pull your right hip back. Notice your hips. If they are not facing forward, step your left foot a few inches forward. 4. Raise your arms overhead, shoulder distance apart with palms facing each other. Actively pull your shoulder blades towards your tailbone as your reach your fingers upwards. 5. Send your tailbone towards the floor, gently thrust your left hip upward & forward, draw your front ribs inwards and elongate the back of your neck. You should now feel a stretch at the front of your left hip/pelvis. 6. Hold Warrior One for 5 10 breaths and repeat on the other side. Tips 1. If your left calf is feeling the stretch instead of the left hip, place a rolled up yoga mat or towel under your left heel. This will help correct the alignment of the pelvis & bring a stretch to the hip. 2. To deepen the stretch in your shoulder blades, back, and neck, turn your pinkie fingers inward and press the thumbs behind you. Be sure not to extend from the rib cage. 3. Arent sure if your pelvis is neutral? Think of your pelvis as a bowl of water full to the brim. A neutral pelvis wont allow any water to spill out forwards or back. In Warrior One tight hip flexors will pull the pelvis forward causing the imaginary water to spill over the front side of your body. Pressing your tailbone towards the floor and pulling the front of the hips up will bring the pelvis back to proper alignment. Some supporting info found at: http://www.yogajournal.com/practice/588/ http://yoga.prevention.com/yoga-for-beginners/Way_of_the_ Warrior_327.php Shelley Gordon is a certified yoga instructor specializing in healing injuries as a physiotherapist assistant at Active Body Clinic. She also runs an eco-conscious yoga company with her mother, Kathy, making yoga accessories with reclaimed fabric.




Different Flavours of Hugs and Reiki

Everything in our 3D world is made of energy. This energy is in everything; including you, me, the Gusto magazine that you are holding, or the computer screen that you are looking at. Although the building blocks of matter, atoms and cells, look similar, each different piece of matter has, its own energetic vibration. You can see examples of this in art and music. The notes used in two songs may be the same, but their overall vibration can be very different. Similarly, the paint and canvas used in two paintings may be similar, but with them, the artist can create two very different pieces that generate different reactions. Any person can transfer their own energy to another person. In fact we do it all the time, unconsciously. Our inner emotions and subsequent thoughts carry different energetic vibrations and can be transmitted, within all forms of our communications or connections. When two people hug each other, for example, they can experience a very intimate connection. By the close proximity of their physical bodies, their auras or energy bodies are also connecting. Not all hugs feel the same, as you know. For example, hugging your mom can feel different from hugging your dad, sibling, friend or partner. Yes, this is because their physical bodys shapes will be different, but also because different people have different energetic vibrations. Also, the same two people can hug quite differently at different times, depending on what is going on in their lives, which may be affecting their energy levels. Are they feeling elated? Are they feeling depleted? Each hug is a unique experience. No two hugs are ever the same. There is always an energy exchange that takes place, in a hug. It may be an equal exchange or it may be coming more strongly from one person towards the other. The thought or intention behind the hug, such as; I love you or I hope you feel better soon, defines that hugs vibration. The source of the energy being transmitted in a hug is generally the Ki energy or life force, of the participants themselves. Reiki is a modality of energy healing that involves a transfer of energy. This healing energy is not coming from the practitioners ki energy system directly, but is flowing through it, from a larger source that the practitioner is trained and attuned, to connect with. The source energy is then directed, primarily through the hands of the practitioner, into their clients energy body or aura.

By: Care Hudson

Reiki works by clearing out stagnant energy and replacing it with new fresh source energy. Healing, an issue on the energetic level can then allow for greater ease of healing taking place, on the physical level. Plus it feels very good and is extremely relaxing. The practice of Reiki is always evolving, and there may be more styles, but I can share with you only about the two styles that I have experienced and practice, Usui and Celtic. Usui Reiki was founded by Japanese Buddhist, Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan, around 1922. This style uses frequencies of energy from the Sky or cosmic universe. It is the most common form of Reiki found in North America, and it was introduced to the western world, by a female master, named Hawayo Takata, in the early 1970s. Celtic Reiki is a newer style which was founded in Europe around 1998, by a British Therapist and Usui Reiki Master, Martyn Pentecost. It is based on ancient Celtic information and uses frequencies of energy that come from the Earth. I have noticed in my learning and practice that these types of energies can feel different and have different effects and benefits as well. Usui can feel very strong and fast. It is more masculine or yang. It works exceptionally well for instant pain relief and clearing the energy system. The cosmic sky energies flow automatically to wherever they need to go, for the highest good of the client. Celtic Reiki can feel a bit softer. It is by nature, more yin or feminine. In each Celtic treatment, a new frequency is created, to assist that client with their specific goals. It is excellent for treating emotional issues such as depression and anxiety. I have found that using both Usui and Celtic together, in combination treatments; can have profound, lasting and transformational effects. Both a hug and a Reiki treatment can improve a persons life situation instantly. Also, both hugs and Reiki work best when permission is given first and the recipient is open to accepting and integrating benefits from the exchange. Although practitioners of Reiki are using source energy, rather than their own, there is still an interaction of the two peoples energy fields, in treatments. Differences in treatments between two practitioners of the same style can be attributed to many factors including; which levels of learning and attunement (Level 1, Level 2 or Master Level) they have reached and how many years that they have been practicing, as well as the natural differences in their own personal energetic vibrations. There are now over two million Reiki practitioners of the Usui style alone. I would venture to guess, due to the beautiful uniqueness of each person on this planet, that there are infinite different flavours available with regards to the healing that one can receive, from connecting with others energetically, through both hugs and Reiki! Care Hudson Holistic Relaxation Therapist www.inturelaxation.com 289-776-8305

Intuitive relaxation treatments with care


By Kathy Corbett-King Words are spoken to us before we are even born. By the age of five words have helped shape who we are, how we feel and what we believe about our Self and the world. By the time we are adults we are speaking most of these words subconsciously and are unaware of how we are weaving the stories of our lives. Every word is a vibration whether it is written, thought or said. The meaning and effect of words can be changed by our emotions, beliefs and intentions. Words are creators and contain unlimited power. The power to make change, express love, enlighten and inspire others, shift perspective and heal hearts. Words are an expression of your Self. Who do you want to be in the world? Speak those words. Words are healers. What do you want to heal? Speak those words. The power of words is infinite. ~Words for Thought~ The sky is the limit is a phrase that we use to describe the highest level of attainment. We say it with the intent to release limits on what we can do. Sky is defined as the space beyond Earth. Space beyond Earth is expansive and infinite. Therefore our highest level of attainment is limitless. Infinitude is the state of mind or attitude of being infinite or limitless. Kathy Corbett-King Lightworker, Wordsmith BodynSol 905-975-2836 www.bodynsol.com

Did you know?


All about cinnamon Part 2

During the 1918 influenza outbreak, workers at cinnamon factories seemed immune to the Spanish flu which decimated the population. A potent new form of cinnamon extract may even protect against HIV. An Israeli researcher, taking a cue from a Biblical reference to high priests using a holy oil containing cinnamon, in 2007 developed a powerful cinnamon extract which may protect against modern viruses like the Avian flu. There may be a touch of ancient wisdom at work in all the recipes which combine cinnamon with high-carb and high-fat ingredients. Cinnamon can mitigate the impact these foods have on blood sugar levels, slowing the rate at which the stomach empties after meals and thereby reducing the potential spike in blood sugar. Cinnamon can offer aid to people who have type 2 diabetes by preventing insulin resistance and has even been recommended by the American Diabetes Association. Research has shown cinnamon outperforms diabetes drugs. In a study published in The Journal of Diabetic Medicine, research subjects given cinnamon supplements experienced greater improvement in blood sugar levels than those who received standard diabetes drugs. If people at the holiday dinner table seem especially alert when the cinnamon-spiced pumpkin pie is being served, it might be because of its scent, not just an appetite for sweets. A 2004 study found that the smell of cinnamon helped boost brain function. Study participants performance on tasks involving virtual recognition memory, attention processes, working memory, and visual-motor speed while using a computer were measured comparing the relative effects of jasmine, peppermint, cinnamon and no odour. Cinnamon had the strongest positive effect on study subjects cognitive processing skills. Cinnamons aroma comes from cinnamonaldehyde, an essential oil in the bark of cinnamon trees.

Blood Sugar Control


Cinnamon has the ability to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, molds and yeasts, including Candida yeast. In a 2003 study, two batches of vegetable broth were refrigerated, one with, and one without cinnamon oil. The broth with the cinnamon oil was resistant to foodborne pathogenic Bacillus cereus for at least 60 days. Researchers in this study observed that the cinnamon not only served as an effective preservative but also improved the flavour of the broth. In another study, researchers at Kansas State University discovered that cinnamon eliminates E. Coli in unpasteurized apple cider.


Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com


All About Reflexology

The feet, hands, body & ears are divided into zones. Within each zone is a system which contains organs and glands. When there is a blockage or imbalance within the body, it is noticeable within these zones. Light pressure, applied by the thumb, fingers or whole hand, is applied to certain reflex points on either the foot hand or body, which increases the energy flow to blocked or inflamed areas where treatment is being done. The ear has smaller reflex points, often referred to as acupressure points. Reflexology can help to correct, balance and stimulate movement within these zones. Reflexology is a wonderfully therapeutic, relaxing & soothing treatment for the hands, feet & ears. The feet & hands also represent a reflex map of the entire physical system. The ears are often used for alleviating acute pain, pressure & fever. A brief history lesson: In 1915 an ear, nose & throat physician, Dr. William H Fitzgerald, introduced his research findings on zone therapy. He believed that certain areas on the feet and hands were linked to other areas and organs of the body. He realized that the when applying pressure to the tip of the big toe, headaches were gradually diminished. When pressing the heel, congestion from the intestinal area also improved. The heart and chest corresponded to the ball of the foot. In the 1930s, American Physiotherapist, Eunice Ingram, would further develop the zone theory. She realized that when stimulating or applying pressure to key points on the body, which she referred to as reflex points, a signal, from the brain, would be sent to the corresponding organ, causing the release of hormones into the system. It is thought that the release of these hormones is responsible for the healing effect of Reflexology. Eunice would later travel the world and speak with medical practitioners on the benefits of probing the feet for a story of health. In 1938 she wrote her first book entitled, Stories the feet can tell. All health conditions, whether physical or emotional. Releases tension & stress. It can induce relaxation and a state of well being. Reflexology also promotes a healthy sleep pattern, pain management, increased energy and mental clarity. Reflexology also helps to remove blockages, release toxins, reduce swelling & restore balance within the glandular system.

By: Linda Kraan - Benson

You may recline in a chair, or lie on a massage table. Whether for the feet, hands, or ears, the practitioner may or may not use essential oils. Gentle finger pressure will be applied to stimulate certain reflex points within different zones of your body. This is normally a comfortable feeling, however, depending on how sensitive you are to applied touch, or how chronic your condition is, you may feel a slight pressure or sensation. The practitioner, will record any discomfort you feel, during the these sessions. There are many different techniques used to create a relaxation response, to calm & soothe your physical systems. Normally, a client will fall asleep during this phase. Depending on whether you are having foot, hand or ear reflexology, a treatment takes anywhere from 30-65 minutes. (Caution: in pregnancy, epilepsy, heart regulation, i.e pacemakers) A toe to knee massage is incorporated in foot reflexology, wear loose pants, no tights. A 3 session program is suggested, and needs to be done twice yearly for maintaining optimal health. 20% off for all Gusto readers on 3 treatment program




Blessings & continued health Linda Kraan - Benson

www. hypnosis2heal.ca

Lemon & Water - natures sports drink for summer!

Drinking warm water mixed with lemon juice offers some healthy benefits. It provides a sweeter, yet sugar-free, alternative for hydration -- important for the bodys healthy functioning -- to plain water, and it can also help treat some cold, flu or allergy symptoms, boost your mood and stimulate digestion. If you are under the weather, feeling down or having a difficult time with an upset stomach or constipation, sipping on warm lemon water daily may provide you with some relief.


By: Katie McClelland


In fact, if we are able to realize that we are not the mind, but the observer watching the mind, we can use this tool in any way we desire - to solve problems, to express our creative potential and to persevere through difficult situations. Recognize that YOU are in charge, not your mind. To tap in to the infinite possibility and limitless energy available only in the present moment, simply take a moment to close your eyes and tune in to the natural flow of your breath. Do not alter the breath but instead watch the breath breathe you. Breathe as if enjoying a blissful sleep. Watch the breath enter your body and feel your belly expand. Notice the peaceful pause at the top of the breath, full of potential and space, and then allow the breath to fall spontaneously, leaving your body without any effort on your part. Again, notice the pause at the bottom of the exhale, and the profound silence found here. As you watch the breath, be aware of your physical body and any sensations, noticing without judging. Just a minute or two of this simple meditation can help you completely relinquish your attachment to the past and the future neither of which are real. After all, your past is your limited perception of events and the future hasnt happened yet! So much energy is wasted when we spend time in these realms. Tuning into the breath and the body is the quickest and most effective way to drop the stories that are draining your energy, and to step fully into the present moment. Katie Katie McClelland, Owner, Director-De La Sol Yoga (905)540-3569 430 York Blvd Katiesolyoga@gmail.com

Yoga practice asks that we look at the relationship between the mind and the body and invites us to question our selfimposed limitations or beliefs. To illustrate the power of the mind, two stories come to mind. Last week while I was in yoga class, as we transitioned into Ardha Chandrasana (half moon pose), my usual inner dialogue started This pose is easy on this leg, its the other side I have trouble with. I felt strong and steady because I BELIEVED I was practicing on my good side - this was in fact not the case. As soon as I realized I had mistaken which side we were on, I started to wobble, and eventually fell! I had to laugh at how my mind could so cunningly steer me toward different realities. The other incident occurred last winter. I was getting over an illness and facing one of my busiest teaching days. My energy was depleted and I felt mounting anxiety in anticipation of the four classes I had yet to teach. How am I going to get through this? Im so exhausted I can barely move! and so on.... The drama in my mind (which felt very real) continued to escalate. Then, all of a sudden, we were hit with a severe snowstorm. It became clear we would have to close the studio. I would not have to teach after all! Immediately my fatigue vanished and I felt full of energy! The exhaustion was completely created by my mind - exhaustion at the mere THOUGHT of future events that hadnt even occurred yet! If I had been able to stay present, I wouldve realized I had all the energy I needed. Spiritual teachings sometimes seem to imply we should shun the thinking mind (or ego). The mind, however, is a fascinating and marvelous tool.

Nikola Tesla : Discovered Alternating Current (AC)

Nikola Tesla was born in Croatia (then part of Austria-Hungary) on July 9, 1856, and died January 7, 1943. He was the electrical engineer who invented the AC (alternating current) induction motor, which made the universal transmission and distribution of electricity possible. In 1888 his discovery that a magnetic field could be made to rotate if two coils at right angles are supplied with AC current 90 degrees out of phase made possible the invention of the AC induction motor. The major advantage of this motor being its brushless operation, which many at the time believed impossible. Tesla moved to the United States in 1884, where he worked for Thomas Edison who quickly became a rival - Edison being an advocate of the inferior DC power transmission system. During this time, Tesla was commissioned with the design of the AC generators installed at Niagara Falls. George Westinghouse purchased the patents to his induction motor, and made it the basis of the Westinghouse power system which still underlies the modern electrical power industry today. He also did notable research on high-voltage electricity and wireless communication; at one point creating an earthquake which shook the ground for several miles around his New York laboratory. He also devised a system which anticipated world-wide wireless communications, fax machines, radar, radio-guided missiles and aircraft. (http://www.neuronet.pitt.edu/~bogdan/tesla/bio.htm)



A, B, C, 1, 2, 3 Numbers are the language of Energy! They are used to communicate the dimensional frame work of our Universe. With a quantum understanding of Numbers, we gain insight into building our physical foundation within the limitless field of pure potentiality. Each number, 1-9 carries within it, its own vibration, its own set of qualities both equal and opposite, negative and positive. It is the base language from which All That it Is comes from. Numbers can serve as great allies, providing messages when they appear, particularly in patterns. This is what pulled me into the world of Numbers, I was being stalked by Elevens, not just on the clock, but on concert tickets, sections, seats, license plates, movie stubs, bus passes, waiting lines, grocery receipts, my phone call durations, pretty much in any random or obvious way, there she was, another Eleven staring down my way. I couldnt escape those Elevens if I tried, and Im not talking a few times a day, Im talking Elevens popping by a couple times an hour, sometimes more, getting up all in my face distracting me. It became slightly frustrating; the frequency, in which I was experiencing the Eleven, was well beyond the definition of coincidence, it was a pattern and even my friends were beginning to notice my strange Eleven phenomena. Finally, a lovely acupuncturist I was visiting would shed some light on the situation and she pointed me off to Numerology. Dr.H who was highly spiritual woman in her own right, said that people that are on Eleven wavelengths generally have Elevens in their core numerology profile and that it was a master number and should not be ignored. She also said that many books had been written about numbers and their connection to our awakening; considered to be a key to enlightenment or a wakeup call! She didnt say much more, but that was all she needed to say. Off I went and jumped into a wormhole. I was utterly consumed with fascination for this concept of Number Speak and Numerology. Turns out I carry two Elevens in my core numerology profile. That was the first rub, the second was that I would experience my first shift in consciousness. As I began to work with the numbers, I didnt just see them, I began to hear them, to know them, to feel them, and to grasp them inside each of us, our world is literally built and expressed in numbers! At last, I was no longer pursued by the Eleven, but not before she could introduce me to her other hot stalker friend, number 22, a builder! All joking aside, what I experienced as I worked with this sacred science is that numbers evolve with us.

By: Amber Colbear

They do speak to us and if we listen and integrate their messages, we will not only see more numbers, as I certainly cease to, but we will also have a greater understanding for our own unique energy potential and our personal power within it. There are numbers in all of us and with them they carry vibrations that resonate into sound, like the sound of our names. What is a name? Whats in a name? Numbers! Be sure to pick up the next copy of Gusto, as we unfold the mystery behind Numerology and Number Speak with a closer look at the energy behind each number as we discover what is hiding in your name! The Elemental Artist ambercolbear@gmail.com www.ambercolbear.com

Cultivating Cultured Farm Hands

By: Miranda Black
It seems that the current urban dream is to return to the country. More than ever were realizing that we need to return to the earth to grow food in order to feed our families, our neighbours and our communities. Whether you are interested in returning to the land for a more relaxed life-style, if you want to raise a profit, or if you want to create a veggie mecca in your backyard, theres a lot of learning to do. From growing, to marketing, to creating networks, there are classes available. And most of these can be done within a relatively short commute.

Collaborative Regional Alliance for Farmer Training/ Craft (www.craftontario.ca) Craft Ontario was created by farmers for farmers
as they know that the best way to learn about organic growing is to immerse yourself into the field (literally). Through Craft you are able to find lists upon lists of farms offering seasonal to year-long internships.

FarmStart (www.farmstart.ca):
FarmStarts motive is to help new farmers get the skills and resources necessary to start up. With programs directed to provide practical tools, financial and physical resources, skills training and networking opportunities, they cover most of the educational bases. With the recent addition of the Landmark Start-Up Farm they are helping to change the organic sector of Hamilton and assist new farmers with additional resources such as mentorship, land and equipment.

(Article continued on Page 12)



Cultivating Cultured Farm Hands by Miranda BLack continued...

The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association/OSCIA (www.ontariosoilcrop.org): OSCIA offers numerous assistance programs for new farmers including grants, business and educational programs. Hamilton Community Garden Network (hcgn.ca):
Change is happening in our parks and many of our solitary city spaces: community gardens, volunteer run gardens and gardens for kids are being born. Many of us dont have the space available to grow or own food. Thanks to the hands at the HCGN network, space is available to create your own veggie garden and learn from your neighbouring gardeners.

Environment Hamilton (www.environmenthamilton.org):

Like my teachers taught me in art class as a kid, its best to take a look at other peoples work to get inspiration for your own. Every summer Environment Hamilton stimulates the city with Rural Routes; bus tours of farms in the Hamilton area. This year join Rural Routes for a Trip to Weirs Lavender Farm in July.

The Mustard Seed (mustardseed.coop)

As Hamiltons only food cooperative gets into motion The Mustard Seed is dedicated to provide education and information (the 5th cooperative principle) to its members and the Hamilton community. Keep updated with new initiatives, including farm tours, fundraisers and member only parties where you will be able to meet farmers, educators, foodies & have a whole lot of fun.

Wwoof/World-Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms (www.wwoofinternational.org): Learn about rice paddies in China, exotic fruit in Hawaii or South America, or explore the roots of permaculture in
Africa or Australia. The Wwoof network is extensive and includes farms in almost every country world-wide including hundreds in North America. Many of these farms take families and so, instead of a winter vacation to an all-inclusive resort, what about harvesting coconuts instead?

Miranda Black Artist, farmer, educator and yoga instructor. Mirandala.wordpress.com For more farm articles check out: BecomingResilient.wordpress.com Email: MirandaSBlack@hotmail. com

By: Anita Kaiser

If you take a stroll through the deodorant aisle you will very quickly realize that most of what you find is actually antiperspirants. Antiperspirants are designed to stop your body from sweating. However, sweating is actually a really important bodily function. The more you sweat the more toxins and dirt get flushed out of the pores of your skin. It is also the primary way your body maintains a healthy internal body temperature. The actual sweat itself is odourless but odour is created from normal skin bacteria breaking down the sweat secretions released from the sweat glands. Deodorants on the other hand do not stop you from sweating but instead neutralize the bacteria and change the odour to be more pleasing to the senses. Antiperspirants stop your body from sweating through the use of aluminum salts which form a gel plug in the duct of the sweat gland effectively changing the way your body functions. In the United States, deodorants are classified and regulated as cosmetics by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Antiperspirants are classified as drugs by the FDA and as such the ingredients are regulated. Interesting thought, isnt it that antiperspirant - a product most of us use without even thinking about could be classified the same way as taking an aspirin? There are various types of aluminum salts which could be labelled any of the following: aluminum chlorohydrate; aluminum chloride; aluminum sulfate; and aluminum zirconium. These compounds have been linked to neurological disorders. The short term symptoms of aluminum toxicity include memory loss, learning difficulty, loss of coordination, disorientation, mental confusion, colic, heartburn, flatulence, and headaches. Many antiperspirants also contain parabens another ingredient that has been found to have long term health implications - specifically when they are applied onto the skin and stay there for extended periods of time. They are absorbed into the body through the skin and have a tendency to accumulate over time instead of just being flushed out through our kidneys or liver system. There are many different names that parabens can be classified under here is a full list: Methylparaben (E218); Ethylparaben (E214); Propylparaben (E216); Butylparabe; Benzyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid; Methyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid; Ethyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid; Propyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid; Butyl-parahydroxybenzoic acid; Parahydroxybenzoic acid; Parahydroxybenzoate. To find out whats in your brand of antiperspirant and the associated risks, check out the skin deep section of the Enviornmental Working Group website: http://www.ewg.org/skindeep/ Switching over to a more natural product one that lets your body release the sweat under your arms - certainly does take some getting used to. Some of the better brands that we have tried at our house and had great success with include MiEssence, Lafes, and Aubreys for the men. (For more information on this topic and to find the actual research behind these statements please go to: http://www.controlyourimpact. com/articles/deodorants-antiperspirants-and-your-health/ )

Anita Kaiser www.MiOrganic.ca



With Stephanie HeartSong

Conversations with You is all about authentic connections... Very often the conversations I hold with clients, friends and colleagues on FaceBook, The Spiritual Network and /or Skype are ideally suited for this column. This months conversation was inspired by a Face Book exchange. The original content was edited to reflect insights that spanned over several exchanges.

SH - Its an inspired thought Audrey, but lets think about it in a different way. Lets name that hope you have for your clients thoughts on healing as an attachment. Imagine how much energy it takes for you to maintain that wish! Between you and every person in life is a string; a relationship with defined expectations and social conventions. Some strings between you and significant others can feel like sailing ropes. Well back to your clients. Every time you associate that wishful thinking to a particular client you are tugging on that string, which can deplete your own energy. It is one way of taking your work home. Such worry wears us all down! So how many strings are hooked between you and your many clients? A - Oh wow, thats true! I did not consider that! I think its time to cut a few strings Some time soon, well have to have a whole other conversation about letting go of strings! Ok, heres my new BEING list: practice gratitude; be happy with what I do; be open to receiving; drop the worries and let things be. Im starting with feeling grateful right now! I feel whole lot lighter already! SH - Excellent! Amazing! I appreciate the insights and the conversations weve been having. I dont know how its all going to work out, but its bringing me clarity. Thinking about things in this way helps me sort out so much more then issues at work. Lets rock this journey!

Hi Stephanie HeartSong I have my own healing business. I love what I do and I work very hard. I am always giving to others. In fact, my cash flow covers all the business expenses but doesnt pay me! Why isnt the Universe giving me something in return? Audrey H.
SH - Thanks for sharing Audrey. I have spoken with many spiritual entrepreneurs who have told me that so much time and energy goes into helping others, yet when it comes to helping themselves, it is challenging. So Audrey, since you asked about the Universe giving you something in return, my first question to ask you is: what does it mean and feel like to RECEIVE? A - Right! Well I love gifts. I feel happy and grateful when someone offers me something; like paying for dinner or coffee. Come to think of it, I usually end up paying for others; guess Im not really helping my cash flow situation. lol SH - I understand. When I was in a relationship, my partner and I answered a lovers questionnaire designed to highlight what characteristics we each embodied. It turns out that she discovered that she loved receiving and giving. This internet quiz revealed that receiving was not a priority in my life! It took a lot of awareness and a willingness to look at what behaviours didnt line up with receiving. I would consciously try to catch myself OPT out of receiving. Thats when everything changed. I decided, powerfully that abundance was not something out there... it was already in me. So it was easy to establish new habits: gratitude prayers, chants and affirmations. It was my way of sending out a whole new set of message to the Universe. Gifts of money and prepayment for services became the norm as opposed to an annual birthday gift. A - I get it. How cool is that for you. I really need to make space inside me to receive! Its funny. Recently I started daily gratitude rituals! I am paying more attention to being thankful for everything. It is so amazing how your mind and body step up to the plate when the time is right. What I have not been able to shift is how I feel bombarded by some people and situations I have to deal with at work. I figure I need to work on my life boundaries. SH - Great insights, Audrey. Boundaries are really important. In fact you dont need to feel bad about honouring yourself. Choosing to stand in your power with self-respect and love does not take away from your giving nature and compassionate self. Having clear boundaries, energetically, allows you to be giving and to be present for people without feeling drained. A - Really? I feel like I take on too much on sometimes. Even though I love connecting with people and helping others heal, I often go home exhausted. Sometimes I wish my clients would see how amazing it is when they take responsibility for their healing!

Lemon Pesto Grilled Summer Vegetables Lemon Pesto Using sunflower seeds instead of pine nuts is a nice twist on pesto 2 cups loosely packed fresh basil 1 cup loosely packed fresh parsley leaves cup fresh oregano cup chopped green onion 2-3 tbsp finely grated lemon zest 2 cloves garlic, minced cup unsalted sunflower seeds Salt and pepper Pulse the basil, parsley, oregano and green onion with 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil in a food processor until well blended. Add the lemon zest garlic and sunflower seeds and pulse until its a paste. Season to taste. Chill until ready to use. Grilled Vegetables 1 green zucchini 1 yellow zucchini 1 eggplant 1 red pepper 1 green or yellow pepper salt and pepper Grill vegetables about 5 minutes on each side or until grill marks are visible. Place the vegetables directly from the grill into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let stand for 10 minutes. While still warm toss with pesto. Yummmmm!



By: Juliana La Chance

Through my many years of being vegetarian I have enjoyed discovering the many delicious and nutritious animal -free alternatives. Hamilton is the perfect place to explore vegan alternatives because there are many multicultural stores that provide a large selection of vegan friendly foods. The Asian Supermarkets, Middle Eastern Food Grocers and the Indian food Stores are filled with their cultures best vegetarian foods. Some of the main vegan alternatives available in these local grocers are: Tofu and seaweeds from the Asian stores, hummus and falafels from the Middle Eastern stores, and beans and grains from the Indian grocers. As veganism becomes more mainstream and an available alternative, it is comforting and reassuring to know that there are many affordable, diverse and multi-cultural stores to help you on your journey. Whether you are trying something new, want to lower your processed food intake or become vegetarian, discovering new foods can make it an enriching transition. I recommend checking out the many world food stores in Hamilton that are locally owned. They make vegan and vegetarian friendly foods fun, delicious and simple.

B&T Asian Food Market-. 103 Queen St N Medina Fine Food - Middle Eastern Grocers- 581 Concession St. Mian Grocery- Indian grocery Store - 2493 Barton St E

Where to eat in hamilton (more on our site)

Karma ChaMEALeon (Food Truck)


Bridges Vegetarian Cafe

Ontarios first 100% plant based animal free vegan food truck. Brings natural, fresh, local food to the streets. Twitter, facebook or phone to check daily locations. Cash only. http://karmachamealeon.com/

1280 Main S W, Hamilton, Ontario (at McMaster University campus) School veggie cafe with a funky atmosphere and low lighting. Offers a large menu with flatbreads, veggie burgers, and more. Open during semester Mon-Thur 11am-8pm, Fri 11am-3pm.

Bread Bar Earth To Table
258 Locke Street S, Hamilton Serves meat, veg options available. Bakery by day, pizzeria at night. Offers organic and locally grown produce items from its own 100-acre farm and other producers. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 8am-late.

The Green Smoothie Bar

236 James St N, Hamilton, Ontario Vegan, Organic, Raw, Juice bar, Western, Canadian, Take-out . A smoothies bar that also offers vegan food. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Sun 7am-8pm.

The Raw Shop at Body Slimmer

256 Dundurn Street S, Hamilton Offers raw juices and desserts, kale chips, salads, and raw crackers. Situated inside a womens fitness club. Accepts credit cards. Open Mon-Fri 9-2:30pm, 5:30-7pm, Sat 9-11am.

Cannon Coffee Co

179 Ottawa St N, Hamilton Serves meat, veg options available. Other dishes can be made vegan. Cash only. Open Mon-Fri 7am-6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm.



Che Burrito and Lounge

Vegetarian restaurant offering an extensive menu that includes Asian style mock meat dishes, combo meals, and assorted teas drinks. All you can eat lunch and dinner buffet Tue-Sun. Open TueFri 12-3pm, 5-9pm, Sat-Sun 5-9pm, closed Mon.

38 Hess St South, Hamilton Serves meat, veg options available. Mostly meat but has a tofu burrito thats vegan. Casual atmosphere. Cash only. Open Tue-Thur 4-11pm, Fri 12-10pm, Sat-Sun 4-10pm.

Homegrown Hamilton

The Himalya

160 Centennial Parkway North, Hamilton Small vegetarian Indian food restaurant. Open Wed-Mon 11am 9pm.

27 King William Street, Hamilton. Wide selection of wholesome, locally sourced organic breakfasts, lunches and dinners, including lot of vegan/vegetarian/gluten free options. Serves organic coffee



Workshops/ Classes
BodynSol Nutrition Workshop Saturday July 20th 9:30-11:30am $15/person Learn simple nutritional tips that can activate your DNA and shift your health and energy in 30 days or less. This workshop introduces the first of five steps in creating a healthier body, mind & sol. - rsvp at www.meetup.com/bodynsol or 905-975-2836 Celtic Reiki Level 1 - Certification Workshop Day 1 12-5pm - Saturday, July 13th ~ Workshop Day 1 @Synchro-nicites, 219 Ottawa St N Overview of Celtic Reiki, History, Practice, Learn Level 1 symbols and how to use them . Homework Study and Practice Celtic Reiki Level 1 - Certification Workshop Day 2 12-5pm - Sunday, July 20th ~ Workshop Day 2 Overview Practice, Learn Techniques, In-Person Attunements Practice on Partners, Exam and Certification Information about starting your own practice $125 per person (For full course) Email: inturelaxation@gmail.com Silent Sun-day ~ Mini Retreat Sunday, July 14, 2013 - 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM Dundas Conservation Area, 921 Artaban Road, Dundas, ON 60.00/per person ($20 deposit required) Join us for a day of Silence, in the lush green valleys of the serene Dundas Conservation Area. We will explore Mindfulness and set our Healing Intentions through a variety of Guided Meditations. Please contact: vanessa@theharmonioussoul.ca Psychic Circles Synchro-nicites, , 219 Ottawa St N, Hamilton July 15 at 7:00pm until August 5 at 9:00pm Join local Psychic Medium, Dana Jensen, and open your psychic awareness with the practice of energy, Meditation, Automatic Writing, Psychometry, Spirit Commnication and Much More. Your investment $120.00, All Supplies Included $80.00 Deposit is required to hold your spot. Forgiveness Gathering/Meditation Synchro-nicites, , 219 Ottawa St N, Hamilton Tuesday, July 16, 2013 6:30PM 8:30 PM Laurie, an intuitive and energetic healer, will guide us through a grounding meditation as well as a few exercises to help us learn where forgiveness is necessary in our lives. Then she will guide us through the forgiving process and finish with another meditation. $15.00 per person. 905 544 5115

On-Going Classes
BodynSol Yoga ~ rsvp to 905-975-2836 Personal & small classes. Similar to one on one yoga training. Gentle, detoxing, strengthening, calming and rejuvenating time, just for you. Limited space. Drop in fee is $10. Monday & Wednesday 7pm AND Friday 9:30am New days & times tba. CHANTING SPIRIT CIRCLE @ BodynSol 382 West 5th - 905-975-2836 Tuesday evenings join us for sound play & chanting workshops. 7:30-9:30pm No experience required. $25/class or 3 for $60 innerLife MEDITATION at BodynSol 382 West 5th 905-975-2836 - Wednesday 10:00 11:15 am. Learn to prepare your body for meditation and several ways to calm your mindand restore balance to your body & spirit. $22 drop in fee or 5 sessions or $75. Includes a cup of Chaga Tea to help clear and open the third eye. Bring a blanket and/or cushion. With innerLife Solutions 905-921-5339,

WATERFEST Sat July 6 2013 , 8:00 AM to 7:00 AM Dragonboat Races happen every seven minutes all day long. There will be a live band, beer tent, food and other vendors. Location: Bayfront Park, Hamilton, Harbour Front Drive off of Bay St North Region: Hamilton. 905-407-2149 www.lively-dragon.com Hamilton Fringe Festival 2013 Accessible, playful, and engaging the Hamilton Fringe Festival is an action-packed performance event that takes place over 11 days each July in downtown Hamilton. More than 40 companies offering up musicals, dance, comedies, magic shows, dramas, and family entertainment in more than 300 performances 2013 is our TENTH anniversary and the festival runs from July 1828th. NO TICKET IS MORE THAN $10! Gusto Greet, Eat & Meet (GEM) Group Monday, July 22nd, 2013 - 6:30 PM - 9 PM @ Homegrown Hamilton - 27 King William St Bring your business cards, smiles and positive vibes and come introduce yourself to the Hamilton Wellness community! This special evening is complete with delicious eats and music - provided by Homegrown Hamilton for only $5 admission! www.gustomagazine.ca CHRISTMAS IN JULY Wed July 24 2013 to Fri July 26 11:00 AM to 8:00 PM Join Santa, Ollie and the Grinch as we celebrate Christmas in JULY! Live music, cookie decorating, Plus we have some great contests and prizes in store for you! Location: Wild Waterworks 585 Van Wagners Beach Road, conservationhamilton.ca 1-800-555-8775



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