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Cronograma- Dictado Extraordinario- Encuentros mensuales 2006 LITERATURA DEL HABLA INGLESA DESPUES DE LA SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL 1 Abril

Presentacion/ cronograma 22 de Abril British poetry since 1945- British poetry and the historical movement-. Poetry: The Movement: Philip Larkin Mr Bleaney The Whitsun Weddings Introduction to the British novel after W W II The realist novel: the European Context. The Modernist Novel in the Twentieth Century, British fiction since 1930 6 de Mayo Raymond Williams The metropolis and the emergence of modernism Sandra Gibert Susan Gubar: Contemporary Literature William Golding: The Inheritors The French Symbolists. British Poetry and the Historical Movement-British Poetry since 1945. The Movement: Tom Gunn: The Annihilation of Nothing/ My Sad Captains 20 de Mayo British the social and cultural setting(Krishan Rumar) British Fiction since 1930 Muriel Spark : The Fathers Daughters/ Expressionism/ Ted Hughes: Two legends/ The Black Beast 3de Junio An introduction to the American Novel after World War II/ Contemporary American Prose. Southern writers. New York writers. Other criticism of America. The tranquilized Fifties. Letting go in the Sixties. Satiric performances. Old and New Writers in the SeventiesFiction: David Salinger: The Catcher in the Rye Introduction to American Poetry-Contemporary American poetry-Survivors of the Thirties: William C. Williams: The Ivy Crown Tract Poetry: The Group: Philip Hobsbaum: A Secret Sharer/Can I Fly Too?/Ocarina 17 de Junio 1st MID TERM EXAM Modern Poetry-Contemporary American Poetry Expressionism: Sylvia Plath: Daddy All My Dead Dears Two Sisters of Persephone Adrienne Rich: Living in Sin The Rape Poets of the fifties: Robert Lowell: Memories of West Street and Lepke / For the Union Dead Theodore Roethke: I Knew a Woman In a Dark Time Fiction: John Updike: Rabbit Run 12 de Agosto The Welsh Voice: R. S. Thomas : The Welsh Landscape/ The Country Clergy Introduction to British Novel after World War II The Fiction of the Working-Class Allan Sillitoe: "The Loneliness of the Long-Distance Runner" American Theatre: Tennessee Williams: A Street Car named Desire 2 de Septiembre 2nd MID TERM EXAM- Bring Written Report of: British Drama after 1945 Modern British Stage.. The Theatre of the Absurd American Theatre after 1930-American Drama: Mid Century

16 de Septiembre British Theater : Samuel Becket: Waiting for Godot Potmodern American poetry Introduction by Peter Hoover Poets of the Sixties: American Poetry: The Beat Generation: Allain Ginsberg; Howl 30 de Septiembre 1970 The Black Mountains Poets: Hilda Morley: Curve of the Water Made out of Links American Fiction: Regionalism and Naturalism in the City: Saul Bellow ; Seize The Day Jean Francois Lyotard: Answering the Question of Potmodernism. 7 de Octubre Hoover Peter. Post Modern American verse/Poetry Introduction Waldrop: From Inserting The Mirror American Surrealists: Maxine Chernoff: Gew Generation 1975 Breasts 21 de Octubre Recent British Poetry: Fleur Adcock: The Soho Hospital for Women Tony Harrison. Long Distance / Turns Seamus Heaney: Punishment / Casualty AFRO AMERICAN TRADITION /Language Poets Wanda Coleman : The ISM Essay on Language Jayne Cortez: Rape PROSE POETS Carla Harriman: Realism The Male 4 de Noviembre: 3rd Mid term examTowards the concept of postmodernism/British postmodernism: Margaret Drabble Afro-American tradition: Tony Morrison : The Bluest Eye Bring Report of: The American diversity:/ Canadian Writers: Margaret Atwood: Polarities 18 de Noviembre Exmenes recuperatorios y recuperatorio de prcticos e integral: Un encuentro ms a confirmar posterior al 18 de Noviembre Mgter: SILVIA LUCIA FERNNDEZ PROF.ADJ. ORDINARIO S.EXC.

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