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Estimating the Effect of Cutting Parameters on Tool Wear and Workpiece Surface Temperature in Turning of AISI D2 Steel
Sudhansu Ranjanjan Das1, Dr. Amaresh Kumar2 and Dr. Debabrata Dhupal3
Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur-831014, Jharkhand, India. 3 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang-759146, Odisha, India. 1 das.sudhansu83@gmail.com, 2amaresh_nitjsr@yahoo.co.in, 3debabratadhupal@gmail.com

Abstract -- Now-a-days increasing the productivity and the quality of the machined parts are the main challenges of metal cutting industry during turning processes. Optimization methods in turning processes, continual improvement of output quality in product and processes include modeling of input-output and in process parameters relationship and determination of optimal cutting conditions. This paper presents an optimization method of the cutting parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut and feed) in dry turning of AISI D2 steel to achieve minimum tool wear and low workpiece surface temperature. The experimental layout was designed based on the Taguchis L9 (34) Orthogonal array technique and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to identify the effect of the cutting parameters on the response variables. The results showed that depth of cut and cutting speed are the most important parameters influencing the tool wear. The minimum tool wear was found at cutting speed of 150 m/ min, depth of cut of 0.5 mm and feed of 0.25 mm/rev. Similarly low workpiece surface temperature was obtained at cutting speed of 150 m/min, depth of cut of 0.5 mm and feed of 0.25 mm/rev. Thereafter, optimal ranges of tool wear and workpiece surface temperature values were predicted. Finally, the relationship between factors and the performance measures were developed by using multiple regression analysis. Keywords: AISI D2 steel, tool wear, workpiece surface temperature, Taguchi method, regression analysis.

t e m p e r a t u r e st ot o o lw e a ro nt h et o o lf a c ea n dt o o lf l a n ka n d inducing thermal damage to the machined surface [2]. A l lt h e s e d i ff i c u l t i e sl e a dt oh i g ht o o lw e a r, l o wm a t e r i a lr e m o v a lr a t e ( M R R )a n dp o o rs u r f a c ef i n i s h[ 3 ] .I na c t u a lp r a c t i c e ,t h e r ea r e many factors which affect these performance measures, i.e. t o o lv a r i a b l e s( t o o lm a t e r i a l ,n o s er a d i u s ,r a k ea n g l e ,c u t t i n g edge geometry, t o o lv i b r a t i o n ,t o o lo v e r h a n g ,t o o lp o i n ta n g l e , e t c . ) ,w o r k p i e c ev a r i a b l e s( m a t e r i a l ,h a r d n e s s ,o t h e rm e c h a n i c a l p r o p e r t i e s ,e t c . )a n dc u t t i n gc o n d i t i o n s( c u t t i n gs p e e d ,f e e d , depth of cut and cutting fluids). Many papers were published i ne x p e r i m e n t a lb a s e dt os t u d yt h ee f f e c to fc u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r s o ns u r f a c er o u g h n e s s[ 4 ,5 ] ,t o o lw e a r[ 6 ] ,m a c h i n a b i l i t y[ 7 ] , cutting forces [8], power consumption [9], material removal r a t e[ 1 0 ] .S oi ti sn e c e s s a r yt os e l e c tt h em o s ta p p r o p r i a t e machining settings in order to improve cutting eff i c i e n c y. Generally, this optimum parameter selection is determined by t h eo p e r a t o r s experience knowledge or the design data book which leads to decrease in productivity due to sub-optimal use of machining capability which causes high manufacturing c o s ta n dl o wp r o d u c tq u a l i t y[ 1 1 ,1 2 ] . H e n c es t a t i s t i c a ld e s i g no fe x p e r i m e n t s( D O E )a n ds t a t i s t i c a l / mathematical model are used quite extensively.St a t i s t i c a l design of experiment refers to the process of planning the experimental so that the appropriate data can be analyzed by s t a t i s t i c a lm e t h o d s ,r e s u l t i n gi nv a l i da n do b j e c t i v ec o n c l u s i o n [13]. Davim and Figueira [14] investigated the machinability e v a l u a t i o ni nh a r dt u r n i n go fc o l dw o r ks t e e l( D 2 )w i t hc e r a m i c t o o l su s i n gs t a t i s t i c a lt e c h n i q u e s .I tw a sc o n c l u d e dt h a tt h e tool wear was highly influenced by the cutting velocity,a n di n as m a l l e rd e g r e e ,b yc u t t i n gt i m e .T h es p e c i f i cc u t t i n gp r e s s u r e was also strongly influenced by the feed rate. Design and methods such as factorial design, response surface methodology (RSM) and Taguchi method are now widely used i np l a c eo fo n ef a c t o r a t a t i m ee x p e r i m e n t a la p p r o a c hw h i c hi s t i m ec o n s u m i n ga n de x o r b i t a n ti nc o s t[ 1 5 ] . Taguchi techniques have been widely used by lot of researchers for optimizing s u r f a c er o u g h n e s s[ 1 6 ,1 7 ,1 8 ] ,t o o lw e a r[ 1 9 ] ,t o o ll i f e[ 2 0 ] , c u t t i n gf o r c e[ 2 1 ] ,p o w e rc o n s u m p t i o n[ 9 ,2 2 ] ,m a t e r i a lr e m o v a l

I. INTRODUCTION A SPECTS s u c ha st o o ll i f ea n dw e a r, s u r f a c ef i n i s h ,c u t t i n g forces, material removal rate, power consumption, cutting temperature (on tool and workpieces s u r f a c e )d e c i d et h e productivity, product quality, overall economy in manufacturing by machining and quality of machining. During machining, the consumed power is largely converted into heat r e s u l t i n gh i g hc u t t i n gt e m p e r a t u r en e a rt h ec u t t i n ge d g eo ft h e tool. The amount of heat generated varies with the type of material being machined and machining parameters especially cutting speed, which had the most influence on the temperature [1]. Many of the economic and technical problems of machining are caused directly or indirectly by this heating action. Excessive temperatures directly influence importance of the


r a t e[ 2 3 ]a n dc u t t i n gt e m p e r a t u r e[ 2 4 ]e t c . S a h i n[ 2 0 ]c o m p a r e dt h et o o ll i f eo fC B Na n dc e r a m i ci n s e r t si n t u r n i n gh a r ds t e e l su s i n gt h e Taguchi method. The eff e c t so f c u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r s( c u t t i n gs p e e d ,f e e d ,t o o lh a r d n e s s )o nt o o l life were determined by using orthogonal array, s i g n a l n o i s e r a t i oa n dv a r i a n c ea n a l y s i s .A sar e s u l t ,i tw a sc o n c l u d e dt h a t t h ee f f e c t so fc u t t i n gs p e e d ,t o o lh a r d n e s sa n df e e dr a t eo n t o o ll i f ew e r e4 1 . 6 3 % ,3 2 . 6 8 %a n d2 5 . 2 2 % ,r e s p e c t i v e l y. A .S u h a i l et al. [ 2 5 ]o p t i m i z e dt h ec u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r so nw o r k p i e c es u r f a c e temperature and surface roughness by employing Taguchi technique and A N O VA . The results showed that the workpiece surface temperature can be sensed effectively as an in-process s i g n a lf o rc u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r so p t i m i z a t i o n . Aslan et al. [ 2 6 ] conducted an optimization study by machining a hardened AISI 4140 grade (63HRC) steel on a lathe by using A l2O3+TiCN coated ceramic inserts. They determined that Al2O3 base ceramics are required for cutting tools in machining hard steels during wear resistance and high hardness. They ensured optimization in their experimental studies by using the Taguchi method. The experimental parameters chosen were: three different cutting speeds, feed rates and depths of cut. Flank wear (VB) and surface roughness were chosen as criteria for performance. The obtained results were analyzed by using variance analysis (ANOVA). As a result, it was seen that the VB value decreased as the cutting speed and the depth of cut increased; however, it first decreased and then increased as the feed rate increased. On the other hand, the surface roughness decreased as the cutting speed increased. In contrast surface roughness increased when the feed rate increased. A. Bhattacharya et al. [ 9 ]i n v e s t i g a t e dt h ee ff e c to f cutting parameters on surface finish and power consumption during high speed machining of A I S I1 0 4 5s t e e lu s i n g Taguchi design and A N O VA .T h er e s u l ts h o w e das i g n i f i c a n te ff e c to f cutting speed on surface roughness and power consumption, w h i l et h eo t h e rp a r a m e t e r sh a v en o ts u b s t a n t i a l l ya f f e c t e dt h e response. T h ea i mo ft h i se x p e r i m e n t a li n v e s t i g a t i o ni st os t u d yt h ee f f e c t s o ft h ec u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r so n AISI D2 steel workpiece surface temperature, tool wear and material removal rate by employing Taguchis orthogonal array design and analysis of variance (ANOVA) under dry environment. I I . TAGUCHI METHOD The Taguchi experimental design method is a well-known, unique and powerful technique for product or process quality improvement [27]. It is widely used for analysis of experiment and product or process optimization. Taguchi developed a m e t h o d o l o g yf o rt h ea p p l i c a t i o no ff a c t o r i a ld e s i g ne x p e r i m e n t s that has taken the design of experiments from the exclusive w o r l do ft h es t a t i s t i c i a na n db r o u g h ti tm o r ef u l l yi n t ot h e world of manufacturing. His contributions also made the p r a c t i t i o n e r s work simpler by advocating the use of fewer

experimental designs, and providing a clearer understanding of the nature of variation and the economic consequences of quality engineering in the world of manufacturing. Taguchi i n t r o d u c e sh i sc o n c e p t st o : Quality should be designed into a product and not i n s p e c t e di n t oi t . Q u a l i t yi sb e s ta c h i e v e db ym i n i m i z i n gt h ed e v i a t i o nf r o ma t a r g e t . The cost of quality should be measured as a function of deviation from the standard and the losses should be measured system-wide. Taguchi recommends a three-stage process to achieve desirable product quality by design-system design, parameter design and t o l e r a n c ed e s i g n .W h i l es y s t e md e s i g nh e l p st oi d e n t i f yw o r k i n g levels of the design parameters, parameter design seeks to d e t e r m i n ep a r a m e t e rl e v e l st h a tp r o v i d et h eb e s tp e r f o r m a n c eo f t h ep r o d u c to rp r o c e s su n d e rs t u d y.The optimum condition is s e l e c t e ds ot h a tt h ei n f l u e n c eo fu n c o n t r o l l a b l ef a c t o r sc a u s e s minimum variation to system performance. Orthogonal arrays, v a r i a n c ea n ds i g n a lt on o i s ea n a l y s i sa r et h ee s s e n t i a lt o o l so f p a r a m e t e rd e s i g n . To l e r a n c ed e s i g ni sas t e pt of i n e t u n et h e r e s u l t so fp a r a m e t e rd e s i g n[ 2 8 ] . III. EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS Workpiece material: The work piece material was AISI D2 steel in the form of round bars having 50 mm diameter and l e n g t ho f1 2 0m m .A I S ID 2s t e e lw a ss e l e c t e dd u et oi t se m e rg e n t r a n g eo fa p p l i c a t i o n si nt h ef i e l do fm a n u f a c t u r i n gt o o l si n m o u l di n d u s t r i e s . The chemical composition of AISI D2 steel i sg i v e ni nt h e Ta b l e1 .

Table 1 Chemical Composition of Aisi D2 Steel Workpiece in Percentage By Weight C 1.55 Cr 11.8 Mn 0.4 Si 0.4 Mo 0.7 W 0.6 S 0.03 P 0.03

Cutting inserts: In tests, coated carbide inserts of ISO designation CNMG 120408 (800 diamond shaped inset) without chip breaker geometry has been used for experimentation. The cutting inserts were clamped onto a right hand tool holder having ISO designation PCLNR 2525 M12. Experimental procedure: The turning tests on the workpiece were conducted under dry conditions on a CNC lathe (JOBBER XL, ACE India) which have a maximum spindle speed of 3500 rpm and maximum power of 16 kW.A h o l ew a sd r i l l e do nt h e f a c eo fw o r kp i e c et oa l l o wi tt ob es u p p o r t e da tt h et a i l s t o c k ( F i g u r e1 ) .P r i o rt oa c t u a lm a c h i n i n g ,t h er u s tl a y e r sw e r e r e m o v e db yan e wc u t t i n gi n s e r ti no r d e rt om i n i m i z ea n ye f f e c t of in homogeneity on the experimental results.


Measurement of tool wear and work-piece surface temperature: The surface temperature of the machined samples were measured by the use of infrared thermometer (make: HTC MTX-2) having temperature range of -300C to 5500C and with optical resolution of 10:1. During the course of experimentation the tool flank wear of worn out inserts were measured with the help of a profile projector (make: Nikon V-12B) having magnification in the range of 5-500X. Design of experiments:The aim of the experiments was to a n a l y z et h ee f f e c to fc u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r so nt h et o o lw e a ra n d workpiece surface temperature of AISI D2 steel. The experiments were planned using Taguchis o r t h o g o n a la r r a yi n the design of experiments which help in reducing the number of experiments. The experiments were conducted according to at h r e el e v e l , L9 (34) orthogonal array. The cutting parameters identified were cutting speed, depth of cut and feed. The control parameters and the levels used in experiment, experimental set up and conditions are given in the Tables 2 and 3.

Table IV. Orthogonal Array L9 of Taguchi Experiment Design and Experimental Results Run No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 V 150 150 150 200 200 200 250 250 250 D 0.5 0.75 1.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 0.5 0.75 1.0 F 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.15 0.25 0.15 0.2 TW (mm) 0.30 0.46 0.38 0.37 0.55 0.59 0.38 0.61 0.57 T (C) 41.6 45.9 41.7 41.2 43 45.9 43.7 53.5 47.5

IV. RESULT S AND DISCUSSION Analysis of variance (ANOVA): The experimental results from Table 4 were analyzed with analysis of variance (ANOVA ) , w h i c hu s e df o ri d e n t i f y i n gt h ef a c t o r ss i g n i f i c a n t l ya f f e c t i n g the performance measures. T h er e s u l t so ft h e A N O VA w i t ht h e tool wear and workpiece surface temperature are shown in Ta b l e s5a n d6r e s p e c t i v e l y.This analysis wa sc a r r i e do u tf o r s i g n i f i c a n c el e v e lo f = 0 . 1i . e .f o rac o n f i d e n c el e v e lo f9 0 % . The sources with a P-value less than 0.1 are considered to h a v eas t a t i s t i c a l l ys i g n i f i c a n tc o n t r i b u t i o nt ot h ep e r f o r m a n c e measures. The last column of the tables shows the p e r c e n t c o n t r i b u t i o no fs i g n i f i c a n ts o u r c eo ft h et o t a lv a r i a t i o na n d i n d i c a t i n gt h ed e g r e eo fi n f l u e n c eo nt h er e s u l t .
Table V. Analysis of Variance for Tool Wear Source DOF V D F Error Total 2 2 2 2 8 SS 0.035089 0.063489 0.006022 0.000956 0.105556 MS 0.017544 0.031744 0.003011 0.000478 F 36.72 66.44 6.30 P 0.027 0.015 0.137 C (%) 33.24 60.15 5.70 0.91 100

Figure 1. View of cutting zone. Table II. Cutting Parameters And Levels Parameters Depth of Cut (D) Feed (F) Cutting speed(V) Unit 1 mm mm/rev m/min 0.5 0.15 150 Levels 2 0.75 0.2 200 3 1.0 0.25 250

S = 0.0218581 R-sq = 99.09%

R-sq(adj) = 96.38%

Table VI. Analysis of Variance For Workpiece Surface Temperature Source V D F Error Total DOF 2 2 2 2 8 SS 50.469 42.229 26.462 3.429 122.589 MS 25.234 21.114 13.231 1.714 F 14.72 12.32 7.72 P 0.064 0.075 0.115 C (%) 41.17 34.45 21.58 2.8 100

Table III. Experimental Setup and Conditions Machine tool Workpiece materials Size Cutting inserts Tool holder Infrared thermometer Profile projector Cutting conditions ACE Designer JOBBER-XL CNC lathe. AISI D2 steel 50 mm x 120 mm CNMG 120408 (ISO designation) PCLNR 2525 M12 (ISO designation) MTX-2 (make: HTC instrument) Nikon V-12B Dry

S = 1.30937

R-sq = 97.20%

R-sq(adj) = 88.81%

DOF= Degree of freedom, SS= Sum of squares, MS= Mean squares, C= Contribution

Ta b l e5s h o w st h er e s u l t so f A N O VA f o rt o o lw e a r,T W.I ti s observed from the A N O VA t a b l e ,t h ed e p t ho fc u t( 6 0 . 1 5 % )i s the most significant cutting parameter followed by cutting

1 0


speed (33.24%). However, f e e dh a sl e a s te ff e c t( 5 . 7 % )i n c o n t r o l l i n gt h et o o lw e a rw h i c hi sn o ts t a t i s t i c a l l ys i g n i f i c a n t . F r o mt h ea n a l y s i so ft h e Ta b l e6s h o w st h a tP v a l u eo fc u t t i n g s p e e d( 0 . 0 6 4 )a n dd e p t ho fc u t( 0 . 0 7 5 )w h i c ha r el e s st h a n0 . 1 . It means that cutting speed and depth of cut influence s i g n i f i c a n t l yo nw o r k p i e c es u r f a c et e m p e r a t u r e , T.T h ec u t t i n g speed and depth of cut have a contribution for the work-piece surface temperature as 41.17% and 34.45% respectively.The next largest contribution comes from feed (21.58%) which is n o ts t a t i s t i c a l l ys i g n i f i c a n t . The error contribution is 0.91% and 2.8% for tool wear and work-piece surface temperature respectively.As the percent c o n t r i b u t i o nd u et oe r r o ri sv e r ys m a l li ts i g n i f i e st h a tn e i t h e r any important factor was omitted nor any high measurement e r r o rw a si n v o l v e d[ 2 8 ] . Main effect plots: The data was further analyzed to study the interact on amount cutting parameters (V, D ,F )a n dt h em a i n effect plots on tool wear and work-piece surface temperature were analyzed with the help of software package MINITAB15 and shown in Fig. 2 and 3 respectively.The plots show the v a r i a t i o no fi n d i v i d u a lr e s p o n s ew i t ht h et h r e ep a r a m e t e r s ; c u t t i n gs p e e d ,d e p t ho fc u ta n df e e ds e p a r a t e l y. I nt h ep l o t s , t h ex a x i si n d i c a t e st h ev a l u eo fe a c hp r o c e s sp a r a m e t e r sa t t h r e el e v e la n dy a x i st h er e s p o n s ev a l u e .T h em a i ne f f e c tp l o t s are used to determine the optimal design conditions to obtain the low tool wear and low surface temperature.

Figure 3. Main effects plot for workpiece surface temperature (T).

For comparison, the main effects plot for workpiece surface t e m p e r a t u r eF i g .3s h o w st h a ts a m el e v e l so fc u t t i n gp a r a m e t e r s (V: 150 m/min, D: 0.5 mm and F: 0.25 mm/rev) produce lower workpiece surface temperature, T.Thus, the lower surface t e m p e r a t u r eg i v e sl e s st o o lw e a ro nt h ec u t t i n gt o o l s . Prediction of optimal design: When tool wear (TW) is considered from Table 7, an estimated average when the two m o s ts i g n i f i c a n tf a c t o r sa r ea tt h e i rb e t t e rl e v e li s TW = V1 + D1 TTW (from Table 4, TTW = 0.4677) = (0.3800 + 0.3500) 0.4677 = 0.2623

F001 DOF 1.000478 9.53 ERROR Verror eff 1.8

CI =


eff =
= 1.8

N 9 = 1 + DOF associated to that level 1 + 2 + 2

Figure 2. Main effects plot for tool wear (TW).

F90%.1, 2 = 8.53 and Verror= 0.000478 (from Table 5)

Figure 2 shows the main eff e c tp l o tf o rt o o lw e a r,T W.The r e s u l t ss h o wt h a tw i t ht h ei n c r e a s ei nc u t t i n gs p e e dt h e r ei sa continuous increase in tool wear. O nt h eo t h e rh a n d ,a st h e feed increases the tool wear decreases. However, w i t ht h e i n c r e a s ei nd e p t ho fc u tt h e r ei sa ni n c r e a s ei nt o o lw e a ru pt o 0.75 mm. A depth of cut of 0.75 mm produces a highest tool wear and 0.5 mm show the lowest tool wear. B a s e do na n a l y s i s using Fig. 2 low value of tool wear was obtained at cutting speed of 150 m/min (level-1), DOC of 0.5 mm (level-1) and feed o f0 . 2 5m m / r e v( l e v e l 3 ) .

Thus, CI =

= 0.0476

Finally, the estimated average with the confidence interval at 90% confidence (when the two most significant factors are at their better level) is (0.2623-0.0476) < TW < ( 0 . 2 6 2 3 + 0 . 0 4 7 6 ) 0 . 2 1 < TW < 0 . 3 1

1 1


S i m i l a r l y, w h e nw o r k p i e c es u r f a c et e m p e r a t u r e( T )i sc o n c e r n e d , e s t i m a t e da v e r a g ei sa t V1D1 level. Then, T = V1 + D1 TT (from Table 4, = (43.07 + 42.17) 44.88 = 40.36 F90%.1,2 = 8.53, Keff= 1.8, Verror= 1.714 (from Table 6) = 44.88)

r e s p e c t i v e l y.This gives the support that terms mentioned in the model are significant. The residuals were randomly s c a t t e r e dw i t hi nc o n s t a n tv a r i a n c ea c r o s st h er e s i d u a l sv e r s u s t h ep r e d i c t e dp l o t( F i g .5a n dF i g .7 ) .F i g u r e4 7i n d i c a t e dt h e r e is no obvious pattern and unusual structure present in the d a t aw h i c hi m p l i e st h a tt h er e s i d u a ls t r u c t u r ea n a l y s i sd o e s not indicate any model inadequacy.

Thus, CI =

9.53 1.714 = 2.85 1.8

Finally, the estimated average with the confidence interval at 90% confidence (when the two most significant factors are at their better level) is 4 0 . 3 6 + 2 . 8 5 ) (40.36-2.85) < T < ( 3 7 . 5 1 < T < 4 3 . 2 1
Table VII. Means of Tool Wear And Workpiece Surface Temperature at Different Levels Level Tool wear TW (mm) V 1 2 3 Delta Rank 0.3800 0.5033 0.5200 0.1400 2 D 0.3500 0.5400 0.5133 0.1900 1 F 0.5000 0.4667 0.4367 0.0633 3 Workpiece surface temperature T (0C) V D F 43.07 43.37 48.23 5.17 2 42.17 47.47 45.03 5.30 1 47.00 44.87 42.80 4.20 3 Figure 4. Normal probability plot of the residuals for tool wear (TW).

Bold values indicate the levels of significant parameters for which the best result obtained and the optimal design is calculated.

Regression equations: The relationship between the factors (cutting speed, depth of cut and feed) and the performance measures (tool wear and workpiece surface temperature) were m o d e l e db ym u l t i p l el i n e a rr e g r e s s i o n .T h ef o l l o w i n ge q u a t i o n s are the final regression models in terms of coded parameters f o r : Tool wear (TW): TW= 0.069 + 0.0014V + 0.327D - 0.633F

Figure 5. Residuals versus the fitted values for tool wear (TW).


W orkpiece surface temperature (T): T= 38.7 + 0.0517V + 5.73D - 42.0F (R=0.80) Inspection of some diagnostic plots of the model was done to t e s tt h es t a t i s t i c a lv a l i d i t yo ft h em o d e l s .T h er e s i d u a l sc o u l d b es a i dt of o l l o was t r a i g h tl i n ei nn o r m a lp l o to fr e s i d u a l s implying that the errors were distributed normally, s h o w ni n F i g .4a n dF i g .6f o rt o o lw e a ra n dw o r k p i e c es u r f a c et e m p e r a t u r e

Figure 6. Normal probability plot of the residuals for workpiece surface temperature (T).

1 2

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[8] Figure 7. Residuals versus the fitted values for w/p surface temperature (T).

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4 .


V. CONCLUSION The experimental results showed that the Taguchi parameter design is an effective way of determining the optimal cutting parameters for achieving low tool wear and low work-piece surface temperature. The percent contributions of depth of cut (60.85%) and c u t t i n gs p e e d( 3 3 . 2 4 % )i na f f e c t i n gt h ev a r i a t i o no ft o o l w e a ra r es i g n i f i c a n t l yl a r g e ra sc o m p a r e dt ot h ec o n t r i b u t i o n o ft h ef e e d( 5 . 7 0 % ) . The significant parameters for work-piece surface temperature were cutting speed and depth of cut with contribution of 41.17% and 34.45% respectively. Although n o ts t a t i s t i c a l l ys i g n i f i c a n t ,t h ef e e dh a sap h y s i c a li n f l u e n c e e x p l a i n i n g2 1 . 5 8 %o ft h et o t a lv a r i a t i o n . The predicted optimal range of tool wear is 0.21 d TW d 0.31 and for work-piece surface temperature is 37.51 d T d 43.21. The relationship between cutting parameters (cutting speed, depth of cut, feed) and the performance measures (tool wear and work-piece surface temperature) are expressed by multiple regression equation which can be used to estimate the expressed values of the performance level for any parameter levels. VI. REFERENCES





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Sudhansu Ranjan Das was born in 1983 at Nayagarh. He is a research scholar currently pursuing his PhD in the department of Production and Industrial Engineering at National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur, India. He obtained his master s degree in Manufacturing Processes and System from KIIT University, Odisha in 2010. He has over 7 years of teaching and industry experience. His research interest includes CAD/CAM, Metal cutting, Production Engineering & Technology, and Modeling & optimization techniques in machining. Dr. Debabrata Dhupal obtained his PhD in the department of Industrial Engineering and Management at Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He obtained his masters degree in Mechanical Engineering from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. He has over 18 years of teaching, research and industry experience in India. Presently he is serving as Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, an autonomous Institute of Government of Odisha. Published a number of research papers in International and National Journals and Conference proceedings. His research interest includes Production Engineering, Micromachining, AMS, and Non-Conventional Machining. Dr. Amaresh Kumar is an Associate Professor in the department of Production and Industrial Engineering, NIT, Jamshedpur. He completed his engineering degree in the field of Mechanical Engineering from Mysore University in 1993 followed by Master degree in the year 1996 and PhD from Jadavpur University, Kolkata in 2006. His areas of research include CAD/CAM. His work is published in 4 technical journals and 16 conference proceedings. He guided one Ph.D till date. Second Ph.D. work is enrolled under him at present.

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