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Free Information Xchange presents:

Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - CD crack by Static Vengeance - May 26th, 1999
Full game install
W32Dasm & Hex editor
With all the hype about the new Star Wars movie (episode 1) you just kne
w there were going to be
games based on it. Star Wars Episode 1 Racer is just such a game. The game req
uires a 3D accelerator
and makes good use of it as well! With dual voodoo 2 cards the game looks fanta
sic and with all the
options turned on (or on high) runs quit fast. The cut scenes are very good and
the game play is great
so this game is well worth the money to buy. I just have two minor problems wit
h this racer. First, once
you've seen the animations (cut scene movies) you really don't need to seem them
every time you play the
game. Second is a little program bug so commonly found in todays games, and tha
t is the copy protection
used. Why do they always make you have the original CD in the drive just to pla
y the darn game? Like any
game you'll be playing alot you don't want to hunt down the original CD to play
it. Also if you have kids
you'll want to make sure the CD is protected from harm. The best way to do that
is not to have the game
require the CD! With a little effort on your part and a little guidance on my p
art you'll be able to do
that with this game.
If you install the game and run it you'll notice that you'll need to put
the CD in the drive. One
of the reasons this is needed is due to the fact that the music files and all of
the animations are kept on
the CD to keep the game install size down. Fair enough, but what if we kill the
animations and copy the
music files to the hard drive? Then we can track down the CD check and kill tha
t as well. We'll end up with
a cracked copy of the game we can play anytime without the need for the CD to be
in the CD Rom drive. So let's
get started on our quest. Install the game and you'll see two exe files. The f
irst one is basicly a loader,
but it has some very important features. When you first run the game it's the f
ile racer.exe that let's you
choose your 3D card and resolution. Otherwise you're limited the stock 640x480
@ 16 bit color. Hey!, we've
got big monitors and high powered 3D cards and we want to use higher res, right?
So we'll need to kill the
CD check in that file. The other file is of course the main game program called
swep1rcr.exe and we'll need
to track down the CD check in that file as well. So disassemble racer.exe and d
o the usual trick:
Go up to the menu bar and select "Refs" and then "String Data Refs" from the d
rop down menu. When the refs
pop-up box comes up, grab the slider bar and start scrolling down looking for an
ything that looks interesting.
Eventualy, if you're paying attention, you'll find a ref of "/LNCH099/Please ins
ert the CD " Double click on

that and you'll be put in the middle of some routine. However this string comes
up 3 times so you'll have to
look at the surounding code to see which one is the one that is the CD check. S
o checking around a bit with
the second occurrance you'll see some interesting things:
-- Program Code -:00404856 8D95F0FEFFFF
:0040485C 52
:0040485D E8BE7D0000
:00404862 83C408

lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEF0]

push edx
call 0040C620
add esp, 00000008

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Star Wars: Episode I Racer\"
:00404865 68ACCC4200
push 0042CCAC
:0040486A 8D85F0FEFFFF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEF0]
:00404870 50
push eax
:00404871 E8AA7D0000
call 0040C620
:00404876 83C408
add esp, 00000008
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"v1.0"
:00404879 68C8CC4200
push 0042CCC8
:0040487E 8D8DF0FEFFFF
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEF0]
:00404884 51
push ecx
:00404885 E8967D0000
call 0040C620
:0040488A 83C408
add esp, 00000008
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
:0040488D 6A00
:0040488F E80F570000
before the CD request
:00404894 83C404
:00404897 85C0
:00404899 753C
e asking for the CD!!
:0040489B 6A01

or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

push 00000000
call 00409FA3

<-- Push a 0 on the stack

<-- First call instruction

add esp, 00000004

<-- Fix stack due to push

test eax, eax

jne 004048D7

<-- Test eax for value

<-- Conditional jump befor

push 00000001

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"/LNCH073/Error"

:0040489D 68D0CC4200
push 0042CCD0
:004048A2 E844090000
call 004051EB
:004048A7 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:004048AA 50
push eax
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"/LNCH099/Please insert the CD "
<- What got us here and why
->"into your CD-ROM player and try " <- we're doing this
:004048AB 68E0CC4200
push 0042CCE0
:004048B0 E836090000
call 004051EB
:004048B5 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:004048B8 50
push eax
:004048B9 6A00
push 00000000

* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:01BEh

<-- Post a windows
pop-up message box
:004048BB FF1530344200
Call dword ptr [00423430]
:004048C1 89857CFDFFFF
mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD7C], eax
:004048C7 83BD7CFDFFFF02
cmp dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFD7C], 00000002
:004048CE 7505
jne 004048D5
:004048D0 E91E010000
jmp 004049F3
<-- Jump back up t
o the mystery call!!
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:004048D5 EBB6
jmp 0040488D
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
:004048D7 E831510000
t to get at least this far
:004048DC 8985E4FDFFFF
:004048E2 83BDE4FDFFFF04
:004048E9 7F40

or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

call 00409A0D

<-- We wan

mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDE4], eax

cmp dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDE4], 00000004
jg 0040492B

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"/LNCH075/Star Wars: Episode I "
:004048EB 6828CD4200
push 0042CD28
:004048F0 E8F6080000
call 004051EB
-- Continuing Program Code -That's interesting to me, first you have a call then, the code tests eax
for a zero value. If
eax is not zero the code jumps over asking for the CD! However, if eax is zero
then up comes a windows
message box asking for the CD. Then the code checks to see your response and wi
ll either exit to windows
or loop back up to the mystery call! Well, let's take a closer look at that cal
l and see what it's doing:
* Referenced by a CALL at Address:
<-- Only called once!
:00409FA3 55
push ebp
:00409FA4 8BEC
mov ebp, esp
:00409FA6 81EC10040000
sub esp, 00000410
call 00409EE0
:00409FB1 8885FCFEFFFF
mov byte ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC], al
:00409FB7 C685FDFEFFFF00
mov byte ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFD], 00
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->":\"
<-- Pushes a pointer to "
:\" as in "D:\"
:00409FBE 6814ED4200
push 0042ED14
:00409FC3 8D85FCFEFFFF
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
:00409FC9 50
push eax
:00409FCA E851260000
call 0040C620
:00409FCF 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:00409FD2 8D8DF4FCFFFF
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFCF4]
:00409FD8 51
push ecx



call 00409CAA
add esp, 00000004
lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
push edx
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBF0]
push eax
call 0040C610
add esp, 00000008
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFCF4]
push ecx
lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBF0]
push edx
call 0040C620
add esp, 00000008
lea eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFBF0]
push eax
call 00409B7F
add esp, 00000004
test eax, eax
je 0040A07A
cmp dword ptr [ebp+08], 00000000
je 0040A073
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000104
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDF8]
push ecx
lea edx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFEFC]
push edx

* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetVolumeInformationA, Ord:0177h

<-- Get
name of the drive
:0040A043 FF1554324200
Call dword ptr [00423254]
:0040A049 85C0
test eax, eax
:0040A04B 7422
je 0040A06F
:0040A04D 8B4508
mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+08]
from getvolume call
:0040A050 50
push eax
on the stack
:0040A051 8D8DF8FDFFFF
lea ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFDF8]
to known volume name
:0040A057 51
push ecx
on the stack
:0040A058 E803750000
call 00411560
the two
:0040A05D 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:0040A060 85C0
test eax, eax
:0040A062 7507
jne 0040A06B
eans no match
:0040A064 B801000000
mov eax, 00000001
for passed CD check
:0040A069 EB11
jmp 0040A07C
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

the volume

<-- Pointer
<-- Push it
<-- Pointer
<-- Push it
<-- Compare

<-- eax=1 m
<-- Set up
<-- Jump to

:0040A06B 33C0
volume comparison
:0040A06D EB0D

xor eax, eax

<-- Failed

jmp 0040A07C

<-- Jump to

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

:0040A06F 33C0
xor eax, eax
<-- Had an
error reading volume name
:0040A071 EB09
jmp 0040A07C
<-- Jump to
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A073 B801000000
mov eax, 00000001
<-- Set up
for a pass
:0040A078 EB02
jmp 0040A07C
<-- Jump to
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
:0040A07A 33C0
xor eax, eax
<-- The CD
check failed
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0040A069(U), :0040A06D(U), :0040A071(U), :0040A078(U)
:0040A07C 8BE5
mov esp, ebp
:0040A07E 5D
pop ebp
:0040A07F C3
<-- Return
to the caller
Alright, very simple here, the code get's the volume name of the drive,
does a compare if
everything works out, eax is loaded with 00000001 and it returns. If there is a
n error reading the
information or the volume doesn't match what it should, then eax is loaded with
zero which means
the CD check failed. Well, armed with this information we can go back up to the
code at 0040488F
and change the call instruction to mov eax, 00000001 this will force the jne at
00404899 to always
be taken. This patch allows racer.exe to function and bypasses the CD check. O
ne down and one to
go, on to the next half of this quest:
To start we must now disassemble swep1rcr.exe and do the same trick as a
bove. This time, when
scrolling down the ref box you'll come across "swep1rcr.exe" This is a good sig
n (when hunting down
CD checks) so double click it and you'll be in the middle of this routine:
* Referenced by a CALL at Addresses:
|:00423E70 , :00425456
:00425500 81EC8C030000
sub esp, 0000038C
:00425506 B93B000000
mov ecx, 0000003B



xor eax, eax

push ebx
push ebp
push esi
push edi
lea edi, dword ptr [esp+000001AD]
mov eax, dword ptr [004B79E4]
test eax, eax
je 00425691
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+18]
push eax

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"swep1rcr.exe"

:0042552F 680C7F4B00
push 004B7F0C

<-- What got us he

* Reference To: VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoSizeA, Ord:0001h

is file
:00425534 E8DB910700
Call 0049E714
:00425539 8BF0
mov esi, eax
:0042553B 85F6
test esi, esi
:0042553D 0F84AE000000
je 004255F1
:00425543 56
push esi
:00425544 E8F79C0700
call 0049F240
:00425549 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:0042554C 8BD8
mov ebx, eax
:0042554E 53
push ebx
:0042554F 56
push esi
:00425550 6A00
push 00000000

<-- Get info on th

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"swep1rcr.exe"

:00425552 680C7F4B00
push 004B7F0C
* Reference To: VERSION.GetFileVersionInfoA, Ord:0000h
<-- Get more info on t
his file
:00425557 E8B2910700
Call 0049E70E
:0042555C 85C0
test eax, eax
:0042555E 0F8484000000
je 004255E8
:00425564 8D4C2414
lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
:00425568 8D542410
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:0042556C 51
push ecx
:0042556D 52
push edx
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"\VarFileInfo\Translation"
:0042556E 68F07E4B00
push 004B7EF0
:00425573 53
push ebx
* Reference To: VERSION.VerQueryValueA, Ord:000Ah
:00425574 E88F910700
Call 0049E708
:00425579 85C0
test eax, eax



je 004255E8
mov eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
xor ecx, ecx
xor edx, edx
mov cx, word ptr [eax+02]
mov dx, word ptr [eax]
push ecx
push edx
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+000002A4]

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"\StringFileInfo\%04X%04X\FileVersion"

:00425595 68C87E4B00
push 004B7EC8
:0042559A 50
push eax
* Reference To: USER32.wsprintfA, Ord:0264h
:0042559B FF15D0C14A00
Call dword ptr [004AC1D0]
:004255A1 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:004255A4 8D4C2414
lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
:004255A8 8D542410
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+10]
:004255AC 8D84249C020000
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0000029C]
:004255B3 51
push ecx
:004255B4 52
push edx
:004255B5 50
push eax
:004255B6 53
push ebx
* Reference To: VERSION.VerQueryValueA, Ord:000Ah
:004255B7 E84C910700
Call 0049E708
:004255BC 85C0
test eax, eax
:004255BE 7428
je 004255E8
:004255C0 8B7C2410
mov edi, dword ptr [esp+10]
:004255C4 83C9FF
or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004255C7 33C0
xor eax, eax
:004255C9 8D94249C010000
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000019C]
:004255D0 F2
:004255D1 AE
:004255D2 F7D1
not ecx
:004255D4 2BF9
sub edi, ecx
:004255D6 8BC1
mov eax, ecx
:004255D8 8BF7
mov esi, edi
:004255DA 8BFA
mov edi, edx
:004255DC C1E902
shr ecx, 02
:004255DF F3
:004255E0 A5
:004255E1 8BC8
mov ecx, eax
:004255E3 83E103
and ecx, 00000003
:004255E6 F3
:004255E7 A4
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:0042555E(C), :0042557B(C), :004255BE(C)
:004255E8 53
push ebx
:004255E9 E8E29B0700
call 0049F1D0
:004255EE 83C404
add esp, 00000004
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

:004255F1 689C554D00
:004255F6 6A50
:004255F8 68C0F2E900

push 004D559C
push 00000050
push 00E9F2C0

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"CD Path"

:004255FD 68C07E4B00
push 004B7EC0
:00425602 E8A97C0700
call 0049D2B0
:00425607 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:0042560A 85C0
test eax, eax
:0042560C 7551
jne 0042565F
:0042560E 68C0F2E900
push 00E9F2C0

<-- Hint, hint....

* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetDriveTypeA, Ord:00DFh

<-- Commonly used c
all in CD checks
:00425613 FF15C4C04A00
Call dword ptr [004AC0C4]
:00425619 83F805
cmp eax, 00000005
<-- 05 is the value
for CD Rom drives
:0042561C 7541
jne 0042565F
<-- If not a CD the
take this jump (failed)
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->".\data\config\default\"
:0042561E 68843E4B00
push 004B3E84
:00425623 68C0F2E900
push 00E9F2C0
:00425628 8D8C24A4000000
lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+000000A4]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%s\Gnome\%swheel.map"
<-- Check fo
r this file
:0042562F 68A87E4B00
push 004B7EA8
:00425634 51
push ecx
:00425635 E816950700
call 0049EB50
:0042563A 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:0042563D 8D94249C000000
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000009C]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"w"
the CD
:00425644 68A47E4B00
push 004B7EA4
:00425649 52
push edx
:0042564A E8619B0700
call 0049F1B0
:0042564F 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:00425652 85C0
test eax, eax
:00425654 745A
je 004256B0
s to continue with intro
:00425656 50
push eax
:00425657 E8649A0700
call 0049F0C0
:0042565C 83C404
add esp, 00000004

<-- Write to

<-- Take thi

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:

|:0042560C(C), :0042561C(C)
:0042565F A16CB55000
mov eax, dword ptr [0050B56C]
:00425664 6A10
push 00000010
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"BAD INSTALL"

:00425666 68987E4B00

push 004B7E98

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Error: Please reinstall program " <
-- Something we don't ever
->"from CD-ROM."
-- want to see!
:0042566B 68447E4B00
push 004B7E44
:00425670 50
push eax
* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0195h
:00425671 FF15E0C14A00
Call dword ptr [004AC1E0]
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
:00425677 E854EAFFFF
:0042567C 6A00
:0042567E E88D930700
:00425683 83C404
:00425686 5F
:00425687 5E
:00425688 5D
:00425689 5B
:0042568A 81C48C030000
:00425690 C3
to the caller

or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
:00425691 689C554D00
:00425696 68C0F2E900
:0042569B E8B0940700
:004256A0 83C408
:004256A3 33C0
:004256A5 5F
:004256A6 5E
:004256A7 5D
:004256A8 5B
:004256A9 81C48C030000
:004256AF C3
to the caller

or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

call 004240D0
push 00000000
call 0049EA10
add esp, 00000004
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
add esp, 0000038C

push 004D559C
push 00E9F2C0
call 0049EB50
add esp, 00000008
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
pop ebx
add esp, 0000038C

<-- Return

<-- Return

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

<-- Got via
conditional jump from above
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"100_0"
<-- Partial
volume name of the CD
:004256B0 683C7E4B00
push 004B7E3C
:004256B5 8D442420
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+20]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"racer%s"
:004256B9 68347E4B00
push 004B7E34
:004256BE 50
push eax
:004256BF E88C940700
call 0049EB50

* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetVolumeInformationA, Ord:014Fh

volume of the disk
:004256C4 8B2DC8C04A00
mov ebp, dword ptr [004AC0C8]

<-- Get the

* Reference To: USER32.MessageBoxA, Ord:0195h

:004256CA 8B1DE0C14A00
mov ebx, dword ptr [004AC1E0]
:004256D0 83C40C
add esp, 0000000C
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional
:004256D3 6A00
:004256D5 6A00
:004256D7 6A00
:004256D9 6A00
:004256DB 6A00
:004256DD 8D8C2430010000
:004256E4 6880000000
:004256E9 51
:004256EA 68C0F2E900
:004256EF FFD5
:004256F1 85C0
:004256F3 0F849C000000
:004256F9 8D7C241C
:004256FD 83C9FF
:00425700 33C0
:00425702 8D54241C
:00425706 F2
:00425707 AE
:00425708 F7D1
:0042570A 83C1FE
:0042570D 8D84241C010000
:00425714 51
:00425715 52
:00425716 50
:00425717 E8B4980700
:0042571C 83C40C
:0042571F 85C0
:00425721 7578

or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
push 00000000
lea ecx, dword ptr
push 00000080
push ecx
push 00E9F2C0
call ebp
test eax, eax
je 00425795
lea edi, dword ptr
or ecx, FFFFFFFF
xor eax, eax
lea edx, dword ptr
not ecx
add ecx, FFFFFFFE
lea eax, dword ptr
push ecx
push edx
push eax
call 0049EFD0
add esp, 0000000C
test eax, eax
jne 0042579B




* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->".\data\config\default\"

rtial path from the CD
:00425723 68843E4B00
push 004B3E84
:00425728 68C0F2E900
push 00E9F2C0
:0042572D 8D8C24A4000000
lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+000000A4]

<-- Pa

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%s\Gnome\%swheel.map"

:00425734 68A87E4B00
push 004B7EA8
:00425739 51
push ecx
:0042573A E811940700
call 0049EB50
:0042573F 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:00425742 8D94249C010000
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000019C]
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"\Gnome\Data\Anims\PlanetG.znm" <-- T
he animation file to play

:00425749 68147E4B00
:0042574E 68C0F2E900

push 004B7E14
push 00E9F2C0

* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"%s%s"

:00425753 6824254B00
push 004B2524
:00425758 52
push edx
:00425759 E8F2930700
call 0049EB50
:0042575E 83C410
add esp, 00000010
:00425761 8D84249C010000
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0000019C]
:00425768 6A00
push 00000000
:0042576A 50
push eax
:0042576B E8F0AD0700
call 004A0560
:00425770 8BF0
mov esi, eax
:00425772 83C408
add esp, 00000008
:00425775 83FEFF
cmp esi, FFFFFFFF
:00425778 7421
je 0042579B
:0042577A 56
push esi
:0042577B E830AD0700
call 004A04B0
:00425780 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:00425783 3DE7141201
cmp eax, 011214E7
:00425788 56
push esi
:00425789 7450
je 004257DB
<-- Need to take thi
s jump to continue on
:0042578B E820AC0700
call 004A03B0
:00425790 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:00425793 EB06
jmp 0042579B
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetLastError, Ord:00F4h
:00425795 FF15C0C04A00
Call dword ptr [004AC0C0]
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:00425721(C), :00425778(C), :00425793(U)
:0042579B 8D4C241C
lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+1C]
:0042579F 8D94249C020000
lea edx, dword ptr [esp+0000029C]
:004257A6 51
push ecx
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"Error: Please insert CD-ROM '%s' "
<-- Not something we would
->"into drive."
<-- ever want to see!
:004257A7 68B07D4B00
push 004B7DB0
:004257AC 52
push edx
:004257AD E89E930700
call 0049EB50
:004257B2 8B0D6CB55000
mov ecx, dword ptr [0050B56C]
:004257B8 83C40C
add esp, 0000000C
:004257BB 8D84249C020000
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+0000029C]
:004257C2 6A31
push 00000031
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"CD ERROR"
right here
:004257C4 68A47D4B00
push 004B7DA4

<-- Says it all



push eax
push ecx
call ebx
cmp eax, 00000002
je 00425677
jmp 004256D3

* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:

:004257DB E8D0AB0700
call 004A03B0
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"\Gnome\"
from the CD
:004257E0 BF9C7D4B00
mov edi, 004B7D9C
:004257E5 83C9FF
or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004257E8 33C0
xor eax, eax
:004257EA 83C404
add esp, 00000004
:004257ED F2
:004257EE AE
:004257EF F7D1
not ecx
:004257F1 2BF9
sub edi, ecx
:004257F3 8BF7
mov esi, edi
:004257F5 8BD1
mov edx, ecx
:004257F7 BFC0F2E900
mov edi, 00E9F2C0
:004257FC 83C9FF
or ecx, FFFFFFFF
:004257FF F2
:00425800 AE
:00425801 8BCA
mov ecx, edx
:00425803 4F
dec edi
:00425804 C1E902
shr ecx, 02
:00425807 F3
:00425808 A5
:00425809 8BCA
mov ecx, edx
:0042580B 83E103
and ecx, 00000003
:0042580E F3
:0042580F A4
:00425810 5F
pop edi
:00425811 5E
pop esi
:00425812 5D
pop ebp
:00425813 5B
pop ebx
:00425814 81C48C030000
add esp, 0000038C
:0042581A C3
to the caller

<-- Partial path

<-- Return

This routine, as long as it is, doesn't return any special value in eax
so if you replace the
first instruction with a ret (C3) the CD check is effectively bypassed. Now tha
t the CD checks in both
exe files have been disabled or bypassed, it's time to address another problem w
ith the game.
The other problem with this game is: All the music files and all of the
animation files are
stored on the CD rom. I can live without the all cut scenes, but I like the mus
ic. So I tracked down
the routine that plays the animations and FiX'ed it so the game would skip them.
To do this you'll need
to go back to the refs box and look for a string that has something to do with t
he animation roiutnes

like "\Data\Anims" If you double click on it you'll be in the middle of the rou
tine that plays the
animation files for the game. I will not show this routine as it's simply too l
ong and would provide
little if any knowlegde. However, starting with the ref, search backwards until
you find the start of
the routine. You will eventually see that this LONG routine starts at 4252A0 an
d is called from four
other locations. If you trace it to the end, you'll see like the CD check this
routine doesn't return
any special value either. Replacing the first instruction with a ret code (C3)
will disable all the
animations. Then if you copy the music directory to your hard drive the game wil
l play just fine and
will no longer require you to have the CD online. That is of course, the whole
reason behind our
efforts and this tutorial. The actual steps to crack Star Wars Episode 1 Racer
1. Install the game
2. Copy the "\Music" directory
(from "CD":\Gnome\Data\wavs\ to your install directory in Data\wavs\)
3. Copy the "\Anims" directory <-- Skip if you want to kill anims anyways
(from "CD":\Gnome\Data\ to your install directory in Data\)
4. Make the following edits to the following files:
Edit Racer.exe
Search for: E8 0F 57 00 00 at offset 18,575
Change to : B8 01 00 00 00
Edit swep1rcr.exe
Search for: 81 EC 8C 03 00 at offset 149,760
Change to : C3 -- -- -- -- Optional: Kill the animation sequences:
Search for: 81 EC 0C 01 00 at offset 149,152
Change to : C3 -- -- -- -For the French version: Edit Racer.exe
Search for: E8 79 57 00 00 at offset 18,725
Change to : B8 01 00 00 00
Edit swep1rcr.exe
Search for: 81 EC 8C 03 00 at offset 153,216
Change to : C3 -- -- -- -- Optional: Kill the animation sequences:
Search for: 81 EC 0C 01 00 at offset 152,608
Change to : C3 -- -- -- -5. Enjoy the game, graphics and races.
You can always copy both the animation and music files to your hard driv
e, then you'll have a 100%
working copy of SW Episode 1 Racer on your hard drive. The only problem is the

game in this format takes up

478 megs! This is the main reason I added the kill animation patch to the crack
. The final resault is a 268
meg install which is acceptable for this game and you'll have the music if you w
ant it. The music can also be
removed to free up another 76 megs, but you'll have to trace all the music routi
nes and edit them out yourself.
That's as far as this tutorial goes, becuase this great racer has been FiX'ed!
Static Vengeance - FiX

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