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John is riding a bycicle Is John riding a bycicle?

Is riring a fost impartit in doua!

Money pers III sg. Mr. and Mrs. Jones pers III pl/ People pers III pl Verb lexical da informatii de baza: He works in an office He is working in an office He ahas been working in an office He must have been working in an fice Verbe auxiliare Do have be can could will would shall should Where shall I met you? Atentie, I este pus intre verbe. Propoziti negatice NOT se pune dupa primul verb They arent comming They do not sell food Past tense The game has finished Does he play tennis? I am not Ordinea cuvinrelor: Subiect verb Exceptie subiect (adverb care se refera la frecventa | almost | already | alsi | just | nearly | still) They never have time to watch TV Informatia suplimentara se pune dupa sau inaintea acestor cuvinte In the town John bought a book to give to Maria Propozitii interogativePrin inversarea ordinii sau cu do Daca verbul este compus, la inversare participa prima parte Forme scurte Are they students? Who lives in this house? Verbul Be quiet\ Past tense Formele cont

may might


Yes, they are John does

verb auxiliar

was, were I was tried to be quiet He had been quit for a long time

Formatiuni continue be + ing He was not driving very fast El nu conducea foarte rapid Perfect We have been swimming Perfect have + participiul trecut Traffic has become a big problem in England. Imperativ forma de baza, dar fara subiect Come here! Daca se vrea foarte mult se pune do sau please Do show me!

Prezent Se petrece acum Past tense Aciunea s-a terminat Prezent continuu Aciune care se petrece chiar acum Aciune care se petrece pentru o periad limitat: She is staying at the University Hotel Stare n schimbare: The colour is changing. Plan de viitor I am learning microcontrolers. Past continuous Aciune n trecut pentru o per lim Between 10 and 11 last night, I was reading Background activity She was having a bath when the phone rang. Am impresia c pot spune i c este o aciune fcut n trecut, dar care s-ar putea repeta i n viitor. Past simple Aciune fcut n trecut i terminat. Imaginaie I wish I had a flower. Present perfect simple (trecut i prezent deopotriv) He has worked very hard this term. Present perfect continuous (trecut i prezent deopotriv) I have been learned English for four years Exemple pentru ambele forme verb Aciune din trecut care continu azi Ive worked here all my life Aciune din trecut care are importan pentru prezent Trecut important pentru prezent Look! The sun has come out! (i de aceea acum timpul este frumos acum). Experien general asupra vieii (numai forma simpl) Theyve been to France hunderds of times. Diferen: forma continu arat c poate aciunea nu este gata: They have buit a stadium (acum este terminat) They have been built a stadiun (care poate nu este terminat).

Past perfect - trecut naintea altui tr They had all worked very hard that day When we got to the coast, they all cried out in surprise. It was the first time they had ever seen the sea. The team had been playing for ten minutes when the rain begun. Se poate folosi ca s se indice dac un eveniment a avut loc naintea celuilalt I tried to open the door but someone had locked it from other side fa de I tried to opem the door, but someone locked it from other side simultan. Prezent. Forma simpl Descrie o stare She has two cildren Do you like paste? ntodeauna adevrat Aciunea se termin cnd se oprete vorb We all wish you good luck Trecut. Forma simpl Aciunea s-a ncheiat. I read a book last night. Prezent. Forma continu Descrie o activitate Im thinking about it, but I have not decided yet She is having a bath Adevrat pentru o perioad de timp

Trecut. Foma continu Nu este important dac s-a terminat aciunea. Their hands was dirty because they have been repairing the car. Prezent. Forma imperfect Nu d indicaii despe cnd a nceput aciunea Im staying here for three days Stau trei zile, dar nu spun de cnd sunt aici. Do you live here? (nu te ntreb de cnd). Trecut. Forma continu

Prezent. Forma perfect cu have Arat de cnd ncepe aciunea Ive been staying here for three days Sunt aici de trei zile Have you lived here long? Trecut. Forma simpl Se pare c sunt inversiuni fa de prezent

I was in England for three days. Terminat. I have been in England for three days. Neterminat. Normal, este prezentul perfect, mai apropiat de prezent ca trecutul. I saw the film yesterday. Spun exact cnd. Ive seen the film. Nu conteaz cnd. Viitorul M decid acum: shall M-am decis, dar nc nu am hotrt M-am decis i deja am i will cum: I am going to hotrt cum: prezentul continuu Im going to visit my uncle tomorrow. Im visiting my uncle I think I will visit my tomorrow. uncle tomorrow. Prerea mea despre General viitor Depinde de prezent

Do you think theyll win the match? Viitorul nu se poate Mz plane leaves at six this evening. schimba (orar) Ill see him tomorrow M-am hotrt Il be seeing him Am doar intenia tomorrow Have to necesitate I have to learn hardly. She is going to have a baby. Written If maria was comming, you coild tell hrt zhe news. Dra ea nu a venit Im sure Maria wouldve come idf John hadn forgotten to tell her. For four years = de patru ani.

Its cold! And look at the sky! I think its going to snow.

Their hands was dirty bcacuse he have Mainile lui erau murdare deoarece reparase masina. been repairing the car Nu terminase obligatoriu. Poate mai avea de lucru la masina. Dar nu conta daca a terminat, ci ca din cauza reparatiei avea maini murdare. He has been studying Arabic for four Studia limba araba de patru ani si voia sa o practice. A years and ge wanted to practice. nceput mai demult sa o studieze, dar mai avea de studiat odata ce voia sa o practice. I saw the film yesterday. Am vazut filmul ieri. Forma simpla pentru ca ma intereseaza cand. Ive seen the film. Am vazut filmul. Nu intereseaza cand. I broke my leg so I have to go to hospital. Mi/am rupt piciorul, asa ca am de mers la spital. Acum nu este important. Help! I think Ive broken my leg. Ajutor! Cred c[ mi-am rupt piciorul. Este important pentru acum. Shackespeare wrote many plays. Shakespeare a scris multe piese. Acum nu mai are cum sa scrie altele. My friend John has written many plays. Prietenul meu John a scris multe piese. Si mai poate sa scrie si altele.

Prese nt

He works He has worked

Continuous (cu ing)

He is working He has been working

Stare Activitate, ceva ce se intampla acum Adevarat o Adevarat intotdeauna perioada. Actiunea se termina cand termin de vorbit (I wish you good luck).

He works He is working Nu conteaza cand a inceput Im staying here for three days Stau aici trei zile.

Perfect (cu have)

He has worked He has been working Conteaza cand a inceput (for three days sau since 1900) dar nu spun exact cand (este o perioada de atunci pana acum). Ive have staying here for three days. Sunt aici de trei zile

Past time

He worked He has worked Activitate terminata Stare (actiune care nu poate fi oprita)

He has working He has been worked Activitate neterminata sau nu conteaza daca este terminata sau nu

Past Simple
He worked Ma intereseaza exact cand a fost. Este un lucru neimportant pentru prezent (eu decid daca este important sau nu). Nu se poate repeta din nou (trecut). Terminat.

Present Perfect Simple

He has worked Nu ma intereseaza exact cand a fost. (undeva intre trecut si prezent), dar spun de cand: since sau for. Este un lucru important pentru prezent (eu decid daca este important sau nu). (Este ceva recent, deci ma intereseaza). Se poate repeta din nou (a fost nu demult, poate se repeta). Neterminat. (aici seamana cu cotinuous).

Past Simple


Past Past Continuous


I had been worked I had worked Pentru a indica care actiune a fost prima Pentru a descrie un cadru (un background) in care s-a intamplat ceva in trecut.

Past continuous
He has working Perfect (cu have) = conteaza cand a inceput. Present Perfect Simple: nu spun exact cand, este o perioada de atunci pana acum (since 1800, for 10 minutes(. Past Simple = s-a terminat. Spune excat cand. Continuous (cu ing) = mai poate continua si acum sau nu conteaza daca continua si in prezent.

Actiune pe perioada If timp trecut, timp mai recent. If prezent, prezent. If timp trecut, eu would timp mai recent. Nu se pune optaticul dupa if. Conteaza cand a inceput, dar nu cand a avut loc? Present perfect simple Ive staying here for three days. (de trei zile) Ive seen the film. She has always liked music. (de cand) Ive seen the film. (candva) Pentru a descrie stari se foloseste trecutul simplu *past(, nu cel continuu: They liked fruits. Pentru ca nu putem decide sa oprim actiunile, sunt stari. Folosesc forma perfecta (cu have) cand actiunea este importanta pentru prezent. Bineinteles ca este importanta chiar pentru ca vorbesc de actiune, dar folosirea o fac dupa cum consider eu. Daca eu consider ca actiunea este importanta acum, folosesc forma perfecta (cu had!)/ Lizuca spune ca nu se pot doua infinitive> to learn to do

Fraze When they have finished,the students sit down

when present perfect simple, present. Cand au terminat, fac

if I had been tired, I would have taken a nap daca timp trecut, timp mai prezenr if I had a dog I would take him for a walk if you eat a lot of ice cream you will gain weight if I had been as sick as you I wouldnt have gone to school if you study hard you get good grades Daca prezent, prezent if I had had a dog I wouldnt have been afraid to be alone if I found a wallet I would return it If I find your wallet I will return it to you If I had found your wallet I would have returned it to you if you had asked me I would have helped you If I had had enough money I would have lent you some if I am angry my face turns red if you ask me I will tell you the truth if you need me I will be there Yesterday,I was waiting for the elevator in a big department store. I was extremely hungry yesterday,so I called a new take-out place.
Is John riding a bycicle? Is riring a fost impartit in doua!

Past simple, so past simple

Yet, still, already Conceit, orgoliu, mndrie exagerat Straw, pai Girder, brn different people understand? Inquisition Waive, a renuna Wov, promisiune

Inveigle Nearby, alturi Tread, a merge cu scop A and b begins? Persuade, a ndemna s faci cu adevrat

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