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|| Swami Shreeji || SHREE M. & N. VIRANI SCIENCE COLLEGE B.Sc. IT - (Sem.

-4) (CBCS) PRILIM EXAM CS 02 RDBMS USING ORACLE Date:-30/03/2012 Marks:-70

SECTION-I Q:1 [A] [C] Q:2 [A] [C] Q:3 [A] [C] Q:4 [A] [C] Q:5 [A] [C] Q:6 [A] [C] Q:7 [A] [C] Q:8 [A] [C] Q:9 [A] [C] _______ is default mode of the parameters in procedure/ function. IN [B] OUT IN OUT [D] All of above ______ indicates sucessful end of the transaction. Commit [B] Rollback Save point [D] None of these ________ statement is used to display the list of all the tables. select * from dual; [B] select * from tab; select * from table; [D] select all from tab; ______ is a virtual table. synonym Index

[B] view [D] All of above

_____ is event based PL/SQL coading block. Cursor [B] Trigger Function [D] Procedure There are total ____ section of Trigger. 2 4

[B] 3 [D] 5

_____ returns the no. of rows fetch from the active dataset. %rowcount [B] fetch select into [D] all of above _____ selects only one dataitem & ____ selects no. of records from the table. select into, fetch into [B] fetch into, select into select fetch into, select [D] fetch into, select into _____ is a collection of database object. Memory Schema

[B] Buffer [D] All of these

Q:10 _______ data type which is supported by PL/SQL but not supported by Table. [A] Varchar [B] Boolean [C] Date [D] All of above Q:11 ___ is uniq & auto generated. [A] Index [C] ROW Num

[B] ROW ID [D] All of these

Q:12 NOT NULL + UNIQUE = _________? [A] Foreign Key [C] Index Key Q:13 ____ join the table references it self. [A] Cross join [C] Inner join Q:14 A synonym is _______? [A] Object [C] virtual table

[B] Primary Key [D] All of these

[B] Outer join [D] Self Join

[B] Direct Reference to the object [D] All of these

Q:15 when view is generated with group by having it is ______? [A] Updateble [B] Non- Updateble [C] Both [A] & [B] [D] None of these Q:16 ____ index is automatically generated via constraint. [A] Composite [B] Unique [C] Simple [D] All of these Q:17 The Single row Sub Query contains____________. [A] Relational Operators [B] Arithmetic Operators [C] Pattern Matching Operators [D] All of These Q:18 ______ language is used to access data from the server. [A] Programming [B] Structure Query [C] SQL * PLUS [D] None of these Q:19 The Concept of "Query within Query" means______. [A] Sub Query [B] Nested Query [C] Both [A] & [B] [D] None of these Q:20 Oracle performs join when ____________. [A] [C] There is only one table after from clause There are more than one table after from clause There is group by clause in select [B] statement [D] All of above

SECTION-II Q:1 (a) Answer Following Questions (Any 3) 1. Explain Grant command. 2. Explain dual Table. 3. What is Transaction? Explain starting & ending of Transaction. 4. Explain Create Table Command by using subquery. 5. Explain Delete statement with suitable example. (6)

6. Explain wild card characters available with like operator. (b) Answer Following Questions (Any 3) (9) 1. Explain Group By Having. 2. What is Sub query? List out types of Sub query, explain any one with example. 3. Write a short note on database link. 4. Explain Synonym. 5. List out all DML statements. Explain any two with example. 6. What is table? List out naming rules for table. (c) Answer Following Questions (Any 2) 1. Explain Trigger with an example. 2. Explain SQL * Loader 3. Explain Normalization. 4. Explain Join with available all the types. 5. Explain data types available in oracle. Q:2 (a) Answer Following Questions (Any 3) 1. Explain Order by & distinct clause available with select statement. 2. Explain desc, ed, list command. 3. Explain initcap() & substr() with example. 4. Explain Between Operator. 5. Write down steps to manage explicit cursor. 6. Explain Unique constraint. (b) Answer Following Questions (Any 3) 1. Explain view. 2. Differentiate SQL v/s PL/SQL. 3. Explain %rowtype & %type with suitable example. 4. Explain PL/SQL block structure. 5. Explain For loop in PL/SQL. 6. List out components of SQL. (c) Answer Following Questions (Any 2) 1. Explain Function. 2. Explain Oracle Instance Architecture. 3. Write a trigger to convert the name of the student in uppercase. 4. Explain Sequence. 5. Explain Index. (10)




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