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afliation networks, 40 AJAX, 23, 143 average precision, 61 backward-chaining, see reasoning betweenness edge, 39 node, 44 bipartite graph, 40 blank nodes, 72 blog, 21 analysis, 53 BuRST, 149 centrality betweenness, 44 closeness, 43 degree, 43 clustering coefcient, 34 clusters, 38 cognitive embeddedness, 45, 188 core-periphery structure, 39 del.icio.us, 198 Descriptions and Situations, 106 DOLCE, 107 e-social science, 52 Elmo, 122, 128 emergent semantics, 193 F-measure, 163 Flink, 134, 178 FOAF, 10, 73, 74, 96, 138

folksonomy, 23, 68, 194 analysis, 198 conceptual model, 195 forward-chaining, see reasoning Friend-of-a-Friend, see FOAF GraphML, 94 GRDDL, 89 heavyweight ontology, see ontology expressivity identity reasoning, see smushing instance mapping, see smushing ISWC, 14 Jaccard-coefcient, 57, 163 lambda-set analysis, 39 lightweight ontology, see ontology expressivity LiveJournal, 55 local search, 52 mashup, 23, 124 microformats, 24 Network Analysis, see Social Network Analysis online social networks, 22, 55 ontology, 3 Best Practices, 16 denition of, 67


Index SeRQL, 126, 148 Sesame, 126 shortest path, 33 six degrees, 33 small worlds, 33 smushing, 109, 132 SNA, see Social Network Analysis Social Network Analysis, 27 data collection, 51, 157 from blogs, 53 from email, 52 from Web, 55, 155 using surveys, 155 history of, 29 measures, 31 social networks graph representation, 32 online, 22 social relationships, 101 social-semantic networks, 194 SPARQL, 79, 126 structural embeddedness, 43, 187 structural holes, 44, 187 SWRC, 139 tag cloud, 143 Tim Berners-Lee, 3, 13 triple store, see RDF storage triples, 72 trust, 25 Turtle, see RDF syntax two-mode network, see bipartite graph UCINET, 94 URI, 72, 110 W3C, see World Wide Web Consortium weak ties, 44 Web 2.0, 21 Web 3.0, 23 webometrics, 56, 175 wiki, 21 World Wide Web Consortium, 15, 53

expressivity, 68 languages, 71 mapping, 71, 109 representation, 65 openacademia, 142 OWL, 79 reasoning, 115 Pajek, 94 power law, 36 precision, 163 random graph, 34 RDF, 72 crawling, 131 querying, 79, 126, 148 semantics, 77 storage, 123, 126 syntax, 72, 88 RDF Schema, 74 RDF/A, 24, 90 RDF/XML, see RDF syntax reasoning, 114 recall, 163 ReferralWeb, 57 relational embeddedness, 44 Resource Description Framework, see RDF scale-free networks, 36 scientometrics, 175 scutter, see RDF crawling search, 4 Second Life, 222 Semantic Web, 3 adoption, 16 applications, 121 architecture, 70 history of, 13 industry, 15 research community, 14, 182 standardization, see World Wide Web Consortium Semantic Web Challenge, 121 semantic wiki, 24

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