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Independent Series Name_____________________________

Final Print Criteria & Self-Evaluation (FINAL EXAM)

T S Title of Series: __________________________________

______/______(25 points) Problem: Write your problem in the space below. Be sure to identify one concept, and
one skill you tried to achieve in your independent series:
In your own opinion, how well did you accomplish your goals? Be specific and site one work that demonstrates your best
attempt. If the works were not successful, discuss the changes or alterations you made in your approach, or how you would
like to improve them:


______/______(25 points) Studio Skills: Darkroom & Photoshop

Darkroom Skills (if applicable)
o I have properly loaded and exposed my negatives in the darkroom, correctly adjusting aperture and exposure times
by creating test strips that I have evaluated effectively to create each print.
o I have used additional printing techniques and processes when necessary, (use of filters, dodging & burning, etc.)
o I have properly processed my prints in each of the film chemistries and cleaned them.
o I have cleaned my negatives and avoided any unwanted dust marks or scratches.
o I have selected high quality negatives to work from when making my prints to avoid unnecessary problems.
Photoshop Skills (if applicable)
o I have shot my exposures using an appropriate camera resolution and settings.
o I have correctly color-balanced my exposures and restored scratches, dust marks, while also adjusting levels and
image contrast.
o I have used additional Photoshop tools when necessary with skill and precision so that my finished work looks
untouched and un-manipulated.

______/______(25 points) Design: Based upon your problem, discuss the artistic decisions you made in designing
one of your works. Consider how you compose with the camera, but also compositional decisions you made in printing and
presenting this final work. Identify a photographic principle of composition, or a principle of design you employed in the
work, and the visual effect it had in helping you more effectively solve the problem.

Do you feel the composition/design of each of your works is successful? If yes, explain why you feel this way. If not,
explain what you could change or improve to strengthen the design even more.


______/______(25 points) Presentation: Care & Craftsmanship of your Final Work

o Your final works demonstrate careful craftsmanship and care. You have cleaned and fixed any unwanted marks,
scratches, or spots in your prints.
o You have considered the presentation format for your works, (diptych, grid, panorama, etc.) and the presentation
helps to clarify your solution to your independent problem.
o You have uploaded, titled, and organized your final works for this series on your Flickr portfolio prior to the final
exam date.

_____ (25 points) Verbal Presentation: Complete each of the following on the comment section below your
Final Independent series on Flickr before the final exam date!

o I have clearly identified and stated my independent series problem, articulating what I hoped to express and explore
about my subject matter through photographing it.
o I have explained the compositional/design decisions I have made when choosing a creating my final prints.
o I have identified two strengths and improvements I have made as a photographer this year by comparing my most
recent work with my earlier work on my Flickr portfolio.
o I have identified two photographers/artists who have influenced my ideas as a photographer for this final
assignment, and have explained how they have influenced me.

______/______TOTAL (125 points)


 I have uploaded all contact sheets I chose my prints from when making this final series.
 I have completed and submitted my Senior Exit Survey (attached)
 I have completed my Photo 2 Class Survey (attached)
 I have returned all photographic equipment I have borrowed from the photo department.
 I have cleaned out my file cabinet space and have retrieved my photo binder and sketchbook.
 I have retrieved any extra photo paper/or donated it to Mr. La Londe for next year’s students to
Advanced Art/Photography Exit Survey

Dear Senior:
Please take a few minutes to fill out this survey. All information will remain confidential, and the statistical information you
provide will help the art department immensely, so we really appreciate you taking the time to do this!

Basic Information
Your name: _______________________________(optional)

Your GPA: __________________

Your SAT score:___________________

Art Courses taken at RHS: (circle all that apply)

Art 1 Photography 1

Art 2 2GT Photography 2

Art 3 H AP Photography 3/Independent Study

Art 4 H AP Art 5/Art 6/Independent Study

Courses taken outside RHS: (circle all that apply)

Course # semesters/years attended

GT Saturday Class (Howard County) ________________________________________

College studio art class ________________________________________

Art school pre-college summer program ________________________________________

MICA Young People’s Studio class ________________________________________

Private art class ________________________________________

Higher Education Information

Please list the names of colleges to which you have been accepted, your intended major/minor, and any scholarships your
have been awarded from that school. Place a star next to the school you plan to attend!

College Scholarships/$$ Intended Major/minor


Please list any regular college or independent (not necessarily related to a particular college) scholarships you have received
related to artmaking and/or academic achievement.

Scholarship/Organization Award Amount ($ if applicable)


Advanced Placement Studio Art Exam

Were you registered to take the AP Studio Art Exam this year? (circle one)
yes no

If “no,” please briefly explain why you did NOT take the AP exam:

If “yes,” circle one:

AP Drawing, media include: __________________________________________________________________________

AP Design, media include: ____________________________________________________________________________

AP 3-D, media include: ______________________________________________________________________________

Did you take, (or will you next year) any other AP exams? (circle one) yes no
If “yes,” please list the names of the other AP exams you took, or will be taking:

Photo 1, 2, & 3, Art 3/4 Honors/GT Class Survey

Directions: Please respond honestly and thoughtfully to each question. I will personally read each and every survey that is
returned to me. Your feedback will help me make adjustments and corrections for next year’s class.

1) Your overall enjoyment of the class:

Please circle one of the following, then explain the reason for your choice below:

Loved it Good Didn’t Like It Hated It

2) The challenge of the course was:

Easy Average Challenging Too Difficult


3) Quality of Teaching (Instruction):

Excellent Good Okay Bad


4) Your Personal Improvement/Development in Studio Art/Photography

Learned a Lot! Learned a Little Didn’t Learn Anything

(Improved a lot) (Improved a little) (Did not Improve)


Do you have any suggestions for how this class could be improved for next year? Please write down any suggestions
for improvement for next year’s class, your input is what makes the art department stronger from year to year!

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