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Aging and the

Respirator y System
Lorenzo Bonomo, MDa,*, Anna Rita Larici, MDa, Fabio Maggi, MDa,
Francesco Schiavon, MDb, Riccardo Berletti, MDb

 Elderly  Respiratory system  Radiologic modifications

Radiologic tests are performed on elderly patients is, in the periphery in men and in the center in
(conventionally defined as individuals 65 years women, but sometimes, although not often, with
of age and older) with increasing frequency nodular appearance.2
because of the progressive increase in the average These alterations give rise to differential diag-
age, owing to better life conditions and to nosis problems with respect to nodular pulmo-
progress in medical, surgical, and anaesthesio- nary lesions. Three factors need to be taken
logic knowledge.1 into consideration: first, in the elderly, radio-
In the elderly, it is often difficult to establish scopy is not always reliable because of limited
what normality, or rather, what ‘‘compatibility,’’ patient cooperation and possible reduction of
is, because of the numerous anatomic and physi- respiratory excursions; second, lung cancer is
ologic modifications that occur during the aging most frequent between the ages of 60 and 70,
process. As a result, the major problem in later often in the form of peripheral nodes (adenocar-
life is to recognize the point to which aging is cinoma); third, postthoracotomy mortality in the
normal and the point at which the disease begins.2 elderly today is close to that of younger adults
The overall anatomic/radiologic modifications of and the diagnostic commitment must therefore
the thorax that occur with advanced age are be the same.4
summarized in Box 1. The authors then discuss The principal modifications of the spinal column
them in greater detail. are osteoporosis, consistent with age if not
associated with subjective disturbances (‘‘elderly’’
THORACIC FRAME osteoporosis), and osteophytosis, generally more
pronounced on the right side of the vertebral
The thoracic frame may be subdivided into (1) the column because of the protection of the aorta on
thoracic wall and (2) the diaphragm. the left side. This occurrence is also a source of
problems of differential diagnosis with respect to
Thoracic wall
posterior pulmonary nodules, along with costo/
Reduction in wall thickness is constant and is well transversal arthrosis (it may be useful for diagnos-
shown by computed tomography (CT), particularly tic purposes to consider the side on which the
when compared with younger individuals (Fig. 1). doubtful image appears: if on the right side, de-
This reduction is one of the principal causes of generative alteration is more probable; if on the
hyperlucency in the elderly chest.3 left side, the hypothesis of pulmonary lesion may
Islands of compact matter and bony, costal be more consistent) (Fig. 2). Accentuation of the
reparatory calluses are common, as is calcification dorsal kyphosis, associated with the greater con-
of the costal cartilage. In general, the cartilage vexity of the sternum, contributes to the ‘‘barrel’’
calcifies according to the standard defined, that thorax configuration (Fig. 3).

Department of Bioimaging and Radiological Sciences, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Policlinico
Agostino Gemelli, L.go F. Vito 8, 00168 Rome, Italy
Department of Imaging Diagnostics and Radiological Sciences, San Martino Hospital, Viale Europa 22,
32100 Belluno, Italy
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: lbonomo@rm.unicatt.it (L. Bonomo).

Radiol Clin N Am 46 (2008) 685–702

0033-8389/08/$ – see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
686 Bonomo et al

Box 1 All of these parietal modifications lead to hard-

Anatomic /radiologic modifications in the chest in ening of the thoracic cage, with unfavorable
the elderly rebound on respiratory function.5–7

Frame Diaphragm
Soft tissues
Although nearly always in a normal position, the
Hypotonia and muscular hypertrophy
diaphragm often shows protuberances and is
stippled because of muscular hypertrophy and
Reduction of fat
dyskinesia, particularly on the right, probably
Ribs caused by the increased effort by the hemidiaph-
Decalcification ragm in maintaining the anatomic relationship
Depletion between the lung and the liver. The anatomic hia-
Cartilaginous calcification tuses are generally wider, and hernias are more
frequently found and may resemble mediastinal
and paramediastinal masses.6
Decalcification The presumed ‘‘bulges’’ of the diaphragm may
Kyphoscoliosis also constitute diagnostic traps, making differen-
Arthrosis tial diagnosis necessary with thoracic diseases
Deformation that lower the diaphragm and with abdominal
Diaphragm masses that raise it (Fig. 4). It is therefore impor-
tant, when the position of the diaphragm is differ-
Widening of the hiatuses
ent from the norm, to determine its position
Parietal anterior/posterior modifications
precisely. Echography may be of use in this case
‘‘Bell’’ chest
and in suspected infrapulmonary effusion, fre-
Vertebral interior/posterior modifications
quent in the hemodynamically decompensated
‘‘Barrel’’ chest
elderly (Fig. 5).
Mediastinum The lowering of the diaphragm may be due, in
Heart addition to pleural effusion, to cardiomegaly,
Coronary arteriosclerosis which increases the weight of the heart on the
Increase in adipose tissue diaphragm (see later discussion).
Muscular hypertrophism
Thickening of the endocardium MEDIASTINUM
Rheumatic-like valvular margins
The modifications of most interest concern the
Aorta heart, the aorta, and the trachea.
Ectasia Heart
The anatomic/pathologic aspects of the ‘‘elderly
Trachea heart’’ essentially refer to what is known as
Parietal malacia ‘‘primary’’ aging, that is, to a limited and fortunate
percentage of healthy elderly (approximately
Pulmonary arteries 10%). These individuals are best suited for assess-
Arteriosclerosis ment of modifications caused by age only,
Lung whereas ‘‘secondary’’ aging, that is, the much
more frequent situation influenced by basic
pathologic conditions (arterial hypertension, ath-
Increase in support tissue erosclerotic, pulmonary emphysema and chronic
Enlargement of the distal airspaces bronchitis, diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency,
Reduction of capillary bed and so forth) or by an unhealthy lifestyle (reduced
Possible terminal bronchiolitis physical activity, improper diet, abuse of alcohol
Microscopically and tobacco) is obviously excluded, being influ-
Increase in collagen
enced by too many individual variables.8,9
Modification of elastin
The principal involutions that characterize the
‘‘elderly heart’’ are an increase in the cardiac
mass and the thickness of the myocardium, of
the left ventricle in particular, due to hypertrophy
Aging and the Respiratory System 687

Fig.1. With advanced age comes progressive atrophy of the muscles of the thoracic wall, responsible for a signif-
icant increase in thoracic radiotransparency when radiographic tests are performed, because of lower reduction
of the radiogenic beam. It is a question of an apparent increase in pulmonary transparency, which can be
attributed to lower contribution to the parietal opacity rather than an actual alteration of the pulmonary paren-
chyma (emphysema). (A) Axial CT scan of the chest of a young individual with good tropism of the parietal mus-
culature. (B) Axial CT scan of the chest of an elderly patient who has evident muscular atrophy, particularly of the
pectoral muscles and those of the posterior wall.

of the residual myocytes and to an increase in the In any case, apart from the involutions described
matrix of connective tissue; thickening of the val- in ‘‘primary’’ aging, every significant morphodi-
vular margins (often mitral and aortic) due to the mensional variation of the heart must be consid-
deposit of fats, collagen, and calcium salts, with ered as a possible sign of alteration of the
initial wearing out of the valvular annulus which, intrinsic or extrinsic hemodynamics.10
at the mitral level, causes a slight insufficiency in In most cases, the signs of right cardiac over-
90% of those over the age of 80; coronary sclero- load are due to an increase in the resistance of
sis, with possible alterations of the cardiac perfu- small pulmonary vessels, as in the case of ob-
sion.8–14 structive or restrictive diseases and mitral defects,

Fig. 2. Arthrosis of the costo-vertebral joint. The chest radiograph in lateral projection (A) shows the image of
a doubtful pulmonary nodular lesion projecting against the spinal column (circle). The CT scan of the chest sub-
sequently performed (B) reveals the degenerative nature of the radiographic finding (circle).
688 Bonomo et al

Both can be assessed with imaging, producing

two histopathologic and clinical aspects of partic-
ular importance: increase in the weight of the heart
and double genesis of cardiac, systolic, and
diastolic decompensation,14 which are discussed
in more detail below.

Essentially, the aorta’s anatomic/pathologic mod-
ifications can be added to those of the heart, and
result in lengthening and dilation, factors princi-
pally responsible for enlargement of mediastinal
contours in chest radiograph frontal projections.15
In general, the lengthening is greatest in the cra-
nial direction and the calibre of the aortic arch,
measurable, for example, on the transparency of
Fig. 3. Aging causes a reduction in the calcium content
the tracheal air column, may reach up to 4 cm or
of the bones and involutive alterations that may re- more (Fig. 7). But differential diagnosis must al-
sult in fractures and deformations of thoracic cage ways be considered with intrinsic alterations,
structures. Radiograph of the chest in lateral projec- such as aneurysm, or with extrinsic alterations,
tion: ‘‘barrel’’ chest, due to accentuation of the dorsal such as masses of the contiguous mediastinal
kyphosis and convexity of the sternum. structures.8
The almost constant atheromatic calcification,
often of the arch and of the descending section,
whereas the signs of left overload (ie, left ventricle do not always relate to the gravity of the clinical sit-
hypertrophy) may partially be due to modifications uation, and may be associated with various
of the ‘‘elderly heart.’’11 conditions (such as chronic renal insufficiency
Calcification of the thoracic aorta, of the cardiac and so forth).9,15
valves (margins and annulus), and of the coronary
arteries (often of the descending left anterior
branch) must be checked for, because they indi- The trachea is an important anatomic reference in
cate, in the elderly, those individuals subject to assessing the condition of the superior mediasti-
a risk for cardiovascular pathology (Fig. 6).2,13 num. It is visibly deviated to the right from the aor-
Thus, in addition to the coronary circulation, the tic arch in 30% of cases, sometimes resembling
‘‘elderly heart’’ has two attack points: the mediastinal involvement.6 In this case, locating
myocardial structures and the cardiac valves. the right paratracheal line and the normality of

Fig. 4. In the elderly, it is not always easy to identify the exact position of the hemidiaphragms because of intrinsic
modifications caused by aging and the presence of masses or liquids that can collect above and below the
diaphragm. An example is given here: in the frontal radiograph (A), hyperelevation of the hemidiaphragm
was first suggested, but the evidence of the homolateral inferior cardiac contour, caudal with respect to the pre-
sumed hemidiaphragm, resulted in the correct diagnosis, later confirmed by CT (B), which showed a basal pulmo-
nary mass.
Aging and the Respiratory System 689

Fig. 5. Infrapulmonary pleural effusion. (A) Standard chest radiograph: signs of initial CD with infrapulmonary
effusion, most visible on the left, due to an increase in the normal distance between the lung and the colic
flexure, with involvement of the costal-phrenic sinus. (B) Echographic scans of the left hypochondrium, which
confirmed the presence of infrapulmonary effusion.

the homolateral mediastinal space, corresponding The trachea may present a ‘‘saber-like’’ appear-
to the innominate/caval axis, assists in correct ance, often in a bronchitic/emphysematous con-
assessment (Fig. 8). The frequent presence of text, because of parietal malacia that increases
catheters or pacemaker electrodes in the superior the tracheal antero-posterior diameter and tends
vena cava of elderly patients helps in the to cause the collapse of the lateral walls
assessment of the vascular nature of the enlarged (Fig. 9).7,16
Parenchymal modifications are caused by re-
duced blood flow from the systemic circulation
through the bronchial arteries and by the reduced

Fig. 6. In the elderly, the coronary arteries become tor-

tuous and often present deposits of calcium salts and
atherosclerotic plaque. The aorta undergoes similar
alterations; the cardiac valvular apparatus also shows
calcium deposits (particularly at the level of the aortic Fig. 7. Modifications of the thoracic aorta associated
valve and the mitral annulus). Chest radiograph in lat- with aging. The chest radiograph in lateral projection
eral projection: vascular and valvular calcifications. shows an increase in the vessel’s calibre and length.
690 Bonomo et al

volume. This mechanism is analogous to that of

pulmonary emphysema, with two major differ-
ences: no signs of inflammation and no increase
in total pulmonary capacity.17,18
At the same time, the ventilation/perfusion
relationship is modified because of a reduction in
the number of alveoli with optimal gas exchange,
which has two physiopathologic consequences:
an increase in the physiologic dead space and
the ‘‘shunt effect,’’ with a reduction of arterial
From the radiologic point of view, these modifi-
cations translate into what is known as the ‘‘dirty
chest,’’ caused by the increase of supporting
connective tissue (ie, of the interstitium), which
becomes a normal component of the chest radio-
graph, adding to and becoming superimposed on
vascular trauma (Fig. 10), and by the increase in
Fig. 8. In the elderly, tracheal deviations are the background transparency of the chest, caused
frequently found: study of the relationships with con- by an increase in the pulmonary air content,
tiguous anatomic structures and analysis of the a reduction in vascularization, and reduced thick-
mediastinal lines and spaces are of assistance in diag- ness of the thoracic wall (Fig. 11).6,7
nosis. The chest radiograph taken of a supine patient In addition, modest pulmonary hypertension (a
shows a deviation to the right of the trachea due to clinical expression of vascular involution) may
ectasia of the aortic arch. make occupation of the ‘‘reserve’’ vascular area
common in the elderly, inhibiting use of redistribu-
function of the cellular membranes, and result in tion of the pulmonary flow as a first radiologic sign
quantitative/qualitative modifications to collagen of cardiac decompensation (CD). In such cases,
and variations in the relationship between elastic left CD may be assessed only by later signs,
tissue and support tissue, with progressive reduc- such as the shaded appearance of hilar structures
tion of lung elasticity.6,7 and vascular contours, which are an indication of
The first physiopathologic consequence is prox- interstitial edema.19–21
imal shifting of the closing point of the distal Although in younger adults the calibre of the
airways, with a progressive increase in residual principal pulmonary arteries is related to arterial

Fig. 10. Elderly patient who has severe functional

obstruction detected with respiratory functional tests
and evidenced by longstanding productive cough.
Fig. 9. ‘‘Saber-sheath’’ trachea. The standard chest The radiographic examination of the chest shows
radiograph shows pulmonary emphysema, with a ‘‘dirty lung,’’ with significant accentuation of bron-
reduction of the tracheal calibre on the frontal plane. chovascular findings (increased markings).
Aging and the Respiratory System 691

of the pulmonary architecture, due particularly to

an increase in the collagen and elastin of the
bronchial walls and interstitium, expressed radio-
logically with the picture of the ‘‘dirty chest,’’ men-
tioned previously.
These modifications to the pulmonary architec-
ture result in enlargement of the distal airspaces
and a reduction of the extension of the intra-
alveolar septa.16,22
The internal surface of the lung thus diminishes
from an average of 70 m2 at 30 years of age to
60 m2 at 70 years. In other words, in the third
decade of life, in step with the decreased ex-
piratory flow comes a loss of pulmonary alveolar
surface, amounting to 4% per decade, which
is known as reduction of the ventilatory
Fig. 11. Elderly individual with medium-degree ob- surface.23,24
struction detected with respiratory functional tests.
The ensuing radiologic aspects (also taking into
Radiographic evidence of emphysema with pulmonary
hyperinsufflation and reduction of the vasal picture
consideration the increase in residual volume) are
(arterial deficiency) due to hypertension of the lesser the following: bronchial and bronchiolar expiratory
circulation, documented by dilation of the descending collapse, often posterior/basal; small dependent
branch of the right pulmonary artery (arrow). gravitational thickening; and dependent subpleu-
ral linear atelectasis.17
In particular, CT regularly shows a slight halo of
pulmonary pressure, in the elderly this may no hyperdensity in the dependent subpleural areas,
longer be the case, because a certain degree of which disappears when the position of the patient
pulmonary atherosclerosis and sometimes em- is changed (Fig. 12). This picture is essentially
physema (confirmed by anatomic/pathologic a representation of the radiologic aspects previ-
findings), is always present. For this reason, ath- ously listed.17,25
erosclerosis and pulmonary hypertension form The slight hyperdistension of the alveoli, with
a closed circle, each contributing to the other, as dilation of the respiratory bronchioles and con-
is found paraphysiologically in the elderly.20,21 comitant reduction of the alveolar capillaries,
The role of multiple and repeated episodes of could result in a picture of centrilobular emphy-
pulmonary embolism, fibrosis, and mitral stenosis sema. In reality, the signs and symptoms of true
must also be taken into consideration in the gene- emphysema (dyspnea, cough, and so forth) are
sis of pulmonary hypertension in the elderly, absent in the ‘‘elderly lung.’’ In addition, even if
among whom all of the foregoing are frequent the elderly person becomes polypneic at rest
pathologic and clinically silent conditions.18,19 and under stress, and the current volume dimin-
Enlargement of the distal airspaces (see later ishes (that is, the quantity of air ventilated with
discussion) may provoke compression and reduc- each respiratory act), the inflammatory aspects
tion of the capillary arterial bed, which might and increase in the total pulmonary capacity, typ-
explain any peripheral hypoperfusion.17,20 This ical of pulmonary emphysema, are absent. For
finding is common among bedridden, inactive el- these reasons, ‘‘elderly emphysema’’ does not
derly patients, probably also because of a de- exist as a distinct clinical/radiologic entity.23
crease in the cardiac output. In fact, because the It is, however, true that the progressive ‘‘reduc-
chest radiographs of physically active and healthy tion’’ of the parietal/alveolar tissue may result in
elderly individuals show no signs of hypoperfu- alveolar ruptures and hence in the formation of 2
sion, it may be deduced that the more inactive to 3 cm blisters, located particularly in the upper
the elderly individual is, the lower effective and anterior part of the lung. Furthermore, the ter-
perfusion present.21 minal bronchioles often show an acute or chronic
Involution of respiratory function begins as early inflammatory process, particularly in the elderly
as 30 years of age, as shown by spirometric tests. with a history of smoking. But, in general, emphy-
The curve of forced expiratory volume in 1 second sema, when radiographically demonstrable, is an
falls slowly and inexorably until reaching, at advanced process from anatomic and physiopath-
advanced age, values at the limits of survival.18 ologic points of view, insofar as its early phase is
In addition to involution of the parietal thoracic confused, or rather, is consistent, with the normal
component with aging is a significant restructuring elderly chest.23,24
692 Bonomo et al

Fig.12. Dependent parenchymal hyperdensity is a frequent CT finding, particularly in the elderly. The cause seems
to be a diminishing of the closing pressure of the most distal airways, which facilitates bronchial collapse, asso-
ciated with lines of parenchymal dysventilation with analogous physiopathologic significance. This aspect is
reversible by varying the body position. The CT scan performed in a supine position (left) shows ‘‘ground glass’’
dependent hyperdensity of the pulmonary base, which disappears when the patient is placed in a prone position
(right) because of a variation in blood pressure conditions.

PRINCIPAL PHYSIOPATHOLOGIC MODELS authors discuss below, and the impact of primitive
cardiac diseases on the lung that is, the CL.29–31
Once the principal involutions of thoracic struc- In the CL, the situation reproduced in Fig. 13 is
tures have been described, one can observe two created. The enlarged heart occupies more space
physiopathologic models most common in the in the thoracic cavity (which is nonexpandable)
elderly: the ‘‘cardiac lung’’ (CL) and the ‘‘pulmo- than it should, to the detriment of the lungs, which
nary heart’’ (PH), the clinical expressions of which reduce their respiratory excursions. Imbalance is
are, respectively, cardiogenic pulmonary edema thus created between the pumps, with the cardiac
(ie, CD) and chronic obstructive pulmonary dis- pump dominating the pulmonary pump.28
ease (COPD). The authors discussed the ‘‘elderly heart’’ ear-
lier. Two factors result: an increase in the weight
‘‘Cardiac Lung’’
of the heart and the double genesis of systolic
The numerous epidemiologic studies now avail- and diastolic CD.
able agree on the fact that CD is the cause of death An increase in the weight of the heart is easily
in approximately 80% of subjects over the age of visible in a patient equipped with a pacemaker
80 and is the most frequent pulmonary and, and in whom the position of the stimulating probe
more generally, internal medical reason for hospi- in the right ventricle shows a lowering of the dia-
talization.26 The symptom at the basis of all the phragm, due to the weight of the heart (Fig. 14).
pictures attributable to CD is dyspnea and the cor- This aspect is a further cause of dyspnea (and
responding clinical picture is that of pulmonary hence of respiratory insufficiency) in patients who
edema.27–32 have CD, because it has an unfavorable effect on
The physiopathologic model at the basis of CD, the work of the diaphragm, which is the principal
as explained by the clinical presentation, is the inspiratory muscle. Thus, correction of the cardi-
CL.30 opathy is positively reflected in respiratory
The definition of the CL derives from a simple performance.30
consideration: the two pumps in the chest, the The distinction between systolic and diastolic
cardiac and the pulmonary, are vital and must be CD represents a significant challenge for the radi-
in perfect balance for optimal functioning. The ologist because the clinical contexts are different
functional insufficiency of one inevitably has and important: ischemic cardiopathy for the for-
consequences for the other.28 This consideration mer, systemic arterial hypertension for the latter.
concerns the impact of primitive pulmonary pa- In particular, it has been shown that, in those older
thology on the heart, known as the PH, which the than 65, 40% of CD has diastolic causes, which
Aging and the Respiratory System 693

Fig.13. The principal physiopathologic characteristic of the CL is the imbalance created between the cardiac pump
and the respiratory pump because of enlargement of the heart, which occupies a large part of the chest to the
detriment of the lungs, with reduction of respiratory excursions and alteration of the ventilation/perfusion
dynamics. Standard radiograph (A) and CT (B) of the chest: enlargement of the heart, particularly of the left
cavity, with signs of redistribution of the pulmonary circulation, due to recruitment of the ‘‘reserve’’ area.

constitute a significant practical problem, because appearance of pulmonary circulation, that typical
the therapeutic approach is different.33–38 of CD and described later, is similar, whereas
The physiopathology of systolic CD involves the that of the heart is different: enlarged in systolic
dilation of the left ventricle, without alteration in CD, within the limits in diastolic CD (Fig. 15).33,39
wall thickness, and a reduction of the ejection frac- The authors now describe the principal, associ-
tion. For diastolic CD, parietal thickening of the left ated, and subsequent radiologic pictures of the
ventricle occurs without dilation, with a negative CL, relating them to the physiopathologic events,
effect on the rates of diastolic refilling and normal while bearing in mind that such a representation
state of the ejection fraction.36–38 is of explanatory use only (Fig. 16).28,31 The entire
Chest radiograph is fundamental for distinguish- process is summarized in Table 1.
ing between the two types of failure and is closely
related to the physiopathology. In both forms, the Picture I: reduction of the cardiac range, with
venous stasis and increase in the intravascular
pulmonary liquid
The increase in pulmonary haematic volume (ie,
the venous stasis) is first of all expressed by redis-
tribution of the vessels in the caudal/cranial direc-
tion, as an expression of recruitment of the
‘‘reserve’’ area, and hence by an increase in their
calibre. They thus maintain clear contours. The
heart may, although not necessarily, have signs
of moderate enlargement of the left atrium. The
lungs and heart increase in weight because of
the venous stasis, resulting in insufficient pump
function, which provokes further lowering of the
left hemidiaphragm; in normal condition the right
hemidiaphragm is higher than the left not because
of the pressure from the liver but because of the
weight of the heart (in particular ventricles) on the
left hemidiaphragm.

Picture II: increase in extravascular

Fig.14. Chest radiograph in lateral projection. Increase
pulmonary liquid
in the weight of the heart in a patient fitted with Signs of liquid effusion, that is, of interstitial
a pacemaker is shown by the extreme distal position edema, appear in the interstitium. They include
of the stimulating electrode (circle), providing evi- shading of the vascular picture and of the hilar
dence of the lowering of the left hemidiaphragm. structures, the Kerley lines, particularly type B,
694 Bonomo et al

Fig.15. Systolic versus diastolic CD. (A) Standard chest radiograph: systolic CD is characterized by signs of pulmo-
nary stasis and by enlargement of the heart, particularly of the left sections, due to deficit in the systolic function
of the left ventricle. (B) Standard chest radiograph: in diastolic CD, the signs of pulmonary circulation overload
are associated with concentric hypertrophy of the left ventricle, without significant increase in its size. This
condition is, in fact, characterized by a reduction of the ventricular telediastolic volume without deficit of systolic
function (election fraction >45%). Other causes of failure, such as anemia, thyrotoxicosis, valvular diseases, and so
forth, are, in any case, excluded.

Fig.16. Phases of cardiogenic failure. Chest radiographs of the same patient, from simple venous overload to ev-
ident pulmonary edema. (A) The CL in relative hemodynamic compensation. (B) Signs of interstitial edema with
pleural effusion and enlargement of the cardiac image. (C) Alveolar edema with extended parenchymal opacities,
increase in pleural effusion, and further enlargement of the heart.
Aging and the Respiratory System 695

Table 1
Main radiologic, clinical, and instrumental characteristics of the ‘‘cardiac lung’’

Characteristics Radiologic Characteristics
Stage I Y Clinical range Caudal/cranial redistribution of the pulmonary
[ Pulmonary hematic volume picture (‘‘reversed’’ distribution)1/1 relationship
between superior/inferior vessel calibres
(‘‘balanced distribution’’)
Stage II Dyspnea [ Interstitial edema (Kerley lines, shaded hila,
Extravascular liquid[ pleural effusion)
HGA 1 (under stress) Heart 1
Pulmonary volume Y
Stage III As in stage II As in stage II, with gravitational distribution,
often bilateral pleural effusion
Stage IV Dyspnea [[ Heart 11
Obligatory seated position Lowering of diaphragm
Stage V Dyspnea [[[ Lowering of diaphragm
HGA [[[
Thickening of thoracic wall [[
Stage VI Dyspnea [[[[ Gravitational, confluent and shaded parenchymal
HGA opacities. Bilateral pleural effusion
Heart 1111
Lowering of the diaphragm

Abbreviations: 0, normal; 1, enlarged; , reduced; [, increased; Y, reduced; HGA, hemogas analysis.

moderate subpleural parenchymal thickening, en- significance in cardiogenic edema on functional

largement of the diameters of the heart with more level, because respiratory muscles become more
evident enlargement of the left cavities, and possi- viscous and less efficient, making an increase in
ble limited pleural effusion. A reduction in respira- the force they use to move the thoracic cage nec-
tory volume begins, with minor expansion of the essary. It is therefore necessary that radiograph
thorax as detected by radiograph, plus reduction examination of the chest also allow assessment
of respiratory excursions. of wall thickness.

Picture III: pleural effusion

Picture VI: appearance of alveolar edema
When present (most typically bilaterally), the signs
This picture is well known, referred to only in the
of gravitational edema will already have appeared.
interests of completeness.
Pleural effusion is therefore part of a picture of
To better understand the mechanisms that gov-
medium-advanced interstitial edema.
ern the process described earlier, a few references
Picture IV: evident cardiomegaly to functional anatomy are necessary concerning
The signs of cardiomegaly and the lowering of the the diaphragm, pulmonary arteries, alveolar com-
diaphragm predominate, both clearly seen by partment, lymphatics, and interstitium.20,21
chest radiograph. The supine hypoxia, typical of Regarding the diaphragm (the principal inspira-
this phase, is well explained by CT (see later tory muscle), the normal anatomic position and
discussion). its maintenance are important.
Regarding the pulmonary arteries, the smooth
Picture V: involvement of the respiratory parietal musculature is considerably less repre-
muscles and the soft tissues sented at all ages, with respect to the systemic
The authors have already referred to the lowering circulation, which in physiologic terms, means
of the diaphragm. Imbibition on the wall (typical that the vessels are more distensive and therefore
of pulmonary edema due to hyperhydration as more prone to increasing rather than reducing their
well as nephrogenic edema) is, however, of capacity.
696 Bonomo et al

Regarding the alveoli, the connective tissue connected to a thick reticule made up of the con-
between type I alveolocytes (ie, the cells that nective tissue of the alveolar septa.
cover almost the entire alveolar surface) is closed The extravascular liquid is first collected in the
and impermeable, as opposed to that between large interstitium because of the more efficient pe-
the endothelial cells of the capillaries, which eas- ripheral ventilation and the greater compliance of
ily allow the passage of liquid. The surfactant (a the large interstitium, and, only if insufficient, in
phospholipoprotein secreted by type II alveolo- the alveolar septa. In fact, the interstitium is the
cytes) covers the alveolar wall with water-repel- natural site for liquid exchange and, when neces-
lent action, enabling ventilation and inhibiting sary, the peribronchovascular connective tissue
atelectasis. up to the thickest part of the alveolar septa
The alveolar septa (represented by the intersti- becomes a large reserve of ‘‘extravascular water,’’
tial tissue between the epithelium and endothe- which inhibits alveolar flooding, preserving the gas
lium) are formed by two functionally distinct exchanges.29
areas, one of which is thin, to allow gas exchange, The lymphatic vessels have an aspiration pres-
and the other thick, for liquid exchange. sure of 20 to 30 cm of H2O on the fluids and
The capillary lymphatics are found at the level solutes in the interstitium, guaranteed by the
of the alveolar ducts and the respiratory bronchi- excursions transmitted to them by the transpulmo-
oles. The interstitial liquid runs from the alveolar nary respiratory pressure. Although able to in-
walls to the capillary lymphatics, driven by the crease the level of drainage considerably, the
‘‘pump’’ action of the ventilation, which is more ef- capacity of the lymphatic vessels is limited to the
ficient in the pulmonary mantle, as shown by the level of which the liquid passes at the extravascu-
‘‘butterfly wing’’ distribution often observed in car- lar site, even in consideration of their significantly
diogenic alveolar edema (Fig. 17). The lymph disproportionate development with respect to the
moves from the capillaries through the lymphatic capillary network.29
ducts with the help of valves at a distance of 1 to A note on the circulation of the visceral pleura:
2 mm. disagreement exists as to its origin, deriving
The interstitium may be subdivided into two wholly or partially from the pulmonary arteries ac-
components: a peripheral, parietal, and subpleural cording to some investigators, or from the bron-
component, thin and radiologically invisible; and chial arteries according to others. In any case,
another component found around the bronchi its venous draining occurs through the pulmonary
and the vessels (peribronchovascular cuffing), vis- veins.40
ible with chest radiograph as a small opaque circle The argument presented up to this point regard-
of the bronchial walls taken tangentially. Both are ing functional anatomy raises several interesting
radiologic observations.41–43
The first sign of venous stasis (phase I), is the
‘‘reversed’’ distribution of the flow (ie, with recruit-
ment of the reserve vascular area of the superior
lobes) and with ‘‘balanced’’ distribution (ie, with
an increase in the calibre of the vessels recruited)
(see Fig. 13).
A reduction in the pulmonary compliance (ie, in-
creased rigidity of the lung due to an increase in
the interstitial fluid [phase II]) and a rapidly worsen-
ing restrictive syndrome result in decreased lung
expansion in the chest radiograph taken in inspira-
tory apnea and in a reduction of respiratory excur-
sions, if the radiograph is also taken in expiratory
The work of the lymphatics at ‘‘low rate’’ to
dispose of the extravascular liquid is also per-
formed when the clinical picture is regressed and
the hemodynamic picture is in the process of
rebalancing, thus explaining the dissociation be-
Fig. 17. CD with evident pulmonary edema. The chest tween clinical and radiologic resolution. In other
radiograph of the supine patient shows characteristic words, accentuation of the texture, in addition to
‘‘butterfly wing’’ edema caused by more effective lym- the clinical resolution, is an expression of the
phatic draining of the pulmonary mantle. involvement of the lymphatics.
Aging and the Respiratory System 697

Pleural effusion concerns the systemic circula- in the pneumologic context, and is three to five
tion and requires the failure of the right heart, dif- times more frequent at this age than at other
ferent from pulmonary edema. This means that ages.44
the mechanism of formation of pleural effusion In such cases, the involutive aspects of the lung,
hemodynamically requires conditions different as described previously, prevail and result in
from those for pulmonary edema and therefore, al- greater air content and hence, hyperdistension.
though nearly always present, is a complimentary The hyperexpanded lungs reduce the space avail-
sign of it (Fig. 16B) (phase III). able to the heart, particularly in the diastole, and
From phase IV, dyspnea appears with minimum almost ‘‘imprison’’ it, giving it a median or a vertical
effort, with a tendency to hypoxia at rest. The pa- ‘‘drop’’ appearance (Fig. 19), which is the model of
tient is therefore not able to lie in a supine position the PH.16,22
but tends to be seated to facilitate the activity of
the respiratory muscles. CT clarifies dyspnea and
postural worsening of hypoxia: if, in the non-com- ‘‘Cardiac lung’’ versus ‘‘pulmonary heart’’
pensated cardiopathic patient, a densitometric The CL and PH physiopathologic models are op-
measurement is made of the pulmonary paren- posites and specular images, equidistant from
chyma, with the placement of a region of interest the normal. Comparison is therefore useful for bet-
(ROI) at the level of the pulmonary mantle dorsally ter understanding. In Table 2, the radiologic, phys-
and ventrally, the densitometric gradient is re- iopathologic, and clinical aspects of the two
duced or eliminated (Fig. 18). This occurs because models are listed.
perfusion does not prevail in the lung’s dorsal The CL begins with left cardiopathy, including, in
areas, as normally occurs in individuals in a supine rapid succession, cardiomegaly, pulmonary ve-
position, but is increased, also ventrally, where nous hypertension, non-compensated left cardi-
ventilation should prevail, because of recruitment opathy, and reduction of pulmonary volumes due
of the ‘‘reserve’’ pulmonary vascular area. This re- to the cardiomegaly.41,42 The PH almost always
sults in elimination of the densitometric gradient begins with COPD, which results in an increase
or, in physiopathologic terms, in the creation of in vascular resistance (ie, peripheral pulmonary oli-
a ventilation/perfusion discrepancy, the cause of gemia), pulmonary arterial hypertension, the ‘‘in-
hypoxia and dyspnea. In conclusion, the patient volvement’’ of the right heart, and the limitation
who has cardiogenic failure needs to assume an of heart expansion by the hyperexpanded
orthopneic position to restore the densitometric lungs.16,45–53
gradient, and an acceptable ventilation/perfusion Thus, from the physiopathologic point of view, in
relationship.28 the case of the CL, the cardiomegaly results in the
progressive reduction of pulmonary volume, with
a restrictive spirometric pattern (see Fig. 13). In
‘‘Pulmonary Heart’’
the PH, the alterations of the airways result in pul-
COPD is the second most frequent cause of in- monary hyperdistension with an obstructive-type
validity, hospitalization, and death of the elderly spirometric picture (see Fig. 19).

Fig. 18. Dorsal/ventral pulmonary densitometric gradient with CT. (A) Normal individual with densitometric
gradient of approximately 50 UH between region of interest (ROI) 1 and 2. (B) Individuals with CD underway
do not show a densitometric gradient between the two ROIs due to the presence of perfusion in the nondepen-
dent areas.
698 Bonomo et al

Fig. 19. Pulmonary heart. (A) Chest radiograph; (B) CT scan at the level of the pulmonary bases: the hyperex-
panded lungs occupy more space than normal, limiting heart expansion, particularly in the diastolic refilling
phase (clinical sign: tachycardia).

The specular aspect of the densitometric mea- gradient is eliminated. In the CL, this elimination
surements that can be obtained on CT examina- is produced by an abnormal increase of perfu-
tion of the chest, as referred to earlier, should sion in the lung’s ventral areas, whereas in the
also be noted. In both cases, the densitometric PH, it is attributable to an abnormal increase in

Table 2
Radiologic, physiopathologic, and clinical characteristics of the ‘‘pulmonary heart’’ versus the ‘‘cardiac lung’’

Cardiac Lung
Pulmonary edema
Radiology Physiopathology Clinically
Left cardiomegaly Left cardiac insufficiency Tachypnea
YPulmonary volumes Pulmonary venous hypertension Acute onset
CT: elimination of the Spirometry / restrictive pattern
dorsal/ventral gradient due / Shunt effect
to perfusion prevalence
Pulmonary heart
Peripheral oligemia
[ Pulmonary volumes [ Vascular resistance Tachycardia
Transverse cardiac diameter Y Pulmonary arterial Chronic onset
CT: elimination of the hypertension and
dorsal/ventral gradient due involvement of the right
to ventilation prevalence heart
Spirometry / obstructive pattern
‘‘Dead space’’ effect
Cardiac lung Pulmonary heart
Almost rapid Slow or stable
Reversible anatomic/pathologic Irreversible anatomic/pathologic alterations
Aging and the Respiratory System 699

ventilation of the dorsal areas. Thus, in the CL, TECHNICAL AND METHODOLOGIC
the density moves toward higher values, whereas CONSIDERATIONS
in the PH, it moves toward lower values. In both
cases, a ventilation/perfusion deficit is created, No single technique perfectly reveals all the chest
responsible for hypoxemia and postural components, but techniques exist that, together,
dyspnea.28,46 constitute the best possible compromise, given
The foregoing correlates perfectly with the the various, often contrasting, requirements. The
physiopathologic concepts according to which, latitude of the system, however broad, does not
when perfusion prevails, as in the case of the CL, enable optimal simultaneous visualization of those
there is a ‘‘shunt’’ effect, whereas, when ventila- areas with low radiant beam absorption, the lungs,
tion prevails, as in the case of the PH, there is and those with high absorption, the mediastinum.4
a ‘‘dead space’’ effect.46,47 In the young and the adult, a complete visualiza-
From the clinical point of view, the distinctive tion of the pulmonary fields, showing the ‘‘blind
sign of the CL is tachypnea, whereas that of the areas,’’ is a priority because of the predominant
PH is tachycardia, both of which may progress clinical need to detect focal pulmonary lesions. In
to dyspnea. In the first case, a reduction of pulmo- the elderly, on the other hand, it is above all impor-
nary volume subsequent to cardiomegaly results tant to assess the pulmonary and cardiac circula-
in the need to compensate for the deficit with an tion because the principal causes of invalidity,
increased number of respiratory acts; in the sec- hospitalization, and death are cardiovascular
ond case, the pulmonary hyperexpansion hinders diseases.
particularly the cardiac diastole (ie, ventricular Performing chest radiographs and preoperative
refilling, often of the left ventricle) and results in tests in young, apparently healthy, individuals may
an increased number of cycles.46 give rise to doubts about use and costs; con-
Separating the left and right sections of the heart versely they are essential in geriatric age, insofar
and arterial and venous microcirculation of the as they immediately and reliably study vital, funda-
lungs makes it easier to understand the specular mental parameters in individuals often affected by
physiopathology of the two models. The CL, orig- multiple pathologies characterized by largely unre-
inating in the left cardiac cavity, involves, in a retro- solved clinical semiotics.2
grade manner, the pulmonary venous circulation; Given that the earliest radiologic sign of pulmo-
the PH, beginning in the arterial section of pulmo- nary circulation overload (ie, redistribution of the
nary microcirculation, involves the right cardiac flow, which makes it possible to detect this hemo-
cavity.22,28 dynamic anomaly in the preclinical phase) may not
The temporal aspect (ie, the time necessary be visible in the elderly patient because of the
for the conditions to become manifest) also frequent presentation of the ‘‘dirty chest,’’ it be-
emphasizes the mirror-like aspect of the two comes indispensable to increase to the maximum
models. The CL, clinically expressed by pulmo- the value of the second sign, that is, the shaded
nary edema, establishes itself and develops rap- aspect of the pulmonary picture caused by an
idly, tumultuously, and sometimes dramatically, increase in extravascular fluid, particularly if the
showing extremely variable radiologic pictures chest radiograph has not been performed under
from day to day, insofar as the pathology is acute standard conditions.31
and the anatomic/pathologic aspects are revers- If this second sign was not accessible or proved
ible. The PH, clinically expressed by COPD, equivocal, it would present a risk for further delay
develops slowly, with essentially stabilized radio- in the radiologic diagnosis or, even worse, of
logic pictures (apart from superimposed acute referring it to the clinician in a phase of evident
episodes) because the disease is chronic and decompensation.20
the anatomic/pathologic alterations are The technique performed must therefore give
irreversible.47 priority to the gray pulmonary background, an
The symptom common to the CL and the PH expression of the extravascular interstitial com-
(dyspnea) also unites them in an significant aspect partment, and the contrast must not be
of the chest radiograph: the radiographs are taken compromised.4
in shallow inspiratory apnea, not because of insuf- High-voltage techniques compromise the con-
ficient patient cooperation or poor test quality, but trast, because their purpose is to identify better
because of reduced inspiratory capacity, as gen- the ‘‘blind’’ pulmonary areas (retrocardiac, para-
erally occurs in the elderly (above and beyond vertebral, and so forth). Medium-voltage tech-
the two models proposed) because of the involu- niques, on the other hand, are better suited to
tion of the osteomuscular portion of the thoracic the clinical necessities of the elderly. Having less
cage.4,6 recording latitude, they may not identify small focal
700 Bonomo et al

lesions but, instead, valorize all aspects of the pul- presents a risk that the report will be nothing
monary circulation, which is of greater interest. more than a useless academic exercise. Thus,
In the elderly, technically limited radiologic a competent report is produced but it is neither
examinations are the norm (ie, those done with clear nor clinically effective.
a single anterior/posterior projection with the pa- A great deal has been, and is still being, dis-
tient seated or supine) precisely because the signs cussed regarding the conciseness of the report,
of cardiovascular disease that must be examined even more today, with the availability of tests
with radiograph are also the primary cause of replete with images, such as multidetector CT,
invalidity. For this reason, it is essential to valorize and with details, such as chest radiograph with
those few most meaningful aspects that chest digital technique. The radiologist must not merely
radiographs done under these conditions, particu- describe the findings but must also interpret
larly the shaded aspect of the hilar/pulmonary them, expressing a professional opinion in the
vascular structure contours, make possible to form of a diagnostic conclusion, if the intent is to
evaluate.2,11 have an influence on the patient’s clinical course.
Thus, in conclusion, the report must be com-
THE RADIOLOGIC REPORT plete and must have a precise structure: clinical
question, description of findings, diagnostic judg-
Although the acquisition of images is delegated, ment, any indications for the performing of the
for the most part, to the radiology technician, the diagnostic procedure, and so forth.57
writing of the report is the sole responsibility of In the elderly, then, basic knowledge of cardio-
the radiologist who, in so doing, performs the respiratory physiopathology is essential. For ex-
clinical role of specialist.54 ample, if, in the initial CD, pulmonary fields are
The report is the main means of communication underexpanded on inspiration, this is not because
with the requesting physician and its effectiveness the patient is less cooperative but because the
is measured on the basis of its usefulness in lungs are less compliant, which must be pointed
clarifying the patient’s clinical problems. The out in the report.
more a report influences diagnosis and treatment, The radiologist must always bear in mind the
the more it will be truly useful and the more the clinical requirements and, given the possibility of
radiologist will have been able to act cardiopathy (above and beyond the presence or
professionally. absence of focal lesions), must describe the con-
To formulate a good report, the radiologist must ditions of the pulmonary circulation, particularly
have a good understanding of the clinical question in the initial stages of CD, because this is the
and must adhere to certain basic rules of communi- most important information for the clinician and,
cation, summarized by Bonmati and colleagues as in these phases, the diagnosis of CD may be radio-
the six ‘‘c’s’’: clear, correct, concise, complete, co- logic only. In subsequent phases, when CD be-
herent, and competent, to which a further ‘‘c’’ should comes clinically evident, the radiologist need
be added: common (in the sense of ‘‘shared’’).55,56 only monitor the clinical picture, particularly the
In fact, if the radiologist is not on the same wave- extravascular pulmonary water and the
length as the person requesting the report (ie, if he/ cardiomegaly.
she does not take into consideration what the Hence, to be effective, the radiologist must give
latter wants and whether or not the language the chest radiograph examination a hemodynamic
used in the report will be understood), then this reading, always describing in the report the condi-
is a failure of communication. Thus, if the report tions of the pulmonary circulation, particularly if it
on the chest radiograph in Fig. 13 uses the expres- is altered. A description of the normality of distri-
sion ‘‘type 1:1 vascular distribution’’ without bution and clarity of the contours and assessment
explaining the clinical meaning (occupation of the of the appearance of the pulmonary circulation in
‘‘reserve’’ vascular area as the first sign of venous relationship to the cardiac morphology should
overload of the pulmonary circulation), it may well also be included. If the heart is large, it is more
be technically exemplary but clinically ineffective, likely that the pulmonary circulation will not be
because it is not a given that this expression will altered.57
be understood by the requesting physician.
Further, in a study of the heart by means of chest SUMMARY
radiograph, the signs may be numerous and
should be listed in the report, because they are In the elderly, the chest without evident pathology
part of classic radiologic semeiotics. If they is characterized by findings that occupy a sort
are not translated into clinical terms, however, of ‘‘no man’s land’’ between the normal and
a comprehensive picture is not provided, which the pathologic. Aging results in physiologic
Aging and the Respiratory System 701

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