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1 lecho desharrapado alboroto pito montaraz gorrin caldero paila tenazas anafe (m) crujir desesperacin "en desbandada"

pregonar desaforado ensanchar desmedrado empedrar empearse palma soldar calabazo* totumo almacenar cobre desarticular catalejo lupa inventiva extraviarse azote adiestrar "de su puo y letra" apretado insolacin trabar relacin malanga* yuca ame ahuyama

sartal* soltar encono descomunal derribar estragado husmear zarpaso pelagra cutneo escorbuto beriberi terremoto multitudinario chaleco verdn frasco solimn* cinnabrio* mordiente cazuela embudo retorta* filtro colador atanor probeta angosto curtejar azogue raspadura oropimente* azufre plomo hervir aceite de ricino jarabe azaroso vitriolo de Chipre* cocer manteca

nascianceno* hornillo rbano carpa encas mejilla marchito estremecerse engastar fugaz alborozo postizo salita comedor terraza castao pollern* oln encalar arcn albahaca emprendedor turpil azulejo aturdir sopor cinaga holgazn trocha remendar enseres pantano nata cetceo (n)* teta dotar predregoso ribera venado aplazar guacamaya

almizcle bullaranga abrumado lirio pecado humeante pesadumbre agobiado pasmado helecho volteado estribor arboladura plitrafas velamen jarcia

bed, river-bed ragged din, racket horn (instrument) coarse, rural (said of beard) sparrow cooking pot large dish/ frying pan pliers tongs pincers portable stove rustle, crunch, grind, creak desperation in disorder, helter-skelter. Pell-mell announce, proclaim huge, boundless, eunmeasurable, enormous, unbridled widen, broaden, expand, extend impaired, meager, feeble, reduced paveFIGURATIVE: llenar, fill insist uponFIGURATIVE: get into debt (medida de longitud que equivala a unos 21 cm) solder, weld, patch up "recipiente de hecho con la cscara del totumo, utilizado para almacenar dinero u otros objetos calabash tree stock up, store, keep, accumulate copper dislocate, take apart, break, break up telescope magnifying glass inventiveness get lost, go astray scourge, lash, / swat, smack, slap / cat-o'-nine-tails to train in his own handwriting, by his own hand, tight, cramped, narrow sunstroke establish relations, establish contact (with an unknown people) "tubrculo comestible que se cultiva en Amrica" resembling a sweet potato yucca yam squash

serie de sucesos similares let loose, release, set on, sick (dogs) spite, bitternoss, animosity gigantic, enormous, colossal knock down, floor (someone) 'tumbr a alguien'/demolish, tear down/depose, overthrow (a king) ravaged,/ corrupted, spoiled, depraved, ruined, /slovenly, careless, disorderly sniff around (investigate) sniff outlike a dog swipe (WITH A PAW), blow, lash, swat "enfermedad con manifestaciones cutneas, digestivas y nerviosas" cutaneous (of the skin) scurvy beriberi (a fever:)weightloss, emotional disturbances, weakness of limbs earthquake multitudinous (con gran asistencia de gente) vest moss, scum, / fresh green, green stai jar, bottle, flask, perfume bottle, medicine bottle corrosive sublimate'/ poison, / "sustancia preparada con mercurio" cinnabar/ "mineral que por su color rojizo y composicin sulfrica tradicionalmente se ha relacionado con el demo mordant: Having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting earthenware pot, funnel "vasija con cuello largo encorvado utilizada en qumica filter strainer, COLANDER, sieve "hornillo usado por los alquimistas" test-tube narrow court, woo, curry favor with mercury, quicksilver sheds, shavings, slivers, zest orpiment: A bright yellow mineral consisting of arsenic trisulfide. "venenoso y empleado en pintura y tintorera" sulphur lead boil, roast castor oil syrup hazardous, risky, / timid, fearful nombre del sulfato cprico (copper sulfate)'cupric' as the adjective version of copper boil, roast, cook lard

"nacianceno: natural de Nacianzo [Nazianzus], ciudad de Capadocia" portable stove, burner radishpejorative: faggot (US and CR) big top, circus tent / tent, awning, canopy / gums cheek withered, shriveled, wizened, faded tremble, shiver, shudder set, mount (used of jewels and gems, or here DENTURES) fleeting joy, delight false, artificial (in the sense of a wig or body part) eg: DENTADURA POSTIZA=dentures/false teeth Casa: sitting room Theater: small auditorium dining room balcony, terrace chestnut tree falda interior de la mujer frill, flounce whitewash chest (bal grande, arca) basil enterprising, entrepreneurial oriole pjaro americano de color azulado (blue-gray tanager) bother, disturb sleepiness, stupor, somnolence, drowsiness swamp, bog lazy, idle path, by-path (vereda ) / shortcut mend, darn basic tools, essentials, necessities, equipment bog, marsh, swamp cream cetacean "mamfero acutico con forma de pez" whale boob, tit supply, provide, equip rocky, stony bank, shore, riverbank deer, venison, stag delay, postpone, hold back macaw

musk racket, riot, noise, row overwhelmed, weighed down iris / water hyacinth sin, crime, transgression steamy, steaming grief, sorrow suffocated, inundated, overwhelmed stunned, shocked, staggered, astonished fern flipped, upside-down starboard spars (naut) (wood poles) remains sails, canvas rigging:the apparatus through which the force of the wind is used to propel sailing ships forward (mast,sails,yards,

elacionado con el demonio"

pintura y tintorera"

ward (mast,sails,yards,cordage)

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