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Challenges and Opportunities
Tanzania has made notable progress on gender equality and womens empowerment (GEWE). The Vision 2025 for Tanzania Mainland stipulates equality between men and women as laid down in the Constitution and recognizes gender equality and the empowerment of women in all socio-economic and political relations and cultures as one of the strategies to attain the vision. Key national policy frameworks such as the Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (MKUKUTA II and MKUZA II in Tanzania A leading youth activist in the fight against Violence against Mainland and Zanzibar respectively) have Women and Girls (VAWG) identified gender equality and womens The Ministry of Community Development, Gender empowerment (GEWE) as among the and Children (MCDGC) is charged with coordinating major development issues which require multi-sectoral and providing guidance for mainstreaming gender in approaches. Tanzanias Five Year Development Plan all development processes. This is supported by the (FYDP) emphasizes womens economic empowerment Women and Gender Development Policy and Strategy as a means of bringing about equality in economic and an Implementation Plan on Gender. empowerment.
Photo by: Laura Beke/UN Women

Programme At a Glance
Programme Objective IAGG - policy and technical advice Strengthen UNCT Gender Mainstreaming and Womens Empowerment across Programme Delivery and Advocacy Campaigns through: Support Gender Mainstreaming Across the UNDAP; Enhance Capacities of UNCT to Coordinate Initiatives on GEWE and Development and Implementation of Inter-Agency Advocacy Strategy on Gender Equality. July 2011 June 2015 Active UN Women (Lead and Secretariat), FAO (Current Chair), UNFPA and ILO. Others: UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, IOM UNAIDS, WFP and UNHCR. National Gender Machinery, e.g. MCDGC; the womens movement and womens rights network and the UN Country Team through Programme Working Groups. USD 245,000 Duty-bearers and rights-holders in Tanzania, UN Country Team

The government has also introduced Gender Responsive Budgeting (GRB), led by the Ministry of Finance (MoF) for improved allocation and tracking of financial allocations in support of gender equality and womens empowerment. In addition in 2010 the governments adopted the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development which calls for a 50/50 representation in all decision-making organs. In response to Violence against Women and Girls (VAWG) the government adopteda GBV Policy and Management Guidelines in September 2011 and in November 2011 set up a stakeholder owned instrument to guide a multi-sectoral prevention and response to VAWG, with a plan and National Multi-

Duration Status Implementing Agencies Partner

Total available budget Beneficiaries

Sectoral Committee to end Violence against Women and Girls. The Tanzania Commission for AIDS (TACAIDS) has also launched a Gender Operational Plan for HIV and AIDS Response in Mainland Tanzania. In addition, the Sexual Offences Special Provisions Act (SOSPA) specifically addresses sexual and gender based violence. Although Tanzania is signatory to all major international and regional instruments that promote gender equality, implementation has been constrained by the delays in incorporating these rights into national Police Gender and Childrens Desks play a vital role in providing support laws along with structural weaknesses for victims/survivors of VAWG in the justice system and inadequate attention to public education, resulting and Womens Empowerment across Programme in womens limited access to their rights. Women still Delivery and Advocacy Campaigns. The IAGG aims confront manifold violations of their human rights to ensure that mainstreaming of gender equality and when they cannot participate in the decisions womens empowerment in all UN system activities in that affect their lives or claim fair representation, Tanzania is achieved through effective cooperation when they face discrimination in employment, when coordination and monitoring. IAGG works towards they are denied entitlement to land and property, or three outputs (i) To Support Gender Mainstreaming when they suffer violence within their own home or Across the UNDAP (ii) Enhance Capacities of UNCT to face sexual harassment or extortion (sextortion) in Coordinate Initiatives on GEWE and (iii) Develop an accessing essential public services. Other obstacles to Inter-Agency Advocacy Strategy on Gender Equality in rights arise when women and girls are prevented from cooperation with the UN Communication Group. going to school or attaining health care, or are subject to harmful traditional practices. Through IAGG efforts, gender equality and womens Discrimination and violence against women and girls are widely prevalent and widespread in Tanzania and are fueled by patriarchal norms and traditions and impunity before the law. VAWGs far-reaching consequences are not only felt in terms of the psychosocial and physical well-being of entire families and communities, but also undermine Tanzanias overall economic development. empowerment work within the UN has become far more visible, with greater involvement of different agencies and the UNCT as a whole; there is greater prioritization and concrete resource allocation for GEWE by UN agencies; there is increased consolidation of UN system contributions to gender equality and womens empowerment in the context of the UNDAP - not only as a cross-cutting issue, but also as a programming principle in the UNDAP along with financial incentives (of 20%) of the One Fund allocation for delivering on cross-cutting considerations, gender equality being one of them. The IAGG has developed a number of knowledge products on GEWE as part of the objective to improve knowledge generation and management.
Photo by: Laura Beke/UN Womenn

IAGG in Action
The UN Inter-agency Gender Group (IAGG) as one of the Working Groups under the United Nations Delivering as One (DaO) structure contributes to the UNDAP Outcome Strengthen UNCT Gender Mainstreaming

UN in Action - Programming on Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment
UNs support to the National Womens Machineries in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar is geared towards strengthening the required capacities to coordinate and ensure mainstreaming of GEWE by Ministries, Departments and Agencies to integrate gender equality into national development strategies, laws and policies. Joint efforts have been directed at improving womens participation in leadership and decision making including supporting women candidates in both parliamentary and local government elections, and providing women with access to information through radio listening groups and community radio. UN supports the MoF and local government to mainstream gender equality in their planning and budgeting systems to make public budgets responsive to the needs of both women and men by incorporating their needs in budgetary analysis, planning and allocations. In ensuring that women can access the justice system, UN support has been extended to train judges and magistrates on womens rights and gender analysis, resulting in enhanced knowledge, awareness and enforcement of womens rights as enshrined in international treaties. As Gender Based Violence (GBV) and HIV and AIDS are often intertwined, assistance has also been provided in developing the Gender Operational Plan on gender-sensitive HIV/AIDS interventions. leadership positions in food management committees and by enhancing the capacity of women to negotiate and decide on the use of food. The Tanzania Gender in Education Initiative (TGEI) continues to advocate for gender issues in education, training teachers to apply gender-responsive teaching methods and enhancing child participation in speaking out on concerns related to child marriage, early pregnancy and the spread of HIV and AIDS. In collaboration with the Tanzania Media Women Association (TAMWA), editors and journalists on the Mainland and Zanzibar have been trained on gender sensitive reporting and on gender based violence. As a result of improved investigative journalism skills gender based violence and other discriminatory issues were uncovered, followed up and reported on.
Photo by: Felix Eldridge UN Women

Through the trainings provided by TAWJA, Judges and Magistrates are applying womens rights and the Convention Eliminating All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) in court proceedings

The UN has also supported the empowerment of refugee men and women to improve their standard of living by involving them in income generating activities, raising awareness of gender issues, encouraging participation, teaching basic management skills, and lobbying for the inclusion of women in camp leadership structures. Efforts are being made to promote the proportion of women in

The 2011 Gender Festival brought together approximately 5,000 gender activists from every region of Tanzania and abroad to discuss common objectives such as a more egalitarian distribution of natural resources, including water, gender-responsive and propoor budgeting, a gender-responsive health sector and actions to prevent gender based violence.

Community Resource Centres have been established in districts to provide information on the current issues in gender and development. There have been efforts geared towards enhancing economic empowerment by training womens groups on business skills and engaging in different micro-enterprise activities and exposure visits to other countries. The UN has also supported work to address GBV through SGS UNiTE Campaign through the Africa UNiTE Kilimanjaro Climb for International Womens Day 2012 and the development of policy interventions which resulted in the adoption of National Management Guidelines for the Health Sector Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence. The national response through community mobilisation has been very strong with regard to GBV particularly on breaking the silence and reporting, and action on incidences of violence. The Gender and Childrens desks located in various police stations country-wide and supported by UN, have continued to provide the required services to survivors.
Photo by: Anna Collins-Falk/UN Women

HE President J Kikwete speaks at the send-off for the SG UNiTE Campaign to end VAWG at the Kilimanjaro Climb

Key UN Country Team achievements relevant to the Inter-Agency Gender Group Gender analysis of the UNDAP results matrix, identifying key gender equality priorities across the programming elements. UNCT members trained and guidance notes provided to secure comprehensive adoption of the resultant recommendations. Sector specific checklists using the Gender Equality and Womens Empowerment Framework (GEWEF) were produced. Resource allocation tracked in the first year of the UNDAP Annual Work Plans, introducing gender markers to monitor progress. Knowledge products developed on GEWE as part of the objective to improve knowledge generation and management. Gender equality and womens empowerment principles integrated in the National Human Rights Action Plan (NHRAP). The UPR includes womens rights. In collaboration with DPG GE support was provided to the National Women Machineries in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar was provided to develop the required capacities to coordinate and ensure mainstreaming of GEWE by Ministries, Departments and Agencies to integrate gender equality into national development strategies, laws and policies. SGS UNiTE Campaign through Africa UNiTE Kilimanjaro Climb for International Womens Day 2012 led to the development of policy interventions which resulted in the adoption of National Management Guidelines for the Health Sector Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence. Financial and technical support was given to the Tarime District authorities and Masanga Centre (a school used as a shelter for girls who run away from FGM) on alternative rites of passage to the prevention of the planned FGM of about 4000 girls in Mara region and the Caravan for Change a bus consisting of 25 activists which passed through 5 different regions for 8 days, raising awareness and encouraging people to speak out against VAW.
United Nations Resident Coordinators Office

P. O. Box 9182, Dar es Salaam - Tanzania Phone: +255 22 260 2884 Fax: +255 22 260 2802 To learn more about the 9 additional areas of cooperation between the UN and the Government of Tanzania under the 2011-2015 UNDAP, please consult the complete UNDAP Information Pack or visit http://tz.one.un.org.

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