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Drug Name Generic : Butamirate Citrate Brand: Sinecod Forte Dosage: 1 tab - 50 mg.

Route: TID: 8am - 1pm 6pm -

Action Cough suppresant -

Indication Symptomatic treatment of cough of various origins


Side Effects and Adverse Effects Hypersensitivity Side effects: to drug - Nausea - Drowsiness - Dry Mouth - Vertigo

Nursing Considerations Assess cough type and frequency. Monitor the adverse reactions. Assess patients vital signs. Assess sleep patterns. Instruct patient to cough effectively, sit upright and take several deep breaths before attempting. Advice patient to minimize cough to prevent irritants. Caution patient to avoid any activities requiring alertness until response to medication is known.

Adverse effects: - Somnolence - Diarrhea - Urticaria - Skin Rash

Drug Name Generic : Paracetamol Brand: Biogesic Dosage: 1 tab 250 mg. Route: Every 4 hrs.

Action - Reduce fever -

Indication Decreases fever by a -

Contraindication Renal Insufficiency Anemia

Side Effects and Adverse Effects Side effects: - Minimal GI upset. - Methemoglobinemia - Hemolytic Anemia - Neutropenia - Thrombocytopenia - Pancytopenia - Leukopenia - Urticaria - CNS stimulation - Hypoglycemic coma - Jaundice - Glissitis - Drowsiness - Liver Damage

Nursing Considerations Do not exceed 4gm/24hr. in adults and 75mg/kg/day in children. Do not take for >5days for pain in children, 10 days for pain in adults, or more than 3 days for fever in adults. ExtendedRelease tablets are not to be chewed. Monitor CBC, liver and renal functions. Assess for fecal occult blood and nephritis. Avoid using OTC drugs with Acetaminophen. Take with food or milk to minimize GI

hypothalamic effect leading to and vasodilation sweating

upset. Report N&V. cyanosis, shortn ess of breath and abdominal pain as these are signs of toxicity. Report paleness, weakness and heart beat skips Report abdominal pain, jaundice, dark urine, itchiness or clay-colored stools. Phenmacetin may cause urine to become dark brown or winecolored. Report pain that persists for more than 3-5 days Avoid alcohol. This drug is not for regular use with any form of liver disease.

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