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NO: 1 DATE: Aim:


To create a system to perform Bank ATM transaction. Problem statement: This system is build for the bank client and the manager. The bank client must be able to deposit and withdraw amount from his/her accounts using the ATM machine. Each transaction must be recorded and the client must be able to review all transactions performed in his/her account. Recorded transactions must include the date, time, transaction type, amount and account balance after the transaction. The bank manager must be able to view the ATM machine status that is the total balance of the ATM machine, todays withdrawal, todays balance and the limitations of the machine. The bank client is provided by login verification. If it is valid he/she will access their account otherwise an appropriate message is displayed to the client. GOAL: Software development process involves four modules: analysis, designing, coding and testing of the software. Our goal is to develop software for ATM system interaction, which is available to all users. This ATM system is easy to access and is available all over India with 24 hours of service. OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to understand the software to be developed, analyze the process and finally implement the concepts to develop software. The primary objective is to implement ATM system. 1. Only bank clients can access ATM with their card. 2. Others users are not allowed to access ATM. DETAILED DESCRIPTION: The client must be able to deposit amount to and withdraw amount from their account using ATM system. Each transaction must be recorded and the client must be able to review all transaction performed against given amount. When the client inserts the ATM card, the approval process is enabled. The system asks to enter the pin code. If code is valid, the clients account is available. If the code is invalid, an appropriate message is displayed to the client. When the clients account is available, the screen displays four features for the client. One is to check the transaction made. Second is to deposit amount. Third is to withdraw amount and the final option is to save the transaction. The client may need to deposit the amount and select this feature. This feature gets input from the client. It asks for the amount to be deposited and the deposit is in the way of cash.

The client can also withdraw the amount. The withdraw amount screen asks for the amount to be withdrawn. This verifies the amount to check whether the amount is available or not. If it is available, it asks to eject cash and perform ejection. If it is not available, then the appropriate message is displayed. The client then, can save the transaction. The system creates the record of the transaction. This is made whenever amount is deposited or withdrawn. A printed slip is ejected for the client to know about their transaction. The client can also check the transaction. The system displays the account information and the transaction history. The client can also have a print of account information. After the clients transaction is over, he/she requests to eject the card. The ATM system process is over. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 1. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 2. Ms-access back-end 3. Rational Rose Hardware requirements: 1. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 2. RAM 256MB(minimum) 3. Hard disk 40GB(minimum) INTERFACE DESCRIPTION: We will design a user interface, which will be user interactive and will be designed in such a way that it will get all the required details and will check for validation. After authentication, the access will be given to the users. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: The ATM system is designed for clients will allow withdrawal of up to Rs.15,000/=only. The amount exceeding that will not be allowed. Transaction slip will give the details of account balance, account number and last date of transaction. DATABASE REQUIREMENTS: A database required for ATM system that include client name, account number, pin number, balance, transaction and last transaction. This is maintained by creating a database in MS Access.

NON- FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: RELIABILITY: Yes, the software is designed considering the reliability of the ATM system. AVAILABILITY: Yes, ATM system is made available for clients with 24-hour service all over India. SECURITY: Yes, ATM systems are more secured, as PIN numbers are known only to those clients who access it. MAINTAINABILITY: Yes, easier the maintenance and update the database.


Enter pin


user Deposit









check pin no

pin valid/invalid

check account

display status

check amount

display status

update account


1: check pin no 3: check account 5: check amount 7: update account atm 2: pin valid/invalid 4: display status 6: display status ADMIN

VB SOURCE CODE FORM 1: AUTHENTICATION Private Sub login_Click() If username = "admin" And password = "admin" Then Form2.Show Else If username = "user" And password = "user" Then Form6.Show Else MsgBox "invalid password or username" End If End If End Sub FORM 2: BANK SERVICES Private Sub custdet_Click() Form3.show End Sub Private Sub atmstatus_Click() Form3.show End Sub FORM 6: Private Sub withdraw_Click() Text4.Text = Val(Text2.Text) - Val(Text3.Text) End Sub Private Sub deposit_Click() Text4.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3.Text) End Sub


RESULT: Thus the ATM system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MS-Access in back end.

Ex.No:2 Date:


AIM To develop the stock maintenance project to maintain the details about a stock contained by some company. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Stock maintenance project mainly used to store the stock details and retrieve the data. Stock entry forms are used to update the databases. The sale form can be used to view the sales details. The company return form can be used to show the details of defective products. Item details can be used to show the current status of the stock. The exit buttons closes the forms of the project. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 1. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 2. Ms-access back-end 3. Rational Rose Hardware requirements: 1. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 2. RAM 256MB(minimum) 3. Hard disk 40GB(minimum) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 1. Authentication Get the username and password validate it accordingly. 2. Stock Entry Product purchased details are entered through this form. It can be used to enter the item code name, bought cost, company name and no. of items. The data is then stored in the database. 3. Stock Details In this module its used to store the sales product details and also show the sales details. 4. Order Details Order details form can be used to generate orders and view previous stored order details.

5. Item Details Show the current details of the stock details. NON FUNCTIONALITY REQUIREMENTS SECURITY It is a source project because it contains user id and password. MAINTAINABILITY Authorized user only can access it, thus it is easily maintainable. AVAILABILITY It is available for all type of companies (i.e.) large scale or small scale. FLEXIBILITY It is a user friendly project. More modules can be easily added, thus it is quite flexible.





User Purchase details


Delivery report

Quality remaining


Sequence Diagram:
admin username and password stock user


checking status

order the item

checking for the order


report the order

delivery status

Collaboration Diagram:
2: check 6: processing

1: username and password 5: checking for the order admin 3: checking status 7: report the order stock

8: delivery status

4: order the item


Form 1: Private Sub stock_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub product_Click() Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub purchase_Click() Form5.Show End Sub Private Sub order_Click() Form6.Show End Sub Private Sub delivery_Click() Form7.Show End Sub

Form 2: Private Sub add_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub delete_Click() Data1.Recordset.Delete Data1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub

Private Sub update_Click() Data1.Recordset.Edit Data1.Recordset.Update End Sub Private Sub home_Click() Form2.Show End Sub Private Sub remaining_Click() remaining.Text = Val(Total.Text) - Val(sold.Text) End Sub


RESULT: Thus the Stock maintenance system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MS-Access in back end.

Ex.NO:3 Date: AIM:


To create a simple and easier method of reserving train tickets. OBJECTIVE: The main objective of our railway reservation system is to serve as a very effective and premium portal for the reservation of railways. You can know the train timings, train routes, ticket availability, and much more in just a few clicks. INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Search for the required train. Check for the availability of the ticket. If available reserve the ticket. Else search for another train.

REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 1. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 2. Ms-access back-end 3. Rational Rose Hardware requirements: 1. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 2. RAM 256MB(minimum) 3. Hard disk 40GB(minimum) HUMAN INTERFACE DESCRIPTION: Interface going to be used is a user friendly interface,it is an online interface which will satisfy the users needs.

FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: Fast access Easy access for end users. Simple steps for reservation and cancellation.

DATABASE REQUIREMENTS: Details of Indian trains. Fare of trains according to classes. Percentage of concessions according to persons such as students,senior citizens etc.., Above database are stored in MS-Access. NON FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS: AVAILABILITY: Available to all systems around the clock. Available in any environment Suites for everyone that is no credit card needed. Just enter the bank name and account no for payment.

MAINTAINABILITY: Regular updates of database Backup of database is maintained to avoid the loss of data due to failure. Less memory space required.

BEHAVIOUR DESCRIPTION: This project has mainly two functions:1.Reservation Easy and fast steps to reserve a ticket. Before reserving we can check the availability,timings etc.., 2.Cancellation Easy and few steps to cancel the tickets. The money will be automatically refunded in the bank account. Specified at the time of reservation. The history of reservation is maintained.























VBSOURCECODE Form1: Private Sub Command1_Click() Form2.Show End Sub

Form 2: Private Sub Command1_Click() Form3.Show End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Form4.Show End Sub Private Sub Command4_Click() Form5.Show End Sub

Form 5: Private Sub reserve_Click() Text7.Text = Val(Text7.Text) - 1 MsgBox ("UR SEAT HAS BEEN SUCESSFULLY RESERVED") Else MsgBox ("NO SEAT AVAILABLE") End If End Sub

Private Sub cancel_Click() If Text7 > 0 Then

Text7 = Text7 + 1 MsgBox ("UR SEAT HAS BEEN CANCELED") End If End Sub

Private Sub checkavailability_Click() trainno = Val(InputBox("ENTER TRAIN NO:")) Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF If Data1.Recordset(0) = trainno Then Text1.Text = Data1.Recordset(0) Text2.Text = Data1.Recordset(1) Text3.Text = Data1.Recordset(2) Text4.Text = Data1.Recordset(3) Text5.Text = Data1.Recordset(4) Text6.Text = Data1.Recordset(5) Text7.Text = Data1.Recordset(6) found = True Exit Sub Else found = False End If Data1.Recordset.MoveNext Wend If found = False Then MsgBox ("train not found") End If End Sub


RESULT: Thus the railway reservation system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MS-Access in back end.

Ex.No: 4 Date: AIM:


To develop the payroll system by using visual basic as front end and MS-access as back end. PROGRAM ANALYSIS AND PROJECT PLANNING PURPOSE: The purpose of the program analysis and project planning is to fully describe the functionality of payroll system identified and it also describe non-functional requirements and design control and other factors. PROJECT SCOPE: The program analysis and project planning applies to the payroll system.Initially the project is going to be implement interact level and later the organization has an idea to upgrade in internet level the project merit include this project might suppresses the complication in calculating payroll for human resources in large organization. OBJECTIVES: Easy to use More robust To reduce the manual operation in calculating the payroll

REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 4. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 5. Ms-access back-end 6. Rational Rose Hardware requirements: 4. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 5. RAM 256MB(minimum) 6. Hard disk 40GB(minimum)

SOFTWARE REQUIRMENT ANALYSIS: The following sub sections describe the usage of the payroll system. There are three modules. Use entry Verification of password Employee salary calculation

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Employee Administrator PRODUCT FUNCTIONS: Here short briefing on payroll system. It has the following four modules. The modules are:1. USER ENTRY: The user has to provide the user name and the pin number.The pin is the four digit number which is also called a secret key known to the user. 2. VERIFICATION OF PASSWORD: The password is matched with one already present in the data base is the password is scanned. If the password is correct the user is logged in else the false message is generated. 3. EMPLOYEE SALARY CALCULATION: In the database, name of the each employee will be stored with all needed informations. Depending upon that information the salary will be calculated for employee.




employees database employee

salary calculation



account officer




12: pay slip generation

9: cal sal details

user 13: display the pay slip

reports 11: transfer the salary

salary calculation

1: check emp id 6: monthly attendance 14: logout database 8: read monthly details database 3: user is authenticated 15: logout successfully 7: request for monthly details 10: update the salary in monthly

2: checking for valid id 4: update monthly details 5: if id is valid

databas e

VBSOURCECODE Form1: login Private Sub login_Click() If (Text1.Text = "admin" And Text2.Text = "admin") Then Form2.Show Else MsgBox ("invalid username and password") End If End Sub

Form2 : Employee details Private Sub add_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub delete_Click() Data1.Recordset.delete End Sub Private Sub refresh_Click() Data1.refresh End Sub Private Sub update_Click() Data1.Recordset.update End Sub Private Sub persdet_Click() Form3.show End Sub

Form3: personal details Private Sub add_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub delete_Click() Data1.Recordset.delete End Sub Private Sub refresh_Click() Data1.refresh End Sub Private Sub update_Click() Data1.Recordset.update End Sub Private Sub saldet_Click() Form4.show End Sub Form4: salary details Private Sub calculate_Click() If bp > 1000 Then da.Text = Val(bp * (10 / 100)) hra.Text = Val(bp * (3 / 10)) pf.Text = Val(bp * (5 / 100)) lic.Text = Val(bp * (3 / 100)) gp.Text = Val(bp + da + hra + pf + lic) np.Text = Val(gp - pf - lic) End If End Sub


RESULT: Thus the Payroll system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MSAccess in back end.

Ex.No:5 Date: AIM:


To develop the course registration system by using visual basic as front end and MSaccess as back end. PROGRAM ANALYSIS AND PROJECT PLANNING PURPOSE: The purpose of the program analysis and project planning is to fully describe the functionality of course registration system identified and it also describe non-functional requirements and design control and other factors. PROJECT SCOPE: The program analysis and project planning applies to the course registration system.Initially the project is going to be implement interact level and later the organization has an idea to upgrade in internet level the project merit include this project might suppresses the complication in manual course registration. OBJECTIVES: It reduces the workload of institutions and students,by the system registration will not offer the physical appearance of the applier. It consumes more time. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 1. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 2. Ms-access back-end 3. Rational Rose Hardware requirements: 1. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 2. RAM 256MB(minimum) 3. Hard disk 40GB(minimum)

SOFTWARE REQUIRMENT ANALYSIS: The following sub sections describe the usage of the payroll system. There are five modules. Use entry Verification of password Student details Select the college Select the desired course

INTENDED AUDIENCE: Student Administrator PRODUCT FUNCTIONS: Here short briefing on course registration.It has the following five modules. The modules are:1. USER ENTRY: The user has to provide the user name and the pin number.The pin is the four digit number, which is also called a secret key known to the user. 2.VERIFICATION OF PASSWORD: The password is matched with one already present in the data base is the password is scanned.If the password is correct the user is logged in else the false message is generated. 3. STUDENT DETAILS: The student will enter their personal details and their academic details.Depending upon that information the desired college and course will be registered for each student. 4.VACANCY DETAILS. Student may select their college and may check vacancy details in each department.


student details

database manager college details

available course



seat details



course selection



9: check the status of the student 1: enter the user name and password 3: send details 5: enter the name student 2: enter the mark 4: enter the college name universit y

10: update student details 8: select the college and department 6: verify the college 7: send college details0


VBSOURCECODE FORM 1: Private Sub login_Click() Form2.Show End Sub

FORM2: Private Sub add_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub delete_Click() Data1.Recordset.delete End Sub Private Sub submit_Click() Form3.Show End Sub

FORM 3 : Private Sub submit_Click() Form4.Show End Sub

FORM4 : Private Sub VACANCY_Click() collegecode = Val(InputBox("enter college code")) Data1.Recordset.MoveFirst

While Not Data1.Recordset.EOF If Data1.Recordset(1) = collegecode Then Combo1.Text = Data1.Recordset(0) Text5.Text = Data1.Recordset(1) Combo3.Text = Data1.Recordset(2) Text1.Text = Data1.Recordset(3) Text2.Text = Data1.Recordset(4) Text3.Text = Data1.Recordset(5) Text4.Text = Data1.Recordset(6) found = True Exit Sub Else found = False End If Data1.Recordset.MoveNext Wend If found = False Then MsgBox ("collegecode not found") End If End Sub


RESULT: Thus the course registration system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MS-Access in back end.



Software development process involves four modules analysis,designing,coding and testing of the software.Our goal is to develop software for storing students information,which we have named as students information system. OBJECTIVE: Our objective is to first understand the software to be developed,analyze the process and finally implement the concepts to develop software along with the considerations for various user levels,to provide a secured and a reliable software to store the details of the students studying in our institution. INFORMATION DESCRIPTION: DETAILED DESCRIPTION: In this project development, we will have a database as a back end to store the details of the students, which will include, 1.Student name 2.Register number 3.Department 4.Year 5.Address & ph.no 6.Marks We will have three different user: administrators, staff and students. They will be provided with different access levels. The administrator will be allowed to ADD, EDIT AND VIEW the students information. The staff members will be allowed to EDIT AND VIEW students records. The students will be allowed only to VIEW the records. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION Software requirements: 1. Microsoft visual basic 6.0 front-end 2. Ms-access back-end 3. Rational Rose

Hardware requirements: 1. Intel Motherboard With Pentium Processor 2. RAM 256MB(minimum) 3. Hard disk 40GB(minimum) FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS: In this project,the users will be students,staff members and administrators.The operations involved will be Addition of records Edition of records Deletion of records Viewing of records The supreme access will be provided to the administrator who will be allowed to perform all the operations. DATABASE REQUIREMENTS: We will use MS Access as a back end to store our information.The database will be linked in the forms created using VB. NON-FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION: RELIABILITY: The software is designed considering the reliability of ATM system. AVAILABILITY: This software will be available to all the users inside the campus. SECURITY: This software will provide a good security by providing authentication.The users are allowed to access the database after their user id and password gets authenticated. MAINTAINABILITY: Easier to maintain and update the database.





percalculation student1





9: calculate

2: check 7: search

1: user id & password 6: mark analysis ADMIN 3: checking status 8: mark analysis db

4: enter reg no 10: report 5: reg no


VBSOURCECODE FORM 1: Private Sub login_Click() If username = "admin" And password = "admin" Then Form3.Show Else If username = "user" And password = "user" Then Form6.Show Else MsgBox "invalid password or username" End If End If End Sub

FORM 3: Private Sub add_Click() Data1.Recordset.AddNew End Sub Private Sub delete_Click() Data1.Recordset.Delete Data1.Recordset.MoveNext End Sub Private Sub update_Click() Data1.Recordset.Edit Data1.Recordset.Update End Sub

FORM 4: Private Sub CALCULATE_Click() Text8.Text = Val(Text2.Text) + Val(Text3.Text) + Val(Text4.Text) + Val(Text5.Text) + Val(Text6.Text) + Val(Text7.Text) Text9.Text = Val(Text8.Text) / 6 If (Text2.Text >= 50 And Text3.Text >= 50 And Text4.Text >= 50 And Text5.Text >= 50 And Text6.Text >= 50 And Text7.Text >= 50) Then Text10.Text = "PASS" Else Text10.Text = "FAIL" End If End Sub


RESULT: Thus the student mark analysis system was developed by using visual basic in front end and MS-Access in back end.

CODE GENERATION USING FORWARD ENGINEERING AIM: To convert the model designed in rational rose to code STEPS: 1. Open rational rose enterprise edition. 2. Open the class diagram for any project.

3. Assign the component by choosing Tools-> visual basic ->component assignment tool 4. Select unassigned classes and click ok. Now the components are assigned.

5. select Tools->Visual basic -> update code. A dialog box appears. Click next

5. Click-> create a visual basic component and assign classes to it.

6. Select standard exe -> ok.

7. Select the classes to generate the code. Clicl next -> finish. And save the project

8. Now visual basic code will be generated

9. Now summary and log information will be displayed.

RESULT: Thus forward engineering is performed and code is generated successfully.

MODEL GENERATION USING REVERSE ENGINEERING AIM: To generate the model from the visual basic code. STEPS: 1. Open the rational rose enterprise edition. 2. Select tools -> visual basic -> update model from code. 3. Model update tools dialogue box will be displayed. click next.

4. Select the project and its components by clicking add component. 5.

6. Select the project click add.

7. Click Next -> Finish and save the project..

8. Finally summary and log information will be displayed.

9. A model will be generated.

RESULT: Thus reverse engineering is performed and model is generated successfully.

TESTING Implementation of play back in Rational Robot Aim: To implement the playback operation using the Rational Robot. Procedure: Step 1: From Rational Administrator connects to Rational test manager by cutting tool menu. Step 2: By connecting the project in Rational test again, enter into the Rational test manager. Step 3: In the file menu, choose new script new script and then GUI. Step 4: Rational Robot will record the fore coming operation as script. Step 5: Click record GUI script button. Step 6: GUI record window is opened which contains the tools for recording. Step 7: Execute the project and click stop recording of the GUI record window after completion. Step 8: The completed script of the recorded operation is created by the Rational Test. Step 9: click the playback button. Step 10: The script is executed and the operations are performed again automatically. Step 11: Finally log the information with the result pass or fail is created according to the execution of script and also execution time is displayed.

Result: Thus the implementation of playback in Rational Robot is executed.

Implementation of Manual Testing Aim: To implement the manual testing in Rational text manager. Procedure: Step 1: In file menu of test manager, choose the manual (Rational Test Data Source). Step 2: Rational manual test window is opened. Step 3: Enter the process of the project step by step indicating the statements and conditions. Step 4: Save the manual script and run it. Step 5: According to the manual extraction of the project, enter the results. Step 6: click done to save the results of the manual script. Step 7: By referring the log information, the results of executing the project is known.

Result: Thus the implementation of manual testing in Rational Test Manager is done.

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