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Binary System

Is a system in which you represent numeric values using two symbols: 0 and 1.

Where we can use it?

We use it in computers, in specific areas like memory, processor and keyboard. Computers use this system in which you have only two states 1 and 0, then those symbols combine combines to work like electronic circuits. Binary simplifies information processing.

Decimal to Binary

Divide the number by 2 that is the base, then use the modules 12/2= 6 -------- 0 6/2= 3 -------- 0 3/2= 1 -------- 1 1/2= 0 -------- 1 1100

Binary to Decimal
You have to multiply by two and add the binary value you have (1 or 0) then you do an addition of all the values you have as a result of the multiplications. 1 0 0 1 1

16 8 4 2 1 16 0 0 2 1 16 + 2 + 1 = 19

Hexadecimal System

It uses sixteen distinct symbols, between 09 to and A,B,C,D,E, F

Where we can use it?

In pallete color. In BlackBerry Pin

Decimal to Hexadecimal

You have to divide by 16 that is the base, then use the modules from the last one to the first one. Finally replace the values betweem (10-15) with letters. A=10, B=11, C=12, D=13, E=14, F=15 78/16= 4 --------- 14 4/16= 0 --------- 4 4E

Hexadecimal to Decimal
Power of 16, then multiply each number or letter you have in the hexadecimal number and then add the result.

4 16

E 1

64 + 14 = 78

Binary to Hexadecimal
Divide in nibbles and then see how that value is in decimal. 1100 0101 First nibble 1100 4+8 = C Second nibble 0101 1+4= 5 C5

Hexadecimal to Binary
Convert every digit of the hexadecimal number in binary 1 A B

0001 1010 1011

ASCII table

Encode 128 specified characters. Numbers 0-9, letters to A-Z, basic punctuation symbols. Represent text in computers, communications equipment, and other devices that use text. ASCII is established for English typewriters.

Unicode Scheme

Use in most of the worlds writing systens. More than 110000 characters. Unicode can be use in every known language. Use in XML, Java programming language, Microsoft.Net Framework.

Addition of binary numbers

You must remember this: 0+0=0 0+1=1 1+0=1 1 + 1 + 1 = 11 11 -----------> Carry bits 10110101 + 10111010 -----------------101101111

Negative Binary Number

1.) You convert the decimal number to binary, without taking into account the symbol. 2.) You change the number, the 0 becomes 1 and then the 1 to 0. 3.) You add one. 4.) You add the values passing them to decimal (128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1) only the ones who have 1. 5.) The 8th bit always goes with the negative number. 6.) Then add them.

Exercise: negative binary number

-16 ------> 00010000 to negative: 11101111 add one: 11101111 + 1 -----------11110000 (-128) + (64 + 32 + 16) -128 + 112 = -16

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binary_number http://www.wikihow.com/Convert-from-Decimal-to-Binary http://www.wikihow.com/Convert-from-Binary-to-Decimal http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASCII https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unicode


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