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1. It accepts data or instructions by way of input. 2. It stores data 3. It can process data as required by the user 4. It gives results in form of output 5. It controls all operations inside a computer

06AUG 2010 I. COMPUTER ORGANISATION 1. Five major functions of a computer

Input Control Unit | Arithmetic Logic Unit Storage Central Processing Unit
1. All data and instructions are stored here before and after processing 2. Intermediate results of processing are also stored here

2. This is the process of entering data and programs in to the computer system 3. Two units that comprise the Central Processing Unit 4. The process of saving data and instructions permanently 5. CPU 6. Major functions performed by the storage unit

Processing Output Control Control Unit Control Unit 1. Arithmetic Logical Unit | 2. Control Unit | 3. Central Processing Unit Arithmetic Logical Unit Arithmetic Logical Unit Addition | Subtraction | Multiplication | Division | Logic | Comparison Control Unit Control Unit Control Unit Central Processing Unit (CPU)
1. CPU | 2. Computer Memory | 3. Data Bus | 4. Ports | 5. Motherboard | 6. Hard Disk | 7. Output Devices | 8. Input Devices

7. The task of performing operations like arithmetic and logic operations 8. The process of producing results from the data for getting useful information 9. The manner of how instructions are executed and functions are performed 10. Performs the controlling of all operations like input, processing and output 11. It takes care of step by step processing of all operations inside the computer 12. The three separate units for operation of the computer system 13. ALU 14. Performs the actual processing of data and instruction 15. The six major operations performed by the ALU 16. CU 17. Acts like the supervisor seeing that things are done in proper fashion
18. Acts as a switch board operator when several users access the computer simultaneously

19. The brain of any computer system 20. The eight physical components that make the computer work 21. RAM 22. ROM 23. The two kinds of computer memory 24. Kind of memory accessible directly by the processing unit (e.g. RAM) 25. Memory located outside the computer (e.g. floppy disk, magnetic disk, etc.) 26. Two things that computer memory stores 27. The values 0 and 1 of the binary system 28. IC 29. Number of bits in 1 byte 30. Bits 31. Small storage locations that makes up the primary storage section 32. A fixed number of bits stored by each of the cell 33. Unique number assigned to each cell used to indentify each cell 34. Number of bytes in 1 kilobyte 35. MB 36. Refers to the primary storage 37. Another name for RAM 38. The memories which loose their content on failure of power supply 39. The memories which do not loose their content on failure of power supply 40. Provides permanent storage of program and data 41. PROM 42. EPROM

Random Access Memory Read-only Memory Primary | Secondary Primary Memory Secondary Memory
Instructions to execute a program | Data

Bits Integrated Circuit 8 bits Binary Digit Cells Word Length Address of the Cell 1024 bytes Million Bytes RAM Read/write memory Volatile Memories Non-volatile memory ROM Programmable Read Only Memory
Erasable Programmable Read Only

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