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INT. LAB - NIGHT A windowless lab-workshop combo.

Tech parts are strewn about, metal bookcases cover up the poorly finished walls, and a massive desk full of various computer parts. At the desk, ELAINE, mid 40s, sits in a swivel chair and works frantically. She wears a dirty lab coat and looks like she hasn't slept in days. She types furiously one of the multiple keyboards attached to several monitors--flings herself on the swivel chair down the long desk to a massive reference book. She flips through the pages, stops on one. ELAINE No. She slams the book closed and tosses it over her shoulder-it crashes into the floor next to an ASCII chart and a picture of a younger Elaine with a man. Printed on the spine of the book: "ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE" Elaine gets up and grabs a cane from under the desk. She hobbles over to a storage locker and grabs a silicon chip with hundreds of components, many of them very large microchips. She inspects the chip closely. ELAINE (CONT'D) Ah, damn it! She hobbles over to her seat and scoots over to a workshop magnifying glass. VOICE (O.S.) Why are you doing this? The voice is male, but it sounds a bit synthesized. ELAINE Stop. VOICE (O.S.) Please answer me. ELAINE I said stop. VOICE (O.S.) You've been working for thirty-seven hours and twenty-one minutes (MORE)

2. VOICE (O.S.) (CONT'D) consecutively. Your calculations are at risk of inaccuracy-Elaine takes her glasses off, rubs the bridge of her nose-ELAINE Command, status report! The voice stops mid-syllable--Elaine solders another integrated circuit onto the chip. VOICE (O.S.) (emotionless) All systems operating at full efficiency. Personality matrix online. Visual sensors offline. Limb one and two detached. Operating temperature fluctuating between one hundred three point one degrees and one hundred nine point seven degrees Fahrenheit. The voice continues railing off tech specs. Elaine hobbles over to a metal table with a tarp over it. She flings off the tarp to reveal a pristine, unblemished human arm with a metallic joint where the shoulder should be. She removes the joint and clips the chip into place inside the arm. VOICE (O.S.) (CONT'D) Status report complete. She picks up the arm and hobbles to a curtained-off corner of the room with dozens of wires running along the floor, walls, and ceiling toward the desk. She draws back the curtain to reveal a man's body--the man from the picture--with an arm missing. The body is suspended by a large mechanical arm protruding from the ceiling. All the wires lead to his neck or spine. The exposed joint matches the disembodied arm. She gazes up at him. ELAINE (voice breaking) Activate visual sensors.

3. VOICE (O.S.) (emotionless) Standby. The man's eyes open and he looks around. MAN Is that my arm? ELAINE Yes. MAN How long did you work on it? ELAINE A few days. She steps up to the man and installs the arm. MAN That feels strange. ELAINE I know. You've have no arms for as long as you've been active, it'll take some getting used to. (beat) Command, installation status. MAN (emotionless) Standby. She smiles, eye tearing a bit. MAN (CONT'D) (emotionless) Limb one installation--failure. Her face drops. ELAINE What!? MAN (emotionless) Posterior cutaneous nerve of arm malfunction. Limb one nonfunctional. Installation terminated. ELAINE No! She grabs her cane and beats on the floor with it in a rage.

4. Why!? ELAINE (CONT'D) Goddamn it, why!?

She throws the cane aside and limps toward the man. ELAINE (CONT'D) Why can't you just work!? MAN Because you're not doing it right. ELAINE I... She sobs and lies down at his feet. MAN Please don't cry, I dislike seeing you sad. ELAINE Will I ever finish you? MAN I don't know, this is a difficult thing to predict. Please don't ask me to make such a judgment, I don't think I have the capacity-ELAINE Command, deactivate personality matrix. She sits against the wall. MAN (emotionless) Standby. (beat) Personality matrix offline. ELAINE Command, calculate probability of completion. MAN (emotionless) Standby. (beat) At current rate, probability of completion is less than one percent. ELAINE Command, calculate value of attached systems, USD.

5. MAN (emotionless) Standby. (beat) Value based on market prices approximately totals USD one hundred thousand eighty nine. She removes her glasses and grabs her cane. ELAINE System shutdown. MAN (emotionless) Shutting down. She gets up and hobbles toward the door. She leans down to pick up the picture of her and the man. She flips a panel of switches and everything shuts down. She closes the door and locks it.

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