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***************************************************************** * File format of the VTi 2.5 skin files * * Documentation by Romain Lievin <roms@lpg.ticalc.

org> * * * * These informations have been extracted from the Vti source * * code (rom.cpp) which have been released by R. Wagner. * * * * Begin: 17/04/2002 * * Last update: 25/04/2002 * ***************************************************************** Remark: I use the C notation for numbers (12: decimal, 0x1A: hexadecimal, 'C': character). Moreover, all words are in LSB-MSB format. This document describes the file format of VTi v2.1 & v2.5 skins. A skin file (.skn) is a composite file which contains informations and data (image). The VTi v2.1 skin file format ----------------------------The following is a table of the bytes that make up a skin file. Adress What It Contains --------------------------------------------------------------------------0x000-0x007 0-7 An header: "VTIv2.1 " ??? 0x050-0x053 80-83 The value of the 'White' LCD pixel (32 bits) 0x054-0x057 84-87 The value of the 'Black' LCD pixel (true color) 0x058-0x067 88-103 1x RECT structure (the display coords in skin) 0x068-0x567 104-1383 80x RECT structures (the keys coords in skin) 0x568-0x... 1384-... A JPEG encoded image placed right after

The VTi v2.5 skin file format ----------------------------The following is a table of the bytes that make up a skin file. Adress What It Contains --------------------------------------------------------------------------0x000-0x007 0-7 An header: "VTIv2.5 " 0x008-0x047 8-71 Skin's name (64 chars) 0x048-0x087 72-135 Skin's author (64 chars) 0x088-0x08F 136-143 Calculator type ? 0x090-0x093 144-147 The value of the 'White' LCD pixel (32 bits) 0x094-0x097 148-151 The value of the 'Black' LCD pixel (true color) 0x098-0x0A7 152-167 1x RECT structure (the display coords in skin) 0x0A8-0x5A7 168-1447 80x RECT structures (the keys coords in skin) 0x5A8-0x... 1448-... A JPEG encoded image placed right after

RECT is a common Win32 structure which has the following format:

typedef struct tagRECT { uint32_t left; uint32_t top; uint32_t right; uint32_t bottom; } RECT; The keys coordinates are stored in an array of 80 structures. These structures are parsed for searching a mouse position which fits into. Once found, the index is mapped into a TI key by an array such as: const char sknKey89[] = { TIKEY_F1, TIKEY_F2, TIKEY_F3, TIKEY_F4, TIKEY_F5, TIKEY_2ND, TIKEY_SHIFT, TIKEY_ESCAPE, TIKEY_LEFT, TIKEY_RIGHT, TIKEY_UP, TIKEY_DOWN, TIKEY_DIAMOND, TIKEY_ALPHA, TIKEY_APPS, TIKEY_COS, TIKEY_MODE, TIKEY_F6, TIKEY_BACKSPACE, TIKEY_CLEAR, TIKEY_X, TIKEY_Y, TIKEY_Z, TIKEY_T, TIKEY_POWER, TIKEY_EQUALS, TIKEY_PALEFT, TIKEY_PARIGHT, TIKEY_COMMA, TIKEY_DIVIDE, TIKEY_LN, TIKEY_7, TIKEY_8, TIKEY_9, TIKEY_MULTIPLY, TIKEY_SIN, TIKEY_4, TIKEY_5, TIKEY_6, TIKEY_MINUS, TIKEY_STORE, TIKEY_1, TIKEY_2, TIKEY_3, TIKEY_PLUS, TIKEY_ON, TIKEY_0, TIKEY_PERIOD, TIKEY_NEGATE, TIKEY_ENTER1 }; This array contains some values which come from an enumeration. Values contained in this array must match with the keys placed in the skin in the same order. The enumeration is also used for keyboard mapping. The order is not important but this enumeration is a basis for some other transcoding arrays (TIKEY_XXX to row/col hardware key). enum { TIKEY_DOWN, TIKEY_RIGHT, TIKEY_UP, TIKEY_LEFT, TIKEY_HAND, TIKEY_SHIFT, ... MAX_KEY // important ! };

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