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PAPER 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 D B C A B D D B B D 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 C A C D A B A B D A 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 A C D B C C C A C D 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6


41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Total mark for Paper 1 : 50 marks PAPER 2 SECTION A 1 (a) (i) (The thermometer reading) increase (Bacaan termometer meningkat) (ii) -2oC (i) Presence of impurities/common salt (Kehadiran bendasing / garam biasa) (ii) The thermometer reading / freezing point (Bacaan termometer / takat beku) The presence of impurities/common salt decrease the freezing point of distilled water (Kehadiran bendasing/garam biasa menurunkan takat beku air suling) Total 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m





2 with at least one arrow crossing exactly at the pin hole ( 2 garis sinar dengan sekurang-kurangnya 1 anak panah yang betul dan Bersilang tepat pada lubang jarum) Correct image formed (inverted and smaller than object) (Imej yang tepat terbentuk (songsang dan lebih kecil daripada objek) (b) (c) (d) 0.9 1.4 cm // The answer refer to the measurement from the question book (Jawapan mengikut ukuran dari buku soalan) Smaller than object // Inverted // Real (Lebih kecil daripada objek// Songsang// Nyata) Bigger than object (Lebih besar daripada objek) Total

correct rays 1m


1m 1m 1m 5m

3 (a) Number of bacterial colonies (Bilangan koloni bakteria) 12 10 8

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6

x x

4 2 0

x x
10 30 40 50 20 - All points are transferred correctly (Semua titik betul dipindahkan) - Smooth graph (Graf licin) 60 Temperature (oC) (Suhu oC) 1m 1m

(b) (c)

5 1m The higher/lower the temperature, the higher/lower the number of bacterial colonies 1 m (Semakin tinggi/rendah suhu semakin tinggi/rendah bilangan koloni bakteria) The highest temperature kill/destroy the bacteria // Bacteria is not active at the lowest temperature. (Suhu yang paling tinggi membunuh/memusnahkan bakteria // bakteria tidak aktif pada suhu yang paling rendah.) 1m Total 5m (i) (ii) 4.5N 4.0N 1m 1m



(b) (c)

The object immersed in water experience upthrust. (Objek yang terendam dalam air mengalami tujah ke atas) By using the same mass/type/volume of object. (Dengan menggunakan jisim/jenis/ isispadi objek yang sama)

1m 1m

(d) Upthrust is shown by weight loss of an object when it immersed in water. (Tujah ke atas ditunjukkan oleh kehilangan berat objek apabila ia terendam dalam air) Total

1m 5m

Total marks for Section A 20 marks

SECTION B 5 (a) (i) (ii)

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6

Sensory neurone (Neurone deria) Conducts impulses from the receptors to the central nervous system. (Membawa impuls daripada reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat)

1m 1m

(b) Sensory neurone Short axon (akson pendek) Cell body is located in the middle of neurone (Badan sel terletak di tengah neuron) Carries impulses from receptor to the central nervous system (Membawa impuls dari reseptor ke sistem saraf pusat) Motor neurone Long axon (akson panjang) Cell body is located at the end of neurone (Badan sel terletak di hujung neuron) Carries impulses from central nervous system to the effector (Membawa impuls dari sistem saraf pusat ke efektor) (any one) (c) (d) (e) Nerone in Diagram 5.2/motor neurone (Neuron dalam Rajah 5.2/neuron motor) Effector cannot response to stimulus//paralyse (Efektor tidak bergerakbalas terhadap rangsangan//lumpuh) Myelin sheath (Salut mielin) Total 6 (a) (b) Discontinuous variation (Variasi tak selanjar) Type of earlobe// ability to roll tongue//blood group (Jenis cuping telinga//kebolehan menggulung lidah//kumpulan darah) Accept any suitable answer Genetic factor (Faktor genetik) Hh Hh Hh Hh 1m 1m 1m 6m 1m 1m

(c) (d) (e)

1m 2m 1m

Curly hair (Rambut kerinting) Total

6m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 1m 6m


(i) Zinc plate (Kepingan zink) (ii) Zinc is more reactive than copper (in the reactivity series of metal) (Zink lebih reaktif daripada kuprum dalam siri kereaktifan logam) (b) Dilute hydrochloric acid (Asid hidroklorik cair) (c) (Any arrow shows the correct direction of electron flows in from zinc to copper in the diagram. (d) Zinc plate becomes thinner (Kepingan zink semakin menipis) (e) Chemical energy Electrical energy Total

8 (a) (b)

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6 1m 1m 1m

1. Date of expiry/date of packing (Tarikh luput/guna sebelum) 2. Nett Weight (Berat bersih/berat) (i) Monosodium glutamate/boric acid (ii) Chemical Effects Monosodium glutamate - Mental retardation - cancer Boric acid -Asthma - Disrupts digestive system - Deformed foetus - Swelling of lips, tongue, hands, eyelids - skin rashes and itchiness (any one)

1m 1m

(c) (d)

Dehydration (Pendehidratan) Ensure food safety/quality standards/to prevent food poisoning/ to prevent from being cheated (Memastikan makanan selamat dimakan/mematuhi piawaian kualiti/ mengelakkan keracunan makanan/mengelakkan daripada ditipu) Total

1m 6m


Oscilator (Pengayun)
Electrical energy (Tenaga elektrik) Sound energy (Tenaga bunyi)


1m 1m

(c) or (d) (i) (ii) Transistor To strengthen modulated audio signals (Untuk memperkuatkan isyarat audio yang termodulasi)


1m 1m


Reflective // can travel long distances // able to move through vacuum // travel at the speed of light // not easily affected by obstacles (dapat dipantulkan // boleh bergerak jauh // boleh bergerak melalui vakum //bergerak dengan halaju cahaya // tidak mudah dihalang oleh halangan Total

1m 6m

Total 6 m Total marks for Section B 30 marks

SECTION C 10 (a)

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6

Hypothesis : (Addition of) acid can coagulate the latex/Alkali prevent the latex from coagulating (Penambahan) asid boleh menggumpalkan lateks /Alkali mencegah lateks daripada menggumpal ) 1m (i) Aim of the experiment : To study the effect of acid and alkali on latex. (Untuk mengkaji kesan asid dan alkali ke atas lateks )




Identification of variables a. Constant variable : The volume of latex/acid/alkali//The concentration of acid/alkali (Pemboleh ubah dimalarkan : (Isipadu lateks/asid/alkali // Kepekatan asid/alkali) b. Manipulated variable : Type of chemical added// Acid and alkali (Pembolehubah dimanipulasikan : Jenis bahan kimia yang dimasukkan// asid dan alkali) c. Responding variable : The condition of latex //The coagulation of latex (Pembolehubah bergerakbalas : Keadaan lateks// Penggumpalan lateks) (any two) 2m

(iii ) List of apparatus and materials : Beaker (Bikar) / any suitable container , Glass rod (rod kaca), Measuring cylinder(Selinder penyukat),Latex(lateks) Ethanoic acid (Asid etanoik), Ammonium solution (Laruran ammonia) 1m ( iv) Procedure (Kaedah / prosedur) i. Pour 20 cm3 latex into beakers labelled A and B. //Diagram (Masukkan 20 cm3 latex ke dalam bikar berlabel A dan B // Rajah) ii. Add a few drops of ethanoic acid into beaker A // Diagram (Tambah beberapa titik asid etanoik ke dalam bikar A // rajah ) iii. Stir the solution for a few minutes. (Kacau larutan tersebut untuk beberapa minit) iv Observe and record the condition of latex (Perhatikan dan rekod keadaan lateks ) v. Repeat stage (ii) to (iv) using ammonium solution// Diagram (Ulang langkah (ii) hingga (iv) menggunakan larutan ammonia // rajah (Any four) (v) Tabulation of data Type of chemical added Latex + Ethanoic acid Latex + Ammonium solution 1m Total 10 m 4m

The condition of latex/The coagulation of latex

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6


(a) 1

Two difference between distillation and crystallisation : Distillation (Penyulingan) Crystallisation (Penghabluran) Distillation is a process to obtain a pure Crystallisation is the process of forming liquid from a solution of liquid mixture crystals from a liquid or gas (Penyulingan ialah proses menghasilkan (Penghabluran ialah proses pembentukan cecair tulen daripada larutan bercampur) hablur daripada cecair atau gas) Involve Chemical changes/ Involve physical changes/ does not new substance is produced produced new substance (Melibatkan perubahan kimia/bahan baru (Melibatkan perubahan fizik/Tidak terhasil) menghasilkan bahan baru) Pure liquid is produced Pure crystal is produced (Cecair tulen terhasil) (Hablur tulen terhasil) Any two suitable answers 2m

The example of distillation process is to obtain distilled water from salt solution (Contoh proses penyulingan ialah mendapatkan air suling daripada larutan garam)

1m The example of crystallisation process is to obtain purified salt crystals from its saturated solution. (Contoh proses penghabluran ialah untuk mendapatkan hablur garam tulen daripada larutan tepunya) 1m (b) Problem statement : The ethanol which is produced from fermantion process is not pure. (Pernyataan masalah : Etanol yang dihasilkan dari proses penapaian adalah tidak tulen) 1m Name of the method used : Distillation Process (Nama kaedah yang digunakan ; Proses penyulingan) 1m Steps of the method used (Langkah- langkah yang digunakan): 1. Liquid product obtained from fermentation is heated(in distilltion flasks). (Hasil proses penapaian dipanaskan ( dalam kelalang penyulingan)) 2. The required solution boils and turns into vapour (Larutan yang kehendaki mendidih dan bertukar kepada wap) 3. The thermometer measures the temperature of the vapour (at 78 oC) (Termometer menunjukkan bacaan wap(at 78 oC)) 4. The vapour is then cooled in the condenser (Wap kemudiannya disejukkan dalam kondenser) 5. When the vapour cools down, it condences into pure ethanol (Bila wap disejukkan, ia terkondensasi kepada cecair etanol tulen) Any 4 correct answer 4m Total 10 m

12 (a)

Marking scheme / 1511/ SET 6

Two types of plastics: Thermoplastics and thermosets (Dua jenis plastik: Termoplastik dan plastik termoset) Differences : Thermoplastics Thermosets 1.Can be moulded repeatedly(boleh diacu Can be moulded only once. (Boleh berulangkali) diacu sekali sahaja) 2. Soft (lembut) 3. Melt when heated but harden again when cooled (Lebur bila dipanaskan dan keras semula apabila disejukkan) 4. Not resistant to heat (Tidak tahan haba) 5. Do not have cross-links between molecules. (Tidak mempunyai rangkai silang antara molekul) Hard (keras) Do not melt when heated (Tidak lebur bila dipanaskan)


Heat resistant (Tahan haba) Molecules are cross-linked (Molekul mempunyai rangkai silang)

(any two) (b) *Identify the problem: Pollution resulting from plastics disposal (Pencemaran akibat pembuangan plastik ) *Clarification of the problem: Plastics are non-biodegradable/will remain in the environment for a long period of time (Plastik tidak boleh diurai/ akan berada di persekitaran dalam jangka masa yang panjang)

2m 1m

1m *Three alternatives to solve the problem 1. Recycle can reduce the plastic disposal (Kitar semula boleh mengurangkan pembuangan plastik). 2. Burn in incinerators resulting ash requires much less space for solid disposal (Bakar dalam insinerator menghasilkan abu menjimatkan ruang bagi pembuangan sampah pepejal) 3. use biodegradable plastic which can be decomposed by bacteria (Gunakan plastik yang boleh diurai oleh bakteria) 3m *The best alternative and the reason: Recycle the plastic can reduce the environmental pollution and also help cut cost (Kitar semula plastik boleh mengurangkan masaalah pencemaran Alam sekitar di samping mengurangkan kos) 1m Total Total marks for Section C Jumlah keseluruhan 10 m 20 marks 120 markah Jadikan 100%


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