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Missionaries: Sid &Harj Boudreaux

P. 0. Box 49

Forwarding Agent: Mrs, Roberta Ponnert

P. 0. Box \6A\

Aparri, Cagayan 1118


Joplin, HO 64802

February 15, 1985 Dear Friends in Christ,

Missionaries are like ministers back in the U.S., aren't they? Only they work in a different culture?' questioned a recently arrived Intern. I wondered what prompted her question. Uas she disappointed to find that raission work was essentially the saiae as full-tine Christian work back hocae? Did she expect sonething exotic? Natives clanortng at the door to be taught? Expeditions into the bush? More likely her question was sparked by comon-sense observation.

Uhat she college. Ue every student once or twice

Iives by it.

said is true. Teaching in the Aparri Bible Seninary is not so very different fron teaching in any Bible face the challenge of awaking interest, of instilling principles, of sending a bit of ourselves off with who goes out to preach. Ue are depressed with grading papers when that reveals how little some learned. But a year all effort is rewarded when a Gilbert or an Edwin catches on to a Biblical truth, reneiabers it, and

Oecetiber was a busy month, with the Fletchers noving into their hone, and Sandra & Sheri noving back in with us. Decorating a 10 foot bamboo tree that I lugged home froi the seashore took all our ingenuity, using Filipino ornaments of capi2, wood, and cloth. On Christmas Day we watched some 55 kids at the children's home open gifts. Ue provided areas of appreciation, oohing and aahing over their gifts, helping them dress in new clothes, and rocking babies. Later we enjoyed
a Christmas dinner with all the missionaries. Tl^e ladies' group of the Aparri churvch gathered and gave used clothing and food to indigent families. At our house we dispensed countless coins and 300 stories of Jesus to carollers. Our Seminary choir sang at five churches in Decembercertainly the loveliest but hardest cantata I've ever heard from an ABS choir; credit goes to our Lord and to the dedicated skill of Ruth Lopez in directing them. After school began again in January, the choir sang three more times; 1 was elated to be able to go with them once, across the beautiful Cagayan River to Ballesteros. A couple of weeks after the choir trip, Sid, Sheri, Carolyn, and I traveled about three hours south to Callao to attend a unique graduation. The Agta tribe, with whom our friends the Mayfields have worked for 25 years, had completed their third literacy training session. Georgialee presented the 26 who had Just learned to read, along with the 12 lay teachers, and 19 others who attended the literacy training but did not gain literacy skills. How thrilling it was to see these primitive people read fron the Scripture and sing fron hymnbooks. The significant factor is that before they knew Jesus as Lord, none of them had the remotest desire to learn to read. The other Filipinos in the area said, *Ue've never seen Agtas like these before!' They want to know why these Agtas no longer drink and gamble but instead work hard. Uhy do they gather and sing praises to God? Uhat a witness to the power of Christ to change the whole man! Ue shared a delightful time with two Filipino wonen in our home during the 'first-ever' ladies' retreat held the last

week of January. More than 95 women fron the area attended. Mrs. Barbara Thackston of Plainfield, Indiana, and Mrs. Karia McElroy of Manila were our special speakersand they were really special, sharing fron their lives and fron the Word.
Seven young people will graduate with four and five year degrees March 8, and eight young wonen will qualify for the two-year Associate certificate. The total of 15 Is one more than the number who have graduated each of the past three

Ue look forward to a great graduation day and a busy summer: D^BS Clinic, Junior &Youth Camps, preaching convention, and our missionary family retreat. Ue appreciate your gifts and prayers more than you know. Thank you for your participation in our work here; we count you as partners in what we do for Kim.
Yours in Christ,

Sid & KarJ Boudreaux



Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon

Forwarding Agant:

Sid and Mar} Boudreaux

P. 0. Box 49

Mra. Roberta Pommen P. 0. Box 1641


Aparri, Cagayan, 1118 Philippines

Joplln, MO 64801

April 15, 1985

Dear friends in Christ,

V^hat a variety of activities have kept us busy recently, beginning with the last week of February when Sid and I were sponsors at Cecille Castillo's wedding in Manila
ABS, but we rejoice in her happiness with Jun.

to Jun Cezar. Cecille and our daughter Sharon were close friends growing up together-we felt almost as if were at our daughter's wedding! We miss Cecille in her teaching at

that was our annual Conference on Evangelism; the theme was "Arise, Awake, Unite. The women had three special sessions on "Prayer" led by Mrs. Lorrita McKinney--a blessing to all of us, A class of 1^ were graduated at Commencement on Friday, March o; o of

March 1 with over 60 people attending. The food was prepared by the ABS women, ^^^^er

Following the wedding were semester exams at ABS, and the Candidates' Banquet on

them received two-year Christian Education certificates; and the other 6 received four
Charles and Roberta Selby left the next week for furlough in the US. You can

and five-year degrees.

contact them through their FA, Doug Livgren, Box Fairfield, NE 68938. We will surely miss their companionship and wisdom. But our loss is your gain! 1 hope you can hear them.
Several of us from Aparri were able to attend the dedication of the Echague Student Center on March 15. Begun by Dennis McKinney, the student center is directed by an able

Filipino. Tony Flores, an ABS graduate. Students at the local college are already Iwking forward to the fellowship and teaching that will be offered. My desire is to get a library started--maybe you have Christian books or fiction books that you'd like to donate?? Speaking of libraries reminds me of our last newsletter in which I rashly said that we had $600 available to put into books and cabinets for the ABS library. That figure was

a bit premature. Since then, Sid has had more surgery, this time with an electric needle,
recent lesions are not cancerous, however, and we are thankful for that; they are healing well. I'm In the throes of severe pain on the other side of my Jaw from which I had my wisdom tooth removed; the dentist is trying to save the tooth, but 1 must make

not nearly so traumatic as the surgery under anesthesia he underwent in September. These

trip to Manila soon for more work on it. We thank all of you who helped in our medica expenses. We still hope to buy books for our library at the Seminary, and will let you kno Christmas gifts from individuals and churches made it possible for us to join the
other missionaries from the churches of Christ In the Philippines at a missjonary family retreat in Baaulo City March 16-20. We listened spellbound as Imogene &Ray Carlson

described their experiences during Japanese occupation, and cried with them as they spoke of God's sustaining power. G.B. and Lou Gordon of P.C.C. shared some very special truths with us. too; as did Virginia Fleenor, missionary to Japan. Prayer-prayer-prayer is the key to success in our work for the Lord, and we should be able to pray more effectively

for each other after having heard reports of the different opportunities and work going on.

Returning to Aparri via a l6-hour bus ride, I prepared curriculum helps for Junior and Senior camps. Junior Camp is going on as 1 write this, with Carolyn as one of the
enthusiastic 37 campers; Mike Carman manager.

Last week a very efficient and prepared Filipino staff directed a DVBS Clinic for 79 girls and women on the ABS campus. Already the girls are out teaching children: Susie &
Mercy have 40 children In San Antonio, a barrio of Aparri.
Yours in Christ,

iv>: \

Chyrches of Christ of Northern Luzon


Forwarding Ag^nt:
Mrs. Roberta Pommert
P. 0. Box 1641

Sid and Mar] Boudreaux

P. O. Box 49

Aparrl, Cagayan, 1118 Philippines

.)opnn, MO 64801

July 15, 1985

Dear brethren,

In thinking about the number of guests who've come and gone during the past three
months, 1 can only conclude that rapid turnover brings on deterioration of the writing faculty! No other excuse exists for our long neglect In writing.
Our adopted daughters, Sherl Kaftan and.Sandra Kimzey left in Aprl1 and May for the U.S.A. Marj spent most of May in Manila at the dentist having a root canal, coming

home just In time to write her third "Reflections" article, ^(it went so easily, with all of your prayers backing me up, that I'd like to ask your prayers as (write my final.)
As we were preparing in May for the Aparrl Bible Seminary to open, we learned that
the Administrative Dean and his wife were leaving to preach at a church across the river.

That meant added decisions- and duties for both ofus, but we rejoice that Rogello S Bella see the ministry as a high priority work, in fact we believe that their move to the ministry Is the answer to prayers for a breakthrough in conrnitment to the preaching work,

Richard, Susi, and Samuel North spent about 3 weeks with us, arriving here from Australia May 29. Samuel, our adopted grandbaby, was born two years to the day after our first grandbaby, Andrew Pommertl Richard and Susi joined Roger and Joey Fletcher for the "Orientation to the'Orient" culture class Marj taught June 4-6, video-recorded by Mike Carman, graciously assisted by his wife Liz at their home. On the last day Rogelio & Bella Tenorlo, and Linda Columna joined the series to give insight on animism
as it affects preaching of the gospel.
The Aparrl Bible Seminary got off to a grand beginning June 17 with 95 enrolled,

89 of whom are still with us.

this year.

65 of these are full-time.

We anticipate 18 graduates

Our first week of school ended with a bang as Typhoon Karing blew In with

130-ki 1oiiteter-an-hour winds, gusts higher than that, and torrential, rain.
From my point of view, it was not the best time for a typhoon. Sid was In Manila, so the usual battening down never got done. Roaring winds and crashing thuds av/akened me during-the nicht, but I didn't relish investigating in pitch darkness, with the elec tricity off and weak batteries for my flashlight. When water began dripping in our down

stairs bedroom at ^:30, I got up.

Rain was pouring in two broken windows upstairs and

the hall was a shambles, with broken glass, shredded plyvfood, coconut fronds, two inches of water, and a dead bird! i woke Susie & LIna, two ABS students staying with me, but none of us kna*^ where the nails were. When we attempted to tack" plastic over the windows, the vfind tore it off. We draped plastic over books and other valuables and let the rain come. Soon wind direction veered to the south and sprayed rain all over our living room, driving it in horizontally through the jalousie windows. The upstairs bedroom was also on the south, and It was 2-3 inches deep in water, dripping constantly into our bedroom below. Then the wind caught two shutter-like windows and ripped them off, leaving the east side

vulnerable to the weather.

Tw more students came to our aid, found the nails, .wired the

remaining window fast, and nailed plywood over the gap, bracing it with a bedframe, dresser, table, and bookcase so the wind wouldn't blew it off. Then we began mopping up and dis covered when we got downstairs that the waterbed had four inches of water sloshing under the mattress. But the work of draining it, drying thoroughlycleaning, and refilling had to wait for another day. Everywhere about us electric poles were down, trees cracked in two, roofing off, coconuts strewn about, and general havoc. But for our familyno loss

of life, a few hundred pesos' worth of damage, the mess of cleaning upnot a high cost.

On July k we celebrated Philippine-American Friendship Day with a precious time of

fellowship as ABS staff, faculty, and students gathered at the seashore for an early morning sunrise devotional at'6:00, followed by breakfast. Sharing food and fellowship was greati Since early morning Sid has been preparing to go to Manila. The list of tasks he has tc do include tl^e following: banking for other missionaries, buying for the Press, getting spare parts, computer paper, grice.'ies; changing a fire extinguisher, picking up legal

documents, getting a quotation for cost of printing a home Bible study course, following up

on visa renewal, delivering a suitcase, meeting a missionary at next stop with more assign

ments, xeroxing llQko script for filmstrlp, maUIng letters, going to Immigration . . .
Thank for your prayers and giftsmay God mightily bless you in your work for Him.
Yours In Christ, Sid & Marj DoUQreaux


Philippine Mission
Churches of Christ of Northern Luzon

Fr*r<Un9 Aont:

Sid and Mv\ BoudrMux

P. 0. Box 49

Mri. RokMrU PtxnnrMfl P. O. Box 1641


ApiTl, Cv*n, 111# Phllipplftt

Dear Brethren,

Joplln, MO 4001 DecQiiber 22,1985

our Lord Jesus Christ who came to earth so long ago and whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. How much He loves us all.

At this holiday time we want to greet you in the name of

U.S.A. in October and November to visit Sharon who had just gone into the Mormon church. They had several talks but no significant change was seen. We continue to pray for Sharon that she will let
the Holy Spirit work to convict her.

Most of you know that Marj made a hurried trip home to the

Upon Marj's return to the Philippines, she and I made ^ difficult decision upon which we acted immediately. Our relationship has developed some problems that we feel cannot be solved while we remain on the mission field. So we returned to the U.S.A. last week,
and are now in the Joplin area.

You can reach us at our P.O. Box here

Our present intention is to find housing, jobs, and seek counsellina. With the Lord's help our family life will be strength ened and bring honor to Him. But we do not anticipate a quick return to the Philippines. It seems best that our friends and the churches that support us channel funds which have been going to us,

Mary Bureros as a worthy cause. Most of the 82 children there still

Road, Grants Pass, OR 97526, or Charles Selby, 743 Birchwood, Flora,
IL 62839 (618-662-9^72).

Valley Children's Home just south of Aparri, directed by Bert an

into other mission work.

We would like to recommend the Cagayan

need sponsors, and the home operates on constantly insufficient funds. $50 a month will sponsor one child. For further information you can contact their forwarding agent: Bob Pruitt, 278 4 So.
We are saddened at the close of this phase of our service for

qether for good for us. We have appreciated beyond measure your sacrifice and support throughout the years. V^e pray He

the Lord, but believe that God will continue to work all things to-

to lead you in your work for Him.

Please be praying for us that God

Yours in Christ

will use us for His glory.

Sid & Marj & Carolyn

before leaving, she is back at the Cagayan Valley Children's Home. We will support her and send her gifts and love, and pray that our
short stay together was good for both of us.

Since we could not complete the adoption papers for Sherry Ann

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