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Jesus is born in Bethlehem The angel Gabriel told the virgin Mary that she would have a son,

Jesus. Shortly before Jesus was born, His mother Mary and her husband Joseph had traveled to Bethlehem to be counted in a census. While they were there, Mary gave birth to Jesus.

Jess nace en la ciudad de Beln

El ngel Gabriel avis a la virgen Mara que tendra un hijo, Jess. Poco antes de nacer Jess, Su madre Mara y el esposo de sta Jos viajaron a Beln a cumplir con un censo. Mientras estaba all, Mara dio a luz a Jess.

The Three Wise Men

Los tres reyes magos

When Jesus was born, a large star appeared over Bethlehem. The star was seen by wise men in the East who, believing it portended a kings birth in Israel, traveled to Bethlehem and gave Jesus gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh.

Unos sabios de Oriente divisaron la estrella de Beln, a raz de lo cual, creyendo que la misma anunciaba el nacimiento de un rey, viajaron a Beln. Arrodillaron frente al Nio Jess y le dieron regalos: oro, incienso y mirra.

Jesus as a young child visits the Temple When Jesus was about 12 years of age, He visited the Temple in Jerusalem, the capital city of the land of Judah. While at the Temple, Jesus spoke about God and about the Scriptures. His knowledge impressed the people who were in the Temple that day.

Siendo nio, Jess visita el templo Cuando Jess tena unos 12 aos, visit el templo de Jerusaln, la ciudad capital de Israel. Estando en el templo, habl acerca de Dios y de las Escrituras. Su sabidura impresion a los que estaban en el templo ese da.

Jesus is baptized by John the Baptist When Jesus had reached the age of about 30, it was nearly time for Him to begin His ministry. But first He went to John the Baptist and was baptized in the Jordan River.

Jess es bautizado por Juan el Bautista Al cumplir los 30 aos, era casi hora de que Jess diera inicio a Su ministerio. Pero antes, fue a ver a Juan el Bautista, quien lo bautiz en el ro Jordn.

Jesus talks of Gods love and plan of salvation Jesus explained to Nicodemus what a person must do to have salvation and eternal life. Jesus said, God loves the world so much that He gave His only Son, and whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.

Jess habla del amor de Dios y el plan para redimir a la humanidad Jess explica a Nicodemo lo que deba hacer una persona para acceder a la salvacin y la vida eterna. Jess le dijo, Dios am tanto a la gente de este mundo, que me entreg a m, que soy su nico Hijo, para que todo el que crea en m no muera, sino que tenga vida eterna.

Jesus tells a Samaritan woman about the living water

Jess le habla a una samaritana acerca del agua de vida

As Jesus and His followers traveled through Samaria, Jesus took a rest near a well. There He met a Samaritan woman and spoke to her about the water of life. In this discussion with the Samaritan woman, Jesus showed that the Word of God was meant to be shared with men and women, Jews and nonJews a very radical idea in those times.

Mientras Jess viajaba por Samaria junto a Sus seguidores, se detuvo a descansar junto a un pozo de agua. All conoci a una mujer samaritana a quien le habl del agua que da vida. Por medio de Su conversacin con aquella mujer, Jess dio a entender que la Palabra de Dios era para compartir con todas las personas.

Jesus gives the Sermon on the Jess predica el Sermn de la Mount Montaa Mid-way through His ministry, which lasted about three and a half years, Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount. During the sermon Jesus said that He is the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies and promises, that people should forgive their enemies and settle disputes quickly, and that we all need a savior. Cuando haba transcurrido la mitad de Su ministerio, que dur unos tres aos y medio, Jess predic el Sermn de la Montaa. Durante dicho sermn, Jess manifest que l mismo era el cumplimiento de las profecas y promesas del Antiguo Testamento, que el gnero humano deba perdonar a sus enemigos y resolver sus disputas con celeridad, y que todos necesitamos un salvador.

Jesus brings back to life Jairus daughter A ruler of the people came to Jesus and said that his daughter had just died. Jesus and His disciples went to the rulers home and saw a gathering of mourners. Jesus told the mourners to leave the house. After the mourners had left, Jesus took the girl by the hand and the girl rose up, alive.

Jess resucita a la hija de Jairo Uno de los principales del pueblo vino a Jess y le dijo que su hija acababa de morir. Jess y Sus discpulos fueron a casa de aquel hombre y se encontraron con un grupo de dolientes. ste les dijo que salieran de la casa. Despus que se fueron, Jess tom a la nia de la mano y sta se levant: haba vuelto a la vida.

Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead

Jess resucita a Lzaro Jess enter de que a Su amigo Lzaro le aquejaba un grave mal. Unos das despus, Jess viaj al pueblo de Lzaro, donde le dijeron que ste haba muerto haca cuatro das Jess se dirigi al sepulcro y llam a Lzaro. ste resucito y sali de su tumba caminando.

Jesus received word that His friend, Lazarus, was seriously ill. A few days later, Jesus traveled to Lazarus town, where he was told Lazarus had been dead for four days. Jesus went to the tomb and called out for Lazarus. Lazarus rose back to life and walked out of his tomb.

Jesus is crucified The Jewish leaders conspired with Judas, one of Jesus followers, to arrange Jesus arrest. Jesus was condemned to die, even though He had done nothing wrong. Jesus died as a gift of His love for each one of us.

Jess es crucificado Los dirigentes judos conspiraron con Judas, uno de los seguidores de Jess, para apresar a Jess. Jess fue condenado a muerte, aunque no haba hecho nada malo. La muerte de Jess fue un regalo de amor que l nos dio a cada uno de nosotros.

Jesus Lives! After Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried, He rose again. Jesus visited His disciples and told them to go into the world and preach the Word of God. After talking to His disciples, Jesus was taken into Heaven. Angels appeared and promised that in the same way that Jesus had been taken, He will return!

Jess vive Despus de haber sido crucificado, de haber muerto y haber sido sepultado, Jess resucit. Jess visit a los discpulos y les dijo a ir por todo el mundo y predicar la Palabra de Dios. Jess entonces ascendi al Cielo. Se aparecieron ngeles y prometieron que regresara de la misma forma en que fue arrebatado.

Art courtesy of Didier Martin, http://jacques-mylittlehouse.blogspot.com/. Text TFI. Presentation by www.freekidstories.org

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