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IS r 1570( Pert I ).


Indian Standard

( First Revision )
0.1 This Tndian Standard ( Part I ) ( Fir-stRevision ) was adopted by the -draft Indian Standards Institution on 20 November 1978, aftei the finalized by the Alloy Steels and Special SteelsSectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and Metals Division Council. 0.2 Schcdules for wrought steels for general engineering purporo ( IS: 1570-1961 ) was first publishedin 1961. On the baiis of the e*perience gained in the production and use of steels, the Sectional Commiltee har decidcd to revise the standard and issue it rn parts. The other partr of, the rtandard are as follows:

Part II Part III

Part IV Part V Part VI

Carbon steels Carbon and carbon manganesefree cutting steels Alloy steels ( excluding stainlessand heatresisting steels) St:.inlessand heat-regirting steels* Tool steels

0.3 The following major modifications have been made in this revision: a) Steel designations have been modified in accordance witl IS: 1762 ( Part I )-1974t. FlDwever,for the sake of easy identification old designations are also given within brackets.
'Alreedy publirhedar IS: 1570( Part V )-t972. fCode for derigaation of rtecls: Part I Basedon lettcr ryrrtrolr (fvst reoit*n | .

IS:1570(PartI)-f978 66 given in b) ' Grades St 39, St 44, St- 47, St 52, St 58- and St covered by ranges the tensiie as deleted IS: 1570-1961'have'becn thesegrades are already available in grades St 37, l: tZ, St 50, St 55"and St 63. A new grade St 70 has been added to cover the values of tensile l2etweenit 63 and St 78. two sub-grades, one c) ' Each srade ofsteel has been sub-divided into with i low vield to tensile ratio and the othcr with a high yield to tensile ralio. These ratios ha're been fixed after consulting the relevant Indian Standards and ISO Recommendations' 0.4 This schecluledoes not give limits for sulphur arrd phosphorus. These havcio be specified in thJ detailed specifications. The standarci ranges i* -;trfpfr". ind phosphorus and the method for designating steel accordii; sulphur and phosphorus content, steel making practice anci i;; mEthod of deoiidatio. is detaiied in Appendix A for information. 0.5 Althoueh both yield and tensile values have been specified in Table l, should be ignored if the specification is ivolved on the basis ;i; ;;lt";l"e strength. Similirly the tensiie strength should be ignored if ;IiJ;;ii; the specificationis based on yield stress' 0.6 For thc purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is cbmitied with, the final vaiue, observed or calculated, expresri"nifr" t"r"lt oia test or analysis,shall bc rounded offin accordance with IS?i-fgOO-. The number of significant places retained in the rounded u"l"L rtt"uld be the same as tliat of the specified value in thisstandard. "f

l. scoPE
l.l This schedule ( Part I ) is applicable to carbon and low alloy stetls *tri"f,--ur" put inio service in the hot-rolled, _normalized-or,annealed .""aiti." in" the form of plates, sections, bars, forgilgs and .tubes, when. criterion in the selection and inspection of the steel is either thc ,h";;i; t.*i6 .tt."gth or the yield stresswhich is used as a basis for design. This ."nia"f" is iot intended to be used as a standard' 2. GENERAL GUIDBLINES FOR THE USE OF THE SCHEDULE

2.1 While preparing Indian Standards, or rcvising the. existing-standards, ,i"A, firt"t iir thii schedule shall be selected. The specification of ( rcoiscd)' valucs fRules oflnumcrical for rounding 4

IS:1570(partt).r9ZS mechanical proDerties different from those given in this schedure rhould not be madd unlessrpecial condiii.", .? *."ice t'ender this esserltiar. rh that event, full reaions- r"" t1"-1."p"*a departure from the steers 'specified in this sche{ure shalr bi iiu-rtt.a to the Alroy steersand ,special steelssectional committee, s-vdd'rg, Ju,uirr.a. "raitr-.ip"or".i 2.2 In the case of steels belongjng to this schedulcit is not usual to specify a detailed chemical .o-poiiti3r,, tri tr,. quality of the matcriar ir controlled, where necessary,. bv rp."iry;"g pl.mirsiute 'sin.e tnJ -"'*;,'.,-" percentage of sulph.rr and phosphoius. aitrerent leu.i, il ,,rtpr,r, .and phospho.u' i.e tI'tr,.. scveriry of the conditioru ::lll.^11.;;;;;s rn service,limits for these erementsare not ir,.rra.j'iri ,ir"lr"i"-iur., t,rt rhould be specified in.a specificarion ui l"r:.t, upp.opriate to the method of steelproduction, conditionsof serrice, .rc.-' wrrt..'"*.rr*yl-,i" typ. or steel, for examole. kilred, mi-lirL.a,--.,", should be included in the .se standard. In the caseof [irr.J una'rJ.ni]lirr.a variery of steer,it would be necessary to specifythe silicon l;";;;;. "' 2'3 where rpeciar factors,srrch as werdability, are invorved, it may be ' d e s i r a b l et o ' i n c r u d e a m a x i m u m r i ; i ; - ; " t r r e c a r b o n c o n t e n ti n t h c specification. rn some_ structural rt..ir, lopper content is found beneficial for increasing resistanceto coirosiii "J^r.r, to be ;"d,";;"iln tt i, should be specified in tie standard. to the- tensile and yield stress, yslu.s.for 11,t: lddltion the specified mrnrmum percentage elongation, coirespondinc t"r,rit" ranges, are given in Table- l. These cfungation i; ;il:;n?ia values are based on a gauge length of 5'6s{n which is If tect "o*-i"i."*"ii""Jiy-".l.},ii. pieces of other than 5-.6:\/ A gauge Iength are used, elongation conver_ sions may be obtained from IS t glos-tdz+r.. For tensile i"rt, o' t,ruer, the specified percentage elongationrri""la'U" basedon the formula of 950 . divjd^c_d by_lh; actual iensile itre nsth l"1.;;

-io .6 to5 5y 7- "i r o; ild;; ; ; ; ; ;' ;:l',;i'ig":, ff : nl,J,-r, *W*il: when using a". gauge length equivalent to 4{A.

rMethod for elongation conversionr for steel (f .st rcaision) .

Nzw DnstoneTION


( C l a u s e0 s.5 and 2,4 ) Olo Desrcx.lTION

Trssrln SrnBNcrn

Yretn Srness, AIin

I Src lS :-l 762 (Pnr I )1974.l (l) I'e 290 FeE 220 Fc3l0 FeE 230 Fc 330 FcE 250 Fc 360 FcE 270 Fc410

(2) ( St 30 ) (St32)

(3) N/mm't 290 290 3i0 3r0 330 330 360 560 4,0

(4) N/mm'f 170 220 180

230 200 250 220 270

5.6slA) (s)
27 26

ErorceTrox Pnncrnr, Itlin ( Geuce LsNcrrr

I{ElEnerqcl to lxoreN Sreroenof


lS: 132I ,S: 1977, I S : 1 9 7 8I,S : 2 8 3 1 , IS I 6915 I S : 1 0 7 9I ,S : 5 9 8 6

(St34) (st37 )

26 26 26 25 25


FcE 310 Fc490 FcE 370 Fc540 FeE 400 Fe620 FeE 460 Fe 690 Fc[, 520 I'c 77O l:cE 580 Fc870 FeE 650


410 490 /r90 5.r0 540 G20 61.0 690 690 7io 710 ir;0

3i0 190 370 3:0 /,co 3li0 400 4 l0 i:0 4rt0


1 S : 1 0 7 9I,S : 3 5 0 3 , lS:8500 tl 20 :.10 l5 t5 I S : 4 3 2 I, S : 9 6 1 , IS : 8i00



(st70) (st7B)

l2 l0 l0


520 650


.Codc for dcsignation of stecl: Part I Based on letter syrnbols (frst rerisin). f I kgf/mnrt - 9'81 N/mrnr. lSre Appendix B for titles. t)





( First Reerision)
Corrigenda of - col 3 ) ... . J Pagc 6, Table l, heading '. Min' ;for'Trxsrr,r Srarxcrx Substitutc .TsNsrr-aSrnrxcrn, Substitute , 1000 tinr:s, Substitute ( i 000 times ,

g , c t a u s cA - l . t ( d ) ( 3 ) ( i ) , I i n e I f_ ^ ' - i P a g e '. lO0 times Jor g, A:l.l (d)(3) (ii), tine | ) _ .[ -Pagc clausc for ' I00 times '.

(SMDCrs ) Reprography un@


APPEIYDIX ( Clouse 0.4\

NEW SYSTENI OF DESIGNATTON OF STEELS A{'. GENERAL A-0.1 rbe new sys,temof designation of steel is based,on the draft Iso proposal submitted by India to trSo/TC l7 . Steel'for formulation of an rnternatlonal standard. Details of the new dcsignation systcm are given i n I S : 1 7 6 2( P a r t I ) - 1 9 7 4 * . A-I. STEELS DESIGNATED PROPERTIES ON THE BASIS OF MECHANICAL

A-l.l rhese steels are carbon ancl lorv alloy steels where the main criterion in the selection and inspection ol'steei is the tensile stringth or yield stress., In such cases,pro,'ided the s-pe-cified mcchanicai froierties are attained it is not usual to specify a detaiied chemical bot the quality-of the Traterial is designated,_ "orrrpoiition where necessary, dy specifying certain quality levels. steels listed in this Schedute,pari'I i"ii in tnis catgory. The designation of thesesteels consistsof the following in the order . glven: a) svmb,ol ' Fe ' or 'FeE' depending on wrrctrrerthe steei has been specified or the basis of minimum tensile strength or yield strength. b) Fieurc_indicating the minimum tensile strength or yield stressin N/mm2. lf no minimrrm tensile strcngtli' or yi"ta .tr.., ii guaranteerl,the fiqure shall be 00. c) chemical . s1'mbols for characterizcttre stcel. elernents the presence of which

d) $..necessary, symbols i*dicating follows:

speciar characteristics as

- l)cpendi:rg upon, whether the steel l) Method of beoxidation

'code fsr desjgnation ol steel: Part I Baseclon retter symbolr (irst I rcaision\,

IS:1570(Partt )-197S is killed, semi'ki'ed or rimming variety, the fo'owing rymbors *rail be used to indicate rhe stier maxrng pracrtce: i) R for rimming steel, and ii) tr for killed steel.
No* If no symbol is used, it sha'mean that thc stccl ir of semi-kitcd typc.

2) stccl.Q""!g - The fonowing symborssha' be used to indicate steelqualityl. ql Non-ageing quality, Freedom from flaLes. Grain size controlled, Inclusion controlled, and Internal homogeneity guaranteed.

Q2 q3 q4 e5 -

3) Dcgrceof puritlt- The surphur and phosphorus levers ( ladle analys;s) shall be expressedas fouows: Symbol

0.035 0.050 0.0i0 0.055

Maximum Contentin perccnt

P35 P50 P70 No rymbol will mean

0.03s 0.050 0.070 0.055

The above symbols use the retter' p' fo'owed by r 000 times the maximum percentage of :ulphu. In casethe maximum contents of suiphur".J-Jfr"lpl.i"r. ^"d'ph;iil;r,r, ur. not same, the following procedure iha[ b. f.li;;e;Symbor sp shall be used to indicate the rcvcrsfollowed by: i) 100 times the maximum sulphur rounded ofi. to the, nearstinteger.
tRouadlng off rhall b-edone according to'thc rurer givcn in IS:2.r 960 . Rulcr for roundiug offnumerical vtluu (rciltcd),.

IS:1570(PartI)-1978 ii) 100 times the maximum phosphorus rounded offr to the nearestrnteger. Examplcz : Maximum sulphur Maximum. phosphorus Designation: SP 44 4) -Guaranteed Wcldabilit2 Guarantcc weldability of rtcel ar determined by tests mutually agreed between the purcharcr and'the supplier shall be indicated by thc followlng tyhbol!: W W1 : Fusion weldable, and lVeldable by resistance welding *eldable. but not furior 0'045 percent 0'035 percent

5) Rcsistancc to Brilllc Fracturc- Symbol' B', t B0',' 82' or '84' indicating resistance to brittle fracturb based' on the results of the V-notch Charpy impact test. B, B0, 82 and 84 a test should be made with Charpy For steels V-notch ipecimens, taken in the direction of rolling with the notch perpendicular to ihe surfacc of thd plate br product. Steels B, B0, 82 and 84 arc characterized by an average V-notch Charpy impact value according to the following table: Stcels


370to 520N/mmr Energy


500 to 700N/mmr ,




BO 82 B+

28 28 28 28

oc 27 0
-20 -40


40 29




28 ,10 28 ,t0

27 _10 0, -30 -20 _50 _40

rRounding off shall hg donc according rounding off numerical valucr ( nakcd )' .

to thc ruleE given in I S : 2 - 1 9 6 0' R u l o f o r

l S : 1 5 7 0( P a r t t ) . t 9 ? 8 -The 6) Surfacc Conditicn follou'ing symbols shali be used to indicate surfacecondition: Sl 52 -S3 54 55 56 57 Deseamed or scarl'cd; Descaled; Picklcd ( including washirrgand neutralizing ); Shot, grit or sand blasted; Peeled( skinned); Bright drau'n or cold-rolled; and Ground.

Nore-- If no rymbol is used,it shall mcen that the rwface is in ii-rotled o; ar-lorged condition.

OnlT) 7) I''ornahility I ApplbableIo ,\heet :h.ril be used to indicate drarvability: Dl - Drawing quality, D2 - Deep drawing quality, and D3 - Extre deep drawing quality.
Nore.-If quality.

TIre ftrllx.,.ings1'mbol:

no symbol is used, it shall mean thal the st""i ir cornrrcial

( Al,Stlicable t Onll'1- TIre fi,llos'inssvmbolr 8) SwfaceFinish to Shce inish: s h a l lb e u s e dt o i n d i c a t et h e s u r ' { b cfe Fl -- General purposefin;sh, F2 - Full finish, Ir3 * Exposed, F4 - {Jnexposed, F5 - Matt finish, F6 - Bright finish, F7 - Plating finish, FB - IJnpolishedfinish, f9 - Polishedfinish, F10 -- Polishedand colourcd blue. FlI -Polished and colorrred tel!orv. Fl2 - l,{irror finish.


IS:1570(PartI)-f978 Fl3 - Vitreous enamelfinish' and Fl+ - Direct annealedfinish' shall be used to indicate 9) Trcatnent- Thg following symbols steel: the to given the treatment Tl - Shot'Peened, T2 - Hard-drawn' T3 - Normalized*, T4 - Controlled rolled' T5 - Annealed' T6 - Patented, T7 - Solution-trcatcd' T8 - Solution-treated and aged' Tg - Controlled cooled, Tl0 -- Bright annealed, Tl I - SPherodized, Tl2 - Stress-relieved, a,n d Tl3 - Case-hardenedr temPercd' Tl4 - Hardened and
Nore steel is hot-rollcd' If oo symbol is used, it neans that the

Propcrtics.- For guarantec with regard to '"' lO\ ElcaatcdTemperaturc shall be used' J"""t.a t""ip"t"t"tt ploperties, the letter'H' the room temperature onlydisignation the i; Ho*"u"r, properties o.oo"rtio shall te shoin. Elevated temperature the manuby separately purchaser the to intimated Itr"if f" facturer. ll) to low temperaCrlogcnic Qtatii - For guarantee-withregard Howevcr' only usEd' be shall lettei'L' propertt.t,itt" ture in the indicated be shall ' properties the room temitrature , designation'


K- flfi *:i*"jrl:l1r'""3i,:ni;311ilift cu 4r0 Fe

semi-killcd stecl with a minimum yield strength

FeE 300 P 35 -

r Iocludcs temPering, if donc'


IS : 1570( Part I ): 1978

of 300 N/mmt and degree of purity as follows: S&P:0'035Max Fc 470W FeE 550 56 Fe 00R FcE 590 F7 Fe5l0Ba Steel with a miirimum, tensile strensih of. 47O N/mm2 and of guaranteed fusion welding quality

-,Bright drawn or cold rolled steel with a minimum yield srrength of 550 N/mmt Rimming quality steel with no guarantee qf , minimum tensile or yield strength SheBt tteqJ_gf_ p|qti"e finish and minimum yield strengtfuof 590 N/mm2

-,Steel in annealedcondition with a minimum tensile strength of 510 N/mmz and resistance to brittle fracture : B Steel with g_uarantced elevated temperature properties and a minimum room temperature tensilestrengthof 710 N/mm3 Semi-killed non-ageing quality steel with :410 S & P : 0'055Max and minimum tensile N/mm2 Semi-killed steel in controlled rolled condition rvith a minimum tensilesrre ngrh c,f600 Nimm2 Cryogenic qualitr- steel rr'ith a n:i;:imum room ':mperature tensilestrenglh of 520 \. rcmt

Fc 710 H

Fe 410 Ql

Fe 600 T4 Fe 520L




Title IS:226-1975
IS : 432 ( Part I )1966

Specification for structural steel ( standard

quality ) (.fiJth rcvision,) Mild steel and medium tensilc steel bars and hard drawn steel .wire for concrete reinforcement: Part I Mild steel and medium tensile rteel barr (sccondrcuiion)



3 , I S : 4 3 2 ( P a r tI I ) - Mild steel and medium tensile steel bars and 1966 hard drawn steel wire for concrete reinforce-

ment: Part II Hard drawn steei wire (sacontl reoision)

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

IS:961-1975 IS: 1079-1973 IS: ll4B-1973 IS: 1977-1975

Specificationfor structural steel ( high tensile ) (second rcaision) Spe-cificationfor hot rolled carbon steel sheet and strip (third rcuision) Specification for rivet bars up to 40 mm for structural purposes ( secand reaision) Specification tbr structural steel ( ordinary quality ) {second reaision)

I S : 1 9 7 8 - 1 9 7 1 Specification for line pipe (y'ruf revision) IS: 1979-1971

Specification for high test line pipe (frst reaision ) Specification for structural steel ( furion weldiog quality ) (frst reaisian) Specifi-cation for stecl billets, bars and rections for boilers (frst reoision) S-pecification for carbon steel billets, blooms and slabs"for re-roliirrg into structural steel ( standard quality ) (rtrst rcaision ) SFecific-ation for carbon steel billets, bloorns and slabs. for re-rolling into structurai sieel ( ordrnary quality ) (frst rcuision ) Speci6cation {br structural steel ( shipbuilding quality ) Specification for steel for marine :;";hi;.ry boile"" pressure vessels and weldeJ structures Carbon steel sheetsfor integral coaches

10. IS:2062-1969 ll. IS: 2100-1970

12. IS;2830-1975

13. IS:2831-1975

14. IS:3039-1965 15. IS'; 3503-1966

16. IS:5272-1969


XS:1570(PartI)-1978 17. IS:5986-1970

Hot rollcd steel plates and flats for cold forming and flanging operationr for automobile and gcneral purPoses Carbon steel cast billet ingotr for rolling into structural steel ( standard quality ) Carbon rteel cast billet ingots for rolling into ltructural steel ( ordinary quality ) Specification for weldable structural ('rncdium and high ttrength qualitl ) rteel


IS : 69ltl-'1973

19. IS:6915-1973 20. IS:8500-1977


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