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The Inca Empire Christian MissioK

Casilla 14017 Correo 21

Santiago, Chile
y/te ove- of Christ Constrai*ieth. us..^
m COR.. 6:14-


February 13i 197^


Last suMiier we welcomed high school and college-age young peo

ple who wished

in Chile.

to visit and work new ones have

We want

to say

"thank you"

I'vany of the same young

we are to have
not to work

to all those who have sent


and other

a recruit program this year.

have decided

tional support during the past several months. We pray that y^u will continue to give extra on a monthly basis so that the work
can continue t^) e3q>and.

with a recruit program for the following reasons? 1. There are

five new missionary faJoiilies
will need much assistance.

I tend to complain sometimes

about finances but then when I see the situation of others I know that we aren't so bad off. For

Z% v/e

riving between now and August who have less housing for recruits.

3, Inflation has made i t in^ossible to have more people in our


exan^le I thought that our 70<^ a gallon for gasoline was unbeliev
able until I heard that in Uruguay

^0 appreciate
of those who have



gas costs $2.50 a gallon. Thank you, both individuals

and churches I for the monthly sup

considered an

internship here but we regret that

we will not be able to work with

port and the additional offerings

that you have sent.

you this year.

- GOD A.!^!S;^EfiS.PR4YSR

Ed Molt, the director, of, the

correspondence course, feared the wirst whan the Post Office an

he decreed that oui' mail could be sent for a little less . than one half of the n.ew rate. So .now

nounced l-000}j increases in postal


instead of the 1000;& increase,

postage for the course only went up 400;^,

-After praying about the mat

ter, Ed went to talk with the top

boss of the Past Office, Ee ex


our purpose

for running

the course, the affect that the course has had upon the life . of
many individuals and the effect

Jack Speer,. who has , been working with the Santg itosa Church

here in SaJitiago,

has signed the

contract with a construction firm

that it has had upon the country.

He then explained about the lim ited operating budget and the fact that there are 16,000 students which requires us to mail about 330 letters per day.
The director of the Post Office

to put in a metal frame structure

on Seventh Ave.. here in-Santiago. They vjill have the building finished in thi-rty days. Then
the floors and walls have to be finished and the building vrill be
ready for use.

heard the case and two days later (Cont. next column)


Soon this new congregation be meeting at its location

in a new section of Santiago. -


Christian literature is often referred to as the

ary." Its practicality and potential are seen in thats

"printed mission

1. Printed properly it can go almost anywhere without a foreign

2c It repeats its message over and over again without a vacation
or a furlough.

It is relatively inexpensive. It presents its message at the reader's convenience.

By mail it can go to many places where a missionary could never


In one hour it can be given to more people than the average

church attendance on any Sunday mornings It enables the reader to hear the same message

over and over

It enables its reader to study ar^r particiT.ar point of the mesage that captures his attention.

In the form of a book, it can give the hungry heart hours and even days of continual preaching and of continual feeding upon
the truth.

(Literature Evangelism by Verwer)


Fifteen teen-agars
tiago traveled with m

from the
to the

largest congregation here xk San North to strengthen, encourage and

help the northern churches to

ate. Like I tell i.oramy when we get home, "We hardly workl " wliich is really supposed to mean that
we work hard.

evangelize. The young people were there for three weeks* '/ie give thanks to God that during the three weeks forty, persons made
confessions of faith and many of these were baptized. Others wish ed to receive more teaching before

One evening after a day of "hardly working" I came home dirty and tired, i^ommy immediately put
me in the bathtub. She didn't soe a razor lying by the side of the tub. After she left I found


one reason why little boys

At least I

don*t need to shave.

being baptized# Nightly meetings in the churches had- "standing room only" crowds# Scores of peo
ple stayed after services to question the . young Christians
about their faith.

didn't get the razor cut on my face because I was tr3d.ng- to shave
my leg. It's getting together now, though.
One thing about



all. this

helping Daddy, it sure maJces my head thirsty out working in the

sun. Well, here's Gwen now. Eello, I only know ono word

Daily we worked in Antofagasta in tract distribution, beach evangelism, street evangelism,. street preaching and nightly

that I really use. See if you can

figure out what I mean when I say

"bure," Give up? hommy di-d too

preaching services. God greatly blessed the trip, i.-sny of the same young peo ple traveled to, Valparaiso several months ago with the^ same purposCf to evangelize. The Valparaiso church is still continuing mth that revival, hany have been won
to God. ANDY AND

until finally I got the message and I wanted milk as she always
asks me if I want "more" when I am drinking it. I'd learn more

across that I was saying "mure"

but -it^s too hard getting anyone

to understand me.

Since Gwen is learning to talk I have to share with her, but not until I get in my part firsts I am Daddy's big helper now si^ice I go every other day to the office with him to- help "make a houise"

city -of -Antofagasta under the di rection of Wilfredo Soto- are con

ffiCPANSION OF NOHTKERN WOili'C The northern churches in the

tinuing to expands Just this past

month property was bought in a new section of Antofagasta to

(see article on back page).

go every day to help


right next to "the police station

and shopping center that are to

start a new work. The property is

Most of the area

but I have

to take that day off to recuper(Cont, next column)

be built soon.

around the property will be built up with apartment houses, *'


As I mentioned before, we now have our bookstore license. We al

CONTRIBUTIOJ^S the past three months came from the followings

hr, &. hrs. :

so have

our commercial
But with the


Danny Blggen
Carl Jacobus

^irs Mldred Brooke Dr. A. Barricades

John A. Berry
Kevin kelchsr

that we want to print and with the paper stock that we havof our

Wm. Silvey Clyde Baker

rirs Louslla Popham

print shop

which was installed in

garage was too
in back of give us

a small two car

to add

For this reason we decided

a new building building

oiir present office building.

This will

r-iiss Sherry Ivy Vincent i-.elcher Joe B Glentzer H. W. Lederer itichard Smith Mrs Kary Richardsor i'^rs Robt. Leshar Ray holton and family Like Sheffield Adrain i-cClanahan Scott Stickle
T. W. Kitchen

720 sqi ft. of space for enlarging the print shop. Besides ths addi tional print shoj space the build ing will include a baptismal room. "
This room will have a baptistry and changing rooms in it. The pur pose is to ha.V0, the baptistry at b-'ind. +0 be able to baptize immedi ately the people from the correspondance course who so desire.

B. Van Winkle

Fairfiold Sonibr High Class Christian iVomen, Farmington i%. i^omen's Fellowship, iioseburg OR First Christian, KewPortRichey FL

Burnt Pines C/Christ, v' Vernon I^ W v/alriut St C/Christ, Portland lii

Gray's Chapf^l, Beattysville KY Sr. Class, Corinth Christian, KY itolsburg Church of Christ, . WI

Adena Rd Ch/Christ, Chillicothe Ot Sell C/Christ Willing vJorkers

Licking Valley C/Christ, i^ewark 01-^ hartinsburg C/Christi Oh bt. Gilead C/Christ, OF fTorthside c/Christ, Newark OB Hocky Fork C/Christ, Newark OH SouthSast c/Christ, jy^arysville OF Utica C/Christ <x Loyal Bereans
Irs Warren i-^yers, Forwarding Agent Boute 2, Utica, Oh >3080 i^ailed byj Utica Church of Christ 115 Central, Utica, Oh ^3080

Bladensburg Church of Christ, Qb Centerburg Church of Christ, OK Croton Church of Christ, OJ:.

Sden c/Christ, St Louisville, Oh

Fafrfield C/Christ, Lancaster, Oil

hoath Church of Christ, OL Koward Church of Chidst, OH Johnstown Church of Christ, OH

Jr. Ch First Christ, Springfld OH

Postage Paid Permit ,f 7 Utica, Ohio

Ozark Bible College

^ .Joplin

1111 N Main St HO 6480

OCT i s



The Inca Empire Christian Mission

JEFF JUDY MYERS Casilla 14017
Correo 21

Santiago, Chile
liH \
y/te tov& of Chn'stConstp^tyieih. us...
n COB^. 5:14-

Sopteanbor l6, 197^


I have


to study


matorial that I

nood for the work

V/e aro th'e Chilean

proud to report that El Encuontro Bible

by moans

of correspondonco

courses and some other methods. I

correspondonco courso now has 20,000 oni'ollod students. God has

studied two printing courses from tho American School on printing techniques. Although I am not
running tho presses, I an direct


tho work

of-' tho

print shop
coursos very
in a five

boon giving 'tho increaso. Almost the entirety of the present growth has been through students who havo enrolled .others. Newspaper adver tisements are outside of our budg et for the present timo..
Adaptations starto'd in of this Chilean Moxico,
El Encuontro courso have now been

valuable. I am now onrollod

month art class. Tho purposo of this class is to loarn drawing, lay out techniques, color combina tions and many other things which aro iu^Dortant in literature pro

Puerto Rico,

Costa Rica and Vonozuola. Other missionaries from the Chiui^ch of

Christ aro working with tho courso

in those other aroas.

I siQDposo that if you would talk to ray grade school toachors they would say that I am wasting
my timo, but for tho Lord, wq mil give i t "tho good old try".

I want to add that tho plant

ing work that wo did in tho North

boforo coming to Santiago, wo did

in conjunction with Carl Paschal.



January 1, 197^

Jan, 1, 197^1' - June 30, 197^ Total Expenditures .

June 30, 197^ Balance on Hand

197^ - June 30, 197^ - Total Income .. -$ lC7_r^9 Total Funds ... $ 155*2'' ,lZ
$ II938.I8
-4-86 $

Balance on Hand

$ I63O.77

January 1, 197^ - June JO, 19?^ Expenditures: Mission Field Expenses Advertizing $ 10.50
Books, Tapes, Literature .c -ar Payments Consti'uction Construction Salaries ...., $ 111.87 $ 500 >00 $ ZOh^, 53 $ ^-85,91

$ 8324,97


?:quipnient Eq-.cpiTiGnt Repair Fornando Nunez

, $ $ $

73505 I6.I5 21,89


General Operating
Money Zbcchango Office Supplies Photography Postage Printing Salaries Telophono Tro.nspor-bation

, $ l6602

Hiscellaneous . r $
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

46.:31 46.08 40.05 73..06 61^^,57 2772,96 80,75 460,35 832^7

Personal Expenses Salary ($500 per rao. May<S:Jun),

Rout Allowance ($400 per mo, Jan-Apr)

.$.2600, w!
^ 800,00


3500 00

($100 per mo. Jan-Apr)

($200 per mo. May&Jun)

V ,

(Rent paid $80'4'.05) Social Security Allowance . $

(jTax paid by Mssion)


(t Tx paid from salary)

E:rponsos in United Statos Newsletter Ebq^enses

Fori^arding Agent Exp

$ 3500.00




Promotional Expense ....... $

$ _113.21

$ 11938.18

CHUECHEo Ili CHILE Most of tho tirao since I have time to

boon in Santiago, I have roportod about tho work that is boing done through the El Encuontro course. Some people may have the idea that tho SI Encuontro work is the only thing that is boing done by tho
Church of Christ in Chile.

support his family. Barbarino Barrios, Calama's preacher, studied at Colegio Biblico in

Eagle Pass, Texas,

"fhc church is

averaging about fifty adults in thoir Sunday services. The biggest problem tho Calama church has is that i t is so

Those, past two months I boon traveling extensively. my travels I would like to you about what else is boing
in Chile.

have From toll done




from the

other churchos. Thus it has very little fellowship with the other
works. Brother Wilfredo and Bro

ther Barbarino are now working on

that the

Tho farthest north

plans to unj.to

the churchos moro

present work extends is Antofagas%ta. Ante has a population of about 200,000. There are four con

in Christian fellowship.
At tho opposite end of Chile
I visited with the church in Osorne for one week. It was tho first tirao since 1970 that I had boon

gregations there. Tho congrega tion in- Balm,accda was only started recently by Wilfredo Soto and the yoxing people of tho Prat B church. Brother Wilfredo now has his eye on Arica which is 500 miles far

there. Tho Church of Christ was quite large in Osorno until 1970 vrhen tthe church divided because of a morality problem of tho
preacher. At that'time throe fam ilies worked to ostafelish a now

ther north.
to buy items


ho goes there
a month, ho

wants to take advantage of those trips to work vdth graduates of El Encuontro in starting a now
work there.

work. Through use of a loan givon to the church by Ed Kolt and my self thoy woro able to buy prop
erty. In July, 1973i thoy inau gurated thoir now chapel, it was built to scat I50 to 200 people.
While I was thoro i t was filled every night. Edio Carcame, tho preacher, toldmothat i t is like

Tho churches in Ante are much

stronger than they wore when wo loft Anto to move to Santiago.

Tho Prat B church had an attend

ance of 103 adults and teen-agers

when wo were there. The new work in Balmaceda had an attendance of

82 for that same Sunday afternoon.

Another church that we work ed with in the. north was tho Calama church. Tho church has a

that at every sorvico, Thoy are now talking about knocking down
tho back and side walls to build

a larger building. These are just part

of tho

preacher but he has to work full-

(Continued next col.)

established works which are going forward under national leadership.



ful to Him and youfor these gifts received in 1975.

The Lord has blessed the work in Chile through you, and we are thank

In June we submitted

a, budget to our supporting churchos showing a need of $2600 monthly to cover the inflationary costs of the work here. Your gifts have increased

and whilo wo are still $600 a month short of our budget, wo arc trusting
tho Lord to supply tho nood through you so that wo may continue proclairing
tho Gospol in Chilo.
Jan.-Juno OHIO


Adona Road Church of Christ, Chillicothc Boll Church of Christ, Utica Willing Workers Class Bladonsburg Church of Christ
Vacation Biblo School Contorburg Church of Christ
Croton Church of Christ

150.00 30.00

July-Sept 1974 $ 150.00

75.00 15.00 60.00

Jr. S.S. Class

600.00 30.27

Center Village Church of Christ, Galena

Eden Church of Christ, St, Louisville Fairfiold Church of Christ, Lancaster Senior High Class




First Christian Junior Church, Springfield First Church of Christ, Logan

Foi-ost Dale Church of Christ, Cincinnati
Heath Church of Christ Howard Church of Christ

185.00 61.00



41,17 45.00



Johnstown Church of Christ

" 73.72
519.13 75" 00

Licking Valley Church of Christ

Vacation Bible School

150.00 955.00

Martinsburg "Church of Christ Junior High S.S. Class

Mount Gilead Church of Christ


11,65 356.35

Northside Church of- Christ, Newark

Ohio Valley Chr, Ass. First Chance Camp

Pleasant Grove Church of Christ VBS "

705.00 229.52

Rocky Fork Church of Christ, Newark

Golden Rule and Truth Seekers Cla-ssos

Southeast Church of Christ, Ziarysville

Utica Church of Christ Loyal Berean Class Middlcr II Class

125.00 600.00 60.00

Second Church of Christ, Newark, VBS

55.95 420.00 75.00 50.00 300.00 30.00 6,00

100.00 10.00

Wakatomika Christian Sorvice Camp (Juniors)

Gift in Memory of Homer D. Fink


Anonymous Gift



Bolloviow Church of Christ, Grant Corinth Christian Church, Senior Class - Gray's Chapol Christian Church, Boattyvillo
Kentucky Christian Collogo Student Activities

Jan.-Juno 197^ $ , ^0,00 120,00 400,00

July-Sopt. . 197^ $ ,50.00 3000 ^0,00

Wollsburg Church of Christ

Va^^-ation Bible School



Etna roen Churchof Christ Dorcas Miss. Soc, Burnt Pines Church of Christ, North Vernon .

25.00 ^5,00

Ottor Creek Christian Church, Terra Haute

West V/alnut St. Church of Christ, Portland - 100,00

210.00, 30.00 .72.65 15,00 135.00

Guyandotte Ch/Christ, W.Va. Youth"Rockathon"

First Christian Church, NowPort Richoy, Fla. Canby Christian Church, Oregon Jackson Church of Christ VBS, Montrzumaj Iowa Missionary Group

12.00 100.00 33.00 60.00 50.00 . 23.50 60,00
30,00 25,00 10,00 -300.00 135O0' 120,00 20.00

Christian Church Women,' Farmington, N,Mexico Christian Women's Fellowship, Mather, Penn. First Christian Chjildren's Church, Longmont,CO Headowbrook Christian Church, Kirksville, MO Mrs. Louella Popham, Newark, OHIO Mrs. Robert Leshor & Family, Columbus, OHIO

Harold Bishop, Utica. OHIO Kevin Kelcher, Mt, Giload, OHIO Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Melcher, Mt. Giload, OHIO
Mr, & Mrs. Harold Van Winkle, Heath. OHIO Mr. & Mrs. Ray Helton, St. Louisville, OHIO Mr. & Mrs, Sco-tt Stickle, Newark, Ohio Mr, & Mrs. Danny Riggen, Cincinnati, OHIO Mr, & Mrs= T, W, Kitchen, Frazeysburg, OHIO Mr. & Mrs. Clyde Baker, Newark, OHIO Mr. & Mrs. Donald Davis, Martinsburg, OHIO lass Vicki Swart, San Jose, CALIFORDHA Sgt, & Mrs, Williajn Silvey, OKINAWA
Mr, & Mrs. Kenneth Smith, Montezuma, IOWA .Mr, & Mrs. Mike Sheffield, Odessa, TEXAS

25.00 5,00 10.00 30.00 75.00


. 10.00 10.00

150,00 llO.OO 70.00 22,00 55,00 40.00

. , 25.00

l-lr. & Mrs, Adrain McClanahan, Brooksvillo, KY


Mr, & Mrs, Timethy Sparks, Elizabeth City, NC




'mm " ^ mk


I arrived


in Santiago

the Prat B church, baptized four into Christ. After the baptisms
wo returned to tho Prat B church for tho first session of a two

on Friday, July 13th. The follow ing Monday I had to start working to gat caught up at tho office. By Friday I was pretty well caught


so Sunday, July 22, Andy (my

son) and'I left for Osorno, which is at the opposite oxtreme of tho coiintry, Antofagasta is a thou
sand milos north and Osorno is 700 milos south of Santiago. I was

night revival mooting. A trio from Santiago did the singing and preaching. Monday morning I loft for Santiago. Ed and Mike both stayed for tho mooting Monday night on

scheduled to proach a week long youth revival in Osorno. At the; same time I took tho opportunity
to toach two classes in tho after noon. Studonts wore out of school for T/dnter vacation. These two

tho Biblo and scionco. Ed report ed an attendance of approximately 20 university students. Ho used the class to present tho theory
of creation as contrasted .to tho theory of evolution. Most of tho young people were convinced that
i t isn't so outdated to believe

classes that I offered wore "How to toach a Biblo class" and "Apolor

what tho Biblo says about God and

about creation.

gotica: Dofonso of tho foith".

Boforo closing . tho mooting,

tho participants askod Ed if ho could return in September for a two day spiritual retreat at tho beach. Thoy folt that at that time thoy should discuss the in


Now to fulfill our promise to

have a discussion about tho Biblo and science: Ed Holt, JS-ko Cowsert

ual needs,

of tho Scriptures


(missionary who arrived in May),

and I returned to tho North on

then talk about each one's spirit

Ed said that ho fools

August l6.
To plan an all-day spiritual rotroat for tho toon-agers of tho Anto Chubchos of Christ, I spent tho day ' calling on tho preachers and young people while Ed and Mike
did tho final visitation to ar

that during tho retreat

at least

throe more

will be baptized.


God bo tho gloryl



four phases

of the "El

range for tho Monday night class. Saturday wo started the youth services at 9'00 a.m. Wo studied the Bible and sang praises xintil 3:00 p.m. At that time wo wont to tho beach for a baptismal servico. Wilfrodo Soto, preacher of (Continued next colur;ji)

Encuontro" program aro: l)T/4iting

of correspondence courses, 2) Mik ing contacts tlirough tho course,

3) Forming Biblo study groups from graduates, ^) Training leadership

for tho continuance of the groups.
Presently we are just start-

(Continuod on Pago B)

First Trip to North


Churches of Christ


In Januarj'- of


year an

evangelistic team from the

Rosa congregationof Santiago went

x-Tith me to the north for revival meetings in the churches. These noetings ware very succossful and
many soi0.s were won for Jesus.

Anto. They all have services at d^.fferont times so we were able to attend one .service at each

On Monday Sii-san Fouix, a- 26 year old collogo graduate with a


in Chemical


Brother proachor in
<vo encourage

Wilfredo Soto, the the Prat B churoh,

the Christiars^ We

was bapti'-:ed as a result of her ;:tilciy:ing the course "El Encuen

asked if we cculd comc back poriodically for trairir.ng cla.'jsos -and


i^ho cl'.j'jiro tc start a Bible study

At that time she eixpressed

told hiiii thatvro definiteljr wovudWo either lied oi else underesti mated how much we had to do in Santiago-. The' next time that I

.'.n hor hcmo= Later that aftornoon Cd and Chris visitedvrith tiTO bro-

thersj ono of whom had finished the' Bible course. When the con-

vorciation was finished, tho;ir(both

university students)
desire to have about the Bible
was scheduled

got back to Antofagasta was the first weok of '^u]-y. The July trip served several
piirpoEos: to preach in the chur'.,;h~

expressed a

talked T'ri.th Susan and a mooting

to be hold Tuesd^-- we went to Calama to

more discussions; and science* Sd

at her"


to encourage the Christians,

and to visit

to plan T-dth the national preach

ers in so.r\e inrportant projects re
lating to the, work,

house on August 19th.

visit the church there and give

the diplomas to the graduates of the correspondence .course. We
^rere in Cal^a for that afternoon

graduates of t'no Bible Corrospondencc course "El Encuentro",

Sd Kolt, Chric DcWelt (now missionary who arrd.vod in March)

and I arrived in Anto on a Satur

and the folloxTing mornd.i'^g. Ing ,raduates of the Bible course

Wednesday wo finished visit-*

day morning. After eating lui-.ah, Ed and Chris started visiting gra
duates of the course. I visited

and at 8:00 p,m, that evening, Sd

and Chris left for Arica (farther

i-fith the members and preachers of

the different churches. That evc-


The following day I re

turned to Santiago,

, ning I spoke at the young people's

The results of the trip wore!

approximately 30 graduates visited

mooting (attendance of "about 50 teen-agers), Ed and Chris got back from calling about 10:00 p^m.
On Sunday wo were kq^t busy
attending sorvr.cos at the foiir

in 3 major cities,

5 Churches of

Christ visited,

one young lady

for dis
and science

and a mooting

cussion of the Bible

(Continued next column)

ing to work into tho third phase of the program. There are foiir
courscs now available to those

who desire to study. Tho fifth course is in preparation stages.

ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES In the combined bulletin that we mailed out last month several names are mentioned as new workers

coming to Chile. Many of them have

now arrived. We are glad to wel
Phil and Susan
come Chris and Carol DeWelt, Mike

Tho correspondence course has made positive contacts. There are now 20,000 persons who arc enrolled in
the first course.

and Pam Cowsert,

Of those 20,000 now enrolled,

Casey, and Dale and Judy Porter. Together with the arrival of
new workers wo regret the leaving


have graduated.

Tho third Chris

phase of the program includes sclocting tho best prospects and

forming thom into groups.
DeWelt is working with one group in San Bernardo; Ed is working

of others.

Jack and Linda Speot-

left after seven years in Chile, and Debbie Silverberg returned to

study at Ozark Bible College after

a one year internship.
Two more families are to ar rive tho first of October, They are, Ed and Linda Mills, and Del and Renctta Whaley,

with a g>oup in Anto plus there's a group that was started in Mike
Cowsert's homo hero in Santiago.

Our immediate plan is to try-

to get ten groups going with the people that we now have who can speak Spanish. Although there are
several now families in tho XTOrk,

We are about to finish the construction that was started last

only one person is to tho point of

being able ta teach a class in

year here at tho office building. The print shop area is completely
finished and tho workers are now


Tho rost are still study

ing the language.

finishing tho bdptistry room. The baptistry should bo finished and in use by the end of September,

1-lrs'Warren Myers, Forwarding Agont Route 2, Utica, Ohio 43080-^

Mailod by Utica Church"of Christ

Postage Paid Permit # 7

Utica, Ohio

115 N Central, Utica, Ohio, ^3080

Ozark Bible College

1111 N Main St




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