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Fountain Hills, AZ
From John Brockelman, Elder
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Looking forward to a new church year with anticipation for spiritual growth I think about where we have come from in the past three years. In this time, with Pastor Bill leading us, attendance is up; giving is up, we have a number of opportunities for Bible study, including The Way on Wednesday evening. With the addition of Debby DeBernardi our youth programs have expanded. Debbie Fisher has assumed the responsibility of Worship Leader for the second service. A number of improvements have been made to our campus through very generous donations. We have State of the Art audio/video equipment in the Sanctuary, the Fellowship Center, the Youth Center and a class room. A very significant change has been our increasing ability to put aside personal differences for the common purpose of being here, which is to worship God. Thinking ahead about the coming year, consider what you can do to be more involved. Stewardship is a gift of time as well as financial support. Some of us are better able to do one or the other, some do both. We have many opportunities to serve, Choir, Hand Bells, Ushers, Greeters, or you could be a Liturgist. No one was more resistant to that than me, until I realized, God does not expect perfection. Good Thing! Just Do It. The increase in programs and technology provides an opportunity to serve in many new areas. Our dedicated and faithful staff cant do it all, they need your help. You may also consider serving in an elected office. Your background in Finance, Human Resources or Building Management are just some of the skills we need. The Book of Order of the PC USA describes the responsibilitys of Elders and Deacons. The most meaningful responsibility, Privilege of an Elder is serving communion. Serving home communion is a special privilege of Elders and Deacons. In a few days we will have a Memorial Service to celebrate the life of our founding Pastor, The Reverend Glenn Atchinson. On a bar stool, in a place that the other days of the week had no resemblance to a house of worship, he prayed. Glenn had the vision to see the possibilities for Gods work here in Fountain Hills and built a strong congregation. Glenn retired in 1998 and in the years that followed we had good times and not so good. We came through it with prayer and Gods Grace. Three years ago, after much prayer, God brought us to The Reverend Bill Good and he agreed to join us on this journey. Thanks Bill. We are now approaching the 40th Anniversary of Glenns Vision. Many Pastors and members have contributed to what you see and feel here today. Look around and prayerfully consider how you want to participate in our future. God Be With You.

August 2013

John Brockelman


Starting June 3rd until September 3rd, the Church office will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The office will be closed on Fridays until Labor Day.

Our Vision: We hear our LORDs commandments -- calling us to be a city on a hill; reflecting light into Fountain Hills and all the world beyond, giving glory to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. calls us to . . . Our Mission : We respond in faith, hope, and love stretching upward to the One God and reaching outward to all people through worship, education, fellowship and service.

In Touch
Pastor/Head of Staff

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Focus on Finance
May/June Income $ 73,857 Budget Budget $ 65,100 $ 70,911 May/June Expense $ 72,185

Rev. Stan Jones

Parish Associate

Debby DeBernardi
Director Christian Formation

Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator

Yr to date Income

$ 240,581

Budget Budget

$ 218,500 $ 209,064

Debbie Fisher
Director of Music Ministry

Yr to date Expense $ 212,763

Dorothy Parris

Caryl Bates

Lynn Medley

CHURCH TREASURER John Skewes CHURCH SESSION Class of 2013 Bob Lull Susan Owens Jim Roy Donna Yordy Class of 2014 Gail Botsford Jerry Cain Carol Hencz Jerry Maples Letha Neely Class of 2015 Brooks Benjamin John Brockelman Jake Eberspacher Helen Quigley Terri Schmidt Chris Young BOARD OF DEACONS Moderator: Yvonne Ellingson Class of 2013 Yvonne Ellingson Sandy Heunisch John Schopbach Donna Sims Class of 2014 Irene Cain Phyliss Kern Linda Maples Helen Roesch Class of 2015 Ben Fast Jack Morris Ruby Pearson Bev Watters ******
Rev. Glenn Atchinson Pastor Emeritus

The months of May and June pretty much tracked expectations, with the favorable Income variance indicated above largely attributable to the fifth Sunday in June (June 30th), wherein several individuals dropped their July Pledges into the offering plate. Consequently, June looks somewhat stronger than Budget, but this will selfcorrect in July. Expenses for this two month period were on target. While we should expect some of our gains to date to erode as we progress through the summer and early fall, at the mid-point of calendar 2013 the Church remains in solid financial health. Thank you! Respectfully, John Skewes, Treasurer

On the Inside:
From Our Elder. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . Focus on Finance .. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . Mens Group .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . AT&T Cell Tower.. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. .. FHPC FOUNDATION .. .. .. . ... . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. Mission Ministry . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . . .. . . . Presbyterian Women .. .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. Facebook . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Who Are These People? . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . . .. .. Councils & Their Functions . .. . .. . .. . Venture Crew Outing .. .. .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . ... .. . .. . Christian Formation . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. . .. .. . . . . . From the Director of Christian Formation .. . . . . . . . . . Synod of the Southwest .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . .. . . . .. . . BLOG: Check it out! .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . Library Footnotes.. .. . .. . . . . . Music Ministry .. .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spotlight...Did You Know? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Necrology for 2013 .. .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. August Birthdays .. .. .. . . .. .. . Triennium Youth photo. .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . . . 1 2 3 3 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 19 20

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August 2013

Mens Group

AT&T Cell Tower

The long anticipated cell tower is under construction and should be operational this month. Thanks to the cooperation of the Presbytery, our mortgagor, the town of Fountain Hills and your Session along with the assistance of Art Spalding who negotiated the lease. We should see our first rent this month. Thank you all. - John Brockelman

The Mens Group will meet on Saturday, August 17, 2013 at 9:00 am. at Dennys Restaurant on the corner of Shea Blvd and Saguaro Blvd. All men are invited!

Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery Today is a gift That is why we call it the present

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation
An Investment Today for the Life of Our Church Tomorrow
What happens with my Foundation gift after I pass away? This is the most popular question asked by religious foundation donors. The Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church Foundation has the answer. Contact a Foundation Board of Trustees member for the answer. Foundation Board of Trustees Barbara Oakeson Susan Phillips Matt Jefferson Gary Reynolds Roy Nickel Ben Fast Jerry Cain 480-837-5563 480-837-1225 480-837-6001 480-836-9552 480-688-8392 480-837-1119 480-837-1764
Ben Fast and Susan Phillips sharing information with Doug Katonak

P.S. Do you have a will, trust or any document naming the Church as a benefactor? If Yes, the Foundation wants you! Please call a Foundation Board of Trustees member.

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In Touch

November 2012 page 4

Mission Ministry
purchase an animal or tree on your own. If you want more information on this project you can contact Terri or Susan and we will be glad to answer any questions.

Extended Hands Food Bank

The Friday night Fish Fry at Extended Hands Food Bank begins again on Friday August 2nd. The price has gone up to $11.99, for all you can eat with a beverage and dessert. This is a great way to help support the food bank. We will be helping the first Fridays of the month again this fall. If any one feels this is something they would like to do, you can contact Terri or Susan and let them know you can help out. We continue to collect canned and non-perishable food as well as the loose change for the Extended Hand Food Bank.

Terri Schmidt and Susan Owens, Elders II Corinthians 9:9 says As it is written He who scatters abroad; He gives to the poor; His deeds of Justice and goodness and kindness and benevolence will go on and endure forever! It is written many times and many ways in the Bible that God wants us to give to those less fortunate. That is our primary goal here in the Mission Ministry. One kind deed grows into many kind deeds, much like one tiny seed will grow into a healthy plant, and that plant can grow and spread into many.

Water for the Homeless

Thank you to all who brought water to be taken down to the homeless and needy downtown at the MANA House. This helped and was a huge success. We sometimes forget that not everyone has water at his or her reach, and this certainly helped many through these hot months of the year. We will continue to collect water to be taken down as is John Brockelman, Jerry Cain, Carl needed. Capron and Ben Fast loading up!

Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund Thank you to all who gave when we asked
for help with funds to be sent to the Yarnell Fire victims. The Presbyterian Disaster Relief Fund was there with money as well as people to help almost immediately. This could not be done without the loving and giving nature of people like you. We collected over $375.00 as of this publication. I am so moved and proud of our congregations response when there is a need. Thank you.

School Supplies
Thank you again to all who so graciously brought in school supplies for the local and less fortunate kids. This makes it so much easier on the schools to help the kids learn. Thank you for stepping forward, again, in answer to our pleas.

Community Mission Outreach Committee

At this publication, a group of people will have gotten together to try and unite in a community outreach. This group of people will join together to help those less fortunate here in Fountain Hills. We are hoping to unite as many churches and people together, so that we can take care of those that are in need of help. If this sounds like something you are interested in, you can contact Terri or Susan. If any of these projects or programs interests you or you would like to be on our Mission Committee, please contact Terri Schmidt or Susan Owens.
Continued on page 5...

Heifer Project
This project was started with our Vacation Bible School, but we are continuing this worthwhile project. There is information in the Narthex. This is a wonderful way to remember someones Birthday, Anniversary or as a Memorial. You can donate a specific amount of money or

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In Touch


2013 page 4

Mission Ministry
FHPC Homeless Outreach with Starbucks - One cup, One cake, One person at a time!

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, Tom Martin and the local Fountain Hills Starbucks on Palisades have partnered since August of 2012 to bring left over cakes to the over 55 and homeless veterans at Justa Center, MANA House and the Rescue Mission in Phoenix three times a week. Michael, Katelyn and Starbucks manager Danny make sure there are plenty of goodies to pick up when Tom Martin arrives. The Outreach Team, Tom and Bob Berg head downtown to deliver food and hope to the homeless. Over 500 cakes can be delivered in one drop! In partnership with Starbucks, they said We aim To inspire and nurture the human spiritand let them know they are not forgotten. One Person, One cup, One cake, One life at a time.

Ordinary offerings, extraordinary use

The book of Numbers contains endless instructions about the offerings Israel should make gold and silver vessels, flour-and-oil mixtures, incense and sacrificial animals. Hidden in there are six covered wagons and twelve oxen (7:3, KJV) that the leaders offer to God. Although many of the commanded offerings were impractical for daily living and likely easy to comply with what use were silver bowls and incense while wandering the desert? giving up wagons and oxen surely required more thought. They may not seem as holy as gifts of money, fancy utensils and expensive fabric, but they were indeed precious: They would transport the Tent of Meeting from place to place. Likewise today, some people offer money, altar linens, bread and wine; others donate art supplies for Sunday school, casseroles for funeral luncheons, a computer for the church office. All gifts are useful. All are holy.
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

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In Touch

December 2011 page 6

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2013 Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens Vice-Moderator (Program): Susan Lickman Historian/Librarian: Barbara Oakeson Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek Publicity: Terry Martin Search Committee: Linda Capron Morning Circle Leader: Carol Fuls Evening Circle Leaders: Maria Berry & Jeanene Afternoon Circle Leader: Martha Baxter Schopbach Hooked on Books Leader: Out n About Leader: Arlene Olsen
Most Circles and Team Meetings will resume in October and will be announced in the September issue of the newsletter. Coordinating Team: Meets on the First Friday of every month. Meeting is at 9 AM and held in the Adult Center. Morning Circle: will meet at 9:00 AM in the Adult Center on the Second Thursday of the month. Afternoon Circle: will continue as it has all summer under the leadership of Marty Baxter and meeting at Fountain View Village. Evening Circle: will meet at 7 PM in the Adult Center on the Fourth Tuesday of the month.

Presbyterian Women
Our Circles are organized into small groups. A circle is: Where faith is nurtured and growth takes place through worship, study, friendship and outreach Where women are challenged to stretch beyond their limits Where women move beyond the safe places of life and reach out to others Where Christian leadership is born, nurtured and sent forth to ministry If you are not presently in a Circle we would love to have you join us. There will be a Circle sign-up sheet in the narthex for new members and anyone who would like to move to a new circle. You may always call the office if you need more information. The new Bible study booklets will arrive soon and should be timely. As in the past the study will be connecting faith and daily life and will address some of the difficult issues facing the world today, a womans role in society and an emphasis on what the messages meant to the original audiences that would have heard Jesus speak them. Rememberto join a circle you just need to show up. You may also form your own circle with friends who may need a more convenient time. Please note: The circles do not meet during July and August . They will resume in September.

Remedy for Loneliness: We have had many losses this year - so what to do? Reach Out
One of the most effective ways to come out of loneliness is to reach out to others who are hurting or in need. Even if you don't feel like reaching out, discipline yourself to do it anyway. I don't say that's easy. I don't think that you can always do that overnight. For some people it will be after a period of weeks, for some after a period of months. For me it was a year after several losses at once.

It might be as simple as baking cookies for the neighbors, going to visit the hospital, going to the nursing home. It might be as simple as writing letters to others who have also lost loved ones and sharing with others what this loss has given you. There is an amazing therapeutic value in not only telling your own story, but in pointing people back to joy. To escape loneliness and despair, you must take action and reach out to others, and you will experience the light of hope rising up in your life. It always workstry it. When you are ready. Terry Martin

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Keep an eye out for reports from Donna Yordy on her Appalachian trip! A full interview is expected in the September issue.

August 2013
who would benefit from this ministry please contact us at the church office at 480-837-1783. Of course we welcome those from any age group who wish to contribute their time, ideas and talents. Even if you just wish to attend and listen join us we would welcome you! Call Tom 322-1955. "They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green." (Psalm 92:14 NIV). PW DOES IT AGAIN! The Weekender Bag .. is a program, in cooperation with the Church of the Ascension. It is one of the out-reach mission projects of FHPCs Presbyterian Women. This program involves the bagging of non - perishable foods, a $5.00 value per bag, which can be easily given to school children who other-wise would not have enough to eat over the weekend. This endeavor was begun by a young lady in Mesa after recognizing the need of kids participating in the schools free breakfast and lunch program not having enough, or any, food to eat on weekends. The Arizona Brain Food is the recipient of food items which are stored in a donated warehouse awaiting the bagging. Each Thursday during the school year volunteers gather and sort, organize and bag items which are then delivered to participating schools. Of the 1200 or so bags packed each week, 50 80 are brought back to Fountain Hills where they are delivered to the appropriate schools. Those from FHPC who have participated have found it both fun and rewarding and we look forward to another year assisting this program. Anyone wishing to help in the bagging, starting again the first Thursday in September, are welcomed; just contact PW member for further information on doing so. We are always in need of financial assistance for this project as well. Many thanks to those women who bagged last year with special thanks to the men who willingly assisted! While the Weekender Bag program was suspended for the summer, children in need were able to receive food from our local Extended Hands Food Bank. Your continued donations throughout the summer were of great assistance to the needy families in our community. Thanks again and prayerfully we will see your face, hands, feet and spirit bagging for Weekender Bag ! CALL THE OFFICE ASAP! Or talk with Mary Alice Bivens.

Johnny Cakes

based on John 6:12

Vision When they had all had enough to eat, Jesus said to his disciples, "Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted." John 6:12 Mission Expand our community network linking available sources of surplus food to those in need through existing charitable organizations. Grow our church community in a manner that provides a level of gifting and relationships necessary to carry out our vision. Tom Martin and Bob Berg continued the ministry over the summer and provided homeless veterans, homeless elderly and MANA HOUSE, Phoenix Rescue Mission, and Justa Center with cakes and water all summer. The water and cakes will continue for the rest of the year ! The Mens Bible Study helped load the water on Thursday mornings and the generosity of the donation of cases and cases of water are greatly appreciated. Thanks!

The O.W.L.S. are back and asking WHO can you serve?
OWLS stands for Older, Wiser, Loving Souls, and is the name of our Senior Outreach Ministry. The purpose of the ministry is to provide opportunities for fellowship, discipleship, and activities for seniors to the glory of God. It is a ministry for seniors living at Fountain View Village by seniors from FHPC. All OWLS join together the first Sunday of every month offering a worship Service to the residents of Fountain View Village. During the 30 minute service, we have communion, special music, prayer, uplifting messages and old, old hymns. We always need volunteers. We value your prayers for those involved in this ministry. If you feel you can share your gift or know of someone

FACEBOOK PAGE: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

Go to our website and click on Facebook on our home page. When you are there also click on the like it icon.

When you do that you will get news feeds directly from our site whenever anything new is added. It is just another way to stay connected.

In Touch
Can you guess who these children grew up to be?

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Puzzle solved!
Bob Berg Jerry Cain Debby DeBernardi Greg Fisher Carol Fuls Carol Hencz Stan Jones Bob Lull Connie McCanless Suzie McCready Lynn Medley ___ ___ ___ G ___ H ___ D C B L Letha Neely Barbara Oakeson Gary Oakeson Arlene Olsen Susan Phillips Phyllis Rapp Kristi Robinson Jim Roy Terri Schmidt Heather Vawter Bev Watters ___ J E I ___ ___ ___ ___ A K F

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August 2013

Councils and Their Functions

The Session is organized into 10 Councils, or Committees, typically with two Elders assigned to administer each Council. For 2013, the Session Councils and their functions are as follows:
BUILDINGS and GROUNDS ** Bob Lull To give oversight to maintaining and preserving the buildings and property. To coordinate outside vendors and service providers. To recommend to the Session policies regarding building use and function. To give oversight to the total education programs of FHPC. To structure meaningful involvement for the entire congregation in educational experiences that deepen faith and commitment. To provide an evaluation of the education programs based on priority-determined criteria and goals. To oversee operations of the Nursery. To interpret to the Session the monthly financial reports. To coordinate the preparation of the church budget and its presentation for Session approval. To provide investment management. To provide relationship management with financial institutions. To be responsible for overseeing the work of the Treasurer. To develop the means to identify those who desire to join FHPC, make personal contact and offer orientation to programs and opportunities for Christian growth and fellowship before being received into membership. To orchestrate communications and publicity with the surrounding community. To educate the congregation in mission understanding and commitment. To involve the congregation in opportunities of mission within the denomination and community. To consider new programs of mission locally, nationally and worldwide that will involve financial support, and person support. To relate to the professional and support staff of FHPC. To prepare position descriptions, conduct interviews and assume responsibility for any personnel matters regarding the staff. To administer Performance Evaluations (at least annually). To provide confidential counsel on personnel matters/conflicts. To create diverse and flexible opportunities to develop, nurture, and sustain community life; with specific responsibilities to: Presbyterian Woman, Mens Fellowship, Volunteerism and Personal Gift development, Fellowship and social events, New Member welcoming,

CHRISTIAN FORMATION ** Carol Hencz * Jake Eberspacher (Youth)

FINANCE ** Jerry Cain

EVANGELISM ** Gail Botsford

MISSION and OUTREACH ** Terri Schmidt * Susan Owens

PERSONNEL COMMITTEE **John Brockelman Chairpersons of Worship & Music, CLAF, Finance, Christian Education CONGREGATIONAL LIFE & FELLOWSHIP ** Donna Yordy * Chris Young

STEWARDSHIP ** Jerry Maples

To interpret Christian stewardship to adults, youth, and children to foster a more complete understanding of Biblical stewardship throughout the entire membership. To conduct the yearly stewardship campaign in support of annual budgeting efforts. To meet with the pastor and the music director to guide and direct the worship life of FHPC. To concern itself with adult, youth, children, and intergenerational experiences of worship. To provide pulpit supply (as necessary). To manage serving Sacraments (including Homebound). To oversee staffing and training of worship support (liturgists, greeters/ ushers, sound booth, sacrament preparation.) Provide technical assistance for all electronic equipment on the campus.

WORSHIP and MUSIC MINISTRY ** Letha Neely * Helen Quigley

TECHNICAL SUPPORT ** Brooks Benjamin

In InTouch Touch

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Venture Crew
Not for the faint-hearted.

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Venture Crew

Ryan Zenhausern Jon Trautman

In late June, 7 youth and 3 adults member of the FHPC Venture Crew traveled to Poncha Springs, Colorado for a week of high adventure. Some of the money that was raised earlier in the year from our car wash was used to help defray some of the expenses of the trip. The adventure started out slowly, after a 100 mile detour around the forest fires in Pagosa Srpings, but the pace quickly picked up. Our trip consisted of two days of whitewater rafting on the Arkansas River. We spent a day each at mountain biking and rock climbing and rappelling in the San Isabel National Forest. Then, on to a two mile hike to 3 trout filled lakes at the tree line on the Continental Divide that rounded out a week of good fun, mediocre food and great fellowship. On the last night of our adventure the Crew did a skit that was a parody of our week at camp. By the end of our skit the staff was very glad to see us leave as were the members of the Crew. We returned home tired, with smiles on our faces, all digits were still attached but some were definitely battered and bruised. As of this writing we are already planning our adventures for 2014. If you know a youth between the ages of 14 and 21 who are looking to get out of the easy chair and get into the great outdoors, the Venture Crew is looking for new members. We will be meeting again beginning in August. For more information contact Chuck Eberspacher at 480-888-6669 or chuckebers@cox.net.

Trey Uphoff

Chris Varanese... the food didnt agree? When you are hungry, what can you do? Or it looked like man vs. food!

In Touch

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Christian Formation
A follow up to Pastor Bills June/July Newsletter, Lets Talk.
On Sunday, May 26th I preached a sermon entitled Shhh. . . in which I suggested that our too-polite silence on certain matters was hindering our witness to Jesus Christ and was hastening the mainline Christian churchs journey into irrelevancy in the world outside our sanctuaries. ...Jerry Miles and I are in the early stages of planning an ongoing series of symposiums designed to offer a forum for the FHPC family to discuss these issues we cant talk about in church. Youve seen my list: whats yours?

Response: Jesus Loved Pastrami I was reading an article in the Lee Shulman's Forum essay: I regularly read his notes. It was entitled "I believe in pastrami." The column is a variation of stuff he's done with NPR, but he offers a cool metaphor that prompted this writing. I dont want to repeat everything verbatim, because it's copyrighted and I respect that. But the gist of what he says led me to the thought about our church Pastor Bill asked in his sermon on May 26th entitled Shhh and his request in the June/July In Touch for people to contact him or Jerry Miles about talking about things we cant or dont talk about in church. Pastors list was very provocative and I certainly would give it much thought but my list? My list is much more parochial, closer to home, pedestrian if you will "I believe that pastrami is a metaphor for a well-lived life, for a well-designed institution, and even for a healthy relationship. Pastrami is marbled rather than layered. Its parts, the lean and the fat, are mixed together rather than neatly separated." Lets take it a little further.. when you buy a brisket and don't want the fat? You just pare it off, baby. Your doctor will love you. Use a knife and just cut away. Get rid of the bad stuff, the unhealthy stuff. No problem. But of course in relationships and in the church you can't just do that. You don't

want to do that, do you? Or communities or the work place. If you had your druthers you'd just rather cut out what you don't like, who you don't like, and get on with it. That would mean - You don't believe in pastrami. "Separate layers are much easier to trim from the brisket. Separate layers are much easier to build, to schedule, to design. But I believe that marbling demands that we work with the messy world of people, relationships, and obligations in their full, rich complexity." Those questions on May 26th Well those answers lie with smarter brains than mine but my heart asks the question of how ready are we as a church family as humans who have lived several decades long enough to know how delicious marbled pastrami can be, yet why do we often cut away the best part? Who Me? ... "Work with the messy world of people ..." Didn't Jesus say something about how he came not to call the "righteous" but "sinners to repentance?" Luke 5:32 Jesus was a pastrami lover. So am I. -Terry Martin
I invite you to email me (fhpc.billg@gmail.com) or visit with either Jerry Miles or me to suggest topics as you see fit. - Pastor Bill

The Way
(formerly Wednesday Evening Family Night)

The WAY will resume August 21, 2013 in the Fellowship Center. Dinner & Fellowship is from 6-6:30 pm. We are asking for a $5.00 donation for dinner. Pastor Bill will be leading the adults in a one hour Bible Study from 6:30-7:30 pm. We are looking forward to our Wednesday night gettogether's again. For information about Teens and Elementary Kids (Kid Community) fall kick-off please see the article on the next page from Debby DeBernardi.

Carol Hencz, Elder

Mission is everywhere
The word mission often implies traveling to another country to teach and work. The work done in foreign missions is important, of course, but we cant all make the trip. What we can do, however, is be faithful servants where we live. Mission is about putting the face and name of Jesus in front of those who dont know him. We can do that in many ways any place and any day.
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

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August 2013

From the Director of Christian Formation

Thy Kingdom Come! Thy Kingdom Come...Thy Will Be Done here in Fountain Hills in the lives of children and family! Do we know the importance of the Kingdom of God? - We pray Your Kingdom Come and we are commanded by Jesus to Seek the Kingdom of God. But what does this term mean? What are we praying for in the Lords Prayer? Do we have intellectual awareness of what this means? What is the gospel of the Kingdom that must be preached to ends of the earth before the end comes? We are told in Scripture to preach, pray for, and pursue the Kingdom of God. This Kingdom comes into possession (fullness) through the witness of us, his disciples. Amazing...no, not that I am using all ps preach, pray, pursue and possess but that is comes to us and through us! That is what I long to see for our faith family to offer the children and families here, our community and our world. Hear Ye Hear Ye! Opportunity to serve in teams to advance the Kingdom of God! KidCommunities will resume the week after the Royal Reunion. The Big God Story offers both large group worship and small group activities.. Wednesday nights is a great opportunity for those who enjoy presenting the Bible Story, guiding activities or shepherding kids to connect truth with life. We would like to do this in teams. Please consider serving 1-2 times per month with the large group or small group team. Kingdom Life with God for Children The Bible is filled with stories of God in relationship with people. In these stories he reveals himself. Through these stories he cultivates the soil of love and relationship. In Life with God for Children the Scriptures are the anchor, and spiritual disciplines are used as a means of engaging in relationship. The curriculum is based on the people profiles in The Life with God Bible. The intention is not only to inform and teach children these stories, but to give children the tools and opportunities to explore the Scriptures themselves as space is provided for God to transform them and give them hope for the future. The curriculum contains individual lessons for ages 4 to 12. Adults will be formed in the process too! Royal Feast at the VBS Appreciation Dinner!

Kids of the Kingdom will be our offering this fall during the second service time for an option for families. Preschool will begin with Treasure Seekers that takes kids on an exciting island treasure hunt where they seek who God is and His Son, Jesus. Young seekers in sneakers and sandals will be jewels for Jesus shining brightly! A Royal Reunion is planned for our fall kick off on August 21st. Children from church and VBS will be invited to come and bring a friend to a Prince and Princess Party that includes a 3-D movie and popcorn, make-up time for the princesses and finger launchers for knights/princes. Photo opportunity in the Royal Chair. Great for those who served VBS and childrens ministry for relational re-connection! Call Debby if you are interested in helping with this follow-up royal party! Fall opportunities for families will be given to parents as well as invitation to services, ministries and missions.

Thanks given for the unity and teamwork that went into this evangelistic week! As they say...teamwork trumps talent and technique! Yeah Team! You all stood strong! Teens at the Triennium! Coming soon!

Debby DeBernardi, Director

In Touch

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Synod of the Southwest

The Synod of the Southwest offers trip to the Holy Land in 2014
A trip to the Holy Land, designed around Presbyterian interests in that region, is being offered through the Synod of the Southwest, departing from Phoenix, AZ, February 1, 2014. The dual focus of the trip is on the life of Jesus while attempting to understand some of the complexities that compromise daily life of the region. The itinerary begins in Jesus birthplace and ends in Jerusalem. Along with place names familiar to Christians, there will be opportunities to meet leaders dealing with the realities of life in these holy places. An optional three-day extension to Petra, Jordan, is available. Priced from Phoenix, the cost for the main tour, February 1 11, 2014, is $3,629, based on double occupancy. In addition to round-trip air from Phoenix, this includes: eight nights accommodations, breakfast and dinner daily plus one lunch, all ground transportation and transfers by deluxe motor coach, extensive sightseeing by expert local guides with entrance fees included, porterage for one checked bag per person, gratuities for all drivers and guides, plus airport/foreign departure taxes. The optional extension to Petra, February 11 14, is $849 per person, based on double occupancy. Optional travel insurance is available. Request a brochure by calling the Synod of the Southwest office, 520-791-9600, or sending an email to robin@synodsw.org. Or visit the Synod website at www.synodsw.org to view the brochure. Discuss the tour with Rocky Mackey, by calling 480503-9297. She is one of two Synod leaders accompanying the group at their own expense.

What's it worth?
As a man browsed through a rare-book store, he chatted with its owner. The customer had recently thrown away a dusty old Bible hed found in the attic of an old house hed just bought. Someone named Guten-something-or-other had printed it, he mentioned offhandedly. Not Gutenberg? the shop owner gasped. Yes, that was it, the man replied. You threw away one of the first books ever printed! the owner exclaimed in dismay. A copy recently sold at auction for half a million dollars! Oh, I dont think this Bible wouldve been worth anything like that, the man replied. It was scribbled all over in the margins by some guy named Martin Luther.
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Not Yet A Member?

If youre not yet a member of our Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church family, but have been attending for a while, we want you to know that we value each and every one of you and we are very happy to have you with us. We periodically have Inquiry meetings for those interested in becoming members. If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Gail Botsford at 412-613-3312 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.
Gail Botsford, Elder

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August 2013
Greetings. This blog is an answer to a question. The more that we learn the more we should want to share. This blog is for the sharing of information to help with our journey / adventure towards a deeper understanding of our faith. You may also go online thru our website www.fhpresbyterian.info and click on the BLOG button and add your comments, as well as see what others are thinking. Check it out.

A cross for everyone. Who, but the God of all imagination, could take the cross, the most barbaric tool of execution, and turn it into a symbol of hope and faith, a signature of all that is good in the world? There is a wealth of understanding to be discovered in the cross. In the historical account of Jesus birth, Mary and Joseph arrived in Bethlehem to nd no room, no vacancy, in the inn. Yet, just 33 brief years later, there was plenty of room for Jesus at the cross. There is room at the cross for you and me in learning to die to our own needs and learning to live for the needs of others; in dying to having it our way and learning to live in His way; in dying to the darkness of this world while opening our eyes to the light of Gods world. Jesus, the man, died on the cross. Jesus, the Savior, lives. Maybe we should book our reservations, now!

Michael Belk, artist

Matthew 10: 38-39

What sins?
In A Forgiving God in an Unforgiving World (Harvest House), Ron Lee Davis retells a true story about a priest in the Philippines who was burdened by long-ago sin. Despite repenting, he didnt feel Gods peace or forgiveness. Meanwhile, a woman in the priests parish said she was having visions of Christ and the priest was skeptical. To test her, he said, The next time you speak with Christ, ask him what sin your priest committed while he was in seminary. The woman agreed and went on her way. Later, the priest asked the woman if shed had another vision and had posed his question to Jesus. Yes, I did, she said. Well, what did he say? the anxious priest asked. These are his exact words, the woman replied. I cant remember. Thanks to God for his forgetfulness where our sins are concerned. I, I am he who blots out your transgressions for my own sake, and I will not remember your sins (Isaiah 43:25, NRSV).
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

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In Touch

August 2011 page 16

Library Footnotes
A Step of Faith by Richard Paul Evans, the fourth volume in The Walk series. Alan Christoffersens walk from Seattle to Key West started about a year ago, soon after he lost his wife, his business, and his home. This walk across the country was to get him away from those painful memories. Along the way, unexpected and near tragic events stopped the journey for periods of time. Our last story found him in a hospital in St. Louis. Because his severe vertigo is diagnosed as the side effect of a brain tumor, Alan must go to Los Angeles for treatment. He is surrounded by those who care most for him: his father, who is happy to have Alan back in his childhood home; Falene, who has been by his side through his most difficult times; and Nicole, who helped him recover from a mugging in Spokane. One by one, Alan alienates them all, for he is determined to finish this journey. Alan enjoys walking the southern back roads, staying in small towns and local restaurants, and our author gives us some interesting historical facts about the areas. The continued journey brought two very different encounters, one with a cult which was fascinating with discussions about God, the Bible and beliefs, but frightening to witness the followers who accepted punishment without questioning. Another was a man living as a hermit who befriended Alan, taking him to his home for the night. His home was surrounded with high fences and barred windows, and he believed he would be safe when the whole world goes to Hell. The day before entering Florida, Alan lay awake thinking. He was nearing the end of his walk. What next? What will I do with the rest of my life? Then he recalled the last thing his wife, McKale, had said to him: Live. In that moment he realized that she meant to hope and dream and love again, and he knew what he wanted. He wanted love in his life. He wanted Falene. Checking his phone messages, Alans friend had located Falenes phone number for him, and as he began to dial it, another call drew his attention. It was Nicole saying, Alan, you need to come home. Your father had a heart attack and is in ICU. You need to come home. Once again, Key West must wait.

To be continued March 2014 with the fifth and final book in The Walk series.

- Vivian Virden

How to view death

For the believer, the time of death becomes far less daunting a factor when seen in the light of eternity. Although death remains an enemy, an outrage, a sign of judgment, a reminder of sin and a formidable opponent, it is, from another perspective, the portal through which we pass to consummated life. We pass through death, and death dies. And the more a Christian lives in the consciousness of Gods presence here, the easier it is to anticipate the unqualified delight that will be experienced in Gods presence there.

If you want happiness for an hour take a nap If you want happiness for a day go fishing If you want happiness for a month get married If you want happiness for a year inherit a fortune If you want happiness for a lifetime help others

-D.A. Carson
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

(Chinese Proverb)

page 17

August 2013

Music Ministry
We are continuing through our summer music in worship inspired by those who feel compelled to share their musical gift, and it is truly wonderful. We have much to be thankful for. Dorothy and I are still working in the library, integrating and labeling, lining up and setting up. I brought up the fact the other day that every anthem we have in Debbie Fisher, Director of Music our library she has played, which got us to imagine how many notes that would be. Somewhere in the "gazillions" is where we left it. The effort in re-organizing the library has been necessary to clean out old files, re-label and replace the dilapidated file folders, clarify the number of copies and re-organize their numerical order, and restructure the layout. We are going to be in this process a bit longer, with some aspects of the organizing taking longer thereby ensuring accuracy. It's not those things, though, that you might see if you peek into the choir room, but, you may see there are a few changes that definitely make the room more easily accessible for the flow of the choral members who are in and out on rehearsal days and Sundays. We have raised the folders to eye level, leaving a work space below, situated the piano better, set up an area to be my desk and work space, and made the room comfortable for small group rehearsals that we have in there. It's a great practice room. I'd like to, again, thank John Brockelman and Bev Watters for setting us up with a couple of extra file cabinets, and to Marta for ordering us parts to fix existing ones. It has been nice to have those who have shared their music at the 9:00 am service and also share their music at the 11:15 service. The later service is equipped with musical talent that can back the different styles. Having these guest musicians included in the service has been well received, and I hope for it to continue. It enables us to further enhance and cross-blend of the spirituals and gospel tunes along with the modern sounds of today. As I've said before, the service is just a continuation of the day, where the sermon is re-told with slight variation, the music is set to enhance the worship experience, just as the 9:00 am service is set. As we realize growth, we are getting a better taste for what the growth produces. It's wonderful! I am still rehearsing the youth on Wednesday's at 4:00 p.m. to keep us together, to learn more music; and the older ones at 5:00 p.m., when they are in town. Certain children who attend the 11:15 service are popping up on the stage at particular times to sing with us, as they are feeling more comfortable with what the service is all about. They are so much a part of what happens around here. I love to see young ones circulating amongst the adults, feeling the love and acceptance you give them. Deborah Fisher Director of Music Ministries Praise the Lord! How good it is to sing praises to our God; for He is gracious and a song of praise is fitting. The Lord builds up Jerusalem; He gathers the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. He determines the number of stars; He gives to all of them their names. Psalm 147:1-4

This is an invitation to anyone from the congregation who may feel so inclined to join with the choir in singing at the memorial of our founding Pastor, Pastor Emeritus Glenn Atchinson. His memorial will be held on Saturday, August 10 at 11:00 a.m.. The rehearsal for the selected anthem and benediction response will be Thursday evening, August 8, @ 6:30 p.m., lasting for one hour, then again on Saturday morning before the memorial at 10:00 a.m.. Please extend this invitation to anyone who may not have heard of this and who may also feel honored to sing.

Debbie and Dorothy taking a break from filing music.

In Touch

page 18

Spotlight . Did you know?

Debbie Fisher
I was born in Minnesota, raised in South Dakota, Germany, Texas, and Idaho where most of my family still resides. I am a middle child. I have 1 sister, 3 brothers. I moved to Az. in the mid 80's, and I've enjoyed teaching K-8 music in the Valley of the Sun ever since. I met my husband, Greg, and married him 2 years and a day later. We moved to Fountain Hills. I continue teaching in the Valley about 1000 children a week. 16 years ago I began teaching locally, just under 200 children a week. I absolutely love working with younger children. I love to impress the love of music in a natural way, and I try not to upset that way so they might continue to love and seek musical education throughout their lives. I also love choral music, which was my major emphasis through college. I have been singing in Adult Choirs since I was 14. I have had some of the best and worst Directors, and it certainly taught me more than I can say. I came to our beautiful campus soon after moving to Fountain Hills, having just recently left a Directing and Cantor position at a Lutheran Church in Phoenix. I sat in the back of the church for quite the while, seeing how it felt, making sure that before I became involved that it would be a church that I would want to stay in and soon love. I then joined the choir and was hired soon after that to be the Director of Youth Music. The rest is history. This church has proven to be the steadfast and durable site for God's Word that it set out to be when they broke ground. I was raised in a faithful, musical family. From my Grandparents on down we could all harmonize, carry a tune, play a horn, piano, organ, whatever! I grew up on Military Bases and farms until I moved to Arizona. Whether praying for a safe return from the war, or praying for rain to nurture the dry crops, prayer was common language. I learned early on that being rich had nothing to do with money, and achievement had everything to do with discipline and hard work. I've been a part of many wonderful events and I have a few long standing accomplishments, but, it is still those tough situations that I've made it through that have taught me the most in strengthening my faith in God, my family and friends who've been there with me that have deepened the love in my heart.

I Believe
I believe in sunshine; But I cannot clasp its ray. I cannot capture ocean tides; Just watch them day by day. I believe in thinking; Yet no brick can think a thought. I believe in loving; Though love cant be boxed or bought. I believe in gifts from God. . . Diverse, yet clear . . . and thus: I believe Gods Love enfolds, Sustains, and blesses us!
-Peggy Ferrell, Poems and Prayers
-The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Paraprosdokian A paraprosdokian is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part. It is frequently used for humorous or dramatic effect, sometimes producing an anticlimax.

Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit; Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.

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August 2013 Hospitalized? Call the church! If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from illness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a congregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to assume, when we dont see someone, that they are simply vacationing away. The truth is that some of you are sick and we are not aware of it. You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of your situation. We have an excellent support system in place due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you by communicating your situation.

With deepest sympathy we list those members who have passed away in 2013.

Herbert Robinson Goldie Demeter Jean Bricker Dean Heiser Tony Atchinson Barbara Wyman John Fenley Glenn Atchinson

10 reasons to attend church

1. To have fellowship with the crucified and risen Christ. 2. To worship. 3. To be forgiven. 4. To hear the voice of God. 5. To grow in the knowledge of the Bible, Gods Word. 6. To feed your soul. 7. To be prayed for. 8. To be loved and encouraged. 9. To love and encourage your fellow Christians. 10.To promote the Gospel. Dr. Richard P. Bucher
The Newsletter Newsletter by Communication Resources, Inc

Well done, Thou good and faithful servant. Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.
Matthew 25:21


8/03 8/04 8/05 8/06 8/07 8/08 8/09 8/09 8/10 8/11 Carol Hencz Jerold Miles Benjamin Welch Marjorie Koepke Berkley Lipps Norm Collins Samuel Hissler Letha Neely Ben Owens Simon Edwards 8/11 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/17 8/18 8/20 8/21 Maurene Gerson B.J. Shuck Charlotte Hissler Pat Ahrens Ruth Tessmer Byron Hodgson Suzie McCready Mary Ann Nickel Wanda Collins Terri McDermid 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/24 8/25 8/26 8/26 8/27 8/27 8/28 Charles Eberspacher Lynn Medley J.J. Prokupek Rachel Walters Olivia Swipiarski Maria Berry Kent Martinson Bill Monahan Richard Uphoff Ryan Zenhausern

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard Fountain Hills, AZ 85268

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Current Resident or
To see the photos in beautiful living color, go to our website: www.fhpresbyterian.info

If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication. News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyterian.office@gmail.com Editor, Marta Ludwig; Proof Reader, Helen Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dangremond, Ruby Pearson, Marilyn Humes, Arlene Olsen and Vivian Virden. Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

FHPC Youth at the Presbyterian Triennium in Purdue University

Andrey Lull, Tori Turner, Tyson Robinson, Sean Nangle, Debby DeBernardi, Trey Uphoff and Jake Eberspacher

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church 13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268 Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 Office E-Mail Address: fhpc.marta@gmail.com Office Hours: Monday Friday : 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. www.fhpresbyterian.info Pastor/Head of Staff: Rev Bill Good email: fhpc.billg@gmail.com cell phone: 480-329-8090

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