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Project 1: E-Educational poster

Learning Outcome: Develop an understanding of the most common native plants species (soft elements of landscape) and a basic overview of their specific natural & technical requirement to grow in roof top gardens as well as hard elements of landscape (i.e. walkways, lighting, water features, etc.). Softscapes Climbing vines Vines are highly versatile. They can shelter against the sun on arbors, screen out unwanted views or add privacy. on fences, cover the ground as ground covers, or add color to landscapes as shrubs. Climbers take the shape of their supporting structures. True climbers take up little ground space, and are excellent choices for smaller gardens, whereas wall shrubs require more ground space. Popular plants are: clematis, roses, wisteria and honeyCreeping Fig

Charateristics: Origin: Eastern Asia Height: 9-12m Bloom time : n/a Foliage Characteristics: Evergreen; On climbing stems, juvenile foliage consists of ovate, heart-shaped leaves to 1 long. On fruit-bearing stems, mature foliage is oblong to elliptic, thicker, shinier and larger (to 4 long). Foliage Colour: Dark green Flower Characteristics: Showy, unusual Flower Colour: Green Flower shape: Tolerances: Deer, drought, heat & humidity, seashore, wind Fruits: Hairy pear-shaped fruits Pollination: Pollinated by a special kind of wasp, often referred to as the fig wasp. Propagation Methods: From herbaceous stem cuttings From woody stem cuttings By simple layering

Requirements: Light Range: Sun to Part Shade pH Range: 5.5 to 7.5(Neutral) Soil Range: Mostly Sand to Clay Loam Water Range: Medium Growing requirements: Prune as needed or the roots will destroy other plants.

Uses: Fruits is used in cuisine. In Taiwan, its fruit is turned inside out and dried. The seeds are scraped off and a gel is extracted from their surface with water and allowed to set and form a jelly known in Taiwan as aiyu jelly and in Singapore as ice jelly. Garden uses Outdoors, this plant is a popular cover for stone walls or rock outcroppings. Grow as a houseplant or garden annual in the St. Louis area. Passion Fruit( Passiflora Edullis)

Charateristics: Taxonomy/Family: Passifloracea Origin: Brazil, Paraguay and northern Argentina Zone: 10 to 12 Height: 3 to 4.5m Spread: 1 to1.5m Bloom time: Mid Summer to Late Summer Bloom Description: White with purple based filaments Foliage Characteristics: Evergreen Foliage Colour: Dark green Flower Characteristics: Showy, unusual Flower Colour: White Flower shape: bowl-shaped Tolerances: Heat and humidity Fruits: Showy Fruit, Edible Fruit Fruit Long: 2 inches Pollination: Yellow passion fruit flowers are perfect but self-sterile. Purple passion fruit require another clone. Propagation Methods: From herbaceous stem cuttings

Growth: Like its name suggests, a creeping fig can grow very long. They've been known to grow up to 40 feet. This means that you're going to need to put the plant in a location where it will have plenty of room to grow. If you grow the plant outside, then you will need to maintain it regularly. If you don't it will grow out of control. New stems should be pruned in the spring to keep the plant under control.

Creeping Fig

Water is both simple and complicated. The simplicity of a silent and reflective lake or pool is undeniable. Water is also complicated. When water moves, complex interactions and forces, displacements and energies control its dynamic. The key to design a successful and captivating water feature is to direct the way water moves, without losing control of the water or running the aesthetic with Design Consideration and Principles: There is some design consideration and principles when designing water feature to make the water feature work practicality and engage with people. A designer usually incorporates water into a space as a visual element. The aesthetics qualities of water, however reach far beyond the visual aspect due to the documented psychological effects of water as metaphor and as a physical

Requirements: Light Range: Part Shade to Full Sun pH Range: 5.5 to 7.5(Neutral) Soil Range: Some Sand to Clay Loam Water Range: Normal to Moist

Uses: Food Pulp is often eaten fresh, seeds are edible. Used as a flavoring in drinks, desserts, sauces, and many other foods. Seeds can be extracted from pulp by putting pulp in a blender on low speed. Run mixture through a strainer to retain pulp and juice. Garden uses Wonderful over a trellis as a shade-providing option or as a slope stabilizer, tropical selections can be grown as houseplants in a very bright window. Where winter hardy, grow this vine outdoors on a pergola, trellis, arch or fence. Where not winter hardy, grow this vine in containers on a sunny porch, deck or patio and then overwinter it indoors in a greenhouse or the bright light of a sun room. Hardscapes Water Feature

Contextual Factor: Every water feature has elements of context that must be considered during the design process. Contextual factors can be categorized as either aesthetic or safety.

Growth: Long tendrils need lots of support for climbing. When established, and without care, the passion fruit can easily overtake other garden plants, shading them from sun.

Visual Impact

Psychological Impact

Auditory Impact

Sensory Impact

Safety Context

Form and Lines: Care and maintencance: No serious insect or disease problems. Caterpillars (butterfly larvae) chew unsightly holes in the leaves. Insect and disease problems vary by geographic growing area. Nematodes and fungi may attack the roots. Destroy any plants attacked by viral diseases. Water is a liquid with no apparent shape unto itself. Its form is determined by the characteristics and qualities of its container/ context. As a result, the same volume of water can have an infinite number of characteristics depending on the play of light, materials, textures, colour and motion. As with all design, consider form and line as it relates to the design of any water feature.

Form: Form has a mass and volume within a space and has degrees of symmetryand irregularity. The more striking, unusual or contrasting one form is from its surroundings the stronger the visual attraction.

Line: Line gives direction and movement to the eye, expresses emotion, expresses distance and establishes perspective. The quality of line is used to define a space it carries the eyes along its route. This eye movement prompts emotional and psychological responses. For example, vertical lines can be perceived as severe/emphatic and horizontal lines can be perceived as pleasant/satisfying. Consider adding decorative line to supporting elements and material details within the water feature. For example, decorative grates are a creative way to reflect surrounding design elements and can enhance the viewer experience.

Glass: The transparency, translucency and reflectivity of glass make it a rather unique material to use in the context of a water feature. These unique characteristics can result in some spectacular outcomes and effects. As a versatile material glass can be utilized as castings or panels, frosted or textured, transparent or translucent, clear crystalline or coloured. Textures can be added internally or externally. The addition of light further enhances these effects.

Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is corrosion or oxidation resistance and good in strength and reflection. It is normally used as choice of metal for commercial water wall feature. As a practical element used within a fountain composition stainless steel panels can help to hide undesirable mechanical components. It can also be used as a decorative element as with a sculpture.

Material and Texture: Materials and their accompanying textures help to enrich the visual quality of a water feature. Texture comes from the size and shape of the surface quality of material that water is running over. Textural qualities can be identified as roughness or smoothness / lightness or heaviness / thinness or denseness. Smooth textures can be considered physically undemanding / pleasant to touch and highly reflective and complimentary to surrounding form. Selecting the correct water feature materials can go a long way to conveying the right aesthetic for a particular

Roof Garden Lot 10 (HinTan, Seksan Design) Goals: Social Turned the entire concept of the topsy-turvy Bukit Bintang shopping experience by locating the proposed facilities of the new development not on the street level where the normal shopper traffic is located but moving them 8 storeys up onto what was previously the rooftop carpark for the Lot 10 shopping complex. Transform the image of Lot 10 into an entertainment hub but also reinforce the corporations commitment towards green initiatives, promotions of the arts and healthy lifestyle living. Enhance the image of Kuala Lumpur as a city centre. Attract more tourists and also local people to come and feel the city from above ground level. Economic Self-irrigation and tropical plant ease the maintenance and thus lower the maintenance cost. The rooftop garden attract people to use the facilities and services, eg fitness centre provided on the rooftop which used to be 'dead' business because of the bad circulation and environment of the rooftop carpark. Aesthetics Harmony combination of landscape design and modern architectural design that inspired by an origami form. For a limited space, it become wider with planting scheme that manipulate tree with high trunk that give the illusion of space. The lighting effect enhance the image of the rooftop garden at night. DESIGN The unique strategy of translocating shoppers from the bustling street-level to elevated lush green jungle-style landscape involves internal and external lifts critically playing the role of signaling beacons that mark clear and visible routes and pathways for the transfer to occur. The landscape courtyards serve as green visual and physical counterpoints for all interior spaces while the various buildings are connected by shaded alleyways. Tight circulation spaces that solved by designer- designer expected visitors to stumble upon various surprises- turn a corner and gaze upon vertical gardens and forested patches dispersed between facades or enter through a small door and find themselves within a large room. Concept of 'Forest in the city concept' by placing different types of plants horizontally and vertically. Zig-zag pathway to suit the concept of folding 'origami' walls of surrounding building on the rooftop.

Architects : HinTan, Seksan Design Location: Lot 10, Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur Year: 2009 Purpose: Transform the image of Lot 10 into an entertainment hub but also reinforce the corporations commitment towards green initiatives, promotions of the arts and healthy lifestyle living. Design: Design Process Function of rooftop: Rooftop car park before 2009 Rooftop garden that now houses a fitness club, a dance club, a restaurant

Project 2: Roof Garden Design Project

Learning Outcome: 1. Develop an understanding of the basic rules of roof garden design including how to do the maintenance, and introduction to roof garden technology system 2. To elaborate the interconnectivity of landscape architecture and architecture components, and the idea that green spaces can be productive in a social, ecological and economic way by implementing their knowledge in designing a small size landscape. Users:

Inspiration: Inspired by Lot 10 rooftop garden that converted from an existing roof car park to roof garden that act as the greenery social hub at Kuala Lumpur, the proposed roof garden at Taylor University has the similar function as a social interaction space for the students and staff. Besides, the edible garden also in the way of vertical farming to provide vegetables to the culinary students. Thus , increase the social value of the roof garden. Roof Plan: North Elevation:


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