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Abstract 250-300 Introduction This century, is the age of digital world.

We are no longer able to live without the computing technology. Due to information explosion, we are having difficulty to obtain knowledge from large amount of unorganized data. One of the solutions, Knowledge Discovery in Database (KDD) is introduced. By select the source, preprocess followed by data mining, some unknown patterns are able to be discovered. After that we are able to investigate further base on the results to find out the hidden reasons behind the patterns. Data mining usually does not give answer directly, but to raise more questions leading to the goal, to obtain knowledge from the database. Overview and Function 400 Data mining is a relatively new technology, which is wildly used by government, enterprise and organization. It evolved multi aspect of information technology, such as Artificial intelligence, Machine learning, Statistics and Database etc. There are many types of data mining. Clustering, classification, summarization, sequence analysis and deviations discovery are commonly known.[4model] Clustering is to divide similar data together into group without knowing the structure. In addition, no hypothesis is needed. The discovered pattern is used to determine the group. For example, a bank can distinguish customers into different clusters and then provide various services to meet their needs and satisfy each group Classification is sometimes misunderstood as clustering. However, it is not the same but quite different from clustering. Classification requires predefined group to distinguish data into separated set. The predefined group is used to search for patterns and then differentiate data in the future, in other words, it is used to predict the behavior or properties of a new coming object. An example is to filter junk emails from the legitimate ones. Once a database stored many defined samples of junk mails and good mails, classification can make use of this data set to find out the common patterns then can analysis the future emails and classify them into the black list or the white list. Also enterprises use it to find out the possible customer with greatest potential to specific products. Summarization is

deviation detection The identification of unusual data records, that might be interesting or data errors and require further investigation. Association rule learning (Dependency modeling) Searches for relationships between variables. For example a supermarket might gather data on customer purchasing habits. Using association rule learning, the supermarket can determine which products are frequently bought together and use this information for marketing purposes. This is sometimes referred to as market basket analysis.

Regression Attempts to find a function which models the data with the least error. Summarization providing a more compact representation of the data set, including visualization and report generation.

Current Issues 200 Although data mining can process thousands of records in a second, saving the precious time, it does raise some concerns. The most common is the privacy issue.

Future Directions 200

Views on Data Mining Data mining is a very powerful tool to predict the trend and human behavior. However, it could be misused. The development of sports data mining is one of the examples. It does not violate any rules of sports but it does abuse the original spirit of sport values. Ethic, fair play, honesty, fun and joy are the core values of sport. Using data mining in sport somehow does not provide an environment of fair play, it is the competition of technology instead of personal skills and team work. In addition, victory because of data mining participation is definitely no fun and joy. As the main reason of winning is that there is weakness of the opponents instead of simply stronger than the opponents.

On the other hand, it has some positive contributions to the society, even save life. There are many good example of data mining in many aspects, like medical usage and earthquake prediction. A knife used by a cook could help to make great food, but used by a murderer it is a deadly weapon. Data mining itself is neither good nor evil, it is depends on the user. Therefore, data mining code of conducts should be discussed to provide a guideline how it should and should not be used for better control. Conclusion

Reference [Sport] SPORTS DATA MINING Robert P. Schumaker Osama K. Solieman Hsinchun Chen http://ai.eller.arizona.edu/mis510/other/SportsDataMining_Book.pdf Sports Data Mining has experienced rapid growth in recent years. Beginning with fantasy league players and sporting enthusiasts seeking an edge in predictions, tools and techniques began to be developed to better measure both player and team performance. [4model] "data mining". Christopher Clifton. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. Encyclopdia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 13 Jul. 2012 <http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1056150/data-mining>. http://www.britannica.com/EBchecked/topic/1056150/data-mining

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