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De bat e wit h a Christ ian: Je sus is t he se rvant o f Go d and His Me sse nge r

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Why is it so dif f icult f or t he Muslims t o believe t hat Jesus is t he only son of God, when it says in t he gospel t hat he is t he son of God and he says of God My Fat her?. Praise be t o Allaah. We have previously explained t hat t he Gospel in which we believe, and no one's Islam is valid unless he believes in it , is not t he gospels t hat are in t he hands of t he Christ ians nowadays. Rat her t he Gospel in which we believe is t hat which was brought by Eesa (Jesus peace be upon him) f rom Allaah. As f or t hat which is in t he hands of t he Christ ians t oday, it is somet hing else, and t hey t hemselves do not claim t hat Jesus is t he one who brought it or wrot e it . See quest ion no. 47516.
He is mentally ill and does not pray or fast; what is the

As t hat is t he case, what t he Christ ians claim about t he Gospels st at ing t hat Jesus is t he son of God and t hat God is his f at her exalt ed be Allaah above having a son or a wif e does not count as any kind of proof against us, because we believe t hat t hat is somet hing t hat was f abricat ed by human

because we believe t hat t hat is somet hing t hat was f abricat ed by human beings, and it is not part of t he religion of Jesus (peace be upon him) or t he religion of any ot her Messenger. We believe t hat t he Gospels t hat are in peoples hands t oday, in which t he Christ ians believe, have been t ampered wit h and changed, and are st ill being t ampered wit h f rom t ime t o t ime, so t hat t here is not hing lef t in t he f orm in which t he Gospel was revealed f rom Allaah. Here we would point out t hat t he Gospel which speaks most of t he belief in t he t rinit y and t he divinit y of t he Messiah (peace be upon him), so t hat it has become a ref erence-point f or t he Christ ians in t heir argument s in support of t his f alsehood, is t he Gospel of John. T his Gospel is subject t o doubt s about it s aut horship even among some Christ ian scholars t hemselves, as is not t he case wit h t he ot her Gospels in which t hey believe. T his is an ancient doubt which goes back t o t he second cent ury CE according t o t heir own hist ory. Prof essor St adlin says: T he ent ire Gospel of John was writ t en by one of t he st udent s of t he Alexandrian school. One sect , in t he second cent ury, reject ed t his Gospel and everyt hing t hat was at t ribut ed t o John. In t he Encyclopaedia Brit annica it says: As f or t he gospel of John, it is undoubt edly f abricat ed. It s aut hor want ed t o pit ch t wo of t he disciples against one anot her, namely St . John and St . Mat t hew. T his writ er who appears in t he t ext claimed t hat he was t he disciple who was loved by t he Messiah, and t he Church t ook t his at f ace value and af f irmed t hat t he writ er was t he disciple John, and it put his name on t he book, even t hough t he aut hor was not John f or cert ain. T his book is like t he books of t he Torah, in t hat t here is no connect ion bet ween t hem and t he one t o whom t hey are at t ribut ed. We f eel sorry f or t hose who did t heir ut most t o make t he connect ion, bet ween t his philosopher who wrot e t he book in t he second cent ury, and t he disciple John t he f isherman, f or t heir ef f ort s were t o no avail and wit h no guidance. Quot ed f rom Muhaaraat f il-Nasraaniyyah by Shaykh Muhammad Abu Zahrah. It is st range indeed t hat t hey cast aspersions on t he aut horship of t his Gospel which t hey af f irm was writ t en especially t o support t his f alsehood, t he f alse belief in t he divinit y of t he Messiah, which is ignored in t he ot her gospels, unt il t his gospel was writ t en, at t he least . Yoosuf al-Khoori says: John wrot e his

Gospel at t he end of his lif e, at t he request of t he bishops of Asia and elsewhere. T he reason f or t hat is t hat t here were sect s t hat denied t he divinit y of t he Messiah, so t hey asked him t o prove it , and t o highlight t hat which Mat t hew, Mark and Luke had neglect ed in t heir Gospels. (op.cit ., p. 64) Regardless of t he doubt s about t he aut horship of t he Gospels in general, and of t he Gospel of John in part icular, t he phrases t hat t hey quot e f rom t hese Gospels do not support t he point t hey are t rying t o make, rat her it is a spiders web t o which t hey are clinging, as Allaah says of t hem and ot hers like t hem (int erpret at ion of t he meaning): T he likeness of t hose who t ake (f alse deit ies as) Awliya (prot ect ors, helpers) ot her t han Allaah is t he likeness of a spider who builds (f or it self ) a house; but verily, t he f railest (weakest ) of houses is t he spiders house if t hey but knew [al-Ankaboot 29:41] T he Bible in which it says t hat t he Messiah is t he son of God is t he same Bible in which t he lineage of t he Messiah ends wit h Adam (peace be upon him), and he t oo is described as a son of God. Now Jesus himself was about t hirt y years old when he began his minist ry. He was t he son, so it was t hought , of Joseph, t he son of Heli t he son of Set h, t he son of Adam, t he son of God [Luke 3:23-38] T his is t he same Bible t hat describes Israel in t he same t erms: T hen say t o Pharaoh, 'T his is what t he LORD says: Israel is my f irst born son [Exodus 4:22] Somet hing similar appears in t he Book of Hosea: When Israel was a child, I loved him, and out of Egypt I called my son [Hosea 11:1] T he same is said of Soloman (peace be upon him):

He said t o me: 'Solomon your son is t he one who will build my house and my court s, f or I have chosen him t o be my son, and I will be his f at her [I Chronicles 28:6] Were Adam, Israel and Soloman all ot her sons of God, bef ore t he Messiah (peace be upon him)? Exalt ed be Allaah f ar above what t hey say! Indeed, in t he Gospel of John it self t here is an explanat ion of what is meant by t his being a son; it includes all t he right eous servant s of God, so t here is not hing unique about Jesus or any ot her Prophet in t his regard. But as many as received him, t o t hem gave he power t o become t he sons of God, even t o t hem t hat believe on his name [John 1:3] Somet hing similar appears in t he Gospel of Mat t hew: Blessed are t he peacemakers, f or t hey will be called sons of God [Mat t hew 5:8-9] T his usage of t he word son in t he language of t he Bible is a met aphor f or t he right eous servant of God, wit hout it implying anyt hing special or unique about t he way in which he is creat ed, or describing him lit erally as t he of f spring of God. Hence John says: How great is t he love t he Fat her has lavished on us, t hat we should be called children of God! [1 John 3:1] For t he same reason Adam is also called a son of God exalt ed be Allaah f ar above t hat . T here remains t he issue of Eesa (peace be upon him) being described as a son of God, and what t hey f abricat ed about t he Lord of t he Worlds, saying t hat He was t he f at her of t he Messiah (peace be upon him). T his t oo is not unique in t he language of t he Gospels: Jesus said, Do not hold on t o me, f or I have not yet ret urned t o t he Fat her.

Go inst ead t o my brot hers and t ell t hem, 'I am ret urning t o my Fat her and your Fat her, t o my God and your God.' [John 20:17] In one t ext he says t hat God is a f at her t o t hem t oo, and t hat God is t he God of t hem all. So let t hem say if t hey wish t hat we are all t he children and t he beloved of God, as God said of t heir f oref at hers. In t hat case t here is not hing special about t he Messiah so t hat t hey should worship him inst ead of Allaah. Or let t hem be st ubborn and f ollow somet hing ot her t han t rue guidance, wit h no clear Book. T his is somet hing t hat anyone could do. Praise be t o Allaah, t he Lord of t he heavens and t he Lord of t he eart h, t he Lord of t he Worlds, f or t he blessing of Islam t hat He has best owed upon us. O Allaah, guide us t o Your st raight pat h, T he way of t hose on whom You have best owed Your Grace, not (t he way) of t hose who earned Your Anger, nor of t hose who went ast ray.
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