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Optional Try-outs Attendance at these rehearsals will be a

Sunday, June 7 4-6 PM requirement for earning the role of these

main acting parts.
Many students will be interested in trying
The parts included in these rehearsals are
out for special drama parts. This will be
as follows:
held on Sunday, June 7th at Parkview
Christian Church.
Jess, Annie, Chris, Buddy, J.J.
Each child who auditions will get some
kind of a special part – it might be a Mu si ca l Ca mp F acu lt y
dramatic role, or it might be something as
simple as holding up a sign saying “This Tracy Schumann –
way to Nineveh.” Worship & Arts
pastor at
To help children prepare for auditions, an
Christian Church.
audition pack will be mailed to each child
Parkview Christian Church who registers including a CD and written
He has music
degrees from
presents materials. Kansas State
Our auditions are conducted in a friendly Manhattan
Kids’ Musical Day camp and low-pressure environment. The goal Christian College, and Cal State University at
is that each student has a positive Long Beach. Tracy loves to lead kids in
1-5th Grade Graduates experience showing off their talents.
laughter, drama and music.

Jonah Gillespie – Children

Audition results will be posted on the
$20 Registration Parkview web site
www.Parkviewfindlay.org by 9 PM on June
Sunday June 7 4-6 PM
optional auditions for solos & special parts

Sp ec ia l Rehe ar sa ls f or Ma in D r ama
(Main acting parts have reh Par ts
Mon, Wed, Fri June 8, 10, 12 at 1-2:30) Mon J une 8 - 1 -2 :3 0
Wed J un e 10 – 1 -2 :3 0

June 15 - 21
Fri J une 1 2 – 1- 2: 30 and Family Life Pastor
at Parkview Christian
Church. He is a graduate of Cincinnati Christian
The main drama parts are extensive
University. Jonah has a heart for ministry to
Mon-Fri June 15-19 1-5 PM enough, that we will need to spend some
and through children. This week, he will lead
special time on them outside of the
Sunday June 21 10:45 AM recreation and also play the role of, who else,
Musical Camp. Therefore we have Jonah!
scheduled three rehearsals for them as
Performance at worship service listed above for drama rehearsals.
Stephanie Schumann – vocal Music Instructor Parent (s) Art, Action, Recreation, Book
at Hardin Northern School. She graduated from Name(s)________________________________ look, Brain power
Kansas State University and Wichita State 3:30 – Combined practice puttin’ it all
University. A veteran of countless children and
_______________________________________________ together
youth musical performances, Stephanie
especially loves to help kids enjoy singing.
_ 5:00 – Dismissal

Email Friday will be scheduled as follows:

Christie Gerschutz - an (s)_________________________________________ 1:00 – Combined practice
accomplished singer,
3:30 – Relaxation / devotion
songwriter and author of
six published books. Her _______________________________________________ 4:00 – Dress Rehearsal Performance
musical background has _ 5:15 – Dismissal
included being an
assistant worship leader,
Phone(s)_____________________________________ Sunday schedule will be as follows:
violinist in the Lima
Youth Symphony ___ 8:30 AM – Children gather and prepare for
Orchestra and singer in performance
the 2004 Cincinnati Bible _______________________________________________
College Solid Rock Tour. 10:45 AM – Performance during worship
_ service
Registration Form
Dr ess Reh ea r sal Per for ma nc e
Please return this form with your Friday, June 19th
*1st child in a family - $20.00 registration
payment* to fee
Parkview Christian Church Each additional child in a family – Everyone is invited to attend our Dress
15035 State Route 12 East $12.00 registration Rehearsal Performance. It will be with our
Findlay, Ohio 45840 fee per child full technical team and all the special
effects – and most importantly – Those
Register soon so you can receive your Scholarships may be available based on wonderful
CD and audition pack need. Contact Tracy Schumann at 419- kids! It
348-1842 to inquire. really helps
Student Name the children
___________________________________ to have a
Par kv ie w M us ic al C am p Sc he du le
_______________________________________________ laughing
Camp will be held Monday, June 15th
through Friday, June 19th from 1:00-5:00. and
Student Age _____ applauding
If necessary, parents may drop their
children off at 12:40 and pick up by 5:20. as they
T-shirt Size YSm YMed YLrg YXlrg press on
_____________ through
Monday through Thursday will follow
those first
Address this schedule:
performance jitters, so we would love to
_________________________________________ 1:00 - Combined practice learning all
have an audience.
those songs
_______________________________________________ 2:00 – Small group rotation through
activities: T he Mu si ca l “G o, G o, J ona h”
Our musical “Go, Go, Jonah” is written by Visit us at www.parkviewfindlay.org. If
Kathie Hill, one of the nation’s top you have other questions, or want to
composers of children’s musicals. Kathie inform us of special needs your child has,
Hill brings a fresh and fun approach to please call Tracy Schumann at 419-348-
every project she writes and “Go, Go, 1842.
Jonah” is certainly no exception. The
music is infectious and just plain
enjoyable for the kids to sing. They’ll
especially enjoy the songs Terminator Too
and Nineveh. “Go, Go, Jonah” is serious
and silly, but it is a play with a purpose as
it makes the story of the Old Testament
book of Jonah come alive.

T he Bo ok o f Jona h

The Old Testament book of Jonah is a

valuable one for children to learn about.
It is a unique work of literature, a book of
history and geography, and has profound
moral lessons.

The primary lesson that the book of Jonah

teaches is regarding prejudice and hate.
The prophet Jonah struggles with
prejudice and hatred toward a nation that
God sends him to speak to. In fact, Jonah
tries to go the opposite direction and hide
from God. That’s where the famous giant
fish comes into the plot. After being spit
out of the fish, Jonah goes to Nineveh,
but still has hatred in his heart toward
these people. What will God teach him
about tolerance and loving your enemies?

The other lesson that comes from this

book is that God is not only a God of
judgment, but He is a God of love. This
book helps one to understand that God is
compassionate and caring for those who
have lost their sight of Him.

Go t Qu es ti on s?

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