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Assignment : C Basic 1. Write a program to concatenate two strings eg. Input ABCD &1234 output=ABCD1234 2.

If this is the array given 345 152 987 Write programs to display the above array in the following form 319 987 527 725 458 152 458 854 527 345 319 913

3. Write a program to accept a matrix of 3rows and 3 columns. The output should display the transpose of array 4. Write a program to find highest of five numbers entered by user 5. Enter a string & write a program to obtain reverse of string. Determine whether the original and reverse strings are equal

6. Write a program to display Fibonacci series like-1 1 2 3 5 8 up to 55 7. Write a function to print the binary equivalent of a given decimal integer.(array) 8. A character is entered through the keyboard; write a program to determine whether the character is entered is a capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or special symbol. 9. Write a function to calculate the factorial value of any integer entered through the keyboard (function) 10. Write a program to count number of words from a given sentence 11. Write a program for selection sort 12. Write a program which convert numeric figures into words eg. 123 should be printed as One Hundred Twenty Three 13. Write a menu based system to list the following menu Daw a rectangle ** ** **

L & T Infotech

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Assignment : C Basic Draw a Pyramid


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14. Write a program to generate 10 different random numbers 15. Write a C program for the following Accept a positive numbers and multiply the digits of the numbers , till the product arrives at single digit number, the number has to go through above process 46=4*6=24 24=2*4=8 16. Write a menu based system for a link list provide menu for Insert , delete etc 17. A character is entered through the keyboard, write a program to determine whether the character is entered is a capital letter, a small case letter, a digit or special symbol 18. Write a program, that stores the name age and address of a group of people. Use an array of structure for the whole group. Write a function to print person details 19. Write a program to interchange the contents two variables. 20. Write a program, which will read in a source of a C program from its standard input, and print out all the item in the following statistics for the program(all as an integers) print out the following values: The total number of lines The total number of blank lines The total number of characters The total number of spaces

L & T Infotech

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