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Nondestructive Screening for Low Voltage Failure in Multilayer Ceramic Capacitors



Absfmct--Low voltage failure in multilayer ceramic capacitors is now generally accepted to be associated with an electrochemical dissolution of electrode materials in a humid environment and subsequent migration and deposition of material between electrodes of opposite polarity. This migration is particularly related to surface cracks or linked porosity. A novel screening technique for chip capacitors has been developed at Standard Telecommunication Laboratories (STL) that can detect the structural defects that are likely to give rise to low voltage failure. The technique is rapid and nondestructive, and is particularly suited to on-line production testing of chips as well as being suitable for goods inward inspection by the customer. Encapsulated capacitors can also be screened and information is then obtained concerning the quality of the encapsulation;

I. INTRODUCTION OW VOLTAGE failure of multilayer ceramic capacitors is a phenomenon that has been recognized only in recent years [l] , [2]. The term is used to describe insulation resistance failure obcurring at a voltage well below the design and test voltage of the capacitor. Two main categories of low voltage can be defined. 1) Low impedance circuit failures which tend to be catastrophic, often resulting in the burn up of the capacitor and sometimes even the circuit board itself. 2) High impedance circuit failures which can be intermittent or permanent. The permanent failures in the second category can be switched to a high insulation resistance by the application of a voltage somewhat higher than that resulting in the failure. Some applications, notably in telecommunications and aerospace, seem particularly vulnerable. Failure rates are low but the failures are becoming more apparent as circuit designs change and the number -of multilayer ceramic capacitors in use increases. It is therefore desirable that a nondestructive technique for detecting potential-failures should be developed. There are a number of approaches to screening currently in use. One is based on the assumption that failed capacitors have some physical defect and that the detection and removal of the defectives will eliminate low voltage failure and generally improve reliability at all voltages. The most comrilonly used techniques of this type are ultrasonic scanning [3] , and crack detection by acoustic emission [4] , both of which are used on chip capacitors. Electrical testing based on discharge tech-

niques has also been applied to both chips and encapsulated components. Another approach is to s,creenout potential failures by accelerated life testing as typified by the recent MIL C-123 procedure which specifies a test in 85 percent RH, 85C with 1.5 Vdc applied [:5] . Murata et al. [6] use the same environment but with 1 s 1.5 V pulses. These humidity dependent tests are derived from the work of Sato et al. [7], [8] who describe a test involving th(emeasurement of insulation resistance of chip capacitors before and after extended boiling in water. These tests are time-consuming and their use is likely to be limited to quality assessmenton a sampling basis. This paper reports on an ongoing research program, partly U.K. Government funded [lo], to investigate these phenomena and to develop a rapid nondestructive test to detect potential failures. II. FAILURE MECHANISM The models proposed to explain low voltage failure involve migration of electrode materials along defects such as cracks or voids between the electrode plates which have adsorbed films of water or are water filled [7], [8]. The general process of migration involves
l l

dissolution of the anode material ; transport of the metal moiety to the cathode in the form of a simple ion, clsmplex ion, or a colloidal ion (oxide or hydroxide); deposition of a conducting dendrite by electroconduction or precipitation.

In the case of Pt, Pd, and Au it is necessary to have complexing ions present, in particular Cl-, to allow solution and transport. Transport of simple silver ions will be by diffusion and fieldinduced mobility. However that of platinum, palladium, and gold complexes will be by diffusion against the field, hence transport of these negatively charged ions may be greater at low fields. Vgriation of pH values and contamination levels on different ceramic surfaces may also affect the rate of solution and transport. The physical requirl:ments of such a mechanism are a structural defect connecting two opposing electrodes and a path to the outside environment. Fig. 1 is a schematic diagram showing some of the defects that are thought to give rise to low voltage failure. Migration of internal electrode materials Manuscript receivedMarch 15, 1983; revisedJuly 11, 1983. This can occur along a crack, linked porosity, or void surface bepaper was presentedat the 33rd Electronic ComponentsConference, tween opposing electrode plates if moisture is present. It is Orlando,FL, May 16-18,1983. The authors are with Standard TelecommunicationLaboratories, possible that silver migration can occur, even if the internal electrodes contain no silver themselves, by transport along a Ltd., London Road,Harlow, Essex, CM17 9NA England. 0148-6411/83/1200-0510$01.00 0 IEEE 1984




Void /-



Knit line fault

Fig. 1.

Capacitor chip flaws likely to result in low voltage failure. Fig. 2. Crack extending to surface of chip.

knit line fault from an anodic end termination. Linked porosity in the dielectric between an end termination and an opposing electrode can produce the same effect. In the case of encapsulated capacitors the interelectrode track need not be within the chip but can result from a poorly bonded encapsulant. Moisture can penetrate between the lead wires and encapsulant to the chip surface resulting in migration between the end terminations. III. AMBIENT LIFE TESTS Our investigation began in March 1979 with a life test prdgram that had the objective of generating a number of low voltage failures from lot samples of chip and molded capacitors made by five leading manufacturers. These were tested at 1.5, 3, 4.5, and 6 Vdc with series resistances of 10 ka and 20 kS2 in an uncontrolled ambient environment. The failure detection level was 1 Ma. After some 32 000 h on test, 29 failures occurred out of a total of 920 capacitors. As a result of this test it was apparent that 1) none of the voltages used produced significantly more failures than the rest; 2) the failure rate increased in periods of high humidity; 3) all the chip failures examined by sectioning showed cracks or delaminations extending to the surface as shown in Figs. 2 and 3, but it proved extremely difficult to detect the actual site of failure. Very careful sectioning of one of the molded capacitor failures revealed a probable site. Fig. 4 is a scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the suspect region. It can be seen from the contrast that charge is leaking away along the crack in which traces of silver were found by elemental analysis. IV. ENVIRONMENTAL TESTS
Fig. 3. Delamination visible on outside edge of capacitor chip.

Fig. 4.

SEM of probable failure site.


to test the effectiveness of nondestructive screening techniques.

More recently an endurance test program was undertaken with the following objectives: 1) to determine the environmental parameters conducive to low voltage failure; 2) to produce large numbers of failures for electrical and physical examination;

The environments employed are 85 percent and 97 percent RH at both 85C and room temperature, and dry 85C and room temperature. All endurance tests are ongoing, so no detailed comparison can be made between the failure rat& in different environments at this time. However it should be said that failures have occurred in all of the humid environments whereas none have occurred in the dry. In addition to the above environments, moisture resistance tests are being carried out on encapsulated components according to MIL-STD 81OC method 507.1. This type of cyclic temperature and humidity test may be a more realistic analogue of some actual circuit environments.



V. SCREENING A rapid nondestructive test has been developed that can detect the structural defects that are likely to give rise to low voltage failures [9j. The effectiveness of this test in predicting accelerated low voltage failures is demonstrated in the following sections: The screening test is simple both in conception and implementation. If a structural defect is open to the outside environment and bridges two opposing electrodes, it is possible to effect a temporary increase in electrical conductivity along the ceramic surfaces of the defect by impregnating with a volatile and mobile ionizing solvent, for example, a lower alkyl alcohol. The most convenient and effective material has been found to be methanol and all screening results given below have been obtained using methanol containing less than 0.1 percent water and having a conductivity of about 2 PLS. The following test procedure is a simple manual implementation that has been found suitable for 100 nF, 100 V capacitors. 1) 10 Vdc is applied to the capacitor and the current (I,) is measured after 10 s. 2) The capacitor is preheated to 85C for 10 min and immersed in methanol at room temperature for a period of 15 min. This immersion time is not critical and can be extended indefinitely. However immersion times of less than one minute can be insufficient to allow methanol penetration in fine cracks or porosity. 3) The capacitor is removed from the methanol, dried on a tissue, and blow-dried with air at room temperature until all traces of methanol have been removed from the surface. The total drying time should be as short as possible and not exceed one minute since the methanol can evaporate from large cracks in a very short time. 4) Step 1) is repeated immediately after drying and the current (1a) is measured. A capacitor should be rejected if Z, exceeds I,. In practice, if a significant defect is present, then the current Z, is usually greater than lo- A and the ratio lz/I, can be several orders of magnitude. In general, lower value capacitors give higher ratios for similar size defects. It is therefore possible, in the case of low value capacitors and those with a close insulation resistance tolerance, to omit step 1) and use a predetermined reference value as the failure criterion. The technique lends itself easily to automatic testing. We have a small semi-automatic laboratory system capable of screening 2000 capacitors per hour.

-_-. -_I_.--..---





Life test 100%

15 DaSS -<yr,= 50 OH X7R 20 Off -c

-<:,::: 2 fail

5 Reject


paSS -3,
50 Volt z5Ll 20 Off




9 1%


19 pass




1 Reject

100 Volt X7R 14 Off

I --c
13 pa** 1 Reject -i








- 9 pass


rejects or life test failures. The insulation resistance of each capacitor was monitored throughout the test and the failure criterion was set at 500 M.Q. The one failure that was not re- . jetted by screening was tested again after removal from the life test and was found to have developed a flaw during the life test. The failure characteristics of capacitors in accelerating environments are similar to real time failures, exhibiting both transient and permanent low insulation resistance. Failures occurring in the 97 percent RH 85C environment are of two types. The first, an example of which is shown in Fig. 5, has only been observed in capacitors with a Z5U dielectric. It is characterized by a gradual degradation of insulation resistance, which is reversible by drying, but is followed, by catastrophic breakdown. It is believed that this type of failure is due to an ionic current in moisture absorbed in a large surface area of linked pores. This is accompanied by dendritjc growth of electrode materials along the pores, eventually shorting on the anode. Intermittent breakdown can also be seen in this example. The section of a failed Z5U capacitor in Fig. 6 shows the very porous nature of the dielectric and Fig. 7 shows frit penetration into the dielectric, indicating that the dielectric is indeed permeable. The second type of failure we have observed occurs mainly with the X7R dielectrbc capacitors and does not involve any VI. CHIP CAPACITORS noticeable degradation of the insulation resistance before comTable I lists the results at 2600 hours of a test at 97 percent plete failure. If the defect causing failure is localized, e.g., a RH, 85C on chip capacitors with 4.5 Vdc across the compo- crack, the ionic current will be much lower than that in the nents each with 100 kSZ in series. These capacitors are not previous example. representative of typical production lots but have been seFig. 8 shows how the insulation resistance remained at the lected to contain a relatively large number of screen rejects. Be- initial level until a catastrophic failure occurred, followed later fore testing, the capacitors were subjected to a 20 h burn in by a transient self-healing event. It appears that the ionic curat rated volts and 85C. The burn in failures, assessedas a rent giving rise to dendrite growth is below 5 X 10-l A, greater than 50 percent drop in insulation resistance, were not which is the lowest level measurableon this equipment. Stresses subjected to further life testing and are not included as screen within the capacitor or (current pulses may then burn out small





Time on test , ,0r500 1000 1500 hours 2500 3000




Time on test 1 I0 500 1000 1500

hours 2500 3000 3500 I


: a

654 t 10 3L

Fig. 8.

Failure characteristics of 100 nF 50 V X7R in 97 percent RH, 85C with 4.5 Vdc applied.

Fig. 5.

Failure characteristics of 100 nF 100 V ZSU in 97 percent RH, 85C with a 4.5 Vdc applied.

regions of the dendrite and temporarily return the capacitor to an open circuit condition. VII. ENCAPSULATED CAPACITORS Table II lists the results of a test carried out according to the MIL-C-123 test, which specifies 85C 85 percent RH, 1.5 Vdc applied with a 100 K series resistor to each capacitor, on two lots of resindipped capacitors. The test was extended to 1200 h. Capacitors were screened at both the leaded chip stage and after epoxy dipping. Those included in the life test were specially selected to contain a large number of rejects from chip screening. The results of screening shown in Table II refer
to the leaded chip stage. No screen rejects were recorded after

Fig. 6.

Section of 100 nF 100 V ZSU failure showing porosity.

Fig. 7.

Sectiop bf 100 !F 100 V ZSU failure showing frit penetration from erid termination.

encapsulation indicating that the test would be unlikely to detect a defective chip if the encapsulation was mechanically sound. In this group the capacitors were screened before the burnin and, although it is not claimed that screening will detect normal load test failures, it is worth noting that most of the burn-in failures had been rejected by the chip screening. All burn-in failu.res were withdrawn from the life test at the burnin stage and are not included as life test failures in Table II. The final group, details of which are shown in Table III, were subjected to the cyclic MIL-STD-810C Method 507-1, Procedure 1 moisture resistancetest with 1 Vdc applied. The capacitors, which were molded X7R components, were measured at 5 Vdc 24 h after removal from the test environment. Owing to circuit board leakage only currents above 10 nA were considered as a failure condition. The components on this test differ from the previous two groups in that they are from normal bought-in production lots and the chips themselves are of high quality. Two of the lots had a thermoplastic encapsulant, while the remainder had the more usual thermosetting type. The failures on this test, which were predominantly in the capacitors with the thermoplastic encapsulant, were due to moisture trapped at the ceramic/encapsulant interface through which an ionic current passesbetween the end terminations giving rise to silver dendrite growth. Fig. 9 is a section of one of these capacitors viewed in ultraviolet light #showing fluorescent dye penetration to the ce- ramic/encapsulant interface revealing the path for moisture in-




TABLE II 1200 ~LIFETEsTON~~~V~~~~FRESIN-DIPPEDCAPACITORS (85 PERCENTRH,85"C) Units Methanol screen at chip stage Burn-in after encapsulation Life test

Specially selected 97 Off -

0% X7R ,48 pass ~---J 135 Ilass j49 fail ~---+ 4o pass ---(5 9 Rejects 4 g5qo Z5U 39 pass 0 Rejects i 5 Pass f.[i, e

Specially selected 73 Off

Fig. 9. MIL810C
Units Lot 1 thermoPlastic



Methanol screen Life test

dye penetration at ceramic surface in a molded \ X7R capacitor.

1 pass t

Fig. 10.

Dendritic growth of silver on ceramic surface of 100 nF 100 V X7R molded capacitor that failed MIL-810C test.

directly transferred to the encapsulant which can be carbonized and result in catastrophic burn-up of the capacitor par: titularly when sufficient energy is available from the circuit. The incidence of low circuit impedance failure reported to us has been higher in the 30-40 V range. VIII. COMPARISONS OF LIFE TESTS ON ENCAPSULATED CAPACITORS
* All capacitors that passed initial methanol screening but failed life test were shown to be methanol failures on rescreening.

1) Steady-state life test MIL C123, 85 percent, 85C (extended time). 2) Cyclic life test MIL 810C Method 507.1, Procedure 1. When encapsulated ceramic capacitors are subjected to the gress. The dendritic growth of silver from the cathodic end above testing procedures, certain important results emerge. termination is confirmed by Fig: 10 showing a dendrite on These results tend to reflect the type of fault (if any) enthe ceramic surface of a failed capacitor from which the en- countered in the encapsulated capacitor, and it is important to capsulant has been removed. The four failures that had passed identify and understand these effects which, at first sight, may the screening test were found after removal from the test en- appear to be conflicting. For example, a defective chip (A) with sound encapsulavironment to have developed encapsulation defects. This type of failure may be particularly important in low tion may fail an extended time steady-state (MIL C123) test impedance circuits. Because the dendrite is in close contact but pass the cyclic test I(MIL SlOC). Conversely, a sound chip with the encapsulant, the heat evolved from burn-out may be (B) badly encapsulated,, may pass an extended time steady-






Defective encapsulation


Fig. 11. Comparative life test behavior.

state test but fail the cyclic test. A properly encapsulated and sound chip (C) would of course be expected to pass both life tests. Fig. 11 illustrates these facts. It is proposed that the differing behaviors in the steadystate and cyclic tests may be explained by considering the conditions necessary to achieve a condensed water phase. The previous data presented in Table I demonstrates that perfect chip capacitors, even at 97 percent RH, will not develop dendrites on the outer ceramic surface between end terminations. A defective chip would have been liable to fail under these conditions. It is logical to expect that for an encapsulated capacitor, given sufficient time for moisture to penetrate the encapsulation by molecular diffusion, if a steady high humidity were to exist outside the encapsulant the same high humidity

ing the two end terminations (usually made from silver frit). In the case of an encapsulant defect a failure may occur even with a perfect chip. Similarly, in the case of a defective chip, a mechanically perfect encapsulation will not prevent failure. 2) STL life tests have shown that neither capacitor chips nor encapsulated capacitors fail if a low humidity is always maintained. 3) Real time failures tend to occur in periods of high ambient humidity, and accelerated failure rates can be achieved in a high humidity environment. MIL 810C Method 507.1 (Procedure 1) cyclic environmental test has been found particularly effective in detecting encapsulation defects. MILC-123 is recommended for encapsulation capacitors and for detecting defective chips within
test which a>

a good unencapsulated
to detect

(see Fig. 11).


would at equilibrium be achieved within the chip. Although it may be necessary to extend the duration of the MIL Cl23 85 percent RH, 85C test compared with the bare chip conditions, a capacitor containing a defective chip would eventually be expected to fail. An encapsulated capacitor containing a perfect chip but whose encapsulant is badly bonded to the ceramic and lead wire would also be expected to pass the steady-state life test for the same reasons as a bare chip. If, however, a badly encapsulated capacitor were subjected to a cyclic temperature condition then there may be a sufficient reservoir of moisture within the air space between the encapsulant and the ceramic surface (see Fig. 9) to exceed the dew point as the temperature falls, thus creating a condensed water phase between the end terminations. IX. CONCLUSION Based on our work to date, the following conclusions may be drawn concerning low voltage failure of multilayer ceramic capacitors. 1) Low voltage failure can occur provided certain conditions prevail. A defect site must be present in the capacitor
such that a path exists between the electrodes of opposite po-

4) STL have developed a critical nondestrucfive screening

can be applied defects independently



The screening is applicable to 100 percent production testing and, in the case of encapsulated capacitors, would be carried out at both the chip and final capacitor stages. 5) The screening test has shown excellent correlation with MIL 8 1OCfor encapsulated units and MIL-C-123 for chips. 6) The screening test when applied to an encapsulated capacitor will not detect a defective chip within a perfect encapsulant. Under these circumstances, if the capacitor is not also tested at the chip stage a potential failure would escape detection. 7) Low voltage life test failures have occurred even on capacitors that passed the screening test. Rescreening after life test on these failed capacitors then indicated the presence of a screening defect. The implications of these data are that the defects actually developed in the capacitors during the life test. The cause of the apparently anomalous behavior may be due to, say, thermal, mechanical, or humidity stresses on a
borderline capacitor. This could be particularly important in

larity and moisture from the environment is accessible to this path. The site may be either an internal defect in +he chip or a poor bond between the encapsulant and the chip and wire where a path exists at the encapsulant/ceramic interface bridg-

the case of an encapsulant which is weakly bonded to the ceramic and wire. Soldering of chips onto substrates may also introduce defects as a result of the induced stresses. 8) The screening test may be used by the customer to con-


IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS,HYBRIDS, AND MANUFACDJRING TECHNOLOGY, VOL CHMT6, NO. 4, DECEMBER 1983 scanning of multilayer ceramic chip capacitors, in Proc. Symp. Capaciror Technologies, Applicarions and Reliability, NASA Conf. Pub. 2186, 1981, pp. 105-I 10. r41 S. J. Vahaviolos, In-process capacit0.r flaw detection with acoustic emission, Physical AcousticsCorp., Tech. Rep. TR-19, 1979. ISI Cl. J. Ewe11 and D. A. Demeo, Electrical parameters of capacitors failing the 85C/85% RH/1.5 V dc test, in Proc. 2nd Capacitor and Resistor Technol. Symp., 1982, pp. El-I-El-12. I61 Murata et al., Low voltage failures of monolithic ceramic capacitors and their screening method, in Proc. Inr. Symp. for Tesring and Failure Analysis, 1981, pp. 105-l 10. [71 K. Sato er al., A low voltage screening of ceramic capacitors from leakage failures, in Proc. Inr. Symp. for Testing and Failure Analysis, 1980, pp. 225-229. Mechanism of ceramic capacitor leakage failures due to low I81 -, dc stress, in Proc. 18th Inr. Reliabiliry Physics Symp., 1980, pp. 1 l-8. [91 Worldwide Patents Pending. IlO1 D of I Contract No. RD/801/8/156.

firm product quality, but in the case of encapsulated units he would be limited to checking encapsulation defects only (see also Sections VI and VII). 9) The incidence of low voltage failure of multilayer ceramic capacitors is very low if the entire volume of the industry is considered. Complete elimination of low voltage failure by screening has not yet been achieved, but a major improvement in product quality has been achieved. REFERENCES
[I] T. F. Brennan, Ceramic capacitor insulation resistance failures accelerated by low voltage, in Proc. 16th Annu. Reliability Physics Symp., Apr. 1978, pp. 68-74. A. M. Holladay, Unstable insulation resistance in ceramic capacitors, in Proc. Symp. Cap&or Technologies, Applicarions and Reliability, NASA Conf. Pub. 2186, 1981, pp. 27-:31.

r31 P. N. Bradley, Ultrasonic


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