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Ed & Jesn Kelsey, missionaries

Pioneers for Christ

bun. nnov/e^in

P.O. Box 795 Pinellas Park, Pla.




When are we leaving?

Only God knows for sure but

we would like to leave very soon after Jan 1.

After Jan Ifi we will

no longer have a place to live as someone else is moving in here then. (We*re only allowed a year here). For this and other better reasons we feel a strong need to go to the field in Jan. Your response to
this letter can make the difference. As this is going out third-class

it may be January before you get it. Therefore please support this ministry with your gift todayi Please pray that God will help you to make your gift as large as possible. However God leads you, let
us know. It will be a blessing to us in any case. Thank you.


Picture a country as big as the U.S.A. where

Picture an area over 1/6 the size of

most of the interior has never seen a church patterned after that

found in the New Testament.

the U.S. where only one man is preaching the gospel as it Is found
in the N,T. Yet he has started several churches who cerry the banner of Christ without the benefit of full time or even part time preachers. Picture an area over 300,000 square miles in size where

these churches and groups would welcome Bible teaching and leadership training If it were only available to tbem and It Is available if we can provide the means of getting It there and we can if YOU will help. By combining modern educational methods and self-instructional materials with the unchangeable Word of God and using a light aircraft for transportation, these needs can |se met. The only thing missing is the financing. God can provide It, and will, we believe. Won*t you share this blessing with us by making a substantial gift today?

This is a big question.

We try to give our

You must take the matter before God to determine what He wants

you to do.

Let us suggest that you give 10% (a tithe) of your Income

to your local congregation, and additional offerings to the full extent of your ability. Include our work in these offerings if you
wish. Then ask God how much you can trust Him to provide beyond your own ability to do so. Based upon your prayers and the burden God lays

on your heeo^t, then step out in faith and make a committment, (a PalthPromise), believing that God will provide. Your supTiort, provided thus by God, can then do much, much more. Some people are willing to

trust God for 4t500 extra per week, some as much as |15 or !t20 or
more beyond what they can do themselves. Perhaps He will lead you to supDort oxu? work or that of another missionary. In any case we praise

Him! please let us know how He answers your prayers. Tills sharing of God*s response to your prayers will help strengthen us tool Praise

WH AT ABOUT IWIEDIATE NEEDS? $3500 is needed for transportation to the field, f12,000 plus is needed to purchase an airplane, Bien a house must be furnished and an automobile of some kind (preferably

a 1; wheel drive) must be purchased.

Your gift, large or small will

help here. Some people can well afford to give several thousand dollars, others perhaps only a few dollars. But if your gift is given because God laid a burden on your heart for this ministry, the He will bless it large or saall. Again, please seek His leading and let us know how He answers your prayers. Thank you.
SUPPOSE GOD SAYS NO? Then keep on praying? We feel that God wants this ministry to be well supported but it stands to reason that He doesntt want everybody to support it. He is bound to lead some of you to ^ther works with a need just as great as ours. For this we

are thankful. Do let us know where God does lead you however^ That way it will still be a blessing to us as we rejoice in seeing the
Hand of God at work in other areas too.

TP WHOM ARE WE RESPONSIBLE? First of all to God. And, of course, to you. However we must answer to some authority and that is presently
the elders of the Kaimuki Christian Church in Honolulu. Unless another

have agreed to supply this supervision.

approved by them.

church wants by desire us relationship on a regular

to undertake a living link relationship with us and there to be relbponsible to them, we hope to continue our with Kaimuki. Although they do not, as yet support us basis we need to serve under someone^s authority and they

All major decisions involving

large expenditures of money or changes in operating policy must be

This protects your investment in our work and makes

us better stewards of God*s blessings.


One very important factor in otir work or that of any

This is something we have

other missionary is keeping YOU informed.

fallen down in the past couple of years.

You can help thougih.


your church have an offset press? Or are you willing to edit our news letter and prepare it to be printed comercially? Please don't ask for

this volunteer job iinless you are willing to dedicate yourself to this ministry. But if God lays this burden on your heart it would be a

blessing for us. We must get back to a monthly publishing schedule beginning now. We cannot do it without your help though. Please pray
with us about this. The need is urgentI

made as we did last year and send to all who support us regularly. If you don't get one by Christmas, ask for it. We'll be happy to
send you one.


This year we are going to have twice as msny pict\jres


God is Wonderful!

Space does not allow \is to say

much but Jean feels great!

Christian doctor.

Thank Gtod for your prayers and for a

More in a later issue.

Ed & Jean Kelsey, missionaries

Pioneers for Christ

P.O. Box 795

Pinellas Park, Pla.


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