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on the last day of Odlehre and its author. Gustav Theodor Fechner (Leipzig, printed and published by Breitkopf and Hartel., 1876.)

I. Summary of Hegel II Historical III. Pendulum experiments IV reputation with women employees experiments V Nachschriftliches

I. Summary of Hegel. The so-called Odlehre seems since the death of its inventor, one must call Mr. von Reichenbach probably pretty lost or against spiritualism, so she has a distant relationship, receded into the background. Meanwhile, the following contribution to the history should still retain some of the same interests, by thus, so to speak, the last act of the occurrence of this doctrine is called, which has played its ambiguous role for a while next to the exact teachings of the claims of belonging. Also, it would be a pity if a negative and a positive test date, which I shall in the course of these communications have to speak, remained forgotten. In the main, the following memories relate to the rather involuntary relationship in which I followed in the last years before von Reichenbach's death on his insistence of his teaching.In short, namely R. v. has my interest in his experiments the last lifeline of this doctrine sought believed ie, after vainly here and there precisely researchers knocked at the doors for admission for the same, with my help even an acknowledgment of the same to enforce. This expectation I have now of course been unable to meet, and it was from the outset an illusion, because I would have All he made his statement, can confirm - however, it does not even come out to giving reasons for a sweeping investigation - , I would so probably hurt in the bias that exists in exact circles against von Reichenbach's teaching my reputation, but not his teachings have helped up. From further entering may serve some short notes to refresh the memory of the half-forgotten Od. The OD is to Reichenbach, the magnetism and electricity analog, imponderable agent which, however, more or less of it presents different symptoms and its particular laws follows. It is included in all bodies, and has magnetism and electricity as well as two, to be distinguished as positive and negative modifications, which are characterized by a certain contrast of phenomena or effects. But its effects can only

ever by some people, so-called sensitives are perceived, which are endowed with a peculiar nervous irritability, symptoms of Reichenbach are given. But Sensitive frequently enough before, their number is to Reichenbach's later information about half of the people, only that under the same are many gradations through which they pass into the non-sensitives, also changes the degree of sensitivity, even in the same subject after many circumstances . Reichenbach seems to assume that a sign of solidarity of the sensitivity takes place, I believe that such a grant is limited, but will not elaborate on here. Someone has it for interest, or to consider other on sensitivity in Reichenbach's sense, it is in at least the following activation konstatierbaren most easily given the same symptoms. Sensitive are generally nervenreizbarer as non-sensitive, more by changing the environment, weather and external circumstances are at all affected scare easily, restless sleep, though are as sensitive in itself not ill, but before others to certain contingencies, as convulsions, migraine, and somnambulism. like inclined. are no strong eaters who love excellent cold meats, salads and disdain fatty foods, can not work well in small rooms, or between other persons, including in the crowd, enduring, are affected by the presence of a magnet or magnet swipe in a particular way; easily troubled by moonlight; feel to stand before the mirror as something retardant, have an aversion to yellow, however, preference for the blue color in clothing, housing, & c - In the following two sample sets v. Reichenbach especially weight: It can be tested by the person proffer the left hand and stroking with the forefinger of his right hand upright and slowly lower it without the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, they touch and at the distance of about one inch of Certified feels like an action in the way when a fine cool breeze would run your finger over the following hand, blown about like a straw quiet, so he is sensitive, he feels nothing, he is not. And: If something subdued light, in a staggered only just through veiled sky in weak daylight room, but also in the evening by candlelight, holding a hand to be tested over the eyes in the normal visual range. Then he considered the fingertips, by holding it against a dark background, which is one or two steps back. A non-sensitive is hiebei perceive anything unusual, but discover a Sensitive over the top of each finger with a sharpened look a very delicate flow, colorless, lightless, lust similarly, mobile, some lines high, up pulling, face south inclining, and where he fingers the may also apply, following them out everywhere. There is no smoke, no air, no haze, it looks at how his tan, similar but noticeably zrter of reputation as a rising air. Someone presents more decisively above characteristics, the more developed is the rate in Reichenbach's sense with him. Of the myriad symptoms or effects of the Od showing off Reichenbach, I only mention the following: The two poles of a magnet as the opposite vertices of a Bergkritalls radiate Od sensitives which is visible as different colored Lichtausstrmung in perfect darkness. The south pole of a magnet is lauwidrig of the left hand of a sensitives felt the North Pole cool (well cool), reversed from the right. Accordingly, as magnets behave in this respect crystals and many other body at its opposite ends.

Sure suspended pendulum can be moved to the upper attachment point to vibrate when a finger is a sensitives. The most detailed, but probably any patience exhaustive, representation of Reichenbach's system can be found in the two-volume work of the same: "The sensitive person" (Stuttgart. in 1854 and 1855); shorter you can teach them about the main points of his "Aphorisms on sensitivity and OD "(Wien. Braumller 1866), or given to me in a resum critically behaving to his teaching writing my essay," Professor Schleiden and the Moon "(Leipzig, Gumprecht, 1856, pp. 269 ff.) To generally explain me now anticipate about my position on this doctrine, it has been and remains always been the following: I believe deserve the sensitivity ratios of people with strange or even abnormally crafted nervous irritability, called sensitives in Reichenbach's sense, but an in-depth, to be subjected to as much side and extending to as many individuals to study, but no one has been such a made in the same extent and performed with the same persistence as the Reichenbach; any resumption of such an investigation should therefore find occasion to go back to Reichenbach. Also can not be considered a priori to be unlikely that there some results Reichenbach will find that differ from those very, which can be obtained with persons of average or normal irritability, and so is in such a deviation is not in itself reason to Reichenbach's discarding results, but only to examine them closely. But it is necessary, it is impossible to settle down with their own information Reichenbach's rise against both his whole system as against its theoretical and experimental justification of the same way, from the outset the most serious concerns. Such an examination but has found both thoroughly and in some extent to my knowledge has not yet taken; exacte researchers have found so far to do still else, and so I take until further my view there together: it like this to Reichenbach's doctrine and be true, but can not decide without further investigation as much, and not separate the good grain from the great desert. In the same sense, only inbound here, I spoke earlier in the above-mentioned essay of my Moon book, and think that even now there is said to be correct. Reichenbach makes me during our correspondence to compliment what I believe to earn by writing: "The most beautiful place in your letter is that in which you say that, so be careful you are in the faith, so be careful you are in unbelief." In fact, I motivated to motivate himself and also by the position of this property to his teaching, as I have just now referred. The same property but it was also what Reichenbach was able to become so stubborn to say so finally at my heels to pin, which I used to not concern him, and I restrained myself for various reasons almost only defensively against him. Part I had myself busy with other things, not lust, decided to embark on an as seemed very unclean Royal strange experiment field, with, I had once gotten myself to not let foresee where it could dissipate, partly I knew as I said, that I could help out his cause not only with Reichenbach; finally justified as yet another scientific reason my aversion to this consortium to respond. I now give folgends: first, a historical resum of, with Reichenbach in recent years led before his death, negotiations and his last living conditions in Leipzig, 1) second,

a representation of the employed on his occasion pendulum experiments, which have some common interests, and to be transacted Reichenbach himself laid great weight, however, have given a negative success, third, the representation of other large series of experiments, the I in with me on the world by Reichenbach, hired sensitive, woman reputation, and without anything decisive whole perform, but to confirm an interesting and worth further examination fact have done.

to take on his former should not be necessary, since each encyclopedia tells. Only beilufigmag be remembered that Reichenbach is the discoverer of creosote and paraffin. Historical II. Already in 1845 Reichenbach went to me by letter, to be interested in his teaching, I answered him with doubts, and since we do not mutually converted us had correspondence with a few letters to her end of the matter. Against the exhibitions that I made in 1856 in the Moon book to his studies, he replied in a font (which to me the title is omitted), which also turned against his other opponents, and lectured me with among them. Since I among his opponents was pretty much the only now, the possibility that there could be something in his teaching, even admitting he turned later repeated to me to induce me even to make experiments on the Odfrage, including I found myself under the condition ready that I could make a commission my colleagues to jointly test to pass. But this is averse showed to take it, so I explained Reichenbach that I wanted to have my hand nothing to do with it, let me talk about, however, a me about sending him to try pendulum apparatus with which the experiments turned out to his disadvantage. Well said Reichenbach, even to want to come to Leipzig to convince me of the correctness of his attempts, and although I refused my participation in it to advance and avert its tradition itself was looking for, he did come in July 1867 and remained there until his , 19 January 1869 took place, death, more than a year without being able to come to his purposes. He brought with him a certain reputation woman who had once been his housekeeper and according to him a wonderful Sensitive should be, with all the records of his teachings were konstatieren. Since he was once here, I liked me some if possible decisive, try not also escape, but the very nervous person was traveling became so ill, 2) and fell by the seriousness with which the tests were attacked in such alteration, that they declared themselves to be adept not right for now to the experiments, and since the condition worsened, more and more, Reichenbach had to send them back after a short time. The attempts I was doing while she was still being here with you, therefore remained inadequate as a whole. Some miscarried decided, the success of some surprised me, to prove without anything definite, because the sensitive of the possibility of recurrence under

modified circumstances withdrew, but a success surprised me, ie a deflection of the magnetic needle, which the person with fingers the one as the other hand, especially strongly brought to the elbow, and I must consider secured by repetition under circumstances which seemed to exclude any deception. Details about will I be giving IV.


Reichbach believed this to be dependent on the long Hinfahren odically along the same unfavorable acting telegraph wire. Reichenbach has now while he was here at all so busy to visit sensitive (mostly from lower classes) and register the symptoms of their sensitivity to hire even attempts on his hand with it. As he told me, he has brought in 100 people in the way here, but still want to offer any of the assistants to be employed by me Try also to me, as he always waited for the woman reputed to which he had the most confidence, as would be restored far, to let them come back, so that, as he said, the tests "crucial" failed. Apparently he trusted to the way he was attacked, the thing here is not quite the success, which of course itself can be considered a valid proof that she deserves no real confidence, or at least that the most characteristic effects of Od is rarely only one let konstatieren occurring levels of sensitivity as he could not find him here. Also, he always talked about wanting to set up a darkroom for light phenomena in magnets, but it did not happen. Meanwhile, the signs of marasmus senilis at the 81jhrigen man has faced during his visit, more and more. His eyesight declined, and he was so hard of hearing, deafened, that he could only talk screaming with him, his feet failed him; finally met him a stroke of apoplexy, which left him half-, robbed him of the consciousness and after a few days of his life set a goal. Up to his last days, but he always spoke repeatedly of the regret that he would have to die to have prevailed without the recognition of his teaching well, that tragic fate is now, however, also become part of him. My personal dealings with Reichenbach, other than the folgends to be discussed participation in his attempts limited to him after he could no longer go out at long intervals to visit once, to ask how it was with his health and trying matter to me to let vorerzhlen mass of observations which he himself has since remade with sensitives and registered, what is common ground must be found immense piles of manuscript in his Discounts Conditions, as he pushed for years so, and his suggestions for me to bleed for his cause care, patient to accept. Otherwise he has, I believe, lived lonely here. In the last days before his death he had the woman call come again, but only to maintain him; experiments could no longer be doing with it, because as the sensitive magnetic properties were and remained gone.

Should I tell hienach what finally emerged from the on Reichenbach's cause of me employed, leading to folgends try at all, so it would be the case under the following: By the pendulum experiments of negative success is, I believe, a mystical phenomenon, which has previously haunted much in the world and occurs only as a Revenant with new demands on security basically at Reichenbach, completely knocked out of the field, this course through the magnetic led to a new field, with the acquisition of science but is not yet certain, since the conditions under which it appears, can not be prepared at random, and wants someone suspicious hereafter, what can I do: but even has Berzelius, after the fatality happened to him to have found proven the correctness of a, measures led him by Reichenbach in Carlsbad, anodic experiment, have to put that one saw only a sign of incipient senility therein. For me personally, but both attempts have gained the following general meaning concerning the whole Odlehre and such could also probably for others, their indivisibility it is not clear to advance to have. As to the first, I say to myself, when an attempt to Reichenbach declared itself a cardinal test of his teaching and has recommended it to me in front of others on probation the same, yes he, as will be seen below, has repeatedly described with such amendments that do no objection seems to remain, nevertheless lazy proves on closer examination, so that the same can just as well apply to other of his Odversuche against which no objection seems to remain, and will be against all information Reichenbach from the outset the greatest distrust must cherish, - with respect to the second, however: if an attempt to, as will be seen, Reichenbach himself has not even put special emphasis, however, he offers an all previous physical and physiological knowledge of foreign earnings, safely, on closer inspection against all objections is given, the same may also apply to other of his attempts, the result is strange and we may even deny its about to advance. Should now also some se strange results that claims to have found Reichenbach, to further confirm upon closer examination, this would add though its priority for them, but not the system, which he sought to combine them to be rescued from the I confess, in fact, that I think it is a kind of subjective phantasmagoria. And in that sense it should always remain true that the last days of Odlehre coincide with those of its author, it may also One can revive. III. Pendulum tests. At the time when Napoleon's rule was still in bloom, declared at a woman once common stand if I am not mistaken in a city of Upper Lusatia that he was dead But since one of them had no official customer, she was charged with dissemination of

such information to taken responsibility, and testified that they have the following means, with respect to an absent learn whether he was dead or alive. You put two pieces of bread and two pieces of coal so crosswise to each other. About the middle of, on 4 scale points by limited space can be a ring or any other heavy body on a solid and steadily held with the fingers dangling thread, and is thought to the question relating to the relevant absent, dead or alive. Is he alive, the pendulum begins between two pieces of bread, on the other hand, if he's dead, between two pieces of coal to and herzuschwingen. In the request for Napoleon now the answer had envisaged on dead, notwithstanding he was at that time quite well. This failure hung in the following circumstances. Imagine yourself on the attempt by taking a person in mind, from the one already knows whether she is dead or alive, and you will find the swing of the pendulum generally correct. But it is also just that you know in advance whether the person is alive or dead, and that failure so only because the woman did not know of Napoleon hung. Because instinctively, even if one thinks to keep the pendulum thread right continuous, follows the hand to advance the expected or imagined direction of motion, and small pulses add up gradually to a more considerable effect. - How easy to consider based on this the well-known attempt to make into a held by a thread in a glass ring show the number of hours. Explained previously you have to say so popular versions of the experiment, with its various modifications, but have also engaged physicist. Notably Some have believed, discover by pendulum oscillations water or metals under the ground or by a different direction of pendulum oscillations on different bodies or body parts a polar nature thereof can demonstrate, to all such attempts by the above, if I am not mistaken first Al. Humboldt given and documented experiments, explanation found their completion, after which it has been in physical circles and writings not mentioned. Hienach might notice that Reichenbach has come back to experiments of this kind at all, since it but that statement could not have been unaware of. In fact, he was once convinced themselves of their adequacy, until he accidentally found that the oscillations of the pendulum under the hand of sensitives, but only of sensitives entered, even if the thread of the moving action of the hand completely removed and glass surroundings was protected from air moving influence, and who would like the following, 23 Sections of his "Aphorisms" of removed, representation of these tests can still raise an objection. "More a widespread delusion thoroughly crush than to investigate its source, I have a small apparatus composed, in which the pendulum thread wound on a shaft so that it touches on where he is stuck with his fingers, as but where it is movable, of the same can not be reached. The whole is protected by a glass cylinder before air movement. Here is where the pendulum is absolutely protected from external mechanical influences, I put my fingers on the thread shaft, and the success was as I otherwise expected, perfect stop the pendulum. I was glad to have found your way to a thorough refutation of so ingrained in people mistake, and wanted only to all superfluous control repeat touching the pendulum shaft a few other people, before I

say made the apparatus, the pendulum stayed with different people as motionless as with me,., to my no small surprise, but it really occurred in one of them, a strong man of 45 years, in motion, and in fact as often as he repeated contact of the shaft so that no doubt was admissible as to the accuracy of the phenomenon., but this man was, as result, the only sensitive to the auditors. now I summoned other sensitive and behold, the pendulum came with the touches of all those in vibrations that were sensitive, and remained wall are fixed to all, who were not. This is so determined that at low sensitives excursions only small size, larger in medium-sensitives, and so on progressively further elongation showed in the same measure as the sensitivity of the people stood up. " "Now that the mystery was the exposure of Achilles' heel., It was proven now that the existence of the vibrations by touching the pendulum thread with your bare hand not a fable, but a reality, however, is under lapping certain preconditions that have Schwankendes soon emergence soon absence under seemingly similar circumstances indebted in different people. Nobody knew about the existence of a difference between people who just stepped through the detection of sensitivity to light. Unless you knew this, it was impossible to find a cause why the pendulum came soon, soon materialize., the result of the apparent inconsistency of the test events was that they were no scientific consideration to part., but now from the point of view of sensitivity of where they fit in the anodic laws, they show up as constant, that even when the same person, depending on whether they feel more or less healthy or ill follow, more or closer elongations. Creates a sensitive right hand 8 lines wide swings of the pendulum, and you put another right hand on this, which you eponymous OD flows into it, so get those to 12 lines. Sets to a left hand on the button at the swing right, then provides the same silent immediately. Gives one, while the right is on the pendulum shaft, odnegative substances, sulfur, selenium, perchloric acid, coal in his left hand, increase the vibrations, one does the same with iron, copper, tin, lead, and other odpositiven bodies, the pendulum is immediately silent Carries the experimenter, a clock, a key, some money in the. pocket, he is unable to bring the pendulum swing, how sensitive it may be. I let such who gets rid of all metal and had brought the pendulum to 10 lines rash, wear boots, which were studded with iron nails , and immediately got his pendulum to a standstill. As delicate as well as constant are those phenomena which, as we see fall prey throughout the anodic sphere., the negative OD flows from the sensitive hand the thread along who does not just very finely his needs, down to the pendulum, I verfertigte up to 12 Lot severity of lead, breathes along the thread and its metal weight visible blaze out, is odleuchtend in the darkroom., and enters into rectilinear oscillations in direct proportions to the load (feed line? .) of Od The positive OD when it obtains about the negative rule, behaving him its effect on the pendulum, and this gets into a standstill -. thus wins the science a new motive power and the OD falls into the limited number of physical engines. " To supplement I add from the correspondence at the Reichenbach following information thereof (August 1866): He 'do break up a foundation wall of his house the pendulum too fond of and the apparatus attached to it; although its not even

needed any thing, "by making sure the end results to win - "the direction of vibration is always perpendicular to the center of the body of the sensitives," and had proved by further investigation as the effect of a "rejection" by the experimenter - "the pendulum movement begin quite weak and slow, especially need the first phenomena a long time until that is the whole bell jar saturated only with OD's. had therefore to probably several minutes. Later successes of the entrance of the vibrations faster. contacting only very quietly that you hardly perceives on. Gradually they swell, and then go for men of means sensitivity to 10 - 12 - 14 lines entire length (length of thread about 10 inches). " Be the healthy man, - "so reach the excursion 5 minutes Maxinium her." With high sensitives it, Reichenbach had even done any tests. Well, Reichenbach sent myself an apparatus for displaying these experiments, consisting in, to be fastened to the neck of a bell jar or bottle, wooden Auffatzstcke, in which the shaft is inserted to that of the heavy body carrying at its lower end, thread having a plurality of turns to wrap its upper end. Before appointing the trial I asked another letter from Reichenbach to the following points, which he left undiscussed in his aphorisms, I think having to cite to prove that I have not missed anything to make his pendulum experiment according to his own rules. Whether the thread of linen or silk should be, what length to give him, whether the to be fixed below body of any metal and any weight can be allowed on any kind pad, wood, glass, metal float the pendulum to hang which fingers are whether an objection of failure by the Odverhltnisse the adjacent wall ever existed and how it might be possible to prevent or lift; whether the rule that the experimenting Sensitive must have no metal to be extended then was that none at all in the room and should be present in the drawn about the Spectator, in which case I virtue, however, the conditions of the experiment does not produce, or whether it just hinreiche that the Sensitive itself does not directly stand in contact with metal or such wear on the clothes, and finally whether He, according to the characters that I told him, really recognize the sensitive, the first job was available to me of the trials as sensitive and therefore suitable to hold the trials. For brevity, I do not go here especially on his answering all these questions, but only observe: first, that I perfectly complied with its he recommended measures, secondly, that, as Reichenbach later the apparatus in the statement that I gave him, even participated in inspection and Mrs. reputation had made attempts at it, he was not to raise any objection to my line-up manner. As a major, though not given to me by Reichenbach himself in the hand, point them I just would stress that the bell, in which hung the pendulum, was admitted with the lower circular edge of a molten wax ring on a sandstone slab, which in a , corresponding to the physical cabinet Augusteum, ground floor motionless Local is inserted firmly into the walls of a window recess, whereby the state of the apparatus was so backed up that strong shocks were able to produce any noticeable movement of the pendulum on the sandstone slab. Thereof for the manufacture Professor Hankel, I have to be grateful. To the tests first disponible Sensitive, my wife, anlangend, as noted Reichenbach to the specified characters of me that they "decided sensitive but probably not highly" was, and expressed in any case anticipate no objections to their

use for the experiments, what could take place even less so, as he had himself declared that the pendulum experiments already succeed with "means sensitives", and that he had not yet done with such high sensitives. Incidentally, I am not limited to tests with a female sensitive, but still suffered three male individuals, on which at least two of them, the expression "opted sensitive" just as good, if not better, than watched my wife. With the specified devices attempt has now been made in the manner specified by Reichenbach of the four individuals at 4 different days. From any I had five minutes just him, and then another 1 1 / 2 continue to 5 minutes so that the individual at the same time holding a piece of coal, graphite or sulfur in the left hand while the four fingers of the right hand (excluding the thumb ) were placed on the thread shaft with the tips. In none of the 4 cases I could see something of the specified Reichenbach successes correspond and could be interpreted as anodic effect. Only the following should be noted here that could come from any repetition of such tests, if one does not already have enough to the previously employed in consideration. l) If I even was come to the quietly standing equipment, I began to think without hands applying a little, so to speak microscopic to perceive motion of the pendulum, but are not quite sure if it was not my deception, nothing less than normal, with light flickering prone, eye was because of the 4 experimental subjects believed only one to notice something equivalent, the other declared for the whole of the pendulum resting. It would be possible, after all, that the approach of a human heat source in a draft of the bell calling out, depended on a motion of the track. 2) In two of the four cases, seemed to me the dubious move I thought I recognized even before the attempts to increase once an unequivocal track, but instead of growing in the continuation of the trial, she returned to the original doubtfulness as they have been, back before the experiment without taking one of those odnegativen body in the left slightly changed it. Also Reichenbach himself wrote afterwards that such weak motions me "for nothing had expected, the pendulum oscillations would finally appear strong and determined and notice everyone." The reason of something that has become noticeably movements could be determined by the way, and deserves to be mentioned, as it has to be based on a careful when similar experiments. From inception, mine were about sent to the, of Reichenbach, appliances noticed two errors, first, that the thread shaft still mounted in their holes, and second, that she was too thin for crucial tests, which I myself trials with positive results without control experiments no confidence would have paid. On the former point, however, was to put less weight because the rotation was only with considerable effort, while the fingers when attempts are merely hang up easily, and in a lifting and lowering of the thread was easily recognizable. That, however, the second circumstance was not without influence in the experiments, it is clear from the following. When I was a trial subjects in the course of the experiments made the noticeable that I do perceive a trace of a circular motion of the pendulum unambiguous as in the beginning, he

replied: "Yes, he felt that he had to take very beware, not the timing of breaths involuntarily to do with the fingers down on the shaft and a reciprocating motion herschiebende, if not the success could depend about. " It was now after completion of the entire trial, during which the motion was lost again in the ambiguous or subtleness, performed intentionally by the cycles of breaths that alternate exposure to a greater degree, and soon became not only the pendulum in the clearest motion, but the bending of the thread shaft forward and back could be also seen here. Meanwhile, the pendulum movement was very irregular, and sometimes almost faltered again, but only depended on that clock of breaths not coincided with the oscillations of the pendulum. And when the action was set up on the shaft that measures in accordance with the vibrations were not only regular, but increased also, and I have subsequently brought up to 10 to 12 lines at the bottom (at about l foot length of thread) itself, further did not succeed. When I reported the negative Reichenbach success of the experiments carried, he replied that the test subjects do not yet have been sensitive enough and was still looking for excuses in addition to other circumstances, without being able to even attach much weight to them. But I think I can spare the reader with a discussion about it after I not only think I have made the experiments more carefully than Reichenbach himself, but also, when coming back to the pendulum test under the salaried with woman call attempts by a main factor 'll be able to prove it. As will become clear in explaining why the tests but Reichenbach glckten so easily, while they did not want to succeed in my job way. After I had finished a long time with these trials, the pendulum apparatus was but now stopped unchanged, has subsequently another, for medicinal purposes with the use of so-called animal magnetism as with Reichenbach's Odlehre probably familiar, reported Lord with me, which of the tests heard and those wishing to make himself, as he risked that they would succeed. The pendulum remained (after all metal deposited) under the influence of his hand as quiet as in the earlier experiments. IV with Mrs. reputation salaried experiments . Here About I give much verbatim, with only a few abbreviations and asides, again, what I received in my notes vorfinde like a diary, as I believe that the interest of this communication may have about would happen with a shorter contraction same stop, even some detail for the evaluation of tests is necessary. Thursdays, 4 Juli, 1867. This morning I was surprised Mr. von Reichenbach with his visits. On my repeated epistolary refusal to get involved in his attempts after I made no commission my colleagues to check them was able to bring about, and the pendulum experiments to nothing, he replies that he will, nevertheless, and even wanted to bring a sensitive, just to show my attempts to make no claim that I am making a public judgment about course presuming that I would not be able to avoid doing it if I would

have only to be convinced even in the case of his appeal to me . I received him very cold, told him again, I would have to withdraw my part of an investment in his experiments. And nothing would come out for himself, but went because he was there once with him to his hotel to the city of Dresden, where he gave me his sensitive, a large, but more lean than strong woman between 40 and 50 years old, the once may have been pretty, imagined, and I saw a table on which he all possible preparations, magnets, sulfur and metals, sealed in tubes, crystals, a raw and a boiled egg, etc, which I know had spread. The Sensitive explained that she was not quite well, and their sensitivity is not greatly increased just today, but the following, listed by Reichenbach himself, taken by me in the hand attempts have been made. l) distinction of an iron rod by a magnetic rod through the feeling. I found that one stick was a little heavier than the other, I wrapped both very paper and would not let her in, take her hand, but laid it parallel to the table, so that they with the wrapped ends on the edge of the table protruded. The North Pole is cool with the left, the south pole lauwidrig, or, in the words of the Sensitive, "gruselich" perceived and thereafter the distinction between the inert iron rods happen. The Sensitive was wrong. The same experiment was subsequently repeated between other experiments milungenem twice with equal success. However, it was found that the magnetic bar, which is only about the length of half a knitting needle and the (but rectangular) cross-section of a mediocre pencil had not been able to do little lighter or heavier iron rods, so of course was not very suitable for experiments on low sensitivity . When I asked Reichenbach, why did he not taken a stronger rods, he said he was of the success of attempts to secure, now brought a little bigger and stronger rods, making the attempt to distinguish between the poles really succeeded, what could be more natural random . Meanwhile, it struck me that the following experiments invariably get behind each other. 2) A rock crystal, wrapped in paper by myself, so that a difference of its ends was no longer recognizable, has just been laid on the table. They differed with the finger without touching the paper itself, the right end, which should appear cool to Reichenbach's given me before, explanation. The same experiment was repeated once with the same success at another crystal. 3) A Knaul of blue and yellow wool from another of the same size, wrapped in paper by myself, were correctly distinguished from it. One Knaul, I do not know what to feel namely the left even by the paper by khliger than the other. 4) I took two balls of colorless, the one to the left, the other in the right hand, without the sensitive knew in which, and held it for about 5 minutes in it, then they were transferred to the sensitives. One is by a

hand odnegativ be the other loaded OD-positive, and the hienach a khliger than the other are perceived. Reichenbach had previously indicated as success must fail, and he was really like. 5) Reichenbach had among its objects, a sample bag with yellow, black with a different looking, as he said dead, peas. The deceased is to be distinguished from living by the feeling of Khligkeit and Lauligkeit or Gruselichkeit. I let the peas distribute so as not known in which Sensitive to let sacs covered on each pile a paper cover, and let the Sensitive to the feelings by hinbewegte the finger at a little distance above the paper, the difference specify the sensation. He fell right out in the sense of Reichenbach stated previously. 6) My room key was placed under a handkerchief, so that it is loose, with a lot of construction bulges lay here and there about it, and the location of the key in any way could be through the cloth by identified, including myself, if I hand the hinfhrte over the cloth had no sensation distinctive of the position of the key. She ran her fingertips in a small distance above the cloth out, and I had carefully night that she was not going to touch the cloth, and after a few times the back and forth done, she went with a rapid movement to the point the cloth off, by which he was, not surprisingly ausnahm in fact. In all these experiments the sensitives through, made out of their presence, measures had been cut off the opportunity before to know how she had to make her statement, and with the exception of 5) and 6) and the preparations were made so that Reichenbach himself did not know which side of the respectiv odpositive odnegative and lay the body, thus excluding the possibility of any character of his side, followed by the way not to think for other reasons probably. Meanwhile, the Sensitive was in these experiments by the task, to introduce a sharp onlookers eye and using unusual Kontrollmaregeln, completely altered, repeatedly declared today they have not quite sharp feeling, also gave all their true statements as: "they mean, to feel that a little khliger, "so that you could tell that she was not quite sure here, what I wondered the more, and to confess my mood in the experiments themselves openly annoyed that they do so were true, as it seemed to me to deserve a better thing, she trembled with the tested hands, finally said she could no longer, and fell into convulsions, the Reichenbach sought to remove by brushing. In short, the experiments had now come to an end, and we headed out, Reichenbach should let me know when the woman is disposable to try again.

Sunday, 6 July. Note from me to Reichenbach: "The success of previous attempts has

struck me, but the possibility of accidental applying of thereof not yet ruled on the small number, and showing fragmented attempts is objectively align at all a little so I'm on one, you already. made earlier, proposal, and would tell me for sure if the following three tests gelngen. 1) I bring a pretty strong magnet bar with unmarked Poland, and deliver it to your sensitives. She has 20 consecutive wins, or even if it did be a bit much, in two sessions, in whole but just as often, to decide which is the North Pole. Between every attempt I put the rod so that it does not know if he still has the same position as before, and pretend completion of the entire test series no sign of successful or unsuccessful success. 2) I'll take a plate of sulfur and an equal of a metals. They are applied to two different designated the same, places under a sheet of paper, but so that neither sensitive nor do you know which of the two points a, and where the other is. For the representation of the experiments, the objection is ruled out that a the sensitives, albeit involuntary give signs. She has after feeling by hinstreicht with your fingers at a little distance above the paper to decide where one is and where the other plate. This too often (with change of location) to repeat. 3) We provide the pendulum test on at a fixed installation, but only after the previous attempt, and if the Sensitive has become accustomed to, so that the hand was as steady as possible. Although the pendulum test should not succeed, and I confess to having no confidence, I would consider the success of the other two trials sufficiently to give your teaching a foundation in experience. "

Here are a few observations. To lead the finger at the second trials in a small distance above the paper, therefore, is necessary so that will not regarded by the paper by a difference in hardness or heat transfer between two plates. The distinction should be that the sensitive of the action of zinc, tin or copper also what could be, a peculiar contraction in the hand feels, what is lacking in sulfur, graphite and other highly electro-negative bodies to Reichenbach. To achieve a relatively secure conviction of a had taken place odic influence, I would not demand that meet all 20 individual experiments, but also do not rely on a small preponderance of relevant cases something; since the success of contingencies equally well prevented in some cases as a slight overweight this could be caused. It would suffice if almost all cases apply. But to make a more definite judgment in this respect for a mere aperfu, in my opinion, could use the theory of

probability on the following principle. Call it a true case of +, a failure with -. If there is no odic effect takes place, the chance of + and - equal; does not prevent that with a finite number of test cases, as we the 20 presuppose, by Random + or predominate, but the improbability of excess weight after a page grows with the size of it, and you can calculate accurately and without difficulty to bet how much (the opposite assumption opposite), that with the same chance the excess of + the -. would remain under a given number 3) If it has to reached excess of this size, so you can bet is just so much that the requirement of equal opportunity, for which the bill was felt not exist, but that a certain influence has driven the excess so high. Earlier I had this procedure, which also to a majority of people is applicable with each l try instead to a majority of trials with person l, 4) Mr. von Reichenbach letter to replace its traditional registry and leading to loud relevant cases but certainly not as pure place, proposed the method of calculation and told him to, but he did not go on one, but claimed that he receive the right care at louder appropriate cases. Of course, the method is the more reliable, the more one incurs cases, but I did not go over 20 in the abnormal sensitivity of the sensitive.


For Example, in 20 cases can be 499 bet against l, that with the same chance of + and - the excess of + the - by virtue of mere coincidences less than 16 top be even negative, ie the number of + not 18 (as against 2 negative cases) would achieve.

As to Reichenbach about half of the people should be more or less sensitive, as would, if a greater number out handles quite randomly among them, more so if you zuzge louder nervenreizbare people, the latter method a significant preponderance of + cases give, should Reichenbach's assumptions are justified.

8 and 9 luli. After Reichenbach 8 July has accepted the proposals contained in my billet "with pleasure" and remarking that "he doubted for a moment that the sensitive would prstiren heaters', would still only be indulged in some time of their recovery," he wrote to me on 9 July: "Our Sensitive is now a little bit better, but so little that it does not come into account However, although weak compared to their healthy state it different but positive and negative, in the main, and yesterday I made dinner one.. . part series with her through which she set up quite right to my

amazement Under such circumstances, I would like to try to subject them to your job if you want to have the kindness of, to give them an hour, "etc - so I went afternoon at 4 clock in his hotel with my own equipment. First place I looked for the Sensitive by friendly approach quietly to vote, they asked if they think I can take the tests, which they answered doubtfully, and stood Reichenbach even before if he would do better to postpone the tests yet, when suspend a dubious success. After all, if they were once made, I would record the negative successes as well as the positive. However, he seemed not to expect the appointment. So I gave the sensitives the big heavy strong horseshoe magnets, instead I brought the rod in his hand and asked them if they feel a difference in the poles. She said she felt something khliger one pole than the other, but very weak. "Well, - said Reichenbach, - it does not matter that you strongly feel the difference, but that you feel it at all." - I'm on this: "Well, then, if you like, we begin." The poles themselves were not labeled, but in order also that, for every stranger inconspicuous, on the legs laterally exploiting dividend to make signs harmless, was the, set on a table with two poles on the edge of the table excellent magnet in each experiment entirely with cardboard covers, and abandoned the sensitives of the greater Khligkeit the North Pole, to be determined by application of the Left to the experiments, of which two poles it. Reichenbach also did not know the location of the poles. After the sensitive given their statement that I quoted implied, I let them be removed, the magnet quickly turned by hand around more than once, so I after his re-laying on the table and immediately cover with the box while hiring the new experiment itself did not know whether the North Pole lies on the right or left, and convinced me after geschehener statement of it. This experiment was seven times in a row, after each repeated removal of sensitive and above have changed hands, position the magnet repeatedly, but which explained the sensitive, that she was far too insecure, and I explained Reichenbach himself, under these circumstances the attempt than not prove not to continue to want. The success of the trials was 7 when applying the + with - is called is not true, according to each of these: + --- + - + so that the result had failed entirely to the disadvantage. Because with a lack of anodic influence the probability of + was with the - same, the latter but even predominated. I also had a sulfur plate and a zinc plate, from very same dimensions (formerly used for experiments on contact electricity), brought to the appointment of the second kind of experiments, but the Sensitive told a

therefore employed preliminary experiments, where the position of the two plates under the paper was previously known that their sensitivity for today, was not sufficient to find a difference in these circumstances. Despite the wish Reichenbach, nor the third attempt I proposed to make, the pendulum test. He himself had brought to a device similar to the above sent me and applied by me, with the only significant difference being that the bottle in which the pendulum hanging down, instead of being cemented to a solid surface, was placed only on one.But she had a somewhat uneven ground so that it wobbled slightly on the table a little. What It helped that he had a foundation wall of his house be heading out to put the shaky camera out. Although he speaks of "fixing" it, but does not dispute that such a place, for otherwise he would have when I drew his attention to the defect, said that he really remedied the same at home. As it should be then came that the experiments above succeeds only with sensitives, the gods may know, when it's not, because sensitive generally have shaky hands. Of course I did not let myself to experiments with his device, we went instead to the one described above, according to earlier failed attempts, still left standing, solid line-up of the apparatus Augusteum. The attempt was unsuccessful totally, the pendulum stood stock-still. For this purpose the following remark of a later date. Reichenbach himself never came back during his stay in Leipzig against me back to the pendulum test, I irrespective some time after the above experiments with him a bottle with a pendulum apparatus looked similarly mounted on a window sill as he saw it with me, and He has not disputed by some of the many sensitives, which he brought together, it can also hire experiments. Had they succeeded, he would have certainly not silent to me. Meanwhile, an attempt to Reichenbach himself uttered while I was still with him in the hotel, amazed me, and I still do not know what to make of it. An ordinary Boussole with a needle from a few inches in length under glass was placed on the table, he let the Sensitive (not the glass, but before the case) a finger on one pole back and forth, and the magnetic needle have been held similar vibrations than when an iron or magnetic rod back and forth in front of the same pole. These oscillations were not negligible, and the experiment was successful at each repetition, even if it was Reichenbach in other parts of the room. Also, when the finger approaching from the side of the poles and alternating was removed therefrom. I put myself to the test in the same way, the needle remained quite motionless. Reichenbach said the phenomenon was now weak, at times the Sensitive've shown around the magnetic needle in circles. I looked at the finger of the sensitives in their course and under the nails accurately as possible, the person had aufstreifen the

arm to the elbow to iron or stitches somewhere, could be pushed needles under the skin through which to discover, nothing. However, I kept coming back to me before on these tests. By kind words I had gained the confidence of the sensitives, and since Reichenbach is half deaf, she did unceremoniously in a low voice some comments that it it probably would not have like to be heard, especially on our way to the pendulum apparatus, where I auszuholen something sought. It is not irrelevant to the case DONE feel of her statements, because they can help to eliminate the suspicion that by itself an arbitrary deception had gone out. As Reichenbach after the 7 experiments with the magnet asked if they would be successful, and I refused to answer until after completion of all 20, she said she did not believe herself, that she had met. During the experiments with the pendulum, they said, they do not believe in this experiment, but the Baron tolerate no doubt, and they agreed my view, the trial may be sooner succeeded only because of inadequate installation of the system, at all. On the way she said "oh, if only they would only back home, she longed so much for her child, it would be terrible to have to stay here any longer." I asked her how it happened that they took the Baron to try. She replied that she was 17 (or 14?) were year with him in the house in an employment relationship, for 8 years but married to a man who, unfortunately, was slovenly, and did it the Baron in his desire to please, with here at go after them (i believe 1 / 2 years) had a mental illness, retarded by the great irritability. But if they should still stay here a long time, so it would be less capable of these experiments. She seemed, in fact, not even much of the whole story od hold and said that the Baron had employed people to the experiments which he paid for it, and had then spoken to please him, at least you say that. It seemed to me, however, that the party, as she easily had my reluctance to add me Reichenbach's views may notice I also tried something to talk about after the mouth. 13th July. The Sensitive had fallen since the last tests in such a state of insensibility that Reichenbach, as he wrote to me, she could stand to the death in the limbs with needles without it felt something. This morning, however, he came to me, said his Sensitive is not yet to be restored to repeat the experiments with horseshoe magnet and pendant, but the deflection of the magnetic needle, which also hammered throughout the state of insensibility, succeed again, and he asked me to be stated, it immediately because he was not sure of the duration of the present state. So I went with him. The magnetic experiments to which I limited myself, so get that to me, I would say, stopping the mind, whatever I tried to eliminate all possible causes of deception.

In the previous experiments, the sensitive had been sitting in front of the needle, so that the south pole was returned to her, but this time I had them put aside the needle.Would have had a sensitive magnet under the dress, a suspect, who was cherish, and had to wear the more accounts when he was very seriously raised by very respectable side, this would have very different motion conditions cause the needle need, than the time before, at all impossible, the regular phenomena that I observed produce, and even irregular must produce to the needle without presentation of the finger, which was not the case Everything. Such suspicions could not hold already hienach. Everywhere was investigated whether the movement of the magnetic needle was a matter of attraction or repulsion, and it showed in general that which part of the left or right hand or arm was used repelled the south pole of the needle, the north pole is attracted, regardless of Reichenbach who seems to have the test with the magnetic effect employed superficially, to my question, if not acted right and left polar and therefore a anzge what the other Gehazi, but is compensated both in effect, had replied: that would show indisputably that way, but in fact, right and left behaved in this respect no matter, only the Left seemed stronger than the right to work. In any case, a proof that not even here to be held by Reichenbach feat was present, the phenomenon contradicted his theory outright, and he knew to be no particular account of it. The experiment was made only with the left index finger in front of the South Pole, the same, with my first attempt was presented by Reichenbach, and which seems to be usually drawn from it in application. The job was done by so that the finger was approached from the side of the pole, and the only weak repulsive motion, the oscillation period corresponding, Diplomatic even approaching and removing your finger turns into considerable vibrations. Should be an opportunity for the resumption of trials as here, so this trick is not to be ignored. But you must be careful to apply it in perverse sense, so that the vibration rather than disturbed enlarged. Expresses the finger repulsion effect, the chipped end of the needle is so long to pursue it, as the vibration goes away after this page, quickly withdraw then the finger to allow the needle to make a full return oscillation, and then again with the repulsive finger to follow her usf , whereas to is obtained in the vicinity of the needle end with the attracting action of the fingers so long as the vibration continues is towards it. Confused the process is so disturbing to the movement. The same experiment was repeated with the right index finger, and then employed the same experiments with the left and right index finger at the North Pole, where attraction movement took place, then combining the index fingers of both hands, then mere middle finger, then mere thumbs of both hands examined. Always equal success. The Sensitive said the appearance of more trap so if all held together fingers

were united presented. This was done, and the vibrations took it a width of 40 to 50 to each page. I then had a fist and his knuckles offer. The same success. In all these experiments the experimenting arm was up to the elbow bare, and the other arm lay idly on her lap. The most nourishing success but where the vibrations almost to 90 to either side prospered, entered when the needle with the elbow approached with folded arms. Reichenbach was hiebei anywhere so remote and quiet, that was to get nothing from his participation in the experiments, and the sensitives I never noticed a movement of the body, which supported the suspicion that you have a magnet under the dress, by the movement of success would be caused. I also had them several times to try just one finger under the explicit command to keep the body as still as possible while that hire without finding exactly when it directed attention that this bid would be violated. After all, you can not accept it, though had nothing but magnetic needles and put them everywhere with the same direction of the poles that the person up needles under the skin at all the fingers to the elbow, and. What the other hand, the suspicion that they, under the dress, the magnetic phenomena have erknstelt to the needle by moving a magnet, it is the same totally excluded by the fact that the extension of such disturbance of the needle vibrations was approached and removed depending on the manner in which the fingers while (see aforementioned note), the principle of the sensitive and the right use Reichenbach himself did not know quite as turned out, as it must be in accordance with a magnetic property of the finger, which would not even let erknsteln when the sensitive with the principle would have been known. 14th July. This morning at 11 clock together with Professor Erdmann I been able to determine for involvement in trials now, repeated the experiments with the magnetic needle.They fell in the same manner as the other day, and frappierten Professor Erdmann like me. Today could be a cause of deception discover as little as before. I had recently asked the Sensitive if they do not have to iron, she had denied it, but just as little thought of their Crinolin there when I, but even today they mentioned that the experiment just as well without as with Crinolin succeed , and offered it since it also had on him to take off the same thing happened in the chamber of her. In fact, the experiments go quite as before. Also can be easily overlooked that the previously reported results, although possibly affected by the existence of Crinolin, but rather only in their regularity thereby have disturbed as can be produced. For abundances are Reichenbach explained yet ready to make the necessary tests of the very stripped-sensitive in the presence of ladies, we want to determine.

But it took the magnetic performance of the sensitives in the course of the experiments in this mornings yourself gradually more and more from so that further amendments thereof, which we had planned, partly to attract other seizures, sometimes even to the sensitive to magnetic phenomena check could not be performed. Of course it would have had a very particular interest in, investigate, where is to the south polarity, which showed the two arms of the sensitives coincidentally, the North polarity stuck in the body, legs, head, spinal cord? But all the attention had been directed to be stated only the general fact of the presence of a magnetic state of the sensitives, and so it did not come to the specifics. V. Nachschriftliches. The person came in the following days in such a pathological condition that Reichenbach had to send it back, and was later also not ready to try again. I advised her in her second presence here, if the magnetic property should set about later once with her again, to report to a physicist or physiologist specialist to try it, she could be a famous person, but have nothing of you belong. After all, so remained, with women employed reputation experiments, although in my opinion the Konstatirung a temporary magnetic property of the woman sufficiently, but incomplete as a whole, and Reichenbach bemerktermaen me no opportunity to complete the same offer with other sensitives. But now I think I still have to give the following remarks about space. In any case remain in the experiments, the magnetic influence of the needle on the main sensitives. Reichenbach himself while apparently designed from the outset to them no special weight, the success of the same it was among the many curious facts, which he believed to have been convinced only one more, so he also produced my attempt only casually among others; and only when he saw that I gave this experiment before all others the most attention, he began his part to take an interest, preferably for it, and has given much trouble since then, the same success with other sensitives, which he brought together so many to be stated, but in vain. As I seem to remember, therefore, have been self employed for his cause in the local Spitale tests of some neurotic persons, also without success. Even in his writings there is nothing to find about it, be it that Reichenbach has tried in the past tested in other respects sensitives not employed or found it unsuccessful. I asked him about it, but I forget what the response was. Hienach can the magnetic assets do not count on the characters of the sensitivity in Reichenbach's sense, and, as noted above, the way of success rather contradicts the principles established by Reichenbach Odgesetzen than that they hineintrte. But there are those who received Ms. reputation, magnetic successes at all so unexpected that, with regard to the previously proven impossible to reproduce those of other individuals from the outset any doubt as to the accuracy thereof must be allowed. Was really no deception about this? That Reichenbach himself was not fooled, everyone will admit who has satisfied itself in personal dealings with him or

from his writings that he was too occupied by the reality of the alleged facts put to hold still tricks to support their credibility necessary , and also that the Sensitive did not deceive for himself, had already concluded that they all represented only as a passive tool Reichenbach in the experiments and rather negative than positive interest betrayed, as is apparent from the above. But even if one were to assume the intent of deception with him or her, so I did not know absolutely how such a deception in the amendments made to the trial would have been able to keep down, and, also in this relationship back to the statements made about it. Would have been the attempts can still be continued, they would probably still have to hire other control experiments, and would be hired, but I confess, at least for myself already by what I can tell about it to be sure. One could think of hallucinations from my side, and I even asked me repeatedly if I am right, but Professor Erdmann, which I can no longer call as witnesses to his passing would have shared the same. And I will unconditionally to that made with one, only to a single individual, only a few days, only two uncontrolled observers experiments for science is nothing more gained than to draw attention to the observed case and prospecting stimulate confirmatory cases. More would have to say it if the Commission instead of our two men whose involvement I had wanted from the start, especially longer than Hankel, Ludwig, Rte, the two Webers, and after so much Actual let me submit, not would have been denied, nor witness the success would be magnetic. That these achievements are impossible in itself, you will not want to say a priori, since, according to the famous studies of electrical Dubios EIementarstrmchen are already available in the living nerve, and only a proper shape and arrangement known to require such Strmchen to the phenomena of to give magnetism. In normal nerve conditions they have, according to the actual absence of these phenomena, a shape and arrangement does not, but our nerves physics is still far from being able to assure that they can not accept in an abnormal nervous states such. With a unicum of course, as it could be present here, be more adequately evidence for the realization of such a possibility is to lead, but rather what is done once, must again can take place. Now it has come to me in the previous attempts to mind that actually already exists a previous statement in this regard. In a rather peripheral font that is, which was released about a somnambulist name Kachler Dresden (msg from the magnet. Sleeping life of the somnambulist Auguste K. Dresden, from bear and Kohlschtter, 1843), but I currently no longer is at hand, found I been able, among other oddities that are mentioned by her, also reported that they speak with the finger a distracting effect on the magnetic needle. The experiment seemed to me as I read it, so described that his objection was immediately obvious to him, but he was not pursued in detail, so I was at that time nothing on him. But now I would like to those which deal with somnambulism or spiritualism, the invitation addressed not to fail to test their experimental subjects to the assets in question, as ruthlessly what one likes the way think of those states, the abnormal condition the nervous irritability of such individuals might most easily be a success hope, as has been demonstrated at the Kachler, only a physicist or physiologist of trade would be to inform them in case of success, as I have already recommended

reputation of the woman, partly to the case, make sure to konstatiren - because of information in mere layman would be in the exact science bit - partly to address a closer examination it. Certainly it would thereby succeed to the representatives of those areas better than before, to draw attention to their exact experimental field researchers. Incidentally, it would be to me, should really somewhere attempts in this direction are employed to maintain the success of the same, it would also be a more negative note, to create something maybe later about it. In consideration of the presence of electrical Strmchen in the nerves was thinking that a limb, such as a finger, this could be artificially made magnetically that you put him in a role of multiplier wire, and an electric current is passed through this role, of course, the magnetism, the role becomes even through this flow, by an equal opposition, traversed by the same current, without finger roll to the other side of the magnetic pole on trying the effect of the reinforced finger, must be compensated. This test is at my suggestion and my involvement with all care, but was very negative results, employed by the local physics laboratory after Professor Hankel had the kindness, the device to with mirror camera and telescope for more accurate determination of even the smallest distracting effect produce, as he has also overseen the hiring of the trial. The traversed by the current role worked hard enough that a very weak iron wire in one, several divisions draw border, distraction caused the finger inserted into different people but gave no trace. Of course, one can notice that a magnetic state, as was evident in the call must be indisputably intended function of a demgemen disposition of the whole body or at least the main parts of the nervous system and the magnetism of the finger only be regarded as an offshoot or symptom of can. So have a decisive experiments, the whole body or at least a large part of the same must be surrounded by a spiral, which would have made the attempt very complicated and difficult its exact job. But a trace of effect would nevertheless be expected with a bare finger, and so the failure is thus certainly not encouraging for a repetition of the process on a larger scale. What, in the 4th July from 2) to 6) As for previous experiments, which have not been repeated, so I put no weight on it, "because their success could be due to chance." In fact, this is on each individual taken very conceivable and possible at all for himself, but frankly for the little one after the other without exception applying all probable, namely the (outer) probability of it only . And this improbability increases by considering that Reichenbach these experiments would not have presented with such great confidence in me, if they had not previously applied for himself. Especially seems to be the last attempt to be with finding the key under a cloth, an ordinary specimen Reichenbach's, giving me once before (August 6, 1866, In reply to him made by me, Remarks, wrote: "At the concealment of the poles towards the sensitives, I agree very much like to., the effect is weakened by paper, canvas, etc little. I have such tests provided shows the Berlin gentlemen. I just hid only one key, ie where poles were not even available under canvas could. A good sensitive person with a flat hand about Hinsch weaving, was always the place exactly

where the metal was below the canvas., it is incomprehensible how Mitscherlich, Riess, Poggendorff away with indifference about a phenomenon of such high physical meaning . This is essentially the same experiment, which I had pre-shows with Berzelius wrapped in paper materials., but these tests, of which they are afraid that I have not yet employed, I have made many hundred times in the dark, "etc. When the Berlin men are left with indifference on those trying, it might have been like, because if you did not even take such attempts from the outset in the hand, not everything organized to yourself, you can never be sure that it is not something of legerdemain or lying in uncontrollable circumstances deluded runs by attempting subjects a conductive character can be known, what the, externally added outcropping of the experiments, observers is unknown; ever attempted the kind have no weight when their success is not under modified conditions proven. Anyway, I would give only full confidence even such attempts, if I even brought the equipment to even the greatest safety's sake in each experiment the arrangement would have taken just as I have kept it in the experiments with the horseshoe magnet, I do not even with my imagination the expected rash that sensitive could influieren because I go to my principle to be so careful in disbelief than faith, so often heard assertion that somnambulist can be influiert of her magnetizer in such a way, in spite of the extreme unlikelihood that their plays, but so far give consideration to derive those caution in transmitting sensitive somnambulist on it. Reichenbach himself once told me, which I then put the credibility in a somnambulistischen or spiritualist meeting in London, which he attended, the somnambulist, or the so-called medium told him things that absolutely only he can know, but when he a randomly drawn map of a game and kept under the table without even knowing what it was, she asked the question can not be answered then. That sensitive to distinguish black-eyed peas of yellow, a blue Knaul of a yellow, after wrapping in paper, should by the feeling, anyway, is as unlikely as possible, and thanks to the previous experiments by no means regarded as proven, but I believed it Reichenbach to be guilty of that to conceal his assumptions that apply in the experiments just as little as the Not Applicable. I have always taken frherhin decency to publish the previous attempts at all, since they can meet their nature but researchers doubt accurate. When I however recently had random reason to look back at the notes about it, it seemed to me, as I said input, a pity that the pendulum test and the magnetic test should remain completely lost, and perhaps carry the latter still positive for the future fruit . One does not live magnetic but physically, magnetic, property on the human body, albeit to repeated konstatieren only under very peculiar conditions, would be in effect for the science of importance, and should succeed once, it would nevertheless the Odlehre grateful to have to be that she has led the way to it.

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