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A study of PARANORMAL: operation of factors currently unknown or unrecognized by orthodox science

y apparent anomalies of behavior and experience that

exist apart from currently known explanatory mechanisms that account for organism-environment and organism-organism information and influence flow. (Parapsychological Association, 1989,pp.394-395)
y Examples:







Paranormal, Psi, Parapsychological

ESP, PK and Survival after bodily death

ESP & General ESP

y Telepathy: mind-to-mind communication, not verbal nor

y Clairvoyance: a subject perceives objects or places far

from the reach of the eyes.

y Precognition: the ability to receive precise images of

future events.

y Retrocognition: the ability to receive information from

the past

y Micro-PK: PK applied to the microworld (invisible
to our eyes).

y Macro-PK: PK applied to the macroworld (visible

to our eyes).

y Telekinesis: PK applied to a physical object,

without direct mechanical action

Survival After Bodily Death

y Near-death experiences occurring after a physical

traumatic accident
y Apparitions, including ghosts and haunting y Reincarnation, memories from past lives

Mental Phenomenon
y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Extrasensory Perception Telepathy Clairvoyance and clairaudience Psychometry Precognition and Premonitions Remote Viewing Mental mediumship Dowsing Past-life memories Possession Out of body and near death experiences Apparitions Automatic writing Xenoglossy Physical Phenomena

Psychokinesis is the umbrella term for various related specialty abilities, which may include: y Telekinesis: movement of matter at the micro or macro (visible objects, life forms, etc.) levels; move, lift, agitate, vibrate, spin, bend, break, or impact)

y Speed up or slow down the naturally occurring

vibrations of atoms in matter to alter temperature, possibly to the point of ignition if combustible (also known as pyrokinesis when speeding up vibrations, and cryokinesis when slowing them down) y Self levitation (rising in the air unsupported, flying) y Influencing events (sports, gambling, election, prolongation of life, etc.) y Biological healing

y Teleportation (disappearing and reappearing y y

y y

elsewhere) Phasing through matter Electro-psychokinesis, the ability to control any and all electrical, electronic, or electro-mechanical devices such as computers, elevators, FAX machines, etc Transmutation of matter Metamorphosis Shape-shifting

y Energy shield (force field) y Control of magnetism y Control of photons (light waves/particles) y Thoughtform projection aka telepathic projection (a

physically perceived person, animal, creature, object, ghostly entity, etc., created in the mind and projected into three-dimensional space and observable by others; for thought

PK research is currently being done in the areas of meditation and other altered states of consciousness. Experiments also are being conducted to determine the existence of retroactive PK, or "retro-PK" where subjects try to influence an event such as a sequence of numbers as produced by a random event generator. The subjects try after the event has happened. However, it is impossible to rule out the possibility of the PK effect being unconsciously exerted by the subject or the experimenter on the generator during the number selection.

Extra Sensory Perception

y Sixth sense

y sensory information that an individual receives which

comes beyond the ordinary five senses sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. It can provide the individual with information of the present, past, and future; as it seems to originate in a second, or alternate reality

y The Rhine experiments:

y In the classic Rhine experiments on ESP, the subject tries to guess or "call"

the order of the five symbols when they are randomly arranged in a deck of 25 ESP cards. The likelihood of calling a card correctly by chance is one in five. Therefore, it is possible to calculate how often a particular score is likely to occur by chance in a given number of calls. It was Rhine'' argument that when his subjects made high scores that could be expected by chance only once in a thousand tries, or once in a million, they displayed "extrachance" results, or ESP.

y It was researcher Lousia E. Rhine who proposed the theory that ESP starts in the unconscious, a storehouse of memories, hopes and fears. At this point a contact is made between the objective world and the center of the mind. The person remains unaware of this contact until or unless the information is brought to the conscious level. Also, the psychiatrist Carl G. Jung proposed a similar theory that the conscious mind has subliminal psychic access to the collective unconscious, a vast repository of accumulative wisdom and experience of the human race.

y Clairvoyance is the psychic ability or power to see

objects, and visions, or to gain information regardless of its distance. The visions may also be in the future, and some times in the past. Clairvoyance is an umbrella term which often refers to telepathy, spiritualism, psychic research, second sight, prophetic visions and dreams.

yOut-of-body experience
(also called astral projection) is the apparent projection of the mind from the body, often with the seeming ability to travel great distances in a matter of seconds

(premonition) is the obtaining of information about the future that could not have been gained through normal means

It is the transference of thought from one mind to another. Distance and time seem unable to affect this phenomenon.

y Telepathy is the direct transference of thought from one person

(sender) to another person (receiver) without using normal sensory channels.

y The ability to communicate on another level than verbal and

written - you communicate using only your mind. It's sending and receiving thoughts. combination of these energies, from one living being to another without physical contact. mechanism. It involves mind to mind contact communication - beyond the use of the five physical senses sight, hearing, touch, taste, smell.

y transfer of physical, emotional or mental energy, and or a

y Telepathy is instinctual. Primitive species used it as a survival

Survival after bodily death

Crisis Apparition An apparition in which a person is seen within a few hours of an important crisis such as death, accident or sudden

Reincarnation is believed to occur when the soul or spirit, after the death of the body, comes back to life in a newborn body. This phenomenon is also known as transmigration of the soul

y In the US, two studies have indicated that these beliefs are more common in survivors of violent psychological trauma and people suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder. However, these ideas do not appear to be associated with improved outcomes from such traumas. Indeed, one study noted that these ideas are "associated with more ill health and greater levels of trauma and suffering." and proposed that they are a coping mechanism to deal with past trauma. However, a general review of the association between post-traumatic stress and spirituality and religion noted that this association does not show in which direction the relationship operates, postulating the existence of "negative religious coping" that could involve feelings of punishment and abandonment. Where the idea of reincarnation are a cause of distress, such as in the case of a young boy who was haunted by what he thought were memories of a past life, therapy has been tried that included psychotherapy and medication.
y Gadit AA (February 2009). "Myth of reincarnation: a challenge for mental

health profession". J Med Ethics 35 (2): 91

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