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Anthony R. Philpotts
Designed for students taking their fii'St course in petrography, this laboratory
manual is a collection of the essential information needed to learn the
techniques of petrography and to apply them to common igneous and
metamorphic rocks. In a single source, it combines-
descriptions of the textures and structures of igneous and metamorphic
a compilation of the optical properties of the common rock-forming
a treatment of the classification of these particular rocks.
Dealing with the description of rocks and not their origins, the coverage is not
exhaustive and is limited to what students need for an introductory course.
For those with no experience in optical mineralogy, Chapter 2 briefly
introduces the subject. Chapter 3 alphabetically lists the rock-forming
minerals. On the inside front cover a full-color table compiles the most
distinguishing features of these minerals.
Over 2()() illustrations of rock-forming minerals and the textures of rocks are
alphabetically indexed together at the end of !he text. Each of these
illustrations is available in color with commentary on a two-hour video
casseue from the author.
The classification of igneous rocks used in the book is the one proposed by
the International Union of Geological Sciences {IUOS) Subcommission of the
Systematics of Igneous Rocks. A list of commonly used rock names-many
not part of the IUOS classification-is keyed to this classification. Also, the
widely-used lrvioe-Baragar classification of volcanic rocks is included.
PRENTICE HALL, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. 07632
ISBN 0-13-662313-1


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Petrography of
Igneous and
Metamorphic Rocks
Anthony R. Phil potts
Tflt ['olltrsil) ofConnNIKul
Foe mformattOn lboU1th.iJ book, conQC't:
w.ntlnd Plrt'1s, lne.
PO Box oo
ll hnois 60070
(847) 630081

CN'c:l b) chr aotbor
Dr"'lll' of pho:onuaogr.lph.s by tht aa.'Q
Cop\'tiJ[I'U (:1 1989 b'
Mlh<ln) R. Ph1lpons
%00) b>. Wol\tbnd Preu, Inc
I S"' .. OO m
All tt,elto rc.cn ,4 \.;t porz of tlus boo. may bt tqwod-.JtCtd. JJotnl ut t1 Ttfttn-ollpttm, tTCI&mtut'd &n ar.."
..... Qt!'_, Ml"<oli'O .,rht l't'f"'tus.olll lit M'I'UI."$ from






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~ Petrography of
~ Igneous and
~ Metamorphic Rocks
I 1Nl'ltODUCJ10N
Tbe Mlacscopc
,.,... cll.l&b!lhro,P
Tbe Optical ledlaolrix
Obsctvalioo oC UDdcc Coooocopi< Liglol
Ob$cn>atioo UDdcc Rellcaccl Liahl
Pn:puotioo o( TbiD Sec:tioos
O<.oe<ol HUlts oe Doioa Pc:trograpby
lmpo<W>l MUouals aod TbeU- Ponnulae
Opek.al Ptopcrties or MU.erals
lU\1$1AtioU ()( lpt.OIU RoekFonoio8 M'J!lttab
Jllusuttioos of Mecuaorphk RodcP<IrmlD$ Mitlerals
Mode a.M Norm
Geoeral Ousifieacioo. Terms
lUGS OuWKalioa ol Phncie Roets
lUGS a...ffi<otioo of Voleani< aod H)'po\byual Rocks
O.wif.eatioa oC Vobak Roclc:$
lpeous Rock Name$
1. Desrec ol Crys;lallinity
2. Grain Size
3. Grata Sbap
4. Textute$ of Olwy or Yuse-Graiccd Rocks
.S. AowTextUt'(:;;J
6. latergrowtb
7. Reactioo TutW'U
L StnJaw-es iD Volcanic. Rocb
2. Scructwu in Pluto.Ue Roeb
3. SuUQure Ruulting from Indus.ioas

Keer')'SUlllUlloo 're:ctutC$
Tutl.lrC$ AN;i.a;ted with lhc Onw.th o(New Mil'lcrW
Pttrograplty of igneous and Met(Jmorplu'c Rocks is for students taking their
fiiSr courst in petrog:.phy. II c:ombines. in a single book. a oompihuion of the
pc>pettie:. or the w 1muc.m rtK.:kforming minemls. de..'icrfprb ns or the cexturcs
suuaures of igneous and mt:Utmorphic rocks. Ol'ld a o( the classification of
these rocks. The book deals with the descripcion of rocks. not their origins. The
OQVerage is not exhaustrvc and is limited to what students i! Te likely to c.ncounter and
nttd to know in an intrC>duaory petrography courst. The material is organized so as to
make it as rapidly acces!ible as possible., For those who have nOt previously had a
coorst in optical mine111Jogy, Chapter 2 brieny introduces thissubjea.
The minerals described are the so-called rockforming minerals. are the
major building constituents o( rocks, wilh which 1hc studem c-r petrography musl h.ave
::;ome familiarity, For quick reftrcocc, they have been listed ilphabetically in Chapter
l . Some minerals. such as the ampbibole!t, micas. p)roxenes.Md feldsp:us, have bn
listed together under their g.roup names. 'The imponttnt distinguishing ptoperti
o( thcst mincrnls are compiled into a single table on the: from cover. For routine
pt'lrography, this 13ble provides moSI of the necessary 10 distinguish the
common 11M:! inlcrfercnce colorS shown in tatie llrC found in
Jll:'lthick $.CCI IOns, thoc standard thickness of 1 petrographic section.
The classification of rocks used in lhliO book rS the one proposed b)' tht-
Union of Geological Sciences ( l UGS) SubcommiSsion on the $y<otcm:uic:r-
of Igneous Rocks. In add ilion. a list of commonly ustd rock mmcs. many of which are
rKJI psn of the lUGS da...;sl'ication, IS keyed 10 this classification. Al!:O, the
used of volc.anic roc:h i" include.d
or mmerdls :md rod: tCXHHCS ::.re grouped togethc:t ar the end of
chapters. Each or these 216 illum:uion! sh<;wn in color on the CD
rncluded Wllh the book. 1'hc CD provides !l COR\'C:menl rneans for the begmmng
pet:rogropher to gain extra experience c:xamimng thin <oc:ctions.
In a book \.uch as this. 1n which matly d.&tot are comp1led. all Otre dfflcull
to ehmmate. However, careful rc:vu:ws of the manuscript by Steven R. Bohlen, Sl:ttt'
or Nev. York 31 Stony Brook. OlriSl()phcr I. Cho.lokwu, Aubum Untvcr<;.U} o
S11<oan C. Pol)'technc StOlle M
L"ti. Um\'CI!>ll)' oC Prnn.,yl\'ania, Stearns AlithOn) M<)f<ot', Unl\"ct<ott} of
Amherst, h:tv( helped climu'ltlc: mo"l. The ont.s that remain :trt the
01uthor\ respon'irbi l iry, and he of th( boo\. wdl cO)mmuntc:ste :,n)
that tbl.'}' find 10 tum The i.;. particularly grateful 10
Rt.:hllrd P Bcnncu, A J. ( M1kc) Frueh. Norman U, 1\aymond L Joestcn, and
R:.ndolph P. S1c.nC'n ...,ho hti\'C hcll)('d in \ ' \111(1\J' v. ays. duung the prep.arauon of 1hc
mmu-.cnpt. The ,;rc.dc-.t del:lt of hc,..,evcr. '"owed the whn.
though then O\'C'r tht haH: kcp.l the Jl uthor <k'wn
Antlzma R Plulr1(JIH
1 Introduction
as tk scicaor: of desaibin& and ctaHaf)UII roct.1., h rthes. hn\'il) on
obKnlfOM ..-k "'"b tbc bull un tM uaktOp
aM ,.,,h tbc 1aaDd lens arc abo unponut. A pctroanph.c: ckstnphoa of A rod fil"\"t
tdtntlfiQtion of tbe muKrals and. whtrt pos.sable. 6rtcmunataon of their
COl'lpoMhon-.. TtxtuBI relations pms arc "CUd. fer thac not only hdp in
cb.w.tfK'.at.on but pt'O'-idc evidence of proccs.w-. &C'II\'C durns the fomuhon of the
rod.. 1M rod: ls lben classified on t.lle ba.\l'ii of th \'Oiumc p:rccnt;agc.s of the various
rod.formmg min.erals (mode).
In an petrography COUt$C a c:an b m1lmr with on I) a
m;all fraction of the \arietyof rod.:s found In " liiUtc, FortuJUIIC'Iy. thc number of
lmponant trpc:!l 15 l!Urprisingly small. This bccO.u\4.\ roc: k" (armed m only a few
te<t0n1C environments on E:trth, and th-e etHKii ti OII \ in the.;e hiiVt changed little. if any.
throughout mo!tl of geologK:. 11mc. Thu.s 1 P1ecumbwm b.-uh identical to .a
modem one:. A few ro<."ks., howtNer,llc l*"li:u to the early g.t.ologlc fCCOfd.
the goal of petrogrlJ)hy 1S dc.-.cupt10tl and tb1\S1fitaJion of rocks.
1n m.etr 1$ of hmited interest. Onl) \\'hen COn\ldertd l(, pars of (the Sludy
nf the or rocb) does it take on wider si,cruCic.anet Pttf0i:rpb) wpphei
ol the <bu that pcLrOtogy slm't"o;; to mterp"talld npl.un It "epectcd. therefore. Wt
''*"'-" '*til t.U a pecroiog) COI.Irse It 1\ but not tsStnt1aJ. that
pt.ctK'C m Optacal ha .. lln p1ftd
A nvmbc-r of ucclknt boob prov;dr all or the ntt<kd for peaogra ..
ph\ ''" 'I.IR;n<Cd rc;acbnp ;u the: end of thK c:tQpcn lndu.ck rcrtrt-1"1 "'orb
oa opt.al propCrtJC'S of mmenh (l)(er at , 1960. Flct'Cher c1 al., 1984:
R...mdl.lhr. 1%9. Trogc:r. lcn9; Camtron. llb-.c" ot of
and roc:ks (t-.bc:Kerrrie t1 al, JQb2). nnd (Wilham:'- tt :at,
. .)pr\', 1()6q, H;uk.er. Nockold'> et al IQ7f\). Thcs.t bool' pro .. idt (a.r mOfe
u'tbm;tiiOn t h:.n c.:an bt U5oe:d in coun..: Funhermore. a !itl echon of
bo.')k.\ mcludns one from uch of 1hcse I'OUP' in\"oh t' con .. expertt;t
:r,.tdtnh however, be :aw:ue of t hese ot.nformuuon and make us-e of
tlwm f(n cxtr rtad1n&.
Tht\ laboratory mnnual is a collection of rhc 1:.'>'\ell\t.Al u'l\llmanon needed 10 It am
tilt o! ptlfottraphy a nd 10 apply them 10 C'Oinlfl(ln tr,neOU\ and metamorphiC
rL.. It the optical of all the mmrrill\ 10 be t ncountcred '"
thl rock.o, h nlo;o describe,. the ttxture\ and of 1gneou .. and
mrtarrw:urhc rocks. StdtmtnHif) rod ... not included bce:au'-t the manual i \
dr.t.ne\1 rur the- pari of cout<.t m aftd metamorplnc pttrolog'
1llt c-pttcl of the q-dlmC'nlan arc. nontthrlt". mctuded
1n lht' mnual
The m.n.ul conatM ll btgt number of figure' llu\.lt111nJ tht rod.formang mux
r"- .tl'ld tht of rock-\. Tlat fip.trt'\ art bbd. 1ftd hltC' rather ttQn
toe alkw. e:mpfu<l" 10 bt l'c" 10 the ptt"ptr1.c-' btn dlusnated
Co-lor duot lO blrtfrlnJ!.'("ftC'C' , " 1n 1mpon.a.-t ortteal pt'optM) o! a
m ncr .a I. but tnchr\IOft of ooJOt "ould 1n.:rusc- lht cos. of 1bt
mnu,d The bc:cn tn colo' on the CO th:u 1"\ bol;nd
"!Ch bool
The fi&ures in 1ht texl and the CD are in four 1roups C!O\'ennJ Igneous Rode:
Fotain& M.iacrals (IRFM), Mclamorph:te Rock-fomung Muctolls (MR.f'M), 1gneou\
Turures ( IT), und Meum.orphc Textures (MT}. Figures m urn group arc numbered
f..'Onsec:ullvely from ont. and rcfcn:nct1 to thtm tn the arc by the:
tdtrtnct ktteM fol}()o.\cd b)' lht- of lhe figufc. CM.-h ngurc: If> II ShOn
c.aption and sufficient lo make your own no1c' on the I hat you fe-el arc
1mponnt 1n idenlifyinJ a m.incnl oc l111 thvK:tcri:z:ulg 1 roc:k tut:Jn
Proficiency in JK"trogrnphy comes ol'll)' with practice tnd 11
de.!linble to dtvocc more: time 10 s.udytnJ pe11011apb) tllt.ln ss :1\Ubblc: m thr nomully
laborJiory penods Ln 1 cou.-.e. h t\ reoommcnded thai, '" addu ion
to lh( work done wilh the microscope in lhc laborltOry. 1.1.me be o;pcnt uudytol the
fi&Utt$ 1n thts nuntu1 (includJA' lht CO) or rn tht rtfercnc::d
Ulos.s. f D . 196l. An Introduction 10 the Method'\ o( Opucal Minaak>l). Hvh.
Rinehart and\\ lrKtoo. "t\\ YorL,1'9-: p
Shclte;., 0., 191:\.S. Opttc:al FI.!>C'VIct, New Vorl . n I p.
R E and Mori<, S. A. 197:!. MlCnXCOpic lckntlftahoaol Ct)'lJ1'\, Ronald
P'tt'\, ;\c"" Vorl., p ( 1981 cd&tton, \1clhoumc. Aorid3)
\\ 01hls rom. E. h .. 1979. Cryo;ultlograplly, John Wt!e) Sons, Nev. Vorl, p.
('llmcf'l)ft. E. N 1961 Ore \1t<ro-.c:op\ Jolln V.dc) Nc"" YorL. p
lker, V. A.. R. A .. and J ... 11;62 nd t%3, Roc:k Fonrung
Mneru),, 5 vol'\,,
lkC"r. 'A' .. \..., R A., and zY,unan. J .. 1%6. An tO tht Rcx:k
formlnJ Mncn.l'\, London. SUp.
I "'''chrr. M., \\ lru\, R ., Jt rKI Matzko. J. J .. Jqi).l, ldcurtatton o(
,..,,nop;tqU< \hntrott .... V S Gc<oopaJ Sui' e) Bull ltt17.
\1 .. clo..c'!U'IC'. \\ S. and C., JY80, Atlas, of Rockfomu11g Msner:h m llnn
John\\ 1le\' Son,, Ne"' York. p.
PhdhP' W K _ nd Gnffcn, 0 T ()peal 1M
.. t .. \\ H Freeman llrKt t(lmp.tn\, h;.OCI!.C'O, on p
f' .. Jl,lh-tJ. The Ore Mmcr01h J.nd rhctf lnlcrvov.IM. EnJ.hsb ll:.nsl;aiiOft
llllbc .\rd cd.l. Odord, 111.1 p
\\ l:... IY7Y. ()p(latl lklcrmm.IIIOn or MOCk Formmg Mmtrlll'.
[._ e11erbJ.t1 \\:h-e. \ .a;b cd ( Eng,ltsh h:ion
ti.tnh.uKI. H l f .. ndTn,tum, It 0 J p.






.. .
" '
.... .
' .
' .


H.arl.c-r. A._ 1954, Pt>trolo&f for IJtU\(N:tl)
1. lr<><d by C. E. Tilley, S R. Nodlol<k. and M Bb<Lo, :!S3 p
. A. 1931-1939. A DcscnpcM l'<trop>j>lt) or ell< lpco" Rodes.
" Unweruty of C...loe'a.gO t"reu. LllltCt&O.
M.cMO<oc. \\ S . DooWdson, C. H.. and Guollonl, C .. ICI!S2. All.b of 1-Rocks
anchbe11 Tutuns. John Wiley Sons. Nev. York, 1..as p
W, W., 1959, The Stud)' of Rocks '" Ttun Scchon. Harper RCN>. !"few
YO<k. 514 p.
Noctofd:\, S R .. Kn<n: , R. and Clunner, 0 /\., IQ7tr, Pttrolog.) for Students.
Cambndgt: Press. London, US p.
Spry, A .. 1%9, Metamorphic Textures, PC"rgamon 0\(0rd, 350 p.
Willllutl'. H . Turner, F. J and Gilbcn. C. M . 19.S2. Pc-lrojlraph!: An lnlroduction
10 lhc Stud)' of Rocks in Thin Sochono;, W. I I :1nd San
2 Review of the Microscope and Mineral Optics
Mall ,...f'I"C"Jri"t' ve ol ......_...,. the -.. n.., ... c
txpeDiM:. procisioo in:Mt'W:M'Ut:l ud alaoi:IW be treated W cart. nc
UK:t tt.W be familiar wtth their worki.oal ltd be aware of ny probko:" thai may
arise. A YOid toudl.ins tbc gl.w in the le.nsc:&. ud at oo 1 imc. 'boWd any mO\-ina
ol m.icroscopc be forced; as.k for usiltanco. fer purp<>:se& of llh
tratioa.,the Carl Zeiss tandard pobriziDg mictccopc i$ shown lD 2L
Modrcro aUuo.c:opa .,e ClUed ..-.a. a buillia lipl IOWCC. Ce lOme iMtr-..c.IIU
lk bopuoo>o ol lbio bpi ;, >djultobk. Fo< gcacnl ..,t , 1he '&hi ..,,.,.ry
nd a;lll oceed tbtc:e,..qoarten ol tbe maximu value. With IIC)rma.l lllf'IS.'lc bulbi. a.
blue ritc.r mw.t be placed oYer lhe Ugbc 5QUftt. U. order co ruder the lishC uni
lor IO d:tyligbt. I( thi.l i$ not dooc.. tho CQIOr$ of minc.rals \Uidcr the micrOKorw.
wUI be Wstinctly )'CJlow.
Tlt.c c:yepie.. or OC'IIbr. hM a lpifialioo ol AX. ttx. cw J..2.S>\.. \tul-
liplic.Mi ol t1.s f.etor by the .....,-K.Iil.. of the ot!JtfYC kftS tht co-
t.aJ map.ifte:atioo ol 1hc. nuaoscopc.. The cyepicc:c: Jnta.ins t'JOS\ 'hKh mltU her
rocu;..s.ed by each lftdl\ldu.al user. I.JI dOll\& thil. lake arc not 10 position the t)'e
too d(M', Or 100 rar (rom lhe Ieos, (ot thit. the lic:Jd of view { .. lg
21). the t')'e AO th:u ic (ocu.ssc.d "' infinity. c.a.n be done. by momcnua
rily klol.iog at a <"bjcct. 11Ka, keeping boc.la c,.a ore' bring lhc CJ"O"
lt.lu\. ttiO $h.&rp foe b) tile C)qliet"C" You liD)" Cmd lhil t bc-
more c;a.Wy by the from the micra.pe. It caa tbu bc-
JIIIC'Cd 111 (rOfll 01 the Qik you ob$ctw: disu.ftl \\'"hc:n rcrlacl'l the
note lhll l.cycd ilcn oc the de ol tbe mtctMa'I>C' t11be lhc Crot.i,
h.at> to be ouentc:d in the W0 (NS, E-W) ot 4_sO (NW. NE) po\itiOI'I$.
The: N S. [.. W oricncaciOtl 4 u:>d mMt l'(MUmonly.
m)(foscoptl ate equipped wKII thrtt objcclM krun.low ... lcrc..llllt.
.1nd h,. ,. .,.fKMlo-and a fotttll. u oil .,.ftiC'rwoa kti fiW c.Jilu
Eh 'en$ m.a.rl.ed .,..h Kries ol Dum bt-u., such u ..1()/t' to:S.
IWitJ 11, v.h.eh mdtC.liC$ lhe objulivt ha. a m&&nifieah{llll of 40;( aAd a numcnc.tt
uJ'I.'rlulf o( O.SS in a .,.,;lh n tube k"S'h oC Hi() mm, and d is to he
nuct()M)Opc shdt'l covered ""'itll 0.17 nlntlhidt C0'\1.:1 11w: toc:al
o( lh>e mKt06C,,fiC. (C ... cyc:p.c.ce) otlnot JOOOX: the nuiTI1.:ttC.ll
4pcrhut .. S tbi$ arc Solid to be: e.tnpty. u llftiC' 1\ (lb.
l.aloMd. tQ "llh 110 J,MIII ta Vet) bto; art be 14111
lhoc: kM 4 no &t aD. The l.fll prod!M't"d a, of roc-
()llJCW'e commooly mouncc:d on a turret t.ln l'C hy a bur
kd -.N;cl. Dl"\rr turret b)' SMJ:\h.ng on chc lcMCS; -.,u Mt;1
rrru .. fth QU'\C' of tht l:xh ol lhc: lc:o.K mlllol be cc:nlcrcd dh
rr,rcct to the: un. of rot.ahc of alit: nunOKOpC." saa,c. Tk a..us ol rotOWI.IOa Q be
llllklllfiCld th.J.t J"l't.ftl 0111 a ouaOSCOfiC' trhdc -hdl doo 001 "'"'" ben tht .. ii
rl"'l-.tc4 By u:.t ._.,( CCMCri":g rm&' olf ... -. von ut,uu'-,: kft).. 1bb potnc b
mu.,-cd lillt toinc::i..lc\ 'AIIh the un:.s,e of 1hc crO\\ ..



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Con cut- t .,.. ,.._ r<r.H
Mhu 411uwu '"" Ut4 f "'- I r.4
------------- ,,..w .. """ ..... ,
-------- ( _,, ... .. , _._, } f-Uol ......
-----u..,. _.., -
F"!pfc 21 Cut Zc-i.M S1a.ndald Mia06COpC (reproduced w\lh pcnnisaioo of
Cui 2..ciu, Ww Ocrmuy).
have .c._ wtUdt is aarkcd iA Ot_grcq fOt
A ,_. k.-kd foCnW o. the siclc ol tbt a-. (all be: to
lock the. aap aDy cbited pot.i(joa. Sboukt the SU$.0 oat rowe enaty, tbe toc:t
i"S a:rew may JKit be 10<* enough. A number ol screw holes on the aurlace or the
sta,e are for attadU.tJa aCSSSritt., tucb a.s a vad'!aatcd mecbaical ioiJCC or a

'lhe wt.ta,e assembly ooosisu of three impcwta.DJ plrt..-ocoderucr lc:o.ses. apc.:r
hare di.Jphrasm. and poWibQg filter. c:nlitc assembly cu be nc:kcd up or down
but lo I>SCd I040tly U. lllc vp pooiboo. A .._, ..._...,. lc.. ......ally n:...U.. ;.
... q>Cial ,..0 .... - Ao - """ ... be llippcd ia ...... lcbt
is re.ui.red for intc.sfcreDOC ragu:res. An iril diaphragm. whieh cootroU amount
or llbt pauina lhrougb the mic:rOiiCopc, iJ opened Wld cklied by rotaling k.vtr.
Coatrbt iD re.Uer bc::twc:c.o cae be ClQgCnled by s-trially dotica& thil& d&a
pl>np. Nonoally .... 0 ....... ,... pobriza, .. p>W, ... roller
oo maQ mockra COCIStratM l;pt 10 .,ibrate oaJy ill An ctJ;t'lo'CSI diroe-
tlon. On the pol11r is routbble, aod on tnJ otbcu it is oricn
ted IDth-KMI-b Its Otkntatioo can be dctcrmiocd with t.bm scetM,a COCilJ.ininc
.... nu. "'""=n= - ......... SlrocWY (..;a .._.. cbttcs<) 'ko ..
du...-a;t ltaCU para!k.J the YibJ.U.O., dttcdioo of the potu 4
The upper polar. or aoalyzer, co.wraitls licJtt to vibralc in a pl.anc
W to l.bt ol the. pobr (oortaaby N..S). A lntt 011 the . ol tk aaicrOKOpC
tl.lbc "CCC.U.e$ or iliclc:1 the aaalyttr .. or 001 ol the: OfhcaJ palL lmmcdiatdy below
the Jnal)7.(-r i.s a slot (Of uucning. at 4SC' to the pJaDes ol
atttS.SOI)' plates. as tbe Ci1storde.r red or tbc quam
the a.A:tlyut is the. Bc:rttud kru., v.iudl caa be l'W\1"1 IICO lllc: 09(ical
tor cb.c-nuc lftecrferc:au rcvra..
Tic: micrmcope rocumd bolh the coarse and fine ad.tl1tmrnt knobs. Care:
ml! be takeR in lAing lhc line .,.;.,, hip power objccti"YU. "J'hc. worling
cL..an: bc1rt thc$c- kns.es 1lad 1K b IIUJ uuD (-0.6 au). U the
rolnt ol (OC\f\ is and t.he JU:bOCI tl.is.ed 1.0 contad .,.,tb the len!>. 1.4lffi
C"cnt bee tan ea:s.ily be applied whb tbc: line adJu!Amcnt knob 10 brenk
tl\c ,!ide or d.l.m31c: the Ius. Ma.oy !Up power
kn\U to a''Oid 1hi$ rrot*-ta. H yoa ate doublfvJ 'lolbcthct the KCIJoll u or
t...lto. the ptMc: <A roc.. mate a c:hedt (rON the: JKtc ol tllc micrOIK'OpC thJI
1hc kl;) IK'It ronractns the CIO\'tr tbp. Theo.. focus b)' lMrc:asnc the workns d1'-
the rc,c.f1C. A common ptoblctn cncou.n.lctcd in !ocuuil'l&; undc.r high po-
'*''t" u to have tbc. $lick (thiD scaioe) uJ$ck Bc:causc. the: tlwd
IK\lo d. 111014. sJ.&w, sbdc'.t liS peale! dun 11rlc od.Jnt cL\lallltt d 1up pG"NCS '*'J
lf\'C'J, lbCloC gnnot (C)('U$ throog.h l the k-ru.u arc. bu1h
uo,c "'-th 0.17 tnmthid: t()\v tba1 de\\IIC (:.0.03rnm)
fttwn \Iolli the qv.allJy or the lmJ.gc:
If 11 become:' 10 dull :any ot tbt do $0 tWill leal lllo\\K.
lht.!lhlfl$, 00 ltM nNm:+l!) dtpi.XIU \lr' IICf SO thltt &ngcr ptinl$ Qn be
1rcd Jlr. Ether Qn be- used to remove more itubbotft ckpowU.. but UK ako--
hl'll. for dus dissoh'< thlc ttmcllll k.s c.kDCob. Tbt lrOftt kiU c.lc-.cat
m.aoy f"*"C' tS- WAC.I\C, tuc:h m:..\ei tho.c klUCI pa.nlel.lb.r1y U<Mt>
tn clt"l" U1mott care mw-.t 1(1 l. ccp II"- auuo...,...,pc In a clc.an c:nvi
ronmu1 at aiJ times. and a dusA """'tr iohouW he u...:d .,.hCI'I the: in. .. uu.mcnl b IIOC in
-. '

. '
, '
, I
,. I
.. '
. '
Tbo velocity at ltpt po.ss.ing tbrouG,h (1)'51allin.,; wb,Lancca depends Ol'l tbe di-
rocttXI ol p<plplioo relative co the. Ct)\lal sarueturc. Only i.n tr')'$l.al$ bdon.giltg
to tX isocac:triC' ')"lea aDd mareti:ak, $UO u i$ the tk
....,. .aD &r.d..... .-1t. 1ok"NI 1IJ sn hr WICn'plit. Orkt Cf)1oUI&oe.
.....t.IIMCIC:l arc a.Jjd to be: rUt is., tht wtccy o1 r..- ,'aric$
,.,,h direction the: aysaal. Akhoup vWtioas tft the: 'dxicy or Iicht are rc
t.pomihle roc me! or tbe optical JlfO()Cfliu used to idcnrify mineral$, lhc:
ot lgbt ilSdf ls 001 cktc.rmiDCd. v.-e lh\: tdr!&Ciive 1ndcx. whid1
U. Lbe ralio of tbe vdodty olligbllo air to thM in lbe m.i.oer-1: that
RcCracMe lodes (Rl.) Ydoc:illyie air I dotic1 ia
Fron lbis: rcbtion. the index IS KU co be i.rtVCt1dr' rtbted 10 tiM::
city ol lipl i:n the mineral Thus 11 mi.ncr-:tl with a high rdurti\<c iAda v.\11 t,.,.n.s.
mit &ght more slowly I han one wilb li low refractive il"ldex.
WKa ligbt Cf'Ccu an aaisolropic- crya.tal ll :o in IWO mu
,....,.. the oriaUI.ioM oJ y.'fWdl dcprod 011 the S)'lnMdl')' aocl
orieatMio- ol tM: Cf)1ol& 1"k pette)tfpk 1lliuoKopc .a pobnzcd liP' in or
dc.r to dctumiac: the ol the&c ,ibQtion due<tK'R.\ 10
other optieal drc('l$ as&Oei.lted Yoith rh.i$ phcnomeoon.
Ug.hr emanati.ng from the miGJ05COpe lo1mp. on JW$lng ttuc.ugh 1he IO'Io"et pol'r iJ
CODf.traiocd 10 ,ibf.-e ia ody oae d&rcaiou.. ixich lA GIOSl microsc:opcs
!l) 1"be: lichr ,.... roa the polar QO lkrdorc bt: h) a
WIW 111M ,.,..CI i.a E\\ pbnc.. n.. Let hith & ,.a.id 10 be:
pl;a.nc pob:tilt:d. "' cue o-.. complttdy b)' the uppc:r por;a.r. t..eb p;lS.StS '-""' \\bra
llniJ on.ly iA a NS dirt.dioo. tr, we could rotate the pol.-r to a NE-SW
direction. a!. c;an be done oo rc1eatc.h mict05Copes.. the p1an:pol<lrbct.l lcahr rising
fron t.hc 10'";-er polar "''Ould tr:.nllmit a tomponc.nl of \itudon rhc: upper
f'l('li..J. bul chc ampiJtude ol tbc: tr-aru;nuucd .... ,'C \li'CI'Uid he th.ltll that of the ori
n.tl (F'ac.l l).
PWncpo';arixd lif;ht, on u cr>lLIL "',ll C\tlf
UUCI 1"0 cumponcnu that \\brate: it1 tbe: m11tually The \1
j,utang i.n thC$C pl.1.nc.s will ooc. cxccpt in special Q.!.c' h:t\>: ttl(: &Jmc of
rrOII.II).altofl. There tu<: one- or lo"' direttion.s in lniMitffl.l'ic a)'>tals illlong "'hkh the
of lbc t"'' romponenu :tte identical. Thew' "J>CCU1 d.irections ;trt. k.nO\Iill
a\ (t{IIK t:to. Cf)lol.ak onl) ()lilt optK un art l.fiO'IIPo-n at. uman.of,
aftll chose '- two_ as bilwlll Ullt.Woli Cf)'){:.!) t-ea... 10 the ,,.,_....._ kg.
for.U, 01" .. f .. S)'SICCIIJ. Iter-us the: OliO bcJonc h) lht Ol"thoo-
rtwnibtc, momx:lr.n&c, ur lt&cbnic ")'lolcnH
6c:awc 1he \'Clool)' ()( 1ighl \'&btal!nlt in difJerenl dirc.csio11.<. n anlt.ottopic
tl")\lab t.'lti wi.lb d&tt.a&oa, $0 the: rdrach\'C- 1nda. In uninltl
a muimWl'l and muUmlltD rdrxtM index oeed be cklinec.. btn iD ont:t... an
W4llioftal itllt:RKdlltc \"""llule a:ua:Y be: P'C I >) IAIIll'*opc CI)'M.ll lhc dJfc:
rtr bc-r-'Uft tlac .a:omum attd m&n&mum rdtKCJI."'C" ir. ld the Mfnn

A 8 c
F'C\lf'e: ll l..af,h4 pas.Mg WCMIIh the lolrt.t pobr ot tbe aucrOMOpe:
to ,ibfate only in an e.w lo A, the vpper polar, wbicb aUD'W'!. liGht
10 \ibrate onJy io a fliS Wrcctkm. cuu <M Hnplctcty the J!,W potariud ligbt.
and ao p.ac.a. tbc microscope lo 8.. tbe upper pGII;u bas bec.o rOC
ted to ..s- pos.itioa. so th.ac a COGipoKDI (d' e
kd aapl.cudc) ol
1bc EW polanud l.p. " u ...... <led. Ia C. \be pluc poluu:e4 liP< o ..,..
to m two mut.Wiy pl&Du Ul u acisotropic
r&L Ooc: ot lhcK cfuhoru I> the ""' the: Otbc.r the i.IOW vibration d.itC(
tioa. B.nrh "hu h(ln a t"""'p;)flc-..1 io tbc f'l S vr tbc
pu pob.r, buc bcc.:u&sc of tbc diffetcnt w:lociciu ol lbc CWO
qvq an out ol pbs;c: ltc rccocnbukd b) tlic UJII.'Cf pol.v, a.od u IOlcrfucocc.
colcr rcsa4
"'" .......



-- -.



.. .

-- .-
Whco aa anQocr(lflic: miac:nJ Q. pba:d on the 5l.,C o( tk 1hc pbne
pobrixd from the "el polar i$ irno tk 190 vibnlioo dirca.ioos
pcmincd by that 0)'$01; these two dirca.iolu arc lllu r(:60hool iato ooe by the
pc:r pobt (Fe. 2..2). BccaU$C lbc li&M iD dac. rwo vM darcct.,_ trawls with
,.11...,,. ,.lo<it;,. 1h< ,..._.,.- o1 ..toe -booeJ by oh< "1'1"' poi><,
....t - 'nc ..,_. bf Wda lbt 'tlleW!'I are a. ol
u tile m.IIMDdwi, ckpc:ock 011 die differcacc .. wb:iua (hcacc: i:a
tbt rtfndrw: t.diocs) ol the rwo dirca.oes a.nd tile tlaic:t:oes$ ol die
Bcau.w: thin 50ctM>m arc oorm.aJJy SJMnd to a tbicbC'll of 3(+ J.l m, ia re--
ttrclltion ruult primari'ly from ,'afiatioa5 iA relradivc index difrcreaccs (which de,.
pcnCI on ayllal oric:nt.tlioo).. SmaU grlUM lhaJ do noc CX1Ud through the cruitc
chidneu ()( a "'i l'l, bowc:.vcr, a.mallcr beeausc. of reduced
<\ rct.lrdatioft or 100 nm ptoduees a g,ty interrt-rcnce whrru!l JOO nm pro-
du<'Q a yt: llow" iru.ide rroat W.;r). Co!Qrt rquJ lng from rcurd:uions
b<-tii<C'ft 0 IUtd SSO nm ate said to he Jim ordo. FirM red lo aec
Otdcr blue as l1lc: rcwdatioa iftueases a1xwe .S.SO run. Sco.lCIJ 1.11d hi&bcr orckr co-
lon fCpt'<lll 11 retartJ..cioas "iUcb arc a:ullbpks ol $!50 Ara, brut tht highc=r the ort.!c:r
the k iNCMC.' G Lbe color. for CDmpk, rnc. order red clp red, -hett:s:s
dw4 order red G rirWsiL
II tk directioN i.o u aaaMJtropt 0)1l.al ve tf(atcd so ti to par.
kJ lhc pobn.. 110 ..,_ G lluoucb tilt m.cr06CIOCI(:. afMI tK m.inc:nl G
toltd 'o be i The or-ical.a.tOIIo o1 uti.MtiOII pcMi!IOftl lth rc$pCd
t<J eckoad'...t'lk U)1Utlopaphic dit(('liofts, s;w.b u Cl')"tal '"''n pbnc.:s..
(It dt\ pr01o'icb U5dut
111 dJtion to enumiofl posta.iocu ll is to Mkl)llfy ('r the cwo mu
j"lt:frt:ftdltullr dirC:diOI'lJ the This, dOne; h)' r01a1in&
the w-in 10 the; poi.it;oa and iMcrtift an !Mlta.Mll) pl.acc:. .weh a$ the
fui.l (!of dtf red (>I'IC, in the slOt ptO'tided. The (aM and \'t\>rtlli()n dltCC:CiOn$ in
the: rlatc urc; mukcd (Jn the piJIC:. ShoukJ thC)C C:ClffC'IIpon.d .... >ith the fost
.ind $1Cl"" dirc.ChOn!l in tbr mineral. their combined dfcct will be 10 nttea:.('. the rc
t:udtOft ;md rroduce a higher ordc.:r co!Of. On the <Mhcr hantl, i! the fast \ibution
ducth<WI in the pla1e par.itlc:k the drcct'ton an minnAl. th<' combined re
t;mhhM ,.;u be aDd kJo.o.1:r order col;,r ruult 11M: lntcrmcd;)IC,
an.J \.I(I'W 1n 011 C7)31!1J 3..1'1! l.tl'lckd a,), ::.!Mf I IC\JieCIIVCI)
r 01' mu"'rlk tbt- fl.tSl order tC.d pt.IIC' l\ I fOM'CftiCI\l lc:.UU')' ckCCf
mfl8!l the f<ot and \ibtatioo duc.CCJOM. Tile: rct.ard11Ufl i hipl)' bitc(tia
JCfiC mncul'- m.l) pvc sltd b.pt order cuklts tk addrioll 01 subtrat
,..,. of f1111o1 Otdcr red m.1y DOl produu a eohcublc cc*w ctuncc. For SDCh C11C:'S.
tk qU1/ ... (:. t.Us be: USed As tile Ul40 tllc a.c:UUf)' ... u lll
ac .... 1htd.cr ol 4twt1 16 dllradlK'C'd IMo the tJptQl pxh. Ia this
.,.,.,_ the lfaOU.III ol 16 ..au.d aM.I t ('()lor cbac:c that is
ddc:reiNe Tile: wedp: no abo be 10 dc'lc.,.unc; tile 01
t')' tC(.ItD: dst p2m lDlC. &ht: 1.s- f'l"'lhOIII th.ai a11p$ &he r.u. dt
11100 tft the mir11;ra.l tbc s.low d&te:thoe lA lht A\ the we. a. sloMo.f)
-nod, lk on1cr al cloc ..,.,.. ..;u IIOIJl c1oc .,.;.. ..,.. blad. n....,
&lowty tbc wccf&c. COWl& the orclcr ol coloN. as tbey i..crease to the initial
oolor. Tbe birt!ringeoco c&Q 1.bcn be de1crmioc:d (rom the color cbm: oo 1bc ini.idc
frOD.t cover.
paui.ac: rro. one to IIIOdler ol diuuc illdu " rc
ltauc<lby .. - ..... by!Wlh ,_,
.&.1....1 Jiaj
RJ, I tin r
wtlcrc tho various tenru &tC ckf'UICd 1ft f"C. '2.3. Wheo a fl)' O( li&ht pa$$C.i from I
ol lower 10 one ol lhpct rcJriCti"e iftdex. tbt rrt d nfraacd towanb the
aona&l to U.C PKt:rfacc.. with plki:M r-..h'IG.iYc. iDdcx 1hu
U.C.w wrocud 8' 5pc tcock to be coocat..-ed lbowe the .,.. (F.. 2.-3). If
&f. bs a i.odc:x tlwl lhe IUITOUOtl... the tip.t teach 10 CIOtl
tratt MJ' the 8y roawu.a above tbe (inueasiog the WOfLins
. ,, ,;";
- - 11 ' 111'1 ,


11)>1 11
F18\IIC 13 Lipt p:wing hom a mc.djucn of higher rdnttwc U'ld.;.t tO one of
n(t.chve indc.a (ft.l l > R.L 1) b refracted IOWVcb 1hc DMmal 10 the ntct
flu .cc.ord&q to Sacll's bw. wbc.rc i " dac a.ogk ol !Mtdc:DCC aDd r dtc
of tc.fracbOO ol lK ttal RcJriChOII of Lgbt b) IIUA(td pauu hll\'t
a t.chcr refractrC lOCka: t.b.aa llul ol thea m lq:hl bc-u'C
aoa:cUatc:d bo.':wc: tbc; &JIIIl, D )Ce for COIY\"t"lg"COI pa1Jid lfl4 lor
CWO d.tfl'ctcftt.S.hlped pli.tu. II the rcfrtetrvt' Uldea of the minctal were lw
chaa that or chc the lichl would be concentrated ovtr the


. .
- .







.. .



- .
cliJa&n.cc) a toK ol or BU h'M, w.i.U be '"-" o mOt uno 1he ma
lial ol rcJr.aivc incb.. lo tbict this allowi lhe
iDd:r ol .,..... lO dctenai.Dcd relative. 10 thai ol lk11 wrrou.o&:.a gailts or
__.._ IDcdima Tbc lum ,.., rt!cn to tbc dUrcrccu io rdrattiYt: iMex
becNCU tlrlc iDttal ud the: acdi... Priof IO tk uc ol qKIICic:s.. Car.t.ad:a
....... wd a.da: ol U31. -- tk -- _.._ ........ .-,....
.,.. a taipu rdrac!M: iadc:x tba tsn poililfft rebel. tkMe
........... ...,..;....del.
Tk "*" """""' ...... llUa - ...... pboe-poi>Rwl "PP (l?P< pob-
tiltr dc:PQds oo lhe color ol chc liPt source (DOtmalty v.hite.) and the. wa
of ligbl absorbed b)' the mineral. Not DJI w..vdc.naths that coastitule
whle. 1i&b' are- absorbed to tk a.ame elllcnt by a nineraL Prcrerc:rnial
abwpcion ol colon at 1he end ol lbe apcdrum &iYC.S 1 mineral :t bluish color
In ltaosml.uc.d light. or blue li@,hl ma.CJ I:IC nlineral appe.ar red.
Furthttmore. a.nisot.ropiot mine1114 may a.lorb di!Tcrcntly in d:ill'crc.tu dirtions.,
""''b the ruult 1h111 they co10f whet racatcd in plafW! polari;oc.d light. Tbl!
t;MJ rise to the propc.rt)' koOWil -.s pldJCJiroism,
Tht Opekal l ndkalril<
The variatioo lo ildc.x u1 an0011ro,.c Cf')\lak tS
cne y rcprac:ntcd by a l.;M'IO'JI an optieal mtk.twu
2 ... 1. II a u e.Dipsoid io "bid! tbc 'fttor rrorn tiM: 01""' to the wriaee ci'u
tbc: C'J tile: rclnctiwe ioda lor tcht \inlilll u1 lhaa dtr
c-. Wllluo the ayaal. tb: 1igbt a to 'i:lntt 1'1) mwully pc:r-
pcrdaaabt pboca., lk t.raccs olila arc the IU.liUIIIvm aDd lftiWIIIft ua o( lite cl'lip-
td tbe aorN to the dart1101 ol llpl prOfPliOn;
'"" ... .- pboo or .- ,.... _..., rfis. 2-5). "-'""' r.. .- pw>i
ot 0f1CK uea.. tbae r--o ,;bf;atiaa cLrcctlotas .,a ha"VC. aeqwl .met
tJua dJrucrw rcrr.aM: indis.
In uruw.a.J crystab, tb3t is. v,.i\h ooly onoc optiC ws. the utdlcatri't b
U c1l1ps,oid of revolution. The alii o( re\'OIIItioa the o,itn.ton dirc:dioa of the
ray (c). The rcrracti'\e IPdCl: rot baht vibrallng in th6
drcdion b eommonly desip:tted by cbt Greek tcurr ep\iJoa (t). The orcubr M::C
t'oG or the clhpsoid i$ the ,;twatioa dircctian or the ouJiniH)' ray (o). pro-
Nillina pcrpc:nditula.r to this $Utioa c.n \ibute in nny tadtal dtrechon and it
wil l the ume velocity or vibratW,n direction This di-
rca.on U. bovon as tbc opti< 4nS. The in6u fOol lhe ordiiHiry r-ay i$
C'OI\mOftly h) the letter omep (wl. lr the index for the C).1ra-
('rcliruf)' ray u. pnlcr tbao fOt the ord111.uy '"Y { r >w;, the Cf)1UI .s sa1d to
ha""C a pontwc ir t <"' a i .. "tJ."''ln't' (F c. 24)
l\c ror ba&xi.a1 cryg.2.1 (1'0 UC'l) " tr..ui.al til
ilda \he u:fr.CSn'C mdis auoQMc-d ..,.la tht lau (a), .otcrmcchalc ()'). atld
a,low. (1) vibraliOD duciorb Art lk ol tbc t!wtt prtDC'i:p.al &xt:S (F"c.
l..C) T'IK utd.ec$ e:a tkK d.lcai!OM art rcfcrcd 10. rcs.pccln'CI)',
alfha (o). bela (JJ), and pmnu (")- T-o mcul.u \COMIOS W.W .. ltW.IUI dlip-
w-1 Tk do-.10< ..WO. kw lap. -..-.a 10 ..tt.ct ol lh.e 1&
10 of tM (ll) Tk t101m.ab to lhe nrcubr scaioM an: tbc
'< at'C'.t, aod 1hc .a:npc Nt"'rr-o tk o the- fV'fjC IM(t, or the:


positive negative
....... 2-4 n. opbcol iodicalria ;, - ol .. """ .... lbc -
0: die rm.m.e iodc:l ( distaocw; (roaa oris:ia to $.W{JC!e of ror t
vbr-atiaa ia that particu!ar direction iD u aAiso- ttopic a iaeral. lo uniaxi11l
miocrala. tbc inditltrix is an of wb0$C c.quatorill pt.n is
Wwt.r wovp u.c clllpfo0'4. uavdfiag o0t01.al to
lllo plooc .... lbc ..... "'OoQQy (eqoal ,.r,.., ... Uldu) <tpdl= ol - -
* cllrc:.aioa; uo.iqlac: is Uae optJC 1\t biuiaJ ift&catrix
t:l ui.uiaJ ,.ilic:b lw rwo circular tcdiocu tbto.-gh i1 (shaded) and
tv<> opci(' 1.1e$ normal 10 the5e. Tbo a<:utc ugk. betweeo the optic axes is knowa
u 2V. The pos,itivrc oegative .Jp ate i.odi.eatcd,
tal il ..aid to be posirfw if tbe alow vi'brWoo dlrc.aioo, z. lies i.n tht. :treutc
optic: &Jtllc. .M nCJilllw U the rue ._ OttVpic.l. this position. Ia
CC)al;moa tbc ac.K uck is rc.knc.d 1.0 as tbt opoc aft$k. BYI oftco II " a.-
\I'CGX:III. c;a;periaDy ""' nu.Denk w.."hc.rc 2V Me.as.u be-)'Oftd 9ft With V.UI.It MMII
m 10 rcJcr the oprie lDgk 10 a paninl]ar &Di.. for eumple. lV.
Pb..K polatized lip! c.oteri.tle a rar.u:lom.ly otteotcd O')'WJ CIO tbc: sta,c of the
aicr-OKOpC will be iaco r'IWO ptfPC'..r...,,J., W.ac100 d&t1iocas.
O.C cl dick _. a CJ')'IUrl anlll bt the atdaa&ty W.aaioo cllttt
tioa cr .. l S). Tbc: Ulra-ordm.vy duutioa.. bowc'<'tr ..;n DOl be the m.uimum va.J.
ue lbc: itldiallh d tying io !he pot.itioe W\lh lhc e directiOCI on
tbe stap of lbe m.icrceope. Lo 1 powtiocl, lhe:rdore, lh .. vt.'bratioo clir
tJoe il ,. A onc.atcd bt-el CI')'Mal : lt.nc aooc vi tbc:
....... .... ol .... oo<liauu """ .... pl... "' .... .... .. (F"os- 1-$), 10
tDe w-.bta&io. dirc:a.ou are referred to a, )'. lAd r 10 iftdica1e tbc
ala lllcy 014 d0$C.I)'





# I
,.. .



#' I
.. I



l$ Plaac:-pol.ariz.cd tipt pASitl& tbloup a rAAdomly Otienle:d
p-ain lA a thi.n sedjon (th.a<kd plo.o.e) "'ill be to vibrate 'n two mu-
tuJIII)' ditCiON. In a uni.axial Ct)1tal, o:.e or lbct.e dirce:tlot'l5
alwa)'l rorrespood$ to tbe ordinary vibratioo di.rtQioa (o). but tbe u1raordiAa
ry d.iteetioa in most oratadclllli ._;u be ka tb.aa the aw;imum pouibk at1d is
lbadotc: clesipaced by c:', Ia a bi.axW Cf)"'al OCJlber ol lk vDatioo datc:c
hCiail occ:d a::ncspood lo llilc x. y, or z Wnltces.o &has tbey we dcitpMc:d by
uy rwo of 'f, 01 T, dcpc:acfUic. oo ibm ua ol t!.: iodicattu arc: cbcs&
co the ""brlioo dittiocu.
8ec:aiUC the iDdiatn;x ii u gpr"* ol * U.Ccrac:lioa of bf,bl. -cb the
CJ)'IUJ "RdliiiC: o/ I IDUI(f a1. &he oricoc.atio- ol tk OIIUl obey lbc rc--
$1fCI"'* pos.c:d b)' of lhc n-. bcc:aUSt an ... uaa CI'J"'
ub bckln& co the: Of tcua,ooaJ system$,. the opc..c &XU
ID\IR be dtc C aya.!allographic UU. 'Tllc or biuial O')'ReJi. llltcwi$.c:,
rUlricu the oric.nutioa of t.be indi"'trU. A tnifi'Of plane. ((If example, locc:ea ooc
ol tbe principal ues ol tbc i.odkatriA 10 be tloQrmtl 10 tbe minor pluc.. Only in
the lridulic 1}'\tem is the iad:iatrU Cree to on uy oric:ec.atiOG.
RdractM. iodic:cJ ia lbG m&RAI arc rdc.ncd 10 tk vibf MtOa dar-
._ ..,.b o1c1a IKy _,upood < ...s o. .... r ...s l ..o.. * - ohe
kllc:n ( udw. Ofo,,.. uch). n# it dooc: bca\GC. cA dac: COO"W:aacacc ol
tabb ot.bc;r prope.rta - -bada cu abo be tO thae 4ir1ioN.
Obo<noloo ....... c ...... ol< LJch
Vodet DOtmal ortho$copie ltght P3S$C$ throu,sh a lhio ftiol!l either paral
lei to or 11.1 .Jtght angk: to the nis ur tbe l loweo'CJ, when the. upper
coodellloC.r is a:wuag iato the optical a stronaJy COftW:tJSt!BI te:Lm ol lijht
duccd.. Uaht rays risilllt tbrou&h tM center ol Lbe kfK '"'!! u;u
ly U.Cidc:DI Oft tbc: d.U. sect.oa. hul those lo-."'a!d$ the c:dp: ol the leas (C)M"C:'IC- at
looJ>C' ....... A ..,.. .. '* lllo o.xia ol lllo """- lh .. loti
n)1o d JiPt pa$1 11 muy difl'aCIII darcctiou. W" pobn
t.hc:le prod!XC u opc.ic:al r""re .... the Nd: roc:.aJ rbftC at tJe objedhor. The
figwe is oudt 't'i!iiblc by iDser1i11f, the 'krtrand lens or tcmO\i.ne the ocubr. A btgh
powtr :JbjeQi\'e wilh lrgc. ww.-t be used (Of I hi.<. wort .
Cc113ider, (Qt Lhe tfr:l II uniaxia.l mi.ncraJ I''OUIIJ b1...-e 0C1 3 C'Otl\'tfJ.Cftl
bdim ol bgbl i( the OS'Ific axis to tk mJ(JOMOpe. Ra)'Jo
ol lipt riaillc. throap tbc: Mer of llw:: COO'f\':r&Ut lc. be t,.ruuucd
lhn>uP 111o ...,. .. ,...nc1 ,.,. ""'" o.xia (roc 2-6). ne .otw.oo.
ol lip: lA Wth ray, bcUc ftC)If1UI to 1he dircd ol oa.. prodvcc a hori
7.0e1Al O-tcuiiJ t.'lion t!uo.q;h the indieatru.. Croutd polar" \XIl'ltpleldy dt.
minale thi& ligtlt. and thus the: central p3n or the fttld \lo\)Uid tppcr dJrk. Str(lfl'
ly conYCrgt:nl lig}ll rising from lhe wc.u toward\ 1hc 'liSt would rise 10 an cl
liptfcal scc:IM>n lhroogh lbe IJidi(',:trix. but beaU$C lhe ...;m-ati.on dirett iOilf> pan1l
lei tbe pol.ar,. lhi:,. o( liJbt 01l\O be c.lut'lltl<'tc:d Coe\""Cttent ligllt
from tile SW II)'Wo")rd$ tbc N-E "'NW abo aa cllp4te.al sectioft duou,:h 1M ,
dicacra. .,_. bcQW.C the vibr011 dir1ioas wou&d be M aa a.gk lo lk robt'-
.o.W be Surulu Colkwo (or light lhc Mhcr
qwdralb \\'hen all poibk tJ)' p.a1bl arc COIUJdc:rcd.. It " C\ldc:ns lhll
r&rU ol the io utmcliOfl OU11ine I cb.rl. C'fotJ. l. nown U 011 UrtttU'NII Pptlc
fYI"'C Th<: or thh nn\l rC Ill(' k.l\0'411
Th: color or li&)lt ttaiWilhtcd in ut:h ol the nf t uni.ax'"' tlfl'lic
ragute OCI lbe ol the miner .. J 11nd lhC J!.ftt.lc of ttli'I\C:fCCriCC of
hgbt ... hioc.h nrio QdWJ)" ... .-h 1he duu.oc:c from the IWcr .t tht r.curc
uuc dc cdfc ol the- (dd ol 'ic-w at a grc,..cr "Cic
tUI lltat tile fttc-J, Ill pu.10 IWCM.Ib lhe Cl}'\tlll at a pnU."'r aJigk to lk t'f'IIIC
am. -'\ a abc more con'"'&r"nl fi$)11 C'dut.l\ grc:xn bsft:frul('ntt. <"<ncc:n
tnt lj,(l("hromlitiC ri.np m.1y "'"ound optic bl\ .r the th1.: muw:
t:,t.la\ ,.,,Hkicntl) grc!lt.
Tht )'f,l\ ()I II UnJ:L'WJ mlft(ri\1 (',m be: cktermim:d rr(l'n Olfl UflClC ll:U\ r
gurc In res 2-(o ic .. ,u )CCI\ tM C'\.C''} \C(IIIltl the IRdialru fNIIU:d
b) the ra\ COftl.tiM the '*"''l(lft ductl.na. AI :.,.,.:lc"
to ADd ltnc' " a aonJW""CftC ol the: , .. ,. c
Whc-ft .he f11U.nrder red acttlclo(W)' phiiC il. lhc turn rtd nJ tht
cNor.t. 111 qu.adrAlt. ln<.'ft:.J'oC m d<'f'C'1'lchl'lg M o..hcthcr
the ,;t, atM dncCIIOil" ' " lhC'..C qu.lldunt) .and 1.n the :.CS!ol\fY i!l;alc m;atch {If r
0."11: .ancMhcr. Tbt r .. \ 1 d irCC'IlCII'I 11'1 l'ICCC\s.nf)' pl.db ,, r.uulld
lo lu knph H the 1\ fi'Ct\lti\'C (R.I. , > "' ), a.' the c;u.c 1n thn c.um
pic, 1 .. 1 vthro!Jlllf. pa.r).)kl 10 tht ,,,\' "111 thJfl th.tt pit'
r.-llcl I) tht OfJn-'1) In tlk S\\ .and [ Qll"lf .. .w, the-
r.t'l( -. ... 11 h:- '" clut the- ...... - ,...... M doc
bl. " dcc:ru.1e. for curaplc, to \1;ll.w. la tbc ' (. .1ftd
the ra.at4M10ftto m.al(:h, nd lhc lfllufcruK'C a"-" n,ru..c, t ., cumrk, to




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llk101 ....... 11(
1-6 ol a uaa&.'WII optic: a:cis fcwc "PP p&SSUC
dlroqJI a MIMfai ql!l IU optic onc-oced pm1llcl IO tlk &.'OS ol
tbe ._;:u ,lbf;tlc. ,,. the to dircct!OM indn cd bt the
ucs ol tbc cU1ptica.J loCCliOC throop the iodK .. InA. Where 'ibuhoo
ducaloM par.llkJ lhC pol:ul.Qtioo planes o( lhc pol.il$, C:Ciut<:hon occurs.;
they do n01, i' trarumincd. The: color ol lhc Ulm\mucd dc-
pc:nds OCI the bi.rdr.ngcncc ol the mineral: also the intcrfocnce Cltl<ltt. lnctcaM:
0\llwatd :and may product CIJt'lnuk isochrtlm:uic rinj;l. lnM:ttkin ot a
dcr n.:d lleUUO) plate cau\C). to red. Tl\c: mlelfcrcn coll)fs
m the ,ar;o...s Or (ktrt<doe frum fin.lcwkr rcd on
.,bcthcr the 111 the .ctc:Moc:tty p1 .. 1c IC' or whUoM-1 frc'lm the rc:
'" exh qu.adranl r,. ptNII\'\' the N"" nd qw..tJtltlb
ilik 1K NE a.ftd '- \\ qu.lld.tanl" hno NYC' Th: Pf'l'f"'4IC ot'tVI\ '\111
acpcivc miftt-t 41.
Ofdc' If the nuntul h.ll.l IM.:plt\1:, !'W qu.rJnl\1 "'''ul'll hJt.T li'IUC:t!t<d
to NE "'''lolkt h.Jc- t.k(1'C,1\4'tl ' " )olllw. Muwf.al\ v.11h tuph buc:
fnng.:nc:e \\.;u howe mn)' i.Mwhrvmal!( 1inp. v.hrh m.1\t< 10 blut M
)'\"IICM' ncar the uptk ll.li\ rMrKuh to ""c, In .. th.c: Clu:utt ""'tdt:.c t'osn
be to the in

Fcv p.. ill a tW. sec:6c. are li.kdJ eo cite CJriearKioe ....,... ia f"ll-
u (tlae WI ..,.u. io ..,....._ _, ortloooeopk liP< ..-. lloe ...... is ,_.
d). 1/ lloe iodic.uria .. ooly &lipdy tllccd, tloc ope;., .,.;. ,.;u oclll be .....
seaa in the fidd rl view. ccocer ol tbc aOI&, v.ill f'()tatc uound the.
axis of the mkrOACOpec as the. Aage is rotated. bu1 the i&OI)Tc:s will m&lDtJin lbci.r
E.W or N.S oricfll.llollaa. & ... a lf the ceatet o( tho crou tbc rdd of .-low
(Ftg. 21), its loeatioa cu be lntc.rpreccd from Lbc way tbc iso&)'ru
Ktou tbc licld. 'The. ip ol lbc: mineral caa also be; dctc:miocd iA tbcsc otf
ocotuod 6pu .. toac .. quodnou ""' w..t;rocd. It be ... ..,..
liad tbt ooce tbc opcic uis CDO"a wd ol the field it i:J to cli$Cia-
pisll fro- a bCatial ooe U a ....U 2V.
Fiprr !7 Varlo\K optical (tptn (rom a unaa.UtJ FrOftl 1op to
bOCII){n' Centered artie axis (rgu:rc:: H eM optte am liu OUIPde the. field
of lew. a t.rt.Jabt v.iU sweep the fickt as. the r.tagc il fOCIIc:d,
.\bowo ln chc $Ut:((S$h-c. I, 2. and 3. f( cbc optic W \l a long
qy out or the riC:Id ol 11\rw. 1bc:: isofD'rc will bend .. , the: s&JIC U rotacc.d and
dlC r-.\Uc: to.: wAfwcd rur biUJal oM 1ft tbc: c::c:otet< nub nprc tbc
btu.b up aod lea-.u the: (acid ol \"'("o alter OGI! rew dcpcu cJ.
rotiU)O. 1k boc:Yrc. io lbos.c: q!Udtaou tNc the: opt..: uu.







.. .
.. .
.. .
Jl the optic ms ot oaiaxiaJ aaiaetal lie& oa th6 " t1 lbo ictolcopc.
ioterfctc:DCe fipre obtaioed is bawD as a jW/1 Chla ftl:t lhi& orieo--
wioo - lk - .-.. Wka .. opck ... ponlle.lo ... d
lk ....... lk ._... "'"" --- 0'0& Oo --. ......... lk
...... - qu;.tly ioto --........ - _ _,.
kw ..,_ d - ........ ;, f'il. 2-7, .. ...,. .. - ... - d ftc-.
t. t.t that ('(IIIII(.._ the. (lflrir _.... II tr lA dde.tai:ae:
...... d ........... ,_._ tkopck.,.;,.w...
tioa ill lltc tklw or !ul 'f'ibratioo dft.cl:ioo.
oo.......... &pr.. IAit .,. ...... tloe opck ... ..... tloe fla&ll ..,._ pooi-
.... ... ,.,....,. ._... lUI .,. cricoud fi.W H.$. As tloe .. --
lk ll.uh ... boweoer, lllc cod d tloe ...,... ..., ... lllc !Iaiit r...., ...... dis-
tine! CUIVIIWC: aod may be mislateo Cor a bi.u:ial r....,c (Fie,. 1-1). II l.bere is ID)'
deUx about the ideotity ol SUtb it but to turd for tiiOtably
A biaxial tr)"Cal b...,U, aoy one of tbc ptl!M:Ipal vibrtdo ditcc:tiollll of the iD
dklltbc plt"alkl to the *Xil of 1hcl miuoscope aM ocher two puaUel to the po-
lus wW eJ.hlbil ao iDrerfereoce that reKcmb'u the uni.ui.IJ Optic W fi
guro. tNt is ttOIU. Oo rotatiDg the however. tbc. creu bteW up iDto twO
q.u. n.e <Wil<ios r.gu.. oo the O<Ocotatloo <1 11oo bacli<auix. Tbo
maO typt1 of interfertDC:e fpc ud their relMioo to tbc bdietuil an sbow'o iD
F"c. U fOt a cr)'tiCallh.al hu bcera iDio tbe SO pcioa.
II tho J ,;o,.,loo h<dloo ponlkk tloe axis d tho oboacope. a J1411o />-
- .. ......... ,... <=bb ... ......... - ""'" iD IAit .. ...,. ..
.._ lk fdd -pl<tdy ... .....loo d kw ..,... (less
lor ..,.... ..... 2V ocar 90'). FWio (cwa an -. lor t1ocy Mka1i1J
cryKIIb tUl UYC lbc a aod z wibnboo .,cctJOM a. u.c IC.Ip of Ck lllicrc>
ol ClliDdioo ucJc:a., for ca.p&c. com...,. require lhat

U t t or vibntioa dirc<tioo pualle:k tk allis ol die microfc:opc.. a IN-
uttv rpc is obtaiDecl Tbc biscwi.x cu be K\ICC or obt* dcpeod.Ulg 00 UK
arlf,lc. Wheo 2V 91'1', lbc;rc iJ DO diMWctioo between tbc acute (BXA)
and obtusc (BXO) (1gW'e&. l-8 a poailivc. mi.oc.raJ moderale
2V; "''beo the t. -.ibfatioa direaioo p.uaUeb lhc. axil ol the microscope., a 8XA is ob-
tained; wbea I parallels the axis Of tbe mjc:roscope, I 8X0 l\ obfaiooi,
M the iJ. rotated lo the f> posltton. lbe c:rON of 1 ceOlered BXA
Opc:ftl (1'10( raptclly, as ith a Oash (tpre) u the acparale loto the
quldran11 cont..tinlnt lbc: optic ues.. Tbc optic ucs c.a.o be ickntU'ICd u tbe poial.l
or pt.ltUI Ol:r'Y'lhlft. of tbe isogytcs., mel il IDII.'ICtaJ i. WOQ&Iy bVcriagcnt,
Ut.hromahc ,.;u Corm a fcwc cicbt pa.ucra witJ, the opoc: axu ac lbc c:eo
len ol the two arcb. M bag tbc opdc ..,tc rc...- leu tbu abouc ss>
(tlaa. vtlut ck.pucb 011 the Ieos aptnarc a.od the RJ. ol tK mlDCral). lbc opc:K
Del will rc.aaio U1 the ftekt ol. view. It tbty j1llll kat t.k ot V)CW, 2V m\UI
b< lloP<I)' p<atu .... ss'. 11. ............ lky lea< tk 6cld d .;.... ....
bdcwe tlilt M-ace: W beeo rot.al:ed 'lV be larJ!C. t. &A caaa.
tbcrc may be: nc:utaioty "' to wbd.bu you uc dc.aJioc "'ltt. a aKA or BXO Mi$..
ol tk (tpn:: c;u k.d lo - .,.. 4d--"-- h i&
tllcrdore pcdttabk 10 Ill optic am fipre.
Fiau1e l.S Mau' t)'PCJ of feura -.ic)a 1 mineral. AJI ue
.hooro route\! 10 the 3" por.IUoft.. ate USI:r oa
the acute btsc:ctN (RXA) al'ld OSMc a:ui ligurea., beuuse the y v\bratiol'l dit
tOn 11 tante<"rlli:al to the at iu polflt or mwmum cv.rv.uurc \likl'l the fi .
sure i\ 11'1 the 4f> poliiiOI\ Tile MJcnti1y of the OCher Yibtation dircC
ltoa (11 or 1) an tiC' cktcttnined with an pl3tc. 111 trus example. 1hc
" pmuwc (&ec ICXI for upltusation). Tbc 2V un l)(. utlmalcd !rom the
CUI'v.lii.I IC or tiM: l!oog)TC in the 4j0 pcitiOCI.
W11ll a in the 4SO po!lltOI'l, tbc )' tibration dircctton
the Optc a.\CS ond Um&cnttal to the m the opcic
(F"tg. 21)- Whcthtr 'I " faster or )lower thu the other V1.bratio1 dirtioa tx:
dctc:rmir.cd .,..,,,h u c"''-Of)' rl;atc, In rumple, the arn 1ht
,.vuiJ IJm hii.'C, af\1.1 t hcrdOfc: y lhc ilow vibrll iOD ducclton. The other \ibn
1loa ftll.l\1 he ,._ 8\' 1hc:n.. 1 muM p.ltaUcl uc U l$ of 1bc m1
CfO!>COj"t and an I hot KUit' l'!tW:dflll. The mineral u 11\c:.rtforc
A niCtt'd OflhC aut. fiji:\lrt' C'OI'I\I.SU of I IK'C)'ft'., 'h.cb fOUile$ around
bkc propclkr at. the Mate b tOIMtd The may tun't n tht aysaal
rotated aftlo 1hc SO Tbc: a.nc;aAt of n.natu:rc dcptoch oo tbc op.ic:
(Fo. l" If :v lh41 oi.OCY' ., Mr...pl, J 2V - rf> (...,;"
tbc c-un't 9f.f. The of tbt lor vari
OUi 2V's, F'UU til 2-K tht .. _so po;.!IIOft lk 1i CIOa
''C'' lCW>l.uh the BXA.. afld the ) ,,..,_.11011 duedll()ll " to the: t>CCY'C at




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. -
tho ot><i< ulo, tho 0p ... bo io tbe ...- wo:t lor o BXA r.p.. If
il aaaoc be delenailkd ftich side cl tbe ilocYTc il OCIIIIYCI., alp c:aooo& be cfe..
tualocd. nio will """" odf -., lV --9(/', lo - case tbere is
.. ipiCIQ-10 cJcunUailiJ ....
w_,. oll-callae:d. iiprc:. c:aa uti=eJ ua W.W --........ .-e
- ...,. bo - 10 OJcotify If Gpn 1o ....... ; ....... , __
_.,. ., OJlCXol propalic< will ....... .. prodatl. -.. 10 .......
Cor .,... .;d, ocllcr oric:arJriom. a u.crc it uy doabC to lk Weo6ty ol a 6-
Tbo refroaM a.dica ol ,.,... dwlfo .mb tile ,.........,b of liP'. ., is
evW1nt from the .s:pliuiaJ ol -.hire lipt iftlo the vit.ual oe passiDa
lbt<klch a s1asa prism. Wben the: refracti\'C iodiccl of a miAtttl arc listed oo
rdereDce to w.vdeftgt.b. is uaderstood thai the vai\M.:l for the WJIYeo-
ltnSlh o( 50Cliu.m Ugbt, wt..idl h S89 ML 'J'he v\bratiOO ditt<tloas O( lipt also CI.D
val')' whh in wavelc:agth. Ally cbangc in optj,cal reaultiq &om
cbat:au in the. wavelength or lips. is known a.'l dispurion.
Jo biaxi.al minerals, dispersioo cu kad to tetlkiQ& opci:al etfoctl in intufc,.
rcncc ri&Wa. II the thsec iadica vary ditf'erud) itb wavelcogtb. a
ditf'crut c:Csu: roc e.m w.avek:actb. Tbb., ill tua. causes the optic
uat; to cbuet- with tr white .,.,, il ldt:d. tbc optic uaJc for
.a: the red ctld ol the specuum .,.,. be bts;cr or am.a.Utt tbae that for W'.lve-
koPo M tb< blue rod. I( f0< ...., ..... tbe ot><i< ...... f"' blue lip is petct
rh.M tor red lip.. 1he biDe: WOIIId occ.w fartkr '* 1lwl rhc red oae
ia 1 BXA tc;we t0 the pouioo Bill dac W.: those:
loa..io. che rcure blae. 1ia:ht u ao biDC- il traJWilil-
ttd. the ruaaindta 5pl ia this rep. ill llf!IIC' mt ia the rq;o. ol
dac rt:d isoC)orC the Cl"nSSQiued liJbl ..;g bhle,. 1\- Mlr the blue: opcic
&lOS srutu thaa Ute red OOG, a red friftge will 011 the outst6e (C'.OOCI\'C)
oJ lht lf.OC)TCS ia a 8XA figure io lbe 4S0 policioa, lAd a blue (riqe w.iD IP'
pelt oo tbt (COM'CI) ot the isog)Tc., Tbe dilpeutoa ill wch minAI woWd
bt ocribed ti btittg leu. r01 red ligbl tbu fOr blue., 01 r < b. More c:ompiP cfi$.
peuiOM involving change.. i.n tbe. vibtatiocl ditect;ons oecur 111 10mc cnincrats be.loni
na to tbc mooodiaic IJld tridink $ystems. Sueb diipcnion is not eommOftl)' 10
id<:mily but in rare e.aset tatl be diagttostic. Rcaden arc rdcrrtd 10 lext$
on mtnenlogy for further inrormalioo ab<>111
A flllmbcr or important: minerals. iadudinJ of ceooomiC Vllue, a.rt OPJiqut to ,u,.
tbk li:.hl Uuk an be kamcd uu.ncrab 1.0 tlu.a KCCiou from s&udic$
itl ,fUUihUCd 1,Pt, acepl lhcir U.cttlaJ CDCWphoaov &ftd akc:ratioo pto-
dlo)(l.t., m.ay be trusparctlt. tiD oftu be [rOCD Oo1:
.SO u. Otdiaaty dWa s.ectio& by thcu cob ... t.c. Wu.m.iutc:d obliqucl)'
fron To properly idealify op.lqUC: cniDCnlt,. UICOWC"tcd poli:s!lc.d lhm
bt titd "'l'b a rcfkc:tilrc 11uao.copt Muy pc.:.rofocU \UC wc:h tu
hoa. r ouhad), bt:uwc: the) vc: abo oc:ttW'')' J aulytal wort t1 10 be: done
,..,u tk ckntoa ictoprobc. Tbi$ irulrumc-at lk pdobe.4 wrfatt Cl a mi
ll(.ral '"'" ll.ct-<.IK'tY (l.S-20 h ) ..-hath UUK tbc d::mcM.ti prt:.$Cft1 10 c.md
"'tl)'it. F1om a dc:lerauaatioc of tbc Va.cM.Jt)' of ua)\ 'lo\tb WI''C.kf!Clhs. charana
isrk ol the a quutitattvc a.o.aJysi& ol a seall (<.tO .,.) .5p01
II pol.iibcd th.ln $ec:tiOnJ ate IIWI rOt .study wich a I'IOnnll cnns.mlutd m'
ic i:J UoporttiU to reaacmbet t.laat tbc. resol..eioo ol liP powc:t ob;ettAu
wil k poor .ntlltout a OCl'l'et sJasi. It hip resolutt011 is required, a ,tast; CO\'Ct
ean b:. plaoed 01 the thia woninn lr-.,.ponr:Jy. tn1mcnio ui:l d;l> l.bl:l moufldrl$
A&temuiw:ty. a rcbioa ligbc objcrti-.'e. .. -t.icb is tWped to be llKd
ithocl a aJaa, aa be UiCCL
nc reRcrtln.g 111kroscOJ>t dicrt the traosmilted one 1n that the objectvt
lcm is wed both to 'icw and to the t&JDple (Fi. Z..9t. A bcMD ol ti&Jit.
ilic:h ... ,. be pboe--pobnzcd by lfttll(f1ioo rJ a polar, e. rd'lcdcd dovo11 through cbc
objecti.<e onto the: wrf'acc or the pOilshed &e<doo by 1 pri.sm or 3 c().)tcd c:ovcr
gl.us placed in tbe optical ol the mkrOKUpc cbc ohj<i\e Ius.. The
w.age Gl dtc poldhcd AtUclc 5 cbcn thr<Mtgh the objcccn't l O the
ocabr. The iUunuNtill ldo6Cmbly lila' two dai phragm.t>. The Oflf thr m;cm.
liCOpe (lickS diaph1Jgm) Mould be doud c;lo..'ll until the edge ur che- iri' 11
che mup ol tbc: fidel ol 'icw, StOJtpiog do-wu the oc.he-r cb=lpl,.-. di.a
..,.., w\1 t:.n,. CM.lll I'Uter .. relief, r-cflcanit)', nd <"-Ok_w uf
ril$. To obsci"'C mink undc.- (r0fo$Cd pol;tt'$.. 1hc anatytet is in chc
iame 'IQY a& "'ith lrltiSn'liUed light.



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1'\c ollipt rcllccsed from tbc potimed &wr.ce ol " .u.u.t 6 bawD as
.. .,.,_")'. Qb.iooaly _.. ... - - !No ..............
-. boo .,.. - _.,. m- ,....., Is -'dcroblo Yariabilicy. Tho ...S.
.. d rdlcctMiy caa be m........t -.Jy - .,...._,trl, 1Ma for ..,..;,.
Yi&uiJ alimiCts ol c8e of--.... are tdcqlla.tC,
II piaoo-polariocd wiOie liP ;. ascd, ... iole-, ull color ol ... reflected
111M frc. uilottopic aiocnb ..,. ckaJlp wb oricoc ni& ,na rile IO bi-
iUdl is cquivUc:at to absorpcD ud pleoc-A."'is.m io tr&Gsmirscd
JcM. n.. -. ....... ,.;u, reflected --.... L'< r.. ae.. ,;.;o
ll:aorM -'til cnas.m.iatcd &gba. lDdccd, wbeo fine cDCIOUDI.uccl. IDOII opeque 'lllioenJs
a,pa.r ai.IDolt tX ame color io rdkc:tcd li&JitIOCDC ..udc bciWCc.o wbitc, ud
ete.&A Witb uperic:ac:e, &ublk diiTerc:.GCCt become (ar more usily rccot-
UDdor crou.ed-palars. botropie opaque mioerah cac be cli&:il)gUI$htd rrom
lrupic OftU. Here, agaiA, the ia1erreret1ee l'olor& are rar ku \'ivid tbose ob-
tained whb transm.i.Utd li&ht. Noaetbeku. aoi.socropk UAder reOetted
tia,ha wiU briptl'G And darken (our times while tbe II. it tCJtated througb 360
dcp:a, unku, of eoorsc., the optic uis o( the mineral ill otic.oted paraUd to
1he mjcroscope axis. Commoo.ly, tbe pob.n are lltiC.routd (few degrees), a).
ktwi.q aome liJbt to pass lhrougb the mk:rOICOpe and Ula.mlt111e the fideL lD tbis
poli-11011, bowe'IICf, Ll.e polan cSo ooc. cai.UC a c:omple utDdioA. oo1y a da:rkeniQg
ol lbc fJCW. NOI' "'ill tbc:y caw.c the Clliactioa ol ia.ocropk mualt; bUI iJotro..
pi( CAaerd ""il rc:maiD aa W+(;l!aWocdark cob be JUCC rou.tccl.
rcrnctnoe iDdKu ol opaque. mtt are 110( " pl)liaibk
10 clilfttcDCJC.$ i. lwduc:u IIUIICt. i&Mpl)' tile rc:Jid 011 tbe
pob.tlilcd iiKfac:c:. Acwrale <:aiD be: .... crotwdDcU ICSICI$.
8"' for tOuiJDC work. rd.ti'YC. arc adequate. 8y Jl(tUMII& tk
bcC'III.o the .s.&mpk ud ob;eaivc:. a bripc: liac ol lcbc. mnl U. appc:ar-aotc
tO the Blr.c lmc. ...;:u tl!le soltu pain of minerals
ate c:ommoaty pvc:.a ia tc:nm oC tbe: Ta.lm-cc:- Jtalc, .ather than tbc Mob.s Kale. The
Talmage Kale hi$ sevca divisioas. da:ignltcd by ktten., _,,. A bcurg the: .olte$
ud G the:. ha.rdul.
Pr"tpiMitlon ofl11ln Strtl ons
A pctrotvphic thin &ectioa &$ a 30 ol rock on a miuo-
kOf'<. ilide and cltbc:r c:ovtrcd \loi.1h a &Jw 01 ll'fl uneQ''trtd 001 Al
th.otth a.tMlM e.n be thicke Of thinne:r than bloltd c.oJors for
ttl t.tandard tabltl atlod iD 11u$ man\AIJ au few 30 IICIIIhKl: srains.
thttLJIC.fol (or ctunnc:..u. if )OU are. urugs.bn& 10 make. )'OUt fir" KdJOB) i:s l'...WI)
..,..,th thM is. ill propt:t Ia tCithom that art t.bUUIC:.t
that the contr-ast ie mtt:rfc.ttac:c colcn :tv.tta cWI'ut:.C nuoe-
r.U ..to more. diff.mk. AIIICl .. a.rchocu thai .rc 1hlcht tbo oor-
.. .t paaa thai .arc aot wrtOI lppat (W'l')' zoea ..ac:ad ol &..
IUIC IDdccd. 1lh roc:b. C'W. I J0 Jo018 llt.d. KGJOtl IU) DCC
pco411CC 1 dGIIOCt .-._ ol the I rocb. I thsa:lfKS
Ia 1 be ... ..,.. uai) not1c-Qc.d 'P r .. _. 1hc polulloc4 a.001fKc ,
T prepatC a tJ. wtioo. a slab ol rod appO!Iilutdy 22 am x ) 10 a
tbict $ CUI Wilt. a d'lolftiOIItd uw. The wrfacc tNt is to be sf.,.;t IO lK Wide
is tba .,-ouod wett$Jidy -'ilh 240. (10). ud J(O) .,U carbonmdtm powder. The P'lr
pose ol thito .. to oblaio a petfeal)' n.. &urf8te. Thi$ uase of the proceu is one
or tbe most a'i4ical, and yet il often rus.hed a.nd not done po-opt-tly. If the sur
face tb.al f &fud tu the r.lide i$ chcta il. nnthin& th.a1 c:ll" l,oo .:kJug lha
10 salr.>agc tbc Kction. Even if tbc upper &ur(MC of lbe sJ.de i.t. perftly fl:tl,
the lowtr aurfce IIA. best --iU caw.e vo.Ntioos ia tbe lhickow ot the sec
boa (\acocc of cob). and M worM w\11 rcs.ult i:D the c.ompktc P
dUos ""Y ol puU ol die oectiaG. G"""" 1000 .,;. JIO"'I< cu be
bel docs -looUoc - aod docs lodp - ......... ol .. .
oily - ........ (plocooaysu ol amploibok. '"' cxomplc). u ... .. ely r... , .. .
IOCU arc bC'dt iOQPI i a thia the tower swfacc- ol tbe rode ehtp cu
k. poiJi.bed before it is glued to tho t.lide. Tbii would be do6c: only it the
upper surl'acc is al)o() 10 be politcd. It tllould he noted. 1hat i.n
pofi&b<d KCtionJ. the roupnt.M of high rclid rn.intral$ nOI \ilible;
fcldspu and otivine, for would appear to have t l.e same low rdid.
n.c rode dlip ... ilued to pctrogrurhk t;t:w slick (typically Z7
.&6 mm) with epo.y. CaNd.l Nham used for tais purpoK, b.t novto'
chis .ated OAiy for ud'wli: CO''C"r cbssa; cpGiic$ we .....,pty much
SltuJCrf. Nontlhtlca. il is tO bYe ae Cpoilt) rc:frMtf'IIC iadrts is
simibf tO IbM ol Canada batw. {RJ. l..$37). bauic: thr rdid clc:Mzibcd for IIUIIe
rals i:o t.bt U ,WCa illh rcspc:d to Cabda balsam. A oJ cpcmes
are ronr:noa.ly used, fot o:ample, Pctropoty 1$4 of Palouse Pcuo Buchkr
20-8130. and tlillqw.l AB 111nd CD. Only l,ecropoxy h1$ a ndu ol
the oc.-.c.rs .are all bctwren 1.S7 ilnd l.58. This U. iml)('lrl(lnt to keep i.n
mi.nd hen identifying on tht of rc;lid.
curt mcwc rapidty ""'hca bc:ucd, btu most w\IJ cure: 11 low if
gr.<t:n lime: m be .. lc:d ;. otckt to Rotk ch;,-.. ate:
be&c:d bcfotc: lk C"poM) k applied. not Oftiy IO taiM: lhc' roQ. to lite fCCOft'IMUdcd
lc:JD.ptrotUlrc, tM: to dm'C' oiJ -autwe froa the .ample. \.later olf after
the. CJ'Ol) bc-c:CI arPflitd fonm bJgc. bubble. tttJt lna'f C-IVSC lbe roc:fr: delatfl
from the toltdc dunna the ... ubscqueDI cvtlillc allod loltP'>o Some rb MAtai.a
mincnb that gn-c otr aacr IU the)' arc rx u.mple, :..c:ollte$
and GYfi'SUm. Rock\ ronta,ini.ng suc:h mittetah ml)' have to be mounted wit!. rold $-Citing
c:poxy if bubbles lcep formin& on hc:uins. One p.lrlicuJar an
bc.11ed epoxy i:) 1h.a1 i1 hM sub;saarui.ally lower ...UCO:\il)', wtlic.h a.UoWl tttC:C:!toS
CJ'O.ICY bcl"''<tn 1he f,\mplc and the slide 10 be &quecud 001 mort b)' placing a
lflo'Cipl on the r1-,cl or dtppinc rbc Soli and hXk IOSethc:r ith
p:apc:r dtp Vlt,_.Nic lhoic-\;KSSC$ of puc Oft dtf!c-rcnt iC"aioM up the PJOttU
cl SC:ction bct.lUK Udl .s.eaioft lw. to bt thc<:kcd iodf'<'idu.aJfy lftoOt'C.
ttme'$ tb11 arc Oft<"' tL.at aa UYC: a oon,.u. .. fW. thdacu at A mot<' ttfMIIIH rrab-
h . ..,...'C,'Ct, rl)t$ .. 'llh c.basc s.eaton-. ,,. hK"h \"OV"Wioft5. .aa the: ol
put: 1hr 11'11n StttiOft to be: we:df:c' ..,arrd Such may rc:qutrc c.scMi\'C
f1oal "ind1tl(t b)' Nlnd ill OfCicr 10 oomrc:nic for the rt"ld: chip noc bctnS mtMlnled
ra.,...lld to the f!.)ll.\.\ tohdc: .
Oacc: the Cfl\1\'\ hra.\ aiMS the rtlCl. ('hlr COikd lo r()o)m tc:mreracurc. 1he
muunu:d b P';accd io il <UI-olf "" iO ltua an
K C:hilrl l\ (i aUiKhc-d IU the Aidt:. The' inlti.JJ &IM't un 1'1.;
C.hi.AIIC"J tlu.n tt.. J - ecpipnc:01 15 .. ,_..., .llp.mcm. bot he nco, r.".,l.
, '


, I
-' I
, I
' I
, l
' I

Mep pa .o q&bcldy tba1 there $CC:ln$ DO juili.r'-bae for oec's luck
by c.uttiaa otr1 t.bio sccsioos a1 t.bi$ suc:e. CoauiiOilfy, _, llle Wlial teaioa G
M too tWa. m.uo. &o. tbc: .... bbde .,. mu the a.plie rroaa 1k or
fl'ldarc ,,, cceuv\lyc:oanec ..u.eral vai- iaa w\lllMcr phd OUl
N U.. ..ccic. is s:ro-4. eitl.r b)' "-4. ,...r...w,. - pinre ...t.iee
rkk.-.. ol 'lO ,.. .. is apprOMXd, tlle ac:dioe i& rc.owcd rrom t.bt ud
lk illCufcreM:C colon o;amiot<l adcr aoued pobr$ ill die DlktoM:opc. llllCtfc
re.c coaon provilk a verj simpk bat Clltt.I!Kiy MntatC CDWlS of stdicft
tlbdae. T1ai5 docs.. bowtYet, rt:quire tbat lAc ttetion makr be: able 10 ickNify
the iatfala.. bow 1Atu& colors they allo!IW ohibit ..., a 30 JtiDlbick see-.
1101, aad be. aware o( lhc: efl'ec:t ol graia tc:ruat;oa 0t1 colors. For
1- GCMce, a mK:romecer is simplu to use. The fioal l'iACing ilc:ps are reputed
\UI.Il the c:orrt thiekfJta iJ obtained. II 1 po14hed tbi.n JIMln is to be pre
partd, the gritldif18 is wben the Ket iol'l -35 I'm thick. Tbe loUowi..ng Mep
with pullWf18 powder rt.mO\'t$ che final S Jo&fll. If a oormQ.I du .crtioo is to be pre
partd, 1 cxwc:.r ttJas.s is mounted witb tNI1"'"' whkl1 tbe.l'l wred at approxi
maid)' 9<'PC tor approximately an hour. Petropoxy can also be w.ed fM
thiJ purr<*, because il is extremely Ouid hoc. and il hardens in jw.t 3 mi
autu atlZSOC.
ao earaest desire: 10 apply C"o't.f)thl .. lc:araed ,D opckal
the: -.1cc pc::tracJ&pbc:f leads 5tan a thlo a.M-oe 111 too hch a mapi( ..
caca:. ud _. .. too -r ia5c:rted iftto the tttOWC'pt, 1K cxpericoced
b)' c:ooc.,... usa lk pi)Mibk .....,.U011011 CIOIIIJiloCmra&.e ith
tbc pad! iiu ol. tk roek and eD:lllinu the rod: ._.., rbDc pob.rilw;d lipc,
Of a013td poW$. Of course. - r"" karl'C pcopapb)
lftty be DC<U1atY 10 ckletmii'IC ptopenia th.at ..ill a)ft('11m tk: ldc:ntity of
a Wttb upc:JX.Dtt, howe'1:r, 11:110111 of ch:c c:om.no- tocl(ormn& tao
be simply doer ph.,..poi.U.d ijgi\1.
Srart )'OUt itlipc:dioa of the: tbi.n. &eccioa lov.poo\'et ob)ecr,,-e and
pltliiCpoiMited li8,ht. You $bould dis1i.n,gui$h (c:bic minetnb (low
neptivc, and m())Ciy eolorleu) from ferfonugnc:Ui" minc:nb (lugh relef.
a,)lored), In addi1icm., fe.atura sueh a.s plc:C)(hrohm, f:'flir1 &hapc, ltJaur"'l rda
bt1wtcn gtall'llo, and deavage can tso nMc:d. Only then hO\IId the. jXII:tr$
be: CfM$C-d 0(1 not loe,e track Of lht identity of lhe 11r.J fttrl)m:llt.tleSi.!ln mine
rab while eum.ning rhc under tt"OUCd pt>lars. For onhopyroxtnc:
and plaltJoduc, v.hkh ooaunoaly ocrur logc:tbc:r ttl a l)'fiC nr Jllbbro knov.'D as norile.
bi\C ve:ry U.terfereooc: colors and m1y lrf)Cit .. milar under cros.se:d pobn.,
'flM d&trerenec t.n relie:f ol the I'WO mloetab.. maLet: tbe quite di!.tlnet Uft
dc:r pla.oepobrittd lipt. F'aaally swi1d. lo tugb ud eODOSCOpic Lghl
tl II oecen.uy 10 obtala u tllledereott f:pe
T'lilf l.p. toOUttt oe tk: tn.iaoscopc .tloutd 1111011 be I.,Kd up to u twi&Jitaa. S.C:C
I"'C lot U.C: ..-aa pc:uop-a.pNe sunq. IIOf thould lhc vrrr coodcruu be ID)U
led. T1lac.: w\11 deae&SC" tk coaarasaill color lid .-cr..._
h il eoc ar:n"J to clettnDiDC. ol die optic:al popeo1:a ol a iKnl 10
- iu ......W ..aU a ICdloo pan;..
man, time nr,... Part ol tlilec tilt ol peboczapbr iJ co blow -.4deb
popc:or1ica aced to be mcasv.:rcd for a pattalar iDerat 11ae dc:scriptioas iA lbo fol
lowixts cbapeer cmphaoil.e !he '""" ruopootlc propcrtica or """"-'s. Altboup
wiD laid to O'r'trdetcrm.IAc mioetals a1 fiNI, wm p 1be
confW..oce to rt4uce )'OW' oblervatiotu to lhe etia.lm.am.
E>pericecod l=p a meDial tally ol cadi IDiDctaJ tllcy idcDlily ia a
rcct. no. liaa prcMclca tloao wilb ............ wtoca <Iocr ar1e111pr to idcDlily tloc ..,.
Gabon ....,.. me "* ; oa Cc::rtaiD .u.cna U'C vo"'<"N! uaociaccd., wkrQI
ot1ocn ...,.. occaa ....... '" Fer .-plo. io tloolcicK <OCb, ...,P. io -=ely
--wilb Oa tloc ..W lo&od, a rock """,;,;,. oould aot
coalai< qoaru.-tloc- ........ - ...... aod '""" alt>tc. ha <OCb,
tloc .....0.. olmiactalo leads to be limik4 by tloc .... ber ol--prc:acAI (icao-
rally tK. two aro oqul'); this may belp J'Oil doc:ido whether co look ror addici()ftl.)
miacflb., or perhap& )'OU have 0WMI too (IIlli)', and rwo or )'OW' idcnLUicd ma,y
di.f!c-.rully oriefttcd snias of cbc Jame m1auaJ. 1'hi$. 10 tbla JCCCion
a.udy. ltoweYer, il only poua"bbe after )'00 Kqlli.red the ooec'U'Y petto&ocic

A PIIP"'cd for rCCOic6Qc obsetvalioos 1$ pe oo 1M bst
pi$C d 1.U -.II. '1'\ia fonD fu a. S a 8 iodl i.dcs car.. II CUI
be pllotoc.ped "' ..odifocd to ..at yac opcQilc oocda.

# '
. '

- I

, I
, I
.. I
- I
"' I
,.. 0

3 Rock-Forming Minerals and Their Optical Pt-operties
nil thaplct coetairts a tPhtioo U lk eommoe aiDer llld tllc:ir ro&-
-.t by , &.tioc ot lbcir - .......... diot...,..... .,.a propa6c&. """"
J ............... e4 '"- .... J ,..,.,_.. .._._,.._... --
..... -- b<looa 10 _.,._ n..., .. AI,.S;()> ...,.
-'* I l;,t<d - AI,.S;(),. Otloa "'"'.. -
-- "<"'"'C - ... .,...,....., ... <Pdol ... - .....
( oiMDos. -- w=- silica polyn<wpla (uodu quam).
crDeh. aiM! uo1ilts ( + nakile). For example. cbc opcie&l p-operties ol d1e amphi-
bole are with othu ampb.iboks under A..\tPHt8()1.. ntbet than aJ.
phbecieally u6det G. If a mineral canoot be (()Und under the alphabetic:ai Ji:st-
Jn' aad you are uDttrtaiu 10 'Nbich minerAl poup it bc:k.'II"SJ, the mtDtrJ.I can be
rou.ad in the U it k il'lduded i.o the manu.S. A bbnk p:.ge is pr01o;dcd ac
tM end or this chapter (or the addittoca of opiJcnl propttties of lt'ss t'ommoo mine-
fllls that you may wish to add to the manual.
The optical propt-rties or eadl ntiocnd arc &h-c.n In II JCMkl:ud formal which is
telr lllustn.ti.ons ol tbe rd;uioo bct,.,un ond Cr)-stal morpho-
qy IJC ia.chkied rot tbosc miac.rals where thll in((l(mattoft is wclul II the mine
is iJhntratcd io the tbio KdioD $kctdo (and color the. numbc.t of
the tlluMratM:In is iD beatath 11tte tMICral name, with JM# rder
lk a.lctchc-' of igneous raiDC:rib Jod M \1 ofchlltOt'phic mincnh.
to to the llstiop o( optical al c:;t.dl mineral. a tompibtion
al tk moK prop:rtid of all the m10enk iJ prtJCI'IItd d a suck 1M*
011 the lftt.i6c frOfll ol the maaW For ..oM IIIC of thio sec
liofts.. tha table: prO\idc$ mo$1 ol the iaonaat100 10 idc.alaf) tk OOCUDOO
)( is, W()tlh a ftllft .. tl fanuiwiluliJ /OWJ(tf '9o'i&h tU orpaD.
The table: i.i di\ided dot,l.11 the ceotc:r by 1 chan of tntcrft"rcn To the
ldl arc li.ued minerals :hkb are colored v!Mkr pbM:pobri7ed hght, arwl 10 1M
arc miMrals 1o1.1lich are cotorlc:i$ Some appe-ar on \xleh sides if they
lilt ooly faintly oolorcd, or they are c:olor'le.s fo- M)mc wmpw.itictn but colored for
Ot,C,., 8oth ol minerals arc in Ofdcr ()f birdri.ngeru:-c.
ones ;jvel'l first. ihe intc.rlc.:rcncc c:()lou in the cc.ntr:.l "rip 3rc
tho.sc: found in nClormal 30 1-lmtbid: thin )(.(:liOn' fCH the indi
The rdraai\<e index r:aogt fot each mincra.l i) .ndiC"altd by a Nr \loo1th the liClu
Jl btifti inchared aaos.s Lbc: lop ol the. table. 11lc relief 10 tbt:
index of Ca!UC:b 00b.am (l..SJ7), b indatc:d l:y lhe dcnSit)' of iolipo
'The- rdrKtivc iodcx bars ia lK leA '* ot the IJbk: arc colored tO
....tiCMc the: appeano oJ Lliae.K 1ft pl;anc: polanzcd llc.hc, plco-
ch.-o.c nuecrals lu\"'C two colon.
1k table: abo lbc optQl dwXtct ol ncr-'U.OCropic (1), WlUX
..J (U). ud biuiol (8}-<>plic ..... O!"ot uck ud 1"-''"'" dc>c< plaOd and
tlw ... tk.Q&.
Tbe followiog minetab arc thOle most oommo.ol)' eoc:ounltrtd la rb. 'f'lle,y ato divi
dcd laoo tlotce ....,.,., !loco r..,. ""' o.dodiQs lk tOdolonalna ailiocrab, OJWI !be
lloird. 11>o -....y .. - Tbe tOdolonoO,. ........, .,. lloc ui<w baildiQs -
pooc:eu ol toek. aad tbey ddcnaiae: u &Did &UIIIC. Mioerak .. the
fir1l - ..... low - - (RI s Cuada ........ ). ... - .........
lief lo t1om _..., IOd .,. lloey a.ctudc qowu, lcldspon, ldchpo
tholdrl. ud the oao fenomiii"Csiaa mi.M.1'1.1 cordicrite.. Mi.oc.nla b the socood group
have bJ&h refractive iDdices (R.I > > Callllda balsam) aad thus ha\'e bigb tclieC ln thin
sed_,O. aad m.CIIN are c:olorcd; this iodudcl the Ccnomapcaiu m.i.nenk. 11lc aecu
ty IIUJa'lls an: ntdy prucot ira more. tJau trace IJDOWIU. but tbc.ir prcac.occ or
..,.,_,., aa be criDcaJ co tbe ilfltetptc:tlf.._ ol tl:te ceoeait ol roc:t.. NoM. accea.-
JIOI'f n r ctak are ror.cd &c.. dicac La..& do DOl I'C'.IId&ty eel" lk lbliCIWel ol
... ti IDioc:nls.
CordK: ritc
(N .. K)AIS;()

(N ..





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' I ._.
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NU'< +)siz0

- 6

Tr.-.. Aa,_c
Ro<bccbtc N'lF<:! + + Js-a0z2(0H.F):

F ......

Mlcu Mti5CO'\ile


Tale r.<
(Ms.AJ.Fe )

c ...... Spc.swti.oo


-. _ ,
(Fc: +J,Tih5j
Vei'*Vianlae(l docnsc.)

(o.o H.FJ,o
- .

Siltomlte -.

(Fe '
.Mg.Mo)z(ALFt '
Fe +JAizO(So
CJiiM)lQI$11 c:

, .



, .
Soda me: J.hl c. NaCoAIS'




s .......



u....u.. foro
Splocl OtcooOie


F.,Ss . F.S
OWclOp)rite CuF.s
Spboloritc 1.aS
easo .2Hz0
...... a..so

1 1A.).I.4S
, t.f,\.l .. i
r 1....,U6


. ,.
.., 0$
...... f_
Aotlf! Uta!Ma
\lorphotoc;r. CoNte "'*'- ani- -w!l. ........ - - -..-. _, fOIIAilll aMtlt lliOM
ot nroc-tr; ..-na1 -mH IMo u.r CC ot .... .,._. .. tk
lk ,_ die t'r)U p:w 0 ..., '"'""7 ..._. lk _...... .,_ Ill a aaa
CpoJlrloa: .......... c .... .. II p ts' .sc-_
--- _.. ..... d kmc - ... "*' ...... -..a
drlr.,_.,,.__ ..,..,,... ... ,_.,
Propertia: Low ..o ...,. rv
..... ,.,. K)ot11110 ...
f ltWI.oOa Mod fM&kr l'dJd llt.f\ei!Ct 01
fBfMblt llypcn.;huw. bul llypt:ntbt.D& It *"-' Af*llllt ..
UMI'r p)ltn. IIIJ' WIIHoloOII-f .. P<l'Pipob&..u
Oil t 1141.'J"'*tC ftW:mbk thOle- Of f'OfltlcMIC, boll rhlnc.pck.NC'd
11-p-1 1141\lkle lwl luchcr rtJtt!, CodiMOtllrllotrtol ro I'IHIKO>ile
Cktll""fttt: fonrll Ia Jlfltht nx:u l tow tO '*"'-
.,...,u ot l'tJ!Oio1'1 - .. fl lil*l" 10
ttl ... t !\.111 O.l'S G.h (11; lMt). IJII* lc 10 llle pot)'-
,,,,,..,.,. h't-.t.c ed t.1 11.p tc,..c:nl .. ,., I.M ...._.ucc.
...... - ... .......... ---.o
._, '"'rn:

"") ...
.. ., ........
krljt l11cl'f 0......
I JQrp! j!"'
I "I

lcflllll .aow
, ...

( .... "f
a. .....
'" 't'"l!'e
! !talC"'
f 1001 pu!trt
..... ,
(0101 p:o!
, , &)o"JJ



.... .----'
,,..., ... ocr; 'IW* """" ....,.,. ...... _. Olt fiOOHkw ...... ._
.. J'IC ..... ...,.._ wn..--,..,_,.. ...., .. tllt kell
-... .. ]().
, ... ...._ ........ .o .. - ....... ...
Oi\1htph.blllc Prupt'r1in: 1lw """ rrt.tf """"eo l.,-lt "f'C-r 41'"'" pn "" '"' ttoOot
,.,,, , ..,.., I!Ou..S.ron .., tlu tr' f\("' tn aN t ,..,..,r; ' " ,.,.,.,fltfl' 1'M ,.."''* HM....,
11'p: 'll oJ o/ UW'*"'" Ylt>fWIOC'fl forct'll(ln 0.. If!( IC'II' 01 IN,.-ICtnl o. of \)t!Utt
(kc'um-ator. !>t""l, ""'''"'' o .. r.n, "'""""' ffto(IMftiiiJ'IIo- ot ptl!ut IOC"-' h til(
1""'"*"'" llilflloll-.. '11 l<IOC'alc I"QQ)'II'IOfJ'tl """' " ,. _ Jro4n ,., l)crcll4t1t& M tflr n.-1-..rt rJ
1N f:fot"""""' 1h'""' "'IJh"'' _.... """ r,_"' k-...co anlk., !lot"' '"" -''""'cmrc-ntlll"t
l.illo-lt. at"'"""',..,...








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"" I
, I
, .
, .

- IM-aM
, ...
t 1..f'-IM


'*1 Q+y
(OlO} II'
,.... __

MorpllloliifD': Pn. Of CitlfeluJ .aa:rcP'" (tl.btoi.cc). ,,..,. M'lo<l 1111... ,. M)M MQioot Wltll dl.tpal (OJO)
Compcl .loo: IU IJIIJIIe AilS#>$ potymorpM. .tlllmnlte dotrc" Utile II'OfiiJM:tC)t'*'''
OblhlJhllltt& Proptn Ju: Sludu pril- '"'" froM frlvre., ,._,... u:t.inttl-. w.r,
!Mid.,.. blrth'U ... Mod tli'OIIl Glflle-lJioa (r>b) !MIIIfiUIIIIlf Ap..tl&e IKe'likt tt."C Mil$
'-rdn..,tNt, ,,. kfllllil r-. ,.,. "'* .. "'"" av (10I)lQ). ,.,o .n (1(IM
waloN tM 1M 'n*a' rwo .t1rtiOM 01 fllllb<Jik. r,I:NOiot mty be fiiOfll: <l.tr'ttu 10
IMUfllpil* ff'OIII ftbro.t. en. Nln.O. 0( ll't IN lt('ll.l JHQPtrt)' tb tiM'
S.ll-..1141 it. G.rrnee 10 (I'Oftlo N.o1lo'-" -. rdatldf Rft restMtd 10
.P4f'wfl. C'OIIhn pclolle. ... o,(_..,,.,. '" u
Ottur'T'fClC't: Orran .. Mid _., ___,.I( fOf'lo. At tt-rtmMfn ..
......,.._ art -* ...,. ol .._..,or 10 tW poiJ-.olflM " .....,..._.. ol ..,..
f._.\f 1\ UJ
Jfl!Crf. em E!srAUI!!!
)' l .(o4. 1.61
., ...

2nd OI'IIU
c ....
.... ,t
tvllll ....
f tc*"tf:*"
t .. I'tf:v
(OICt p)d
,,...,.1 ..
,.,....,... .. ,__-" m:u. ""'-.., lfiP'I(OIOI c\u<rotltf-


"C..., *"' ...-.,w,. (II A&,.S.0
.., 11 ..r.: W ou _, .._ OMM

.. &n: .....,, ,. ., tc. .,.. ...,_ _, __ _.
. ........... '4-llk n. .... -* ., otnonot-.: _, kif' ... ,_
t run
ltuuww ,. ftlflwn J'ldl'u
.,..,... .. ...,._ euu.
A.,..ibolet .,. d uuu pMJU I}'Pe'. C..poor, C..rictl, ud Nwktl. 1\or:: ea. .-..c1 Nab "tic'*
IOikl I!Otutioa bill a.ly linlilcd .oblbitiry wi121 dK c.-poor Yl.ric.tia. Cocnpcw;ilioftal varilbllity a--c k
10 IJ'"* I!Mt O(tical: pcpertiet IM7 bo iudcqMc lo 6o IIIOft: tiNII .aip !he: ft'llillbolc 110 a pDCftl lf0"9. The
of amflllibOb il c.batWktb.ed by dolltlok ch.li d SIO
klakdta; tile bMk ampllibok lonnut.
SlaO:a to..u* d ...;or amplu"bolo 'YPQ _...,.,. irnporuet optbt propc:na- tolkMr.
s,.-w, Sp 2V t"c Cob

O" ... l,IS0,0




(N .... l,ISO,O,.J(OHJ'l,
....... ""'

..... lt.IO oolorka
C.,< ...... lsiSO,OnKOJU?,

l$.XI bf'OMI and P'"ll

...,.,.,.,.. ... o,KOJU?,

J(OU.fl, Monotu.ic
s ........
la lldcliOol 10 t*:CIIUI"- Of fOe" Ma. 1'ia 10.' 0., and AI Cor Si cllc K .od ,... cu ubl;zfluu tor
C.. an4 Pc-, 'n. M11, ._. Cr fOr Ma io -r Of lk.M '-'- covpk4 .till udl
oclwr ud .;.11 AI (Of Si in Otdu 10 1n1inc.i11 dl.t!p Sclb1Cit11tico of tOIIIG of U.UC ck-ala cu
bo ub!Natial. .. lei in bcftllllltc (10 wr'J(r TrO,J in wtlidl *>IlK Ti may a.utvtc lor Si. ta to1110
llonlb.uwk OH lOd P eu be rq:r&.eod b)' Q and ill IIOnltlol<ck aed bcnv1ilc by 0 . nil lai!U
1110 ilM)hu .. RJMI!Ietlt of Fe*' by f'c"', and COI!IIeqiiCIItly IR ckc9 rcdclil;h brOwll.
arc: 0110 of tliCI -t oomeoo poup: ot mlk (l(nlrriflc Mdely Ia ll'ltW'I'IOrpfloe aM ptuDCMW !prow:
fOCb. 'ncy .no IIWIP, ot maroe toea ud lm:-uR llolotnldc lill:latOtiCI. Tbodt
COIIIf'OiiliOCI cu u -'"" iftdiao110t ol mcu.motphlt CJ"de- Pot enmpk. 111. !he aowtr plft ol I.M ampttlboloce
il tUbk. but wkll r.r.m:-1111 p1ICit .-oft tilt ampblbolt lid 11 C'haiiCfA to
l<lnll>k.tlck. oo tbc ocllc:r hand. ia toCb NoCtamorp!IOKd lllp aM low Mel
.... 1\J lbc. <kkr afkt Mlkll lhc .. loUI'ICd. Hotablelldt il hi 41orile&.
l"fttCCIOtitet. ptaiL. f)'CeitU. Ul<l llliCIIQOail4 b Ito nliUIOII in alklll.w -rtc aOtd e<oeo ldttll!lllt'lt 4Jtcoua
t0tU ..tle.tl it n.
M'TIIOPH\'U.I11: ( ......

Diual .



&!jd Jemr. O;+x PJoeptjO!
1.60-1.69 ........ ptftlklt ....
,. 1.60-1.11
, '"'l.n

(110) JIC"rf'' {liO) .. (lJO) $4 6

O"'ncurialtally fonM to111 m.ybe ribfQu&.
Com posiUoo: Alltl!opbyllde if; a11101ill..m1'001' alld la alllllllftolf!ltb. note lrowoeb w. 40
tJIOk 111> Pcf(Pe K&) monoduMc: aad bdOft& &O tile: w;tiu.
ObUDP4bJac: Proptrtlc:t: by duW tD eut ana. tk t a.df.. b)'
lklldtf tO (.tire- Ubll. eod parallel ut'-tdoo 1n pNtutlt w..etaOI'IL aid
J1110Ctltot llld illdiftOd U'IIIIIC'-Ioo 10 the c ...._ 41Ainp4od
lfl '-I teetloM by tk aaphlbok dt.Wip. MIS by Ia mllldl letJtf lV 2VJJ).
Wid &odrile -1 require .. ltoopyllllc il oplctlty U1CqiC fOf
f"'a..r1ce WtiCa ...-.e ICII tcftiCtM .,_.. <ioclmt 11M MfJC no
Ia 11r1t1100 Ia .ltnlllot(.- f'Otb. It Uo O''l.ll WI M&ri4 l'lleiOWOIMtic
I'OCb woMc4 .-ill COfOic.riac.. nu. it rouo4 in IOnK '"lfi4c OR latn:ld..nio. 01 li!Ww Into
!Ott: caa i'oo trona -iilbtt llliMnll m .... entictllnt; lllcalll M'" Ocdn1c


.. .


- .
:s: ..

; .

- I
,. I
.. I
,. I
,. .


CtJMMINGTONfi'I.GRUNERtn: (>< ..... >,l'i,OuKOI<.J?,
f I..OoL'
, ....... 1l
t 1.6Soi.T.I


.... , ....
Morpboloc;r:: PNmde 110 flbl'(ll4. Ptl'- m.y bt Nl'f'OII,

C..po..;ldNL: n......, 'lit ,.,._ rfOIII JO o 10 1;)4 1e ,,. 1010 100. 1\c rv
tM Mr-fidl ... 110 90 Fc-}(1\ N&) f1l 0.7S: fttw 0..15 ._ tlip ......... _. tk 7Y
........ ..... ......
OlttJaplsldoc _, sr-tnk ftc* _IIG,.)&ec 'J ..._,
utlnd-. Oio-ifii'CIMit - pMra liMe tiM -lt'flk twl 011 {KIO}; .-w 1ft kllll:
l l'l f!IOIMt u d atOU n: IM imp\cl 1)1)1'. The pollnw ot eu-lftPO!Iol" 111150 d.stbl""''* '' ttoffl lf'lt:ff!OMt
Cwm.-iiiJlOIIdC: is t'OmMOII'T IMCtpOMI will! petfl IKH'nbkfldo WlCI bo(ll llll.j'lllll:rolot ..,. <OI'IIUI IIIIICBM. ot tllei
04Mr .._.... IN -C!Mcd tf!P"l'dlliddy 10 ucJ It tWM 1ft: pmol:ll, IIIey IM7' I
.,.,,..., ..... P"'k.nl.
_, oocw ,....... _.. ,.. fOCb. Or=m c: c .-,
-.c,.,c.-. ..... .,.. ...,.....,... ..t.c -...... fOC'b. o-r.or - ..... ... ,..

"'" .)1.46,47)

. .,.,..,
f"t ll).lO
J ,611'9
t :fkl Ot\kr tt:d

c.- 6Ddl
........... '"q
Cl..,"lliooJ s.
11101 ,ooos

r n'tol"'tM1;1'Ct
Morpbol:.a;y: 10
C ... WIUI tWMil'tt'-- d ft 60f MJ, dtc (okJr .. ("* "'*""- 11o "'""- _, IlK
.._._ ....
l)btlap ..... Ptoptrtlrs: 1-. ....... a ........... t.- ( JU II ll7 otJ ........... "11'-
111-opk - .,.; IICM WI .. ..__ P*'IC d.tl'..nolli 10 f..-
ftonr,bkJIO( l.lld opuul PI'OpCI'tlU "* from UW: - _.,...,._ 10 llilt Ia JCMI'II,
....oa bclfOIM l.lrccr ..,t h IICftMiftll 1m-m. .. lO Ckll"'u.
Ckaa.r'I"'C'C 1 I'Uirw'IC'f eo tow JftOI tOCU.
............. _
IIORNBLEI<D (No.OO.,,C.,C>41'<AI)sf(SIAJ>,0
(l\I .. .)Wl' N.\t.,
... _ .....
........... _
Sdd lgssrLQ*v
, l.,.,
...... -.
l'kodl.rci&a a.-,.
pt.,., to,.,.,.
, ....
( 110) piOI (IIOl"CiiO. 541

M orpholoc:r. 1')1IOcdy to.... """pla Of pnlffllltiC
lf'IIIM 1ft mtlt.otphit roda, COMIIIOrll)' f.:)nnl pflc-.on'Y'IJ
ue WW.f ,n.- ._ ....... tOCb: IMM priMa 41!1Mt
IN: d-. 1i11 tcSW .odll _, -...,. .. ..&: IOdll.
liM_..... ,. '. .. illlllr--- .. Mlit I'Cicb
., ..., '"*' ....... .... ......... Ol'lfiJ
,..., ..- ... '-'niL lo4l lllotflt ...
aiUIA4 IOtb bot'lll>kJtdc COIIIiii'IOIIIj l!'>"'laltuoa
lt.lt III'ICI polldladWiy tlldofcl
locftlk lllld lllhM .0 ittdl
C..posltiM: c::c.... ..
Wid l'Wt
.,.na.oe iiMIItwct lhc ....tmalvltOn ot NM1,. lot M.cSij
F'tSir .. *" b)' <fflf*riac * rorm..W o1 ti"U!Mlttll
... ...
$..4.o.-..ro M$ .'IL
AlleS AJ- l AIJ
IWoJ s. Ill 2 A1:
ftm r f1i*
""'' '" ""JICM'e & 1o0 tonn 1r11 -.ne.rc r!'OedutW ('01111,.,_., NtCa:<MJ.F.: lj.INSI,OuKOH.flr
"" AW an ttpla Ma;Si ro ron. a f'OMpoemt

N lk uu*" :,t oa.t ..,..,. .,.- ....,_ - .,... .,. COIIIIUII
._,. !'\ h.,..w e ""' rv fll -,. 10. .., '**- fl De "-'Y ....,_.. .._ ..,. u.
-no1 Uw lliOO"U ...,. be c:lc:ady ..... ,.,. tk " ...,. .....,_ nw 2'V oii('J'C-.a to
f(l 1M UW.ft ec.roe. po611Nt oft ,.IJ.A'IIIC.
Hontblt'ack ftWINJold .... ht .-ood! ot 1k oroa Ft-, _, 0 .o- d tk
te. ,_, .. ..._.. ., ......... .............. , ... ,...""*--
..._,n.ulilr )"ttC- eo _._P brOoo-a tNol 'OIDr lc-n'IC' ,.._ b!.ol fb
Nll'lltC.tlrii.I,_.Uiillt f'C*!CIIt, 1)16llfii'IIIM4 ffOI'II e...w.ii_.IIOmblelllk ..,.4,.pttwOD-r >b WI l:Utwtllc,
t ""' toa .. MtWIIIt ittomlltO!l Ul t ! ... h..c rU lf.ltor.11!. NC.r!rot"fcFc-)1i("7S.,o
-- '"' - '* 1a ooes ...,. ..,.. n- C!:lek* .._...
.....,..eoc... .. '"' -on e. -... ....._ ,..,..,...w ,_
ton .._ -,. :V......mf'O'IlJ11; -.,., \lc-,..1111: _, .,__. looftilllkHc t6C. I.Ac b<tNit.
"-""""'" fQ l lbohM lOeb
Ob1l1ubbloa Propt"rtJ: eo.- llombkllik CMOIOI oc- "" opo f10111 ....,.,.,, llomtlk1141
.._, ,... lupn .. _.., 2\1 ..,...,.....,.. r.o. -
,._., khft_
0cn:I'T'tOC't': a OM d. lllc: _,. f'Ol'\.-_1 !IIIIM,....._ OM 01 tile: e._,ot oii(.I'Q 111
.. fot l!piCOW IOCb tlc 1111pl11bolnc- f.n h Uw _,II lrnoi'!I;IIJICkll' IMBI 111 ... ..,..
Ulr !UI!nc ancJ lloc: Uot-IJIIt Mel 1.ntl'" UC .,.,....,_, .. I IUioo- 1'01\f.-

, '
- '
, .
, .
.. .
,. I
"' I
,. I
,. I
,... .
,. .
.. .
,. .

Jtdrwdw ltdoes
lV &!:.Wtklft
8$!!d IIIREf, Olio
t 1.61LM
t 1.63-1.61
... _, ...
(UO} SQOd (UO)"{tfO)S8 6
Morpbolocr. Prill!Miic ar mum.au fGftptu.
Compositloo: Tho fonnul.l ct an be. dc:riootd f101a IbM: or IROIIOiilc by NA lot Ca M
beJulcc: bJ p.:ina Ma wilh Al T )'fblly .omo M&citv.u ror roc..,
ObLio:guilibl.ac Prof)frtle1: BluiiJI pkodln)Dm d#liflrlibct ff'01l 01bu miot.nlt. Rkbcdilc iJ
lbc> """ it ..... ,. 7.V lnd d ka&th taA.
OcauTt3CC: it fon'IK4 <lurift.C M lOW 1Dd IU#I preauru. II ia
OCM'n.otlly widl rintnll bWf!OnitC: tllil M<kmb&aJc 1M; Ktltst bdu. 8ca---
ol tk blue 001 or coen 111 flAM f9tdjJW .. cbtl mlac.Nl t'OIIIJ!IOflty kJ *'
to tllcm with FCQI(hlil:u.. -t.kb (!Qft.lllllfl diiOntc, ep14ote. IICtlftOIIu-.
"""'{,l ... O,J(OII,Fl,
(IM 36)
R.dfkt.M ll<kx lV
Itt lid lneuf. Cof?r
l IAS.l..'XI
'f IJ.6.t.71 JI1IY bUll nwatcd
lcnpll r.t
,_ 1.61-1.12
"" '"'""'"'
"' .....
l'kS!m!S!!t'l'l Q! .. 1:5

.llO)"'(tiO) S6 .. drt;epbh.c (IIO.p.lOCI
tll""ll ..
Morpholc:gy: P',._ue 10 fJbi'QUS.._


R.tplaIMel ol Ct by Na it (OI.Ipk4 ..,th Wibwt WIIOII for
Proptrtks: 1llc blue: 10 Jl'" plttttolun ot ncbcdiu 11 ft0t11 Olllu
Toul'IN.lM" vn..wal aCid llocb tw pakr t.malkr lV, H4
Ou rTtnet:: Rltb<:dltc ill Nal"'li':ll tc:biC" 'JC<-cO..S roeb
Kttr.nlw IMto


lt!td, 9'+'!
U1 ...
, ..,...,.
1 IA11Al
... -. .....
Dl:ssbm:llaa 61111! llliDIIIIIf
1'101 .......
( MIO) "'"1 FOd > ...
{0011- >
MorphOIOCT- Ckac,_.,. ff)ms uhcdnl grcptcs, b111 Ulbukr(r)"ldOO lonn 111 vc:ICII.
c .. ,.tuoo: ..... otSf .... a.....,.....-.. .,.. r.cwea.
Ou.l'ftiHr. TN -.111 -.odrc ot n.ponlot Nur !lc t:.nll) it tc to aiU:r 10
I)'J"IIM tilt e0d<11011 ot ,...cr. It aa.o fOrnlt ill b1it here 100 b 10 "' Mlttc4 Ot
ahoruMr, ac.Yi,_ 0111y Wb11tu
. .. ,
o ta\.I.T

ln!srf cmsr
0 00)
....... ,'""
\1.,..aac. it.., ..-. .. -'tt .,....... _...,. ,.._ Idle .--. _, ....,..,
I'O(b ,_.. _, fl &wl"""") f,JIN
( llw l"'oPPI It lifl UIC pi'Of'OMIIOM o( (Ill f 1111.1 Q. Ill hlt.l ni'C
UM .. P'"""'lt Cc, CU. """"Uhll<r fOt (;.a I W ptad- IWII _,Ill cl'tiUN
.. '''"'">I(' rio4w._
,...pn'C]a: '1\loc ...._ MriMp:M ......... ,.,._ _. lioCll llorf VI: CUftlfttNIIt of P"'*-
1k _,_, '-" "--It N ,..._ .._ "'**) t'PI:)M II m.t
.. ""'" 1111'1-fnnCUft. alcfll"ll ...,_ IMlt> .. tOII. .t.tld ,._ ..q ... ,., CIQI6
OtwmotT: Tile CW> Mft'lfltl r>NMJ "',.,,... folld til ,, " .. boQ..,..,.. ktUloOt)" ,...., IIPCO..
..,. ... ...,..... Mit totdi-Uf) IOtb lit. .... .,lf-.d _,.... "' lk .,.IWII!Ift el , t!W n- ,.
....... -----mru. .......... ... ....... lew. ...... tdwOOQ.









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, .
, .
" .
, .

, ....
.. ..,


..... _
J'!otd. C)!Rr
....... _
(001) pc:rf1

(tHO) 1004
......, .. ,
... ,., ... l ..
21on:ato .,..
Orlkld I n
==I t I ..... -- ,_.....,..,. .. ..,_., AMI** ..... _. ......,
... alaM.. .. ,o ..

a.ttMtM llldu
!Schd lotsrf f..*!r
c IJ6..160 pe"l .. l
o IJ&.-1.60
l A Of'IS( r poq>
knflll r ...
0 (0001. poor

M ......... l..ar)lt.....,..,.... _.e.... WTtt"c-..,.(0301)
C..,_adca: l.a.1p; llolol:6 lk MC tlftltWiilt fll ,.,,... eM -._,. fll .... -.. ,.. - tlouJ' ..,_
- .............. o.,... ...... .,...,...., .. 'OOMdJ-IIM.
Dbi.!Aplslla& Pr'Opc:rtla: Ttw. _, ..,,., - ; ,
11aJ4 ._ .,...,_ w _.
.....,. . .. '-cb.,...., 0.11l
Moll ki'J' .o-- tt pc:.-..111- Of \IM lUI' OMI ill ........ .... b .,_,
tt Ml')la MO KIUrila. 1M.,..,.,,.,_'*""-.... ,__.,. ......... ....,_
..... .,.. ....
"Ill liP ....
,.,.,_ Qtpr
.....,. ......
(IOi1) ptrfct1 1S

... _
.m-4nl unp 1. 'OCilla _, -.tKrc d _, ror-
c..,. ; S Pial ... fll Me. ...... octW /U ....... nhl. . . ..... f't:IMM .. ,.ft
DbtlilpbW.Ii& &n.. ...,,...... 1 0 $ hn CI'A I ffd fioM - .... ..
...,. ltolfd.,.._ .,. -wc- ,..._. w ......_. -*' ,.._ 1irJk _. ......... Ctbc .., ..._ oe
*' ,e ., d lk ... '-die pe..c.. 111 ......._ - a-a. lieD
........ '""' ...... (I( lk -....: .. lk ""'* ,...., l:tc .............. Mel tilt. <Of
IM ....... 1M pol)iSIOIP' tf (llri(M. - .... Ml a a onlilofh t
'll"'t'llt IM:p!-l\ cJ II ael# M oot,o. po<lf ......_ pudd
().kilt I ... llt,...l WI lotd..UU.I)' IIIUUO&'IC$, IUiblu., lt)'lltelt.bc"""" ""'M.
U.rtJOnt.ttc, and 4eutc.rir .ttmthOII pi'OO!Itt fll -nc tpt011to I'OC'b ,'he t.i11
ti'IJ')flilf, In p.:IIC(JpllaM wll.kla., bill II 1'-o O<I.G Mc:lllollbly t1 tlll"ffl l'OIM)tUOM Wl!c.n Jll'lp11t<
<1rp11la&ly, U for topk loll It aho Ollltt IMII\ .. e. filM MC'fu liliii!.J IIIII nnl lfl
""' "'""" a...
< ....
1 ..

lrrrt em
vtl)' ll!p ol'lkr
... ,

,,.,.,.. .. 010. 'oblorh" ... ,...,.,. -,.,.,... fn tlo OW
c .. ,_,u.oe: ..... _, C.. taa '*'"' '""" .... '4 "ncto - \11M "" Of ..,_ II'Oit _.JI(*
..,. llc..,. t.S..Ca bua ..atflk
PTofl('rtin: ...,.. u-"'- .. ot I ,,_
t Ntok p.t,.!ld .. .,.. , ............ ..,.. .......... of ... ...
.. ..... , .. O..OJO-t 11!0 t41Cf- ot ' "" Cit .... , ,.._,..
()((U'"D('r. ()M.tn "' w;:011M(fll.lt')' IMUtiKWp111C -lt>lct l l kl- Mt IIIM'nM4 .. 1C 01
Ill MG ti. Colli laiM,.I

, I

. '




- . '
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, I
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, .



( ........... )
a..-1 0 (.)
(NM 17-.10)
-l 001
W..a.we 1-'o
.. _
..... f!t!pf O*x

.... - (001) ct
'1 I.J7-t.67 low 151 Onltl
MOlt knCJ) ,_,

.... X(Z) =
- 010
t \oo
tptkpun COOl) pc::rft
Noll ._. w ....... ___ .,,..""' tub. N ...._ ,.,._, .11t1a1o011 fll
_.._,-nit II NTioM.' ,._
Compo!liUoo: Qlonle ir. fdiiMiy I!Wpui.lla t111t 11 an Mnlllln il1110911CI 01 f.'c. nd II 1\1
tNt )I C'!OftUfll &110 '4ty.- Ia mciAIIIOt'pllit f\'ICb di!Onolc tO k ...,._lin And 11-.nl.,..._ llw. forMt4 a.
*"'ktoe dt-tJIJOII 01 ftlt< 'IIJlC'&b --.. I'IJICb tO t.o \toll Ia powiYe. .,..
,. . .. s-nm ...... ""'"""- .........
ObthaplsbiJIC 111!c. -":, '*'"" f1C11t.. .,.. .. , pelion .. -.cry tow wer,_. ..
MOM tftf!U" iiiOt.tOfiC tncf mh)' cl.tllbtt bhc MCI bf'OWII ntc;rfer...-. COI<M5. Duput.On k. llfOIIC
(r<b). Supc:r.bfiO ifld.coca.lACU W ..ull (r>b) 10110 di:l.pr.ftiofl,
,.. fJI ..,. """' "* fOCb. MEl Ul4 ... J'ftftW' ..... ,__
t'M: ,_ dR CIOIOr ol .._ ...., .,c-*- It .._ ... wn -fir c-- IIOC'b.
Clillontc .. aiiO fiOII'IIIIIOit ..... ""'" plolln If .......... "'""" ... fiOOIMC ., ....- rocb. ..
(qn"M llydf'OIM"'tll'y t'O(b Nod I' -.o(illltd .,..S:IOit!ttl'll4a ON jtfpiU,

\4'1C tfU'7)
I'!J. J'l'l
1 l tt..L,_.

lnsrd ($
.__ (CIOJ}
4$.41 f(lOIJ r..

Mcwpbolocy. t._ .. , <co" IIOOJI',_ IIOIIofiC
.. I..Mdu rw...-.- 10011 ..... ,., ,....,.
OIOn!Oof """'11Wt.c4-.
-=, l
Obtlogul_di1Bl Propcrtln:
.... lllc !'-VIIIOIIJ
....., ............... .....
P'k<o(litof'OI'... WI ol pc-. IJ'I)', 1M biW. donolln!Yit, Uf'CNoflt !len
(11'-"'c .,.,P'I) tlool ctllofMuoll tdi'WVII't onchtu "' IIWtlito fl
tft'U-"' _.... .... ,....,.. bn-. abo ....c1l
........ ..........__
(NN 3Wl; Jl'r 19)
I %V
I! .
IW!f. ('ipty
x ua.a.s&
1 I.S:J.&.n
U).t ..
... __


OcrtMt OIOod .,..,.d fOIJI'JCiekrsr, .,.. PM t1a J' ' 'llrK k :
OlllllliM ....... r... ............. -- ....... d .. ... '1 ' ; ..:.- ., .. ........ .__.,
.... ......... -..
C...potldoe: MM ...-.._.* ot 1te cu ..u ,_,.. .n rcMncl4d eo to41ddl
Wu aa be. Pft!MIIt Ia .,...,. chucfll; II lk at low ""' a. allloM114 hOe CIOf'lkl'ilc --.. M
..,.._ IIUIIIplrD.'t-
Distlapk"'"' Prope:rtks: 0rft1r fmc 111 1 r .._,... thai a M 101'11_. tddt9tl. Ita fd'notdw
illdiii'JU 1M Utt.llat l'lrinalfiC "PP*' ldcMim 10 lliloM lft ptapoc!Mot. Thol l.ri61!1!.1W tOCIOt IWII!II "' (llalllattltdr
01 cvrdilriiC, Mel it II bd.tdct .,.,... f1kodl,rok Woct. MIJ bt. Pft'M .. ......W - M ill .......... ).
Cordle... IJPaltf --- ..., ..... .,....., .., - k .... ....... ... im: ... ,__.,. ... .-
to ""-' fc;Q,uy .... c( - NO ..... (liMe) o-ra. ,_IJ .... ., ,. ....... tlpft. ...
... .,_
0tturftDCr: A COIIIIIfi'IOII IIMIM!Owpbk ,..,... ia pdltlt roodca. I" Of:l:lUftM'f Ia f.lwot'llld by tow PfU'II,.. or ...
..,.,_,.._ 1t It tlwtdon .oft,_.,. lia fiOCb ..,__. 'J COIMCt - II' hi w ....... _..., ; = tow
It ... ,.... ""'* ..................... t.a. fOttl. "'*""'
I'OCb .., .... '"*die ... iOI,oflll.....O. ........ ..

Rdntt""' llt4u
O.f'Cftiii('CIIIC* ..........
&i!!!d ('eMf f'.Wnf!l!l
' I"
o I 7l ........


MOl ,......,..,. .._ t'fr'&llt .... ..,_ c:Oc1 -. IIIMII ,._ or J1WcL c.r-... 60 ... ftl filM
..,. W puk r ... lUI f/1 tW ,_ Of Uol 1"- MntOIIl, ....... N Mklfauft t'Oioft. Ma)' be 11"""1 1MII
_.."' ufl"lt4 fiC.nr;IOw brd,..,c-...
c.,_,uoo.: d _. .,... ., ... ,.. .,.,._ W't'J uo- -'knAII ...........

Oltllptaau.e f'roptr1in: U.p !did ..Xntt!y a. 111trf'ft.WM'e C'CIIIo!\. ,.,_.,_, (jJIIft:, Uld YMCtw ,..,.,_,,_,
{)rcftrftMC bJ ... "..,.-...,... COMiott - 1,._ ttl ...... fOCD .... " ..,. ... _., .....
.,... ...... ._, ,... .. .o- ..,.-:..- ... .... .. -*'t .,_. "'-' C'NKtl1 IIO!hld
, .
, .

, .
' I _.
,. I
,. I

,_ I
., .
... .
,. I



)I J.Tl-1
1 l.'f1.1.1l-
, 1,1l-1.8C

l pt.k )'C'I. &RU
'1 J!'CSIIiloll,-tllcw

Al OfSi.,O- IISiO KOU)
;:-- 2 7' ..
Bltdriii .... II(IC:
'"''" P:+x
(001 J pcffc:('t

Morpbol ;.gy: Mow eo.- snnuu but t0mc: 1otn c:so.:p.w tlonf;thsir b adf;,
Com.posi!Joa;: Sl.lb$1itutM. 01 AI b Fe:'" u..-. cpl<lolo 110 .,we iiiiO (we below); thil deerusa.
iu birdfiiiiC.CC 11111 ln61tt&.
Dbdngul$blog Propt'r1ia: Vc:rr ""*"' r.d variltllc: incctfc:-rc-. eolol\ art lka.-use
Cf)'SI<tlf. IIC dCiflpld: flltllld 1(1 b, Sf)UilS lf'C l;lol.h letlglll lfow IUid ktiJI.h C.t.
(I'Otfl 11ci.c: 11 wnloflc si11ik ptalld 10 the: lc:IICI)I d the ,_;.. by .....,;."' lbc optic fUM
perpc:tldicu:..r 10 tM: cluvltJC..
Qurftllce: Aft C:XllftM<!y C"'OI''motl fiiiiii:BI Ill fM<I1- cn<kl of f'C&I<Il ill IIISIImlfll(
{peout. rot1c1.. It also ocaus u deltlc:-nc I!!I'IIICD! 1ftd t!tk and ft'K'111tu Ill N:wlts.

RdJKt"''C llldU Oudttll 2\'
I!!!Yi, Coko' C'W'14ii!i2L
J Ui'f t?l
...,... . .,
y 1.67 1.72

r low btotlkr
Colo< 0CI'o'JI&:t


(001) j?(dtn 6S

- .... ..,

fOI'fi'IA t1t. donpte<S pan.lld 10 tlll p1on11kr aanpl4
Compo:$lliua: lUI alllfl'lin m-ncll. itoepoot cad -.mbu of 111c: M:fKI. At ll>t c:<1rrmc cllld of tile
on!IOfto<bW JlOII<;ic: fomu R.di'I('IJYt lolldlt<.l.. b-.A:fNI&'l.C. &110 :V of oMfttl4fll
itoa COtllCtl
Praptr1k!f: Ofoc of puur ot ( mohlo.t(, loti.,..UIIIU. chlonc 111a1 cdllt!o'-
bltoC oAittftl'rlltc: tolor\. h dlikr. (1'01!!11 IIIIClibiC 1!14 IG IJcllf!&: 1114 ,,_ dllofiiC by
fll ftll"'oC''I\'C olldliC'tL ChftOlOWtt romi!IOC'Oiy 0'111\ 1n lfUI' tll.lt an: lOIICCI lO JI'IOf'e U'Ofl l'ltll
c:omp(lt.IIOC:m aflll l'ftk)'t/lotrrf<>R: wru11011 111
OcturTncr. ol (loAOtQoMtc ,. Ukfll lllll) 1-M w- ., WI ol cJ'IdrO!c, OVtnl\C on ampfltoC.ou
h ftnlt"lal't)' -h eliot alttn.11011 of C:llclt J>IIJILuc:
PIEMONTITt C.,<>"' >...,> .AJ>,OI">0
(M>I ... <S)
T l.'I'S-141
l t.1t.oU3
III!Crf, Oe!c!r
{001) pc:dtct
Morpbolocr- eon..o..ty lew.. priPutlt a)toat5 p.,.,ld eo e..
ComposltJOD.: flonM aiOaid .ol11tioa Kries .-itb eomw
Dbtl4p.b.biDf ThG drikilll&: plo:ocluoiun diu.kllu a. ftOfll ocllu mhx.,.,
Ponu oo.oc:r diG u- fti"'JC ol <llbcr boll tu1nd1 eo
IOtb. Mdto dMtU. whidl fotM plemonl)ec. qvartr.itc.
.. 1..69-1.'79
y 1.10-LSI
1 UlolSl
tt.,... {001) poor
1 ,.c.llowull bi'OWJ
.,.n.lld ki!J(b
'lOw and r_,.

MorJobolocr. fonN Ullbby PNtN ..t<ll(b d\le CO til( IIXU.IIIKI tlK f!UDCnl
CompotJlJoo: Tbll CE-MI cptOok C'OI'ftMO!IIy (OI!Wna OO.Cr rut earth c-lcmcnb and Th U wtlidl. <Ill
n6ICWIIO'C-&:Q)',dQ:I.t'O)' lk IINtiii'C Ol tile lfiiiKRI. -..btt& 11 IIICWRia.
ObllCIJUbhlot Propertln: Opc!Ct! propcruc. _,. bf 4itrnU to obtan il til<: RI'OI'tJIY mcl.lfllG.
0'11\Ctid- ...,,. 160CI"'pt. f'k'-1(11( m.ay bf J'lfll'\lpol< from
b"""" -plltbok II)' 1 llnlk <klwwJl,. &pll'lll wllld! tbc: Cdlll<11011 Jl"...Ud ,.donpiCd pnt.
CkauTalet: Coei!IOfl en JTiaiiCJ. ,.eru&u.,MCI pcpa.utu; n (OiiGCS Ito It 1o0er ...- tfld C'OI'IUon

: ..

' .

. -

.. .

"' . _.
,. .
,. .
.. .

, -

"' -

1M ..... fOdl.-.... --
CMUI toe.b 1"My 'llNt d chm .._nt.W componc.flll.
a C. (Afto), a Na efld..Mtlllbet, AlbiM
(At!). lid K Onllc:ldMJ (Of). AJ ....
..,.....,_,_. ..... .... ......--u
..... IIIOIIIfll* .... ....... c:aa ""- _...... ...
... ... .. rA ... lcNirpuJ ... ...
... .... .., ... ..,. ""'7'
........... .......-. ......_... _...... "'"- --
,., AI kJo,rrooc_r tc:mp:I'Milftl 1 _. mildbitlll)t
pp Kparata N..- 1111 Krkh alld' tdch!lln. Mid unaU
al.abolll)' pp an: pNMII'II fn the p&apodaM. Mrlu.

.. ... ti'C
....... a l'tiiiJ'IItJOtL wflll:n: "- .,. ... 1 --- ..
_.. or _.., ..._ ... ona.ocs.c
tapttYdJ Be<.,.. tiM - or on..._
lla c*f*I-IJr Ofl(:t., fO '-NI,
ptapodut " In """' only or v
_,.,.,......,.. _."'.. (,...,laNd 10 it.
.,...u.,. ..uttt
n.t fl - II (s..N)O
.,,.,.,... '-led ,...., by s1uN& ol .. ..,... ... :
lfl whldl ... ..,. aft II
W\.tll C.. N1, Of K II;IM At 1tooP IC"'ff't-MYftl AI $1
fill IM IC:tlllllc:d:rlt ti'U 1llti4 lila are fi()C
.. tOtftCbl. and M )OwU ltftptl'lllllft.l ...e
*""'-lofl Cfo- 1M t4t'WftUtel. 10 '""'
""'* a. ... .,_.. ol - ...
_,. r-s.o. e1 c1 pw.- tNII .t.o fll .,.,.. n:Ccf'NOII
.. lkw JltWI .. tlil -. , ..
the tdeM1f'l ... icM fll Iii Qa lllfcw.MM
on tMit tunpc.ftll'llrn ot tomwtc.. '1111 t.
ltw WI IlK llblt (dJtp.t" 1.111! tltll'ft ot MkMIIJ
el Al *'lei S. 011 tctta.hf<dnl .UC:. n-. rucllly obM:!'llbk
.IQI .. tfc:---.
I( :ol
1 IJ18-I_m
1 UU.I..s:J

csrrt em
. .,
rufea iOIO) 1)0 fl
po;lOf t tOOt -u

r.cetRJ Optkal Pr-optrtaea A!blo ,,..,." ue rGiofttt.t '"'.- ht Oq _, 'f'Pt (tOvcS) '"" 0t
lll'\l'Ol'l 4uc 10 C!lettltOII 10 C'b) MoMNIL 1'My tU)' f<lnll <*4,.! '"tCIIf\141 uptwll)" M pktiOCI'J''" ,_
!I/'II<M.I' rctb. The-) 1110 OCC:tt& efllltdNI '" _.,. lrWIO!.U 1M f'O<'U 1 ...0 pt0ffllll411.
(tlrl""l" ""tKtt "' 1b0ut > T,-.11+111 '* 111 -- IF"Oill lUI! IW\n ot.
I Ill( lrdwt ltki:..fwo" .. de- tlld pcMMt r--Ib All Mloo be prg.clll lll lf11U11l 2Y (If IlK
-.. ..a -a --.-..c ...SC:ft!IC of lloc AI _, $o ._ tctno:kdtal .... ,,_, _. t'h
,..,.., ...._. ....,._. .., ,..,... ,..,..., ""'w""" lk ,..._.,... N .., $l. ..., t1r1c :"\' _. I
,.........., ...- ,.. rocu .. ._,.. ,._. rc '* .,.""" .._ ...,.. .. _....,
1\' k(CWIC::I ll!l'r eiUio klafH t11 ton#l-cW) IOtb M ._,. l\-
IIOIIIIIOpfiC'OWo an..lo (cltbP'n ''") o t., . ' rott. fllla.t c:uol .. t- ,..O;;cu lor-. el
0o11t '" , .. Otllct tnd a Nftnt4 to '" pcnMc or V<-rc.ll(lollo' Oft;
otMcM tilt -
"""''"" ... ... r"- ...,.. ... "" ....,.., now tonk tll.u 1M
twO ,.._ ff he *ltn< _,. ., ,.)'\. tkM ..,....."'"''\ <"f"ol'lllliot ltldl.poilft lit. .. _,., 1\

ORTltOCI.AS (DC s... S1) ~ 111 __.._ -..
... ll/llff ;v ..... ......... ~ ..... til
,.,. ...... ,.... dlc ~ ..... .. .....
tON. ~ 00.1,.., ~ o,,.... ......... .....
, ......... twcl ...... ~ - ~
C'OIIIt!hoe.M ot kW pfiiiOM 1 ~ nxb Wid .,...._
(aonu fiMtI!IO!plw fiXb.
MIC1t0C'LI::O.'" (N Sll wo ...mn.. ..._Mt d tk 1J
..... .. -. .... ~ .......
w.ciMif .... tao-a - ~ Aa.o. ..Kit ....
...... .. p ~ .-=.,. ... ...
.. :fdlec - n. .................. -:ftiOII
, ..... ~ Ml ~ ~ .... So-. -
lOilt'ifOdw -... t ur ~ U t U ~ ......,.
.,..._. ... u6 lacb '"' ....... ,._ 'ZV .,
--- . .., .. """' ........ ~ .. - ~
__!_ o ..
I ,
I I .... \
I ' '
j -
""'"""' '

~ .
- .

.. .
,. .
,. .
,. .
.. .

I'UCIOCW> "'4""'>0oJOoi..,..,0
1 Ull1JI:S
- <liCicol ..........
.. -
(cot) -JO
II 1M 111011. U.IIICMI .Wftll 1M ttw
e..itl'l mill. Co.np.Wo. YUb widely but (lfl be
....,_ . ,_..,
=-.... . ....,.... .. <' . .., ........
o.p..l lonMIIOn <M.t n-11p or canllllkw: ..s
.. l'Odilt fll YU'/ 4lill!kmll ..,..,..,..-. W I
..... ... """ .,.. WU"-- .. .-.
I'OCb. ... .. ron. ..... Atnc .... 011 ....
lfliloo61U ,... 116o (1(('11t, N.liiiJ " COMIIIOfl, Wltll
.... Ct!Ubtd twlft Nld
...... ..... ,....., .. _.. ; ,.. fO(b. ...
, ,. ... It ..-...tN. _. ......... --*- .-.
Cli'C ..... IIIUi!toft k u.b ftOI 10 (!On(tde
wldll q,..,,. lnterftttiCC eoloft vp to f11:.t
....... for - ... to pale t.,.. orclt-1 pr_Uow for
"""" .. ..... ... ... Ab-IIWII _.,.
....,...,..,Mpi.M ... """""OMS JIO'I'I""'--
o.t-. bdoftp 10 dl4
..... """ "'llifi'0""-1 --
ut ....... -* ..... f&tli'* ""*'
C"'OrrpCCMIIIOfltl IOI!ifllo lAd tb 1114 011a
., diontlt _, pMIOibclritlc fOII'Ipo&il.iollf. 101\l-c .... , be
,. Btaw """' .. '"'* a.dl6
c. --- ... CliMe .,..,.. -... OJG*
IMt ,... Ill -j.I(I'>IIOit (f'OIIII C'OfU 10 f'rOa.nc'll
n- . ,. "'""' ..., lA --'*r _..,. -.,.n ,......, !'hat aRc
- CltokW 011 .... 1'1111 t.ft' IOilol4
.................. lie'"'.
n. wtlidll taalllllifa lk po.UI .......
In I lrU, a biOWII .. o.nllttCH)' &OIIIfll, Altltooqtl 1011111&
.. - -- .. p&lopocllo..e.. .,.,.... tiMf
_....., ............
TM pc:r.l'fi'U II ... 111(11 l'O(b

.. ,
rona ,,. bck!w tiM IIUidb.UI)' p p tt.c N.onrn end ol u "' 1. :
tk tc:na. c-eiiMI)', """ ,., "' ''
.._ .1 1 ,,-....a ,_. QMOl .._ en ,.. IOC:b.
MorCOu, ,..podaM .. die Cl lldl ., 1111ot _.., pp
10 form epiOot( 11 klw '1ltt
cl pl.tJI!ut' bl ..... --ltMOrplrrolc I"'tb
._ ....,..... 1M eM ftl Uw. ac'* Moe
allrx ,..,)( ... - ,.,.... ... tiM: -=-
,_ II f'UCM4 I.J1ICOU' P'*&'or'- fCNM II IIUI'II)Cftr:.,_
MlcM 1M (ttld lllll (Ill .:low ('()OIII'fC <&II ckW-IOfl
t.r_ .._liM, __.. ert 1M lM ,..,.... M
lftdelor eeeor. AN .....-..o. a..etw.t aa .._ -
OIM;r .... ol ('OfnJ!Oiit... '"'" IMt .......
.._, Jlf'O'SIIhfl& tilt- nl'l\:lna tftd Jl'ff
A.,..._ ..... ol llfWl"UiM ":;
-' tMIUllft& All toeiiCitl All11.11l' plapon.t 11M
..,._ !dOd .... a liD MlYolll (R.I .. Jj)7). ?
... ....., d 'J'OOI" .... .,..., rd't11nf14 .on._ :
............... ,.
rdocf. IIIOft (IIQ - ;12.. IV+ ....
lfltlonM: lfldi(U t llola tfl<* of 4WIU.. I
.clllll ..,._ ..,.._ WWt-nli el tiM: Gc"IUIII- tM
-** .... bet ldoo> _, 1M -
CMt pwrliiM ..Ollie Mt kM tllu Mrov&

. -- -

. -
, .. ,
t " ol , . M tt tt -
lo! h rU "'WU 4 . .... ""' to.O-t
a..- ill tr\di!W lk ol '"' --.uu, no ...Cf'IC11(1rQ: UMI
1"*-''riz I'OU4111 1ppro01floi11Ciy - 4qru lew t.cb pcm.11t dwl!lp ia tiM: M ('0111-rll. ll!-. 1 '1-"lpll: _,,., ot
OciCrmiMnc 'nit <ttlllllftll.on iiMIIYu .-.nna ''- Olkfll.ttioo\ 01 lll4 o.-dintri.l Mllll .upen 110
(l)tl lo,p:lllflbie: ..-. WICII 1 ...... , ""'" tk ,.,... Orioe:III.NoOII ol tiM: lfldot.ftiN ua tie --IIPI, ....
......... ....... ,...,....._.........,. ...
........ ... ...... 10 .... dteK .. ( I) ..... jl I ... ._ tMt- ........ ..._ Of ll' M ... .
""C M dice 1 "fluooe d. ltlc - eo.ooeiJ' --l'llltSborra IN 4klcdled bdciW.
Ma.dmu-111 b.ti!Kiloo A.D&teln Seclious Normal to COlO} '"" ... " ...... ,., ,., -' ""
.$ett.loM ...... 10 (010} &1'1 tudiJy ldc..Jied ';/ aarilot ._ ltoe u.-.. lhCIIIAH u ohh
............ ....., ... ,_ '* - .... - ......
-. """ 1 .. '-- nt ..,_ """- (tiiO} a. w .,.. '
- ...._ . .,.,..., .... ._,._ .,..., .. ...., ...,_ _,
""" bMck ..c.t' ftOIMCI po;a."- TM IOHI} plaM - be: tbc .o
10 IIOI'IUI tO tile Kru(lll til poi!Wbk. C'MI be: Cllcckd in
ww rU ..,.. VMct h'cJl M.,nlflotbt,. '"" IbM ...,.;,. pt.1M -'ll ,.,
.,.... 10 llllft '*' - klr!JI ...._ .... f--' .. ,j-;--1 ..... -
....... ()110} ... .,..., 10 - ..._ u lk Mitt- ,
tDmln!I'J or-.1. dK ... - wil ....,. I ....... .. y, .# r--+--"
...., .... ... '-'lllw '"' IOCIU<I ,.,.... 110 ,... , ""J -1.--i.
(//noaWts). nllfft(11)' *KIIIIe4 ,.._. lllci ntiM'lfoll 0

lllaJc bc:twttll IM fut YlbntiCe 4iR:niOII MCI lbt1 {010) P,.IW. at .. ry"
IMkllled bf ,,. ..,. laMe'*-. __. Ia llot.ll w d llblu
'-'lilc. ., ..., .,.. ...... .. 1"'0 .. .. L",.,..." ..
....., be: .... It ..,. A" dow.. - c. "" Ul.ca. ....
v ,..,. MU .,. .,.. .-. r ,._ cr- .. ....cJf1UI..t .. k
v.ed 1'lle ...,_.1011 dl'tf1,oe. l.a ttt. "'11f .. -'1 by
tll111. tile: r 111 tile iiiiCJI(lUru. IWt oaly .K('( tll.tt
....,. lilt 1 llbnl108 O.rerdOft pu:t1lt.l 10 tile: 51ap oi '"'
wlic"*"'Pt Will .,.. lk -- c.dtllrliiOfl ...p: _, Cllkr
_._ .... ...... ll rt ..
.....,. to - ....... 1111 Oll'ftrul P- bdM tile
All be 1117 tt.NIIII)' Witll IW lll&k;,
IM fOtflpo6otlfM ol lloc pt.IIPCodM rt-41111 f!Om t:M. V'f*. 1'\o(l
't'll- a.tt ObCii!Mcl fot tn0 K'llor tllall An o111 , -.va
Nfi'K11C lftd.ca c:u Ill IIM'III II:) *-"',....., lk. ftlfliN1 .,._,
............... II ...,. ..,._. IOCb ,_ - nha
,..... f.o. llroc ......

t;:a.llncUon Anjl.le In StcUonJ Nonna11o 1010) nd 1001)
,,.. 1010) llld 1001) Doc .. be 10 lilt
w<tiM. n.. ,..... _ ., ... ......._. '*- (001 1 ... ._
d t..._ il 'ftiU'"o a ......, Mel u a mwty
.... lk .. ,.. ,._ '1lw hi- .... --
111W f- Y'ibnt.- /0. 111d the t CIIO) p&Mr 16 IM,..Oiftd
MI CO.j'II.111!1,1Qf1 rud fi"'WW Ill( ppll IKIYMIItiC ot tilt.&
ffiCIMw.l Oflly lfll need be IIW-N4 Sole '"'' for
Aile, .. M il> ._
t4t10) _, !WI ...... {0101 ... (GOI J
'" k ..__ IU
1M a- "'roa Mid IIIII ,... tk ......,_u,. f;fl!flnoOe
"JJe ll - Wlllll- (Oifti'OIIIOIII ''IINUO.
Ancks I Ct11hu itb Carbbld "d Albite "1'-tll.f
"""" IIJIItO'I' .....
t-. I ....., C........ - ta -'t CIIC -
P" t-o ..Ot,... d Ccd _,oCWI o. NM ol 1111t
( lrl""-d - "''lh louc I t\lllft,.....IIOII Ull tot dirtt""-llf
AJ !II lilt Ollie! fMlllodil. lilt jOIO) plllot II'IIIW be wnoul CI}WIIo
t114 tlboolt '" ._.,,,N 1A F'. 1"4 <111-J.l
,, lk 1$' p(M- ..... - ' "' - ......
('..,.,..,. - .. ...... (010) pwaad .. t:M fd- .. ...
... .... '-.!!Odi tloc Mill( f'Oior lid Ul: - ......
11&Ju llc'rwct I' ... (01()) N fll . .... ,.., ..
!II bC11 Mloa :rf lflc. C.IW:oW ,_,II Compc.outlll$ IN N.td from
lk IOCIJOOIIIIII II)' poll_, lfK ot I'WO ClltllnOO.
on tk 101WS (W'oU IW tile ......,.., oa ea.c ....,... "_..
ptapor'- .... ....
dlac - lilt .. .,..,... If t.W ,.. .,,._ ,_ ..
e ll.p IOIICI lt'l'liii'IMIO - 111c lor tile
llop .. IU1C WlicN t-<1 lol lllc cS.!, Hai.IIU
MU!illft.ft.W.I ot l'lftwtM (Ill bc!W(Coa I lilt fwQ
h ooot .. alw ... o- "''"-"''''
I" IIOIIMI "'''"'' ' ' ''-'''"' foololl t o oh
to oooo .... u ""I I I'W hte u f'- a.,
" . h - .... _,I ......... - lo
" -- - ., ... , .... = -
... ...... I ... , ., ........ - llt'O
0 Hll "U' ,4, - I , ltJ"t,, ...
! ....... ... ... - ,, ........... .
.. lfJC ;II(I.O"'fl'
, . .... :I' .
- Ji I'ZJ(.. ... . - . I' f \ .
.. ,..... -1- . ..
' \ . - '\'"
I. ""'
0 . '-._ - I





* "
.. .


, .
, "
.. .
.. .
,. .


MOilto'v .. --. ,..._ ...,. ,.. ""- ... ur n- ...,. ..-.. fOC'U ....
... *...__. "'dl.e ..,,, """'0 t ; ---
ObtJaav.Wlhac Proputks: u. '""' lowbl ..,." 01 ,., r11 111c '' ._ ti'OIIJ acpe...c
rthd It U iloti'Upic "'" C'C*Imo.1y fw pwol"ppe 'PQI' Mel tit. a. wltll M'*: ta_
<lYIT'tO: ecm..on. 111 111d u att.AQIY In 11011'10 1""1'", 'YC&''"' tlld
.,,_._ t)Uiila.
CAJU<ET t ......
("l.'ot ll..l:J)
JtcfDt'trt Wr 0*! &orrfiwWs Qrms M e
1 .,.... ra1...... e...,..,.. ..., l
MorpliMIIcc,r. SC. M4 ctp.t....,. nllec!ral '"' t\--oa captNly ,, tdMN. AAIIlcdlral
,_. ll't ... tlwy Mll'jndQtot 117 ... &r-d
urc:fWY't be,.,.,.. tou 111 aucrtl tbcy fdl """0 lf'I>UP.
lkfltNu\1 (In Ilk plUC-IICC: of 01, lwllloflllltll lkptna. Oil the tOII'IpolioiOOft ol tile f'OC't
Pyrott Mf,.\,l . .f\11),\ r1M plnl
k '' .AI Dttp rt4
Spu.inl.w \lr,AH"II'),I, Ri4 bltefl'llltell
(JI'Q5 .... rlllt l .AI

(uf"' J, ..,.u,
u-,.,...k '-
.-aklo!S "'l"rli'IIII{Nf:
....-.. ..,_
ObU..,.I.atliiC f'roopn1ks: n. kt - ._. n:!nronM -*' lloot"'f'W _.., ,.,_&, Wlilldl
- ...,... s:r-- c.- .,_... - ""' c..cp - dMiw ..... , Ct ...... art 4wl. w
n.c: c.-nca pnc- fOil' a-*t .,_ ftlion ..._. _... ...,... r........ - .. w
_... ......
Onu""*'f: 0.. 01 u. -. c-... -s ,_.., "' ""* '161'J ot _, "'.,.....
IIIMW!OQJifl( 1\1(\). fl(ll WI lllc .....,..,._ f'lo.ot .. t:fMJ Jin: ('OCI".fltOII ..
tfllt,_..: to pcllic 1114 -cit tpco. I'JCb Thl tom 01 .. llfn..l
10 k \Ar,.ndl Wolb W'n:ltlfl$ IMI""'-'rptw Jf*k ..C ""''" '"'".,."I rrt-" tk pyrop;
tflnnK.I. C.nrlt p!!K... rorm 111 nlfll,.._ I'OCb bolll cl 11111 toniAoCI oo.- Cra0111o
tlm\tm!llollf4 ,..,!11 ti\111\I!Kkl I'O('b IN)' ft)'ol llt.tt .tfntiiCbac. UIO k"lmC: l)'tfo!IU C'Oflt.tm I 11ntll "'JraociiiC
ln,....,. Uflltlanott M;uuk-clcn"'< Mch.4n llllr.lbellltq. (OfMIOIIIytooMtoll p)'f'OpC nttl f"mtl

"'" ''"" f...,
' 1$!
t IJ)
I IJ) bloN!cr .._
:v (1(-...
"" "'ni"'Y
5I fOIOi t'J"""' l
" f'J ,,...
(iliiJ ,,.
MIM'pt. .. .. fiO<U In""-"" .e I1U\ <!')" Lilt Mil 011 (OMJI
t'um))O)illun: l!uk fNfll t" f...wllwlol
Pro,wrtlt'j: l.ooo lid MJI"""' "'"" rof'o""' 1M 11 '"""
IIIII )'dAle C''7f't>IIM lllko Uf'OIII di\Pft\0011 (I) .. .
Otc'vmK"e Tl>c -"' OOifn-11 ..... Klltl!lcnt.tl) lmiii(DI Ql to'tp.otOIC llc'IC .. " _....,..
_..,h t PJdmt- II _,til liii!IUI<WI N1ollotlu l n.l,. n::mcnl 101 - ._...,. ... .,..,(\
1M ....
....."' ..... 'I 1.67 ..
2nd or4cr bhlt
C 100, puf4CI
C 10W(010) 90

,,... .....
(010, puf.n
,._...,.....,.,oW.M. s.. _..._..,e.- (101) , ,. --..-.
CoatposltJoo: 11M CIOII!.JIOdo. O.t t.u M of -ortiiiM. tlldc44. kACiftc oc
i JO(C)fM:ft 101.,"llll6.
Obti.QJUJsblft& Propertl1 lAWiiOflltt- tuembkt b11t Uocb tk
liM bc:ttu 1M tliwln chaotoislte u-c. 11M ""''1 stt'OII& diti)C"* (r > b)
0vl'1"tDft: tw. 11 lcptAilfM 1114 lip A ......,_ tvu.eu ol tc:Wta.
Morphology: e.4r.l )"etlil. _,__ "qo...l 600C k..,. a C'llblt Mel .,_.
fTJ\'1111. 011 toe*1J it te1r.p1l, 1fld r- a.mcltilt .. ckvcklp n wnon tl')"lll
Composllioa: lhlle *""''iM from 11 NIIIN)'c.:tnUin , .. llmount oC forK.
Obtiocvi.sblot Proswrtln: 1 .. n, Wndlu 1.,., tiOiropw C')'oll
0c.-nl'ftO<r. Ratnnft .r.a.a 10 IIIP'f .... ,.. ..xb wt1m to... h ill
..,.IIOOU') .._..._ .,UI .._,.,,_ 1t a .a.o .......... IIAollow .,_, "" kN CO"...., _,,_
................. lk to ,._ o( .,._._ .. ClftlloctiM. n.c.c: m.. ... ...oo:pl
0' "'
tknfoft ftkrM pw:..-......_


- -.




"' .
,.. .


MWUI'& (<>.No>,(<M ..... .sl)


. .,



Morpboloer. tlattclle'd (001). Ailo .-abcdat pU..

'J"b; pn.;pa1 willil dlt o""'"- UK: a11,


Mdihl u '"'"' ('OIIIp::lllltioM buwun dt.mlaniac: 1114 &'l'lliMIU. are. tommon in mc1a...orpbowd illlpUte
dokWnita. Ntlik les-111 fpcow. tQtU (Ontain I C"'OIJJdel'lbk proponioft ol IWIC11II11e.
DlsUnpbhJng Properties: All _J,Iiws "- IQW (eulalu, bt &JW)') t.nd re
Oc.hk.usc..ridl vtnetial an oe:ptM_ wlluc akcMNonbe.ricll OtW are p:w;itM. Tbe &a.ncc '""" MptM to pcl'idYC
omr" 1pprood1Mtcly hlolt "Y tlii'QU.P, lllil wt!u. laccm.cdiau. lftUflben tll<tdOft al..a irotropk lllld tMw
bl"' '"" brown. lntul'e:RIII:lt <01o1s. Mdlliu '"*' DCpllc1inc, rill which il if, C'Oiflmoftly
by m\ldrr. hlallu liM lw:UJOMI crua ttioN and doa Mil ddlbic n!OINklut
in-rl'ctell co5on. Mc.lih.cc 0('(\1" oely !. toeb with low silk.. IM'Y. For -splc:, ic ia _,
bloiC ill 'With ncpllotliM; It doe$- 0'\\t <ooitb 5pMM,lwl lt csoa with pct'IMkiiG.
()c'('urrtntt: Mdilltu bttwf!Cil cc-Mcnif.c and atumukc tte fOIIUitlleru cl mc:ta1110rpi\Qioc4
imJ'IUR' ciOI<'IIIik.. l)ley may be: ...odlt<4 illl mo.lcdhtc
4iopick, c>.' (O(It(.ntc. a'-0 OC<\Itl "'
lli&blf al:bJiiiC iplc:-rod:!., -tN: iC a antOUit1 II( .ocla !Dfllihcc.
arc P ,.... cc.pc:UiioMl ,.. ot lOCI f'O(b, and tMy reo ubk <Mt
,... 01 lclllJM:rahiiU flfld 'Their pcrUa _.. ttuwse. wtlldl ('OMoCQWn l.tlt allctu
ol IUik< (SiAI)0
IUrthc-dB. mlkQ lk 01K 01 the 01 10 kktltilt7 ill bOth Mad tpUIIIMII
111d 111 Ua Mttio&.
MICU (all bo dio11kd kltO t-o $1/bpoupa. ditahoccral &lid 00 lbt bAld of lhe IIV.mbu ol'
tile tcuah<RI k7t-n. Tbc mitu t,.,...lcltt (l('tallcdrsl (-""'
.-.LN-) aiMS tbc t.nWW<ral "*'- MC. 4M.klll ioaf (mtotiiJy Ill"' ('llltp- balafl('t.. MotU art
CMCMIO\IIf p:uu.ovm-bc.lnft$ but io the OfiQ *)me 1M1f wb&ht11k for potll&>""' .-.
mboribillty pp KptflltU Kdt\1&-bc:lr.ll frOm lt.c euc:otll!ly tOdi .flltnfl, d...ocgMdNI fl!oiC'I plflltofli!t.
1a tile lri-onlbtdral mlev compktc lObei tOhotiOCI u:. IMr-o the Ml 1- fte end lllellll)tl$ ot tlw; WI'IU. In boll!
t!K 4,. anC K ('loll be re-plt<ccl by C. 10 tom 1M rarct bmtlt lalCU IM-Ipnk 1116 do111011iu

MJQI a:IICI unpflibek6 (ONI the t-<t il!llpOirUnt Jl'O'IP' ol n,a- tod;.form.fl( m.oncralt.- MICM t.rt tablt a
"AJ'C Of rllan af'lc fOI'fl'lll& dMnc Wlcli-.nl.lry roc:b and llifpptf
m.111k pcrt601.ilca. AIUIO..,I' !.he dt- .. 'let !NeM both t'OI'II.Ii:a tile dt-nbcdrtJ - "- II;
lhc Of a!hiiL l).ull(l(ltll 11111t11:1 l.l'!t 1.11w mo WI --nell rocb. .. fot
c..a11J91c. It tile IMI& 1r1111enl i8 MOll tc.- 10 n-9C-11G. M_,.( aa.o ocntn ifl -II)' JI'Niti.CI
AJ ii ill UC'UI CMt &IUIII. 1\c: 01 1ac.c loftMtCI l<ktl)' II!Mif\oU lbc UKOtponttOa of I lllp.tllc.al
MO!IIIl o/ pclt11C n)(b. Boolitc il allo C'Omi!IOCI .. loftllltc:t &116 _,lit'/ IIIUatfiOI?IIoc mrtl, bill .C don; Mil
UCCU 01 Ina lot 114 klnu-11011, Ooololc 1 toll!- OOI'IIlol'll<l d alUIIM IMfK lptoo.la ii'OCb. l.ncl tr1 toe1e: tell)'
fOfWI TIK Ml"ndl "11ntly, tolll*>llly WI 1111l'blu '*' " a pnfiOIP&l toNIJiwt.al ol
the r<K:t bmbcrl,tc, "' -tlltfl. f(M,!.O.
('DUI. ll,ll,.ll)

, us.u1
tOOJ) -pt;rdd
,. ...... &:1
001, ..._
, ,,. .62 .... ,.._,

_, ...
)' ptk
1001) Pfote
Morpbolccr. ""'- ubottat .... 11111... 1 COOl); theM -.y be o.- a ...,_, Ca
--ooN..,. ... fN'II- tMf ... ciOllplilel ,_,.. IIOIIIc C" ......
... .... ct< .... - 1M ... ....,. .. (- ClfClO
s- """ ...._ ....., ,...., 1 .t -. * .,, 'rl ..,.. _,
.... A I = - ot ,.,.... ...... ca.utltt
'm=t "' ....... of Me ., "'" for N ...
'kw..CIOCKC ............
OIIJQCDidllq hoptrtM$: &rMlt ... "" .... blrrl,.,.t. UM"I.tltl)> ,. .. lltl C.ll:bllt'tiOfl ....
.. eMf dcavtrp tOCll) - Tlw dareniiOfl a slow -'1 llw
UO.ll tt uUariioll, <J0111cll ft dWII(Unwlt of Jl11 the .-c.. \\'he.. I'OUit-6 110 Cdil'floOil tlw plll
IIIW)ttW 01 failut 01 J!OCt to p to utt1K110f1. II l"ttof.mblu IM -oo4 ._ .m.pk.
l)iro\114 60tliOM Nl f'l:rdcl to .001) 11.,.. wtll """" <loo7. (bt o!Ou nu111y wtl!te) an4 C'Oa'!pkldy Wl
MMt of csu .... ,_ t)lcy lj'lpt.llt IO bt ol tompklcly thtfcl'fl millc:ra.l from llrlit II'WM"<Mit lf'lliM ""'' omnw:4
10 at to IlK h 11 1lrlc.M bllwl tMt o;cry b"ccuu l'lcvrt wull ..ocMomat.c
linp Tll$ :Z\' Of IIOn'nal bollt 4J 11114 .,.II Mtft.WIIC Wl l('.l t'QIIICIII l'le 2V to U bw ., lj ofl
pllcftt)lt n. II. "il .._ IJio lV ot 1110a1 ""lea b. _.,. ('QMick Mly tt. t'\all U
Ottu'"orr. A CVCIM!twlll fill pelitiC .nr..b 1-.:1 ..,_ 10 _..,. "'** r.1 ,....,, -!.M!Ctpll- t
.,., _ _,..._, , _,..,.............,,,.n _ .. _.. .. .,...., ...
.. nt..,.ea(001)
c .... ,.Jt. AI atp ,.,...._ tM -t .. :o-:; ef t)C AI
.. -. .... nott_ tf pPf(llldoU .........._., U. ........
ObdeJVbhh:c Propmtn.:
-'f opu;al
M 11M 1 -II :v
'Wrt'oi"'oof (WIIIotai IU"""" ,..I'JOIOIIM CVWM lot Hl#lp&IIH l,;w teNd t.- -
Tllt 1\' 011 M<l'l Jllf'IPMIIIIC' ,._ lolllolllcl , .... tMI ol fii"""""""U, ..,, -..roo."Mc
<kcvrTttK"r. r,,.P'"( ott'v" ..,,, MlllOfOol'ltt crorc-M(h.u f'(l(\.l h """)' M MO" .,. ..
f"t'tlllly tia-.c. 01. lhC' Clltfltllk)' Of ChUoiiP"IIIftJ Ill Of'lol'ltl)' f'OIII IIIIIW\l>'ll. Wttll
mttf!IOtPIIIC" p;.k .,.,.tOM( '"' lktvw: c Itt tiM .OO.:IIO.,nt of
1M twO I!IIINrUt. (lo',.p.11( dt.eppun al 1 ,.._ tly til( Wo((Mt(
(001. pt:dt
)f, ' ri-
Morpbo1ecr. c::o.-o.., octurJ "'CttofOf'R'Mid uw.r a)'Uit ill ptlillt ..- * '* .. ,
pill!*' IOI:b trJ!I'' .. "" ._ .., " ......_ t. ..,. &1brraiM fOdtll,. ...,..., hc .,.., ..... 11 _,
C..P'O'ft ...._ -.,.r: w1i1k1J 11a m-. , t ..... 1M ._ t t, s.,. ')ale rq ._ P. .., AJ for Si.. .-
* ... .- ,...,.. ..,..IMJO!! d trMk .. (l't"', AI) ... * ..._ s .. ,. ., n
a.n.Mclt$ Op,.... 1M Fe-..,,.'' P'C'flL 'I'M ...._6$ o
Oilltlopbltftl, Prope:rtlt'$: cM!ty 41ittinpillloo boy cotor 1114 tOOl) ancs lllp
bird't'lfiiU'IIf't 1M Uhflttlo. p.,_,kf to {001), l'M Qfll)' fiii6Cftl ratffll*lll btoi.!IC lA. llonbltlldol;
b!Otolt from ll Ill 0.1)' (1M (It' .... ._ dii'CC'II()fl, IIC.&tlf ..... lid ut11td011, Uod I U!Pfllod IPf'Ut'M ill
1M rn...UO. poliU. U l!ooi"CR)'t t(.dlilft, ..... tl ollll diC t*8l.
0. of lk ... , -- "' * fO(l: ...... _.._ ll CIICnft .......... '"UJ' ... ...,._
..,_ jAw P-* pdd' Kids.
__,. _, M ..._ ...,.. kv I ._ __. II ...,.
--- tl roc\t ., ........ Jl....o41:1 ..... 6orila.;. ... - ..,.....
r. .... ..tor .,_.. tocb .. '* err...,. .....ort ,._. ......,., __ ., ..._ ....,
1M iiiMIIIM p-. t. ,.,_. ....... .....,nt 4ilca ( -- k.-.&a. tliiOifc) .IIOIIM lorW
lMt Nve 1 1011..0W (10ft; tiiii'I'On4JIIil b)' 1 u-cf1 nm. ..... !)' .,...._, ""'*- omon
ln b.tlcr11M :-
.., __
llct!d lprsrf '*'
1 Ulol.st
..... .,
iOOI) 0'
1 ....
(001) &tow
,_ LS6-L64 lNt..Wwekr
ns,xt,.,.. Qmm
... ..,.,
Morpbolov;y. Th.rt t.tbll._, tt
Coal posllloo: N1pcw- uO fti(.II!Oot-t o/lllf; tn<AMGI!d I'I'IOIV _.., ft:Mrinc.d 10 __. -.Ill > 1-
P'roprrlits: r.- lllf....,, :v.,...
Ot<Wii*-1': 'l'-- e:wac' ....., " n an ...
...... u, a .._ cw. :...., -a ao1rr11w ... M;:J u -
I'OC-.,. ..,....., lhltlk It ...,. _,or 111M&-_... til tllc pourte til .._,.,...
.. _ .....
Bird ...
.. .,

us ...

(ODIJ pclhft I.Z

,._ ...
,......,....,,.,, .-... u,.... .-.- .., tOtO}, ""*"IIIC tMoWW. '"" nM-..,..IMCI
O,.Uit...,. ..
CoJIO'Itloa: Vriullnlc ,,.,. 121o tw.11S..
Dhdnavbhloc Properties: mwhe 114 .,.,., w, lV.
lotro.pcloe: pel!-. 1114 I IIU'IIt.a. ot ftldiriplt, Wflere: ill ClOIIIti\QIIIIy
.ori.ltul .... qo.am.

(l\4 U)
"' -
l)wi'!M Or-.., Ned
OniMM'-; Tb:t
Morpbohtq: Colorka wl 11w ... me Wrt a. tiiOM ol l.n vlloOtNivtttt" 1!hhM tJII<W rorlu.
1fld k ('afl fona pi'ICN!C'fY'!i. MOft commonly h fonM nMdtal pilu WJI\ tt.+rvln& hiKd ..,th 4rtt
lllctlltiOII, pt"NtKII. le hipotunpenuttt ot fonn' JTinllor Flint
Com po&llloe: N.,. C!OIIlai11. --.b llllOIHM o1 f't. "'"
Pr.ptnitl:. U.oe.r ,._ IIJIII as.;t ppcr 1*1111161 U!Ntr pot.n.
...... --...a,.. M5 ..,.. "'"'..,."" o,.. ..... ot ,.,.,"".,... .,. ,....,.. lht -tOooot
.. UIOic: d.._ 4lll
0ttvrYTIIft: Ia rods .. dtoM ._ .,..,..,..,. wa 111 40cs ...
otNf - ... ........... . c:-- ...
... .......... .
.. ... AtSi0,1
u .........
I ........
(IM U.1)

"lin' CQ!S1
fA!gr Ouag
t IJ).J$4

o IJ.).IJ..S
b: ofllllc.r 1"''1' Jlf'I*!MIII
M""*t' ,..,..., ... ... Nntf'C"W
.,f'C...._ c- (kr lk) ""' waiOIWIII ec ,.,.. .., lk c - t.. IIUI!'It a:W.
.. ,_.... ,b, ....., fiDfU.. ..,.,.._ 111M _, r._ ...... llw tAip -.,.c-.s .,
c .. No.t .,.,a.c -- .,,. 'mtloll) - tcw tooft) """ .... - ,., .uw ... ,. ...
.._..,._,.,vrc .te:f'k.,_ na ........,. ...,.. .t tiM: K uo-..eocr, tMioMr ......., wW 1
"""" .,... ._. ....._..._. pkto.c, ""' 4oel Jot. .._,.._,.. nN ---.r IOl'\a.
114 ... -MOii..,...4 n'llll._ ""?' IIIICic
Obclnplhh-a F'rQPtf'lkt:: t.o-. low Nhd. HOod wn.._....l uM a.R" dW-fW'.tfl:loltt
Ut-..c 01 lOt' tJ!rt(nntfnn. II Jf1U 111to t1Wlo0fll """If an4 wflcfl IOI.tlty blac' tci!MIOIIII) cdltb.l.l b<npl
b1nfn11pllt 1!1K. l l'r .... pN4oion oiiiC'piMiilrlc.
Ck:t-lfn"C"'('t'; A -.IICnl M lo.hf.t wfldcR.tlttnlfll fOfU A INJO' rofiU+IIIIC'fl cf MpllcM i.)UoiC tlloS Ooo"
M l fi'Owlll;o lllll(pl!c!l;llc 1'!11 ....,_..111(' CllfitM>kJII bM.I!IC

. '





-- I
, I



A nunbcr ol com-. IC!C.'IeUOI)' miM!dJ ' " lcklllil"olioa cu
bo &Nl -"'" wruiaty oely Ia potiUtd tealoN 11!1du rclkettd IIebe.. G!W MOtpttOIOQ NMt auodak.S noo.op.,._
ptOdutU .., kf0 110 diftiapia - of thue eiftc.tak Ill lftMII'IllbS ""L Pdilhcd lllifl IIOCIIOfl& IN>
-.cf11l ben'* lllcy f'Crtl'lil c::of11i61,1ioG of boiJI Md -optiCIVC: miamlla i rdkcttd atteJ l tiMm._WS liaJI&. 1"M
I tile IIIOU .,,.. opcic'll for iduli!yinc 1M comoon opiCl\ICt incniL Molt ot tbek
"*'" fi&ttf. but 10111e ....., be cftJrl '"'' t.n.milud llpt.
Ueder ft:tlk6 liP rwo dlc color ot dill miacnt Uld wbelllu It il lioltoplc oc .,.iaoc pctt1)'
...,.,.. tiM .Un"ll fat Jk_ lclellthy ..... ..,;......... '1lw.. ,..,.,... ()( '"''"""""' _,.,.. llaJ!
-df Jrlr Ott t'ft.U'!, Willi VC"CpliOat. IlK r;ny onu are cxd6a tnd 1M cum Mill'lcle&. 'flits doMint"tiotl
cu _.rae. bc ...till an Ofllliii"'Y 111io l<iin bJ illuatiutinc it obliquely !rom tboo>c. Dotb poupa mnuin cuble
u6 IIIW.Nk. wllidl cu - by IIKir rdloctlc. anilolr:opiall. that .-ltll
lip&. tbe: pokriuB ate MICiouc4 1t7 I few (10 fl"'lllll liCfll lb""Cfii ltJc. 10 .W: tbo
odM.I ol J7li- IM!lropkm Of' Is fudcod on the baJil <( in <*'" Of briS)Iuao:t tadloe:t
1111011 00 l)Cal Rt .. IM: hatdec of piM Oil be by the rttld 011 llle poliaa..ed It p111
af'e Ia$ efOUcb lkir lwdow u.n be. t.bc:d:cd b)' uyinc to scr.tdl tllun wil a needLe.
Mioc:Al f!orpwlt Brlluttrity

>itmc:Gilc: bottopk
v,.,-, bfOtrtlllif.llll < <llcl'oMite
6 P 0.1110f117 'orms ocuhedtL May
eototl l&!'Mru.t ot ll#lelllle,
or Krcyntlc.

"" ...
(l. 0-02)
Onyis.h b10101t .-ith
pllllish Of vW:Iitl
c < bocr"OI* a

cm.ptlcc SctOl'ICfy U
< <hot-ltc.
miJMUtc St iOI'I"Y 1-.2
>i!muhc Aaitotroroc
bouopir "
0 1)(-.cp b..,_ia UVU.Iallte<i
fi&hl. ocnhedra.
F.O tleop>MI plat"- bd sn
tt1'"mo1te<i 5&'1t 011.
0 He.dCOftAI rtu. Deep II\
tn_.;mCitC'IJ Ji$fll oct VC')' Chill
or km;nik. J\1140 1(1
'"'""'c To-*
A lk,dpuJplatU Poi.Wuoilh
u. W"ty A fOliC
C Deep f'l'dll.sll bm-1l C'Oior Ill
bpi i 110)
deiVil't flt'Oil\U'ICM.
2,6 0 PoloW.-1 UAI!)' bill ofltf\ hM
K"Ntctlcs. lli:lf'l'mclysol'l
ctuva,cc .,,...,.,.
Ydlooonll w!litc U"IRIIKIJ
. .,..,
..,til p:nltiaJr. < pynu
blOWn lUll
W'hiK ""lh tn"" or pyn1c
......... Ill .. ,
lt. fotahu ...,,11 d41'!CIIIty
"" """'*"""" '"'
{omu.. 1\ltcn. 10 lalnoii1K
(). fulu;hu c.uily Sbowl )'t-liCM',
ttUil, ndbiY< ,.,,.x,
C1'Cifo5ed poll"- Allen rud.o!y
F Yctklw, &rll, tt>O
l.ti!!Witar VCfl' comfttOil

OMonc '
(N SoU. MN1U6)
lltOu Outfrin&tnR zv,

..... Ma tc .....
....... ....... .._
' &Mol.,
... "'

bs"'IUiidm. Os:ma AN2c

(OIOl poor (OIOr{IOO)
,.oo, poor

MOII"DDIolocy. Cofn111011ty foi'IM pkfiOC',.,.,. 1111 icn-- rocU Wllere it typoOIIy lin tiiiC plUINtk lonn II11Hnled
tile Hy *"" , .. ,., m:un1111ar f'k-JC bus ... m,.. fJ'IId1uu liMd ...,.. lllcr.s\on fiNIJ\ItU.
MlpllilltiiM, ttlf, llld 110 IIMm CIOIIU'I'IOit. I !ilct Ndlull IHNflllfk kOfMltll , olivii!C (C,_
alrtiMiy !Ole ckn4nltt Crpllllr.. I 11 IMII)' JIIII-IC rod;s Md WI -morpflic rocb,. Oli<dM ill 111bcd,.a,
C..poMtloo: S..,.C CIOI!Ifl*l._ W.C. ._ ,_. _.,_.-_,. ,_.,_ (\(&) ... N *- '- ...
... ........ optOI ..., ........, ..,. ......... "' " ... "4 'h.to I'CIIl!f '' ,, ., --- ..
*"*"' -*" lk ......_ rc IIOMa.l)' CJUd 1M _. pnttM P-..
.. 1\C'._ IIIIOrl,...... c.oo..-.y ...,..,, Of Ni.
Oistlnauh.hlnt Pr opt'r11t''4: 16c:llht\o$4 by lui' 1>/l'(lf\III'U', or matl.td l'kaWJf, IIU\UI( frkHIIU
rilltd W+lll A ft dttai.IOa Mid l:aftt lV torb, Ql""'" 1110111 ,...1('11Uolttappc4 -.It
<kturnaft: 0. ol ... .... -- .. -r.r _, .. ,_,.... ..... I'OCb. It ... ......,. -
...,_ .... ol .. ..... ,_,_, __ _. . ,. et .......... ftlltb.
" '



' "
" '




>'Hfl t o Ult .. (" . .. II otUIO-"U! .,.,, ..,,
\ t !...at......, tl!.lt o&Md Oolt cl tiM If "''t '"-" ftlod
Coe,...'-: A '-T' til ck- t'M ......... ... .. ,_,.na.r lM r."f '-"' .. lor C.. .0
''Wl ._T,
The ...:" 'f11 rthd. ""'' tf)'U'al fa"", "'l'ti Mif"IIC'C d WIJ<
l Uh fi!III IIIMI!M ,_.,., .. llllw ' t f""'l of
<ln'llfT'tfloC'r !to.tn(l4" It> IIIIJ """" att"'tot .-o, It
k..a..rvt .. ..-cwtc ..... 1111(1 - ........... --""-- -s t:Ahlc
.... ,.,.u t- -
.. ou"" Nil _._ ....




. '
,. I
, I
.. I
,. .
" .





...,.,_.. t.tl luo 111ftco C"Ompcadtlonal l)'p(f. the C..poor, 1k Caridl, &MI ,. ... N ltftlllt"n.tlltt ICIW
.oNtioo bctwoc:a lllc:MI lluec h btlt at 1o- tc!IIIX,.ua a .lw:{bi!lty pp ttt-tMes C.1X)Or and C..rid1
apWW)' ia I')'I'OUM.I llip N&/f
c mio.. c.c-c.qucatiT, 111Uf c>p)OI' ..-c1 C.tlm pyrooo:10 tlud ('OOl
dotiiy (1om t,lp tunpe:nlt'IIIU *"'t..op U10111do& tcrtvrct. wtlkh Ctoll the lnitW <ndibelm
(I( 'fbo l.hrw ..lb I)'PC't 01 ate euUy optbl IIIUW.ftet.att.. &114 IlK
wi!WI a pt.nfn!Ut tetka o n boe apptOtil!lltltly ftom Tbe c;....poor alld
Q..dcb wf(eliea fOftiiiiOI'IIy OMit U!flw:t In 5Ublotbline: 1ptoo.11o tiXb ad lklr lllgb-pdc
1\.t Ca.9oor I')'J'OCIIU 4o 1101 OVr 1n t lkali (Mid S.-*n.-hlfatc:d) I!XIt&. lnneM, !helle I'OC'b tonuia
JI1"00Ct"' tiW from to a N..rit.ll ri-. 1111: todic ptp'OICIIC)Ickilc fOrms only_. -..:ry
"""' p..._,... 'nlc ... ol 1hc
IIOHOdk r. rtptUClltt6 in
tbc: loMr W of tcrtWT cliqra:m ...;l.b woa...
-Jtc .. Ill<': top 1116 BMiatik nd f'em*Jit<, II
tk MR. l'bc S')'IOUila. DioJ!'i6c: and
Hecklribt.IJIIe, fal IIIII( "Y aJoq tile .Jda ol
INII&k, ud .W. Bucalilc a...t Fc:ml6ililc r-omt.
tk c114-ec'*-" ol comP"itio!Mt rcprcwataUM
comt.11011ly n:fu..:d 10
1\.t piKnl t...S .,_, IIIIJ*ttnl Of'dt*l
fii'Opf-niu o( UN pyrouou


NlFe (h

( IM
&r ......,,...
Bmdm5'" ... c
:v C..lo<KIAAo
&rid Jrus.ct. Co!w
l..t.S-1 11 panfldtOl
y 1...6S<J.T1
t lJ.6..11t bt OnJcJ )'ttiOW
Qs;m:a 611Jl!i;

coloOJht. cw pt)l
plk {llOJ p:ld no12i0)88
, ..
y f'lk yellow
l Jfttn


' ..


100 '( "'
,_,. .. ,, ..
o (h"" I
......... ..


Morphi)]Ofl!y. COinmonly pns;IM>III(' c""ull, f'ltalkl 111 c, '""''" f:!GIIHI<k4 Jdlovll
StnOfll. till ,..nud 10 (0101 ""1 Yvt PP::t'lll u!Mkt f'Oillrl ;of'Oitllce.<.l b) 111m ial'!ltllc uf t.h;:lllft
,._ ... uti to (100) 1lln t.mclbt .,._tll!ltl 11001
Compo;sltiOf:: v.,. fi'CI!ft l bc PI" Mf. 10 tompo.n,_ no mO" hncto ttun al10o11 m
or fM rtrotll Fc:ll'Ol.lirlt IJ...Xr pm;.wru tilt I tI'Ot .. lilll\4llblc ancl
quttU fotll'o\ MI\IUIS AI f.ntlcr l htl! lJS (';rl OMllofUmtiO"r!t a .Mibk The: OrlhOf')TO>C"'t" .1'1: p.t<n
lpN!(o(' Ma'IU for ranfU f:/4 IIIOk 01 t 't )> CMIJ!UI.C 0\ ftom 100 10 88. b!'ONIIC (1\VI\ M
10. h)'J)CI'Uh(ne ftf';JI$ '10 10 50. ftt'I'C)o.lt)'J'C-"'I"cnc lrom $0 tO .)0. ulil( hom lO lO 12. ltod (cm'll.tlo'c fl\'lm 10 0
Wtu. rou,:ol*, 11 pftlatok 10 II"< lire tW<P')Wt!Oto o1 n on.IIOfJ't'I'IUtM 111 ot tb pcm:nusc ,:J
tlllii.Uocc. tid "' EA,., In f\)l'la, K 1n l.flc bi'Otlll.1t .,,
-,.pc."'l.lltM ,.,kt 111 mc1ut1orplur IMyll.l"" "'14cr ot
Oblin;uishlnc by IMdtlt.Jt-. .n w:n.o'" M P""'*"' 101"1 .. .,,,
IM ltll ")' C".lt.ltllt t.II'U'}' lnoc:l*"t W'!I<IC nd JfiY llllt;rfi"RII ScthCllll ('Ill l)lullcl to tftt t u>
!MI'll!lcl U UIIrellOft -" a rt lc:flil'l! t.kJw
<k<vrTt'o(e: 81'01'111U all4 b)1X$"'11C an: C'OO!Ifi'Ofl 1111o l hOknlht pbbtat. (I,.I).IM:t nd ("..,'1
OfthOpy!OttiiG "' trpte014 mu J'II'Ciy fftOR cll&n or -ned f'lt:r''"''cc
t.hot C.poot Pf'OtM formed * lhoc Ftf'l(h In I'Q(U. t''*"
fOII'IpoloiiiOI'IS UIIR tl f>C:llll; ltm-ltd .t the ctWI I!'' lllt l't-IOilll 10 (-fi>"'-I<IC qtollRI
adtiiCtlw. lido
I( lM-1.11
, ..... t .n
' 1.70-1.1:5


laud. 'it\1111
l"t )J-44
llllf ... fl""

(110) f)Od l liO)"(llOJII?
.... .....
kate!)' fon'll6 '*- il ft)IIUk .._ a.:..._ r:-
ftMUOI - UOMII Oftlrlli:fj4 .. , 0t it llldt .,. ..._,.. (i.rw ...... k ,.,.. tO c: _.
., -....e. ......,. - ,..._ ,..,.... (lr) c:w... ,_,__ (oftd ...... 4-t ....... ...-..)
"-1M ... Qpllci....,,... __ ,_
Compotlffoa: A C."f"()(f tiMIOf7tOuM IN.I toll!- .tloul 10 MOle ' o( 1M WOIIiiNQfliiC' CCI'IIpollfi\C, MOM poCf:IOI'IoK
ha. M&/(MJ J'c) < 0.7. mapaiu rof!lpot.IIJICIN, Ol'lllqlyroMM It lht com...,. ptl\lltM
DiJII"''IIbhlll! Proptrtfn: by .-1 :V, _.._,uy 1CJPCV111C 611!10t a.a.t. 'hot _,., 01\cr
...... lV 1l-ndl ....... ,......_ Of -* al .. --- .... -"--
eoeon. Plpoorak cbftt ... ....,.. ............. --- ... ,._e ... - IUIWr
.m .._ _. fflltlwa.. lu ... ka did tlwt 4 "'"*"''Il
.upk. .._ Qoc dlfl'uc:-.: 10 IOd IU. 11 M:l"'ft 110 the """'' Ofl!y ookte IM)' ate Ia
il b)' -r . ......_ c:ro'" apc.lnll Wll.lltM r!rw-utc:.
Ol:cvrrt'IIC'e: '('h(; ('Of!llftiOcl C..poor Ff")ltM WI alblmt ton.. tUI llo;noc: M&/( MJf<r) lea !hall Swblc: ot.ly oM
.... .., ,._MI"'Ni Oily ill r-'fldty.Mlk.S 1.-- rntb. IRdo n.::,..,. !&ttn,. eMI ......., ..._
bod-. 0. *""' tOOIMit fine ......._._ d .....- IIUrly parafkl (OCI) ... tau ....,.,_ to on
,.,...,., ,.,.._ kit C. ..,_ ,.._. ..&. ...._ 1M -- ..._,. of ....
......,. a ""*'* 10 lk ..,.._ a dW ,....... cos ,,_,.., -ria .. Ofi:IIOhtOWCro&
_........,. .IIMdl '""""' ..... ,..,.., 10 tk one-a (CCl} 01 poct(lfl!l.< ....., .,. .. '"'
Rknd 10 M -IW!d (1M :fl. ).). In IOffiC' """""N petOnole IIICilf illl'ldlle ll't II."IU m-Jullt Of
bkb'"- IVMlkT rooAolll ol tile tt:1u:u In el!l11 l111n4'tllo! o1 "II'" p.tlllltl 10 {100}
rjltOfiJif Ill 11\.11!01W Of lib t _,IWI,.I'IIIn1 IIX'b. h !QI'!M M ll!p-r.c:t!tf'tfiUN f\Xb
(1M J:J.. lTI
l I.U..I 7)
y Iii? I 'N
...... "'

polltl: bi'CJOo'l'l"'""(.
,. ptk bi'Voo'l'l
1 po!!k l'f'CII
... m,

f II 0 I p;o;...s

l 'I...-Jo
MOI"plllolocr. ta .:uw ..,._ rcN _. .,..,_ ...., c -, .,_ .. ...,. hlw4r.: ,__ t. -
...._ fllkU .. ,.._ . ... lloetrpd .. ....... fiXb ""'"" M".. 110 ... '*""'- "' _,.. .. C'CIIII.
cr-_.. w-wrf""
Compck\IUon: Cornpiotte lidl\l 1111'1C* IIW Mt UICI tMmbcf, Mil fc cfldmcmllu, llc:4c-'Xrplf
(n{f""C4 .. K .. tldUtllC f'CdJ l)llii'IIIJ ('()flU leu (" .. OCI pyY<IOCIIICI Oft tiM: 4o0ptiCINtnkllbctJIIC
jOia. 11'10 IIIey C'OU'ftl W\!li I Q..poot py'I'O .. M A..,.c f'O(I ... IIfll Willi Will <I!wtiOII l.t""'IIK ol
popoowl IIC&r!y .. (0011. W!MftM .... rou.tlll& '*'lOt ...cl ._._
Kl.l'l) ., coo, a. ........_ .....,.. ...u.. .....,. .....,. ....., - ....,
,_ .... ..,,_,_'-t_.T,
ProptrtJn.; ,,... ... , :\' ll.prl) h<M
Cktum ntt: One IJI tilt ('Orutfl ttl ,_,-,.. . u ... ,, .... d ....... ,u .. _ ,.,._ ... b '" ,.,. ,.,....,
IM)' f'Ofll.olffl - d N.l "' Tt ( K C .... P.l'l') Ill wNil.tlloflf f'OCU IMON.!CcJ ........ Ca'f'OO'
,._M ., ,. .. !OC. Of oiMN Of tiOlb, '""'" 101'11'1<0 "'"'*"' ........... lolniUIIOIMI
rwtl lk '*"""* """'" ..w .-- ..u - , .. .._ .......... ,_ ...
lk .... '"",..,... .................... IO(U ... ...,..., c......--



- .








....._ ...
1 ... 1 )4
p t?).LJI
I 17).J.fll
pii'J!I"' bf'OWII
, ..,.,
...,., ..
.... .........
Zli!ld MdU ,C:IIOolt

.b.lllls l'-ai!!S:!I
1 I .

Morpboloa,r: eo.n-tr fonm e-.... 11111 Mubtly .,._ ..... ab:itm JotftOf .,... (lrlooirpu. UNC't11f't) wUh ..00
CVIIkat by.._. ..nc-.IUI!U. tvtf,........ bc:M'ft....,., Mo-DIMf.._ iM et.CIIIMINJ'""""""
C .. ,....o..: n ,.......,. Uk"- "- a C.T""z0
,.....,_ ...
Dbd.p.,.. Pntopct1in: ._.... ..,... utq11 111M CIOtof __. frH\cr _, ftc ZV _.. -..u
,...,.,...._ .._ _. :o,;..., ...,.. ootoftw.- r........-._ ,, ... ..,
Ott.rn-Mt: ltdncJc4 tO .. 11\Xb _, ia dlc:Jdon .,..
_......, and O(flc:r ..ck""hlnllc4 IMMUIL It 'NN'S -ll C. root I'Yf"W!
Al Gl Rlf'rrl t (A.atl.itt') N.I.J!t
' t....o,l,
. N a,

lyd em
J"'\ .. J'
,., c to
'I I "Ill;
l lllo.IIU
( ...
(IID. J:NIIS c 11\W 11 io) r7

c ... po\il .... : '1llt .............. ..,.. lfOtlll
- .... --c e1 .. - lof
......... tii"'W-cJIW ..... ...... ,..
.... .
to ...- .,., ...- ,...... r .... d< .. .r 10
(",.,... ( _,. ,... ....,..,. .. """' _.
l'h'''"C'Uj-tlnc ,-,.,...,.. .. "f'4 -,. ......,._ ,_ r-e ,...,.. I'JPt-t mrtt>Cib nc: tu;o.
-.; '" .-,..'*"- MpM 110M rru '1llor ......
to!..,.._ liltP WJ"riM (- Mlwt bwi'!Mil- Mrwll W$1,_ ""'
IIC)Ot f'f"'.nl r'f'C"OC.'
("nornfttr: -"' !'v Nil ... <tau\ 1\'!lb It I'IIJ<r be- - I!MI 111 IICrfWI>IIC
tl111o1 f'llt'l 1111 oft al\,llt UfflloiU -' C'*'ll!lft.
RdtllttM: , ..
a L6'-IA6
. "'
1 ,.,.
..... _
lpkd '*'
... __
{110) JOOd
2V P.rtiMiolt
.... ,...
Aole lten!D'M

- ----
-,..._....,. 10 -. -

,... ............
CeasJ*I&loa: ,.., .,_. 110W .._. __. .....-: Ia ..... u. -.:.o. 1--c u.
OistJoavtl.blaa f'ropn-tlt$: II PrfO" bowl tllfl'cfl fro.n tM OIIMI pyl(lIIQ In llaYIIIf; !Ow(:f tdrwt.IVCI
illcllcu llMI l(laocr biltfl'llltl-.. .- IW low lHI.t bu ,.,.llel "'*doll
DilptftiOII!. II..SCttcc (r ,_b)-
Rdnrc IMe
. ,..,
l t!td.
,... htoflkt

CkftJS Htn!MM
- '
ltatdJ a- t..wrt.J "7"* .... - T'"o J.d)&IIOo .... u. _,
tile bc:uo '--. Mooc AI at roo. ttpcniiiR tile:
polyl!lotpll,. n-pl'dka ot 1M ol '*-"' tile: uwo.. ...tiiC'h 0vn
JT) C" 11 one 'fiOMtneo.. llowtCt, qru "K ftdd Of 1111 IIK;u,sooaJ bc:lt
I')'JWnlly powl M I IJip)'IM!IIl, ted llw f'IUI'IYeil lfltl liiYC.DIOfl 10 IM kloo>-KmpcnWrt
til16, fot sutnpk, l k forM ol 1111n:r plleiiOU)''" llll rt)OI*U. OIUI"' pOw'IOC in IM
lo._ ICIW>;I"(I'Ioi.N r.cld -of't .... .,. .. fOt!lt dOflpll til ')'poUt .... qoMN. ..... f sr-
..,.._. ud .,..,......., fiOCb - .J -- 00...0. ...,.. .t.p!ly 4dc:IUII ,._...
l'W ftMIII ltat MOt '- U. t' 'I') - t. .. .,_ UloM ol
.,.a nc ...nnr ot ....,u ...... O..rh , - of &.c a-. ....,.,. c.doobt
.,.., .. "' ...:k:t C"fOiW".t J!'O&tA n. ,_ ..__,. fA ..,.. ...
oto- ...- 111 '""-I) roc:b. c.J.flllol" uu,..unr. dc.c1 M a.,..:n
,.nollclw ,,.... "''' 011
Compo,Uioa: 110 tOnlf'O'IIONI .u tor. .. a.
DUtlo,pl.'-lillfll Propn1Jc-:,: ...,1)' oGt.llt.t.cd rtwooop P Nlod _, 1-* fll _,.,
,._ M l"f .. .. )'I.,_ -fkN'f "'*"'- ..... ......,. CJN1o1 ....... , .... _,.. ...,
,....... h -.-a '-llol:f'UI ............. - _.... ............ Noll ........ .,
nw. ... - u. n.c: ..., ....... ...,v ..... -l
.... ....,....... ......,. - o( ,.. .....-cfOOik"f llotlllof tl' '"" .....,.. .... ..,. ......
-.-,..,.. - 01 .............. ,..._
Otnitne: All UII'CfMI)' f'OIIJIIIIOI'I -tat 111 fllii'ICIIUil A IIYjOr ol IAIIIH:$ atld o/
dc"lftUilwchlllc"ll..,. rocu Mod tMif cq-lf.IIM 11 liM" IIIGI f"CI!I- m-.-1

. '




, I
... .
" I
.. I
" '

IM:tllt Mllet Of= ..... WI - ...:II ._ --. dill AI portM11ft Mil
.. C. 1 lk ....,_ pOtJIDOipt. ..., ..,... ._....-c (o......o.lik .__
...... b& 'Tk ... _ ,.. ...,. .. il .... pifbne''T "' ,....._. ...._ Ore ..__
t.. ...,.... to ...... fi .. ....... Atl. I - ....,. ... f//1 .....,...., ""' ....... ...., I
,.,._.. w <ih o s a ....,.. r a o1 ._ ... u or.. AMooc u OPa ftJU*
...._ _, llboollt 7 Gh pulJ_,._ ......__ 11 n.-: r :
tpdj .,,.. -- taoc. .... ...... WkOiiW ..... c:nkft., ... CiOftllt OWft - ...
.__ flrMI .... 10 .........._ II U If I, - cQu ll - ., ....... a I tallll lk Df:r
pol)...,.. ..,. fOI'b to ... "-f"lr.hl"" ... .... ,.,.,.... ftl tor.
..........,. IWr .... ..,. """" ...... tM-r ,_ - ......... - ......... .......,_ ol
....., telllplfuft:' 8)-eooltML lht ....... -..re pot)IIIO! p4lol fonn oaly 11 Dip pm511"'
{I" Q)




L., __ ..
....... - ... , .... _
for.. tblpic:4 f')'litlh 11111111 I - booo!ICbt)' ,_, lhe. kfltl ol t.tle II 11.86 W') '-lw
l'tbc( ()ccy.3 Ill nvtl.u ....,.._ llk'll 1'0(\1.. So.!M ..._,,. II IV"IN)J'I\)Wl M tiM'
d uti ll hl_ f.., '""""" fro. :t. polymot'JitL .-mon toMtltllf-M d rdi'ICIOI')'

zy ....
..,. llfiC:II Jdod, lltf)' ...... ... bt>lftC a fUI't_.,.
rll. thlc hlooo't betfl t(JIOM'4 .. fltP. .a.ot\ bJ -- ffllf*" Ill" IIOroNllt
flk1111f'.-bC. ..., II) "")' 4tlrnth.,. AM '-1 p-a.N "''ll! c-'-'1'Y"'P' pmu. OMptwott . '"'
w.oci+M 1111 m.11de IICI4t;lel Ul ...U.0 Of'niR ..rl- ._ 41 .. -.a IIKI.Moe4;MC"-I')
.... - .. iMf- Ul ........ 1. l11 .tl ""-'"'"-"'U.. """"'" It fiiiii!WO 110 "f_IMO l'ly
potyt.<,..l qwm IMI tw tot.nt "r ...,.,.!Ofl hom til(: llefi'Pf"CJ'''" f'OI}'!ftiO"'* ncu- or tiM. cl!(lutM:
f'C:(ranM 1tl0t& bctwt.tn r-o ncnot. Ill< lfMI'1oOOn rum ud "'"" ullll Ot/1 un.,tlll rchd
tf'OI'II 10 q ... & C'OMfdubk wtiQ Ut;W.J lfl'llo!M JAon"'fU to fonll Ill tllof
< .,
0 141
I ....
o 1.5S.IAO
Botd .......
1-rrf r-
IA..lftd Ol'dtr
CIIOI px'ld

Cmpo:silloo_: fOf!IWIII <M "" o1 t'Ofl..tillc o1 ttun .. ,u ot kldlop.r .-c1 ot dllondof..
('llfbOnlk _,,,._.., br ll)'dt<lok of Na, C"'..t, Of 1\_
Ohtifli(Uisbln,. p&o.M . l'tM-.blu fekkpt.r 'ldnt, boll mlMUt poltn W bncJit
btloc 10 ""'II IMCtkf"('IIA: 'flK de,..,. ... Np a/ 411Unpa"- from fC!Otftif. Old lhc
-1 fipm; II (tot'l kW.,.r
Qc_n,rT\"M'r. ror.. __. ., klrlllpu - - ,... toeb '"" a.p .r
... .,... ;'? "'*' .......... ... -.,-.a...-

u .w.
( 1\C 1!. lS. "
Ra-lnttiW'( ,..,._,
o.rer.-. ...
.., __
!!Iori l""et! S:C!11,'1
o I.S\oU .. cOtl
"""' "''""'

.. ,fCfll

(OCIJ ptdM J
- -a:rc.-a ., f'CII1. .. -*l\ll ..atl't tom.. *"
J'I'U1'-.c4 1- ...., ..cl _, -r tO....._ Ulf nolleG..-.1 t.Mf"( of INW _,_
l!IO(r ,_ .. f'-'Y"- W(.l\ tut br lotCII 10 CJf _,,.,.,. ol UNol well Yltwil
'"'' 1110 ('lfJ ub!ltuc (lt(\jrt Tile d IIIII'JW'IIUN U.C.. u ftlrY'oouk lonN of (<I'CM
mf!UW! IM I' kftPio. IOO> 'Jlw I' lilt Cl!ocf d obc.tl(lrt
1tt11c r-. "' r,-.,.u_
Di$Cialpb'&., PropH1in: ClrllroNc ,..., Uu WfJ'f-. M diloMc ... .,._, .U.&, ...., k..,.. t.t,
... hJIOillt.-"'*'"" _, ........... -'b. -,(,c"f8(1f
tft."""'"""" '"-' .. _ "* ............. "'""'"" - - .... -..-v- _......,,_ l"f''"'""' "' fVI:U. nn .,.
a:hec: 1111nl f'(rwkllfiU uo f'Y")cmlu It 111elof muc:nlll. 1ltc
tftiiiU.t Ull be lllkllliltf C+ll\(t bJ lhc C!4r!loll of lllc: Of IM al !.lie
t<rptnl!M II.WW 5cl'fl'(ni+IK llwl NJI!IIIt'c:S Oifl1fte <OmiiiQIII)' rcu.M lile p.!IICI'II ol NIYit!J lf'ln"IU I.MI tiC PfUH!I
!n lll(lll ol""'fiC """""-" "'J"Ill- .. flrn.)1C:.C """. MOI'r l'e:('lf'JC'II'-t plllf,.
, I

. '

, I

... I
r I
... .
" '
" I
. '


&fr!nbs lodst '*" Qirmt.mq. Qt.mts. H!tdtleg
1,41..49 CJOiodea 110110 fliO) poor 6
Morplloloc,y: 601kube4rW b\14 ta.o tllllcdnr.l piM ilumcltialiO mlaocnb.
CA.P"il:loa.; no. roroo..M "' 1M tlloua,h( ....,.,.... .. 'lllt '"'l*'iioe 1 N.O. ,_ a ""' ... .--,., .,. so
co rorro tk mlncnl Noeu11. II 1'\a It rcpe.ccd b)' C. * incnl l&.II)'IICl il ronncct. tolld .otwtioa t;;;t
be.-. lkK efld-IMmbcN.
Dbdopllbloa Properties: Di!Ynlt to d'tsclnJIIilll ttoffl IMldtc ill lllln lo
il C'Ommoaly 11M. Nmcu and llauyne C'OIIImotll)' contain lbulldant dartt lndudot that ..,- be C'OOCeflll'tld !.co 5CC!Oft,
com. or rimr.. fobc.u and bwyne 11'11 oftt.a blue ia tlllft IU'IIon sccl.atdc Is a*rlea.
<ktUrft'.IX't: O.X.n1 "' Na.ftdl sillb fclsie JIXks lliiCb u nlu atld IOdahlc sycn;u.
Nok.NI ud llauyne lf'll: t'Oiflmotl 1rl
SPH&N' (Titaollt') Qli(SiOI(O.OJlf')
(lM 77. 'I'$)
R.dr.n,.,.. fllcln Bltdrifl&ell zv
SctKf lmtrf. Co!or
1 lJ4.1.9:S
'1 l.ltMl ue tunnel)' blip
"'""' 1964.11
__ .... ,
be <ktc,..ned
0...... HtnJpgt
lmoacdottw 1110) d4111lt1 $
1 pile ,clow
Morpbol.gy: Forma Wl4Jf- or donptt6
Composll.loa: ol Cab)' ot n by fc,.MJ.AI. aod Tl iJ (Ommoft.
Olstlo;uiS:tdog Proper1.1u: Tht -.cd.p or rbomb Wpe: d lbc N)"ub a vel')' cbOUIICtc:rutic:, w,ta 11ttc
upcoOO .t U;f'C'OO.. pbtc; d tM 01'11)' CJOiote4 llu.t til< Wlflt pWit Ot CI'OCoM:IS polttu.C'd
hi'!L 'Tll bitdrin.p.ll Is 6(1 Jli&fl INI tlloe ...tlitt ltlttli'trtl'l C'Oiof contribv.u notllinC 10 tiloc bro-TI <IGr ot r!w.
muv;rsl cu. be bJ ,li ('f)'Ut! Wpr (pi'UI'I\S wu.b cro. .euloe.J) ...:1 by lib unlu:AI
t lwr.ttc.r 5ienc IW '11)1 11.1#1 clilpcnoon ( r>b) rNr .,.. ..... 6t nor e:xunC"IIJb ('Ofl'lplc.tdy. A while:
.t!Ct$IJOtl prod...et. kii('O&C-., may be o.lllc uttk't of 'J)h<eM ob iqudy (rom
C>cc11rn:oct: A <on11r1o. Ia and f!ltl.ltriOfpllic f"C'ldJ, ttld tlso oo:un u !Jcrmal Jj'liM ifl
oc4nr.eat.. lr <tn be a D'IIIJ(It' In nxb C. 1116 n coorc--. Wdll mcUI bfAIU Ul4

1"be ..,-J Mria ol t ..... JI'OIIf! o/ ....... fora -- -- - lA 1J0tb ..S ._. -
AI - _, .- .art cGu _,.,. 1M ftlll _.., .... ._. 1M ,.
....... 0,.,. ...... _.. " -'ret tipt <- .... _,...). ... - ...
Ot' _.,...., IIQ:f tflc 14 lhc:it pm'M dlaract.<t flK IIOIII!f'tq\14 'f*Kil, (1ft tllo 01"-t
0111 e-ly llllllk:r tftc by rc(!'M1- lnokl a114 ..ouop1c
Wnontt $oll'.c Oltk .-iiiiiPO'U"' -.bend* row. .... Ckw<tcwt ._ ...._ wc:t.oe. 1ft

Fe N
...,.,. 0
' .
Old ..............
"') 0
u ... ,...
' rthr.o

04&-hl)Q 0
' .
Morphology Mo.- btl! tqutlll.. otttMdnlll piiiM. of 0110 Jof!IMI frOG! mr f""o,dwtc" ''"*1'-'c

c .. ,..stJ.M: "- ..,. .,.,.._ *"' a.!- ..., ,.,... tk ..-. ._..-., _. - w 'lllqlll n1
INpUik ....... IIM1f """ 1ft 110C 1ft. JIAohfl't '4'111. Ull()llltl()ll fMo)' Ul.e
plan: I'Of -.c:l<lt (()MfiiOtlly f'OIUtiM. tul'ltllll( 1}11 tlfi'C')"IIIIt- II MolY ill:lo Witl lifl IIII!CI&M a(
ul\o(lltf'llltl, bll'l tllc.c f'M M we Oftf)' .ckr rtflttlle\l hs,hl Ou!li!oOfl ol lflt.d
ruulra tbc: ol .__._ cr1 ill t.lk -..pctoU. hill '"' .,. btfle._, "'"'- *"'
........... . ...,., ... ...,-.,.,.
Proptrtld fk ot \,..llrh nttll Nltaeuw l-'h onalledat l'lllfllt tUt '"'
trtkt - dc<fll)' fOI!m:d MfYU tO 41lC1n5WJI tl\em (t\'1111 OIIMt .. IMNII. 1lw (lfUIIcan. JM' .and ._lodnl
tbbM GntC t.or. cl(lrl;kQIIcd;r,.l 114 cape.tOIIcoclnl nr-'* W111d! 6oo ten-..
e-n. !peO'Il. ..S ..,._.'""")' f'O(U, M.lpWltUI ft the nK-.1 COMf!lcllfl ....
.. __, fO(b a Ult pll.bt: nNMIIIM d IN fnM oi(Joll In !U.Intt II:) ll,.h
f'OIII lll!.fl(.l!ll ml).l!lu l-f J t'M, mllp<IC114t tench to (1)"11 .. 111-r n"lo. (l(l.tl't<:oal I
1-.oic:uU( ..OCU. wlllo:h t'frKo1tUy fll.ill 1110 -..Jlt:r f'l!oOH'"n..- ol fio-, t!Wf:JIItU. tl')'"...,n t.u llf'..l
111.11) ,.,. ""' u""'' a....w .. - .. _..,. .....,. _.,,.,. .,.-. u..,
- ....,._ ........ ...,. ...., t 't'f ..... _.--.:; lit foal ...-c: "ton. .-.s ,..,._
.,..,f'('lft(fltlll t11 Ntptl"'< M Kpttl'' en- 111 JMfor n4 rtttb It .. f(tft'l "' lltP' jtrll1<
""tl IU '!'her"'"' llflincl. c-.:f"" 111 t"Oet.n

Rr-... , ... t lWn
l .. , I
(todrrp Z\'
lrl'f <r

h... Qt ...,.
.-.t:!_ .

... --
. .-., -
lfltol ,. ...

j l , .....
c.-.e.ertt! '""" ,,...,.
'-'l'l ,..._ mu.t " ,., .,,""',- f'M fli(\ .. H.oft "' or.-..au
_...., _ _. __ .... ct-1'..,
! ..
l'ltc ,,......... -- ........
....... - 4C ......
Cumpu"iiiOO: 11M lf .ewl\<lolf .. '"'"" t1 '""' f'f ''"""''""' t\ \111\.tU ol \Is; .,.,,_.,, .. ,c
bl'l..r... ... fl.of'AI .. ''"''' 1,
._,,... .. ......


, '



,. .
- I
,. I
. '
... .
,.. '

. '
I< '


l l.s+LSS
' ....
1. IJ9.1bl
""sr' c.<+w
(001. pnft
lV l!.tWittiW
p.nllcl {001)
O.XI (001)
Morpbol(l(D': Fon'IW pl11y ,,w IJbi'OQS
Composiion: frotn l&s fOr11'111l.ll,


Propcortt(a: by bitt.l'Mf:M: and ot Oafri('Uil 10
di;Kifl&llil) (rom but uk" ama!lcr lV ,,._ -1 e\Uoti:IOo'Rc. 1"bo ...ooMIOII Of Olbtr
" 1)0 l'CSI 1.U0C.Il(lll tile IIIII)' be Iitie; llftY ot Cleft- ptObe <M'III1)Vr. 1Uf !)(. CKo:uQry (Or oonli.nMIIM.
fonf!Od br byi!IOI!Iennal ahcntloa ot Uott niiWiK f'OCb ..o by tile mc.umorpli$1'111 of dolomilk
bi!M'MOok It romMOIIJr Iorin bl fiiiUt ton0 ill IM!Ie f'Od1

0 1 til-1.61
Ocmu ltanhcu
- 1
l)'ptal!y fom"'\ pNII'IMIC ..,Ill C'IITVC4 tlucc....dcd C<'S itC'I.otl'
t.Od, "' tuc:ll "" pan .c:v4t1t cn.:.tr.l n tf(JU KnoOM
llq,t.ly lfl tompoodi..IOft. Cl)'lab t/14.1 lkl .ot t#libts *'"* rc The mam
"' thc rc M<l Mr. C'C)IlttntL lllc fcndl --..ne:ty ..rborl. I) IlK comi:I'IOO!. ... h..ell ._,.I'IO\ol)
WW.<ks m II'UII Ill 1111;:\ ,Kitllll6 l'aloet \'II'W:IIO .,.. rKII<'r '" the: MJ draM!(. O!Me
... ,ALCt,andiJ.
Olsllrtgul)-hing Propc"rtit')-: plc.tii'OIUII wlu<'ll, '" MIII,.U. liO 1.11a1 on 1M O(hU (Oiflfi'IOII plc01:Mx
mu\lt,_IJ at and tl-. ma'"fl'!"'tn pc.rpc:lldtc..a.r 10 1)1(: k!ICJII of 11\f
Cf)"ooal. To...mu!onoe 4<>eJ. 1101 uhobwl tk"''ICC4 <O.tltrc.u 116 Mmbkftek to 1outJN.1tnoe -.o u o;UII.w.tl. bet 111
4arl. ttttotU WfiM: -...Ut: by the roklt of tllt ...-ul
Ou""'1ct: 'file- ..,._. tomiiiOft tl'ltMnL A tom_., ' " ,;t"''*"- II\ lllall)
loC:diiiiUII.III)' I'O(b h on,.n ai o.ktnnlcntoM oflloC:du!loC.tuaty rotb TOu"""'!onc: o\ al!ndJIII on f.'CJI!I<IIIIU..
Be !Itt

__ . ...__"'_'
M_,.otoc;. o o ,,._,..pra_,.....,...,_,
- .. ,..._
Com potltJoo: C'.oNldmbll .. NIUOft, Na. K, _, * MMtltulifl&: for C., lftll No 1\ 7.11 aM Na llobftit., ...
tor HI Mel Pc.
.. lac Mild ullibU ........ 111M ..cl bfootoa h II
,. . ' ... _ ,._ __..,.. -we.. ., _...._ "' iiJ ......_, .m.cs- ...... a - . .........

.. _........... l,Woo 'PIIy - _..... e/ ..._ ......... n.c ...... Vll .............
0ccvn'HC!r. Tk .,..._... O(h1J\:OiQ a C'OIIUC'f 1M .Uta OtpOII. II MIO OCCIId tl
l!Maea-G * Je ectptlll&


lntsd r
.. ,
,. .....
{ICO)"(loz) iO
Mwp.oiPCJ. C=l
CHI potoltloa;: t.e., CO..I.t!A 101M ire. btJI a t11014t)' nut UK *-.. if!
DUtlqvl)bioa Propc:rdt"t; tttltiOioec, boll .-..0111;"- 11M ,.nuid 1o 1.11 ot llM
WOhiiiOR* (1)'114 diiO bOIIl 111111%11 r;ao- .., ltllpl; t-. ._._ 1M: 1 u. d liM
"""'.,.,.... .... .,. .... (') oi!M
( lt'1'.101
o 1fM"'
Jft!Sd c.tgr
'* ps.mn Htn!!fM
Mot'JI otocy. ,_ _.u ......, ,.....bf ...- .,...,. - ......._ ,.'lien: ,..._. lcnw-<J ..
_,...,....., -c ') ... , t1#., ,ur.,_....,
C .. poallloc Nc. .m. ......... 01 U eM n, ..._IJDMC BdoOIC'I.M *"-) Gauoy liM
.t\ottllft ol dol MI"'''WW4!11& NIUe TlM: *"1 Me pkodl.rolc .. loa til
fttf'tlfiUipaief!IU8UIII.. MOM nrron e'-o('OIIIIPIMNiiiiM llf
C.... .. .,.....- ..- fC(\1, .. ..,.,... .,_ ..., -em')' fCCU,. ..,. ....
11ft I t fOC\t ,.__,. fn. doc


- -.
.. .
.. .
.. .
,. .
"' .
, .
.. .



....... ..... 0 'bm ... s.s
Mor'fhlrcr. lmpllor - il *' 110C:b .., ._ "' ._ vi die. ..,,. 5 s
IIIWJ;t I _,_ilc...._o
r.-opudts: or oa1y _.,. llilrct_,...... P'llill0f'll4 ._ MillO rd'nctrc lllotc) w
,..,.. a. Mdl .,.,.._, MpCM .,_. MO!Mt!Oooll Mf .... .n _, a. MellOn Wll -"lf'k
_. It-*" OC'h" wdlo#oowd pntMry -tlitNM wldil II In IIIII! .oAIIIC
II tar 10tlltkil4. hl btll4 ill C'OtiiiiOICIAI1...,_ "' piM,. tlvtlll n .. k "*"'-1111 .......,
Oetul"'"nt't': C.MOnlt O(l(v;rt 6Qiurit mioe-M "' the Of btint tiiCI nie f'OCU. 11 llllf1
a.o ..,_ ,..,.. wid! ooollotr ttita tlld - till.,..
1\lc.N Aft ...,. U'OIIIu, ....:.1 r:l. .... ol nnmiiOc.. ... 1 .. a CIIUI!tU Ill ""fir
\IIOIIctM ocu. ....,...,. Gila ... ...... tlflllltta. 1'\cy ,.. 114 Or ,.,._I)'
....,,._ n., '" b7 " liw_ .. ltf'lnVR ""'(lo '- ... tM "*- n .. o - 10 .. lO ..,
'"0 n. ..-.u c-, ._. ... .... ., 011114 f'I'Obk- 1114 .. .. ..._ Mll!llpk:t 1ft_
..e....,_ Ia ,_,.._ eMir _,....._ aoa M dloloPI el .,... ..,..m.. ...cl
--f-..a..dlltllq-.f.lct........,..,. ................................... &....
z..... u '1 fJIO- fttldJ vi -d lot_. JWW1 ....,... Taq '" ,.._ .._ ---.,. Molt '-'
.. JIIIii"'C Mod . ... - - ........... .on. .... .. ..... w., -
..... --...... -.......... ........ """"" ...... "'.,.. ... _ ..... ., .. - - ... ......_ ... -
........ ... 1'1NMift ..... bclo-... diCllr......, ...




1 n 1
zy Sjcn H"""K*?a (kMfS

(0011 ,.,.., (OIOt aM woo
Bohl::n. S. R., a.ad Boeu<'kr, A. L. 198:2. The quttz:cocutc tra!Uform..a.tioD: A
....... &Dd tloc diCCb ol o<het --J. Geopb,...
Rca.. .87, p. ;o7,l-1918.
Cobol. L. H.. ud I<.._.., W. Jr. 1967, ffiPIow qUIIU .........., O......U...;o.. co
35 kiloban:: J. ... 72. .. :us --QSJ_
H-y. M J. J.m, satO&y ol - ..... ud lloc .......,.., aiiQu .....
diap...: "- J. Sci, .. 271, p. 91-131.
Mono. S. A., 1!1110,-Wid l'lo4u Vcrbc. I<<" Yort.
A C.. &Dd Kroll, H. 197S, Optical cklCma;o,. tJ the .......,..... ol
plopoclua by Carlobodbw: a .. cl>art A.mcz. J. Sci,
y 275. p. 131136.
Tuuic. 0. F .. tid Bowen, N. L...l958, Otigjn ol glnite in lip. or apctimcntal
""cUes ia the 'Y'!<m NaAIS':!OsI<AJSi
0: Ccol. Soc.
Amer. Mtm. 74,1S3 p.

I, well .- ('I)IOf, rclld. tf)'JUII (01'111, Mid
Rl.uiroe Cf)5Uol llilu ttlnl'*"lty 11'101( 'ity i the
IIIIClWOpe uder low iq; plane: polai'Ued li$11C.
Vitiblc in thit. M'lttiOil are two .. 'SO ti)'Ua. ol bonlbklllk
pu11) '""a durscr:cdllie amphi>Oio '*'
Ul\loll Cl)lllk lrl 1 d kkllplr
and llqlhtliM (dut). Small "J'W.k Of aR l..:lu6cd
la tM llon'lbl'*- NocpiKiiftC
f1ue tichc. n
l. 1lltl lt,d&II!Orpllic llUIIOIJt ll ,,. I pbbiO IIICrusbl ol
l'to'O tucolill mi.cfdl, 00w lid) and
( hah ctkf) alliS .a mioe::ral fom. 1o:1eJ
bladed H)'Ua.,_ one cl10ilkh ulaldt; froiD l.bo leA: lk
109 Srn.ll I'C<Iih ol ulritc: tUft Ioiii
axis ol apta!. MoanWn, Olldl. Plane li&'t, X&
J. S....wc on. f M , .,.., ""'iN p.o>L O..ly ot.o ..,.,.,. ........
Me: sbOWII here 10 PPcn 1:0 be
1 nyul vnckr polanmS !opt ro.Utt
()/ a,-;mbcr or do(fttentlr onenu<l dlldonf.) OOcnJ;t-.,
wtltn l.hc. twllte IIW'Cr\.c4 011 roollna: ft0t11a
f'C 111111: pol)'mOrpll.- 1l .. c Oor!laU!. i iNCI\Ite 1$ """'* (lflly 11114c I

.& cl 1ft pot.liotwc a.:od ,....d arc
ue m Ql bcliCfll Ia cloln& t'or
fmplc. 1114 w<Milo$ 1'101 IX'fvr I(IJ'I'IIIU 11'1 I"Qd
-"0011d rUC'I 10 (onn- lbl CollwqeiiJ t k
.oorlllbl ntpf'lchllc p111-. llltl!lt 01 qv.uu all)flc n:
r-!*, b1011101 Mpl\(l..w;
' I

. .

I> . 0
.. '
co .... , . ,
+ 2 Si0
_.,. NoAISi
,....,.,., ... _ .. ""'-........
N All
.... _,.., ... , .............. ,
H 0
J ... of ptriclociGe .dtowinll>iack Milll-
lup .. IIIII tfOWII Oln1M.. OtM.fle I)'Pitdy wt.ttllo:rt 10 1 ftlll;f)*
1>100o11 rolot, bill if Olit pt" .,. ''- bub

6 ........
,uo, ku llll ..... lroa tilt .........
.,....,_, o .. ,......._ .. .._ wa.o.. ._._ InA
""'""" fll ,,,. kti!I.I'*'V" ....
.....,. ,., - .. ll.oc'tlltC
"""" IJ,IW. U0
'-- M 1\t .. btt4 udft J'O'.IA Nawr!- lllktftft'I\IC!It
""''"' .,.. l'f"Cr t<OIolletllilr
ol OIM!If C'n'Millll Gc-rc Olltl'lcl't l"iite ql JIV'"'II.
1 ,..... 4,,.,11( J*t....,... wt re '"'aO\ "'
,_,. -.IN toc(OI't ol .,.. UUJUd 011 tile n..b d lrtJtt..u
' ' ... "' . ....... 11 Tlw lit-.. botudllt fiiiAO ., Uouot (I)'Uit
""" 1 '"'"""otMet po&.A, x:o



.. .
"' I
,.. ,

, ,
, ,
r l


lO. o ......... ate.adlb ,. ... ill tile
.... .....
...._. ...._ dooos boa 1M "'P d a.:-. n.
...... llocft llllupoua.,.. ,_.. _, ,..., 41 _....
.._ ....,.,...,...,..o.-
I I Ill (ltl.,nc:.- "'" !"'*-"' .. (-
< . l.'.ttrflnlolll If Pf.ralc1
t O tlltK dc..,.&a Ill ICC'Iflwl n&k
C'ltMit ll.oM!i u1-ri0a " 4$ 10 lhC
In OltiiM pkf!Otf)"U d ted ,,_ U ...,._.it' fto111 Mlll
n .... ..._ Cf10160C! Jdan.. XS-
1! y,....... ..,..,....,...__r.w....-s..,""JJC
- 1\1 hN( ,.,...n ot fc,_.,_ ll caM
ol .. P NI'Mtl, ..... YL
CJOM4 po&l" XI._
U. Socrle olivino:, apially le alka!IM tOCb, nlltltiM
p&a:a or 'fllnel, Qldt "- ptt>u!Ur tc-tvrc
bile& a (ll)fl'b Ol' J(M)( '7'WII t.h" is ruu\c:ltd 10 a plan.u
dotentOL lb ..... (IQII) lk .t.lblille pend.>
cue ol MQIIIf. Ur\1110. Ouc:b. C"*Cd poUrs. X*).
14 Ddonncd oliMe <OtlllllOflf)' f.u }&l!l(.li;!c panltd 10 (100) Mlitit
VIIA>Ie 1116er cf'O"Cd polan bca""" of .t.lipt
111 onctllatiOit t<'r'OIIil. lamcltle boudaria.
M.aelknocd olivine. brQUI;IIt 10 the "'-'rlt io by
alkali bualt tomii'IOflly tllek l;acwllac. sc:u Ut th.Ol
C.t.wrlpk: (I'OGI Ill. 1801 tlow (roe tile HIUtalai Jl.a,..'UI
Cro&KU pobrs. X&.
1$ MOIII.otclbiC liaS tbt: t.lllllf )')UII (Orm at. CIIMM-. U by
l!ll\ pllc.IIOcl)'ol an. fNm <;o..o, Unftl.c
oloYIM, mo.\1.-:ocJIItc t.u 1001' MOtiiJtoe:lhtc
O('('UI) oely f'Otb '""' toiiWI'IORiy
..... ,,., lll(hlll' (llfl)t .,.,. 'ill)
tkavap) 1M Cloto rtloc1. o11 tM
fcMtpar Tb11 rock ronu.:.M boOidC. po&on. XJ::
IO l )l,.,flc Of! Nntlltt ... til ortholl)1tl!tUit Iori I fl'llllflc f<t\Oolm
NJd"lc I:WOvp.t vp '" l..omk:l'lnc pof<. he fkt.aN. 011cbc:c. tn
h Oft!.t\Of'!JoOOIICl 01'1/IOI')'IOtCM hJIU!y
un.kt pa.roc UICI u f.t.l/111) f'kocluo.c II'OIIfl p.n\
J1UII 1'\tl!p. XS
S."'C' al 1\C bvl wnckt CI'OUotil OIMM llcp
Whcrt,ll.l t>nllopyroMot ll.u....,.

. .

. '

. '
.. I
- "' I

, '
' .
, .
, .
, .

, .
, I
.. I
, I
, I
.. I
, .
,. I
, .


1&. Pf'O'tna. CM bt pklnC'd tk t.er
N.tl ot 1 ......... 11 UIC top
... UIIWa ... .. lbc INrM;. , .... tllc
.... P)o - .e--.r '"'-
wei .,.,.., - -- 114- ...,..,.. eft
and ,,. rtfemd !It ., (Cpa) Tbo
....._,...,_ __
acq4 ....... ,, ..........
........., edNI\IdfCllkwa pooo
.......... ...... ,. ....
ftOM tile Sti'IMtU <'.omp. Molrillllll ('ro.cd
:r1 or"ot;no.oc- .... -.. ,_. ew low
a t tit' wu ill tJiil. I!CIIII lllc GJU4
(Mc-(111;- t /ullplt:.,... ..... ClnC .. ,.
10 . .. r.ao- ._ (ftllkt d (ICN) ..
b(loo-.:Yfr, fOtloo lntf"rfCIUC'C tdof\ Wlllbr Ia t/1
(tOp unur) On.hOfi)"'I).t-nt au tttlnttoc
,_., ... ., lk hft. ... l ... M'lniOM MWII.
lk t ... - ... .up fll .. ---. ...
par1fld 110 tM If 1k c: a.- IIKIIM.a .. lM
U\c a "' U 1nc1e 10 IM rlf.-JC. I
_......,.Of 4$" A.,zt Ml n_.._,_ (.U ). bvl
.................... lk (ftol .. 0111'11 ,..., ,.tdd ..
llw lftoala --- lJw_ fipf'la IM:Iooo-
CIOWot4 p61an. X
. '
,-:- .1. ""-:""'
. . .
. . .


21. p&."' Iicht & .._.., c:Jwa t!wlo
eou it1ill$ .-cite, we. ia tllll ftl&pll.hle fi'OIIt
1114: Grua o,tc ol {bocksill). PilOt llcJ!t, xzo.
U SameIH il pc$.1S.OrthopJmo:ne hMf.m
Ot6e-r C'CJion,. "Jilc lias u<"CCM Grlkt
n o,;q,..,... lA broancc nf4" (En typblly c:.dli.
bib bl!l'ldlar '"''""R pa1111k1 10 (100). E.tliKtion in
dWM bmtllx d t ft IIQ'II bc:in.J: putOcL $ocM
kmc.IIK arc prod\otcd by ol av;jtt -wn:ii!Uitdy
p.r.allcl to ( 103). 'Thin ol ilm.tllllc (b- ..V w.ry
tbOn) IN)' In this u-. lllrt.iOcl. r;l""
CtOIIole'd $IOSI;t1. ;QQ.
.!.&. ... "' ................. ....... . ..
'""' .11.1011 t!.< onllopyrouat.. " u, Ul.llll!OO.
<I!Ue!lt two Cdft"llt wu cl auJi C.mtllx, 1 thin 6Ct
lhtl to tM t uil, and "- l'lnocr lid tfl l tw"
lfttcl'\utr,c onllopyrcn:cnt tlllt (100).
COIIU..IIIfti IWK TWO M:l.l of N$c liiVCMc:d ftOm lk
iup!otc.mpcnl:ui'C' pol)ltiOIIph, an4"' t llOO'II u fllpOflik
(kc L'-f l2 aJKS 33). Sampk n Jrom eomot t no.t""'te, l,.ll:c
-St JCiilfl. CtOIKd polan.. X20.
111 ll.lla4 118:1-U "' tlw onllop)'I'Clltllt and
111111. ""t'l l(lll 111 atw> \krl.;te. mo.tly 1 r-Ic ol
pu;l, Of 5"UI l .liC CltUI O,U ol
... ) l'l.tll( h&M. :co
'\ i
\ \
-- \


.. .
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.. .
.. .

.. .
.. .
... .

.. .
,.. .
., .
"' I
, I
, I
r I




o\qllc tbl __.._ ...,..r!Uofll .-d ,,._

f,.1.-nl) JHUr tluo .,...._,. ..0 01*
d ,..,.,.... Of YIOkt. ""'JIC (IC('Iol'
., *-J:. fOCb. ........ (ct*-
,_...J,_ ......... Old. "*"eJiPI,..:CO.

I I\ .. -u. I n" COmaiOoJty l(llle4. '" ...
umP. ( rom troc. l IIIII, Norttwr. .-.. p ic I\

(lllholiN 111,..,..,. I p;i"*'h brown U1-01$JIC 10 I Nil of pttf1

MIJltiiiC. 1'hc JI'OIIIIdnutoftl.tiM ncplllditlt. Plane lip., X20.


r: I

_,_ ..... _.. .. __ .,... ___ .... .-
IWiO ,otM .,.. ....., ffll t1r Mo:..WC"*'- TM
...,. .......... ..,., ..... lk
O.C" P1.tM ....... X83

Ofi!IOI't")U'M tt)"lQ p.>i .... dly cKIOWf. .. p\II&IOfl.aM!
allol lotJIC ,........, the C! -.pe "*"'"
a..c2M o1 tlw o.lwr ,..nilk:l tO (IW)
.. "-'.,.. c-.4J'(l&ln..XI

.. ......., ll:)o.ou biftf ....... diM -cite,.
.... , ............... _, il All ..,.
, ............... I'll ...... ......
........ ..,. ............. Ocacd
J:: t...;....,..,...,,_lqyoew ___
W I 1' ... ., ..... _ ..,..,,___,,.,..
f'I'J'Mal - ...,. ; I ,_.,. panoad (COl) of Pel""** 1lw
- ......... --,._. lk.,.... - ....... ,.,._
- ku-
l....,_ot JYIOIICAC """*' ,._ lk
M-M pMMt otnelll l.llt 01 rk t-a._ 'nil
Clflpul twill a tllot"loft ...ay IUik ev.:kll4 b7 tk OM..,._
d tM tNnc-II.M f11 1M wpptr kft.,. .-.,rlt veM.
<ffiiiiM (OOil o1 rr.oe1t.c.- r>,u o1
(RIIoou11) Cf'OMC'd potn.. XSO
) , 1 ,.lU" of C.olliDOII ti1M!Iac *<:t'-11 U..l
enpMtly Cf)"IM ol ,.,01'1.., - --.6 br ...,.,c.
.. .- toA ,...... Mlh lk noS ..,.,,
,_,...._, 110 (OtU)-Utc lrloNonUl toeu; t:lw-. lk
,.,_ .. , -nc 110 en....,.,.,..,, coot.,_
1'01'" .... . ... .... ,. toO\ ,.,.. ..
Cl (!,..,_ ... ,..., - K'C.a kft !IIIC
u....,. ,..._ Loth Sf JoM -..,....
<N:tou ""*"'a



.. .
,. I

, I
,. .
,. .
,. .
,. .

lt .. .....,...,._..,. e r
laca P)e .,. .....,_ ......
.... 01' .... p:!OIN"t ...... fllflmrroc -
c.a. a ,-...x..- o1 ............ ...
...... _ ..... ..,..........u ........
..&:: M:b 1M e,..,_., ..,. or lltnl4td 10 ...._
..... ..
tt .....,...._....,_ t..w. 1101 I'
f'lc:';;oco. - -- """' ................... of lllc
_. "'01" .,.,.._ ,._..oti,..... 0 ..,., Mot."--
.... Q.cbc.t ,_ ... X
)r... s-. I" l5 ...., ..-.kr fd.ta l"'""'k ..
MO:IftCt ..Xr colOft., -.,. lk"' ""'1 1M ....u.11 117
tiM df\lfll <'Clot' of tile --"""'-
,. u.. .... ---- ...t ...... ......,_ ....,_ ............ _ ,..,,.o
.sm-.....a .. ....
....... ptac ..,.. .... ... .,..,. .....
..... ().d,et
..... _ ...
"10, 1'1.( toM lOok M.,..,_ M"P..,. ,.,_
fM,Uo ...... t:.: - q.-N , ... ()r.ebu..
W. rw.e-c dtiiMc:n.. ,._ i11P1- XI
lf I!IIIMII.,. .. ,, .. n-. ...,
--lep6rt .. ..... COW ... t* 'KIIMI n.y
(1M M dw,...:t"Mf bf 6c G( oaiJ OM
(l!fWbOa ...... tlle (001) C'kMip. I:Mll ..._
I!Onlbk..SC *'-' o-ly OM tk..-1" dirurioa,. M t11 tills
... cte_,. 1101 .. putdy plaMt 1111
...... 8iultll ... Wtlblu r...t ............... ...clor;
..ore"*-.-u .._,. ,.:Ma (lW q "-..... Xlk
tO s- lM lt """ ...... I!:I'OilMIII ,.,., 8lodle uw-
MOCIIIIIIIIC .....,. ttlf'IIMJt': IU'I'ef't. it 11'1011 dutl)' '"-"
..-c Ulc: tl)t41 II 10 tKtowtlon
1pou. do DOC llonlf)kNc ._ -ot utlibil bWM)"'

H IIMt bltl" c-.y .,.,. .e,
,..--.c .., MOI.olt lwllll Wlllllt - '*'
....... '**'""" .......... CIOIM4 ,. .... XlO.
U S.... DoiCl """'-.itt p&a.c ...... Nlllnl'l'lk ...._
..., IWid ,rcodl.w TIM -vn'" llooU!t,
JWIIO&Opl4. !. cdont.u, c.n lie ,,_
m\lloC'Oiolltt byllll ,,...lllV.
) ,_..tofOoc "** t fOIIIMI NMI tofC'Ofl tf)UQ ,.
,,..,,._ Oer of null .-u (If laiW.flov alld
lllonv lA ulfOOn lbt tiNCiti,. oltllot wi'I'Oooolldo ..
.. ;w M Pf')dw.a 41ft t.MI ll J'f'.,.-.
Nw ,.._ III&M.X. l
- ,_

, .
, .
, .


, o

, o
.. .
, .
, I
, .

.. ,..... ,, lcMIIpN .. - ..... fiOl'b <MneklVIMI "'
..... ...._. ""' __ .......... , .. ,. ...
.., ............ (ttl) - .... 1119'4 l'aldiM
,..,... ..... -.c Got ,.... .,... .. ,... ,.__ -
............ _. ..,
btft ltol'l ......,_ IM:!Mft IIlii ... IMM:Illle P"""'C
..,..,...._ ....,.._ e-.....,. ...
<l$. ...... ..,.--...
..._ dlMCiplol._... ....... ..
n..c.. .,...,_ flo1wsr ""C*
........ .t die c.. ..... ....... (X") .... -
fO'If}J'IM ...... ..,.., ..... ,_, .... ,... .. _
.. ...,. (010) ......... s.o ...... ...,...
...., .... .... "'tnn ..... ..,.
110 ... -.o lllm ..... <10M ... ...,_ tro. -" 10
lllk -t.nl lllc: .CI'CIIOIIpt focoelc4 11p ... ...,.,..,. -atr ._,.
power. EWI!Idioa Ulk --.w.ll ... r-. Mil cl 11btk
..... illlo*l?llell tic the M- Nelli_,mcllll Itt. ftpelllc4 011
pculbkc w.s 1 IMlsm. .. m 11111e:
WrtA sarvtWc t.hc olslM f'l"'*t..e t1 tud fro.
tbcl c"'flb (Jio 46). f'OIIn.. xa.
- .........,._ .... ,. t - - .... _.... - .........
...... (IJ'IO).sk
wn.o. 115 .. INIOI (t-1<1, ... (001). S.C.
wa-. 10 ........_ .urp .a..t ..-., *- (001)
duo. CliiiiMC ........ .,... .....
-. ltU .... 1"'M: tk.twllp: dlold.td ..
"'-"__, ""r.x... dJc ., ............ , ..
,.,..._, c-.s p::lu$. xs..
., td'loOII ti 1\t "' ""' _ ... loO .... toM loU f1l -
l\c llottws slilc t..
(X") _, (OtOI 1 ._.. t
CfPJ' CO' d ,..._..,.. ..
..... -
....... _ ot ...,... .,. C.11tur w
TM:...Wwooft,e ......
, . .-(Ott) . alboK ........ ...... ..
c..,.... ........ "*-. ................... ...,
........ c.Mold .....
..._ _
., * tf)IM4 ,._ Ck ............ ..-. .__
Ctltt') ... -- piMc. .. UM: poa..lM ............
_,. bvt the r-. .._ wt. Hl10, 01 --t
.. tJK J'Ok" bOdl 1M llbiliC lflllld Mil '-tJ.
IH Ilk MilK C'Oiof 6fld lfllf$ Mil """"
PifiC, -...,\Ire! tile t.dilltiJCNI llllcllfll !. 11b114: MM t11 1M
l ilt. t.nlitlniOit lUlCk 1111 111'\hot: hoiM In tht.
hn.t!Jy, tM ia n:lld from lhe l''flh tilt 141tl(r
lnaJc bcWII plotkd 0. 50Ud linu 1ncl lilt IIUIIU ,,.,.
U\IIH hiiU. ot A!t..n-


, .
, .
- #'

.. .
,. ,
- .. .

0Jwt I 1--... ......._ tr ltle <I'JIU1
--JOdlr ....-ard die -. .......... .......-; ...-:
...... -
.. ,"... .... ................ ...
...-= , ...... . """ .... .......,... .. .......
,_,.,.,..St. Udal. oo-..1 .... X.
'<tt'k po- ..,_.,. .... , .. po rt-...ot._
..,._ \IMII ,..._ die ..... IOMl *-d.tllor
aocll' 1 rMt -- ..,.....,. ,.,.... 10 ,...,.. $ ,.. ..
TM C'CH'Ip"""-. d .,._ _, , a. "' .... , bf

., ... (p.-116}. .,_ ...... =-
"" ..,.. __ :--" .. .,_ f.-A ..,. .......... - .,
......... ,,.. JIOCM.f-..nctl kVt.Jw c,..... ....... "" XlO
.... -....... .,_, ":.1 .....................
... _.
(J.., ol """"
r..o.n u:tn:ftldy f.w: .._. .- l'fN"M - tl!.M
"'"" .... lk -m.. - ft)(IIIIC. ,,_ ...
M"'f't"M...,.. Q '"a..t tk
un- XJO
Sf. IJtuM,.tofy t.rtlnnioe in quaru. 01 M .. l
StQit.IW. atii'ICIIoo is rormc6 b)' faNin.
Cf)'!lll lt llul .aipdy llitlttelll
orienucloN ruult ot 11nfo. II i:l
ill quan.r. (;na;ed potm. XI.
t.0, 0..1'1!1 phe.netf)'SB _,Ill I form infubiiJ IIIII they
t't)"UJiirtd lbo bcu form Ia 1bis' l't!)Oiilc
rrom Sakm. N:l<lAK!I.Ktu. pob X&.
t.l ... """"_.,... ... o( "" . .... ;,. -
bc:an.'tJ:d-e W.1td, ColotwdO Pbttc ltt;bt. X&.
<w'llb flfllblt til 1ft otOoH'Itll
UOIIOJ'OC' p..u. Syll411ctl( Crol.Kd polat\, Xl.$

' .

. '

, ..
, -
, -
, .
, .

,. .
.. .
, .
,. .
, .

,. .
.. ..





Q.U.C. s 'II Mll f '' .......
.. .. ..!..: ............. o!..!. r. I 5 ...
... ._.. J II .. ..., ..,. a-.1 .......
....... O.Qllllt...SU .......... t ........ ,....,.
__ ,_.._.,._...,..,...._ ... --...-.
whldi- .... _, IIMM; MM -.au
lbldl rc: .. liooilto ** ol ............ Qlolr,s 110 ...tta.tic&
..,..,..... ...... ,, ,, ...ca.t ..... -
ll.pu .. k lllktfC:mKC t'Otoft..
61 bMdnol fll DaK ..-. tqtMt

P .S.. a. N 6S M -*t noiMf pa&t.ft.. lA*,. coe4ll&.
-ti ,_ .... tftpM&. ..........
*""' oncn-. tcaOII'I.
MOtile, .. ............... MAloN ....
"CCICt. Ia .._.. .... el N .. ,..."-
71 ....,_ .. ,as .....,....
,_ * 0.. Mcthh-.: _, wrlltt
bcllh lltw "=""" pty tlor:J. 'Jlwy tUd)' !-. Clllollll
rdtd o -fillllqkr Xto
12 W., 1\t 'I ""'-*'pl.- lUtJI ""kTC- lvoto tlltd uf
pilei,. n C'\ollt'al
, SkticH.t pl'il;n. 01 .,_.,.l*t....oM .,,th &n u"'! ,....,.,,_ ...,
.q..-tt tryual bailk Wpr
AIM* """t'ma .. -.. rn _...
e T tt) ,._ t.iiiJic _..., ""-..... XIO
14 S.lnt 1\t 1,J bV1<ionckl no.ac4 roln. Ap.t<IC ... lOw cP1
MltcrfCft- Mn:M lya ., 10 ....,.,
1\ In aaflt l(l(b,. ,,.,,.c: typotlllfJ' ,....., w-oo, .cc
len: .. ............ .. -..pllolc -
U.Qit Jot.--. O..c.'* Alli!Oo.P -n 1101
ck .. Jt. ,.,._lntnl tile: lrt



- ...
,. '

17 ' r 'I;J: f'f)!IUI d *f1kK *""'"' w
.. ryatkc. 1.11 .....
11. s- u. 77 ....... ""*"" ,... $pk;M .,....,.
...,..., .. ..... OOIICif fiCIIIim'.-" .... .....
...... ..... ......,,... ................. .,.
?'P 'l.oMci IOUf'NIIM ft')'lll. wlf Jfttftkll WU afld ltiQWIIW!
1111'111. ,.._ lllfl.t, X2IO.
,, .. W: di.,_ (.or '""' Al,SIO. ,.,.,...,.... .....
.. ,.,.,_,, .... _ ........ .,. !'fOliC. ...
a w 1M ._.,Mfllpl:n.tu"" .._ AI llltoe 011 ('IOUiQ
tilt triptt poln1, Jll'lllttl It .c 1 ptw.:IIN ol
o..J13 Oh ''"' SIXJ'C. (NW:.f
:_ Tk - <UrMC'-'C Kat.n d ...__ .. tile .....
n<IM JMIOfl ttl Ill< pnNn 111! 1 61np Oltpll f'fuytp
tl!"tdOfl Cki""''C tot iii pN-'t MRION, b.l
O,...,tca .... I ,
U.. ..C..,.,..._ **'k d ll.o6o
Sc\.ol&utcl. I'I.IIIIC '""'XXI
1 , .... - ,....,_ - 11f ...,..,_ orlkr
101< f'ftt"CIIff (Ciik!ft, H4l JH'"""' (ltllloli(J nftll(11(11n .,llf
IJC kt.-p" tiOW 5fl IKK .,...,. f'Of'dotrite lf!Ofll 1M IIVt..td\
..... t ...
c---" :oo
.a ,..._ .... (l(tW 1\. ,......,. - \- ,..,.. ,.
II(,. l'ontlk' trnct H'l"ld lllt tk t.IIIIM OJMOI
r"('C: Ill(.) I !floc f'N.M t ri'QM. llwl tomi!OC)flt,. !q fi!IC
.....,, ...,-..1 f;l'tf"' ,......,. c..- k ttw

tn liMANITf
, ..
UM,.tUIUtl 6(




- ,

,. I
, I

1) Mill'blc. ..W. tafltld)' - k.IMI..o. hfl fiDI'-ail,
IOf!llllln bip-tc.fi!IIIII'C, COO..I.Id
pcliiU. ftfll lr\ tblt J:C.oltl ll (fOM I Wlt niilo. ill
1he bWid Of Mll, $coiWid. tu Ofl*l m '-*
Wcllbuo1 110 ... ol .., . , ...... .....-w
........ ,.., ....... .......,
....... p<W .... ..,. 'Jid'lll ....._ ..... X!O.
I' S..C I) bill tiltllkt 00M0C1 pot..r..
ti. c- 1we.. _ ...... ...,_....,.. ,. .. . -..,..,..........,
.-t. ..s ,..,.. ......,_ ....... ar.o --
--(1( ..... n.prnt" tt*KI_......,....._ rc:llln.
ftlotltdnd pri ...,,, otrtll'l(l)' 111*"
nltrf. h II flO bu' 1 p:10t J'IIM_, Pf(IOIICU
lrlll&'o'ti'K f'Whlfb Ill fW'of;II'IIIJ( 6Cf!IIOM. Xf.olltll ill
cl..-....c., fo/.Jl, $coot1Md. J'I.IM ...... 0.
'' u ... ....
... ._ ... of....,.,. ....
tl't fl.&rd .onMiy ttueUr tlwl the 01'" mi-crte& ' " lk
wt'hOI\ Ill will UtndOft, 11-- .:IChtly ll.iptr llttfftttll

1 .. l>lorlle $Cl\IU \tioiKOO,U a Cll.t._UNtd
,.., .. 'I" 1 copptecl l!t..,..,. to'!.-thOfL
,.,.,.,c ... u ......... ., .. ._ Nl 16 ...... _ ...
.... o( ... pe>r ..,,_ 10 --bl'\.
... f loop! OleoMt ...
IN '"'-.!It..._ -ION*"""' otllktl'ut..ct t'Oicft
'" ..... Ml""rk I'IIIIC' ...... X*
j; . - 1(...-J\iur'>!f W11"' "1'>-
pc hlahlt
'w""C .. \f\4 jiJ 11.. 1 ff'OWC'CI f'">i"" 'Jllof ... trfiN-
f "' ol l!ott -"' lltp "'!>CNn ,..,..,.. tJI tlloo.,.,"t "'
...... ,.. ..........
; ,


- . '

!I C;ant('l f'OIJ*)lolllut In 1 mllto."lll Kill.- I k lll b Ill
lin l)l*all) tiiMil!ll fiOI'JI4ilt1*114 ......... of
bro-Il Ml4 jill( IJtrtl dll<w* ... 1!0.0 pra.tiiC 0M'IWI Ill
pti!t..;: l'to!:h k'l IIW t i .... M (1\tl " ll"f'l*1oiMII'lll) -
n '*'d ..,_. Pl th111
Jt,lll l(l
n. M)l&ll Mil IIMt:t po;.n. O.nwt ill pthht
...... b io _...,..., ........ .. ...........
_,..._., .... _ ...

:... l:liof!Nnl ... ., ..... ...,.... ..... ..,,.,._., ..
01M: d 1114 rcw ll!llfiUII!I. 1'-" .-or:IUOIC" of
,., .... "'- bif", xs.
'' M\' ;t.4 ,._IKkf Cf'Oa6Cd lllf IIJUo!UftiiiM
lfllffkltll C'Oior r;l AlwiOI!Will fit\1 otlfltr )'tiiOw
!"'> Olontaid ...,,.Mb-ly J"((Wf uo tto.no.11
f)tlcll' 1cda 11 kJro. J'Ncl of IMUoiiiQtpiiAM (',...ak r"OIIIII!IO!IIy
tw1 dw fololtiiOI!o 4c':fIIC4 b)' m.,..,..,ll( 1M
fi'OM lf'YI.tl tiUWIPI _,l..c tO !l'k )"llow
Olf diiCiniOIO Uf!i,l,.t 1111 moe.. frt('I.,I'U c1o cvt WI'OM tM
H-tt i 1Mollf, tlioe NWol fll-" I'OIIIMOfl
:1 S.Mt Mlo4 _..,, C'fOMel ,__.un. lku..- oil(,.
tGion.,. tM c'IMof of """''
m:.d ,_."' ..,.. M" ...nt. frQfll tNI wMcr
.. llonlldl. tW4o tow.c eo.,.u.
Abet, """ w CodcriM ... , I 0... .,..
..... ..... ...._
.......,_. ......... ('I'P"....,- ,, ....... c-u
kft) 101. ,.._ liPI. xa
XI. Cof'llimll: b: pela e.. CIOI'iotriM
......... ... tnn--
..... _. ................ ,.. ..... X
l 1 ..... \OClO._Mikra...-,.,.. ,.,.....,.,....
.. """-- iiiOIIdOuM .,.. .............
.._. .... _._ec
s: w.,.,. - 11111 01 ,..., d -.. ewa .. ,..
.. .., ..... .........
Oftcf ,... cokw II .... 1Ji1M U I I)
.....u. 'Or r.rv Ollk:r..... b'ttt e( ..... "'
-il.. ft'O'Uf ....,., -..x..,r r ..._
ltJww+'"'"Wcbo4!p: ... .,_......,"f_,. __
)) ,,._ ol l"fMDIIU Mel ct.opllllk o.tt
..... 1111" )(21)
lo' S... a \N Tet...., "'
..... ..-u .,.__ -'"k!Utt
l ... .. .... . :
' : . ,.. ' - C::h ;--< "1
.. , ' '--. .PT"1>(' .
.. .J- . fi . : <. . .. :: ...
- " .,---... ' ..
, '
"'. . ,. - ;! ..,<:
- .. . ... . > --:.1 0 .-4 ......
r ........ (.. "t. "f:J:.-
,.. .,._ ....... n
: .-f-t. ,..Y .
r . '..... . . ... ... '" ... . ., .. ,
...... - JJ .. , . _, ,. \
,. \ I _-.,. /. ' ,.. , -
;> .... ., ' ! ...... "J y ., ......:..1. . ...
',J f'"T_. ,, ...
' '\. '""' v I ' .. C ......
_,.. ... ...._ i"'-_ ' . I. c . . ..
., .... . - .. ' " \ .
- ,.... '"'\'' r. ' I


- l
"' '

.. ..,


JS KfP(-IItinbJcd oliYIM. ill -"* Ooaed
X> ro,..utc 111 ....tlka it OCIIDflk-ly 1o
Wtptllllllf, 1 r0Ct. boowll ophicdd14- CI"'Ok._.
,... ....
__,...... ... -"* ... ..
.., ..,....,.,_ a..,. .tCC'CIM: ..,,
......,._ illWrft:fHft fCIIoft. li..xt pr.u.e lip&. ..,._,
M potiiiWC- ftlld eoddk
IW"-" Y Ill- totbd (01P9t-t ..,, olll'ld
ft'WIIIttu piiiiiOf'-' 'ap:!Ltt - d llw fico>.
llfCI'M _,... .o ultd:loc tiiiOdotnrc
,. .... l'loXlO
\ t"\1\-lt fodo; >ln\otl !IIIUJ:"'"'' Wl'llt 400J"o''k '*' Cll""'
"tf "' c-lloCt of """"'('1ft(
\ M "n ,. ....
,. ...... fl'flli'f C'l'lo.>r\ ,u.u.. XIII)
39. Blade& ol ill coatan limuiOne:,
$:M.1 Hill. N:lnbcm lrdlolld. Utld efQaOd. P'*tJ
lr.M: 8'la.dl'lun ol tliSt oi'CSct yellOW, <..'rolled
pctlal'l, xs.
I wlo.-.1-.0 ,,_ hoc Ql
Nul.'! Is ullfW'IOnel: epi6olc llip f'ttlct. rii'Oti1c
bat mte: rm<r.t rel.e( Uod oe pkhJOIC Ia ot J:fttft.
f'lllt h&fM, X!O.
S..mc- Ill M:.tl boo>! po&lon t..tm&JU,
1ue11 toUOIId Oll:kr iatcrt'cn:n '*"' hu taw
MI!Ctffl't!> (')ton,, ia t)li$ OISC', UIIOIUio"' b,....
" ' I ro.k>lt toflf,lo('l Wltll an pMrl 10
f-1 UK: tu.rpn it >nU<U P'apod.w n.c
"'""',M:. .eds. aftd bitttn,r;IIC1: of cptdOie 4ccruw
(11'(_, II'Ce <'Oftt.(ll.f: tlollot()I41C.. 11\c UQII'fl'OO't
11-. UIOfMioul ulfcrellte llin.. XIO









-- -.
, .
, .
- " .
.. .

,. .
,. .

..._r ''** .....,..,......_r-..,..,
ot: n f .. ,,,,, ..,. poa.ftlll.
111.,.....,.,., ass _.....,... .._.....,x..
4$. S.. a)Ojl .. ._. ,..,._.._ .._ ,_....._... 9fP
.. __ ,__ .
... ..... ........... ) Oilonk-
tow ftllef ldi:IM! IOdw cQQ.....,...., ........... XZS.
t1. s-, a)IY ....
....... .,,....,. ........... _, c:IIIINc
... .. _......_
._. (.,... , ., ' . . ... u IC, .,_.
.....,..,. _.. l.ka,.r'llb-
u. ..._ ...... .,. ........
,.,..,.. "'-" ..,... Xl:S.-
... tdlu: \JtOIWIIIl , .. ttMoPWW:.NUC t+.oc plcodll.-a
oC .... "*"' ...... '-Jll
,....._ .. , tl)'\l.tfl '" ldlita. ..
.... llf' .... ,XlQ.
<.... ""' f10W1. -toc-.rc
10 .... IJIM IMC:rktuftt:don.lk
S! hoOclc q ... ,._ pckKC lkift *" form
ll.oohlltt inttu.1 11 IJ'P'QIIy t>vfld3o of
.,..,.,..,....,,p., rlbtn 1'1411C _,.._ XlO.
4 Classifi cation of Igneous Rocks
Jpeous rocks typically coosist of se\'Cn major ckl.. SK>z. Al20l, Fc:O
MgO. C.O. Na
0, Md KzO. whlcll combine co form the rrxkfomt.ing
which include olivioe, (only t
high pressure), vnphibok. mica, q_ua:rn., plagiocla.se. Ml:tli feldsp:Hhotd.
a:ad spinel (commooly or t.bc: mim:rab, bcJoas to solid 50hltion
seriu, and tbU$ they can adj\1$1 theit eompositiQIU to fit a wide range ol bulk roc.k
O)mpo.sitions. a result, m0$l rods are composed oC no more tban four or the rock-
forming miaerals. and $Qfl'IC. ooatain kss.
Classiric:ati<>DS of igt:ICOU$ roek$ have bcea based on both the seven major oxide$
and the ekwt.n useacial rockfOtming minerals. A chemical is of lit
tie in the flcld. becaU$C i.e requite$ :analylica.l data. Mineral$, oo the other
h:tnd, ate readily identifiable in the f.cld, if coarse pained. They
may also prcwide val uable in(ormation ahnul t.he eavi:ronmett in wbk.b a rod; forms,
\lbich tbe chemical das&r.cation docs DOt. Coes.ite and quam .. (or uample, are
elemit31Jy idcntkal, bu1 tOe&itc forms ooly under exl:.remely high pre.ssure.s. A mi
do.ssification, is o( littJe U$C i f the minerlliS tOO fine
g1ained to be identifiable or the rock ls glass)'; in these ea.ses the chemical ds
sif.eation "'oould bc:-fnOre userul.
This lnboratocy manual uses the classification proposed by the International Uni
oo of Geological Sciences (l UGS) Subcomminion oo the S)'sr.c:matia ot lgnc:ollS Roc.b
(Strec:keiscn., 1976, 197'9: Lc:Bas et aL,1986). For volcanic roc;ks., the lnine and
lluagar (1971) d:wi!icatioB i1 also i:nduded. The IUCS classification uses both
the mineralogical :tnd chemical dOlWf'icattons, but empb.asiles the mineralogical one
"'here\'er poM:ible.
i\lodc: " nd Norm
1he cnmpo!>IOn of 11- rod.. I) lmov.n :1.s 11> mtt.k The C'll the
.1-e 10 term< of \ 'Ohnne percent. tor lh" tl> v. h:n lhc C')-e pcrt\'e,;
A.;.\lrate m,)6c' :arc Obt:uned b) porm comtl''.t( thw sll('ln' ud. under 1he
... ,Jx: ihl\ mcii!M 1dcnlll)'ln$ the nuncrJI the tt l the m..:ru
Mtrpt 11mc lhe s:.mpk :.mt'lunt 3 mo:h!ln!C:Il 'fl\c mctcrc=J
II: flld 01 pomb 6nthc :mll ltw U:ll.lu)n ol !he Iota I nurnber
"'! fk!Mm on.'Jijlltd l'l\ :. mu.er:.l 1$ ptOj)l."'lrliVfl:!.l tt lbc: 'llumc pcrc:c:n1 uf lh:U m1nc.rJ.I
1n lhe '""'l ;\n a pplu\11'1\l tc muclt' be c: .. 1he pei\.'Cnl.:lfCI. ol the:
f'I\JRc:tah l t'l tbe h.tnd lojkl.'lm.t'f'l Uf IJ11t1- lOti The fll!UfO:> ,.,. Ilk' lll)ldl' bad, C0\1!1', 'ollhtCh j:I\C
0:\oUnplo:lo \ll J: lrtiC'fO)Ctlpc licld 0 1 \j(:\1. fllcd v. nh rcr .. of':. \Ioiii Mlp
t!IJI. c ,.,,,. Ia'S. ea"c' Be c..aro:lul v.het'l dc:ermnnt fni)Jc:- 1h.a1"' ln v. ''
""l!d h' :.J.mpk .a rcprc:.l!f'IWH' c .:lt<'J. 01 1he ,..-,...l., Wnh rod,;.. an
thm :.c" uut'l n111 ccn bC' :wJ need nob< me.:.
hn.dh. 11 the to;,.l.. )Cdt<on n\u'l a,'h"-> prelctabl) be oorm.-l to.
u1 lmc.l.lwl\ d a muck t> 1\1 ttl:
If 1\1\;lt. is 100 li n(: g)O:..t ror lht; mo.le t o be dc1cr-mlMd urodct 1he mic:ro-
!COpe, or ir it cons.i$c, of a amount of G,l;m .. a chc-mkal wlll
be ne.c:dc:d to the rod:. Modern autO<;)tci.l lH:ty spectrometc:u
Qll a dc.c:.. of a rode in 1c time Ua il. taW 10 do a
DOmal ,,.;,. &'liool " gcty of a rode:. I.Dckcd, if s11d. is riuc.d Mth 11n
energy (11 M>lid IMtc. device tbat detlli energy or Xrays).
a few mioutes ate aD tbM ate acUaty for aa aoalyM. This 4ocs not iMitJdc. ..,....
pic '"puariola. ilicb Wu. aboll abe same kacJb ol ti.mc prcpiiRLM:Ia ol a
thin .:coon.
U order to d.assily a rod: oe tbc. ba.1ls ol a c:Ktc:al ualysis. il i&
co &be ...ouots ol dx: ftl'JOUS i:Mo the mi.oeral1 that WOI.Ild b8'\'t for
med i( 1he bad cooled skl.,.,1y. Tho ,.bundan:c of the mineral\ is
ktJO\I.il u a IIOI'f' The oxides in the rod: IJUiysis arc anoca,d. rono.;ng .a
wibcd tee ol rvta. to .-pic formllbc ot the: u'Jd.:-rarma:na
ar.ld commoa mincnJs. The oocmative mneral!i are tbe 1)1'ic:l ooe!l 1h.111
14'0uld form if 11 mngma cf')')olaJlized at low Jlftl\Urc. (Of eumrlc ln a lavtt now. The
normati'f'C cOmpoliltoo of a rod fornacd low prn"'fc 1Rrdotc be- simibt to
IU IIJ-)Ck. Y011 may IO dlccl. thG by podt <'OWling, for cxamrk. a
crajtl('d ana1)zed Nlsalt or granltc. (F'or hi{th or ((lr llydrou" co.odtioM
special cakul.aci(lonj. bcca m*.) The rwrm. then. allO"'s a cbcmiQ!
of a rock 10 k rccail. &. cc:rta) ol lk c:ommon m.iKra.k .,._.. .ve the bat,i,.
oltht tUGS c:b!.wfatton
nc Q(lt'm .,isc:d by the row Cros.s. 'dJinp.. PlrJ.SOR, ...d
(Joaraa.mu. tO)t), a.J 1h11!. " t\ rdcmd to ._, chc CH"\\
nom It talu the percent (II the Ode5 and them 1hc ""'C'tht
pcrc:cr11 of the it " 1bc:rcfor" known ti 14Y.rf!rt !Wrm. The normll
IM arc: aac C0111p;a.r31Jir to lhow: ol tbc: de. iiKh are lulcd
as "'OIu'ftc perctl'll di\O'"C:pllfiC')' poa.rtl(luJ.u-1) riOh<ublc fflr '"'Cry dcn'C m1nc
n1f1. ,.Lc-b ar. :and The "''tight norm, liO.,.,'C\'\:1, can C:On\'l!ttc.d to
\"Ohunt l''"l""'l"'i(lofli t-y th< l"'n.cm5:1.: at .Wm:llh\'C m1etUl k
"' uJ rcc.kwl.11lf to N.a.atn" ukviMOM h.,.,,.. ;abon
rrQCntd Jft of mlok<UJ:u ru'I'Onion\; h,l\1.' tht' o(
lc-"s. frum I he ,,..,fume mOiJc 1ll MKh oow c"'rrk:d v-ut on hltn
rutcn., thotrc t) IW) reuo. n01 CO (Oft'W tlllc lk1rDU(I\C mlftCt,l pcrccr!C'l IO wt
u.mc ruccnl U ... 11th a m(ldc i) to be miNk. ftcmemt'C.'r ltlat the: ll'C'OS cl .. .,.,..
to:.'-Cd on \Uh,lmC:
1"-: IN ul ch3olniMIII. t&c 00111) P""n 1n a rae\. .. tt.
.1 mu1tttudc or comrnoo mntuls. at lir..e F(lr cumrlc, .,.,lluc
<.:.tO be aUoucd'? Anorallto, dinop)'fOXCn<:. and aU c(lnl:lln <:.o.
.. do the acclf.'..W) m.UICr .. ts a.p;MIC' aM cak11e. is. shU '1kW'C N pr.._.t-cm
mosa ol thr et\I'IUIW. arC' t.:1 dl ftCII an rcqt;uu: ""
!>amc t'( !ollte".s. Or toUtS!!, tliC'rt'" wc;uld f'C no Ulll(fUt' M'IIUIIOA hi thi,
f 1hclf w('rc nc tt'MrialoM on the mutct;JI\ that fl,rm ctpcrlt'M!O,
tw-1:"\.._ tlut pl.) rcsa.n o. 111c- .. ,._., .. a
th .. t to1111 nttur On the of llk:\C tC'Mrl<'hllln, (.tO!..\, hi
dult:-"- l'1r\.\C\f\, and dcw.cd thclt I'C"hcmt feu lhl.' It
.1 t'ndc ""' t!k11 .. Lilb .. tb.;t tht: Ol.lflll cu.talnn b.,a ... the
t.C l..mc U\1 Q" fiii"M f'\U J"'lotf!ICCI l""rmtod\'ft#flltaU) th<- altul.J
tl(lfl fk.J nu IOC' \';lllu .. hlt ("t'HI'f:.l<lrJ!c 11'1\tf!hl I.\ fhiM .. f!\'"'"'"'
"'J'rft.:CUII\IA (.1( thC' .!.CCI'!"' IR\ tltl.).,., lA r.a.rticul,u lhl'< 1.1..-.. 111'1 lhc: tJJo,tfl
t'!lll(llll Wbc::l..

- I
- ' I
,. I
,. I
,. .

To bqia tk OPW _,.. t;abb..,.._ 1ht ptrDI-rP ollhc: OAidc' tile rC'id:
u.dysis, are ll'JYC.'rtc:d to lftOic ptc>pOttioo:s t,- di\iJi-s c.ach oOJ.;. p<r.at t,-
U molecubt weigM. Bcc:a.ti5C tr.cc amouau or Ma ud N 1ut.il(utc (Of Fe .., tht
-man fefroM .... a -nt.. 1M mol. ,.opartioou ol Mf'l(l t.M "'"iO re
lh31 ol FeO; simibrly the mole propcmi<!a$ of BaO and SrO arc 3dded to tb:at ol
C.O. Us.lng g:i'"'" io Table 4-1, the mole are d.IStrtbutcd
am()ng.st tbc; n(lfrn3!tivo to Lbe rules gio.'t-O Tbc cakulalions
(M be t:)rrled (IUl C(UIV('nicll)' 00 a baliilnct $h<:CI, M $-lu)wn in T.tblt ol'!. ihe fir.!>l
toiJmn gi\'ts the chemic.! fm&1)14 o( the rod: in \\<eight p:rccnt: 1hil is (oJk).,.,-cd
b) thr molceubu 'llt't-iShiJ ('( 1bc tbe third CQtumn gh-c the m\>ltc:"Ulaf propor
Tbe remaini.ns t()luau,s., Clone for cadi normative mioeral frmt'-d, &how the am(loU:nt
or u oxide that .-ncr 1llc amount ha\ brce allocated 10 1he panic:
ula! miocnl. E\'tntually, Q('h (!I the: is red.aecd tO a1 tN rt(tht side
ol the: table afta all al 1ht '-'u.Jc.. h.lvt beat atloeted 10 tile JPJ"ft'rfWC miatnl$.
Tht wt:igM ol lilt miftctak. :ue the olntbrcd b) a.ukipl,""'
lht :tPC"'oprialc Ol'idr b)- diC f.klf'lf r-eo ict Tab&c: """I A$ s C!li t1111 lhc
IK'Ie. the $Ut11 olahc nntmMi\"C ffllfKt.tls Malllld be: the J;lmc 1hc 'U-"' f'f the <ipl

In eM folkw.ing ntiC:\. the n,unc oC :r.n oxi&: rdcr11 to iat mule rwpot"tion.
a ruk s1oa1ing th;at the

it 10 ht: tc;duccd by Mg() i"1.h.:.m:t th:n
llw mok proponion of Si0
h h be tt'duced b)' :an amCKm eq"al to half the
mdc proportion nl M&O
I) is to rlitc: .1111\1 <:'..0 li red l') :.l.l3 X
:!) sis a.floucd 10 M'Ut('., lllld r cO , .. b) o.s 1; s -
1) Ct.,.0
1$ atlouc-J tnduCiftld(, ltd h) Cr.,O_,
<I) t,O., it. to alld h.<> K rcdua:d h) T.C)" lr T.O-.
.. FcO. lh..: (\(C'Io.\ .. 10 pi'O\l--.i.lUI \rhcat tia) .lftd cad
"ed $tO., "''" kith reduced b) !PI rqwl l.i> 1hc of T.O,.:
du\ step"' l.> C"rr-.:d I'IUI Oftl) I( (.;.IQ afiC'I (,vmJtll(\ft Ill aftOfthiiC:
(!>l cr 10) H Tl<),. qill r.,;m,un, fl .. , calcubred :I\ rutile.
$) F u. :.lloned tn Ooo11tc: and CaO i, tl!ucx;d t,.O..S
h) CO., a.II,)U(:d to CII IC'ItC, .aniJ l:aQ b u;diXcd by CO.,
7) Z.,(}z j , :lkllttd In Jircun, 1.\ rcduc.:d by Zr(')::!
K) K,() all4'tlcd m r'""'''(nlll octhocbsc (or'), and Al
o, reduced b)
... i.\ hy (, x K-,0.
''l ,cm.)anint;, luwn t_;. " cuiilbintd ,.,,th an amount ot N.11
0 to
.. form <llt\!IC .aoJ Silo I!> dcC'tt.t'ICd boy b hmn
If a h.. rt Al .. n,. rwOC'ttd rn tltp 11.
u Al-.0, .aer 1.1 " C'loml..ric-d :a. cqu.Jl aef!UDL nt C..O to form
- (w<J\'NC'IUI (Mt-,, -'"'-' .)lil.c.l a dctre.asd to,- tlila
I( 3 C'l,("((.,h ( ;a(). II " .a' awul!ldam-
II) If .... ;t-.0 ,\1,0\ m \ol\p .,_ ""' UKIU'flt f.e.,Ol cq!U.I 10 the
... , .. n,.u,J ht -Kml<. .anJ WJ;eoa u. f; .I tamt"S this
1:1 It :-;,.,() \llll f(l'll;&ll\\
tlc.u:, " fl\1 ..
u. c:Mrcmcl) 1
"'r 11, tt'm.auH"'ot r-.;,,o (Mm\ mctui
" . .J ,.m...,nl (!/ tf.l 'cmutntnF Na!O (this
TABI.E4-l Nonui.MMiDer&ls

Fcnoulo Mol. \0 Wt. F.acw

Conood .. c

Zlrwo z



.Alt 3 iOz



Kz .Aiz .2SOz

462.02 .. .
Na 1Ktasil0tc. ..



116. 17


F<O.siOz r.o


H)'P< ....... n<


F<O I IJ1.93
- .

M&(l I 7o.3.S
2F<O.Si0z F<O
I 101.89 -.
C. ortbat.itit::ue:
.. .
86. 12

,. .

F<O I 231.54
.. .
<m Fe:O.Cr
I l"..J.84
I lj9.69
.. .
Fr .f;o








,.. .

... .
CaF, r



.. .


. -
ll) AD rcmainifiS

1$ allotted tO a.nd eM. fc.() tS dccrcaJC:d b)
I( exceed$ Fl;(), lbc: CX$$ is. akulatt M
lo&) AD rciQi:lufll MJO iad FcO billS aad olmnn. M tlilis poic. \tgO atld
Fd) ate added t.ogc&Acr. t.l tkW propor1-oni rc nuiAI.;a.tiiCd aa ca&nlbtmg
eht olllle /l.ig ud Fe c:lld-IIICMbc:tnwpo.c of the aM
..,; .. ,
lS) Tile: CaO rcnqi .. (rom acp 10 rornli pt'O'Iu;oul (dii'). .t.dl dttreas.es.
\t&() FcO by u b)' llOC ...OUDI.
lCI) l( C.0 ucccd.\ Mg()- FeO. the t1i0W fonas prcMWon.al '11\'llbilonlllc (wo'), ud
.ili<:a G ckerca..od by 1hc eucu CaO
17) I( tK Mg()+ Fc:O in gep IS ocecds the C.O. lM aU b)'JX'-f
;and J.iiQ is decreased by 1he tAU MsO FcO.
18) lfSi0
ii jCJII remainingSi0
is at> quarU' ..
IQ) If Si0
acg:afi\'C the rock tMJ.lun!l .. tiu (C)I rhc PfO\'ll.ion
11lfy formed $ili<'arc: minerals. Some Clf tbuc minemb mu.,t tl1ercforc: be
ta One$ rontaining. leM silic.a, unlil 1111it0l dcficlenc:y i::l.
din\inat-.:d. The order in chis i1 d(MIC ii :-\ f(II<I'W'ft: lirit, h)l)CI'
s.thenc i!l COO\'er1ed to oli,ine. $phuc lo pcro\'ll.ltC, otlhite: to
I'IC:Jlhthne, urthod.uc H.J JAnd dios)'id4' lt'l r-.oiJcium
and ols,.ioc:. aDd liMit)' ltucite tn U1i4,ptulitc Let the
deftcKI'Icy in silica be (); the o( the provi,i(lft,ll l'l(lfi'IUI;.,C:
miner.tl\-llfC .,ith a pcimc (Jet Tabk .. 1 r\lf ltt'nn:-..i.._., ., .. }
hy/2',sc:t ol O,and b) by' !0
I( 0 > ._.,{!. aU ptO\isiotuJ hypt:fllhe-M " t..r:YCrltd t1lrurtc: (1-l h\"),
Jftd the: M"- dcti!Cicrq. 0
0 tr//2-
'!1) 1(0 ( set rf. 01 a:ldla. ta'. o,
If 0 > t' al splw:M U tOMt-ntd tt' pct,nl.llc (pf ta'), alld
the ....... IQ ddtcimc)'. 0.,. do, .....
If 1110 prC"'"'Wonaa r.:udt 1ft "t:P -4, ,..,..)'set ()l 01.
22) If 0., < .t,oh"', WMDt: of abe pl"'tSioul " to ,.udt
i'h61 nc:

aAd ah ab' o
If 0., > .&:th', a.ll albite wrwcrttd tt'l (nc ..to'), .:aond
ihc nc .. sahea derKi<':P<), o
tS o
!-.1) lr 0
< 2or', some- pc01ois6onal orthodax h ronl'tW:d to J,urilt, s.uch th:lt
k P,/2 :.nd or 01' o
If 0
> -Zot'. all (l'fO\isional Oflhoclne con"'<'llrd to rrt'l\ l,i,\n.tl kudtc
lit' of') and the new $ilka deficiency. 04. is ol' 20f'.
2.1) I( 0
< ,.'tl'/"2 '" provi!>i()tla) V.'Oil:u.tonile (nOl' in d11Jp-.iJe), M'nl t p111m"n.al
wo41:tUOnllt tonvntcd 10 t.:tkium wch th:l a. D.:t
wo 20

II D.a > all CtlnH:ncd tn (lflfu_,,j)i,
calr (o wn'/2), and 1bc nc"' s.it.e.a dc(te.Cn<:)", D" ,.1,'/2
:$ II Ds dt', Mtmc of tht dlofQKk is COD\'"Cr1l:cf 10 t .abum Mlh-iht.,.u::
.,b.ch arc to formed, w:t o o
r.. ul
o,n.. and di eli' Ds- rc:mcml!c.ru'l 10 ad4 tht aout' (:\. omJ l to
thllk lo -SlCp$ 24 aDd 20. rupc:CIJ\t,:l)'
,, o!i > di'. all 1$ '" f'olkaQm
iad olnt:I'IC". $UO 1hoal o d."'/2 MCI ol d.'/2 (WJ ht allk>Unl) fcllfmcd i.
MCf"o !.& .!nd. '20). alld tk at> ilk& dc-(KCIIC'\, 0 . '-' 0'\ d.l"
:t) F ..... u,.. J there is still a '"' J.:c:. lcu:.111r " C\lft\1.ned '"
.ct .. p Otf=. ....t k k'
o-oc, the silica derw.:ie.nq ba& bun elimlna.ted (one ol the Mep$ bttwtt..D 20 and
26). lbe oorm Wcvlati.on i$ completed by multipf)<in3 the mole pcoportion or the
li!'$1 Oxide iD tbe rormuJ3 or CaC:b 1\Qrmative mioetaJ formed by the wcigbHOI'I\USM:IO
ractor giYc;;o in 4-1. Oa1y rock types: ha''C low enoosh silica oooteots to
ea,usc: tle. Donn eakulatioo co pcoceed be)l)Qd Uep 22. For most rocks., the
eo.k:ulatioa i$ cherdore Quite short. Nonetheless.. if lattc oumbc:rs or oornas have
to be U:term.i.oed, tbc calculationi become tedious. aod they are preferably dooe
usitlg a computer. Those &tudcots i.atere&cd in computer progJaoming or are
rAI'I1iti.ar witb c:omputer sprend sheets will rwd the coostruction or oorm program 110
interesti.ns and useful exercise.
T,\BLE Exumple ()(Norm Calculaton
tr Mote ProflQn1t'ln '" tl)tht fl)llt'l.li.IOO ol tfle
m1nct:ll. 1hf:o rte..,. Vllu.t"

Wt Mol Pm

' 0
980 60 09
lS.., .H

I 0 !()<)
, ..
11!:'11 l\11(10
0 lilCl 1(11 'UI I '( l
- -
' h

Ml Olt
- -
.,. ' ... \
.: ......

.... .... ....
.... ....
u ... .::v

\lo-H .: IU J(J \I
lUI- ...
01Ul ll!IIWI
' "
.. 'Ill

I Jtw I q'
.... o \ (10
t I <JJ< II 1"-'
... ....
... 1
.. , ....
. ...
.to. 1U
..... , ... ,
' '"nl.llnt.C \l ut.-l..ol
1111:11 fl!\ fl Ill tJ.lliJ
"'' \
.. -h1
l lf\!11
\\ c (-.nH""'"" f ...


: -,.
: :
, ....
I . : lh!O I \;
r- '""''"'' "m"'''
... ,
t Jill
: (j t
' ..
'' '' I
' I'
. .,
- I of.
" !
. '"''""-'''' ,,,,...., .. ,.
. ... :
( ,, ul.o':,.ll tot J .. 'f'.,.l.
ho( .. \MI I 11:
"' <JrJo.
"r h{.) \ l nO

I l " I
,tt. I
l.na U\IJ
II:"!- I
II ;:
.... '
,, ....
.. .
. ..

,. .
-- _..
, .
,.. .
,. .

,. .
" .


Roocb Itt dMdcd iolo p6UofW. lryptlbysstll. ud C/IIUIIW. or
dcpc-.diat oa .tloetbct lbey ate cmpl:attd a& put de-pOt. _.. the Al'f..::c. or c. the
-M:Iy. "" - """""" - phi- -
ia .-nJ the &h.ctioo bM.ed o. .- dall. Ia plutC!Ifti.t toda..
Bk are rudily ide.ti&abk ia Mod 5piC(iiKtl bCic:nM. pia tiza. we
llliCd"* 01 couse {>J .. ). .d rocb or C\IICD
py, ...S ""->> ia loaod spc<iat<o lo dif'ocoll. Hypabyr;AI ...S
\daiiK rocb are &herdcwt c:ommoolydvi!ied tacbtr.
11te geDCraJ (l()mpositioo of a rod eaa be WicMcd b)' a oumbcr o1 but
cq..h11kn1 1ermJ (.Table 4-3). Roeb rich itt quartT., fcldspus. or fclthpatboid$ are
a.11d to be /tiJ;e, whereas tho$c. rich iD ferromapc.W. miner-als are m.fljk
or C\'ell ultram(Jjic if they are tacaDy devoid o( fc:.\l.ic mineral$. Felsk roc.ts
dch in Si0
, wherc.a.o; ultnmar.c rocb arc rich in MgO llnd P(.(). Early in the
deoo-elopmcnl or petrology, tilica in magmu was thought 10 rombino whb wa.tc.r to (om'l
Jilictous acid, IJ.'hertato Mg() and FeO were thought co form bases. Thi' led to the
cerm' bllJic. lind ultrabtUic. wflich althouah obloa:.tc arc "iU oommott
ly U3Cd. Appliefl1ion or Mf of thc$e lcrm.J ill the (.cJd ia Nscd oa the ' i.mplc. ob-
or the cok)r of tM haM JPCCimeo. and thll$ ic ICCIN nu)re hoftesl co use
tcm.s that il'ldialc lbil. upt-colotcd roeb tK. rcJcrrcd to as /N.tocrotic.
ktUl duk ones arc. ttKloMoaric. A q1Witicacive ll.atemcnt of the color of a
t:lc be made: by usiag t.be color fndcx, ...tUth i6 d.c ptl'CC:ftlli8t-
oltbc cbJk miat:ra Tbc eolot abo bucd OIL tbc:
pcrcc:tiC.'IJC' ol fcrrom.apc:$iu mioc:ral$ iD tk CIPW oar. if u aec:untc IIDOdc. is 001.

TABLE 4) Gueral Oc.s.ctiptiYC Petropapbk Terms
Color Colru jndex
fchK SiOzrieh

lltr<\m .. rc (MJ.fe)O-rieb
Uluobuoc Mdaaocr-at.c 100
The ci&w;dacalioo ot pi\Moaie rotb il lea U.. th.w ol \dcanit
a.c:s. bcalolie the miaerab are tt:adi1)' idrcBiif.able _, thus cu be usH
for nodal clas$if1Utioo. 'fhe i$ a of the dmifteatiOft ot
plu10I'Iic todc$ rtcommcl'ldcd by l.be IUC.S nt1 t bto o-f
Rocks (Slrcckei5en. 19'16).
Tbt 1 UGS cbsWIIC:Il.ioe d. bar:scd o. the. modal .,....s ol k comaoa a:U.wnb.,
.-ttidt. arc: 4Mdccf infO fM C'OUJ'I':
Q qtuutz
A albJi fdchpotr, with up to 5 molt'(, a.ootthilc ( <A.os)
P placiocalsc "-b cc.poUtk. froe Aas to Aouo ad sapolicc. (a romn1011
allmhoa p<odad o( ... _. ... )
F fckb:padw:lli<h: nepheline, tOCb.litc. analcile, lc:WIC; pSeudokt.ttile,
kals.ililc (bllot)hililc), n\MciHl, hnu)'lle. and ('MCrinite
M mafte: mintrii.IJ: olivint. pyroxenes, micw., MCloftlicdlitc, mcli
lile. rainerak. and tueh as l':irtoQ. apa
tire,. ,t.pbcat. cpdote. aJla;dc. &ad Clitboute.
Rods !eM 1h.:ln 90% mafte mifttra.l$ (M <90) are on 1hc b:l)J' ot
tbc:.it of 0. A. P, and F, rock\ 'Aith are d:wi(,ed on tbe N\"' ot
tbc. ptop?fltofts o majcw at.afliC ClhM.rU. The: dtvisioo M 90 " arbil:rM), bvt
few JOCb .. tbaa. dni:sioo. Uknna.afx: od..J
\'1> > )0. ... oc..ber rod." f.tll 'CD bdow lhis timll.
rcx:ks floC\'Cf contain both 0 F, r()(b c-.an be
ia cc""'_, or chr1,.4;. c:::ilbcr OAr or fAf' I f'lc thtct: wmpanerll.$ (:).11 be: rcprc:
"mc.d c.tthcr io tNn&ubr plot!. 0t "' the pi()C ol fc. 4-1. 1"'hc IK'Iri
"' tbi!. cbacJ indiQtn ahc propon;oe ol kocbK: ... , 1hc: t(llal
lddl-p.ll (P/(P A)), and cit(: \'CI1QI &11:1:) indiatQ the modal pcrecnt4t.c (t( qtwt7
(Q) m.:o&..\Uttd Uf"Y'11nJ nd th(' (I( fcld$.p111hoid (f) mc.Uuu:4 d(Woi'I'IW3td (HIItl the
IC:IO Inc:::. The is $ubdivided ituo mat\. in& the (OI&p<ll'l.iltutl.:ll ('\l(ftl or
the nul rod: 1)-pc:s.. All!w'lugh the arc: trbillt;u}. they an: so
th.aa rU 111054 pdroiopsls owoc'-c .,Q a partiaiW a.amt OUf.'\ ahr tutc:r
"f , 'dd roc:.\ C'OIIlinng c:q\1.11 amountt ol alh li and pa.,,,utb.w.-
;,nd If": would be named a quam monwnrte; 11 rod. contMing 1St;;. nephelnc
,1nd hJ"hl$fcllhJN!r thJI j, 11nly S%. be (l;llmed a ncplw.: linc l)'Cnitc;:.
S4.11M QAIKJC be ckfilled m. ccrm) ol oal) OAP 0t FAP. ud f11Hhcr
duploJIC' wa be FOf UJ-mpk. kromes more:
d.lnt '' the in hg -'1. it alw hc:comQ tnOfC: anOhitc: 11c-h, But 1n wmt
wc:L.,. 11 morC' anonhitcrich 1hsn in (!(h,crt,. Th" s.C'I''C'- to dis-
flttlfftc' fr(m J.'UhiNtJ, the pC..,wcl.uc: com'IOl'tltiOC'I 1t1 dmtc
c.. th..A Aft ia pbbto tt tS vua:cr th.u Atl$0- Zoftlfll: ot
d.a'( m.a' tt.\ 111\lmct.a. d.frttuk 10




... .

... .


Roek.s generl!Jy becoa:le ma.f.c with increase itl pla;ioduc as. i.ndi-
ttllcd itl 1he gtaphs at the top and boctom or F"13- 4-l.. Rocks rieb in quam: have
tbe lowest COCitcnts ol malic mioerals, whereas those COClUinitlg reld.'lpathoi<h tend
to have the higbcsL Al.so, gabbroie rocb are generally aorc. mafic thAn diorWc
ooes. For any particubt rock type thoete is a oormal range or <DeJitratioo or
mioenk, liS lo Y13- 4..1. .R.oek.s conta.illins more- or leu than this cu
chc. prefiX meU, or respec;t.ively, added to the Al.lllc. Thus, ll gabbro
ltiJ'F amouot or pl.:lgioclue: would dc$c;ribtll at "' kucopbbi'O. 1J
ch:. amount ol plas;octm is excepc_ionalty high (>90) the: rode i$ given tbc special
nlmo t1Jt.()Tt}!osltt. Fortber de.litiition of a rock typo estt be tti\U by JpecifyitiS,
tht Aames or tbe mjor mafic miDCt'al$ ptesen.t, with the most abundant being pbced
d06t;st to the rode name. Thw., a bi(Jiite-horcbleode diorire routaicu mote born
bl:ode than biotite.
Although g;abbroic: rock.'l pk in F.g.. 4--1. their rompOOtKlnal wnatons cannot
be in terms olthcc c:ompooeots ol this diagram. Gabbroic: rocks c:oosist
scn1ia.lly of Or1hopyroxc-ne, and bornbknde,
which be to dassif)' them into a n\lmbc:r or major IYJlC$ (F'J3. 4-2). Normal
g3bbfoic rocks bc:t .... 'Cen 35 and 65% rninerab; rr they contain mote or
leu than thS,. they ato preftXed by the tc:ttn$ mdn or leu('()- In addi
tiOn 10 the major componen1$., f!;llbbroic tQCk$ abo ilmenite,
$plnel, biotite, aftd s.amct, wft.ieh C8ft be added M quali(JCcfS t O the roc.k name,
a,:'li.n with the m<l$1 abtl.lldant mineral being placed dOSC$I to the rod name. The
in gabbroic r<>Cks an ta\ttagc comi)O:iition >An
, but more albit.ic:
cc;mpositions may Our on the timS ol t<>Ded (t)'Stals. Some 3DOtlhO$ite$ are an elCCep-
tion to thi.s rule. Ahbough anorthosites in layered gabbtoic intl'\l.$.i<mS contain pla
t;ixl.ase in the b)10Vro"llite range, l:;uge Precambrian anor,hositc m35$ifs may oons.is;t
entirely of "ndc:si.ne plagioclase arc C(lmpQ$1 or l:l'mtdorite). Nonetheless,
mu.sif type ha,e btta cl.,ssified with rather than wiJb dto-
ritc.s., but many or tbeit associated rocks beat mOfe .:lfinitic.s to tbe diocile
granodiorire $uite of rocks tban to the gabbsoit suite.
Ultnunane rod:s are eucntially of (lli\ine, orthop)'l'oxene, cli.oo-
wox-enc:, tnd hornble.nde. The used for the variOO$ t)l)eS of ul!ramafic rod:
sho.,..-n in Fi,s. 4-3, Small amounu ol spinet g,Jtne:, biocite, magnetite, or
ctromitc can be indie:ated, ro, example, u spi.l)C;)bea.ti-ng peridotite i.f 1he amount
S% and peridotite U >5%. If the amount tXAXcds SO%, U might hllppco.
f<1r eumple, "ith chromite. the rod: is referred lO ti a ehromili.tt. and
ir the amount e.xcecds 95% it " na.med a cltromitite. One 1.1n\l$u.'\J type of
plrrich pcridOiitr that contai& mantlederived i,. as
because of its occurrence :u Kimberly, Soulb Africa, wbtrc it form$ 1he h<4 rod:
fer diamoads.
Many igneot&S rocl,;s, the mOte mofu: ones;, contain
<:<lrbon.atc which rormcd a.s a pha$e or as a late alteuticm ptf>.
duct, but it rarely c:xceeds a few A group or known collec
ti-Jd)' a.s ctJri>oll t1/t1U. howcvc:r, arc composed uscntially ol Utbott11C.S (>SO%
These baw: such low 1iliQ contenu that they bQ dwificd b)'
tle schemes for silicate roc:b. vc: campou:d of mixturu ol eal<:itc tnd dolo-
mite, but iron carbonalc may be present a,. well Recent eruptionS of Oldoinyo
f"'!&'lte .._1 lUGS dsiilicatioft ol ipcous rocb cootAinula 1haa 90CXt martc:
miiiCnb.. Phnoaie roc._, arc in upper cue and \'Okani( oou in lowct cas.e kUc:.ra.
A allalifeldspar albilc(<Ans)uadf' plastodase(>An.s).

1 un



1 ..



... ""

' '



"r tn

...... h

......... "
... .. :.-
...... , .... .....


. ....::.
-._, ... , ..

,. ..... ..... h
, ...... ''" ............
t .. tltd

..... ,"
..... h
10 n
:.o .. -- ,.,.
. ' '


_ ........
I tt<>*l1\
- to -, ..
- ,....,,.




,. i

'1- -
I ,o.h

' ' .
' ....... .
""'Ill looUio
' .
.. ..



. .

.. .
, .
, .
, .
, .
,.. .


T A.8L..E 4 4 Commoa rock IUIImC$, v.oilh llJGS.m:ommc.ndc6 tcr"m.i in bold print 1;The 6r9 number refers to tither Fig.
4-1, 4-'2. or +3; rnLmber$ foi!Q>.\ing tbe (IC)(()a give the c:omp0$itiooal field in wllicb tbc rorX plou ill the ('.guru.)
Adamellite 1:8" plu.tooic M:lQBUite
1;8 plutonic.. hypc:r&lbe.nc,
Alaskite I plutOAic, oo matic::s
mesopcr1 bile
Alkali rddspr Mt-UIIIItc: melllitc., \'Oianic
IJ"l"-ik L'O
plntonic, Oll!DC' Table 4-S
\'()lennioe, name feldf;p:u Tble.4-S bypaby<$11
S)'tni.lt plu.ooie, name fc:ld.'iplr Mortton.itc L:8 plutonic

ttacliJI< l-6 YOic:uUe, nsme fdcbpar Mouodlorite 1:9 plot ollie
Alkali granite
plutook., alkali ampb or pyrox Mugearite
1:9,9' \'Okank.
Alkali rhyolite
,'Okaftic;. alka6 amph or p)TOJC NC'ph. ayt:njtc l:ll ph.rtooic::
Alkali &yenite 1:6 ,7"
p1utooic, alkali Ampb or p)T<n:
1:15 ''Okanie
Alkali tracb)te
1:6 .. 7" volcaoic;. alkali ampb or pyrox Nordm:ukite
1;7,7" plutoo.ic
Alnoitc Table4-S
bypabyssol Norite
AndfSile 1:10, 1Q--9,9" \"'Oauaic Pantcllcrite
\'()l(;l.ni<:, peralhlinc
Ankollramlte 1:10 volcanic, porpb .. 3:2,3,4 phnonic,
Anorthosite 2:1 cumulate 1:11
sugg.ary texture:

volcoanic. potph. olricll
1: 1o ,lO.tO' \"Oicank Polu nite Table45 bypabysr..'>l
lb$anltc 1:14 \'Oic.'lnic

1:8.8' volunic f-,'rO)(enllc 3:S,6,7 plutonk, cumulate
Camptonltt Table -'S hypabyssal QtL dloritt
Carbona tilt tex1 p!utonie, rare vok. carbotl.atc: Qt:.t. latllt'
1:8 vok.anjc-
Cb.amockile 1:.3b plutonk, hypersthene
met3\'0kanic. albite
Qt:.t. moo.tonUc 1:8 plutonic
Conlandite 2:6 plutonic, poikilitk ce:aure Qtt. S)'U1tt'
1:1 plutonk
1 ;4 \'Okaaic Qu. lr&C.'h)1c 1:1 \'Oicank
Oiabas.e 1:10,10" h)l"'byssol RapakM
1:3 plutonic. plagit,da-;e

pi:ISioclase <An
nmmmg K lcld
Doluite 1: 10,10
Rbyoducit e 1:3-4
Dunitt' 3:1 plutonic. cumu1oate Rbyolitr 1:3
Essexite 1:10'
Sanm1ilt' T:tble oi S h)'l'"byssol
fenite 1:7 l)Cgerinc. metasomatic Shonk1nitt- I!'T plutonic.
Fold )y-cnitc 1: 11 plu(onie, n;am<: fe"hpathoid
Four,hiu:. 45 monchiquite bu:t no oli\ine Table -'5
Foyoite 1: ll plr.uoni.t Spllltt J: 10
(;.:bbr9 1:10 p.lu.onic S)'t:nltc
1:7 p!vtonk
Gr.1nitr 1;3 plutonic
Cranodiorilt 1;4 pll.ttonic: Ttphrht
1: 14
' olc:anic, pbg < An
Gr&nopb)Tc 1:3
micrographic text Tc:.liChc:nite

3:4 plutonic, eumut:ue Thuatite
ph.nonic "nolclltr
1: 10
1:9 '"'lani c. Ferlch Tingu.:.iu: 1: l1
hyp.-by5.s.al, analritc
!:IS pluconic
1:5 plutonic
J:a.(urir41ngilt 1:15
ti:lanaug-ncphcline, plutOnc Trach}tt' 1:7

Jotunite 1:9
plutonic, Trisunitc I :fl' vokank
t:S meta\'Oicanic.. albite: Troctolite l:S plutoak. rl"'- cumul11tr
Kt'r'):tntltr Table 4-5 Trondhjemite
1:4 plutonic. 50dic
K.lmbt'rlltr ultram3Jic., Ugandite l :l5
volt<anic. malic.

$i ... OI(lr ll) II).MJIIOflh)'I'Cl, -' S
and Mg(}rkh
\li cb:-Mrilt
plutonic. cumulJ-tc
Un.ilatc: 1:6.6" plutonic
plutonic. eu,mubtt:
L..tltt l:S vokanic
\""Obnic. phiO(:optte.

plutonic, eumuJ:uc

- - --.
_____ t __ _
lUGS claJl"K'Mioa of g.abl'fOK roc:b. Shfd,ng it14JUih 1hc
color index of the rod:.
---------------- - - .,,.
-- ----- -
ruJIIO'tl tU
_____ _!_ __ _
.. 1






.. .

, .
.... .
... .
, .
.... .


.,. -.wtbcru T...uoia procNeed compOI(d cwco-
li31Jy 31 aodiuaa Tb" is aoc bowD Crom aay ocher ipeous body. lu ra-
ri.1y i n the geologie reeord iJ undoubcccDy to the hi&" .sotubility oC scxh\lm car
boontt in watu, wflich drudc:alty redutt.S its ol Carb6oll.tilc:$
io the <".at booate- fraction il more t.ban 90% cald tc: are k.ooW'l'l IS if
"U..Kfi .. IK.d .,J.,'k;,H U' r..- ...--.. C...boftat ih!f; i.e .. "'ich ltw- urhc\.
ute 'rac:tKMI is IIDCWC: tu. 9()11. dolomite arc aa.... al kfoniN. latermcdlMc: COlD
poUt- coetMIC f.roat JO to dokailc: we rdcncd CO as
ud &<a 50 to "'"ht
prcseacc. ol mu.etab. wch as moacilbte. dioptide. phJoco9scc. pc
t'(M.I..i!c:, and CU be pbd in rrooc o( the name if their
dJnce is or 3Uention lt to be 10 ll pan kular minc11LI.
8.aue tbt ftiOCial cc.J)O'ilioa of II:I.UY Oiaak I'OC'b ii MICUk. i! ocM i.mpo5-"
silk, co dauii'IGIIto.:. ol V'OicHic rods ...- ose ol ckial
wdl u lnOCbJ dM.a. Tbis lw aotrodUttd ll'lO: v.1mbkt and amplic:.aed lht dauif'.t-
c:atNx. Ai a resuk, it no single. accepted das.siftatKln of voJ...
cank U)(<itl a$ there is of plutC'Inic one!.. Nonethck.'\ the: lUGS S.ubcummiion on
the S)'$-lcnutlcs or Igneous. ltocls bas recommended n dassilic.ntion for adoption
(SuctLci\Cn, 1979),
111< H; G!. recomm.coda th.tt rocb bt <i.w.tfiCd m the ol tht.ir
ftiOdo possible. bel dul lhe. di\'iSiOft$ tA lbc cb$.s.ifiCMioo $hould COf
respMd 10 thoK ia tile pluc(loal( rod: W'hcn: modr.s OJUICll be
chc:ttuW be 10 the rocks., b\11 hc:ac ap10 the. dJ''>a5
io th:: should to tb06e for rocU. Tbc
calruation rrO\idcs n1cM.s or con,--crllng thcmical n.lo mncrilklgJQI
tMt can be used ffir diWirK'ation J'I"' I)()!IO. 4-.l '"dl.ldca the
rtronmc:nckd aames for the: rocks io each ODC of the Cicld!l defined by the
rfutcnK rOth- a cquh'aknl fN uch of the mOJin rotb.
o.,C fur tbost .. the druu(l(' ealcpwy aad alkW'Ihoslta. 'fbc:i,e rh.rtrtniC roda
ate aDy formed t, tK .cau.blioll a Pldth.:) ac
\1:1 C'U"Cd ' liquid as sue:lil. For tlli$ rc.asoe, tky do lk"ll appc:;u I S b'u Tbc
rod. ktiOV.ll at A:om41rutt>, .,1licfa occur! :tlmos.l 111 Ardtc
.:.n tc:rr ... n!l. i " the cquivaJcnt of pc.-ridohtc.
for impk n.:.ming of ''Okanic rocks On !heir mO<lal
tit ...,,m;atn"t pl.ll).il tocls in the Rocb "'lhin (,cl.cJ 1 'houkl t'C. rdt.r
red ttl l l rhyl\lt'i r11bcf thu an,.._l, rlnollta.. bcQu.k 1ht bllt:r
tef"M ha he-co aKt'd 10 .ncl.ecalc tW prococc- ol u all..alt J')T( XC:DC Ot J-1\all a.mphi
t-Jk Tht toaltK 10 fcWi 6, 6. and 6" The tetm '*.J'Ordi2in&t a l'C. m.cd
ror roct.t u......W:.ocW f.cl.b l and 4 Vok,ifto( roc:b h.l'iftl, compoa.t106$
'lmtla.r to :..rc The) on be dewibcd ti the common cb
ctCfo ll.,\'t' the compo!>ilion of t;r:uwdtocitc. The dl\tuC:h<ln bet NC.t.ft u d Dnde-
).111:- on compo,ittoo is dirriCuh, hIau.M: elf ;he r roblcm or dcccr-
Cflmpmitk:ln!> \lohcn CryMlb arc ZOd. 11 an anlll)lal
tht' ""'f:IOCLI!oe oomJIO)thOl'l tll-11 t't U1Cd. Abo, the COO
lclllli tu &he IWQ, bnlJb bs tba S2
Ud .-ofC lo ,....,..._,_ .... \ .. ""- tp..att ,...._ 35,
lftOll aodcsitcs h,)'" t.: ... c, ';alwcs. The commoa d su-.co \'Ok.al'I!C')(.S
plat 1ft lickS 9, .... mos4 qu.;uu.-bc:anng rill n f.dds 10 ao So
called alkali t..llu. wt.ic:b we N10Ciiaccd ..ntlt .....,. oceMik ia.baocb ud rill vaJ.
te,. CO"ieencs. pb i:D 6dcl 10'. Muy Wlkaaic rotb CJI)ntam atm. .. ida
tJMxak be mcatioood ill a rock deacriptioo.. Oft lbc pe1ccnt-se ol sJ.a.ss pre-
1<04 lbc rod< .., be d=ribed variously u aJasober"'s (0.2:11'0 aJw), sJau.r;cb
(-), pu.y .. .., sp<Oal ................. (lo< WQ.tdo
..... ).llloo ............. -8010-
MM hypabyssal rocks ha'YC Aimibt FAin size$ to voboic rocks and a.re eqU4lly
dilracaJt to dusiiy. Vokuic: rock uma are a:sed to describe D05l of them. Bual-
llc dib, if c....P, ... y be ocfiam..,.;..ct aod the rod< ....., ... ly de...lopo a
texlvn bOWl! u; ia latbJ of arc embedded U. laracr
ct)'IU1s of pyroac.oc or olivi.oc.. Tbe &yoooymous termt lloleriu and
-used 101- nxb. 1'11cyplot ia 6clcb IOaadiO' cl
One tfulintt voup of b)1)1byu.a} ro<b th.tt chcjr OWfl nomendllturc i5 tbc
wta.ieh uc melaD()Cradc:. porphyritic tb co11cairMa phenoa)'lls
cl a hrdt.,. ...roc .. OtcnJ, bO>Ote u amploiholc, aacl pc>Uibly aod at.
io a croanctm-. Fdckpars. if prat.l\1. ocaat :mJy in the grov:Dd
ma.u, ""l many l.ampropllyrc contain no lcldSlW' at all TbC$C ha\'e $Ueb low coatcnlS
ol $ilia: that (eldspw.hoids: or mdilite i6 pte:St-nt lnsteM. ol
Cotutltuenc Prcdomiu.nt \b.fte Mineral
F<>id biotde boml>lcod< atnphlbolc
dto(l'ide (blrkeY\kitc
kWtsUIJtC) .tiiMUU1Ptc
t:ClMUc :olnW tuu.,ae !oln.C
v_. ..
or> pi r,p>foid Sanaitc
pi>OI l>p>loid Ca.ptoaik
loOI M.-dlh .. lk
. .
0kuit and hypb)utl r:b rorm on or neat the E.a:th's ur(ltt wt.cre
tbey ca. iatcra.ct witb cir,W.Linc groundwater, their (dchpar-. arc c.ommonly
altc.tcd 10 uridu: or (zoisil.c or epidot.c) a.rd lkir afiC mi
ecnk tct K.tpt:atiDc.. or t*. Oc:.:ipiae tW ahtUttOft. tbt rod: Pould
be clawir.cd ac:cordanc co wb.tt 1bc rock wu prior to if thit is dttc:t
bOftl tc:xa.uru or rc:lia a:r.t.u: the -n 4"lllt k a.dd<Od to i.MI;.
c:ace l.ba ... rock b.u UDdcfJODC da.J.Icc.. nus Cll""' C;S.1oeat.al
.,. ol abtc. epidote., &Dd diJorcc. Ooc p-oop c:J altered rocb for .. isich a:peo.al

, J

.. .
, I
, I
,. .
,. I
, .
.... ,

cern arc .cd thoac forraed OG tt.c occu 1\oor. Sptbta arc Ofi&Julty ba-
nllk rod;, W@plryru oripna!y inle.nnedl;tlc volcuK rodu., aad qutJTt:
originally iilic\ vokanK rodJ. They bavc: all \l.lldctpc &Odium
me-uomalism, wilh tbc pll\gioctasc. being cunve11cd t 1Ui.rely itiO and Lbc ma
r.c minerals are mMtly COft'YCI1Cd 10 dofilc. Spt,litt are Ol'lmOI'II)' pUiowc.d, aM
two.K aec..a. of ..... rocb 1h.M lky forrntd ltv N'f'..Aft floor.
Tbc:ir ...._ aocliUDI CIOOtUt aay tkrdore reMJted from iotuaccioe "''itt! sea._,
MO<c =ally (L< S... co ol.. 1966), obc lUGS Subcomm ..... oa obc SY'O<mat;.,
or igDcoul Roek$ has rtcommc.bded adopcian of I 'impk dac:mial of '101
t3.nic rocb based on 1he CWO p:ua_metets., 1011 albliJ ond ti'o ron1cn1 (TAS). Tbe
TAS diagram (Fig. 4-4) is dlYided inlo I.S by a of W111lgbc hnc.s. To
pkll 1 rook il'l this di.IIVa.m. Lbe AIIJl)ysis is 10 1._00% Oft 1 H
o. and
CO,.rrcc basis. Rocb <ftt.;.W., more: lhu Hp (v.-,;te:r drn.c off b)' bea
""' ...... 1os"c) ...0 - "- OS% ., ............... oloaed. ...0 ob<U .W.
sifatoOo by ol>is odloDe uy be .._ Rocb l.&lioc ;, oh< f.eld
car be( ....... duoif"d 10 ......... l ... ., .........
ut iJ Si:rn!l;uty. tbc: fcld 01 tKu.'lfi'te ttafhya_Rtbite can be d;..
vi<! ineo mugearile'" (Na) ud r.boshonitc (K), and the fietd or erac:hyal'ldul1c huo
beamorcitc (N.t) alld lt;tile (K), C1a!>Sifieation by 1hi.1 Khcrnt ts. tot1.1.lly toft
$i .. lcn1 wi1h tbou on the OAPJ-' diagr-am 4 1)
' .

. ........


-- !

. .....

- - ..

. '

s.o, ,.,,
. ....


.... COmpodnNal C\cJcb uf ... lc.._ of IOC.J .JJ..al ... aAd fi.
Ia. (aftet Lc k cc aL. 1956; "'"" ol O:d'Otd Ulll'i'Cr
6o1C)' Prw)
'nle:lnbN 8ar'IIP" Olaalfic8U. otVolcuk Roekl
lo reeeoc. lbo dssifv::adoa ol volc:al:Uc tocb propo$Cd by lMae and Bar.,-
(W11) bas ploc4- """'peaocc It Ids op ..,...._ - cEIIc- roct t)pa
bued IOid)' o. tM''DOP -... u..& il.. il praclic:c ..._ ...,.....,, as:soci11e a pat
licular toc:l: GUM ftla a ccrtaio OOCDP<)$ilioeal fUIC- The ak.n ;N'Nfi(WIIIM
lbe that 'I'OianJc rocb faU into a oumbcr ol distiaa scncdo
"rM:s. wbicb eao be distloguisbed by sl.mple daemical parameten. Tbc.se series
tK adJed sipllicanoe thac lhc:)' WI be c:Ofrdatcd with ctiaciM teccooic. c.aviroo"
v...,..,;. .- .... "'*Wt;cd "' !Moo ood moo ....;. """"' (r"'
.. S). AlbolktlliM, tho fJ/1c#line, aDd the puolklhlle (alk&Lirieh),
MOte rocb be.loft8 to the two group, whkb ace each Jubdlfided irtto rwo tub-
groupe. Au.ipin& a rodt to IUt}' one of tbe.e &JOUPI is :1ft si.mpk ehcmic.al
patamett:rs Or Dl)rlnl.li"t'C a.politio... Before. thil is: dcoe, bowver. the dlcntiaJ
ctfccu ol alluatioa aaGSI be talcco iDeo IIOCO'IIII. U' P""'S'i'k Mu)' Wlllcuic roth
- oDdiud, .. - by h)odrochcnul ... ,.,. d"""s bwial ..
dv.rirla later mel.UDOr'phi$m. 'l'tac:6c thc.mical chaftiC' can seriously atrect 1bc norma
tive composition of t roe;k. wbkh may, io IUtfl. affect iu tll!sslCicatH)n. for
cw::npk, ClOovtnloo ol (cnCM&I irOn to ferric during alteration rcs:ults ia smaller
aMOUDU oC itoo $ilica1.C$ bclac cUculMtd ill tile aona: lKa produccs a IKM'
tUI awears llfWWC. Atuntcd .Jilica thaD ._ tk roct. nis type: ol
akcnt.iat. bowtw:r, cu be CIOfT((.'Ied fOf. bccau:IC ;. m-r ,-oic:.aftic rocb
thuc il: a SCt'Oftl positi\'C COrftlatioo bc4.wcca tbe Tt0
aM contents.
The ptimary

in ma.ny vokanic rocb is :t.pprOXlmatdy by
(we% Ti0
JJ). HzO and CC>.z are svblracted from the 11n11lysi! and tbc. toc:tl
rc.akubted 10 Nona cak'Watioos ve carried out aceot4i:nc to the. ClPW
""""- Wt I_....._ aM o.a..c to rCCllkui.Mc dw: aonnatNC- -"" m lcftlll.
ct -o'ecvlar rllKr lMa wcipl n-. lutead of lhe tnok
proponixl$ by the weipa facton U. Table 4-1, tM moe Pfopomon$ are
to 100%. io cxprH&i.ng fddspat compo!litions, ncphcllne
" rea" a.t. a.lbile. Tbu.s., the oormativc. anOfthite content is givtn b)
IOOxAn/(An .,.Ab S/3Ne). ANiylu olcypical u.mpkt ol c.ada olthc m.ia rod lypc.i in
Jt\'\at. ud Bv.,, arc p..u ia Table "-6..
Divi5ioo m&o cbe three maio JJOUP' is based oa t.bc. alkali toliC'I'Il of tbc rod;s..
Rocks ia wbkb the mokculat JJTIOUDI$ or > Al,t03 fall tnto the
pC'ulkaliolc p-oup. Tbe.se rocb t)'flkaUy eon.lain aeacrlnc or 1t IOCI.ac amphibole. Tbe
alkali coo.te.ot thll w:p:tra.et tbc subalhliae from tbc atk .. liM poups varies "'"h
the siSa (:(IOt(Al ol the rod (f"C. 4-6). The cqv;atice fot tk boull'ld:a.ty bttii<Cft
lllcie IVO'IJ'PSo d. by
335391 10..4 1 A6 1.1030 a 10
x AS 1.5188 x 10
x A .C 860?6 Jt to I ll A3
2.1111 X A '2 3.9-1921 A " 39.0
k1c A (Naf' Tltct.c two 170Upl cu also be dalanpulled ia a pkll ol
t!ac IICII'I'&ItNC: coetcots ol oiMat ocpOeioc quru (F"c. To plot rod.
thi. 4ilpam the nc.nls arc rcQ.il ti fotsow.: NC'' Nc 3/S A.b.
0' 0 2/S Ab 1/ .C Opx, 01' 01 3/4 The rocks piOI on lhc
qUUU 8dt O( l.be boWldaty liM, Whl"tl"-.11\ lht; alkJJtM: OftU pkM Ofl lhe t'lepflctiftc

. -

... .

.... .
... .
... .
.. .



T..OC.,[IITI( !&SAlT $(11tl($ &UC'A\.1 Ol1V11rf( eA$Al T $(lit!($ H("'-4[\.i'flC, U'-"ITlC
....... -
.,. ...
ooer ...,.0010 1
.-- It

,.,..! "
olhIM bMdl
.... ,
............ 'OrAsttc.
A!'toltlll le
... O-ol ol




... .,..,....
l t'\IC!tllt
.,...."', ''
... ,.... .,
,, ... , ... ,.
...., .. , I
...---.. PERALKALI


l>o"'t .. r!l t
l_ .............
Fis.ure 4-5 Geaeral t.Cbeme (Ot the common volcanic rO<:ks (after
JI'Yinc: ud Baragar, 1971). Unc. ,Pniog boxes li:nk commonly I.J4()(:i.atc:d roc:b.
The sm.all prirll "'ili:Ua bo.xu rdc"' 10 ol the nain rod: (Publi.ibed
ootb o( C.od; J. EatU s.; )






WI' S.O,

Fipe tl-6 Alk.tli.sWia p'ot With
liM $Cparatina of alli.ah!K
ltld S.Ubalbll.nt
Irvine and Baragar, 1971).

f"l@:utc 4--1 01'-Ne'O' pto,ertioo wil.b
$CJ)UilUII ( M: Ids ol alk.abnc:
&lld .,ubalkabnc: rodu. tut
for Cll'plAMtion. Plot in caLioo
cquvalenu. (aher aDd
Rarapr. 1971)
TABLE 4-6 AAalylc:s of the Rocb l..tsted io f"c- 4-,S (rtom lnioe aad

'"' T.O;
I tO

Bar-. 1971).
.... 4f.l su .su 61.1
20 1..1 1.0 1.7 1.3
U 113 1.19 ll.l UA
2J ll ]., 3.4 u
9.8 ,., 9.l '" s.a
Ol 02 O.Z OJ OJ
)Oj; 10.4 <4 I l.J U
M 109 19 H S.O
U 2l: J.O J.9 u
0) OJ u Jt u
02 a: 04 0$ 04
.,", JL6
IJ ..
117 114
.. u
1J ).$
01 O.J
u "'
" ..,
.. ..
o.1 !.4
(IOJ) 6'-7 7:U
1..0 OA 0,1
16..0 1.U lAD
19 II Olo
6.2 u 11
0.2 0..0 00
}4 0'1 0<1
S.9 2.7 1\
J9 u J9
09 30 4 I
l)l 1> 1 0()1
Albli olirilw: haWt k1io
"'' 441 .. \ ..
" :1 \0
112 tl 1 1n
1.l )2 ,,
u \If, tt
01 fl!
1'14 u, a
94 liS tn.S
IJ 411 10
tl 0\ II

) I )4 :0 I Ul
141 IH tlO lUI
4.1 ,, )... u.
1.3 '" 1).0 ) I
u o.l u 01
46 4,8 2.! 2ft
.,.. 8.0 ss 4j
lJ 2 SA
)I IS ,., "'
ot 0:1 u 04


'' II




,, .
'" ...

, ..
(.9.$ 1$.l
IU 0.1
, 4 l:l.O
!.4 09
6. 1 J.2
O.l (U
0.1 M
0." O.J
.. , .8
ol) 41
Ol Ot
AI.JW.J "'\E ROCto.:S
"'' . ,
: )t I "
111 no
$\ t'l
o: {>I
I! I Ill
I: II II ,
lk , .,
I! )I
IJ,. I I








,. ,
"' '

Tbe uba.Jbline rocki :arc divided lruo the co,'c-o/kU and tholtiilic
.seriu on ba.'is of lhdt irOfl ((M'IIcnn in the- AFM plot (rl@. 4-8). wbere
A - N .. O F F<O G.3'J'JS>F"203' lAd M M,O (all io t%). TbU plot
disuagui:SMs iatc.rmedi..Uc nc.mbt:r& ol Krit.& w:ry wcl1, bot at mafic aod
felsic c.ads there U OYttlap. C.kalhli baMfu and andesites.
cr..r, 14 to "lz'?lo bi.JJ i. mQR tb.n (II(CW'$ ia lhold-
U bal5oalts aod ,.'hJcoh coMal.n from 12 10 '"" Ju 1he cxsrcme fclsk e:Dd
there IS oo utislotdory 'lillY ol Qlc-a.ltali .utd tholeiitic: me:mbe:n.;
lb.oo all gruUtk .-... ......,...t llle cok-olbli Kri<s.
'nc .akaJne rocb IIC dMdcd iaco lhc 11/k,M olt'nM botaWt series ud l.be
lcwlh< ....._. Kfia. Rocb ol die btter senes typically
COIItalA Ia& tlaaa b.'C': u.d".ca peltt.r tb !iC4 aad tuy
COdblo -.or.atiYe. Incite..
1llc: IWil-c ol rocb tbc: vane- ....,o.ps il oa DCinllaltM pbaio.-
duc: eompcu.a aDd o. oonn.llvc co&or iDda. I tk qNibr,.. Strics,.
t!w rocb ,.,. fro. btid' thrOIP n4 to dryoliu
...th DOUNlft'C aoMJailc a.kM ud dtttc:ultc IICnUIM. eoi itdex
(Fe. 4.9'). 1'wo acrtc. o( rod. aa.o arc mc:d for the aJbW rods. oo
1etkr they &rc: a.o4ic Or poe--. 11IU df\mo. is made oa tk basis of lllc Q('Jf"lU--
IIY': fdd."f*' (f'" .. 4ol0) W'ICh aoortllite coalt'llt.
lbt todic: 6C-ri paMU from Nub tbro.p ""-ll1fl('. aod
10 u.dr)u (r"' 4-llt), be.rtti tk series p&CS from
IAoU btlsh thr014b .-d mpa,td(' to (F'.g.
4-: tb) AI the marlt tftd af a;JI (1/ thtst letiu,. haulls m<n tb,)n
aarma1i\'t ol:i\uw: te umtd ,..rntt:s! the-w- rotb eontai.n abu.twbnr phenocryg.tc
olt.'U'e. An.brt4ntJitJ, tthi('b l'lelona to tht lkahne c;roup. C'Onta.i.n
ucMt rhcnocryt.t\ "'tUcll the to hi'Yt more 1h:..n 20':\
C'Ollatntn(t mott than .S' nt.phf.line arc named d1hc:r if thC)'
nlllln mod.at ncpftc_hnc:. or btuumiOld if 11epht.hne not 'Uiblc. FiNIIy,
nc:phdtne-bt.armg lttdt)1e i.\ .,,.0\1111 '" phOito/lf(
... R AFM rlot ,Jto>4il'lg luw
3-CJU!Iallntt rield) o( lhOICi 11 k
rtOSW*d h)>
lr\1nc Baragar (1971)
A KzO: F FcO

M Mf,O. lltn f'M:tCCftl

..,., .. 9 .......... (19'71) .....
ol t.bc Mba'h'iw rocb ia a
pot d oormative oolor Index \'Cr$US
plaaioeJue tompositjoa. Plot
il CMioa eqvivalcats.. Nonaltiw. color
pi..,OCWC composit'oo
lilllAD/(Ao + Ab + S/3Nc); lhU ... ,.ru
aqbc lllle iDeo albi&c.
" .. .. .. 0
Fipue 4ol0 Ploc o( IIOI'liLIItiYc: An Ab' Of
- ciMc!io& - _..... sodic ....
J>C'O>OO< olblioe <OCl.a. Ab' Ab S/3Ne.
P1011 in % clk>o cquhaJeoi.S. (Iter
lr.ine and 1971).
NOI:/114Af1Vl ,.lAOIOClASI COM ...

. """ ....... ..
i .0 ..... ..
.... it . .... . ,.


.. /

, .

... ......
.. ..
to " ) to
ftpre 4-ll ol eorreatl\'( color IDdca. IK'In,'C' compowuoo
(dtfincd u .,, ri;. 49) for (a) $0<11( 1flnallnc: and (b: pola.u.tc albhne
toclu. <llct ln1n.c and B;Hag.-t, 1971)






.. .

.... .
.. .
.. .
r a
.. .


All.boap this duifintioo is il w CICIGflkrablc acoctic: sipi6-
CUCL 1k aaJo.albli Kria is cbanc:terisdc ol orcwnk kb Mid Pvu Ne o
.............. - ol ;,Jot>d orcs. '"'- - '" clcatl) telmd 10 -
UIICL 1'\e "ooc:iitic roc:b ._ dcdoped ia lOla of CJ'DIIal extension
""= tlocy _ _., dcodop - ....,,_, ol llood - 1'1lcy --ll>e
..,;.. ..... .,.. ..... _...;. ...... (MOR.I - -.4-- ......... ) oo4 oo __,
larJo """""' ...... - .. ......... All oiMoe - ... ,_;,c..s -
-ooooly - ....... ol _;_ .. riffiac ............ dcqlly ..
d ... ed piMeo; tlocy a1oo - ...... piau .... - ...... """""' ... _....._
lpeo Rode NatDts
Oapile the uo.ll aumbcr of rOek DlftloCI propo&ed 1n the IUCS aDd lrvinc
ani Barapr dawiftttlioN. tbe petroloeic liter.-uro COCIIIIins bundroch of rode
ntl'ca. Although mo5t or tbese are. ao longt.r d. it 11 ncJ.Wy t1 lusc lO be
able to find tbci.r dcfmitioau in order to rud the lltcrtlutc. 'The iA Table
4-oi includes tbc mosc c:ommooly c:nCOUO(cted tock ne.mu. Tb.:y been defa.oed, if
pouiblc, by rc:Jatlog them to the lUGS wtlb a pait of D\lmbers. The
rlllC av.mbc:r, 1, l. tAd 3, teftr$ {0 r., 4-1, .. 2. aod +3. aod the. 5CCOftd number
u.c!ic&tu c.bc. fckt iD Q.ich the rod p1ou io t.bc pwticolat Thus a jotu-
""' (1:9) ;, a bypeo11hctoo - ao4 plots ;. F' .... ,, field 9. Some rod<
..-. ate based oe tc:xtu:ral features, io iaidl caK UaQc uo bricfty sutcd Tbe
obtc ol thit tabobtioa is DOl to ptescat a c::atalopc: ot a.I.SICt to be memorized bot
...,.ply to proW5c a c:orM:Dietll list to ilJcb rdcrcact WI aade qodly. 1llc.
rod: aurta,. ioc:hdUic. lot 11lolc i. tlat lUGS dusifJCIIIioa, bae
beta pbd. ia bold priM. nd u.eir defioicie111 ..a.o.w be tuned.
T. N., aDd o..,..,, w. R. A.. 1971, A plde 10 th:. cM:mic:&l dassitieation
of llft moo voku)e roth: CaMdiao J. Earth Sci.., v.S. p. S'23-548.
Johann.Kn, A., 1931, A Pdrc'Jg1lplry of the fVtt'OUS Rocks. Vol. J,
lttrroducti'(Jn. 0Msijic411Wn Glu111ty, University of
Chicago Chieago, 2fj7 p.
Le OM. M. J., Le Mailre_ R. w., Strcchb.cn. A., 1nd Z:ancuin, 8., 1986, A chemi
cal dassificatiota o( \'Oianic rodJ 00 the lOUII
dlagram: J. Petrol., v. 1:7, p. 14.S.7.S0.
A., 19'76. To etKb plulooi( rocl it1 proper oamc: Earth Sd. Rev.,
v 12, p. J-33
Sue.ckciiCa, A., 1919, Cbssit.atioo aod oocneftd.Murc of vobnk rocb. lamprc>
rt-rrei., c:arbocutitcs. melilitic: rodc:s.: RccommucbtaoN and aua;cscion:l ol the
lUGS Subcomm.i.uioo oa tbc: ot Rocb: G:oloQ, v,1, p.33133$.
5 Textures and Structures of Igneous Rocks
Tbc tcnltl fCdiiA" ud are OJiCJd big there
is cfistmctioo bc:twua 1hem. Taftlre rdet$ tO the wry i:ndMI'Iu11.l
u:bllo IU sralos 1Jamed1atcly 5-urtOUr'ldJns theM ((ot JT 20).
dei!b with. futures KU iA Uod or lmdcr the: IILioOICOpe. JUdi
.. 1loe clecJ cl ..,....nwty, IJ.U. ..... IJ>Uo a.po. and cryoul "'-'"'
SlltlttUIV! rcfeu to the way in whj(b or Sfl.ios or bocli.es of one
rod relate to anoc.bu (for ex.1.mple. tT 41). StriKiure deW with 1arsu fcJIIlru
lbll arc .scc.o .. the aaJe ol aa outcrop. ud iac:hadc:s.. for c:xampk.. Row ICrut
lura, layeriAJ. aDd xcaolitN.. Texhltcs are usefu1
lOr$ of coolins n.nd cryt.lt llWtM>n rutc:s 1.1Kt ol pltase rc:la!ioas lxtwcc.o
aad ac tk time. of cryMatliucioo Structua.. oo &.be ctlrlc::r bud. c:u proride
iufO"'IUUioo 0. IIQM: ..... the toriUtioo ol rotb aod Oil ol
I. o( Cry>talllAllJ'
Map.a. if cooled rapidly c..,... 10 This. rw.niclart)' true ol m-s
m" -.;th high s.iiC -.'bich quench to (()fn'l t.hc commOn oluldion, 1be
idcn..irialli()ll or glau in :l rode ean therefore Jervt b lfl tndic.lti()Q not ol
UIOLtlJ rare. b p0$,s.ib1y ol QMilpolitio.. 1\c: crystalltaity ol 1 c:aa YarJ (rota
-..,..w., (1o<olly sJmy), lhoosJ> ">""">"''"' (TT 10) 0< h>71161
lmt' a.nd t'f)\ol.lll!.), IOhoiOC?'fttllflnt {IOU1Ity Cr'}'$1\llfu)t.)(tT J)),
1- c,.r. Siu
Tbt l>l7C of an 1pe01U rod. n detcrmlntd lllgtty' l')" the r-<IIC of coohn& Of
the b\11 in 'Omc: plutonic bodies tbe eonccnt or tlc magrnt m:.y play :a.
moce hapott.tftl role. VobtiJes 1nat:a:s.c dJ11Poa rtt1.. .-bi(lil the
ol tUCkl formed and 111('1'a$C 1he sram t;aZC.. Grim .$izti are d1\'idt:d inlo
mC"d""" and COIJI'Sf' (IT .S..S) on cbc btii.s ol wtlcchc:r 11 micrO&copc, h!ind len.s,.
m u,"i.dc:.d c,.e adcqu.aac to dcnciy lhc COn$11hKDI mincr<tb. Cocncncionall)' the
dnt"IJIU bc:twrc11 ll.t:sc lu\'C' bet. pbccd Ill 1 mm ud S mm rapectrYdy. U a red i$
M) r.,c-ganx:d that IMMCfual Cf}')tlk unnoc bo "'ilhout I
'' ll 11id to be Qp/lcmltk. I( the paiM of the c:ssend31 nrc vi.sibk
10 cc u:nMkd lbc rod l\ phancnb<. II the rock u QC:C:plioftalk coat'1C
pa-4. ,.bl(il! t)')IIC'.III) rcs.ullJ. from fl frOm 1 "\OI.ahkrich
l'l'l:Jtlll, 11 i$ dc(('ubcd /'('l;"tiO:Irtl( ,
m a tO(;Ir.: m) not :all be f1l the wolftr So&l< lodtt4. IIIIOM "''kaNe: a.od
rod., ol at"-cnJ drftrtllt A rod:
8r,un.o ot di':Sol netly df(tu;:nl 0 l<t be pt:Nph,mrc (IT 9), Tht IJr
tl")'\1:&1.\.. 'Wohith arc referred CO b arc I!Jtl'OIIndcd b) ri.I'CI
pa.d m:atctul bcJtw.-. ,r"'OI""""'" If chc glas.s,), lhe rod: il
.._Jd 10 ha\'C fl t'lti'Oplhnt IC''I:U.IfC (IT Ulj " fffC'IOlQJIS a line a.Q!.ICSI!.It
of mlncrab (If ,:.laM filh ''"' N;-t ... cc:n the gr.a.ins or the a.roulld
"'"'- 11 oellr .. 'ok.dl( or nc.a, Wtf...ce '"''.,....,"" Roc-b.
DO pw-ooc:r)'\U, arc fltC', rdcuC"d Itt ., ep/r\Y'It Phc:noc.ry'u m1y d11ucr
1\'ld J;IOW IO(:_C'Ihcr to form 11:"\'fUIC


, ,

3. Gftlo Sluopa
Gniu CIA be bou.aded cotitdy by O'}'Jtal f.ca, io wWdl lhc:y 1R Aic! Co be
- (TT a they ....., a 1cw crysu1 '"""' they - - (TT 3).
.... ;r tKy .......... they - (TT 2). -- .,.;. dcodopo .,..
tal r- to, .,.,..U.C !redy a. a melt "' io ,_., to tab oo tile <Mpo to,
o n& .,... 10 a .,.. exLHit - U.. .... M MoO tile -'-"1
.,.,.. ....... n.. .............. ol p-a;. shape, - ... """Ide ..,.......,.. ......
ol cryscahion. U IDOit ol lk p-ai:al U. a rOCk an cubcdral. the rod;
is u.id 10 be ..-hco moa ate d is
MCII rocka, ......_, ba-4 -.: poios wb crysuJ {- UM! ar< c1coc:ribod as hypi-
(IT 3). .,. ... arc said to bo - .....,.., 0..-
lcoed or plate.-tib Ooc:J arc to be uabwllv; if 1f1iA$ are doogatcd uad
boodcd to, pr.... r...., tbey are ptismJIIIc (IM 3S), I blod<-tue, tbey are
I4JI.J (rT 16-18), and if needJc-lbaped, tbey arc odcu/01 (IT U). A grrzni
rlc indicates a rock is bypidjomorpbk and equcrnuW. An oplidc
tCJll-ure. IAdi.cates that a rod: b. fine-grained. allOtriomorphic. and equ:igranular. Bo-
tall..e of an aplite's raembi:Uice 10 flne supr, It i$ nlso referred 10 u IChll
4, TutUf't'!j; of CI:IW1 or flnc--Craincd RockS
Rj)tdly rookd magma "" form glas$. '<llbieh, bti.Q& supcr(()().Cd liquid. U; Metastable
aftd i.e time cnay crysrab. especially lrt the puc.n<e of w:wcr. "l'k crysbls thJt
crew ill ala arc qu;cc UDL.Ke tho6e foruaed b)' po-1b from a liquid.
dwlJy d.dcc.rftibk cryscak aoc focmed. ud eYeD uDder dw a bCrc:fn...
"'" r..._ ,....,_l is .a ""' .. -. lY1>< o1 ..,.all"aorioo
" b(..,.,. u tkutl'i"r.ion. Fibres ftiiiUDoaty pow pctpcadalar 10 cn.cb iD lhc
sf.* Ot ta.Lxe C)UIWUd fr010 pbcDocryJr.b to pr0o1tuce qlhtnc;al bodia bcJrwrB as
plcoJilu (IT tO)- Maoy dcntril'ocd p..... abo .,_ a ariJcloa .. ._. or
cui'Y'td Mel Cll)lftlllric: rnalltC':$ referred to a.(JU6hlt cr...._
C'I')S1all thai h-1\'C gro-,. in rt:pidly eookd m-.ma. 1M 10 complete
bdrlltltiOO.. are termed miuol,tcs (IT 10). thcit grOWl" i$ n.pid and
i.n 5theate melts is slow, the)' g,.ow wMh dtttdlftk h1bit (IM 9), aDd
o.rc by forms "-ilb considerable opt'll ..,ace. P)"rou.ne
l1tu tuc eontmonly acieulat, and those: ol plagioclase are nanow lath "-itb end$ re
s:wallow taih or tuning forks (IM SS). Ahhou&h mo101 mierolitu are vi,:;iblc
ooy under the mit:r()S('()po, those of olivine in Ar(henn ultramnlic lavas form sheaves
of millimctcr"'idc ti')'Stail that have lenglhs or l t nl of centi meters (IM 10). The
thtJ\'C!. .. hkh niJdeate at tho cook.d IOpi ol no...,, .-.dla.te dov."rlward., and
I'Jrodute a textiJre re.s.tmblins in\trtcd tufl.s of tlus ts COn$Cquc.nlly
$1\CIIIhc fl.lmC spuufa (a type o f;TUS).
Mtn)' mafl( diU: rocks ol tbe bmpi'Ophyte f:un.ily CMillll s:phcrteal bodits ol fd
..c m:liCn.J.I LftOWn as dfi (IT SJ). Uot.Le spbcrv.biU. thuc of reb
lr.!JI, CGat$t tn'Ullls ol minerals (orm the 1nC.\06ltilS o( the
due '"'" The: tiiiP lc:xturc tu.s. been ltlletprC'lcd M ta&dttriJ frOfllll bc.c*stagc.
"""''"' U'llo ps oritO or m'*Ct"a Jopillt U'IIO uan.,cibk fctsK aad
1"t.c lttftl b\ bc:c. *"' " llh octth. but h.
kc1KC'd to dcsaibc splw::nalitc:t.
Uoqot$1ioublc: U&Mpb. of immUdblt ltqwd:s art klulld U. tk IIIC.toOY-.. of
muy Jdeiitic buaJU,. iacrc: uWl aJC'I'Coi&U clrt'flltU. of btt'll. uo.rd Plica
p.,.s CIIXUI' ID dear ..aicarioeb glus (fT 50). 'f'he ir"OIIrich cbopku. 1nay CT)"laJ..
Ji.ze to 'f"bc:rieal tgreptu of ptTQttne. and ap4t.itc if !WI eookd ra-
pidly eaoup, but the $Uica-rith hosl t)'rle..lly to g.lass (IT Sl). Immis-
cible utnde l.iquld dmplc:ts also t0mmoc11y <l"' in tho gta.t.'Y cf ha-
s.al15. ra thin tbe;;e form opaque s:phcre11 (IT SS.$6)
.S. flottTtxturu
11 0ow COObl'IUU dun. tht cdac aad CT)SU.IIi7Mioe of b1.-a. alip.mc:DC a{ Cf)'}.oo
uJs ""l u.ll ,.. io ,.. ol ploly laloo. 1oich
lCICI.urc (fT 16-l?h aamcd fr0111 iU conuftOIII O<:CUrrcaa d the rod. type
trac:b)te. A .. m.lar to:lure in\'Ohift the mort Nod:)' bthl tn piUCflnic
rocb is rdrned to .s tiVCh')'()ldal (lT l.R).
6. Jalt't;r.,wtll
The in u.n iJnc<'ll.l\ rotk bavt try .. t.llhtcd or 'C:<IIK'l'ltlal
ty, or a mine.NII mJ)' form-ed the c.xrcn,t <tl ;&11\-.tb.:-r A aJmbtr
c,Jcncc f<- cxh olthaeQ.1oa.
A tc..zwrc refers 10 pMNLir CT)1bls ""'""ied
"'ilhia MIC' ol aiMilbQ lllioc:nl (rT 1l) llolll.c: lW rc-pb\1"riK tr'4urc-,
tht: brtc: Cl1$lah.. tucit arc: l;QC)III,. as OJ.I.O(r'ltf, no fate a.nd r
pta.r lO hwe CT)1Aalli7f4 latr:, 1M granuhu loha.pc: of lbc c.nckllo(d m1nc
ra.l$ $U8t$U llw rea.or-pton or rc:<tnion 'olro'lth the ma) h.wr hc:c"
l.nvoh-ed 11'1 lht dt\'tk\pmc.nt (I( chi$ 1ac11.1rr,
CII.N:Iy c:luu;d 10 the pc>ckilihc tcXlurc: 1\ lhc: t1plutc one 'olrohctc: l,)nd(lml)
Oricntc:d IJth<- u( :u r: c:odOKd in l.ut,Cr Cn."\t:ds o( pyr0'11<
(IT 21; In ror.u-w I() chc p(li.kiticiC tc:'\1urc. the bth"' IU(' '"uh..:\lr .. t.
-.11h ftO f(;)(IM)ft (W tcS<lq'ltioa lhK ICXIUIC m,_... M . ..:h lc\u.Jh
ftOCII tb:: C'Cifi"CC1pil .._lft of ,.;ah JI'Wo:\tftt 01" all\inc. Tht ICflft
lK as IM:d tlt.re lhc ob\u.e yoTCJUat C'l)'lol&ll arc smaller, :bd thu .. CJttfti.'C en-
dose as m.any blh$ (ff 28), A PfC't'IW di!fNcl'IU: thN h:rm'
can be mack on che bun of the- rMio ()( the or p1;q:loc.:...e Cf")""'l\ 111 cll
,;ne or Cl")'$1als If thi$ ratio JVC&tc:r th3n one. th: cextuh.: t\ Clrh
he, nBd i( cqul 10 Qfte, it i$ $ubo1>hi1ie. If lht ratiQ bdov. oot. the r.'lfl.
has :ln IUIUfe (JT 29). With the $Uhop)Ul1C ICX!Ur(, fl <th
vine or pyroxc:lloC "-'1!, on fill each "'"'"t;.uLu $JU!e hc:t.,., .:CR
(L\sc bN.. \lollh the ol1VIftt 0t MIOlltnC '-';&lft'i
r..u this $pK'C The ehlft&,."t f.rom lhrOUJlrl $Utlophtttt 10 opht114
frata sJo..n llrkJ ikwot:l f;&l("\ 1n.s k(fi(R(C CtlfiU,htnh
fond pt('!iJTC"''-'1111 fr0111 lht matpn\. lllilt ttflltf al "'lode dll..C\. lr
tilt utc wry the: iatcnl.c'C'"t. brc"t"e tlrlc t..tb l'IC"
quc:illdlcd 10 10 (ofm U vtf("f'St7fQ/IWUfC.
e;.n btoonte .cpet.lc:d and ron:cnt r11cd 10 fcum
roc;U tbt ha\'t dt\.tmdly dif(crcm frmn ma,gma rrom 1o0o h1Ch tll(;y
formed. Thi$ C1l' r roducc., cumulm acxtuc (IT 4\.-*4). and
lht" rtd. i\ l"f(e,"fd 10 at a Wllh it rrll'(loll ;a<Jdo!d the ltii,.Ciolt ur
mal'}(ra.b thai a.rcumulatcd Cumulus tend 111 k cuhcdul. and rnl
one looO.bef lft a p;Kkcd hUtfC'\Ifi'UlloJ' hq\ltd (\llft\1


.. .
.. .
- r
.. ..

I l'aifts crystaUius to its COO$til.ueoc cnioet1h. od.ich auy beat a poWliUc: Of
Ofhidc: re.Wkla co the cumclbs lllitleral$. the ca.positioo ol tbc
...tiM liquid ch.,.... prior co as re1111h ol citbcr cliff"'* or ac-
,_. n..w. .... liqui4 cl - ............ Rcplcoiohm<OI cl the ........
- liqoid U. ..,_ -- tJ.al U... aiRadr bcca dcplco< ;, '-"" the cum
.. .. "'" 1.0 .,..,....u tk <'"lol - .
(WIIUbq totarr {rT .s). Whee carried 10 aa txtrc.e. a rod; cu. re-
0uuu aac1 .n.li reldspar ;, .,..a.., .,..rua.tatty pcpa<i<c .....
elb'biit u iatergra-tb tc:xture <.'OII:Sistlfta ol t.riatlpllr, wcdp:-, aDd
bapcd qiWf> CI)'IUls ctis<OOated fhnx>s.bwt Iars< olorJo try<eob ol .Jbli leld
''* The ilupt$ and disttibutioa or the quartt Cf)')Aa1t ra:.mbk cuoei!orm writing.
ard thus the texaure is referred to as rphk (IT 20-lt). In mOre rapidly
cooLed a;ranitK magma a similar texture is deveiOJ:Ic:d, but d il leu rc:plar and is
(\;Sible OOfmally oaly under the mier())(Ofle). 1'tli1o iJ rderrc:d 10 '
J;1tnophyric or nu'cr<Jgrflplu'c tc:XliiJC: (IT 22.-'23), A still ki5 rC\llo.r, WOtm
Ule i.ntCI'3T()'ol.th of i:o oligoda.sc tlull in!() pocasl!ium Cl)'$"
IU i.J knoown Q mymrckilc (lT '2A25), Allhough 100\C M)'rft'ICititc mlly be or ig_nc:W$
ori&in and rei.11Cd 10 the graaophyrK leJQure. m{> (orml through a
autc: rtplacemcat teaction.
AI hap tc:mpc:r:wurC:$, albli fcldsP*r) rorm a complete s.olid aotvtioa series.
bu 01 JSow cooli.fts they scpantc i.mo scxhum tod pocua;.urd ft.kkp;us.. This C:X
tdutioe 1hc ptt1fltitit. fanut (rT "7). lA -.htch b.m.t.Uae of albite oc-
cw .. ho$t CJ)$1.al T'bc: cc.r has beco u:sed
w.-\crc. the bmelbc arc. feldspar and tk lloA il
(irOJNIQ f(Wm.ed M lligb letnperiCIIrC: (lC)nU._lft I 411. fddspu ilida IUY
COIYc oe cool1ns, 10 form p:rthillc.. Some panlltt.. how:Yt:r, rn diose
..-.b ht,gh 'OIICf UMIIC*S.. btJorw- !he lt:mperMatt: M ilidt albJt fc:Jd.
rorro solid wluhon 1t1 thac, e athlr mU$1
rror. the magma as separate sod.um aod pacltdiumndl th31 i$.
to du.tiDCI arc present, in conlribl to j.irck homo,cnt:ous alkali
fcld!o('JI fOtmc:d 1mtlally in the gJJn)lc. Bccau!ie lbe line in a
rh .. t.c di.1gnm rn rliiqg the cemperalurc bdow -.bkh euolutllfl llllltJ. place is QJicd a
J-1lll'S (IT 46), gtanitu (:()ntaining a higl'tCempctature (eldsp:r (later
to form pcrthite) art kni)W'('I trDIWU (IT 47),
ar4 thMe IO\I>'CrU:mrcuture Ol'lefo containing SCJ)'taiC Cf)'Sttli! ol fc:Jdspnr
arc knov.-n as subsohw (IT 48) Nocc the 1\1>!(1 reW!$p.lr5
1n the a.ubs.oh'ln nuy botb bcoomc: pcrthillt on coolsg. b-ut the: putn.:uy IW'O>
tcld\p:lr n;ature olthis rod: .;u rcm<uo eVIdent.
1. ltf.xtlM TnlurY
le'\1Utt':!. ate- spc:cW "'here tllc diSirtbJCIOft ol IS dear
,., 1M rnub rl Rcxtioti IN) ocwr toclccn ud to
(IT '4-lS). or bci"C'C'o to ptt'dt rt.u (TT
J'). Tk t>ct"''C'CD or to bt.lc
form W"loo: f";)mcd nm" ah_ ,.fld tile) com
__,.., ICCOIIc- . .:.Chrhot..- ,_,_ f'ft the etlK' trr..n4. lead to be:
li"11t pnc4. "l)lj ol K"'C'tal l1h the pro-
diK'tl f(\fllllflG 'Dlm hlr or (.t"fc-u\ ('!.. flf bolh arc
OIMnc cr)'MAb. for c:umpk, re.a wilh coolin,J choleiicic .,...,. to coro-
ftU of ,..hop)Toxeoc:. Jo llowly cooled magma I his ortbopyroxenc. nuy form large oi.kQ.
C't)'SU uc:&osiAg rounded oli'lino gnUns (lr 33). Uodcr biah prcuures, oli\inc and
caki-c i.n the atatc 10 form kclyphitic ri.rn ot bypeutbuc.,
parpsok ampll- ..., .,..., (IT 39).
M..uak bci()Qgiac 'o re.tld* scric::5 c:xt.01 C'\"Mk:t.ee ol rc:aaioo t,o
forna tQOed C'J'Iak. The aa gabbroc. for il nonno/Jy :onrd
(rom e,lric rotC$ co low temperature more &Odic rims.. If thi! K
queocc: " reversed, che Cty:\tal.s are &aid to be Z(}lrtd. In same r()(kJ.,
espedaUy diorites and 1uxiesitcs,. the COMpcl'ltion ol tbc may
b.'k 11'14 forth lO form (IM 54). The. ll(lfm.ll ..equence ol Cf)'lo"
taUic..tl;o. io graaitts aa rcsk ia u..ly-f(lnl<d pbrciodalc rimmtd by I ....
1i fci4Jfu. Ia Qh a nt,.a-nt tal\lte_ catly-erylof_llla.illl
potwiu1111 feldspar is m111tkd by oligoclase.
i Vo&at.ok ttodi:
oa cbe MUfltt o( la\'1 n(')IWf, auy a rtulfd of 1he man
ncr in a lava mO'o'C'L Y\'M can uavc.l at r:tnging from mcccrt ptl
scoond f01 b;\$,'1lt co mClefS per month for rhyofil c.. The sur(:.cc of any rc.(;urd
len of iiS tomp()l'l:ition. r:t.pidly by rtdtlltion, but hc:.al from lhc noW. itUt
rtot ml> be 10 surface by eoclduccioo. an c.t1rci!C:I> dow f"'tSJ.
1llc i."lttior of a bva "''II CC)ft,Sequcnll)< moe-en md pol\ibl) COI!itlnliC llo-1nc
loGe: .a.hcr the .wrf<1 b IOiidifd Tho 6iffcreotial tend$ to d""uf'l
tiw C11i111l.-.d, dc:pc-lldi.li$ ,,_ f'k.,.. ptod\IICU a number of lolr11CCU'I(J.
B.-.. at h#lt. n \'i\eQ!'il)' sim1lllr 10 th:at ol tar, romm(ll'l.ly r.ardly
tnou' thai it i$ able: 10 ddorm iu. urfa dvring cOOI1"1t The \ikOIIS surfilet
b\'(f lt.'rinkl(d intt, IUCI.l:JIC ridges lkat II( 1n lhC dttt(II(MI o( nnw
Btt41W.Vr> these rid_gu rc1emblc: rope. tJus 1-urft s.tnKitPC 15 rd:rrtd II) ._, lttf""
lflul, 1hc tcr tt Molcca ""'""' fMh
tiCIIC' the of I frOm bcDCilh I j()f:td en$. A' 11 tnq\lbflttt'.
IIIII II\( ufldtnide Of lht .Ohd imprC &f(li(WU rn the flt"'t) ttlttpng If)
ft'fm I1M:l 1h:.1 the duu:tion of flow. Where 1hi_. lmC"att!d !iurfaa; bcton'ICS
Into a rOf'Y truaure, the lu\eJ lltt lpproKrm:ttcl) U'l the

b\) 10 ....-c IU )Utf...ct cook ud bctOm ri
Ca.ttAutd mOto"(mcl ul lhe JtiU..IDI>I!ca .ntChtlf l-rc.a'-' '*1' tlJi !!k1
'"'tr 111tn br,e and u\l n \tn)ll d1.nl.cr hit tbt lUI
l.acc .. 61" 'hich t11rcmcly .,..,,h p..1'' With t(NIIInurd
rt'lll'lo'Cmcnl. 1 lllrt:-r nt a l.l\'3 no ... t:ll\ be: coo,-cnt!.l nto tllli rubble. 11"hk:h
ColfthRt,M:\ Ill tn0\'1!, 1.11 ..... 1\, l'ft.lltfl)l the s.lp (rnnt
til th..: n.-.. 10 a-.crr.dckn k Mote- r\IN'Ik ,,. a 11\c mot on. dJn\cr
Llt t1 r-c:(crtcd 10k II\ ..me. H
The saarface ol .andesite flows may .also be witb tubblc. but '"'* frll&'
mefts arc typie&lly tlwl tbo6e ia u Oowl (hucki& io CQillrasl to fast
tile io aa) and baYe smoothc:r sw&.oc.s. T1lat rcJcmd to M blody bva
!'low\. 'l1lc JQrfaec ol JDUY rf:lyolitc (low) allo CIOialills CIIUfct, ol brokt.
ol afaru P 10 a tlldct or .ore across..
II ia 801 1111t0meoa ill t.M a.d bal.altic ...._, for tK IIDOkc.. e
ricw 10 drai.o OiM bcech lhe $Olid <:ttil.. ka'"-1 bct.ild a ltnw Atbt'. 1"k
<hmc...,.. ol 1bc>e dqlcad .., lloe l'"cbe """ ol lho low ..,.. ate
maay IKttn .a diamcler attd lt.Uid:reds ol mdU$ 'D Tbc :ruse ahoYe a tube m.ay
""' form'"a u doapte depressioo.. Ot C\'Cn v.-tUc:h llC pr001ides 10
the cube (mOM ue plogged "'itb L1wa at chclt lower Stallld.ilelik.e ctri'bbks
of lava lrom the eciling. and bori1.oot.S oa the "'ails maflo periods du"
nne wh.ch the depth a( the. lava rc:m:tincd reLatiYC.Iy during the
Tubec may dh;dc and rejoi.n ILr()Und pilllltl. wflkh pr&.;de suppQtl for the roor. The
uf!9Cr sutfacc or a laVI Oow a1>0VO Joudl 1 p4Uoar may be domed upw11rd 10 fOTm a
S<hdltntlonttt. U sa.gglng of the i1ttO tM &mroontJing l\1be Is $urrtcienlly
the crc:M of the $Chollendome may be mJJktd b)' ,.i;lc teMional fractures.
Oonei and fidgu can also IOtm on MJrface or flows, independent of
bYJ tubc:t. as a result of (k}.. beneath t $0lid Ct\1\l Whkh C:lu.st'S
and upoA-dli:ns ol bv3 onco thesurtacc.
Tbt aurfa of basaloc. b''l n ...,l,tr as almou uutantly to a
f)-.. lllkh mJy pt'C\""'C:IIt &he froM ad'II'Melii,J. E\'(tii"W.IIy. )l,oo.l.-e,oe;r,
th sc"" m:l' crack ud a toog_oe ol llot. molctn lro'a Ull m.)MCnl.at'ly into
lhc .. --.cr kre C is c:pcadlcd lo .Aek:.li.k.c body bov.'ft l'llow (IT J.&). 8)
cud1nc, aed lhe a.t a 1'/loltt; Wtw 1k prc:-
tclt' ol ptto.s is dur C'ickacc: cl Ul r.s.aoo r .a:llF ltom
WNll bol.ba tllle s.izc ol a IOCQ:r twl to tk ol .a IDJ!trn.f.. Tile Wgc;r
tk pe.Jot.. the- fbatn 11 1cnck to be. bec.au!c u tllcttol c:m.lirtJ oltcn 1or:lgp
aUO*o'IQC !Mfe fOt A@Png a.tld fbltelbftl. Where fiiJkJ.wl are pikd ant Oil t(lp
of I.IW'Ithcr the of pilkwo-s Wk.s 1a1l\ th:t1 .._, it110 the i.('Xe bt
t<t:.n uhdc:rl)ing pilkJo,t.'S; ift ('()lrt.tasl, the upper iUrfa.tt (1/ a !"i.l}oo.t. n(Mm3fl)
""OCICh and ron\<t:X Tbi3. as)'mmCU')' in pill()w 4h11pc prf\*' lKtful tnc.am. (){
dctcrmmina in ,MUow th:lt ha\<c been turned upon end duling ccnonlYn.
In addtlfla to surfa. muny C\pct:1aly 1bc more:
emcs. have i.nternal indicative of now. Muny or rar11:.lly
cxhibil prominent flow lll)'tring, whkh o( llillimciCf 10 centime
loa)'CU o( v:uying color and tt'XHuc. l.a)'Cfl in glil'l\ lend to be dar\.
have a ,;treous lu!toter, whereas cont:..in.ns 'mall g_., bubbles.
Ot l'lhcruhtcs arc lighter coloccd aDd h.l\-c re.uncM !be rruaohlt:S eom-
11'1(1111) a traeh)tk telllute. Tbc: b)'Cnnt: can ol\4.1 roulc from \'dri:utofts iQ
th..: ol phel'loc:r.st..s.. MIKh of dU11 bycmc rfclC:nl "' the bdorc
,, IU\'0. tltc v(!katllt: and .u tbt ltptu0 I.Mcr;all,, the L)<-ntq; ua he
CC!fl<rt'd fk* folds. tbe athtude cf r-uer'\c ' re(t)ld bl lllc l.;n.i!
Od...ok:d are to anc: out ol *''110ft (olkwo.,...; c:rvpCioq,
tac:Q.-K of thcu a1 kM I aysulllmioc
ol upac: ... 1t.u dkct by UJICJ'C"'-'tf lhcc .. ,M_ ol ""'llbo-
ltltl> liquid.
8t.bbks ol c iD 1v arc called 'lltSidtJ (IT U), aod roe:b con
theJC arc. a.ald to be. Tbc: dia.,eter or -,uteld it typk:aUy
iA milllmettrl. Oas uvities l.ugu than a centimeter are likcJy formed by
the or veskla or by p$ that lw risc:a Duo lbe &om tbe
flow, 1ltae are tenDed wp or iJ Lilley haW: a Wpc: aod
are lillod ....._.. baDCkd dP'mlooy aad qwatt O')'SUk. Vuic._ .,.
.... ..., spKrical. bul docy ...,. be ddonooecl ellipl<> by tloc - ol ...._ v ..
c::c& aay c:olbpse U...o irrcgW.ar roaYOiutcd Wpes once exsolulho of g.u .. euc.
tiaOy md tbc p& in the 'akb bep:ls to eool coatract. Vc.siclct in
aa 001 lypically hu'<e iues;u.W Wpca. wbcreas those i.o paliOC-hoc Oows are 4pbc
Vuidc::$ may be: ao -d)nc a to prodoot a rock rc::&cdtbli:rl a frol1a. Th is
part.coluly --.. lloe lOp of no.. ... - <OIIea .-..p ....,.... ....
Tbe dwt and commonly Piled rode (()l"mcd Us dais oe the Pttface of balolcie
nows k rderred to u u.orio. wherm the light colofcd oa rh)IQII
tic OoWl
f.JootutioG ol ps lrom b'n that 1.Mi.llly (()Ct:t.in$ ''try li.1tlc ps. OUr at
JIICh a bte susc Ul tllc: so&difiCII Pf()(C:U tbM. typieal Y(sidcs cadOt tonL
t.wud. tbe ps a.ay OUPJ O'Vicia bttwcu CI')"Ub.: tllat "- abe p d
bt boi.J'Mkd by pWw cf)'lilal Such btc 51. exsoluhoft Ct( ps accun 1ft k'lmC
bas.tJU. forming what is rdtrred to as a dJcl)ftulhr texture (IT 13).
VctidQ at the bm or many Oows extend into the lava as long hlbu.
It tbcu are later tilkd .,.;th tipt-colorcd s.ccoctdaty mMrals t.bcy 1M
stc.m! .t oao.rmioocd cby p:pes.. :aftd com.cq.eotly are rdcnc.J to as pcptt lk't'lf
'Uitk.s Of 'l'JICic::s. Akhouf.b ro.aoUy lllllc:rJ1fcd as U''UIC b
mQJ b) P ris1Qc IAio a llaey ttc Norc liJ:el) ol afld
po-1h ol ps bubbkl 011 the: 501MMic.aliOII rront as i1 ad\'Of\CU into the. lava. In
JMII<YWJ. for pipe \'CSitk$. are round noc ooly ur from t!.e W!:;e,
but d(IY'ft from tt.e IC'>p and in from the ide-., where bu())'Anc)' could nol PG$Sibly be 1
fiiCtOt 1.'\ their gro.,.1h ( IT J4). M.:t.ny ptpe. vt.sides. utcndmg up flOtl'l the bue of Ia
\1,'\ arc lilted at thcu upper c.tld i6 the d.rcctioa ol tl(w. ol the: b''L
'* of dctennllft.ag no.. dltUt...,..
8a.MlhC 1a-..n. C"fJ'CC.lally those ate ther l$e, ml)' hJ\'( (')'-
linden of ' 'Csicular .C\'Ctill centimeter$. in di.tmctcr 3(\'(ral
mclcn in h:ngl h. extend up intO the l)ow, ;1rc ltno"""' U t'Uidt C)'1111dtf'l:
JJ: rrod.attd by tlc boop.nt di;apitte or le.u d<I\J.C. \'aicubt lav-a into
mNc dcMC. m.usnc b,._ They art" comnaonl) capped t,. a brtc 'i\11. lined ...,,h \Cl.l
c.&,, 11lcK "'P tcod to be tw:4flh;ricat .,..,.h a n... horaoocal
\ t-.dc <"!il.ftdcon.. Plr"C \'OCks.., m.IY tiC tJtcd m 1bc d..renon of no- ot the
\ m:t)' become v.:ith ltl"'lll-tcmrcuuurc minerals, such 1\ teo
nr ch;.kcdOft\, to fN'M -h4c refuted tO L'l '""n-
JJfn (IT 1$) dmunuti''C} :amysdJb uc s.aK1 to be
Amn;dlb cOllUm rnattNr.r ol illc-nh ilkh
4cpO&IIIf on tbc ...,,Jb ol aht cwtpnal \a.ttk \tt'lfc fotJCI\ lilac OUCftlls may be de
,....,.... ..... 01\ hori7ontl U.l.e .. r.w.IMI .. lhal bn hltc.d. '"'" .... ;.
tuJc of bytrt. rclatn'C l(t 1hc .l tlltudc ot the '"'" u" rro\;dc: intormnlion on
the 11mt: <II dCJIQ\liM\n of the m1ncr ,1l \ rci.111\'C to th.at of I he tilling.
.. .
.. .
,. .
.. .
,. .
,. .
,. .
.. .


. '
Exsoltnion of ps from magJDa can lead to 'iolent erupcions in vobich the \'()leanic
mat erial is fragmented into panidcs rMging from dtt 10 buge blb. m:ue
rial is eollecc1i,dy reJertod 10 as Uphf() or Jl>'f'()tltutic materi31 (broke"
by Grc). F'ragmenb tess h:kn 2 mm io di.atl'ltter are e:ded a.VI, lhose betweea 2
uld 64 mm, f4pilfi, and those gre:m.r than 6-t mm, Noc:Ju or bombs. Upon
' IMfi liOn \'Ok:\ni.e a'b (QNWU. a rod: C'!llled tuff, wh:rC'u the m:ate
tillS form t1f$1<Ntt4".10tr Qr \'Oiconic bcci11. These rocks be
talc:&orized by rde:reD(:e to tbc physicaJ ruuorc of the fragmentr;, 14
trc()US tuff, Cor example, eonsills 1argc:ly of glassy fmgmems. <I)'SIDl tuff
of broku crysaa4, and lilMc mff or rook fr<1gmcnt5. 'The r..,gments in \'itrt:OO:S
tuffs ho:we a c:bar:tderistie r;hape -.ilieh reOecu thcit ori(;in 3.l i$al:ttcd
of liquid trapSI('d between tNiescitl& ''Cllides.. These gbM.y splintc.rt (If
arc l)'piealfy boutk5ed b) concave surlatts.
Mucll pyrod:wic mat.c.rial cools aod !>OiidiGcs bc:fore f:tlling bad: to c:uth.
L.arse bombs l.:tnding dose to their source "' -nuld be a n exception; tM..s.c may
fbnc.n or burst on landing. extruding t ltc:ir moltc.n One
das.s of p)Tocln.stic material, hO\\'e\'Cr, h<)l c n.ough duri ng eruption to permit
it! fr"S!"tnts evcntu.ally to ""'Cid together int o w lid rod:. lk1lSt, ast..ladcn cloud$
!h;.t t n.lpt from hishly nuid no..... rapid!; down "'c,pc:,
)tning tO in Here rart id es !etde and
tog.cthcr co form a ,..y/t/41 ruff oc (lT 5), The thtu ae
the wdc.ling the bot gL1ssy ft:lJ)mtntl' and form\ :1 roc.l.' "'ith o rro
minenl lanun:nc:d lltrueturc. refctted 10 !L\ tw.anuc. lk:;,usc these tr'uj'ltiOm.. in
volvc. that tr..vels in a Oow oc avatanC'hc, they arc rc
(crrf:d to IISII 10 1hem from ash that freely lhrough
the. :air, blankcling the pou1ld C\'Crtly rcg:trdleu of local opogr:t,by.
!. Scruelul'l'.S In Plutonk Rl)('ks
The: most C()mmon struct urt' in tlluconk igne(lt.IS rocks.. 1bc m:.lic :,nd ullr:t
nart.e unes, is loyv:fins. U!)'etS may result fum ' ':Hiati)n6 in the nbundance or
; r!lin size of mintr1l l$ (lT 41-42), or from clonptc mirter<tb being, orienuucd r aral
icl or pcrrendi<'ul.:lr IU the la)C.ring. may abo be by ' ':uiations m
.he cornpoSil i()n q( mineraJs, buc because 1his can he di.srrted (lnly chcm1t.lll
is not evident in the lield) il i\ referred 10 as tl)'fl
.,, ltJycmlJ;. All or any combinat ion of thC$C ftrmfo of be
pr<:$cnC in :s l:.t)'\'tcd rock. Layers :also u:OO 10 rcrcat thcrn,d1ieJ., S''""& ri.<c IU
.,,_,'filmic la)'Cn'lll: (IT 42).
l..'I)'Ciii'IS h:.6 becll intcrpu:lcd as fr"m f.' '' 1:111\'<: of
from m.p;ma. This i! mosl con,incing whc:rc the arr s.ul'lhori?.ontal and cxhib-'il
p.Nidintt similar 1ha1 found in stmr rn<-kt- ... her.: 1hc l.arscr and d::n-.;cr
mincrrIJo l)rC C(lnccnlr:ucd tht' h:uc' of ;a .u\.1 the finer aOO less den\C'
mincr(ll\ sowafdt. tl\c lop (lT .a2). In some 1hc parallel
... .all\, or cwn 1he n\01. in ""''hich \C:tllinj; scerM an unlil.el)
CII"J)IanatiJ'If'l Furthermort-. cxrcrimtnt:l u:dJCZIICS 1hat m1nc:r:tls
DOl despite contt:l$l l. lh< cr)-...l::tls .!>Uffi
citm fotcc to (wercomc Ch<: of tht' rn:,j::m;a,. In
c:al byctint: nu{!h' "':- the: rnult nt diffut.in rrN'e!o..\Cs.. That layering c;tn form 1n
M.ll:b " ,., . .,,. h 11> .... lh.; nns,.'lo pho:
Laycrina caa also be rormed by the flow of mapa. 1'hl$ t)i)e tends to patallel
contaeo. a.od. if fcklspar JatbJ ate pre$CtU, tbc layers may exhibit traebyto'dal
telllwc.. lD m.any gruiac:s. (ddspu may be alipeci. eveo t.bouP tbe
FOI& .. .dnus m,ay a.ck otMous Row lltuctote. Sc:pwadoo oiiDirlc:r. IU)' ocatt thtOIIP
.... pr.>aa ol ,._ nm-. - ol ""'" - ...
ud Wpcs dcc:lop diti"CICDI wdodlic:s away from a COIIIitad u. a t:1 tht ht
tift& cl1ed ol the tlowing .acm rtear the conltct. E";dc:n<'e of Row is dea.r v.hen
ptC...ioutJY"fOrmcd ta)'C-11 a.rc: .coorcd out and new layers fill r.105i.onal ttousiU in
lbC e.atlic:r re)ttb. Tho cJrec:u Of Qow WI abo bo sotn wbcrt icdua.iocu of COU.OII')'
rode are suea.ked 0111 to rona ld!Jft:t'ttl
........., 11n"l"'' example ol ;, C><lo;]);led by r<dJ ""'" ao
(IT 54). Orbiades con\i5l of alteroati-ng lel$:ic mel mtri( wnctn
arranged about some rmclcus., wtaida may be a phencxtyllt Of ftagmcnt of IC><-
01ateri.al. Individual l;aycn h.IYC ol m.illi.mcurs. and the orbicules
IJC l'llat-y CClllimetcfl io diatnetu They ate I<*Od i a wide ,_. o rock l)p($ but
&IC: IBOtl c:oamoo .. graailc:s.. T'lllcW gowch bat butt 'nfioa$1y illupred ru.ul-
from r .. )thmK crys;&aaJ.a .. hOII ol mioetak abollt a nttdc:us. or from
ptoeeiM$, Tbe.ro may indeed be both tiftck. Om.tuiCl with layc:n or highly \':.riab1e
and itr<:gubr tlddc.nut :u-c: moM eMily cxpkti.ned 11$ (ornting 1hroug.h deposil ion on a
n\KkU$, but tbo5c in whicb the: betwccn IOlycrs ...;cleat. In a i)'S(em::ttl< manner
tow-ards the could hoM:. a difTIU.ion origi.a.
A pocWia:r rype ol bowl! Ill or <'Oft
WU of O')'$U\& of oli\int and pbciodase that grow UJ)\\'atd frm1 the Ooor o( a
mgm chamber. The Cf)1otl)l), may be up to 20 em long. pruumab1y grow into
the magna (rom nudei on the Ooor of chamber Horobkndc ,..,lab 11mil0lr
oeeut tn aomc all:a!i pbbt011o, here the bye.ring tcrw.h to
, .. ,.Jw abe ..... Jb of'"" ..J....WC,- and the DCCcliiCI 11c: oricftlcd hon
tOM.U, A re.bltd ilniCitlf't f\1CIIftd Ja CU)' JHIOJtit pq:m.lhlei bcre C1}'1Uh.
a.lblr feldspar. nhtl. or tourmahnc may nudeate on the -aD and 1nto the ret
m:Uite rc:rpendreulur 10 the oontllCI, The tt:!tUI!Injl. arntng_emtnl of Cry!UIIk U cOm
monly rderted IU ., a ttl'mb Jlntcttutt,
GS:Sc$ lA cnlbl be clfhu UKOtpoulcd ...eo cw
aclrlc:r rruncrak 01 be thlrma O)'SliiL.a ion Wd1 U<,..
CI)(I!!Jn and s.ohchrratfoc !he auy be C'Ofnpktcly urcllcd from the: mlllft
body HI form Clf hydr()lhc:.tmal \'t.r.M i.l) the suu<>unding r(l(k, In
wmc ncu $Utface: roclt ... the \'01.-tile:i m:-.y tx:c:nme ltlllppc:d nd (()fm
C't\'\lallted kn.cw.-n as nuumltfr( C::t,ilie$.
le rue U'lroC't.. hut libc.r.-c.t b)- cootinc hodiQ. be to C.lllk
mclhft& !)f' 21lhh fcl.h.pa,t tn the nlrr.idcd rock The' .. ruttc
t.qurd. .... hl(h J\ rc:fcrrc:d to rli('(Jm()f'piuc, mar boc:l. tiM: roclt from whtch
the heat c-ame: Rhrt:11norpltom. hcrwcvcr, 11 n1rc beta usc: contiC:I IHI:
l)'f!'C,III) half the ll'lli'JI tempc:raum: ()/ a mliiGJIII. and that hr}1 Cfk't.l.:h 1ft
mcll CtMII.Id c. be onl) h) lite COl\!"''""' Itt
fk.,. 11A .I 1\lltolalic:N fiiJ.ftftef (oely poWhit (Ot mafte d1ln Wc:f lh.111
hol.ll S C'f body ul4rvdc:d oc:rb) The: pres.c-ncc: of
rhcOmorphi!om di l.t3o gn lhU\ he: tmrortnt C\1dCI'I of feeder n,N.




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, I
.. .
,. I
,. I
,. I
, .
, .

3. Strvrtrn: RnWti-c r,.. lodus'ou
Muy ....... n>cb _.... ol o<l>a n>cb tbal ppc.v ro..lp ud ......
qo<o&Jy .,. ,.,.,.., -- x.-.. ...,. be --w. ;t ... .,....t ot
rcct 1h.U ii Cl(lmpleldy mttdated tO tbc: roc:t ..a.iO &bey arc: rouod., or
llq ...,. be - if f ....... ol - lAM iJ -Qiy ..t.Jcd IO lloo ipe.
....... reek. nd .......... ... .......,. ......,.. ..... x. r'"d - ol
iDWINI Cl')itak. iD wtaida cast: llq ar a.lkd Soec: ,..ace a:oe>
W. ate Coraed b1 thK hnc; duAered -' p01111 to ton. tK
x.-.. "''Y be ud ._,sharp boundariet. .,.. """ allow...,. .-..,
ud d1UIC.ftC&S. Thi5 depeods 011. the n:latiYC: md; inc PQJl(l or tbc aDd
the aurrou..ding ipeous rod: a.ad wt.ethct the miMtak ot the xenolith beat a reae
tk!n relatkm to the magma. An accidental aaolith. (or elCl.mpk. more 1ikcly 10
W\tin mitltral\ thlat aJC 001 iJI cqui.l:ibfium with I ml&n'lllbiUI is I CQShliC ()Cit.
h l.s nCM 1.n1.commoo rOt m:agmas of eo1lrwing eompru.ition to in whic.b
rue rounded bodte& one rOCk I)'J'C endosed i.n 11notllcr. Tbis i.'i pMtkularly
1t11t ol aad granitic magmas, wbc.rc: the baaAit (onns piUow-likc bodiC$ Us
the aranitc:. Because of differcm mettlnc: point .. ckmitin., and .. Lbc:se
commiQp:d masmu 5bow ldlle. it any, e'ideiiCIC o( diuol\ict& i.o ooe aactbet. lo
eked., tbe difference iD mckU!g poiDU: COmmonly relu. i.o IX graoitk mapa quc:o
I be bault ie pillow$ 10 rcbtil.-cly rock.
Ao ipeow, rod: c:oDtaWQc; abaad.ull is lcnted .. btetxUt.
lr lite atrc:me eas.t; ol btnriu. tlatrt IS 110 m..acrix at alt ift
tarsu f,......eocs an: c:abedded ia f.-ly co.i uttd to rorm a
todc. ilidl rcscablcl C'OIIIIttctc appc.M-aocc. MOlt ol die [ragmeets
clluc ue ol tbc oountry tocl.. bac 1a11e IIU) be: dcnved from
etc lovo"'(t c:tu:&l or upper 1"11ae JI8f ol Well <IUUia mioc.Tals m.
d.c:ac.vc: ol hiP praswcs IUCh pyropc-o-ri.:h ptaet pd jldtltk arc ry-
pc:all)' rounded, loO arc td"cncd to as nodulu. Mataclc: ood\ala tc urrounded by
p-orni.M.nc tQ(lioa rims ,.-hidt auell. co chc: lt!QJb'licy of tile minot-
uti al chc lo-A pteMWC$ cnocountc:rcd m chc mast. Mtntk n0dule1 are also found
" a.omc alblme
1. )QIf. ol Quartz ill aun.
lf.n4. "Jlw o( thc: bldlcittS 111a1 It ,,,..
kl4 .u IMp-tempt bee.- fol'l!l; on It 11!1.
co 11M: low>tempe ratt.ote fonn. l'lne li(tn. Xl1
t l\llllc4ral ot quan.r. and rtnlc.c albll fdcbp.n Ia
q'iii-M.< Gten'lltlc:, nu..- 110 h.l\'t
U)"'uol fAoC'U. IM tc(t iJ, 4uc:ribo:d ti bdftJ allot
J'OLin. xu.
\ <>-ff.t Sovttl I'OI!Id, :O:twllampil'li Some ot tbo
renhoht ftld(p;tr &flllll\ h"''< ti)1UI f;,cu,. l)oopl
S::''"''d'\ IIOl il-t 11)(1( if. fitkri"-td bc111' h)podiOo
"""'tf"'\1t pc4an.. X'>
"' ' t.t.; .z llf'J\'1\ 'flktlll<' JIN '"''
'. ... ... ! "'"41 fQJ.-.cfll\ .... jflllt\1 nd ........ ,,.(, 1\nln.ol!llll
''' ' ''""""' ( tilt .WN<l '"""S::b
l <4"f ll.l' If l'hc )'loUb o( qWit\1 11<1 ld;l)f"l
.... ,. ' "'' .. n .. '"l=. r"'"' l'b&or t,:h
GRAI.N S lz.tl
.). .. d ....... c-.. s-a.,...._ .....
......... .., ............ ...
-. .... "".......,. ...t1lliddGcl .. P 111c fOd
....... "--.....,....._xn
6., ll ... p.IIC!d .,...,, Willi ttttQ!ole* of plaPxfri.e
WNJ'Ifllll IIIJIUnd Ill ofiMM J'l'tltfiiXt)'A. 1'lloe (f)'lllll ill tit(
01 .w. Wult t-.u arc: 4il.tlll
lllltlwt#OfiiTIICln polaiS.,
, r_...c-,....,.-.. y,ws.
................. ...... - ... _..en.. ...
....,. .., .., ..,..,""" 1tw'l1 lor-. .a ...pr cn..us no; II til
lint .......... r-....... ....
.. L<t,. .. ,.., ""' nyoul ol f'llpo( .. fi'OIII. f'U.a MOt-
......... --.r ...,.,.,., Tile ru..cu ff'Oifl
vanci'V& d 111'11 ,_ 411!cftiM ... ._
... at (p SJ .__. at'-f a ...a 10 tM
fi'O) ,... 1 ... '-: .......
._ .... ...,. ........... 1M ........... JIM "'-
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... ... "' ,...,..,,. ldl et IIJliWCL SUa.
""'' AIO...,II *,.,.......,...,art'- ..,.. ........ ._ .-u
........ W. ...... ft')'tll:al.
............ " ...... t ......... (IQ!:Ipo'
...... ....
........... * ..., flit J'l xaa:A. ...... .,. -
.__yf.., _____
10 V!ln'lpflyri( J'lkMIOM, lt.UIWJ (ll Scotlallll. SpbtN!oCU
ol fth..,_, fllldt.ted CM ftkllp11 Mil':retlte' (ll
UCC'IIt I flo Jl.*, uctpl lathe i!Mitd!a;l
'V<IC'IIII'!y ol PJ"''tM (lower lett) 1MU
ltlflllle lfll. did 1!o01 llt((lt!ICI 111 PfrW!tM. l"t.M
..... ...... ., ,......,.. .....
.,., .. ,....,.._,. u, a. .. .,,..
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17. r l'lltti)'IC WAI 1ft MIIJ'-1111 t\l)w lOu-' I coi'I'Qd(d of
I!Orfttllt n!Jt 11U b...el. 1U4uU:a, H.wali. Crusoed poiiJJ., XII.
II T _.,...W .. Ltu 8onoila, .......
...,,.. ,...._ fO<b c. _,. hoe a:.-.. a:r-
wulofl&,_. ,.,.1kl P'0-1 ClcNed JICI'tl'l, Xt


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ll a,.. ..... --- "'* 01 .,.., ,..
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'I"EXTIJR1S A.'ffi S'l"'ttJCrult1 Of" OQo'tOOS ROCKS
.. ,.. ........ .,...o., f ......... o...p..tor
...,OIIoc:J........ s _......,,.e .. ._ _
_., .,.-. :w.,. ......... ...

lS ...........
,_..... lbl.-...elk.,. .,....., . ..,........,ael
-.t tm pc- Ccr ' .dy. udl
uu W"""fftf tldlt llof-

:"1 .. ........... -n....,.. .,,....,..,_
-....: ....,. .. fT ll. .... r ,_,. ,,.. ,..., "" coeun
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Nf'o'Cc wa.. ,..,._,.
_.,..._ IIIMIC!IlC' V. .. ..,.._ npod
1001'"' .ul. tbc ...... tN ...- to
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)I lllaitf by*" Of:I--"!IC IIICJJfO*fh o(
piCioc'!Me lid iiiiCht A!iptt c.uty, 1111111 tile
llq.U fGMocot tilt Of'hltlt illtti'JI'O'"lll 1'\.fllod.-
Oftly f 1\lm IN tc..Cu;tt hll""" ._.., )(9







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.. ,._ ...,_ b lk .- u.o.. ....... ....
_,._ -- ,.._.., ............. ....... dllll
---... -'* ........ --- flttt "'-'"
Ia ._ -il,. 011 _.,.. m. alllsu& -""c p;l*
-- w-... ). - ....... "'"- .. -...
n Cliwoce
..__ nc ..,....._._a 'r IIMUI!!tfa
........... ..._.-.
... .., ....... ,.., .. --. lilt ......... 0....
sr- (II)IQd 1llc .-fll
........... ............. ,.
,.... - pc:ndobk poWIIIX .. llfll" CroMed flOLIJS. XJ
-"'"' ...
f o [
(" C
J6. NnJIIC!dan6 replan:d bJ" iD Mo.nt
1'1&11( li;lll. xn.
.n. Ji\Om>ul\kd by in .lil)i>rid nxk f>
mod M 111c ('011&1('1 oi '" &lblrM- P<"Odolttc, M.Qual Dnu.o, Oltf.
bot 01 Jed!IIIC:ILU by lk puidotitt IIIIIJ
ma WN tl\( na<1iotl to cwthooP't'Oltne,
1 eM! B .omw11y fMIId ill a!blmc< tb. Pla.M
Amc rot'- rr l7 rcK\.1
.,._.111M IIIIIIQN 10 rotl)tll (I( tl\o.pyn
CM 11110 bWt.tc l't.I!K X')
.t'l M"l''"'lf 111 lmc1oftlllf pllbro. Rnor, :-.or
.. ,. I:..Kt! oiWM crnn IITO;onckd by. roi!IIIW
'"" nm Q/ C!t!.l'oMYOeM, llflt .. m n \u<Vftl!(4 b)' n
o'4 !'ltp\ollh( (OploCJ!I) f'O"'I"t), wbl('ft ((WolloM
'""'** m.b. d tpotod 011. ot\ CNI pan 1M f"'l'p'oll l( nm ot
c..n 0!11)' "toe it I M onllopyft.CM G te mlact '"lib plitCIO>
due 'Of C(lflllle, no !')J.Uott Nn t>I""'C< tilt- &<olp!C allod
'"" Crc:...c4 Xl'i.

_ ....

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'*), s...-. ---t'f)'UII ....... --fill ....... mlo
tiWt ....... . ,.,..,., f :; - .... '"'
.... ...,.. ..
...... ,.,. --.. ......
1 l.l,.c" ttl ._ .,. lk Wrw.o..
'ole ...,. ro11cd ..._,....,... ...,.
.t: (.k*llfl ol lll I t.,.c-r ullkoa sndIIJ ,,_
Ill otfwllof.f'IC'II llmiiJit I P1f<I*C:IICf'ld. A:AUII piltt. 10
I .\wdl p-tlk6l1Yf"""' "-b<ot IMtl"pft
''4 *i IUIIIt!IIC from P''"llliM wt!lfm& ol llliiKnt.b ol. l!.fl t
Kill ..... '"'* 0cMt CIIITUIIS ol 'f\tnd; IIW&JN M 11M: WIM
"'f\ IIWI! Wdlii!CIIII,U)" b!NC ff'l'la

... .
. .

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0 0.. ......
.U.). 'l"M . .cina .,. eu!w4ftl. *'"'
... piaafoc:!Me, form.d llle
,..,.. n ..... ., c "'t'_ .. , -" ..... ..,. .... , ....

U a.bbro C'MU!.W. Nfll-llll atld piN.
Otut o,tte crl ( R.lloduw ),_ 1.11 C'OIIlr.-t .-itlllk In
"'"" le rr .Q. 1M 111 t!WI: umpk
t.alty lO po.. wuk lori.m!IW

d 1Mttto.omu1.- boQ\1110 !Ny Ill ""' bc'-C11 C'UIII..tw:
et- (pl..lpoc:a..: 111 1M r-pk). 01 bt tJ:pclk:4.,.
,.,.,.. . .. 4ift'*'- ,,.. .... -""'*" Md hCitlir! Jr0-1:"
....... '* ....0

Oot ...... _ , .
A41t-l 1

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(1'1(111 ,.., COilJdt <- ,....,.., .....
._ >IIM:'ItC'U lk lki!QM;!III
f"''IC' AtiOooc "- tl'ilieal ""'luc, ....o dllllu'l!t
t')'IUII'-'1: from !lilt MCII, llorNAJ 'dow II Cll'lly Mak
,.._.. ft.;kpat C:t)M&!I<IIU fNM 1114 .ctl
cr-. ... .,... .__ .n. ..... .. ..,..,..
..... r-a.c:--. .. ...........
ff'--J u-nctt
lOW '"'f'
d. nuc kit 11tc 'Y'tm 'howin& 11tc li-
quid rfdcl in * Mlinl-nc. pt-11 oiiJMl
fcllk fMnt OllK-r l)ttm6 Qka
Wlo!llro blcti r-dcl (lll(ioM,
50. l.nlll.icdbllity Ia (he: llqukl ot a
lca t ot MMIII, n ..... il licr-kk ate
u ol brown it'O!Hkh atld dur si!ict-rictl elaut:L
I ... M li#lt. X450.
H llfl.'Cic:h n_rn:r;.lfy ..... IU' 1110:
rt.llhf) u\lblr I1Jlll 111 lllu doolcuttc bf,u.ll IIOIIl
C-O:Iklll lk 4ropfit" appo:M Jl rtnt.:llt j.()IIC'rtt,.
'P"Ufd cly\t..tuf m -tnUw
.._. ndl fcollll /:< l tlll of pUJ;tott.lc lnd P1fDWM' Oc.
<l;ltli, lllolj!llf hlir tr)\Uh tbolcl<}e (ltiiiCI) JIIC: QOUI!no ill lhrt
atoc>>UDiJ f Nsalo , t\hlboll.ef Ollll!l.I"WJbolr RtOt<:ld fllllll
l.tJhl ""' ""'"""'"'"- X l $0
J: M1,1(,d b41Pthtan6 rfa.)dlloC" I Jllll'lkt, :O:C'"be:rry"'i
(')110, Orep The JUdlj)(lt:!hOn olll>cM rwo M-e relit hqvidJ
il I rq.llll Of (!( fWO l!laj;IIW> 1ft4 110( Jm-
( ob o!ory f't:ott 1M II('\ 0( Ul'l&tl 0( O<lc tiqllt4 111 1M
Oilier d-.eb 1rr. who;n u (IT 51)
I'Sint lopu, Xtl
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En C..
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n Oodll " ; :,-,oc a,c. o..-. new:-....
.... o' klllt--"* ...... ....,"""""' .._ .. P*-
tt. - I M: tq.d ....... ,...... of -sa. w'll!l
................................ "'
"' $ ' . .......
.................. : ... , .......... .,.. ...
lWUfA' Mefldilt( ....... Mlltftll..._.
...... , ..,.,..410('.,.. .. ..-..s-..
,._, r..u fer---
)) I= ....
,.,.._......_s,.. la).c",w "-c...,.XIJO.
,... s-: rr .ss.,.. ..... "..,.,...,._..
Uoc .,_. .,.IJMM '"""* t.ft ""'-
. ...... Tlw
_....,.,,_ .... ,.,.,..., ......
"""' eo..--, .. of ..,... rtt .,.,.,_.
I'U* I fiOk ft*folllt"I'-'C ... lei ........ ,..._tcft .....
c .... rt IJic. .............. on:
s .
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-: .,":)


6 Classification and Textures of Metamorphic Rocks
Mctamorphh.m l$ tbe tum of all dlanaa tbat occur in rtvl: in rcpouc to
ia tbc toek'a eaviroc.ment, Tbe ia the JOck cao be physkal.,
or c:huxtical. Tk:y cu alfca. rocb ol ipcous. aedlmcoc.ary. or eve Ofi
p.. 1\c: &.aJ p-odoct ol tile a. = f bowl! ' IDda.orphic rod.
In iu bro.cks:l &c;m&e. mettmorpbiilo iAcludes tbc c:ncirc specwm (II ehan.gu that
cake J:la,ct bttwec:o the tone of uthc:ri03 a.nd lhc: 'lOfiC ia wflicb
tO lllapL&t. Traclit.iooaUy, the low-ttmptn(UIC: MoiOCUicd with WU
tllcrillc: ud U.C lidW.adoo ol scdimcou bcaa ouncd frOG aht sa.dy ol tl'loe1.a
morpbis& Sue lbe scp.v11ioe is. arbttrvy, fOf ck fedamcotal llws abe
low-canptrature ue identkal to tbo.e ((l<lrolli.n$ the
ancs. In aU ee$ the ch.aft8c:S take. plllce in Otdcr minimiu the. free energy of
t!w: roek, and wbetbc:r or not equilibtium is bas.ic' thc:rnodyn.arnie principles
poeral)lc. ditea U. rc:aaioG6 ptotttd.
Mtta..Ot'phie rocb c:u h.aYe Wpbcau.d hislork... Few instaMe, sedimeot
Uted oa the surface of tbe earth, aOc:r beromifl& lithined. cnn foiJow any number
of dUTerul prc.uurelemperature paiN lx.forc un che urth'& urCII
1$ I a.c.t.amOtph.ie rock. 'JM p;'a{h$ dc:pud 00 the IC:CIOilic l)rOCQt 10 'hich the rode
it e:zpw.cd ud fbe Utory ol ..... C'UU ia lite 1k rod C\'Cft be
to aorc:- tU. 011e lectoaic: c:puock. io iudl ca.e One :tc:l or ma)' he
by anocher, Chotn. 11Nu M 10 p:an of !be ()'tJC of
tbattgo is ae1u1fly prekn'f:d lWd rQCOfdcd in fin:. I mc:lamOrJ)hic rod.
Whc;o kd.imc:I:IC.aty rotk$ ICC buric4, c:ithct lbroup coatiftutd ud m.
W,., ol ....._ ...,. ....,... by _,h...W.C ol '""" <tU$UI 1ocb. tJot;. ,.,..,..
'-I'IJrC:S rdC-. Tbii is due in co lhc phermal pade.nl (10 to fd>C/ Lm) and
in par! 10 bbnktllft8 c:ffecc or crwaaJ rocb wbkh normally ba"e rclallvdy
high conDtralioiU or radioacti\'t- dements (U, Tb, K). treat an abo
b) bodiu ol macma. CIO eoohtlc libcncc both hue brougial. by
the mapaa iUtlf (a fvactioD of cbt cc:aptntiU'C. aDd hua capaary ol chc as-a) .tnd
hua ol cryaal!iutiocl. lempa-aturc:s rUe.. like pbcx: vtuch ve commonly
rcferrd 10 u fJIYJI7CSII\'t prt)f,T'ik Re.aC'Cion' can abo
place u rodu eool d0'tt.11: thc.$e arc referred co 1$ Dl' fdr<JG'ad<

RCJOVIde. m.r;umOtplusm i$ fat iet6 COIIUDO. l"fogradC: mctamorphism. ln.Jc:c:-d.,
mos; rrcumorph" rodt.s. are bc.l.ieed 10 preseM. muM:ral as.scmbl' rormcd 1-1 peal
tc:mpc;uturU. There b both a kiAttic and ch('mic.JI c.xplanalKln Cor $C.ardt)" of
reuogndc roeb. Tbt driving potGoti.al f01 m m<IJII:IOrphic rcacltOM
'N'ia lmutly Kmpcracu.rc. Rc.aioo rn., laowtYCr. '"11'1 cxponc.Diia.lly ,..,,h
prop- lbc: dm1"C polmtt.aJ ud the bnciiiC b e
tor ad U. ueiloa 10 taii$C re.actioN 10 proceed. But wi'lb falllJIC tc:mp;raturc, ahr
dri\ing potential i.s. oppo$td by the UJIOftentiaJiy ck<'.rca.\ing readi()n rote. Furtht
more. 13061 ptograde reactioos itwolvt or dcurboruai.J.n.. Once.
bavt bcc.o upe_Ded (rnm ti'W'k. laOti!IJ QA.oC the-. r-nc
(;oekqacatly, a0M tt:ltOII'-ack 0 a local OWf ...
maioly ...tlcre prcMde for Outcb to center the rod:. Thel.c
arc 001 onty bvt lhcy al.o ace as by
reaetW;,t rate.
.. ..
.. .






, I
, I
.. .
.. I
" .
,. I




Tbc. history or a metamorpb.i.c rOd: is recorded in it.S Dlilltrt1_ 1ogy ond le.xi;Utc:$
(3nd to a lesst.r ttlll, chemistry), For this reuoo. minaalogy tenure form
the for d;alo$ificatKla. A metamorphic rOC;k is descrmd and dM$ifloCd \ISing
desetiptive Tbl$ iavolves a li$ciog or tbc roekf<>rmins
mioetaLs followed by a textural term. Fot example, a (lll3fiZmU$00Yitebioli.tc
t'OI'I<iU( rr<l''mil'lllll'llly o( qutul7, llltltl .. il( nyor;.
tals bavc a parallel alignment, which imparts a foliatioo ot $Cbis.tosily to the
rOtk. (A 1isling of metamorphic telttu.res is gi\'CG al the end o( this e;bapter.) A
few special Dames arc: used !Of metamorphic roc.b ol wikUg cbcmkal <XIrop0$ition.
For cx:ample. marble. calcs.ilica.le, quartzite, and soapstoc (sc.rpc-fltine talc.)
are formed from tbo metamorphism or limcstooc:, impure lirJ,es.toDC, quarUrid1 sa.od
aDd uhnmatl<: rode., rQpec:tM:.Iy. Altbough an:. gcDelit, the
tisetive COmpOsitiOn of e.ch rock little doubt ru. to its origin.
The mineral JMC.mblfi&t a metamorphic rock an be to i.rucrprc.t
temperatures. pressure$, Mid, in some as. the of the fluid phase
t)tant during metamorphism. FurthertrtO<e, the tt:lllurC$ ol tbe rod; can re\<eal tbe
or tbo di<otu1banee wbieb ca-ur.cd the meaamor-phis.m. For example, tbey mi&:ht
indicate whether tbc disaurb.'loc:e wa$ a resull Qf deep buri11.l acld de(()rnUition related
to mountain building (rY!gWnal me.ram-Oiphi.sm), or QS a o( the nearby em
pb.cement of an i,gneoll$ irltruston me.Uim(lf'pJtism). Interpretation o! the
cmditions a.od eauses ol metamorphism leads to an01ber 'VI'rl:t of cJassiJying
"'-ic rod;s koOWII as the (adc.o; dassirication. Before dc-Ni.ng with this appro-teh,
bowe\<er, it necessary to discUM the graphical represcotatK-n ot meutmorphie mine--
ral as.sem blages.
One o( the important early disoo-.-eries o( petrology w..s th:lt nletamorphk rocks con
t:tin relati\'Ciy small numbers o( mjncrals. This was correcdt intc.rpreltd in 1912 by
V. M. Goldsdunidt o:s indicating that the minernls ln r()(k$ efos,(;ly .:tp-
prooch equilibrium assemblages. l'hac is. il 3 minerals e:an take
place. it prooecds until one o( the reactants In thi$ v.'3y, the number
o( mineral$ is kept to a minimum. Indeed. Gokhehmidt $hOWC::I. Jhrou&b thermodynamic
ilfgvments. that (he aurober ol in a rock should equal the number of
components preKnl, where compOnents ddioed 8$ the s.mallc!it nu.mber of
b>Jilding units (single o,xide$ Of groups of oxidc:i) nettssary 10 describe- a.U of the
miaer:lls presc:nt. Many rocb contain llO more tha.n. (our CH i\c_ components. 3nd thus
tl.ey contain ooly (our or tivc m3jOr
Bce.ause of the smaU ownbers of n1inc.r:.k prC$Cm in JMM nlttamoq,hic rocks. i1
IS po55ible to eon.s&ru.et gr.1pbiea.l rc:prt$otnHI1i(>n$ of the mif)Cra) which
a:d nCM only in making petrographic descriptions, but in i11crpreting 1he conditions
of metamorpbi.s.m. In three dimen.'iiOils, tour <XImpo$itional e-onponc:nts (il_fl; be represen
ted, (Of example,. i.D a tetrahedral plot. whrn such a ploc is projcc-
trd into the two dimensions o4 a s.bcet ol m.tlny or lis feature5 can be-come ob--
scured. In tv.o we are resrricted 10 plotti.ntt only three compooonts. which
un be represe.nted v.;1b !oimplc tri.:lnS"Ular stapb. Mosl ro:"k.s., bowe\-er. contain one
or two more be in the uiangular plot. Consequent!)'.
k 11$ed i11 $11.1d,.,ns miru.ral
l:bgu are of projccci.ng. from four o-r spa into the
lhlce. tomponc-"" of the tO:mg:ul::n pJ.ot.
s .

O.C ol dac mOSt vscd projcd._ is the ACF A. C. and F
ate dc:(IIC'd io male perc:ua as;
The A 't.llue plocted in lhil> tncludcs all of tht' :.lumina .n lhc: rock rninu.s
thfd whkh cn1ers alkali fc.l<bp:lr. In ehis way we climi..n.:uc: 1ho Deed 10 pkl1 1hc:
iJl the diagram, reducing b)' ()ftC' lhC DUmber o( COd\pol'oCftl$ 10 be rcptuenU.d.
A ftmh<:r reduction is uhi(vtd by grou(HnaiOCCihct FcO. MgO. :tnd Mn{). In meta
morphic mineraJs these: oxilk.s freely sub&licucc ffK one another and,
Ul'l be as a sinak c:omponcnt, Buc in """e mlocnh., such at.lutolilc, this
unfonun;atcly G DOt Uut. aACI thO poupin&: is 11 w\11 k 1t01cd tlll .. t the
mOll ab1adut oompoot:ot of all, SiOz. it; omilecd Cro. ploC.. II i6 .oc. P-
fOqOttcL The s.ilic:a fOtMi a l011rtlll ((lin,.,_. Web wo.ld rcquwc a lnr;Uc:-
dul p&ol if it 10 be p-aphl<'al) A lhc bu.Jl.
ol roc.l: .. wch tctnhtdron e.n be r,._ Y ape of the
onto lhe oppoliu_ rxc (fiJ,.. 6-t). &c..lM <&
rod.a. free sdica (it1 the form of quam). can pr<-'jed he: t.11lk rompoW
of 11c: rod. from tht $iUca pa onto rhe ACF r:K'C of the cetl'!lhordron We cu
chen uk: (riallgul:lr ACP U) ihclw 1bc comJI(lQ.itioo of the. rO(k itt ton
.. wurnt minerliJ$ (In ot the AC'I ctlmponcntr.), II\ we $late; th:U (JU!ir1t
I\ blliO (altbo._agh not in the ACr J ll.l,j;tll!n). Wilhin
lht l1m1H o( II rocl be in the 1irt1pk A(.'f Iri-an
j!UI.1t d13p"3m
. .
f f., I ACf" leu toch qu;art7 RocL rc projcc
fr..m SiO, CW1to 1M ACr fM"C of l"c {sec tul Cor u:pl.uutW>ft). U
J.t l* Kl d .. rl ta Nil; X com.t.sa
,.( tlilr q1UIII.tAOt1itc t1vt under
......... , VI ol o.ld fll qv.Ntt


, .




to ploe the: oOmpositioa of a rode itl the ACP cQpll.l'll, the *mica.l auJysis..
wbtclll is IIIQnllally ia lct'ID:$ o( 'fll't:ipt pcrcc..-, i6 r:<aiC in ok propor
"""' br dMdU>c the ...,... pet- ol c.d> ..W. by oU DOiccubt ..,..,_ The
eo&: proportioa\ ol llle A. C. .d F compoeeau art lka to 1
.mnce ..acbJ Uta are correccioas. c.M be- -..de to lk eolc proportio:t ol
C:.O lor -r accc_,- .,..U or .. tM rod., ..4 to F'cO for
.., a.c.ite .. apc:Citc (see OC)nD Oaptu .... rcw caleab1ioa). Nor
aly the -. ol tbcoo ..u..nls a<c ..,.u, ud they do OOl atrca the
ACf pia<
1lle iD the rod:: are. abo plotted ia tbe ACP dii(P'" ncir po&ittons
can be dcdi.Kled cui!)' from tbeir gi\'CO i.n (.ll.aplu J. fl'Or Lheir
irttcmu of A. C, aod F ve gi\<t:n below::
A c
Anthophyllite., CurnmingJonitt, Ottb(lf))Toxene
T1k, 0 0
Ai'lolltr-, Ttcmolice 0 l8.l
ttomblen<k: <1!
-UI.I 71.l
Oot.nmite 0
lO lO
Wolb.iec;ondc. 0
100 0
Grct.subrirc, A!Kiraditc: 2.l
7S 0
S1 0

lO 0
100 0 0
67 0
Olor11oid (Fe). C.cwckntc: (Mi) 0

\f!Colf11M. P)Topc
0 7S
lOll 0
rod.J Lbrtt: or tbe mifterab. ill llllc ACt dt"$111"' .,."' 4lU&n2 (accn-
V>I'} arc M"p:cted). l..iDes are bcc-.'CCII thc\C' mu.et11b to thai
thcoy occur and were probably r0nncd as an rqu1hbriu11 .uKmbl&gc u1:1der tbt-
rar1kular or reprQC.nttd by lhr roc:k. The bulk tompos.ition
of the rod, piau \llilhin lbt:. mineral phase tn.angk, Un<k1 different me-camntpbic ron
bull: (!(lrnposili.on could produ: ' difrc:rcnl Of mine
11111> Thus, 111hhm1Qh the pOint rcprt$enling the. bulk irt the ACF
piCIC :u the "'-me pllltt-, the mineral lliArag,lc w()uld be diffc
rcn (11,a & l).
ACf diagnam suited IOf rtprcM:ntiQg mctammrhac rOCLJ (rom
mCI'd l$:ftC:001 rotkJ. upc::Nlly those ol c:omptw-iton. an4 nlttllmotrbMcd hmc
\h'oloCa. dob.cond. and impute. cvbooatc roc:Q. h r\ Mot '"a.ablc. r01 rod..\ formed
fri)l.'l al11nui'I<K6 Kdim.tnU. 1bc: pc!Jltl. 'A'llcn 1hc1c roda
COI'ta CJiiXpt ''C')" hrp -.he- ron-
,,.., iMtead. a .,,ltl!lbcr d QUM:
1.1k, wch suwolilc.. dlloril.oMl "' chkwlllc. arc
cnh rro""'idl cw U.. "'- ..-a. aDd .. 11101 wMht\ICc
hcctv lor c..ch otltc:r 1Ksc and 1hc:rd<Mc cMIIIOl k t:attd one COr.!
a' b daec ID llile: ACF dbgam II 1hac ntartOh 4.1C" ,....'"""'-' "' 1t..
"'IC'mbb;a of ft'IUr rather tW thr tt'nunM._, rnuk Few t.loldl rh
comrlctch ddferut plot is used..
PdU oocb ate ... pooed d r,.. ......... - w,. "'? M&(),
FeO, uod a-... d !he .................. d FeO I H;i> .a ""1 pelitic
mioer.U. aD lie ..,. created u Kpallllte compoM:nta for
che pwpo1C$ of pphQI repruenwioo. U we plot ooly those rotb cootainin& es
cellS !il.ica (thai Is. one$ coruain.log free: qua,), $ilioea need not be plouc4.
This.. i11 reality, i.i aimplv tak:ina i.n 1he. frvcMm{ltlrv.nt and rro-
jectiog them from quartz i:DIO I he fourCOmpt'III(GI I)'II(Cm, Very (eN tocb are c.limina
ted by tbi$ rwridiOQ, bet:IU$C OGl)' rarely do pelitic roc:k:s oOI ClOaUia Ji.
lia.. By rCJIIO'Iina tM to plol silica, tbe alamber of csscotial compoac.ou oeedc:d
to repuc:m the compcirion ol pc.litic rOtb tad thar CCllll1t1Ye mlocnls i:J
(our. This.. lhc:Q. cube doK willa a tce1abcdr ploc.
In F"c. 6-2. 1hc miaerals .. "liQ-tatanecd pdik rod.t are paoc.
iD lemlS ol FeO, M&(>, K.,(), By 'lloi(h liftu _thlm
that occur '" a rook. a tenahtduf Qiumc. 1$ formed .,,lb chc
mineral$ tying at iu corners. For we could draw the for a tOtk coo-
taioing 1bo '""mbiiiS,C almAndine. ilaurolite, and ky.1.nite (plui quarlz),
or oae c:oncairtlng M*O\ite, staurolite. c:hlmite, nd btolite ( qu.aru:). TM: che-
miW cnmposi:ti.oa of' 11 rod: pbs .,i(hin Lbe tetra.MdruJ \"Oiume otbned by tbc mine-
ral asscm.bl.tat.
Dcipile iu ... pa.a.:y. tltc rttrahcdral ploc obloioesly becoNe ditrnk co
rc.ad if a ._bcr oJ to tiC plonecl in il We thcnJorc eced
a mcus ol chc di.agram. " ill be aorc:d dJ.lC. CACCpt (Of the
ud feldspar, aD of the minc:nb riot 011 tbc
(Af-'ll.f) (ace or thc ICitllhedtOCI.. funhermOfC, m()'" pelitic CX'Ifltaiil mUSCO\')IC
ratbe.T than J'OC-11\\iUm CXCC-pt ;11 the IC:mperl!IUrC:S. or
whetc: etU\oCO\itc dov.-n. an)' mu5covi.tebc:1uins M.Sembb.ge ""ith a bulk com
tou)iduc pi'JIIdng the tetrahedrOn cn be pro,r;:<:ttd lrom muscoY'IIC onto tbc.
AO.t hce o! the tctrllhcdroo. prodU<:i:ng " 1ri1ngul.1r plot (Fig. 6-Z). 0( COUrie,

.. 01.1""'
Pro,cctioon or Jrond pcbtic rock) onto the
(;a('( of !be tcuahedrCWI text rut expluallon).
plot1ed .,,. A( .. pt"'ymo.-ph (A), (l>), chlo.-uoid (0), cord.c.-ilc
(Cd). prod (<11. chlonlc (Ch). bioti1c: (8}, (M), 311'1d PQ':W.Uftl (c:lds.p;u
!l(i). tAII<r T"""'"""' 1957)


, I
- J

- ,I
, J
, J
, I





n'ISl thM io addici<lc to tbe tbrtcplwc we.mbbft U. thll l.f1anpc. the
rod: ..W aA.o ooa11iD anasc:oNc. aod qQaftt. FOt pc.lit"-
it eo JCiible. the. ptejedioo ooco the AFM f.1ot CM be aa.Joe frOCD
poe..._ leldopot. lkaOS< this paphicolllldhod ... .,._d bf ,.__ (19n)
il it :a-oaly rclc.tftd to as the Thoa:l.-o- AfM proicclioe
- - ,.;,...., io pcilic rocb ploc ,. U.. AnA loee of , .. A1z0r
Fe() \I&(>Kfl ,....-..._ lllcir poWo. ,. lloo lriop'N APW p1oc ;. aaalfccted
by projcc:tr. &oaa aaoa;c:o..itc.. Biotile., lid wilhia lhe 10 that
-., ;w<>i<ed 1- m--"< il lies below , .. lioc joioioa FeO u4 M&(> oo , .. AnA
rk)t. lo tddittoc.. roc:b CODtaitW!a m\tK'O'Io"C. biotite.. and pclUIY.ium feld$pat will
ooco the. AFM fi(:C bdow bSocitr;.
or ReO for MgO oc:eurs in mOl( renomac.ncliu minc:rab: in meu..pe-
htet., but under any particul4r of conditions the rlf\8e of aubsti.lu
lion 111)' rJthc:r 1imhe4. Thi$ is itldic:ated in the AFM piOI by the $haded
oreal. The: degree of $tJbstituti()CI of FcO for MgO i$ Jl'C&ter in IOCJic: Mi nerals tha;n
i.n ock.-.. Where "-1)1i<':al da'J on the individual minerah rc: vatb'e. (Qr
txamp1e from elecuon microprobe anal)'SCJ. \A()WI) u tit ll'nu ean be dra...-n
jotni"' the cor.npo:slt'otl$ or cocxistiog mioerals. From &t.1ch dact we ean sen.c:nli:te
tbat followin1 mil'll!rab show a dottcaslQs Pfducn for mape&ium o
hon cordierile, ddotitc, biotite, cblofitoid. staurol:icc. aod 'Tbus..
f<Jt c:ompk, bioctte i.n 1 rod: .uJ lu\""e hipcr M.g/Fc ratio tlu coeDiting alm.ao-
clltlc :v"- 6-2). Ba11$1e ot lhc soUd soi...UO. ill rmonpc:sia mjocnls., au.ay
pc.l.&ic rocb plot Ull tlrlt AfM a$ u a:sKbbF of 061)' two m.liOC'f"lb nthcr
due (pins mli5CO'>itc :aad quttt): tky occupy arut ndtd id tic Goa
JO&A_,. the: of coc:Ostiftc p&ascs. A.d ._,.h Mill ockr rocts.. ooeph&sc
wc)bcu arc po6Sibk ill the AFM di.acru. it lK the: roc:t plob ia
a OMIP'cd by the soid dJilio. ri1111gC ol u ...cnJ. the: CIOIIlpOiP
tt011 of the is lbeo 6ctenaiDcd Cllbrd)' b) t.bc bulk olc.bc roct.
The Qtlt.t.t attcmrt to cb.ssay metamorphic: r<K"b oo a rc:fPM.a1tcak Wl$ b)' Bano-w
warkil'lg in the a.outhcUtun Sc:ottisb HigtllaOOs.. He "''ll able to map Wtru
or pt0jtni\tc1)' mctamorph(ISCd rock whieb he named al1c1 rcad.ly Wlc:nhrillble mine-
rill$; thC$C were chlorl1e. biotite. gllltntt. 61aurolitc, and a.illimanitc,
li\led in cwdc:r or incrcuing i-cucnsif)' or meln.morpbi.wn. Tbc:. Witt part or a 7.oot,
.,.,here the indelf mincri&l maku iu. fiJ1;t appc.:uan. was named n lsOf:rOd, the i.m
bc.ng that an isog:rad m)tlttd a line of equo1l SfJdc, or degree, or metamor
Map.,..ng of i.\ograds i$ $tiD as 1 rlcld method for
rocU altd for giving .a idu of the intcnsiy of
But I.e rcl;lhOD the pc:$tioo ol u doOpad aod tiM: iozeas;.ty ol the factors
U'IU'I is no-' rcc:opiu4 to be [u Ctom timPc;. F'uttbc:tmote, 1
nJc tnlftCUI " a ru la.s P\IIC ol MUJIIOtpbtc: .,. thl.a tk iKral
.13oklllbbcc ol tllc roc:k 1.\ .a ._..._ nw.. for dd.alkd work.. ..ock,..
M.1lc '* oltltr <01111pktc aaiac.W
&lob. worklliC oo the: rotb of tlllc. rq;c. of F'
laM_ WD lht f\nf 10 fully llpprc;<:QIIC 1tlc broiMJ rct.l...,. \Jc:lwa:ll inc:t.J _....
rod. cocnpoa.it-. and prruuto ud ol Mttamorpbis& Kc.
ftOltd chal w.'Wb1n regioon:s. wnlll to the U:IM grMk
olmctanOtpht:s.m. wcrc. deutrelflcd OG.)* t, rod composi
..,., but llul rocks '""" dill.,... ....., -riot ...,;w .....,.. ol """paWoo,
ooWd aetaia "'lU'f diffc:rc:at a:Lioetal assembbfea. whidl lire IICiriMcd to ditl'c:rut
coodibou ol io tile difl'c:ttat arc:._ Ealola iac:orpcnkd tt.ac. ot.er
- iolo IK I.a.. """"pl. lk dcftocd o ...-,lite minmd j>-
aa .. a.rwm. .n ahe rn.:h rtu. Nrw ....,..,.,,... .ad
an. CJCM"diboM 10 similar LU& a dcliDi&c: dw=ical co.pnNtjo. rCAIIu ila tltc IMK
ICC ol ....,..., (Eol:ola, 1920). n..., lor rocks - lk ..,.. -..
liou. diie:rtal .... MK"'bbctt reprc:$CIIl clifkrco& Wk.
ly, roW -.ith t.hc same bulk cocoporsiboa but 'ilh rc-
l'lca clilfut:rll conditioal ol metamOf)lhi:sm.
Elev:n diJrerenl are reeogni:t.cd. the c.otirc of J)O$Sible
meUt,morphle condjtJons. As. a resuh o( cxperimc;ntal acudia.. the 1pprorimate pres
$1.1tU 111:l tempe.ralure$ of the bouncbrics bc.t"''Ctn the variO\*l fac:iel 110 60W known
(Fia. 6-J), lt ihouJd be empbS$iud that Lb.ese are ooly pproxin11111C, nd thai they
can be modil'ied corulderably by t:banging the compo&ition or tht nuid phase. In
Fia. 6-3. the rarti.aJ ptes.s.ute of wate.r durin& Mltl{lmOtplli$M I" taken IQ be equal to
the l011d ?raaurc:
,., .---...... ---r---.---...... --...,.--...... .---...... ---r----,


..., ..



" (',, '\

..,.., I "'II ft
.... .
... IMJ MO
, ..
f b:\ APf"''t'IOin)lC presmres and lllldct ""hiCt. \"lltOUS CIICUrnorptiiC
for Roda :ts.\.IDC'd to bt .a tqudRUD WMcr M Cbf WftiC
I""C\\.Uit ti tK XC' ""'1td 10 .t
ol 'UIC't lieu tlu.a tbr bad p!'d&lltC bc<tWll &tC
,.<..,, a. iwch oumbc.r o6 iiDpon.,_ 1.1" .,._, (r-. 6-4) T\c. d-o
C'IU\'C (Of p:alamu1cm (SIypC") p&Mc ldldrr cooclcioru G
from (.'loncM and (19Sl)-





.. .
.. .

The lombknlk hom/dJ and tbe hom{tls {IJdu form a.t low
prcswtc t.l'd m()()c:;rateto-h.ig.b temperatutes. These cooWtiom o()tO'Ially oec.ut IL1 the
conta<:l$ of tg,leOU:S intrusiOI\S. At t.lill bi&her temperatura. and &ow pressures is
tbc Ull'lidinitt fadu, wbieh i$ nonnally restricted to xmolitbs to mtfic mea
ma. At tbe outer mJJ8ins of $Oint C:OCilad metll.lllorphic aureoles. a low-tem.pc:.ntwc:
h()mftl.r jaciU ooeun. Ucder cooditioos ol rc.gioo.al
mamorphism iA oroscn.ie the series ot facies greeJIS(hlsr. 1111d
grarwlitt arc MlrmaUy CfiCOUIItered. lo some, a $C.i.U lower tp'1ldc.. uo6tt /Q
cict, i$ pteseot, aod this m.ay p.ass up a fi.es be-
fOte re.aehi.ng the At the of tile zeolite aDd prduUte-
pumpell)ite Ca.c:ies., reactioo rates arc ruaogly oo deformatioa aod drc.v
biting Ouid pbases.. As. a result, tbese two krNe$1 grade facle$ are ft>t always pre-


____ , -

' .
I ...

. ..
Fir;urc (; .a ACF piOC$. ol common qu3rtl.bcaring mineral in the mc:tamor
plic ratics. Boundaric.c; aod oonditi.onS arc: the: same :.s in Fig. 6-3. Minen;l$ plot
ted indude Bnd.alustte (A). (K), sillimaniu: (Sill), mweO\;tc (M), mullite
(Mull), grooularite (Cr), almandine (Alm), pyrope (P)'), ortop)1'0XC.De (Opx), dioo-
sr<>xc.nt: (Cpx), cakic: plagiocbsc: (PI), epidote (Ep), lasonitc: (Lw), laumontite
(Lm), pumpcllyiu: (Pm). prebni1e (Pr), calcite (C), ;tngOt'litc (Ar), dolomite (D),
woU:tstonite (Wo). (Ac), hornblende (Hb), giiii.K'()f.b.ine (GI), antboph)
(lll.h), talc: (Tc:), biocite (8), e:blofitc (Ch), c:ordic:rite (Cd), pyrophyUite (Pph),
and stilpnomclanc (Stn). Tbt: beginning or melting eun-e fo watcr.satutated peralu
m OOU!io rrom and Wall (1981).
Kol rccapitabk. vc:c:ltldaitl (lltic::s. rOtb comaool'! appur as the: fd'lt
ptochlcsa. of ec:tam0f11hism. UDder CDGdd.ioM of hith pres.surc a11d l09o tt:m
peraure, mecamorpbism snu rise fil'll to the gltmcopltulle lchist (lffl.lt
schim) foJ&owed by tbc jkJ. Such cooditioN cxUt oo.ly v.-hc:tc
colo! """ i& .-.ctc4 ,.pdl)o (loeooo ,.,..u,; oool) to - deph aod tlou
brou&)t bd \0 f.bc: Hrfacc r-apidly by 11!d,_.;, ..
Eadl of the faciu ia ch.at..:teri:tcd by a pattl;ubt miMral aucm
bbF. lo _.....,_ _.;ally thok ol ..roc ...S U!.-e ---
taoa Uld tN:"" au.ecobb&a .are best a:pre.c:d in term$ of the
ACF componcn1l (1-i$. 6-4), wberc.as in pelitk rocb tbe AFM l>rc;j:tion mu.sa be
(Fi;. 6-5).


.. ,
I ft:UJt; o.-5 AF'M pklcs ol ml.c.t&J ua pcclltt( tLs Ull \MI
..,. mduDOfpbiiC auncnl r.x.,. All c:(llldltttMLS a1:1d bouncbt.c c the Ymc *' 1n
f <-3 att' hom ftiUS<\1IC, t'<Urt 1n the gHanu11h!, I))'YOxtnc t.111n
fd, <inJ wn.daoite ,."here: the) rc from pot...Wum (dcbpar. Ption.\ ol
114nli "' tM AF'M proic'Cik"ft froaa m111'""1te ate .. 1A tk UIISd AbbrP"Wklft).
.. rt qu.-111 (0). mu..c0'1te (M), polaM.nlm fe1d.'f"' (KI), (A), h -niiC
t t-... (S1II), P>"orh)llte (Pph), r ind l!lmandlr,e (Ain'l),
lite (S). (tl), COfdttnle (Cd), chlotJtc ((."1!), btottlt: (8).
tGI). ud pyroacac ({)p)) Tile Al:--'-<>.s plw.c ac froe Holcb'
f1'111) .

a a


, I
,. I
,_ I

.. I
.. .



"Tbc boud..ar1cJ bctwt.eu the various radcs arc dctcnDlacd by imporu.nc. IDd.IJJ:IOr
pbir rtattioos laJpcdioo o( f"iip. 6-4 aad 6-S. t mu1J lb.al io IDU)' cak.$
k'Y:lal rcld.ions mUll take. plac:t to tho Ul(:a)bf:IV' ot ooc Cacic1 iata
ca.c. ol tJae oot. 1"trr$ led co t.bc dMsic. ol the rldc:l -.o wblacia. B a.
ol n>d:o .,-,doe .,..,... ol ouctiooo..., Ud to be....,.._
t.-d rtw .. ''"" __,. ., pew. h btonme f'IW'"'I ...... ..W.O., .....ad - bew
tOO --.ctCNI to be 8ICfal NoocchcJa.1. dtcii'C lud IO be a n)' ot iaocoo poe Ilia& t.bc
lorJO- ........... - .... --.. .-00
--...orpWc: rc:Mtioos Tbe sohltioa: was co replace litre oooccpt ftb wl:t.ac aR.
toe-D ,ws. whicb are dilpuu oo wbidt
aD P*lblc n:.aioos I o paniaalu .._ ol rod """""'*""' .,.. plo<tcd. The
lociu W..w...W.. is otill ....s. .. O<iginolly dcr.-1. bot 0<11y lar b<ood ,..
Jion.a1 das.sif.catMxt.o; of tO(l$.
To UIWitrate tbe detailed aaalysis: thlt an be mado o( rr.ctamorphie mineral u-
KtllbllgU wing a pct.rogcnelk grid, figure 6-6 the neiNOrk or re:.nioa C:UI'\'U
tbA have bn worked out rcw pclilic rocks. M0$1 met3n,Ofphic rocb formed at gene-
ral prlUret: e:.od tC(Itpcnturcs "'ithh1 the areas, lying loct"'-eco rUC'-li.on auvcs
on tbc pr.trogenetk grid. The# rocb coataio the nuMbe. or minenll u oompo-
nenu.; tbat ia. OA the Af'M projcctioll, they coru;iJot ol thfC<' mioerak. II will be
not;d by compWc AFM plots in adjoinil\& rtclds only ooe liDC i:s <:baagcd iD
c.oina Crom ooe fidel to 1be 01her, 1'114- t..dtclta thai
the: UKIDbbset ic adjoinil:lc. fidcb. lbks, il ia eonlrUI 11) lbe fac;i d&s.\if.c:a-
ID IC'YttaJ tudioftl t0111iepanlC ldjoining f.aciu
If dae or pu$U.te of of a rod. l..Umc "'il.bia a fdd
00 tk pr..,rut pid .ere 10 be wouW aotM a poi:Dt. M hidl a
C1ln'C would be C':liC'OUDlucd. Here. the rocl ..-o.kl CDft:ldt ol fow miftenk
.,. he AFM aod 'Wbto l1resc "Were JOtfted aa Uc da.tp ... illlcucct-.: ioes
WOidd s...pty utd.aae thai a rtJU.o. u ia propcss.
W\1\ the t*O oa ooc &ae reaaina: to fQnD tile r-'0 cr. tK oc.bcr. JJ svQ a
rock were found. aaigbt c:xpect to w:c. tutur1l c:Wiucc ol rc.rtioo. ln any
cas.:, lbe tctn:pcr11We and prcssurc coaditKlns U:l)cJc:t llthicb the rock fOrmed would be
knctWn to he aJoag lhc: reactioa cur.'e oa which the rod: pbs
Under \'tty spc.ci.nJ temperatures aod preu,ur, a rock miabt plot Ofl the
1i011 or 1...,-o reaetion cu.rves., whi.eb on the AfM ploc result m 0\'t: conisting
mincrlliS. Such an aw:mblage is $3id 10 be inVJriant, nciUw:r the tempera-
lUte nor the pre.u.urt: could be changed without one or 1he minerals to
lhtOU&h reaction. 1'1t( dJ$CO\'C.f)' O( toUCh l rock Jn llfl. Uta ts rartkui:UJ)' U$C
Cui n defines the IC-mpcrm.re an4 pt'CM.Ute 111 lltbkh lhal minua.J
l\KmbllJC was rormed.


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.. u nsuu


MdMIOI'pbiPII D(llnllally iln'ohu the gowda ol acw pa&u. n.e.c raay foral throoP
,....,..__ ol old ..,.. or abc ol ..,.plclcly ocw I=
COI".,..ty, the praccu a.pl)o Un,.,u p1lia bfubrF. 1\c ar-Ua 5ize cl tile rock
....... o. ,.,. ol --*I f'l')"dHIY.M.,_ .....,_ nuhu d. deter
td. ...... picowl ........ ..,. lhc: ..... ol del......- ol lhc: rode aad ..,. lhc:
rea=- atote+....;s.s llwoup wbidlt acw aUact-aa lor-. T1:tc. tcctwu. ,.1Dcb an a pro-
4"" ol lhc: ......, ;. - abc "))lalliulloo laW pbco. cu be
.,...S oftlo ahooc lonnocl b7 aad ..... l_..t b7 doc """'b ol ...,
mlr.crak. Tc.dura formed by p-aia C&ft be truted under
baur.e m<A. bruk"F is utamJWtic.d by liiOIK rC0)11alll:tAIIoft.
Rc.Cf)'Mtlllil.lllion in\'(llves t.he DUdcation and ol urain.frco vains rrom tnUIC.
riAl 111 . .11 C:Xtt$S C:l'lergy because i1 or h:u CltCC:$Sivcly large. 411rfatc:
!UCII bcCia\IO:C: O( fine grain siz.c. ftr)''Aatli?.aliOII energy IO be tt
k1scd CoMidcr,ror c:umple, a that has been bent Ot c.ompres.s.ed coil
b01h h.!lvc: &lored energy. The CMriJY of the 1p1ins e:tn be liber*rc:d
by rclc:IUin& a dip s.MI aUO'Io-ing lhc &pring tO 'rhc:. 10Cic: turtounding o bent
hi'WfCYCf, ftlll)' Mit .tlow it IO rC.IIafD 10 ih OflfPO"l !hap<:. 50 the CU
rck* ll\ \tt:ain c.ocrgy oo!) b)' rc-organintl& "' COMICIKt atonu into 11 neA
po.; lUI is.. by "The: roil could
aM its sar:ain cacrgy trys.toallwl'll 1Mtad ol b)'
Tr. urf.K"C ol pas so IQ.s coc:rr '-'calnC t>f cWconl:d or u:MM6
riC4 hoN<i.. Ia rlfiC'ocnincd rod\ the \-.rf..cc KU ol In* CftOtmtlUf... .11'ld
t .. u 1hc: Cftc:fl) llQc u toe t,- "C'I)'Iallwat IO a coaracr .,..-. silt: 011
Bcnu\C meumorrhic rocU rryMallll'ACion. ts mron:ana
IU UtiJt:Diancf the prOC'e1.S. t...aborJiory .Cl.Miy of rt')')ollli:tM)n o/ roc::kt.,
'' dJI'rteuh bc:Qu\.e of rhe of abc pcOCUL RC:Cf"f'litlht<lhM u ol geat
10 metallurgy, and mc.t11ls rcCf)'l'lal'i.lt. raP'dl) cn(Mlt:b so
1hn thc:lf can be. SIWe:d 1t1 the lal)OfliOf)'. The or 1hcsc
\tudiC:t. IUc dm;clly to mc:tom('Jfphte rod:'- lndccd, mos1 muab tt.X
tUN:\ .arc Jlm(l<:l identkalto w mc impOrtant metamlMr)uc
M.my mttdl produa$ undergo 41 bc.:.-1 lrUtmc:nl fuii0\\'1'15 f:,bric:ilion v.h1ch is
a\ The metal object i} r.-i\rd to a CCfllliO :and held
lhttC for a rrc:l.(rit'Cd l ime and then cooled. l hc healing IU'Id coohng tr.ll)!."':"" m:1y
n\ol\t: \C\'CU1I \IC:r'- Duri.ng this 1hc metal ICCf)YIL11acs. ihi" relc:L(.C'S.
\lr.>tn 11'1.-1 mJ\ h.t\c- l'Ccn U\duttd fNtuhon. bw II
.1n.l 1n the: metal "'fMch 1mp.ar1 ck'\Jtot.hk Pf''fKUtU 10 IM JlfodU(1 The
1\C'\Uittnjr ICQU"fC'. U'l l.UJ;C p:ul. dc.-p;...J, on lh.&: of cX\.,:I.'PCd 14 lht
V.lk ro. &.r .... ...N. for c:umrk ,..,, .. prl Of lhrt'Mid'l :t rt\1-
lu, ,, ...... knvnC' r-an, f'l nr-ICtiUI.OO..
JU'I-'f'ttq"lft tol t'(hcr p.amo.. ldlf"UIIla_:\. tl\tlkt'*llft' dc.\.lop IIKW\: t!u
'"..., .. hi- _, ..... j, "'= .. ,... ,h.. .... a. ............... , '""' let -.kr f'oXP
'"'.lllll.llft tall\ Uftl.&r.;nN.J h.c .. u-.. lh.,:\ h..,\. I'" l-"ff'"" ftlot.'JUnt of tAram C.nt'f
t:" hi nka-.c '-u,l....tholll t-.f .. J f.l<l'l\, l"''d'"' t1tCCI.Itio '-'IC.'- u( pta
l SI
teM 11raill. Ooee formed, tbc;se ..._raiocd paW grow the c:xpco,v of the
t'OW'"fiC suaiotd OlleS. It anwam. k carried blc c.eo.tP. &lie acw ..waded
ooo:tiauc arowiac UJitil they coa:wlll otbtr uMCraiood pins tlt.ac b,-IIC &JOWP
outward !rom oc..lg.hborina ouclcatMm situ.
Tile. graia &i:r:c ol. a rccryKalliJJed .a.aJ deatJy oo Uc .... cl o..O. ..
a ltCl 4wiiiJ ... .,.r. wbidl iD turD ckpeads oo the dqpec. of dc!or.
tD prior to anoealiftc. h is found thac a cenain intCJUity of ddormo.tioa it
DC<:C:Wry before uy sites an: formed. AboYe this level, lbe number or sites inerc:t
.., wil> .........,. ddonoalioo. Thus, a siipoly delonoc.l """"-' ...,. ""' '"'l"Uo
m ao al Md - moaio 6oe..,.....t A oJiPdy ...,. dcfonoed mecal "'""'
devc.loo a few aucleatioa Utes aad would. tbetc:forc, co a coaf1e.<o
graine4 metal (MT 1). A aaill more. deformed would lll(IIC: nude:t.tioo
and wculd be aftct aucaliQC (MT 2).
11is same rc:lacioo bc:-twceo of defOftll.atioo &ad va.ia a of the rea')"tll
lizcd product ll fouod in mecamorphic: rocb. Com()'rc, for the. snin si:1.e ol
qu.a_ttrhct iD f.pru MT 4 aM S. Both aTe !rom the. same fom.atiOA. bUI Oaluncd
aod ..,.ld>cd pcbl>le$ (MT 3) U. botlt ""b o.diacc !hoi 1k -pie U. MT S .., de
foracd ml:ldil !DO- chao daM iD MT 4.. 1'Q,. lka. accouab for (mer V.U. size of
lhc. i:n MT S. rock il1uscraled iD MT LS, allbougb of a dirfc
rent !rom tbc quanzhe. how finc.graintd a r.:Ct)1Calll7.ed ptodll!d
taft be if the ddorm..aaiOft b; iott:I'ISC:. This rod IS [rom a joe lhnMt fauk, ..,'krc
dc.!onmti011 .duced so auac:ll sua. tlu& 1hc reuhiQc rod il U1ft:Mdy liM:-
Tbe gtO'Nth of UDSUaiocd IJaift$ OUIWMd (rom CC.QI:t:S dP.lntl& tett)'ll.aJ..
balioll rcsab dlcrc ue M OUI:iick diwurbiftc for
.... the C'f)'Mak do .. oc arhibft llloiOil.cd allholxropy In Ja:1acc rropenw or
rates. F".gun: MT 5 ,.bO'Io'o'S a typic..J cxampl.c: ol the: potygon.al grJins th.1t form
by ann:aliag, in metamorphic. rodu.. Note lh.Jt pain boundJttu intcrtecc al aqje1
ot appollim.Mdy 1'lfiJ. Slldl a k:.1ilwc is ro.od l;w:U rcpoa.al ud cootac:c -.c:ta-
IDCWphw rocb. Ia rcpoaa1 ooc:a.. II iDcfiwa that p(*
dated .jcformatiOO; if TCC1')'$101fi7Ad0ft CIUJ'$ du,ring ck:fOtmalion I piJnar (abrk
dt"VCiops ins.luct. The polygonal p.ucra i$ par1ic:u!Jrly common in conta mctamor
J!biC rOt bcre ipeous lllolr.....- prOVIde the: k D((:IQ.$ary rOt aruaut.nc
'VIillboul ialrochiO"C sipJ'.c.uc. directed .Crcssa. f"mc:p-amcd CNUd
roe:U ront.a.iruns graias. uc called hom/tis (\fT 6). Coa.11er
roc.b wilb polygono.J gr.tins iJC uid 10 bavt 1 f1111Wb/wtJC 1c:aurc. (MT
7) Tbc: s.ufruc -biatJc indKatcs the lK texaure G ot a:damOtphit Ori.po
'\lro'ltu u a prefiX, bl4u.0-. II t.ndicalu lhac lite leiSure fro-
,.., u.rli::r rod. FOf aamplc, blastoporphyritK wovld apply 10 pOrphy-
flhe .gnc:ou$ rock. Another contact mtl3morphc totk til&! commOnly clLhibit4 g-ano-
N.uiK lcXIurc i..' a JkiYJt _ This from lhc: mc:lamofphism of bmuconc. ioro
...... !.vet a:raoo.nu ol Sa. At.. Fe. ud M, -.c:rc Ulltoduccd from lbc: ipt'OU$ body to
kcm c-.akaumbc&niiiJ $\.a.rtQo au: tbcrtforc Mr the product of
,.mrle in\'OI\'c $ignifia.nt '" bulk When
roc.\ b;n ib compositiun e:hang<d duriae il Y-id to have been
1100 OfC dtpo..u ate forftlCd a1 PMIIL.





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, .

AltbouP the dclonutioe aeces.wy to btioc, abocd m.ay diSlort
oripeal or objccb. 6I.K'h as fossib or pcbbks (M'T 3), the rcCJ)11.aDUcd
.,..,. )l>i<ally oo ... .-. "_,..,, J 11>< period or d<ro..
au._joa OYC:rbPJ Wh the period ol tk paim. my tate
00 1"'/<>MI ...-. I' ..-pic. lh<
rotw ' ,....... .....,. ...._. plc:C.d ...-Oc-...o.. ...,...
c:aa be duam..i:Dcd by aucr. the oricetMioe of 1hc
Ofllical ill eada qaam train U. tbt l'bbOl .S ploui-c tht. rcsuU
011 a itaccc:rapbic: Del. nc pt't$tOCIC ol prdetred orieotahc.-. boweom'. QD be
dtt:ctcd oa the. ordia.aty flat mittoleope saa,e by I.M(:t1ille. fOf' eornP*e, the (lt'SI
Ofdet red loterfen:ncc rdter. JI a prdtrrod orioematioft, most quanz
8'11M "''U .bow tbe Ull:lt Wufcreaee rolot. b1ue or yellow, dcpendi111. oo the oricn
ta.cioo of lhe qu<1rtz c axes. ,.;lh res;ptet to the dircdion' in lbc
Jf plate.
Durin& mineral gra.i.M mil)' beoome oxtrcmcl) or $-lrdchcd.
and the cffcCI n'a)' be- mort.: proDOunccd oa one miner:tl tluw On :mother in the same
rocc. f'or QX';,\n1plc, in m011n)' bigh grade melamOfphic qu;ar t1ofcldirruhit rocks. qu;ut;r;
is typically nnuel)td into cXIrcmcly thin sheets. wbctU\ Jail!
1U OfiJsinal (It W)w onty .5light amo11nU of tolruin Tnc qu:trtit in the $htS.,
hoowc:vtt, complete:!) retrySC:arli1xs t<> one Or ,...,.o l.ugc rtuncd Sueh
fOCU !aft .. IKW<'fl :U f/au.r (MT 14), Wtlb ddorm.a.tioG, the. (c:l<J.
alw be'*' to o.ackr&<> &tam ith the. outer pMU of
)3otJik 10 line of u_.n.lft<'d f::nJftS. Com-
ml'"V)-, Ilk core ol fdd:spu- 'l btf:C- ilr&liiiC'd wi:thill the: ag-
ol Jioe-palfttd feld$p:u :wl quru ..a.cw., lkCW\C ol the: C)'C"Ilk< Wrc:
ollhc:IC' rctiCt this rdetf'C'd 10 tift#J'f!ltiU (\fT 14)
In ol shearia& the ol a rL an beromc:
\ltCicMd or, M hip bds ia the: erus.t.. ma) t\ca l'f brol.tn Wtlh well brgc
N $1D1ft.. rct:r)SLaJ!ioliol'l aal CI pllk"e ta\il), aMi htausc ot the btt
ftunbc.r ol nude-alioo iiiC'-1.. Lbc tocl. 1t. Such roO$
.... --c-I'C to ba\'C' rormat by tbt or of m.11tcn.;l in. the-
' "'"' lt'flt'. ud roftSCQUCftdy named mylon11u. Allhov,rll Mime p(
'" m") laL.c rtxc, e.speci<llly near lhe r.urfac(' or lht fiHth, m;)O.t c\f the de
1n gnun -'itc is nov. thought to rnult from m)lo-
niH, 1n tdditl()lt lo being exuemely {al\0, C011'nl(lnl)' hl...ct f)r d;ut.).
h,l\\: I l;1mina1ion formed from the C:lltfCmC fl .. II Cnll'lr, Of t he g:r:un\ 1'f
c,u,inal HI(!...
In r .. uu ZQfiCJ mylOnitiC l\ 1(1 lftll) fr..CIUfC:S. ror
m"A n)rro..., or ol di.,es (Mi 16) 1rc k:u I em
tJ.: and rt-scmhk rapidly queCI(btd di.:.b.)(: dilt'- ThnKCI,llft 'nspcnMn, h,-w.-c:\1:1.
tbctr m11lon11i.c uripn. (Of liM:}' actn tU COftClllft fNft)" 5mtall fr;apncnU ol
lhl \UflltUn4utg rod. C'mbc<kk:d &a cbrl.. pu.nJm.AS4. Thc\C ;jf(' as
or ttmulilllryll.t< bcCMtK ol thl;w rncmbl.ln tel \\w-.. nJC FU$)
IU.ch)ltlc). AJ k.w ia loOm<' b1d1 70ftQ, Mt.111 r.;tcs ..-c- h.p cftt'IU;h far
.... u to oroar, ... r.o asc tk PfoC\Idut.tdnlllc t;'lr. "' r.an. ol
"lltrl II rod. (MT 11,
TCX'IIIfTI AJsodalt'd whh tbe tll New Mlnnab
l>urirv tDCCaa.orphism. ttlld._ W:.c p&.cc. to eew mU.Cr.&b.. Ualitc
rcqha of a')'Sial O"tr discaoca ol
possibly oo.ly a few aiOMJ. DeW mineraiJ m\ISI cnakc. room ror by either re
pJ&eiQ& matcri.a.l (di.ffusW,n.al nl '"terW r,om o ... pl.nw to or by
pbysically pu.'dl.iJ'I8 m.ateri:IJ aside. Of CCKiflt, lhc. arov.th of acw 111i:ncnls is accompa
oicd by IK of otbe"' oad <his r..... port of tloe ddf.,;...J ,..
na. n;m cu .- ia ,..., pa<a<e ..
ol chrcctcd wcu., todlaraatristic ltxliart$.
UOOer JI!Uic: c:ooditiOM., new pow with tJtJwlom 1b011gh
they ruy P'*-Y or occdly morpbolocf. Tbey m,ay replxc or puth :aside miMrak
Llaat f<nKrly OU:picd lkit po.itioG. If tk S&:ltf'OUDd11111 m.i.c:rals b-e' orXn-
tatioM. for 44plact:mcot 111.11 be diffiOIJI to find. Pumary .sedimutary
la)Uiag prO\;d: ('(llm't.!Ucot rt.fuemoc ll11u, ud wbc:.n prc.scol, is commonly undc:Oce
led by 8fOV.1h or the minetal, indicating thaJ occuned througb rcpl.ac:c.-
meo(. For txu.mpk.. lhe COfdic.rite 0')11,al in M'T 19 did not push as.idc l.bc byctl on
cilhc' Mde of ;., alliooup the aystal oad lbe -....o.c Ll!"tS ...,.. be<o lloply
,.. .....
When mineats (Ofm in 11 $trc. lidd, tbe ori.c:nlnlioB c.r 1h1t lidd pla)'$ n. do-
min:.ot role in detcn:ni.nina tht oricnlttton i.o wbkh lhc mine.uk a.row. Mtncolto:
tlult f"M pl.aces,. blades., or gJ'O'Atb racet tb.at du1ty \"')' ..,,.\Ch cr,..
laDccnPhic dittioo Cr)'slal okfu (I such m.acrak tha\ krC tllcir m.&'OmiUB
1(1111l;'h race drrea.ioM to the mUimum pr1ttnpal $lra.to v.ill
grow mort r.apidJy 1h11.n 1hnsc wilh ocher orientation' preferred
orient.arion v.ill dt\'eiop whh the p!31y ond dong;ucd ty.na in :t plllnt oer-
to tbc: mulmum comptSI\'t' ltttu. lo lddiAIOft, pun ,.;11 1c..d 10
tOI.llc: uorlc..ccd graiM lalo this safttC: pbac.. The MOU ptOCIUIICIIC feaurc:, d111crc
lore., cf rocb ...tlidl 0\'C Jft Slfltlf r.ckt. i.s .a plnar
(abrK -.1\idf U rdt.Med IO IS ft>/UliiOII, or lU SC:hutosrty 1f 11
is de(ited mainly by An of micaceous (MT 8), Ot as p1t.isStMlty
if it is d:ri.n.c:d by more panular minerals a.nd l;ayering (MT 13)
\\'la tiKtpitw::d pc.tllir scdiiiiCMat)' tcds tlttdC'fco ttpo.ul IDCUinOI'-
r*ism, and C'h&otilc are aln0fl8$l 1hc: r.,... MIDC:1'11k 10 form. Tbes.e pew.
..-.itb a f!lt(crred (llflt-ntaiH-!ft 'A'bieh a prominent (oh:r,tion rc:fcrrc:d IP M
slury The micaceous mintu:l.s tn sla1e arc too sm:.ll to be seen whh tll.c
uNideC As chcy (C)MS(I'I. the dC'\--c-k\fi'S a .. hcco 10 ic an.J
b:f:omes k.S\ rqut..r 'This tOC'l ti rdctted 1c M plrylhu lndl
\ldual ">"'l.ls .ue s.aill ll'IO sm.JI 10 be 10 lbt UftJtdt:d e)'C Ul phylltlc
\\'hcsl :hey do bcrome \'lsble, 1he rorl. li called Jdtw (MT R) SchiSts can
form rmm m111fic lhc;.w: eon1:.1n ubundaJU hiOfite and amphi
bole. In .ed1mttU!It)' ot Iitty 1I'MI s;ttldy C'll>n'lpo\llion arut ut to
fclsit tacb.. CC"A'Ct .. cw acrdly auocub art fonncd dunng; IMUtiiiOr
f!lbs.m "T\Me IJui MC: JWfiot-DI tend 10 be UllftttiiCUIIed ttlfO l.iVC'U tit the
ddif\Cd b) the or .amf'hibok:L Ouoant aiMS kld\p..ll lend to CC'Inccn
tntc l the al!crnalc layers. Su("h roclf. arc tc:fcrrcd 10 a\ p1tus. No h.urd
1ulc rrom U Of ncc.J.Iy mineral\ rrc
dntli'lu'llo e. lhe tod $ 8 iJ the p-1111... liiU...,Iolb pn:rJOtliltiQIC. k b I
Ia sdmh tend tO -.hc:n M .,,._ .. o11 lwwlmct.
p!Cwef. (r-.aurc. \\'heft ndly Jl"t''ICftl 1t1 a w:h.IM 01






, I

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,. .
they be ra.Gdomly orie:oted witbio tK pLane ol fokltiOI, or they b.a'IC
,.,atlcl alipmct:IC which U bc:JwD as aliMGfi4n.
1\c: foliaion p.:aoc. ia 1IWI)' sdU:ta., tatltcr t1t.w be._ pb.w. ia folded into
- oc::eubliou ..t.icb a ol a rcw .uw..:w, to about ttl!lli--
_.f", (MT Q) "''1.c t.'llld aa:s ddioe. a oo eJdacrf ,.,....,. T\ele liaa actulr
t the iMcnedioo ot SCCODd. *" ... .,..'IJ'Id tdtist015ily wilb Uc lint
sdli$taliry. I aoa. liClC!ioe. the early MM&Oiict i& acco to be beat ielo tipoid
NM> by Ill< la!e< """""""" -- (MT 10. II). WhiA Ill< bead> lh<
lmowtl ol i:J ICibslutially k:a tU. .. IUI'fOUDdlac roet. prea:wubly aS
reault ol re-100\'11 by soi:IJlioo. This rcw1u io crc::nvl.adon iC'.lili.losity
mar\C'd by mic:a:rich This oew byt:rinc mull ftO( be
fot Crenulatioa $cl\istosity ca11 rl*!l& from wcccui\1:. epiiodcs ot
ph wn. but in many eases i.t is prodUld by cpit.odc durint
1100 af the rod: dtat18,CS ""itb respect to tbc MIUS (.e.ld. as I& result of
When new minerals are prod11t.ed durina mccamorphis.m, their wain $de is deter
mined lara.cly by Lhc number ol nudci formed aod 10 Iii le.ucr eX1c.nl by I he abundanQC.
of the new phase. When only 'man amovl\l& ol111 mincrtl 1rc formed, tbe crystal
10i1e ctn still be large:, if du:; number of nudc.i k Jmall. The. lithiti.ft8 factor in
t6.\C ti the dastADte -.bicb dd'fusioa i. abk 10 -.iai.cb
in 111ra 1$ dcteminccl by the d:W11tion aftd tempc:riJiatC of me111.1n0rph.i!lm al'ld the. pre.-
SCMe of fluid piwes.
'T'hc uMbcn ol a\dei ((ln!Jo! ol uch ... ._,.a 1ft a rod. arc to be ideo
cd. abe graia lizr- ot tK \""af'IIOU$ IlK in ddfcr lr 1hc:
'-'"CC Mil en- si:r:e- il. a.ipi.ficut. tk rod. o .-1 to -x: ""ith
tilt bf!e aywab be-.: t(:t'ftl('d 'hny alliacnk. Midi pmct
(Vf 18). s;r.a.rolitc. chloriloid. ucbiDtc. a.od cordrc.ncc r,.rr 19). typc:a!ly f?O"r
aJ J'Of('llr)Tobblu. 11 iJ importa:Dt tO cmpba1oilc tlw the pnrrb)'rObta.ilic lc.XIUI'C:
re.olti from cryru.l pov.th dUJing mdamDfph.- If tbe \ltlMIM in paitl $itt 1$
lft\Cratcd from a porph)Tilic igneous. roct, the tcKhllt temed bl4#()pt:J'Phyri
Some metamorphic minerals. espe<"'-lly lhO&t that ((lfm r"Phytoblast$ (exttpc cor
and devdop crystal bees tnOfC re1ddy 1h:1n olh<'r,., A mttAmorphi<'
min(nl bwndcd b) its. OW'tl r:.c:es is uid 10 be 141ioblostic. The de,'Clop
ment ol cry(.tlll rates on a gr<lin depend$ oa the miner:.!\ wtuc.h it t"omes in con
ua A mineral mll)' be idioblastic in one rock, but in col!lact with clif(ercnt mine
r:rl(. ln anOIIlcr roel, it may be anhcdrat. By notut& tltoe rorm of the boundary bctwt:cn
illlnlp<Xed graiM. metamorphic m1nerab t.to be amt..nt."Ccl ucordlng 10 rbeir abtiJty
C<l rorm dobl:;.slic pains. 1.\ k.nO'Wfl ti the t,.1tafloblostrt A
ll"'lnC:Uiten<k 10 (orm i(li(lbl$j,( ap,i.tUol al'l)' mirteral bl;: .. w. l 1ft the Kl'iC:S.
Magoelilc, Rutile, Spbenc
Andalusitc. Kyaaite.. OarDd. SHivrolitc,.
Epidote:, F'orstc,._c, lA'*IOOite
Ampl>ibole, !')< ...... W-ooitc
Tak. Mica. Prdllule, ScitP"'"'<'I-aec
Calc:Ce, Dolomite
Cordauite, Felds.pa.r, Scapoli1e.
Mal)' potphyrobbsu UKiusioos ol Olbc:r mio:ra.Ls dYriQa tbdr
pll'l'otb. p-u.,. ri.1e to a ,..'tiltJbl.tut:;c 01 .-w (MT D). lA SCDC pew
lbek aay be COII(:IcOtrltc:d iDto op.talocnpbic pb.aes. u iD
(MM II). ln ochers. the mry rdlcd compor.itioa.al diffcreocu
from scdunent1ry Of ea.rly In 01bc.tt. the indu
may Corm (()fttortcd paHems that lnditltc movcmentJ or the dur
ing If the CI')').Utl rocate.s wbUc 11owing. i.ndusiOfiS oarking beddlna Of
An carl) foliat ion w take oa a $igmoid s";apc than e,c_,,., pbnar 2.1). The
in 101nc pooph]Tobbsb may record toUtioM ol more W 18CJO
(MT 221- 1'1rlc::tc ol ied.wc.,. wtaicb arc C011U1M1a pratt ud JU.IIIO-
Iilc produce a to2rc k-OO'A-. u hdiaiK til' St()lllfxd/. Noce thll
unM:c diiC b)'Cring 111 1 tfol1cd sao-ball .. hKh aa.ru t.n tM: ttncer and grOWl out
WMd. the in the M:lidtic: be- trattd in fron ooe $ido oC the
p(1tphyt'Ohi,Ut, thJOUi)b the ctntcr or the coil, :tftd OUt the otiKr s.ide. The resulting
<Otl lhc: p;.itiCfft o( a stralld or Liut beca W)Und f rom ki mid
d&c forl rubtt tNt ala roUtd
.a .K.i11.t4 "'\: fbntcd 00 rX .. 1uc:b lhc.'
fuli.lt"'" b)" argrepu:t ol rcl.ati,dy graitaJ. .,.,hc-rc.as micas 10 bt:
m(KC on the other fncu (MT IS). PrC:$5UfC s:u.dicnu .arwnd porph)'rObht1t'
:uc thol.f'hl tu qua111 tO from o( lighcr prwure to onc.11 ol
IOV.CI l"'c-.fJiure. Oll<trV diot\Oh"Q wllc:rt the pres.wrc is J.rUie';l and prlpllli-IU
"'hct\: 11 t<o A r()(\ may un.krJO fbucrnnc Cufin& dcfl)l'ffi-IIIOA.
.nd ttk.: rtnc:ntt ,., h.lld. rcbrM:f) vltlkbnuhk porph)Tobl.tJ.a aa, inckocd JIC'ndl.1tt
k>,.a M chose: face$ ptrptnd.aaslat 10 tbc 411Cttioe ol ct'lm
.Yrt''- Conj;(qlkRtly, tbc;:)c: ar,treptn arc. rd'errcd to pnutt 11to
.ro .. u :n )time- u"- the qu.'trt7 m-ily nucleate oa the &utface of the pOrph)'fOhla54
.1nd oul .. :,mJ b lil>ers;, lUCh Obtfl' fOrm a goetctlil t c:ctc:.nston to por
1hc> rdeucd to as bc41'd:s J( the poJphYt"obbst tOCltc.s duun.g
Vl""1h ,/the hc;;trd.IM form
m ddhrmtd Kdnncnlar) rodl. un abo putd.x:e louJ prt'UIIrc
In the tN:l. lht lt"'Uib 1ft /'".IIVn' 11Jiut1011 (irairu of quar1l ID a
lroJf\\1\ltlftO, fnt cumrlc, .. 111 thll<;c J'l(linb "''hCrC lhC ((lmpn;."-i\'t .-rtl,\
f l-f(\'\ lh(' t:UiD\ ll'tiCihcl, the- I hell rr((IJ)I UI IU 01\ the n .. nl.\ Of
tlw: .. ha;rc; rrc\\urc- Jo...,..::r Thi.<o i_, "'' Rurll''s f"UCrplt.
tJil'\t qwm p,,_.,. on the nr Cr)'\UII..Wiflbic a
qiUflllt\ r\ mtd tn .... t( .. the p.alft) t tloftplcd rctf'Cnd1C11bf 10 lhc .. Uiftllll'll
1\h'\.1 1n mt'IJmcwpluc fmmc:d f (.IC'IUn) i n,t'llnn,:: flther
mii\Cfolh, 11' i\ C\1dtnl fwm !In (:Qmtnllllltll cf th.t. mm('t.;l .1\\t:'nhiJf.n llfl Clthcr
_ ..
-- . -
- .



, .
, .

" .


aiCc: o( u dop'acl. Ractioo mhni:sms. arc. ODCDpb aed often
c:ah.u&c ol ioM throoP a fiuid pbas.c ftb rcactioo aodeat:iQa al sita
..., bear oo ''** rc.blioe to tbc reacaoll. MOll reanioaa. llrtc-.RIIOR, do
.0C prodlacc. tk. IQic. ol a lhio tcdioe. .... ICXI.wal cWicact ol lhc. mtae..
rak lllM were. lD ckat taetM. ri:u arc l()nDCd 1:Jc:tw:o
Kdyptr)tic: toei1111U arc COI!IIi'DOO io ..,.....,..01.. ilcre n. ol pnte1 lad fliftlKipr-
- (NT :!A), .. ........ .. ODd 0<111op)T ...... (JT )9) .. _ llac: or;p.
aa. paial: ol pJ..poduc aDd Reac:tioo produc:u ay form coocr:otric 1lloCJDOC.
D<llll< ...,.... .. r .............. ,.,.,.._.,. o1 - pcrpoodKu1ar ..
tbc: bouDClaty berweeo t.be rcactmg pbaie$. Jc mc:lalSDCC* roc.b tUCtioa ti:m.l may be.
ol IDapl.._ie ratber tb.aa ol metamorphic origita. formins whett ruidu.aJ liquld reacced
with uri)' ery51Ailizing minuals. Tbe term eorooa W beCI'I used for tbOK rcat-
tkN in 'A<hkh magma W Urvolved. and ketypll)'lic for thOWI invol..;ng only 1o0lid:s.
bul thlJ uuge is far from uah"er.a.l. metamorphic rcadlon rims are
around many porphyrobl.uu u a rC$uh ol retrograde reactiou. C11rne1, for c:nmpk.,
iJ rimmed by chlorite.
AI high tempc:raturu mua.morpbic rodu an uoderao mdliD.g. (ltSI takes
pl.xc. at bc1wec-a m.ioetal$ tbat prO'ikk t.be eompcnenCi aeccsury to fOfm
melu. l.o moM reds tlU6 'g;a,nt a..d fddspu (Mf
2S) U tbis t:aku pbcc al &ballooN depth. lOt example 11 tK cnargin
ol a wktc dQbuc. dike: or ia. a xt:oolitb io a 111;1(1( cootillc wiJI
liJoely be. tuff'acic:ndy npid ro preserve lbc. IDCk as a fine: piMd in-.
ccrarO'IIoda rite bouacbria bctwec:a quru alld tJJi"' (MT 26). la a.omc
CMa., au.ff.OCac ack IILI:)' be tormed ill a COIIIKt llld.HIOt'Jihlc rock to ale the eoutt-
try roet e:eaacfl 10 ialnlde bKk i.aco 1bc aaC.c- ...- lhM -,.s for
lb: ia lhe first pboc. Tb. lnC:It"'C of COIIMI)' rod. IS termed
J>anlal mdhog ol mc&UDorphlc rOtb abo W.cJ pia rq;;io6al mct.m.Of
le f'C5- 64 aod 6-S the ttmpcrauuu ud pra;.wru a tbc \lppet a.mphibotice
:iu can be iCCD to be tboo\'e tbc. minimum mdLi.n& curve for gta
ni:c. Roc'u containing (l.aaru: attd aluti feld$par v.\U, therdore. undrrso parti;al
f\liioo at tempen.tures aAd pre$Suru. ia the prucna of a R1o1id
phu.e. The amount or melt rouned depends on 'A"bll (taetioa or I he: mr.tamorphic: roc:k j,
or panide compositioo. Tbc: ooo granitic fractioo k noe fcfraQory and rem-aiM in
1hcc aotid taale. 1be raulting mixture of ipc(l\1..\ *nd roek is termed
ntjzmlltitt. Tlu: igneous fraaioo i.s almost al ..... -.ys of panilie composition and light
edCH"cd. whereu the metamorphic ooe i$ marte a.n4 dark colored (MT 27). MigmatilC$
common!)' C\ideace ol Oow, widl tbe metamorrh!( fr:tpnenes bcinc, pulled apart
ad c'o'Ca rocated ill tbc: grujtic g,eb., Mchltli un be anic.d tc. the sta;.e cbat
ol m.r.t1.ftlphic rock be<O* iod41iiKI whpt. ol coacc.Mr.-iOM of maf.c:
nocrall 1A the parbtic bast. MlKll ol cbe ttMiormaliol\ of 1hc: mcc.amorphic rod at
lbi aucc. . i.s arric:d out bJ mecasomahs.r '*' tba ""'* raekiaa..
A-. A. I.... 196$. A pc:tr<J$ttltCic arid for che FeMg 5ilicA1cs ot pehlte Khisu.;
Am<r. J. Sci .. W. p. '1Hl6.
&trow G.. l.89l. Oo aa iotn&Sioo ol IIIIDSCOioite-biotilc: pc.ia io 1hc
H;.lllo.ods ol Scocbnd, oed ;., <>won. I. Geol
S.V....t...oocloq, " 49,
J. 0. and. Walt. V. J .. 1981, Orisjn &Od yS(alli:tAlion or $()mo pc:ralwni
OOCM(Srypc.)puicic:tp'as CaoadiMMiacralocia.v. l9,p.lll lll
E&kai&. P .. 1920, Tloo .U...ol 1.0.. ol - N- Geol T.wtt .. 6,
p. 14).194.
Hen, P. C. 1969, The melamocphic pv.t1esl$ or in pdltic: rcxb:
c-r. Miocral. Pwol., 24, p.l91lll7.
Holcbwiy. M. J,. 1911. Stlbilily ol aDdai'Mitt:. aod lbc: alaM1lwa s.abcld.e phuc
di.lgram: Amet. J, Sc::i .. v. l71, p. 97-t:H.
Kcpe;r.hinskaJ.. K. B. al'ld Kh!Q:tov, V. V., am. The pc:lrogcnctic: grid and svbf'aoes
for middLe.-t.e.pe,.UrC- llt(tapefilu: J_ Petrol. w 18. p. 114 10.
J B... 19$7, 1'ht p-aphieal aftalys4 ol mlftel"-ai at.WmbUsa n pc.llte
Amer. Minuak>gis:t, v. 42. p. 842-858.

- .
- -.
.. .
.. .
.. .
.. .
..... ,....._ ............... _
.raW .a !rip !IIIIUI..,.uuu.df
f--sn--1 II - ck""-d b7 "'-c,....,.. I'Oikt.
n. ,..,....eat n_.._ 11w .. .,....,. w. """""
hu llw -llclltd olncw
,,.,!'1ft. or#y II M r- poi!IU. 'dtflt tile
_.,. l!icJl. N fl tUIIIIII tlw
It (11Hon.cpIIC4. 'Ole vln tlotlptlotl " In
l llc' ditliOO the llldaiWIII' lt11'011-" tile. I'OIIer. k.el'lt('-
: ...,...,_, a111-...11 mtt.ltl 1\lil '*"of'"-'"
""'"' ltl IM Wl)'. IIWIII-. M't l Urtpl !!lor.
bc1WUII l.ltot I'Oikft WU f'tdiiC'W:.S 10 011C W <.a.Kd
1wt.cr dllonnoei.IOfl,llld Alii)'- .. .-.ot nlldf:.tlo. ot-
1M lll.llf.ekd ntt l.all\ thfrtforc fine,.
tw It tile wplt talltt' l 'kntt XIO
I 1.1\d nomc.-rd r<bblc ot til St!rvl! Qwcb
ol C'.oMcrhNI pebble, Wltl(l\10111 OnpMII'f
t.Ht I!Qoo'r;M.I a._OJIIII\IIfltOm.-...a'!
111 tllloG d tO 10 I 1ltoir. ck--..1011 '"'rf1Cf<11t
\!!t<IIIIOfontlal>(k.uoOII fOf tlior Jf(!Wt 61 -viM .....
lk J Jft"" \(f ...
4, 'f'NlU "' pctlble ln cldomlcd
MT J). 1'bc 911.1ttt rduiwty fru ot stnU. tn4 rom. pllll
!JIM haC jj;lwt4 boull<brics. The Cfdl "" i& rca..M.Iy
111c -ntaldc:rormatlo..,... eolr&:tUtaoouP
tO Pf'OI'IICO 1 few ttottn cln<e&1ioft Of piM
tric" P'lilllir.G Ia MT S). Ctoucd poUrs. )QI).
S ""'rtt. io pe.b1:!k in 6dor:med quaraltc, Ah!loull'
11111 uepk il ftucn t!K ame bwtliioon u. tUt 111 MT 4, UK
oltki)Cbbok i!MSitatu 11111 tk
fonnatbL .nK.qouiiJy, mcwe ccnu.rsot nutleMOQ. -..ere ror
lllcd, tuulllfll ifl I r.111cr pw1n t;iu, ol lilt pslllll
boo.lndcd by wbkh cnu:Dt 11 t20 , C._.ft(Cc
rutit al Ntcr\.116 tlyt 40 ocx Mtoqly ani-
MltropK CI)'IIIDoct-1)1'; propertia. Crossed pcbt'l, X2()
._ Corl:tnt(-tpf'lfl bomfcll frOm the Wllt&tl oi!M Srila

11 f1011n t:hc !nttWooOft. 9callk Dl> 6ciOnrlliDn ..... in
111. Uak the f'Qtt Lv\f, &lly dir'UUI>
fabnc, ucl mo. ol lllt pof)p.t
CI()W.(4 poln., XI.
I Mllk\Witc:-hotiiC>CtllloNe K-. ol pYty
nc.U. Ulkt cb.rcned JIMM m111'u t. P"le:nw -
lthOII Of lk-j)LICCS -..1 lO lk dff!fhCWI of ... AWn_ Nl'tM.
'J"M """ltinJ foll.liarl ll OM 01 1.- moM JI'IOflllllml lu1vru
of lOCka, OpeNIOy tiiOK of J!C.IiiK
cotn!*itiOn. Nlbovp 111d blot lit lntlliJ '"'
ont.nltd ,..,-.llcl tiN fotat.. llle (vtry
low lttkrcfiC'C ('ul WI'OII tile fOIIIOC. IIIII
.... Nbly fQrnned II I 11>1f II lllfm- 110 rttte:4
u._ Crol.tc:d poa.n., XI.
tJ loM.tt.O. (plnllt-1 t0 tilt pen) formed bJ' ttte
4fnc .t u earlocr t<lw.lOIIIt) 'Tk tft'nll&ltiOM w1..a.Uy ll'ltr\
1M tfftfWCh()CI 0( I ,O.OIII(t telliMo.tol)' IM: OlfJtr tc:h
tO.OI)' (MT' 10) U-'th t.M l.r\1 tthillolo..t)', llotll
1 cl ,._ platy ,,. 1M tOCt.. t:M Mtu m"""-'1011
..._....._, on .....,, lfllhU ,..,,_,,"'
f\ l l.'"'l' AMOR,PfiiC TXTtfllS
M Cru 'JUI t 'lOll 'J (kft to ..... ) .. ,__ _, ..._
OIIdylkt PIS';(-.10...._). O...,dlcdcwkJ I
., .. .,..u tfiOa *
_ ...,..-. a-.om.a. Oewc ..., ,_
..... ... f'l .......
,... ... ciA
... ........ *'- .........
...........,. .. fiOCt: .... IIIF'P" pu\ d * -
._ ..... ,.... ....-- ......... lollu ptA
II pualld 10 1M -.-.. 1 Ol lotd.
lt. IIMII!Oft fONI!fd ftOifl l bc i nlt.M<hOft cl lllt (:fUiulatiOit
acllloa.hy wt.ll lbot tlthn w11ia.10&l'Y tfiCI C'OIIIPO'itloMI
M)'ttlftC pt,.kll !he Uit. of UICI fold, 0.. Cflt
or 1M fcM, ek 1n0111011 aNOW oc.ubotion.
Ia lln 10 be dtff<R:M 01t '* ol
111c fOld, 1M lift\. IM kf\ Mlk MON rNJ 10 lk
f'llllt, tile "fiN .. A ...a MIIIJ* 111,...t.c:n:
Oft , fi'CM'k of llilc aUJI'ulk
of 1M ,....., ... ,... .. .., .. IIOolc Ol lh _, 6okJ !lit .....,.
I J U..,.ru:4tloJipW.f>oO'olit peeL 1lliC "*-11011 ao1
oooi'J ., 11M ptl'tllf -ol --.lf bowl "' tk M:pt.-
... ef ... 4! .... 1\1 Mil ,,......,.., ... Kf'At* PIMM:
, f ,..




- .

- I
... "-P..-. ow,.,. fJI pc:tdla...,.,... .... (qaj .,
......, -,lin v*4 fdrdllpw n.
...... ...... -, .... ._. .. __ ...
"' ruae4 diftti'Hdyeo ... Tlw
............... ..aa...-w...- - ) -... to..
"" ..,.._ .._ ..... 'T1Ic ...... .,... ot '"..,.,_,be
rt.lktt ot t.qtr p111._ or tllor prooi.U 0(
The q...u. roms 1\Mtc.M!d kMel, _,., (f'OII(;d poiuw..
lf'C 10 of l n:IIMI)' lew, t.lltp. vM1111iM4
ran'- tho it. tompctc.l)' MM...W. biN the.
c._,. irll:k '"'" jj1101, 0...111 fOU'Il. xa.
u .. .. ,... ...
tlc 4lcpcoc OI+SG ''.., 1M ""'"'-'r .... 10
....,. 111ft) ...
- ............ ....., .... .
Tk ...
(..a) .-.:1 .. llllcsc fOC'b; ,._ ... sr- 4&le-
- 10 fi'OIII ... 1111 vi ft)l" .. .,. tlw
.. AJI'Ou&fl SOllie .... _,. OW iofl ,,..
W'1 ne pn 5ille .. lupl)' tile NMIII 01 I'HfYI't.lla.l-
M tupOMC 10 IIIJII. UBoll6. 1'\1 M)'k'!eiW:tcl I'Od. o ti!O.
"'fll"* !.. 01 fill -.pllloo
tobk. l"b.ne 'c)t. x&.
t4 ..,.'...,., r....
k-4p: fi:ICto. -IIIIC -.ilcN _,.. ... Cot'+ I
-lc<lnlc (Ubrn.. .. ..,... ., .... ? - 10
..... _ ,..,.. .-c ,_,. 1'llt
lkl-' ..,coed ..,. rr-n- .. to,
tr Uln:-ly rotk It
lll/1\CIJ bI\IM ot iU 10 Url *'
. .... , .. -, .. p
-- ..... I'M - lt.r: "('f " lllo
,.--_, --- ..... ,_,.., ... lf'IIC*-.,
'tWN .., nc _.. .. ...,. .,
""" ,.._ xa
n..,_.... '_., ... CSqladl.o.IIIM .....
.... 01 _., '9 I caNft. ,_.. ._. (OJ . , 9
....,.,.,... ... rro. .-c--... ....,_._. __
.... ...,._, .. ....
... - ..., d C'OJ'Of..,.... odll:ioc 10 ... d *
WI"'IC 0 a 2 a..a ""'...,. 9 n 1ft ..... .,.,. n
. ..., .......... ""
I? A"'***nl JIOIJifl)'l'Obl51 d ot t'OI'dl'l'
,., .,..II !low Oo<lld lihapC', ..,ldlo llilpuu 1
... loJ'OIIN 10 tile rod .. II.Mcl P"'Nw;
,:.1 l!lfll'f'OC'hnc tn
'""' un h'Jt' .ll!ld o. bc.ne pt.,....
l1!1f Ill 1o01!1t ftoloCI. lllcu fot'!Mt!M \o'Oiltk:
""'" fMh fvniCIIII)',..MYI mdun'
, ..


, ,

, .


' I

, o
" '

ll f'lo.lpli, tCtl I fl ...,U. .W. m.
,.. ., * .....-. 1\ie ........ ,.__ ,._ ....
"" ., tile tQioii'Cl ...,., ...... portWt ..,. ......... d
_...,. ""' .............. ;,. .. - ........ II'Odo.
'1'\1$ 1k pnwt UJWIIw -t:tdcd.
- b:' lllil ICII(Iont .. fonned. ..._!!&hi. XJ.
U. Ro&.bed pmc1 (khNot ot k:al\lte).
PolliiiDO pt.Aa. ot ...,.tiA ctU. pmet
10111<4 180' Ia I dod....t.o dlrtiOit ft
Ill- lo lhc folilliOII Ill IM t11tkll.ln1 Nc)4, lhll l.bt'
{j\III.IU a.ytn ta tilt pmct t:I)Mal 1n: C'IIMd, tl\3t
IM P'fiCt ... CJ'OI'lolll tC liM. U-d .. k - n>llhiiJ. 'lllt:
rt.latMJy b)'tl'l in - <ft oi11W CY)W4. howtY,
;Mit.e that IIIOJl (! tile ro!IOO. o''lmd 410h11& UK- lf0"\.11
(I( tbo :IIIW pen of tbc ......... """' X)
lt:XIIIn. Somt: <n41111fll,l,ll)' olldll
or othu 11:\lncrls. .hoM ;nYOMd In tile
etw In U1.- umpk,
Cll tO!Ir!Miet many .,.,. d CI"'UUW pc!UI't.,
U. Cototl,a i11 ol.._ pbbfofi'OOI CbeMI,.._.
York. o"",._ rc.cto::d top:l.her eo
(orm .11 10M ol p1!1Ct ,.,., (l" llopytonl'le. 11'1 NdiiJOII,. IJw. pt..
k cbltded 011411 lllliiiiW' palM o/lp<'l'ld, ll>eilll
vou- marpr. WbeRc eM 'f"i"d ddJVS<'d out ot
011e pin. d bioto1c 1\u bc:cn cltplfcd iD 1M run,
I'IIIC ticbl. X!.
IJ'Cbf lhat - P'" .wlly '" lbc
llbonotlucy l4 lllc-11 ppkny q...c_llc<S to th41 tilt' liquid WJS
f!l'<'foC"W ' ;\kll IMIIII)' sc.t
IB*'' beullllfk wbc:Rc quam ed wuc iG OI:III!Xt.
llcretlw: two m..ntnb lo<o\'nfll ol tllelt
Mtlln,: poil!l) (Me rr 10). 'Wltc.rc: Ofll)' In
l'OfllloM <hllfiJ eclll l UI\IU Of MC'Iioft), tft(re WU flO
aJidl oiiC Mlfle 100 llil;fl 1 tlle:ltiiiJ Pf*L
CI'OHtd pobA, X30.
!t. pcm (!OM .ur 1M ('1)11''"" ol a "''Ik
l!.:ow feeder 41kl0 ut Connettiaol. l k.M
.u-.c<l ll'lt!li1& tO evr a1 tl'.e quouo.(d1\;r a;Plll
,(.. 1\u\ lltll u1>4cqltCIItl)' f:f7'Uil11td 10 t.o,_ !OMS or
vlnboend,.nc.._ N01c 1llat MJ me!tlns. toot
plil 11 qwnl.q"l>r1t.,. b(I1111<U.nu:
0111) altd wc.rc. in COitl.tn WU. lk lOw
fMiuna: eu!tcht pi'Qcn Ctolokd poa .... XXI
AI ctoc h!pclt olmon
pn.,. lhl'll may 0'91 ftpoNI w-alt. 1M
( rM'tt()l'l ho(h 1J U.l-1411)' Of &nlloiiC' OOfllo"C!tto
11011, a 1oqv.o11 11.:.1 ' " -.mel! 11K rcfQC!(II')' ruKI.c-
'yptn>lt) rr<.-pc-nlcd, pyllcd ap.an, aM mn\A:d
tho: or now Ttl o1 nd er't
I!IOfJ\hlt I'OI:i:o. _.,_
- ,:');
_ ..




"' I& 127
"""""Y ........ 29
A<'tt'wwy piMr
r.,-.a-ordu m1.. 9
ua U. dC'tc:raW.Qgsip. 14-lS. 18
ACf d ..... 142-43, IC7
Adc.alat C1')1Uk. liS
Acidrockf., 99
(..., '<&<"ine)
prQpcrlks. 33
a.chis;t, 91
AdJtnelllte. 103
Ade1mUIUj 117,136
ina1bline volc;ante rocks. lOS.
in lcuclcilc:, 81
in syt:itc, 67, 73
C)Jtol ptopuhc:S., 51
Am cr-..... , d ....... 14<-45, 148

AKUtMA '<ITE. Ojlloal prop<rtics.49
.. fJO
oseal .&5--46
i>lhloi\Ui parucc, 1)7
Albee ''*'fti. 44-46, 7778
.. cptd(Jtc horaCc:k r1cies.. 146
etnditMMI"- 146
lnf!,l;aphic 129
in rock ci'M.ifteation, 100
metamorphic f:KieJ, 147, 1-'8, 150
optkal pt'Opert i. 4.)..4.1, 79
Alblinc \t>lcluttc' rOt-ls., 108
Alhb oli\iM: b:s.-ull sc:ric:s.. 111-12
t.c:tOCLic t.!&ftifc.tfl, t l3
AUAI' ITE. OflltC;;I rropcrtic:s.. -42
AhdUOIII()tphtc. liS. =---
AU.t.A -.:-01"iE. CtJ!hUI propcrtle:s,. 47
A-< (b,.proployr<l. IOl. 106

.-.cclhre. 10
wtuaorphit 147, lSO
opteal propcn10., )().31, S&-85
Mabd")' rc:btt0fl1.. 30.
AMklt< (tc< ->
IICWt.,. 147
OplQI proptrl'"- l2l5
pOt.ilioa .. Cl')\lan.bWI.ic: .c:ria., J$6
Amphibo!Jie xiet.:
coodil i(Jos. t '6
Qlftlmingtooilc an4 hornble:n.;k.. 91
mtcrocltK porpbyrobW., 164
minc.raJ a.s.K-mbltga. 1<1148
A.m)'S'dale (amn;duk, amytd.a1oid:d),
I:>D, 127
in anl)'gdak:. in 82
optkal 6.'
ptopc.rt iU. 30
po<rf>)<oblul. 8l
poa.ltioa Ill Cf)'IUJI.ebla.\hC K"f!CS. 1$6
md.:unorpblc f;,Oa, l.t7, 14& l50
AN05.1SE. Of'IC1I proptrtic'- 4,s..&6
111!. 103. lll-12
.a. ,,,. .... )()S.()fl
MooM !II f-Ide-. 79
ANDRAOI'T'C. Ol)tQI pn'Ptf'l.O.. 41
ANHYOJUTE. ort.alpopcriK'I.. 3ft
Ankara.nutc, 103,11112
Ma\M, fA
Annealins. lSI, 159
to.1urc... 152. IS9, J{.,(), 161,
Anu.malou) interfcrtn colors.,
(sec inttrfc:rtl\tt
oplic.ol propet11CS, 4S-46
ANORTHOClASE. optteal .a.;
Anonh<*tc., 101, 10!. 103, 104
1t1'o'tlld pliCOOIIt 12.7-4
M'THOPHYI.UTt. ot<oal prop<nO<S. )Z
A""pt:rllrllltc., 111
op -.1 pt"'f!C"fttClt., Jt>

Arftvuc .. 114
Aplite, 103, liS,
Aplltic tOCIIUC, 1 LS

Optical propcrtloo, 38
AASENOPYIUTI!, opo;<aJ pl'opettito, S3
A::,ut::;ros, 60
""' flow,l21
AW'Dil .. oa,13C
"""'" pelsa ( ... peiu)
iA. diobue. 74
c:a:.xik. 1.34
pNwa, 71. 71. 7. m. lJ6
Optical;>ro<""" S6
IJARITE,opticol i>'Oi>O.U.., 'fl
IJARKE\'IKITE, Opti<al PfOpcrtito, 34
.a.li. 7l. Ill
dcfuoitioo, llll,l<ll, 11112
distiDc:tiJa Crom udesite, t().S.()6
Ridge. 69, '79
miud .W..ll rbyolik. 138
B.asaniie-,103, 107,11112
Bask roW. 99
Wu, II
Bcforsic.c \.SCC wboluiite)
101. WU
a..,....s """ 5, 6, 14
BERYL. ophca) proper1 ie$, 31
Bii.<W. 7
Rub rcvc. 1718
iodic:atrit. 1 t 1.3
obtuse bisectrix ligu.rc. 17-18
Optic aD tigutc, 1718
hitdsqelc.xtutc,Sl. 76
---ftoatlilonabkDdc., 16
lG, akloi!t:, 10
d.ac:. ao
peis.l., 162
&Juite, 76
S<UI.I6. 161
metamotphK baes, 147, J48, UO
opliW 51
pleochroic b:aloes, 76
Budscye tuuuc
m'GSOJI'ou, SO. 16
8irdritlgeo"' 8
Bioe<trl> Gpe (xure ...S obc,...), 1718
-blastic, Ul
Blutopoopb)ritic, ISS
Blodty ..... 119
c:oodjcjoo&, 146
.............. ll. lS
aoiocnluoc.,._ 117-4
8jfgsild "'"""""h. .s
ao .. bo. voJCIAic. 121
BRONZITil, optiool i>'op:rtic:o, SS
BYTOWNITE, optical propcrdea. 4S-t6
Cakai.Ulioc, Ill
tectoUc lU
a.. ..
carboaadte, 101. lOS
mublc, 88
IIICiamotpbic acica., 14'i
Optical pi'Op<rtico, 38
poWoa ill Cf)'Jlll'ob4aPk lS6
Calc$i1italt, 141
C.mptonile (lampropbyre), 103, 106
but:.ablc.adc pMD00")1&. 7j
ea...s. bohu>, ll,ll
CAilBONA TES (occ obo cokicc, dolcmc), 38
Carbomlile, 101, 103
alvWte, bcforlile, aattOOllboaatite,
&O'oile, lOS
C..lsb>d """'
0.. -lddspor. 43-44
in, a.m)'Hdale, J%1
meLabuah. 90. 91
CDa'IIO'pluc: faOct., 147,141. 1.$0
Optical poopcrtico, )9
pelitic od> ... 86, 161
pos.itioa in trysuOobWck t.tties,156
r-oe ... t4, lJO
Optical pi'Op<tlia, )9
pcwpbyrobl&tr. 81
CHROMITE, 53, 6l, 71,ll3








, .
, .
... .

orw ..... (s-m)
igneous 1 erms. 99
lUGS. phuonlc roek. 93, IOO.OS
vokllnic: and hypabyual roc.k, 105-0'7
ll"'itte aAd \'Ok.anic:. 11)8.-ll
metamorphic. 140-41

opic;aJ propctttd. 41
o.o<T0"'1TE. <19
COESJTE. op<oalrropertics. S9
O>lcrado. 80. 12S
Coklr index. 99
Comb Mrueturc:, 1%2
Con:mc:ndl1c:, 103. 109
Composition oltypial 'YOkaok roc:b. LIO
Coax.nic:ut. '" 12'7. 129, 1JO,l31, 1.3&
Ill>, l.l'l. 14), 166
allenlioo 10 88
bcofds. 88. 160
metamorphic facie .. 147, 1'8. 150
opkaJ propc r1 kt.. 40
pcition in tT)'fi(atlobla$tic se:ries.lS6
n7, 133. l.S7
opal propc.r11C.J. 40
pditic aeool.tb, 86
Ctasablioa scht$1c.iry (ICC vfMstosily)
(t.: Wmiht)
CRI$T08ALITE. opoal P<oo<rti<s. S9
Crypope1dntc:. 4)
Cl')'$:al ali&nment:
116, l%2. 12S
mnamor-phic. I.SJ.. tS4
Crys..aUiniry, dei'ee or, 114
Cryt.:;al niJdta.tiOI*, 114, tslS2
Crys.aUobb.ilic j(IJCI.
uuznphibolalc. 91, 162
"""" ptopert"" ll
Cumuble. 116. 13S. IJ6
Curi1J1Ui ltdurc:, I 16, 136
102. IOJ, IOS,lll12
Dc:c.arbonarion reuctioa, 140
Dc:brdratioclre.tC'tion, 140
D-d.ntk ery1ol-.l "'orph<!.ogy, 115
cupc:circ. 1.38
pl.porlw. '79
o.w,,;r--.., us. I6J
OUI>ooc. 103. 1116
pictol'lite m. 74
U'CIObtb ia, 86
Oi.atrc.mc breccia (&ee bfet..W)
120, 127
mclti.nr. 131
mccamoqtOosc:d dolomitk limac:Onc, 8849

aeotO ida bbillc. 67
Oioo'c, un, 10J
19 (see u.!Mdul ,....,.,.)
Ook.rille (5ee diabase)
in 101. lOS
nc.to.morphic. rackSt 147
optical properties,. 38
position in ayst.alioblashc tcria. 1$6
ORAl \liTE (Mg-1oumolloe), 6J
Duoi<c, 103. U)l
cocr.dirioo$. 146
mi&e-ral 147-48
Ekt'lron mlc,optobc, 19'l0
llMB.RALD, 37
op<oal P'op<rtics.IS
10 SIC). tl
metamorphic. 147
OflCK.al 41-41
po&ilM>D in CI)SlaUobluc.c 156
EP"')', 11, 22
qutnt grains. 1 IS
Ncxitc.13, 81, 103
Eubcdnl. II$. 136
uco1tic l2J.ll:S
U.cctac (islccrgr0"+1li). 1.29. 131
_.,. ..... _
&IL.ai Cdchpa:r, 43. U
ugitc, 56. 13. 74
OflhOp)Tox:ene, 55, 7l, 73,74
rt.seoni.tc, 56, 14
lpinc.ls. 62
O;ctgajOft, 9
ullduWory. iD quutz. $&. 80

op<lcall"'''<f1ios. 50

albJi. opticaJ 4\M
.-bodue, ..

opcic.al propcrti.ca. 4S..46
pofoicioa io crystaUoblastic series, 1$6
FeJd691111idal bosall. lOZ
f<ldspothoidall'bb<o, 102
fcL:LsparJ.OdaJ 102:
fcldspahc:WI" yaaia:c;lQZ
fchoc. 99
F<hitt, 1215
Fuaite., tCB
optic&J properties., S5
IUbility, S5
FlOROLilE, 31.84
01bicv.b.r graaite, 1.39

.... ..;-.t,l6-11
aJ.pm<4 116. W, IZS
D 119
flc)<.'lge diJfercnti.atioa.. 1.22
nu..ct in quam. S8
1-LUORITE, propcrtiu. 41
axial pl:aac schis.tosily (s.ce &.Gh.isl)
oluu ion:
ljU"'COU$. 1_36.
mcumexpbic. 154. 162. 16$
f'ormu.l.ae cr miacr-.. 26-29
bee llso miocnb)
r oRSl'VtrTE:
OJI(.IItl! JlfOP(:rhes.,. 5.&
pot.i(ioo crysuUobluait wu, U6
f'O)'li(C, IOJ
J\u.:O., ("-.c mhills)
Oollbo. 71, ?2. 14, 83, 102. 104, U.S,
GALENA.optka.l properties. '3
__,.... r.ac.. 147, 14. lSO

poAtioo ill O')'dJoblu;li.: sene... 1.$6
GEC>RJ'TE, oplal--J2
OEHLENITE, opOca1 ,...,.,. .... 09
Geolberma.l gradierll, 140
CootClll ofvoiw:lk rods, )(16, ll4
ia fauJt zooc., LS3. 163
ml&d ba:saltrh)'Oiicc,138
...:Jdcd toll. l2A
-...orpilio: r.ac.. 147
op<lcal,...,...;... )S
....... 91
Ola....,,... sdbst (blucodolst)
roe&ite.. S9

laWJonitc, 48
Glomcroporphyritk,. 114
Ciaeiss. 1.54, 162
aug_eo and"*' m. 16:!
Ol<kd I"Y"Ma (see b)<rita)
GraioW. 114
flk,. medium,. coatK. 114
1SIS2. 16).04
Gruitc. 102:
toeJtU,s .. fuoaioo of 'H 146
Graa.itic ccxawc. US
tcxhtre. 1.52. lSI
Graoodiorilt. 102
Oraoopbyrc... 103
Granophyric texture..
111, 129-30, 166
rooditiocu. 146
Mtfal :wc:mbbcc:s. IC7-148
GnplaK;al recprcsc11Ut.too of mctaacwpi!IK
D"UnJ uscablacu. ttM
c;,,,__ puae. 117. 129
iD as
Oll'kal propt.nies., S3

.te;Uii.lt& cf " -Y"Ito,
1:8, Ill
1 Z:l,
Grc.tl Dyke of Z..mNbwe 71, n
1.&. 136



, .
-- -.

-- -
- .
- .

coeclieioel, 146
aDcral: 147-48
OI'O'..t.w, u.us
GRUSI!IUTE. op<;,.l propcn;.., 33
op:;,.I 47
prtbkaa ill peparina tiUD sectioas.. '22
MoN. (Ke iadMdu.al Uerals)
Tlimago. tl, Sl
I hnhicie (ermumulate) tature. 122
71, 104
Ht"U, 68, 69,10. 82. 12S, 127, LZS
Hti..ilc,I07, lll-1'2.128
HIIDENBERGITE, optical t<>PP";.._ 56
1-ldcrilK 1$6, 16S
IIEMATTT'E, P<OJ><tt;.._ 53

10 IUipdict. 83
OJlG P'os><";.., 62
HEUI .. ,.'<DITIO. 6S

91, 162
aapeorute., 1S
euc.tite, 82.. 134
oepht-l.lfle 67, 15
mcumorpbk faciC'- 147
o,cie.al 34
liomblc:ndc: facies:
CJOO<btiOCIS, 146
mincral wcmb1asc:s. 147...48
Hornbkftoditt. 104
Hornfels. 88, l$2. 160
UoeuaJ.w. (sec zooing)
UucrpOWih.. 4S
fl)tnd ll"
1-1 )'(lotkrat
dc.r auoo..
p)'oplo)UoiC, S2
- ocb. 106, 108
....,...,. .. "
naomc.. 1
Hyp.>b,ulol 88
!IYPER$1'11 ENE. op<;,.l popen;e., SS
Hypidiomorpbk. liS
''ardtc. IQ)
tct;aNwtic. 164
lpOabnlo, 121
ljoliu. 103
U.MENITE. ophc:al ,.open;.., 53
1-ltcible bquldA, 116
ailicatcU. bti&k,ll6, 138
ailkate--occW. 139
116, 139
I ocoQgNC-nl melc ina;. 133
lodtx minc:r:ll (metamOt'pMe), 145
lndle:mix. II
et)\lallopaphit 13
\utiui3.1, 1113
lotercu..mWVS Uqu.id. lt7, l3l, lJ6
lAtcrrcrcna: color.
uomlloutl.. t
..... .. J9. liE. 90,91
dolorkcid, J9. 57
cluloLOilucc. 4J.
MW.Cc, .f9.
"CW\taAIIIt. 64."
...... 9
ol JC(t ... tlskbeu. 23
Ofdc:t, 9
lntc:rgra..ulat 101urc.. 116, Ul
latcrv.rtal ccxuarc, 116
lnverwoo. Ul
all:alllei<IJ-I>lf. '19
AJ.,Si05 JO
carcllc. 38
k.iliilhc:. 67
kudtc. 48,81
pigeocUtc, .56. 74
S8. 80. 126
s.ilica.. 59
l.ovtr,cd pecoo,tc, 72. ''
lsocbrO.Jtic f'lllp. l'
bOIJ.d (ICC ....._.,we ;.qpo..tj
._... ..
ud oi2V. 18
l>ot<opoc. 7

e>pttal propctto
JOCU.ftdt, 103
KAER5ITITI'e, opbeaJ _..;... J4
ICALSIUTE. opbeal _..;... Sl
n... U7, 04, 157, *
Kualop.,... IGJ,ID7

tG.bub" 101
COC:5itt, S9
maotk oodolo, 'lO
ompbu:ice, S8
pbiog<lpitc, <19, Sl
69, lOS
ccamorpllkf..X..t.,, t48. uo
opbeaJ p<DpC<tico, 30, "'
pol4* io ayuarJobluric l.S6
Kipptic...,.,.,., us
NU. uonbooitc, 12:5
t..otwador=-, s. 12:5
(J<Oalso a,g;Jd ... _b)
LAJIIVJ)()Rrre, ope;w propenk., 45-46
Ltmproit;, 103
t..amptop.lyre, tOG
horl'lbl<ode, 75
l.apilli, 121
l.atW<itc, 103
l.Micc. 10':. 107
....... bcic:s.. 147
opekal ,...,...x._ 6S
U\'1 tube:, J 19

io aJaucopbaue $dUst, 92
metamorphic: facies.. 147
opcieal rropertie$. 48
La O')'UlllobW.Iic: 156
La)'triag. Peoll$, aypc.ic, &:1'ded.
thytb.m.ie. 121. 13.5
Uduc:ic:lc, 81
....... P"''Cni<s. 48
l..alcitllic cric:l, Itt
Bedct lille-, 1 J
COCIOKOpk., 14
Lipc (_ ... ltd):
,.,. ---= ......... 9

Ill-poWiood, 1
rdleacd, 19-21. SJ
l.ioeal;.., ISS, 161, 162
Mopa mWD& 123, 138
MAON'ESIOFERIUTE, optkoi l'fopert;.,_ 62
;, allotS gahbto, 83
basall,138, 139
wphe'*e. 82
S3. a
pneirioe io ayataJioblwi( l56
M._;.e, -12A, 11.1
Maotlo oodWc, 10,
dO>po;.le aod scapolltc,

textu.rt, 88
Roekport graaito.. 137
Sal= lb)'Oidc, 80, 126
MElANlTE, .,, 87

.......... 10
bon.tcls, !10
oepbelinitc., 8l
optkal propert;.., 49
Mc.tili4ite, 103
albite, 129
uorthice, 131
aiOI"idc. ut
c.loltcctic. 129. 131
rontcrile, easc.atilc, s.il.a. 133

CJuite. 147, tCS
122, 157, 166
MC10Rasis. 114.131
Mc .. basall, !10, 91. 107
around zitcoo, 64
... .
_... ,
... '
... .
, '
... .
... I
" -
1Gda miocral. 14$
.......... .,
Ia. ACf' .....,_ 142, 1<7
14.1, 1d
pci-K pOl, l.SO
-.-.1 Cocico, 146
rocb, ac->1 cbssif- 140-<1
CCDltcl. 14 t, 160
rc;iooat. 141., 161
retr08'tde, 140, lS1
Metuamadsm, 15l
aoclium,IA spilites, 101
Meteorite cratcra:.
ccube aod 59
ptUdottchylite., 163
MWolitk 122
MICA. 49-51, 111
........ 51
,..a.o. Ia scric:s.. lS6

optlW prGp(-f1ies., 44
UibiOh'Ui p-aAite, U1
MiocroLtu. U.S
t>ogioclas<, '19, 125
Mt0'06C0Pf. pcuogro.phk, "''
lttpilieatioo, 4
p)IIUi:t,er (polar), 6
rcncccinQ. 20
Mi(Atl.llltic Ridge, 69, n. 19
Mtfmlhtc, 1$7, 166
(bmptophyrc). 106
blohtc pbcDOCI')$lr.. Sl
Mock, 9l
C.UUDihOtl ol, (reM Uts.idc: <OVCI)
(bmp<ot>I>Y'<), 106
Mc..'Ot.I.N. Stutwaler 11, 13.133
MO:>TlautTE. ........ properties. Sl
MCII"&Oot.-icc. 102:

aed.lum epoq C.nlld.a
t<a 107
MUUJTC, opolcal pn>pertiel. 31
bii-,.c. (QIW(,,..
..,.,....f!., ..
-.86.87, 162
__.,.... r....._ oc7, <a. l.SO
opcicalp<op<rt ....
M)looOc. W. l6J
M)'mldOlc. 117, lJO
Nauocarboaatilc (.ce. c.ttboaatite)
NATROUTE, ..,.;w p<oprn;e<6S
NC()(I')'Mall:iuttoft. l$4
in. Alooite, 10
wajte, 81
nepl\ebnite., $1
pbonolite, 81
optic.IJ prope.rtica, 52
Ncpbdn'IC S)'C.fhiC', 6'?, lO'l. 103
68. 82. 101. 103
Ncpbebtt.icic Ill
o.-.s. 76. lJ7

s-b Pood, llA
...., Vorl. AdorOod""" 69, 161, 166
NoduJC':t,. k. llJ
N()(dm.arlJtc. lCO

OI'W, 9S98
cumplc of caiC'ubAion, 98
Norma.tl\<e mineral" 96
Northern Sr.a ... 1 Hill, 73. 90
N()(Wlt.y, RhOf. l34
OccUi (otcUar), li.S 139

OLIGOCLASE. optial propc:rtict. 45-46
... Null, 68. 69
pcndohcc. 1Q. 71. OJ
opootal ......... Sol
Mt,tDtO To--p IIJ
,.,.......,, l)O
OPAQUE MII''EAALS, op.W propc.nJC:S.. 53

Opllilk .exiUtC:, 1()6. 116
J'.bbro, 132.
dok:tift, 1.31
Opcical Ddicalrilt (s.r:c iftdl<:atrix)
<>p<;c"""' (2V). 12
otlma iOa., a
Opcic axis:
Opl;< aoglc (2V). 12
op1ic.sigtl. 12
u..WXW. 7, II
Opec rpu. 14-19
Opcic iip. ll
dc.lc-rminati('ln, 14.15, 18
Ofbtwbf lll. lJ4
Orcp. Scoakrry, 127
opliu.l propclhti. 44
pc:tthilc. 79
irt, a;abbro, 71, 136
fftUlllc nodule, '10
71, 1l3
lroetQIJIC, 13-t
mcl:.morphie (:.ck$. 1.a1, 148
art.all"""f"" .. -. 55
PlnldiOmOrphic, II$
PARAGO>IJTE. opal r<or<"C...lO
tompouion, 34
uoaolttc:. 11-1
f'(',:malt1e. 37, SO, 1.!9
114, 125
Pd1IC, 143
&S.Sm'lhb,.c:l. 14-&-4,$
nunrraJ 11!...\Cnllll.sc., i11 1nt:tamor phiC
C;ac:IIU.. I .&loo
Jfld (or, J!i()
rockr.., 108
Pc:nc:hM. , .. w ,,.
MOiltr.oc-b!C. 4-1
45, 77
Mik llldllk, lO

JcrlirW; crac.k.s, L t.S
PI!ROVSK,ITE, opcic:.aJ properliu. S4
tc.rtlli l.tiU'C). 43. .... 79,
I 17, 124, 129. tJ7
Petrogenetic srWI fQr 14950
Pctrosrl>hy. I
,......,.. ....
augite. 132
qunt. 80. 126
..... bl<od<. 67. 75. 113
lcucite, 81
ftltpOdic, 11
l'lli\;tiC, 68. lh.19. 12.5
plagiodii.Se. n. 19. 111
unidint, l26
PIILOGOPITE.opoc>ll'or<"..._ Sl
hotafcb.. qo
JOl, IO.l
Ph)llite, 15-&
Ptc:nlc, 1(t\, 107
PIEMONTlT, Of"CICIII ptOpCfiiCI-. 42. c;IJ
riGEONITE, optKal
Uf\cncd (\ pecA,nM.t.:l
r.n..-. ''' 1:T
.>rrnle, 40
PitChstone:, I'UI
cklc-rftuut""* at cumj"'Ooitioft.. 4b. 71-'7:-.
n. pbb o. 136
Mi dAtl.antic Ri\lgc b;u.aJt, 71
, ...
Plc.otbroo.m, II
biotite:. c:.. 51
r'cmomilc. c>t
Ua. bio411C. 16
cordcntc:, <ll:,
Plutooruc n)(b, 99
p,)il.illhC u:.uurc., t 16
ia.. pcrtdolllc:, 13J
py7N.tftllt. 7J
r oil.jL!)hl,a_\hC ICt;IUI(', l!lfo,16.5
Poiru cuunrinr n
Pol.rt:Ntc l l6
Porpii)TII.C, lt.l, 11b





, .
. :.
. .. ,

D '"

ciJorit<*l, 87
cet'dit:rice, 16-t
ptl1Ct,87, 164,165
microdinc., 164
51ou.roUte, 87
Preferred oticnlat1oa. 1$3
..._... ...... t.-.. 119
- W4oM aod -;o.. t.l6
Priso>otit ..,.WI-. liS
P'f'<lvack. mdafiiOf'Jibism.. 1.-Q
Pseudokuc:itc, 48
Ps.el!docach)iiu:. 153. 1(13
Pul:as.kitc, 103
Pumice, JW
PYRITE, propcrtie1, 53
Pyrccbstit mMcrW. 121
Dt!WDCCp611C fxia.. t.n
ortical pt1)pC'rtia., .. ,
m:t.amorrftic 147 ,I ;IS
os:iuJ propcnit'- Sl
PYROXENE. SS.$8 (s-ec :.egeriM,
)11dc he,

m..crolite. ... l2tt
pc$itiorlu scri(s. 156
qudti&Mcral, 11

m nerat 10-48
PYRRII011Te. npial rropenics. 5)
SO. l24, 126
in graphic
pc$111011 tn
1.&1, ttJ.tofl
Owr'17 $vth1Ct, '" 10!, 1'!.1
Grt-n\'illc, '?S, 1)0, 163
Ll\e St. J(\hn f)rUICthm ltC, 72, 1-'. 1!5
Montt u;gi,.r. '7d, 7.l. 75, 81, l.l-1. 13?

hca& PfO<hKfng. l-60
In 4!
l',UCO... i)-1. 7C.
bpatM ICXIUre. 111
nte, 59, tl
lexlure. 117 18. Ul-34. 149, l$7, 166
R."'Y"-aJl2atioo (c:J:'.U(C$, 1$1$1. 159-61
Rcnccted Ggl>c (S<e
1\c:ncuhity, 21, SJ
Rdracciw: inda, 1
Relief, II
lock of io K<lioo, 2Z
l.S4, 1.64
-..,.oc _.,.,.._ 1411. 157
122.157, 166 (..,.abo
Rb)Odaritc. 102, lOS
Rhyolite, 102. 11112
bc1n quartz. in. 80
mlxed witb basalt.138
Rh)thmk l:.yerlng (!tt
ut.. (ckite. 116
qurtz syc:Ditc. 1S
..,..w f"opcm...J,S

tiscas or rormuJK 1.6-29
li..ting. o( opdW prvrc-rtie3o. 10-(!6
also minerub)
Ruovlav;a., 118
Rotation of cryslals.156, 16.S
RlfTl LE:
optical 00
p01Uh0ft iD Kf'ia.. 1

b'IJ)> nd ""'' ..
in curt. 124
I properties, 4.t
UHM!IIiOIU, 14(;
mtnc:nl 1.&7.-&S
(bmJ"fopbWC). 1()
SAUSlil.RITE; 106
II\ mJrhlc., 89
Of!Ci<'l rrc>ptrt i.e$. 60
in lo(UC\, l5tt
('wChi\t{)!;i,y), IS4. 161
:a,,U,,I pl;.nc lo fold, 162
CfC:fiUI.)tion, I!IS. lf..t
SchiiCf(ft, l:tz
SCHORL (Fc.-toormallne), 63
Scofla, IX)
124, 132
Hoddo H..,., Ahenk<Mhoe, 84, 88
...... 128
........ 82, as. 86. 1215
iJo o!M>e,CW
ope leal properties
Shat<b. &Ius. 121, 12$
Shut, 15l
Sl.ookioitc,. 103
ShoUoe.-:. 107
SID!iRIT1!, 38
la:lue (sec poikil()bbuk)
SIUCA P:>LYMORPBS, S8S9 (see CQt5ite,
trislolnlite, quatll. trldymile)
facies., 147, l.fS.lSO
oploal ,.opcrtC$, 31, &I
Sbm. l.Sl
Skele-tal ('l)"lals (see dC'ndtit.c)
deao;agc, lS4
SocU'$ bw_ 10
ltlQdrC (ke hclic:iclc)
SODAUTE. opcic:al ptopc.r1ia. 61
11'\ 1)7
Budwcld complex. gabbro, 133
Katood11crilc, 131
S<Mce couboa:urce)
SPESSARn!'"E. op:te41 ptoptnld, 47
(b.mptoph}TC), 106
SPHALERITE. optical rropenlel. S3
SflfENt (ht.anite):
o-rllcal 61. 83
Ct)$1allobl.utic s.crtCS..l56
ICXIt:te. II.S
-. chlldon). 58
fclue. 126
\ok;.lnic I ::0
rtl(l\nr()nto in,

l.dvJ,htK rim. 13-1
opdc.tl prOf!Cnc._ 62
SJ"'nr(t.\ tenure, II.S
iJI ACP diagram, 142-43
in Af'M (Thompson) dirrgram, 144
mel.amorpbic 14&, 1$0

poUtion ia a')11alobltllic seria. lS6
$nL81TE, opckalpropc;.., 6S
snSHOVITE, .19
Strain, 151, 1$9, 160. 163
Scrudure. 114
vok&oic nxb, IIS.ll
pt.<oai< .,.._ rocb, W-23
Slblltalinc YOicaaic roc4 108
s-.J sru-. 115
Subopbilic tutrne. t 16. 131
Immiscible liquid, 139
Tahiti. bwll. 127
prope.n ies. 63
posilioo in aysuUobb.sl.c 1$6
po<11domorpll ah<r DIMK, fR
Tc ........ UI
J(ll. lOlo 101
Tuthcnite. 103
Te.durc, J J4
roeks., 18
metAmOrphic rocb.. 1St-57
Thc:ralicc. 103
nr... KC:Ciocls:
po6hc<!. 19, 23
pre:partiQQ. 2122
Tholciit e.. llJ
teaooit: 1 13
... )pl.kU.t....k.8l
Toe b-. 14S
Tt'CPII'- 103
lh.. albJi gabbro, 83. 134
e.t..toeXitt. 73
ncpbd.rn11e, 82
pcridcc ite. 68
opt.W prapcn.a.. S7
TllaftliC s.pkac)
Trwu1o;c ... 101
TOURMAUI'-'E. OfKeal p!Open;es. 63, 83
i.Miuioru '" 165
in tt)')lallobla:uit: seric.s. 1.56



















,., ... yudelile, 107

Trxllyce. un

Tr...,.cidoiiCII .... 122, 128
...... :n
nuDYMJTE. opli<al S9, ao
Trilt.Ur., JllU
T""'oGot, 104, 134
Troodhjrlcc. 103
nomRMAJOTE, :w
Tult, Ill
weldU. 121, 124
T\dri$1te. 123
'Nnttifli in:
tlbli !eJdspar, 4).44, 19
catbot.atu. 38
chloritoid. 87
k.udtt, 4&. 81
pOcoooitc, 56,,.
pl.pocwc, So-46. 77. 78
tlcedicc &Dd cummiQgtoUc.l3
-.. ..... 6<
Upodil, UXI
Ulllaboli< 99
UluuWoc: roct., 99, 101. 104

UL opdcd prope:nlc:l. 6l
UodW.Moty (.ce ex!inc:cion)
!WHop, 16-17
iadioeatN.. llll
optic tJCiJ. ragure, 14
UVAROVIT. optlcal P"'t""'i"" 41
Vario1it:., ll5
Vuidc (vttticulAr), 12:(). 127
cylindc r, 120
VESU\'IANITE (ido<ra.s<):
111 ubilicate, 89
optical propcrtlc$.. 64
Vcsvv\u., &cuc:idco. Sl
V'eropl>)'rl< ,.,...,.. I 14, 126
dfcct .... aizo.
C"''Ikic. &o. spu.llO. 121
__,.... ...... ..--... 1<0
w .......... lot .... St. Hdca, 79
Webltericc. 104
Wd>rlilc, 104
Wcldocl tufl, Ul, UA, Ill
io IILitbiC, 90
Optlcai properti ... 64
pOSitioa in 1S6
103. 109
Xcoolltb, tcddcalal, copaiC, 123
Zeolite facies:
m*ral acmbbaa. l47-48
...... )ld.ok. l%t
Optapropenlc&. 6S
f"Vbk- i. f"CIH'U.IM ""' ... :Z
Zimbabwe (Uodesia) (oc:e c .... o,bo of)
ZIRCON, opli<al propenlc&. 64,12
iD. DQW.&D t.Dd MII)'M. 61

tilldua;ite. 73
tourmall.At, 63, 83
DOfmal.. rc\'CrK, OiCilluory, 45, 79. 118
i.D dllori,old. 39
io tituaugite. 51
.: j

~ I
I ~
~ I
. ~



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