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HELPING OUR CHILD Being attentive in class is one way of easily understanding the thoughts presented by the speaker.

With this, I agree to the following commendation that was stated in this issue which are; make material relevant, vary your teaching voice, maintain your eye contact with the listener, use movement, very the pace of the lesson. Use a variety of teaching methods just because in our daily routine as teachers we really need to make materials which are relevant to our topic that will attract the attention of our pupils to listen. We must learn to change our voices or to follow the real voice or sound of particular object or individual or even animals we want to imitate to further catch the attention of our pupils. We must also maintain eye contact to our listener so that they can relate to what we are saying about. Moving from one place to another ad using different strategies and methods in teaching will help our pupils to become alive and alert until the lesson will be finished. So for me this 6 recommendation will help much in our teaching process that will successfully result into good outputs.

GOVERNMENT POLICY The government policy makers are those in the higher ups. They are responsible for any school reforms that we are going to in act in our classrooms. With this issue I agree with Miss Emerencians R. Abante the writer of this issue that whenever they make school reforms they must address this to our pupils needs and the trends of todays learners. Since we are in the era of high-tech technology, government must then see to it that all schools will access on this. They must provide such technology on the different schools so that we will not be left behind and our pupils can compete to other institutions regarding the use of technology. Government must not only on the demanding pace. When they demand they must also provide such tools for the delivery of that demands. For example, if they asked schools to be effective and competitive it is not daily on the part of the teacher. They must also provide or not to complete all school facilities, libraries, and laboratories for us to use in teaching. Although we attended lots of seminar for our improvement it is not enough if we luck many of this materials. So the higher ups who make policies or school reforms and the educators who will implement such will work hand and hand so that they will attain the vision and mission of the department of education.

PUBLIC SCHOOLS Private schools and public schools are seems to be business which are competing to each other especially with regards to their effectiveness and competitiveness. Each institution doesnt want to be a loser. But, will this should be the perception of people to private or public school? We should demolish such add we can only do this if both institutions will perform well their duties and responsibilities assigned to them. Not only for the monetary purposes but rather to help the young ones become an asset in the future generations. If these will happen, I think there would no be debates among parents of where to send their child. For me it doesnt matter whether private or public schools because they both provide the education only they differ on accessibility because private school needs more money so those who can afford especially the rich one are their most clients. While in the public school is free wherein most of their clients are the poor one. Education does not success only in classrooms. So for me learners academic success depends not so much on whether he or she attended a private or public schools but rather on how he or she presents his/her total personality like the way he acts, mingles and respect others and also on how he transform into action the learning he/she acquired. Lastly, even though he enters a private or public schools if he did not finished his/her course and fails to enter the world of work it is useless. So the more you apply what youve learn the better.

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