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(1) Let F be a nite eld, show that the group F is cyclic. Deduce that F is a simple extension of Fp . (2) If is the Frobenius automorphism on Fpr , we may regard as an Fp -linear endomorphism of the Fp -vector space Fpr . So, forexample, we may think of as an r r matrix with entrieis in Fp (after picking a basis of Fpr ). In HW 2, we have shown that the minimal polynomial of is xr = 1. (i) Determine the rational canonical form of . (ii) Regarding as an r r -matrix over Fp , determine the Jordan canonical form of . In particular, give necessary and sucient conditions for to be diagonalizable. (3) This exercise shows that Aut(R/Q) is trivial! (i) Show that any Aut(R/Q) takes positive reals to positive reals and conclude that a < b implies (a) < (b). (ii) Deduce from (i) that is a continuous map from R to itself. (iii) Deduce from (ii) that Aut(R/Q) is trivial. (4i) Show that the automorphisms of F (t) (the eld of rational functions over a eld F ) which are identity on F are of the form at + b ) f (t) f ( ct + d for a, b, c, d F and ad bc = 0. In other words, there is a surjective group homomorphism What is the kernel of this homomorphism? GL2 (F ) Aut(F (t)/F ).

(ii) What is the subeld of k(t) xed by the automorphism which sends t to t + 1? (5) Let K/F be a Galois extension with Galois group Gal(K/F ). Let f (x) F [x] be an irreducible polynomial over F . We saw in class that each element of Gal(K/F ) permutes the roots of f (x). Show that Gal(K/F ) acts transitively on the set of roots of f (x). (6i) Show that K = Q( 2 + 2) is a Galois extension of Q and determine Gal(K/Q). (7i) If f (x) F [x] is a separable polynomial with splitting eld K and roots i K , show that the element disc(f ) = (i j )2
i<j 1

(ii) Determine the Galois group of the splitting eld of x4 14x2 + 9 over Q.

lies in F . The element disc(f ) is called the discriminant of the polynomial f .


(ii) If f has degree 3, we showed in class that Gal(K/F ) = A3 or S3 . Gal(K/F ) = S3 if and only if disc(f ) is not a square in F .

Show that

|x| 0 for all x F , with equality if and only if x = 0. |xy | = |x| |y |. |x + y | |x| + |y |. Given a norm on F , dene a metric d on F by setting Show that the addition and multiplication maps on F are continuous functions. (b) Let F denote the completion of F with respect to d. Show that the multiplication and addition maps on F extend continuously to multiplication and addition maps on F. With respect to these operations, show that F is a eld containing F as a dense subeld. (c) As an example of this construction, we take F = Q, and for each prime p, we dene the p-adic norm | |p on Q by: m |0|p = 0 and |x|p = |pa |p = pa n for x = pa m/n with m and n not divisible by p. Show that | |p is a norm. Indeed, show that |x + y |p max{|x|p , |y |p }. A norm satisfying this stronger condition is called a non-archimedean norm. (d) Show that Q is not complete with respect to the metrix dp associated to | |p . The completion of Q with respect to | |p is denoted by Qp and is called the eld of p-adic numbers. d(x, y ) = |x y |.

(a) Let F be a eld. A function | | : F R is a norm if

(8) The eld R is obtained from the eld Q by the process of completion with respect to the metric d(x, y ) = |x y |. This procedure can be generalized as follows.

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