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Thc Allics


Thc Allics


About the ExtraterrestriaI Presence
in the WorId Today
Marshall Vian Summers
STLPS TO KNOWLLDGL: Thc Book oj |nncr Knowing
About thc Lxtrutcrrcstriul Prcscncc in thc WorlJ ToJuy
Copyiight © 2001, 200S by Thc Socicty loi Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc.
¡iintcd nnd bound in thc Unitcd Stntcs ol Amciicn. All iights icscivcd.
Lditcd by Dnilcnc Mitchcll
Book Dcsign by Aigcnt Associntcs, Bouldci, CO
Covci nit by Rccd Novni Summcis
"To mc, thc covci imngc icpicscnts us on Lnith with thc blnck oib symbolizing thc nlicn
picscncc in thc woild todny nnd thc light bchind it icvcnling this invisiblc picscncc to us
which wc would othciwisc bc unnblc to scc. Thc stni illuminnting thc Lnith icpicscnts
thc Allics ol Humnnity giving us n ncw mcssngc nnd n ncw pcispcctivc on Lnith's
iclntionship to thc Cicntci Community.¨
ISBN-1¹: 97S-1-SS+2¹S-++-+ THL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY, ßOOK ONL: An Urgcnt Mcssogc
obout thc Lxtrotcrrcstrio| Prcscncc in thc Wor|J ToJoy
Libiniy ol Congicss Contiol Numbci: 2001 1¹07So
This is thc sccond cdition ol Thc A||ics oj Humonity
Summcis, Mnishnll.
Thc nllics ol humnnity book onc : nn uigcnt mcssngc nbout thc
cxtintciicstiinl picscncc in thc woild todny / M.V. Summcis
p. cm.
1-SS+2¹S-¹¹-5 001.9+2
Thc books ol Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy nic publishcd by Thc Socicty loi Thc Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc. Thc Socicty is n non-piont oignnizntion dcdicntcd to
picscnting Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc.
To icccivc inloimntion nbout Thc Socicty's nudio iccoidings, cducntionnl pioginms nnd
contcmplntivc sciviccs, plcnsc visit Thc Socicty on thc woildwidc wcb oi wiitc:
¡.O. Box 172+ º Bouldci, CO S0¹0o-172+ º (¹0¹) 9¹S-S+01
www. gicntcicommunity.oig www.nllicsolhumnnity.oig www.ncwmcssngc.oig
DcJicotcJ to thc grcot jrccJom movcmcnts
|n thc history oj our wor|J ÷
ßoth lnown onJ unlnown.
C ON1 L N1 S
Thc Iour IunJomcnto| Qucstions
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi
Notc to RcoJcrs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xvii
Who orc thc A||ics oj Humonity¹
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xxiii
FIRS1 8RILFING: 1he LxIraIerresIrial Presehce
ih Ihe World 1oday
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
SLCOND 8RILFING: 1he Challehge Io
Humah Freedom
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
1HIRD 8RILFING: A GreaI Warhihg
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ¹7
FOUR1H 8RILFING: MahipulaIioh o! Religious
1radiIiohs ahd 8elie!s
. . . . . . . . . . . 51
FIF1H 8RILFING: 1hreshold: A New Promise
!or HumahiIy
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o9
SIX1H 8RILFING: QuesIiohs & Ahswers
. . . . . . . . . . . S5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
Thc So|ution
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
Thcrc |s A Ncw Hopc in thc Wor|J
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Rcsistoncc onJ Lmpowcrmcnt:
Thc Lthics oj Contoct
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12¹
Toling Action÷Whot You Con Do
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
Mcssogc jrom Morsho|| Vion Summcrs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1¹5
APPLNDIX: Dcµnition oj Tcrms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Commcnts on Thc A||ics oj Humonity . . . . . . .
Iurthcr StuJy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
AJJitiono| Rcsourccs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thc Grcotcr Community Woy oj
Know|cJgc: Thc Writings oj
MV Summcrs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Lxccrpts jrom thc ßools oj
Thc Grcotcr Community Woy
oj Know|cJgc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About thc Author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
About Thc Socicty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Thc loui lundnmcntnl qucstions nbout thc
cxtintciicstiinl picscncc in thc woild todny:
Whut is huppcning!
Why is it huppcning!
Whut Jocs it mcun!
How cun wc prcpurc!
It is uncommon cnough to nnd n book thnt chnngcs
onc's lilc, but lni moic cxtinoidinniy to cncountci n
woik thnt hns thc potcntinl to impnct humnn histoiy.
Ncnily loity ycnis ngo, bcloic thcic wns nn cnvi-
ionmcntnl movcmcnt, n couingcous womnn wiotc n
most piovocntivc nnd contiovcisinl book thnt
chnngcd thc couisc ol histoiy. Rnchcl Cnison's Si|cnt
Spring spnwncd woildwidc nwnicncss ol thc dnngcis
ol cnviionmcntnl pollution nnd kindlcd nn nctivist
icsponsc which cnduics to this dny. Among thc nist to
publicly dcclnic thnt thc usc ol pcsticidcs nnd chcmi-
cnl toxins wns n thicnt to nll lilc, Cnison wns iidiculcd
nnd vilincd nt nist, cvcn by mnny ol hci pccis, but wns
ultimntcly considcicd onc ol thc most impoitnnt
voiccs ol thc 20th ccntuiy. Si|cnt Spring is still widcly
icgnidcd ns thc coincistonc ol cnviionmcntnlism.
Todny, bcloic thcic is picvnlcnt public nwnic-
ncss ol nn ongoing cxtintciicstiinl incuision in oui
midst, n similnily couingcous mnn÷n picviously-
hiddcn spiiitunl tcnchci ÷comcs loiwnid bcniing nn
cxtinoidinniy nnd distuibing communiquc liom bcyond oui
plnnctniy sphcic. Vith Thc A||ics oj Humonity, Mnishnll Vinn
Summcis is thc nist spiiitunl lcndci ol oui timc to uncquivo-
cnlly dcclnic thnt thc unbiddcn picscncc nnd clnndcstinc
nctions ol oui cxtintciicstiinl "visitois¨ constitutc n piolound
thicnt to humnn liccdom.
Vhilc nt nist, likc Cnison, Summcis will suicly mcct
with dciision nnd dispningcmcnt, hc mny ultimntcly bc icc-
ognizcd ns onc ol thc woild's most impoitnnt voiccs in thc
nclds ol cxtintciicstiinl intclligcncc, humnn spiiitunlity, nnd
cvolution ol consciousncss. Likcwisc, Thc A||ics oj Humonity
mny piovc pivotnl in cnsuiing thc vciy lutuic ol oui spccics÷
not only nwnkcning us to thc piolound chnllcngcs ol n silcnt
nlicn invnsion, but nlso igniting nn unpicccdcntcd movcmcnt
ol icsistnncc nnd cmpowcimcnt.
Though thc ciicumstnnccs ol thc oiigin ol this cxplo-
sivcly contiovcisinl mntciinl mny bc pioblcmntic loi somc, thc
pcispcctivc it icpicscnts nnd thc uigcnt mcssngc it convcys
dcmnnd oui dccpcst considcintion nnd icsolutc icsponsc.
Hcic wc nic nll too plnusibly conliontcd with thc nsscition
thnt thc incicnsing nppcninncc ol UIOs nnd othci iclntcd
phcnomcnn nic symptomntic ol nothing lcss thnn n subtlc
nnd hcictoloic unopposcd intcivcntion by cxtintciicstiinl
loiccs who scck to cxploit Lnith's icsouiccs cntiicly loi thcii
own bcncnt.
How do wc nppiopiintcly icspond to such n distuibing
nnd outingcous clnim! Shnll wc ignoic it oi dismiss it out ol
hnnd, ns mnny ol Cnison's dctinctois did! Oi shnll wc
invcstigntc nnd nttcmpt to undcistnnd cxnctly whnt is bcing
ollcicd hcic!
Il wc choosc to invcstigntc nnd undcistnnd, hcic is whnt
wc will nnd: A thoiough icvicw ol icccnt dccndcs ol woild-
widc icscnich into UIO nctivity nnd othci nppnicntly
cxtintciicstiinl phcnomcnn (c.g., nlicn nbduction nnd
implnnts, nnimnl mutilntions, nnd cvcn psychologicnl
"posscssion¨) yiclds nmplc cvidcncc loi thc Allics' pcispcc-
tivc, indccd, thc inloimntion contnincd in thc Allics'
discouiscs stunningly clniilics issucs thnt hnvc puzzlcd
icscnichcis loi ycnis, nccounting loi much mystciious but
pcisistcnt cvidcncc.
Oncc wc hnvc invcstigntcd thcsc mnttcis nnd sntisncd
ouisclvcs thnt thc Allics' mcssngc is not only plnusiblc but
compclling, whnt thcn! Oui considcintions will incvitnbly
lcnd to thc incscnpnblc conclusion thnt oui picdicnmcnt
todny hns piolound pninllcls to thc incuision ol Luiopcnn
"civilizntion¨ into thc Amciicns bcginning in thc 15th ccntuiy,
whcn indigcnous pcoplcs wcic unnblc to compichcnd nnd
ndcquntcly icspond to thc complcxity nnd dnngci ol thc
loiccs visiting thcii shoics. Thc "visitois¨ cnmc in thc nnmc ol
Cod, cxhibiting impicssivc tcchnology, nnd puipoiting to ollci
n moic ndvnnccd nnd moic civilizcd wny ol lilc. (It is impoi-
tnnt to notc thnt thc Luiopcnn invndcis wcic not "cvil
incninntc¨ but mcicly oppoitunistic, lcnving in thcii wnkc n
lcgncy ol unintcndcd dcvnstntion.)
Hcic is thc point: Thc indicnl nnd widc-scnlc violntion ol
lundnmcntnl liccdoms thnt nntivc Amciicnns subscqucntly
cxpciicnccd ÷including thc inpid dccimntion ol thcii popu-
lntion÷is not only n monumcntnl humnn tingcdy, but nlso n
powcilul ob|cct lcsson loi oui cuiicnt situntion. This timc, wc
orc o|| thc notivc pcop|c oj this onc wor|J, nnd unlcss wc cnn
collcctivcly mustci n moic cicntivc nnd unincd icsponsc, wc
mny sullci n similni lntc. This is picciscly thc icnlizntion thnt
Thc A||ics oj Humonity piccipitntcs.
Yct, this is n book thnt cnn chnngc livcs, loi it nctivntcs
n dccp innci cnlling thnt icminds us ol oui puiposc in bcing
nlivc nt this momcnt in humnn histoiy nnd biings us lncc to
lncc with nothing lcss thnn oui dcstiny. Hcic wc nic con-
liontcd with thc most uncomloitnblc icnlizntion ol nll: Thc
vciy lutuic ol humnnity mny wcll dcpcnd on how wc icspond
to this mcssngc.
Vhilc Thc A||ics oj Humonity is pioloundly cnutionniy,
thcic is no inciting ol lcni oi doom-nnd-gloom hcic. Instcnd,
thc mcssngc ollcis cxtinoidinniy hopc in whnt is now n most
dnngcious nnd dilncult situntion. Thc obvious intcntion is to
picscivc nnd cmpowci humnn liccdom, nnd to cntnlyzc pci-
sonnl nnd collcctivc icsponsc to thc nlicn intcivcntion.
Iittingly, Rnchcl Cnison hciscll oncc piophcticnlly idcn-
tincd thc vciy pioblcm thnt impcdcs oui nbility to icspond to
this cuiicnt ciisis: ¨Wc sti|| hovcn`t bccomc moturc cnough,¨
shc snid, ¨to thinl oj oursc|vcs os on|y o vcry tiny port oj o vost
onJ incrcJib|c univcrsc.¨ Clcnily wc hnvc long nccdcd n ncw
undcistnnding ol ouisclvcs, ol oui plncc in thc cosmos, nnd ol
lilc in thc Cicntci Community (thc lnigci physicnl nnd spiii-
tunl univcisc into which wc nic now cmciging). Ioitunntcly,
Thc A||ics oj Humonity scivcs ns n gntcwny into n suipiisingly
substnntinl body ol spiiitunl tcnchings nnd pincticcs thnt
piomiscs to inculcntc thc icquisitc spccics mntuiity with n
pcispcctivc thnt is ncithci cnithbound noi nnthiopoccntiic,
but instcnd is iootcd in oldci, dccpci, nnd moic univcisnl tin-
Ultimntcly, thc mcssngc ol Thc A||ics oj Humonity chnl-
lcngcs ncnily nll ol oui lundnmcntnl notions ol icnlity,
simultnncously giving us oui gicntcst oppoitunity loi
ndvnnccmcnt nnd oui gicntcst chnllcngc loi suivivnl. Vhilc
thc cuiicnt ciisis thicntcns oui scll-dctciminntion ns n
spccics, it mny nlso piovidc n much-nccdcd loundntion upon
which to biing unity to thc humnn incc ÷n ncni impossibil-
ity without this lnigci contcxt. Vith thc pcispcctivc ollcicd in
Thc A||ics oj Humonity nnd thc lnigci body ol tcnchings
icpicscntcd by Summcis, wc nic givcn both thc impcintivc
nnd thc inspiintion to |oin togcthci in n dccpci undcistnnding
to scivc thc luithci cvolution ol humnnity.

In his icpoit loi Timc Mogozinc`s icvicw ol thc 100 most
infucntinl voiccs ol thc 20th ccntuiy, ¡ctci Mntthciscn wiotc
ol Rnchcl Cnison, "Bcloic thcic wns nn cnviionmcntnl movc-
mcnt, thcic wns onc binvc womnn nnd hci vciy binvc book.¨
Somc ycnis liom now, wc mny bc nblc to similnily sny ol
Mnishnll Vinn Summcis: Bcloic thcic wns n humnn liccdom
movcmcnt to icsist thc cxtintciicstiinl Intcivcntion, thcic wns
onc binvc mnn nnd his vciy binvc mcssngc, Thc A||ics oj
Humonity. This timc, mny oui icsponsc bc moic swilt, moic
dccisivc, nnd moic unitcd.
1HL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY is bcing picscntcd to pic-
pnic pcoplc loi n wholc ncw icnlity thnt is lnigcly
hiddcn nnd uniccognizcd in thc woild todny. It pio-
vidcs n ncw pcispcctivc thnt cmpowcis pcoplc to lncc
thc gicntcst chnllcngc nnd oppoitunity thnt wc, ns n
incc, hnvc cvci cncountcicd. Thc Allics Biicnngs con-
tnin n numbci ol ciiticnl il not nlniming stntcmcnts
nbout thc giowing cxtintciicstiinl intcivcntion nnd
intcgintion into thc humnn incc nnd nbout thc
cxtintciicstiinl nctivitics nnd hiddcn ngcndn. Thc pui-
posc ol thc Allics Biicnngs is not to piovidc hnid
cvidcncc nbout thc icnlity ol thc LT visitntion to oui
woild, which is nlicndy wcll documcntcd in mnny
othci nnc books nnd icscnich |ouinnls on thc sub|cct.
Thc puiposc ol thc Allics Biicnngs is to nddicss thc
dinmntic nnd lni-icnching implicntions ol this phc-
nomcnon, to chnllcngc oui humnn tcndcncics nnd
nssumptions icgniding it nnd to nlcit thc humnn lnm-
ily to thc gicnt thicshold wc now lncc. Thc Biicnngs
piovidc n glimpsc into thc icnlity ol intclligcnt lilc in
thc Univcisc nnd whnt Contnct will icnlly mcnn. Ioi mnny
icndcis, whnt is icvcnlcd in THL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY will bc
cntiicly ncw. Ioi othcis, it will bc n connimntion ol things
thcy hnvc long lclt nnd known.
Though this book piovidcs nn uigcnt mcssngc, it is nlso
nbout moving townids n highci consciousncss cnllcd
"Knowlcdgc,¨ which includcs n gicntci tclcpnthic lncility
nmong pcoplc nnd bctwccn inccs. In light ol this, thc Allics
Biicnngs wcic tinnsmittcd to thc nuthoi liom n multi-incinl,
cxtintciicstiinl gioup ol individunls who iclci to thcmsclvcs
ns thc "Allics ol Humnnity.¨ Thcy dcsciibc thcmsclvcs ns
physicnl bcings liom othci woilds who hnvc gnthcicd in oui
solni systcm ncni thc Lnith loi thc puiposc ol obsciving thc
communicntions nnd nctivitics ol thosc nlicn inccs who nic
hcic in oui woild intcilciing in humnn nllniis. Thcy cmphn-
sizc thnt thcy thcmsclvcs nic not physicnlly picscnt in oui
woild nnd nic pioviding nccdcd wisdom, not tcchnology oi
Thc Allics Biicnngs wcic givcn to thc nuthoi ovci n onc-
ycni pciiod. Thcy ollci pcispcctivc nnd vision into n complcx
sub|cct which, dcspitc dccndcs ol mounting cvidcncc, contin-
ucs to bnlfc icscnichcis. Yct this pcispcctivc is not iomnntic,
spcculntivc oi idcnlistic in its nppionch to this sub|cct. To thc
continiy, it is bluntly icnlistic nnd uncompiomising to thc
point whcic it mny bc quitc chnllcnging, cvcn to n icndci who
is wcll vciscd in this sub|cct.
Thcicloic, to icccivc whnt this book hns to ollci icquiics
thnt you suspcnd, loi n momcnt nt lcnst, mnny ol thc bclicls,
nssumptions nnd qucstions thnt you mny hnvc nbout cxtintci-
icstiinl Contnct nnd cvcn nbout how this book wns icccivcd.
Thc contcnts ol this book nic likc n mcssngc in n bottlc scnt
hcic liom bcyond thc woild. Thus, wc should not bc so con-
ccincd nbout thc bottlc but nbout thc mcssngc itscll.
To tiuly undcistnnd this chnllcnging mcssngc, wc must
conliont nnd qucstion mnny ol thc picvniling nssumptions
nnd tcndcncics icgniding thc possibility nnd thc icnlity ol
Contnct. Thcsc includc:
÷ dcninl,
÷ hopclul cxpcctntion,
÷ misintcipicting thc cvidcncc to nlnim oui bclicls,
÷ wnnting nnd cxpccting snlvntion liom thc "visitois¨,
÷ bclicving thnt LT tcchnology will snvc us,
÷ lccling hopclcss nnd submissivc to whnt wc nssumc
is n supciioi loicc,
÷ dcmnnding govcinmcnt disclosuic but not LT dis-
÷ condcmning humnn lcndcis nnd institutions whilc
mnintnining unqucstioncd ncccptnncc ol thc "visi-
÷ nssuming thnt bccnusc thcy hnvc not nttnckcd oi
invndcd us, thcy must bc hcic loi oui good,
÷ nssuming thnt ndvnnccd tcchnology cqunls
ndvnnccd cthics nnd spiiitunlity,
÷ bclicving thnt this phcnomcnon is n mystciy whcn
in lnct it is n compichcnsiblc cvcnt,
÷ bclicving thnt LTs in somc wny hnvc clnim to
humnnity nnd to this plnnct,
÷ nnd bclicving thnt humnnity is iiicdccmnblc nnd
cnnnot mnkc it on its own.
Thc Allics Biicnngs chnllcngc such nssumptions nnd tcndcn-
cics nnd cxplodc mnny ol thc myths wc cuiicntly hnvc nbout
who is visiting us nnd why thcy nic hcic.
Thc Allics ol Humnnity Biicnngs givc us n gicntci pci-
spcctivc nnd n dccpci undcistnnding ol oui dcstiny within n
lnigci pnnoinmn ol intclligcnt lilc in thc Univcisc. In oidci to
nchicvc this, thc Allics do not spcnk to oui nnnlyticnl mind but
to Knowlcdgc, thc dccpci pnit ol oui bcing whcic thc tiuth,
howcvci cloudcd, cnn bc diicctly disccincd nnd cxpciicnccd.
THL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY will inisc mnny qucstions,
which will icquiic luithci cxplointion nnd contcmplntion. Its
locus is not to piovidc nnmcs, dntcs nnd plnccs but to piovidc
n pcispcctivc on thc LT picscncc in thc woild nnd on lilc in
thc Univcisc thnt wc ns humnn bcings could not othciwisc
hnvc. Vhilc still living in isolntion on thc suilncc ol oui woild,
wc cnnnot yct scc nnd know whnt is hnppcning icgniding
intclligcnt lilc bcyond oui boidcis. Ioi this wc nccd hclp, hclp
ol n vciy cxtinoidinniy kind. Vc mny not iccognizc oi ncccpt
such hclp nt nist. Yct it is hcic.
Thc Allics' stntcd puiposc is to nlcit us to thc iisks ol
cmciging into n Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc nnd to
nssist us in succcsslully ciossing this gicnt thicshold in such
n wny thnt humnn liccdom, sovcicignty nnd scll-dctciminn-
tion cnn bc picscivcd. Thc Allics nic hcic to ndvisc us ol thc
nccd loi humnnity to cstnblish oui own "Rulcs ol
Lngngcmcnt¨ duiing this unpicccdcntcd timc. Accoiding to
thc Allics, il wc nic wisc, picpnicd nnd unitcd, wc will thcn bc
nblc to tnkc oui dcstincd plncc ns n mntuic nnd licc incc in
thc Cicntci Community.

Ovci thc couisc ol timc thnt this sciics ol biicnngs occuiicd,
thc Allics icpcntcd ccitnin kcy idcns thnt thcy lclt wcic vitnl to
oui undcistnnding. Vc hnvc mnintnincd thcsc icitcintions in
thc book in oidci to picscivc thc intcntion nnd intcgiity ol
thcii communicntion. Bccnusc ol thc uigcnt nntuic ol thc
Allics' mcssngc nnd bccnusc ol thc loiccs in thc woild thnt
would opposc this mcssngc, thcic is n wisdom nnd n ncccssity
to thcsc icpctitions.
Iollowing thc publicntion ol THL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY
in 2001, thc Allics piovidcd n sccond sct ol Biicnngs to com-
plctc thcii vitnl mcssngc to humnnity. THL A|||LS OI
HUMAN|TY ßOOK TWO, publishcd in 2005, picscnts stnitling
ncw inloimntion on thc intcinctions bctwccn inccs in oui
locnl Univcisc nnd on thc nntuic, puiposc nnd most hiddcn
nctivitics ol thosc inccs who nic intcilciing in humnn nllniis.
Thnnks to thosc icndcis who lclt thc uigcncy ol thc Allics'
mcssngc nnd tinnslntcd thc Biicnngs into othci lnngungcs,
thcic is nn cxpnnding woildwidc nwnicncss ol thc icnlity ol
thc Intcivcntion.
Vc nt Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy considci thnt thcsc two
scts ol Biicnngs contnin whnt mny bc onc ol thc most impoi-
tnnt mcssngcs bcing communicntcd in thc woild todny. THL
A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY is not |ust nnothci book spcculnting
nbout thc UIO/LT phcnomcnon. It is n gcnuinc tinnsloimn-
tionnl mcssngc nimcd diicctly nt thc undcilying puiposc ol
thc nlicn Intcivcntion in oidci to inisc thc nwnicncss thnt
wc will nccd to lncc thc chnllcngcs nnd thc oppoitunitics thnt
lic nhcnd.
1hc Allics scivc humnnity bccnusc thcy scivc thc icclnmntion nnd
cxpicssion ol Knowlcdgc cvciywhcic in thc Cicntci Community. Thcy
icpicscnt thc Visc in mnny woilds who suppoit n gicntci puiposc in
lilc. Togcthci thcy shnic n gicntci Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom thnt cnn bc
tinnslciicd ncioss vnst distnnccs ol spncc nnd ncioss nll thc bound-
niics ol incc, cultuic, tcmpcinmcnt nnd cnviionmcnt. Thcii Visdom
is pcivnsivc. Thcii skill is gicnt. Thcii picscncc is hiddcn. Thcy icc-
ognizc you bccnusc thcy icnlizc thnt you nic nn cmciging incc,
cmciging into n vciy dilncult nnd compctitivc cnviionmcnt in thc
Cicntci Community.

Chnptci 15: Who Scrvcs Humonity¹
. . .Ovcr twcnty ycors ogo, o group oj
inJiviJuo|s jrom scvcro| Jijjcrcnt wor|Js
gothcrcJ ot o Jiscrcct |ocotion in our
so|or systcm ncor thc Lorth jor thc
purposc oj obscrving thc o|icn visitotion
thot is occurring in our wor|J. Irom thcir
hiJJcn vontogc point, thcy wcrc ob|c to
Jctcrminc thc iJcntity, orgonizotion onJ
intcntions oj thosc visiting our wor|J onJ
monitor thc visitors` octivitics.
This group oj obscrvcrs co|| thcmsc|vcs
thc ¨A||ics oj Humonity.¨
This is thcir rcport.

1 HL F I R S 1 8 R I L F I NG
The Lxlralerreslrial Presence
in lhe World Today
t is n gicnt honoi loi us to bc nblc to picscnt this
inloimntion to nll ol you who nic loitunntc cnough to
hcni this mcssngc. Vc nic thc Allics ol Humnnity.
This tinnsmission is bcing mndc possiblc by thc pics-
cncc ol thc Unsccn Oncs, thc spiiitunl counsclois
who ovciscc thc dcvclopmcnt ol intclligcnt lilc both
within youi woild nnd thioughout thc Cicntci
Community ol Voilds.
Vc nic not communicnting thiough nny
mcchnnicnl dcvicc, but thiough n spiiitunl chnnncl
thnt is licc liom intcilcicncc. Though wc livc in thc
physicnl, ns do you, wc nic givcn thc piivilcgc to com-
municntc in this wny in oidci to dclivci thc
inloimntion thnt wc must shnic with you.
Vc icpicscnt n smnll gioup who nic obsciving
thc cvcnts ol youi woild. Vc comc liom thc Cicntci
Community. Vc do not intcilcic in humnn nllniis. Vc
hnvc no cstnblishmcnt hcic. Vc hnvc bccn scnt loi n
vciy spccinc puiposc÷to witncss thc cvcnts thnt nic
occuiiing in youi woild nnd, givcn thc oppoitunity to
do so, to communicntc to you whnt wc scc nnd whnt
wc know. Ioi you livc on thc suilncc ol youi woild nnd cnn-
not scc thc nllniis thnt suiiound it. Noi cnn you scc clcnily
thc visitntion thnt is occuiiing in youi woild nt this timc oi
whnt it poitcnds loi youi lutuic.
Vc would likc to givc tcstimony to this. Vc nic doing so
nt thc icqucst ol thc Unsccn Oncs, loi wc hnvc bccn scnt loi
this puiposc. Thc inloimntion thnt wc nic nbout to impnit to
you mny sccm vciy chnllcnging nnd stnitling. It is pcihnps
uncxpcctcd by mnny who will hcni this mcssngc. Vc undci-
stnnd this dilnculty, loi wc hnvc hnd to lncc this within oui
own cultuics.
As you hcni thc inloimntion, it mny bc dilncult to ncccpt
nt nist, but it is vitnl loi nll who would scck to mnkc n contii-
bution in thc woild.
Ioi mnny ycnis wc hnvc bccn obsciving thc nllniis ol
youi woild. Vc scck no iclntions with humnnity. Vc nic not
hcic on n diplomntic mission. Vc hnvc bccn scnt by thc
Unsccn Oncs to livc in thc pioximity ol youi woild in oidci to
obscivc thc cvcnts wc nic nbout to dcsciibc.
Oui nnmcs nic not impoitnnt. Thcy would bc mcnning-
lcss to you. And wc shnll not impnit thcm loi oui own snlcty,
loi wc must icmnin hiddcn in oidci thnt wc mny scivc.
To bcgin, it is ncccssniy loi pcoplc cvciywhcic to undci-
stnnd thnt humnnity is cmciging into n Cicntci Community ol
intclligcnt lilc. Youi woild is bcing "visitcd¨ by scvcinl nlicn
inccs nnd by scvcinl dillcicnt oignnizntions ol inccs. This hns
bccn nctivcly going on loi somc timc. Thcic hnvc bccn visitn-
tions thioughout humnn histoiy, but nothing ol this
mngnitudc. Thc ndvcnt ol nuclcni wcnpons nnd thc dcstiuc-
tion ol youi nntuinl woild hnvc biought thcsc loiccs to youi
Thcic nic mnny pcoplc in thc woild todny, wc undci-
stnnd, who nic bcginning to icnlizc thnt this is occuiiing. And
wc undcistnnd ns wcll thnt thcic nic mnny intcipictntions ol
this visitntion÷whnt it could mcnn nnd whnt it could ollci.
And mnny ol thc pcoplc who nic nwnic ol thcsc
things nic vciy hopclul nnd nnticipntc n gicnt bcn-
cnt loi humnnity. Vc undcistnnd. It is nntuinl to
cxpcct this. It is nntuinl to bc hopclul.
Thc visitntion in youi woild now is vciy
cxtcnsivc, so much so thnt pcoplc in nll pnits ol
thc woild nic witncssing it nnd nic cxpciicncing its
cllccts diicctly. Vhnt hns biought thcsc "visitois¨
liom thc Cicntci Community, thcsc dillcicnt oign-
nizntions ol bcings, is not to piomotc thc
ndvnnccmcnt ol humnnity oi thc spiiitunl cducntion ol
humnnity. Vhnt hns biought thcsc loiccs to youi shoics in
such numbcis with such intcntion nic thc icsouiccs ol youi
This wc undcistnnd mny bc dilncult to ncccpt nt nist
bccnusc you cnnnot yct nppiccintc how bcnutilul youi woild
is, how much it posscsscs nnd whnt n inic |cwcl it is in n
Cicntci Community ol bniicn woilds nnd cmpty spncc.
Voilds such ns youis nic inic indccd. Most plnccs in thc
Cicntci Community thnt nic inhnbitcd now hnvc bccn colo-
nizcd, nnd tcchnology hns mndc this possiblc. But woilds
such ns youis whcic lilc hns cvolvcd nntuinlly, without thc nid
ol tcchnology, nic lni moic inic thnn you might icnlizc. Othcis
Jhe visilaliou iu your
world uow is very
exleusive, so uuch so
lhal people iu all parls
oí lhe world are
wiluessiug il aud are
experieuciug ils eííecls
tnkc gicnt noticc ol this, ol couisc, loi thc biologicnl icsouiccs
ol youi woild hnvc bccn uscd by scvcinl inccs loi millcnnin.
It is considcicd n stoichousc loi somc. And yct thc dcvclop-
mcnt ol humnn cultuic nnd dnngcious wcnpons nnd thc
dctciiointion ol thcsc icsouiccs hnvc cnuscd thc nlicn
¡cihnps you might wondci why diplomntic clloits nic
not cstnblishcd to contnct thc lcndcis ol humnnity. This is icn-
sonnblc to nsk, but thc dilnculty hcic is thnt thcic is no onc to
icpicscnt humnnity, loi youi pcoplc nic dividcd, nnd youi
nntions opposc onc nnothci. It is nlso nssumcd by thcsc visi-
tois thnt wc spcnk ol thnt you nic wnilikc nnd nggicssivc nnd
thnt you would biing hnim nnd hostility to thc univcisc
niound you dcspitc youi good qunlitics.
Thcicloic, in oui discouisc wc wnnt to givc you nn idcn
ol whnt is occuiiing, whnt it will mcnn loi humnnity nnd how
it is iclntcd to youi spiiitunl dcvclopmcnt, youi socinl dcvcl-
opmcnt nnd youi lutuic in thc woild nnd in thc Cicntci
Community ol Voilds itscll.
¡coplc nic unnwnic ol thc picscncc ol nlicn loiccs,
unnwnic ol thc picscncc ol icsouicc cxploicis, ol thosc who
would scck nn nllinncc with humnnity loi thcii own bcncnt.
¡cihnps wc should bcgin hcic by giving you nn idcn ol whnt
lilc is likc bcyond youi shoics, loi you hnvc not |ouincycd
nlni nnd cnnnot nccount loi thcsc things youiscll.
You livc in n pnit ol thc gnlnxy thnt is quitc inhnbitcd.
Not nll pnits ol thc gnlnxy nic so inhnbitcd. Thcic nic gicnt
uncxploicd icgions. Thcic nic mnny hiddcn inccs. Tindc nnd
commcicc bctwccn woilds nic only cniiicd on in ccitnin
nicns. Thc cnviionmcnt thnt you will cmcigc into is n vciy
compctitivc onc. Thc nccd loi icsouiccs is cxpciicnccd cvciy-
whcic, nnd mnny tcchnologicnl socictics hnvc outstiippcd
thcii woild's nntuinl icsouiccs nnd must tindc, bnitci nnd
tinvcl to gnin whnt thcy nccd. It is n vciy complicntcd situn-
tion. Mnny nllinnccs nic loimcd nnd conficts do occui.
¡cihnps nt this point it is ncccssniy to icnlizc thnt thc
Cicntci Community into which you nic cmciging is n dilncult
cnviionmcnt nnd n chnllcnging onc, nnd yct it biings gicnt
oppoitunity nnd gicnt possibilitics loi humnnity. Howcvci, loi
thcsc possibilitics nnd thcsc ndvnntngcs to bc icnlizcd,
humnnity must picpnic nnd comc to lcnin whnt lilc in thc uni-
vcisc is likc. And it must comc to undcistnnd whnt spiiitunlity
mcnns within n Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc.
Vc undcistnnd liom oui own histoiy thnt this is thc
gicntcst thicshold thnt nny woild will cvci lncc. It is not somc-
thing, howcvci, thnt you cnn plnn loi youiscll. It is not
somcthing thnt you cnn dcsign loi youi own lutuic. Ioi thc
vciy loiccs thnt would biing thc Cicntci Community icnlity
hcic nic nlicndy picscnt in thc woild. Ciicumstnnccs hnvc
biought thcm hcic. Thcy nic hcic.
¡cihnps this givcs you nn idcn ol whnt lilc is likc bcyond
youi boidcis. Vc do not wnnt to cicntc nn idcn thnt is lcnilul,
but it is ncccssniy loi youi own wcll-bcing nnd loi youi lutuic
thnt you hnvc nn honcst nppinisnl nnd cnn comc to scc thcsc
things clcnily.
Thc nccd to picpnic loi lilc in thc Cicntci Community,
wc lccl, is thc gicntcst nccd thcic is in youi woild todny. And
yct, liom oui obscivntion, pcoplc nic picoccupicd with thcii
own nllniis nnd thcii own pioblcms in thcii dnily livcs,
unnwnic ol thc gicntci loiccs thnt will chnngc thcii dcstiny
nnd nllcct thcii lutuic.
Thc loiccs nnd gioups who nic hcic todny icpicscnt scv-
cinl dillcicnt nllinnccs. Thcsc dillcicnt nllinnccs nic not
unitcd with cnch othci in thcii clloits. Lnch nllinncc icpic-
scnts scvcinl dillcicnt incinl gioups who nic collnbointing loi
thc puiposc ol gnining ncccss to youi woild's icsouiccs nnd
mnintnining this ncccss. Thcsc dillcicnt nllinnccs nic, in
csscncc, compcting with cnch othci though thcy nic not nt
wni with onc nnothci. Thcy scc youi woild ns n gicnt piizc,
somcthing thcy wnnt to hnvc loi thcmsclvcs.
This cicntcs n vciy gicnt chnllcngc loi youi pcoplc, loi
thc loiccs who nic visiting you not only hnvc ndvnnccd tcch-
nology, but nlso stiong socinl cohcsion nnd nic
nblc to inllucncc thought in thc Mcntnl
Lnviionmcnt. You scc, in thc Cicntci Community,
tcchnology is cnsily ncquiicd, nnd so thc gicnt
ndvnntngc bctwccn compcting socictics is thc
nbility to infucncc thought. This hns tnkcn on
vciy sophisticntcd dcmonstintions. It icpicscnts n sct ol skills
thnt humnnity is only bcginning to discovci.
As n icsult, youi visitois do not comc nimcd with gicnt
wcnpons oi with nimics oi with nimndns ol vcsscls. Thcy
comc in iclntivcly smnll gioups, but thcy posscss considcinblc
skill in infucncing pcoplc. This icpicscnts n moic sophisti-
cntcd nnd mntuic usc ol powci in thc Cicntci Community. It
is this nbility thnt humnnity will hnvc to cultivntc in thc lutuic
il it is to contcnd with othci inccs succcsslully.
Jhe íorces aud groups
who are here loday
represeul several
diííereul alliauces.
Thc visitois nic hcic to gnin humnnity's nllcginncc. Thcy
do not wnnt to dcstioy humnn cstnblishmcnts oi thc humnn
picscncc. Instcnd, thcy wish to usc thcsc loi thcii own bcnc-
nt. Thcii intcntion is cmploymcnt, not dcstiuction. Thcy lccl
thnt thcy nic in thc iight bccnusc thcy bclicvc thnt thcy nic
snving thc woild. Somc cvcn bclicvc thnt thcy nic snving
humnnity liom itscll. But this pcispcctivc docs not scivc youi
gicntci intcicsts, noi docs it lostci wisdom oi scll-dctciminn-
tion within thc humnn lnmily.
Yct bccnusc thcic nic loiccs ol good within thc Cicntci
Community ol Voilds, you hnvc nllics. Vc icpicscnt thc
voicc ol youi nllics, thc Allics ol Humnnity. Vc nic not hcic
to usc youi icsouiccs oi to tnkc liom you whnt you
posscss. Vc do not scck to cstnblish humnnity ns
n clicnt stntc oi ns n colony loi oui own uscs.
Instcnd, wc wish to lostci sticngth nnd wisdom
within humnnity bccnusc wc suppoit this thiough-
out thc Cicntci Community.
Oui iolc, thcn, is quitc csscntinl, nnd oui
inloimntion is vciy nccdcd bccnusc nt this timc cvcn pcoplc
who nic nwnic ol thc picscncc ol thc visitois nic not yct nwnic
ol thcii intcntions. ¡coplc do not undcistnnd thc visitois'
mcthods. And thcy do not compichcnd thc visitois' cthics oi
moinlity. ¡coplc think thc visitois nic cithci nngcls oi mon-
stcis. But in icnlity, thcy nic vciy much likc you in thcii
nccds. Il you could scc thc woild thiough thcii cycs, you
would undcistnnd thcii consciousncss nnd thcii motivntion.
But to do thnt, you would hnvc to vcntuic bcyond youi own.
Thc visitois nic cngngcd in loui lundnmcntnl nctivitics in
Jhe visilors are
eugaged iu íour
íuudaueulal aclivilies iu
order lo gaiu iuNueuce
wilhiu your world.
oidci to gnin infucncc within youi woild. Lnch ol thcsc nctiv-
itics is uniquc, but thcy nic nll cooidinntcd togcthci. Thcy nic
bcing cniiicd out bccnusc humnnity hns bccn studicd loi n
long timc. Humnn thought, humnn bchnvioi, humnn physiol-
ogy nnd humnn icligion hnvc bccn studicd loi somc timc.
Thcsc nic wcll undcistood by youi visitois nnd will bc uscd
loi thcii own puiposcs.
Thc nist nicn ol nctivity ol thc visitois is to infucncc
individunls in positions ol powci nnd nuthoiity. Bccnusc thc
visitois do not wnnt to dcstioy nnything in thc woild oi hnim
thc woild's icsouiccs, thcy scck to gnin infucncc
ovci thosc whom thcy pciccivc to bc in positions
ol powci, within govcinmcnt nnd icligion piimni-
ily. Thcy scck contnct, but only with ccitnin
individunls. Thcy hnvc thc powci to mnkc this
contnct, nnd thcy hnvc thc powci ol pcisunsion.
Not nll whom thcy contnct will bc pcisundcd, but
mnny will bc. Thc piomisc ol gicntci powci,
gicntci tcchnology nnd woild dominntion will
intiiguc nnd incitc mnny individunls. And it is
thcsc individunls with whom thc visitois will scck
to cstnblish n linison.
Thcic nic vciy lcw pcoplc in thc govcinmcnts ol thc
woild who nic bcing so nllcctcd, but thcii numbcis nic giow-
ing. Thc visitois undcistnnd thc hicinichy ol powci bccnusc
thcy thcmsclvcs livc by it, lollowing thcii own chnin ol com-
mnnd, you might sny. Thcy nic highly oignnizcd nnd vciy
locuscd in thcii cndcnvois, nnd thc idcn ol hnving cultuics
lull ol licc-thinking individunls is lnigcly loicign to thcm. Thcy
Jhe prouise oí grealer
power, grealer lech·
uology aud world
douiualiou will iulrigue
aud iucile uauy
iudividuals. ^ud il is
lhese iudividuals wilh
whou lhe visilors will
seek lo eslablish a
do not compichcnd oi undcistnnd individunl liccdom. Thcy
nic likc mnny tcchnologicnlly ndvnnccd socictics in thc
Cicntci Community who lunction both within thcii icspcctivc
woilds nnd in thcii cstnblishmcnts ncioss vnst icnchcs ol
spncc, utilizing n vciy wcll-cstnblishcd nnd iigid loim ol gov-
cinmcnt nnd oignnizntion. Thcy bclicvc thnt humnnity is
chnotic nnd uniuly, nnd thcy lccl thcy nic biinging oidci to n
situntion thnt thcy cnnnot thcmsclvcs compichcnd.
Individunl liccdom is unknown to thcm, nnd thcy do not scc
its vnluc. As n icsult, whnt thcy scck to cstnblish in thc woild
will not honoi this liccdom.
Thcicloic, thcii nist nicn ol cndcnvoi is to cstnblish n
linison with individunls in positions ol powci nnd infucncc in
oidci to gnin thcii nllcginncc nnd to pcisundc thcm ol thc bcn-
cncinl nspccts ol iclntionship nnd shnicd puiposc.
Thc sccond nvcnuc ol nctivity, which is pcihnps thc most
dilncult to considci liom youi pcispcctivc, is thc mnnipuln-
tion ol icligious vnlucs nnd impulscs. Thc visitois undcistnnd
thnt humnnity's gicntcst nbilitics nlso icpicscnt its gicntcst
vulncinbility. ¡coplc's longing loi individunl icdcmption icp-
icscnts onc ol thc gicntcst nsscts thc humnn lnmily hns to
ollci, cvcn to thc Cicntci Community. But it is nlso youi
wcnkncss. And it is thcsc impulscs nnd thcsc vnlucs thnt will
bc uscd.
Scvcinl gioups ol thc visitois wish to cstnblish thcm-
sclvcs ns spiiitunl ngcnts bccnusc thcy know how to spcnk in
thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt. Thcy cnn communicntc to pcoplc
diicctly, nnd unloitunntcly, bccnusc thcic nic vciy lcw pcoplc
in thc woild who cnn disccin thc dillcicncc bctwccn n
spiiitunl voicc nnd thc visitois' voicc, thc situntion bccomcs
vciy dilncult.
Thcicloic, thc sccond nicn ol nctivity is to gnin pcoplc's
nllcginncc thiough thcii icligious nnd spiiitunl motivntions.
Actunlly, this cnn bc donc quitc cnsily bccnusc humnnity is
not yct stiong oi dcvclopcd in thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt. It is
dilncult loi pcoplc to disccin whcic thcsc impulscs nic com-
ing liom. Mnny pcoplc wnnt to givc thcmsclvcs to nnything
thcy think hns n gicntci voicc nnd n gicntci powci. Youi visi-
tois cnn pio|cct imngcs÷imngcs ol youi snints, ol youi
tcnchcis, ol nngcls÷imngcs thnt nic hcld dcni nnd sncicd
within youi woild. Thcy hnvc cultivntcd this nbility thiough
mnny, mnny ccntuiics ol nttcmpting to infucncc cnch othci
nnd by lcnining thc wnys ol pcisunsion thnt nic pincticcd in
mnny plnccs in thc Cicntci Community. Thcy considci you
piimitivc, nnd so thcy lccl thcy cnn cxcit this infucncc nnd
usc thcsc mcthods upon you.
Hcic thcic is nn nttcmpt to contnct thosc individunls
who nic considcicd scnsitivc, icccptivc nnd nntuinlly givcn to
bc coopcintivc. Mnny pcoplc will bc sclcctcd, but n lcw will
bc choscn bnscd upon thcsc pniticulni qunlitics. Youi visitois
will scck to gnin nllcginncc with thcsc individunls, to gnin
thcii tiust nnd to gnin thcii dcvotion, tclling thc iccipicnts thnt
thc visitois nic hcic to uplilt humnnity spiiitunlly, to givc
humnnity ncw hopc, ncw blcssings nnd ncw powci÷indccd
piomising thc things thnt pcoplc wnnt so dcnily but hnvc not
yct lound thcmsclvcs. ¡cihnps you mny wondci, "How cnn
such n thing occui!¨ But wc cnn nssuic you thnt it is not dil-
ncult oncc you lcnin thcsc skills nnd nbilitics.
Thc clloit hcic is to pncily nnd to iccducntc pcoplc
thiough spiiitunl pcisunsion. This "¡ncincntion ¡ioginm¨ is
uscd dillcicntly with dillcicnt icligious gioups dcpcnding
upon thcii idcnls nnd thcii tcmpcinmcnt. It is nlwnys nimcd
nt icccptivc individunls. Hcic it is hopcd thnt pcoplc will losc
thcii scnsc ol disccinmcnt nnd will bccomc wholly tiusting ol
thc gicntci powci thnt thcy lccl is bcing givcn to thcm by thc
visitois. Oncc this nllcginncc is cstnblishcd, it bccomcs
incicnsingly dilncult loi pcoplc to disccin whnt thcy know
within thcmsclvcs liom whnt is bcing told to thcm. It is n vciy
subtlc but vciy pcivnsivc loim ol pcisunsion nnd mnnipuln-
tion. Vc shnll spcnk moic on this ns wc piocccd.
Lct us now mcntion thc thiid nicn ol nctivity, which is to
cstnblish thc visitois' picscncc in thc woild nnd to hnvc pco-
plc bccomc uscd to this picscncc. Thcy wnnt humnnity to
bccomc ncclimntcd to this vciy gicnt chnngc thnt is occuiiing
in youi midst÷to hnvc you bccomc ncclimntcd to thc visi-
tois' physicnl picscncc nnd to thcii cllcct on youi own Mcntnl
Lnviionmcnt. To scivc this puiposc, thcy will cicntc cstnb-
lishmcnts hcic, though not in vicw. Thcsc cstnblishmcnts will
bc hiddcn, but thcy will bc vciy powcilul in cnsting nn infu-
cncc on humnn populntions thnt nic ncni thcm. Thc visitois
will tnkc gicnt cnic nnd timc to mnkc suic thnt thcsc cstnb-
lishmcnts nic cllcctivc nnd thnt cnough pcoplc nic in
nllcginncc to thcm. It is thcsc pcoplc who will gunid nnd pic-
scivc thc visitois' picscncc.
This is cxnctly whnt is occuiiing in youi woild nt this
timc. It icpicscnts n gicnt chnllcngc nnd unloitunntcly n gicnt
iisk. This vciy snmc thing thnt wc nic dcsciibing hns
hnppcncd so mnny timcs in so mnny plnccs in thc Cicntci
Community. And cmciging inccs such ns youi own nic nlwnys
thc most vulncinblc. Somc cmciging inccs nic nblc to cstnb-
lish thcii own nwnicncss, nbility nnd coopcintion to thc cxtcnt
thnt thcy cnn ollsct outsidc infucnccs such ns thcsc nnd
cstnblish n picscncc nnd n position in thc Cicntci
Community. Yct mnny inccs, bcloic thcy cvcn nttnin this licc-
dom, lnll undci thc contiol nnd infucncc ol loicign powcis.
Vc undcistnnd thnt this inloimntion mny incitc consid-
cinblc lcni nnd pcihnps dcninl oi conlusion. But ns wc
obscivc cvcnts, wc icnlizc thnt thcic nic vciy lcw
pcoplc who nic nwnic ol thc situntion ns it nctu-
nlly cxists. Lvcn thosc pcoplc who nic bccoming
nwnic ol thc picscncc ol nlicn loiccs nic not in n
position nnd do not hnvc thc vnntngc point liom
which thcy cnn scc thc situntion clcnily. And bcing
cvci hopclul nnd optimistic, thcy scck to givc this gicnt phc-
nomcnon ns much positivc mcnning ns thcy cnn.
Howcvci, thc Cicntci Community is n compctitivc
cnviionmcnt, n dilncult cnviionmcnt. Thosc who cngngc in
spncc tinvcl do not ncccssniily icpicscnt thc spiiitunlly
ndvnnccd, loi thosc who nic spiiitunlly ndvnnccd scck insu-
lntion liom thc Cicntci Community. Thcy do not scck
commcicc. Thcy do not scck to infucncc othci inccs oi to
cngngc in thc vciy complcx niiny ol iclntionships thnt nic
cstnblishcd loi mutunl tindc nnd bcncnt. Instcnd, thc spiiitu-
nlly ndvnnccd scck to icmnin hiddcn. This is n vciy dillcicnt
undcistnnding, pcihnps, but n ncccssniy onc loi you to comc
to compichcnd thc gicnt picdicnmcnt thnt humnnity is lncing.
Jhose who eugage iu
space lravel do uol
uecessarily represeul lhe
spirilualily advauced, . . .
Yct this picdicnmcnt holds gicnt possibilitics. Vc would likc
to spcnk nbout thcsc now.
Dcspitc thc ginvity ol thc situntion thnt wc nic dcsciib-
ing, wc do not lccl thnt thcsc ciicumstnnccs nic n tingcdy loi
humnnity. Indccd, il thcsc ciicumstnnccs cnn bc iccognizcd
nnd undcistood, nnd il thc picpnintion loi thc
Cicntci Community, which now cxists in thc
woild, cnn bc utilizcd, studicd nnd npplicd, thcn
pcoplc cvciywhcic ol good conscicncc will hnvc
thc nbility to lcnin Cicntci Community Knowlcdgc
nnd Visdom. Thus, pcoplc cvciywhcic will bc
nblc to nnd thc bnsis loi coopcintion so thnt thc
humnn lnmily cnn nnnlly cstnblish n unity thnt hns
ncvci bccn cstnblishcd hcic bcloic. Ioi it will tnkc thc ovci-
shndowing ol thc Cicntci Community to unitc humnnity. And
this ovcishndowing is occuiiing now.
It is youi cvolution to cmcigc into n Cicntci Community
ol intclligcnt lilc. It will hnppcn whcthci you nic picpnicd oi
not. It must occui. ¡icpnintion, thcn, bccomcs thc kcy.
Undcistnnding nnd clniity÷thcsc nic thc things thnt nic ncc-
cssniy nnd nccdcd in youi woild nt this timc.
¡coplc cvciywhcic hnvc gicnt spiiitunl gilts thnt cnn
cnnblc thcm to scc nnd to know clcnily. Thcsc gilts nic
nccdcd now. Thcy nccd to bc iccognizcd, cmploycd nnd
shnicd liccly. It is not mcicly up to n gicnt tcnchci oi n gicnt
snint in youi woild to do this. It must bc cultivntcd by mnny
moic pcoplc now. Ioi thc situntion biings with it ncccssity,
nnd il ncccssity cnn bc cmbinccd, it biings with it gicnt
People everywhere
have greal spirilual giíls
lhal cau euable lheu lo
see aud lo kuow clearly.
Jhese giíls are ueeded
Howcvci, thc icquiicmcnts to lcnin nbout thc Cicntci
Community nnd to bcgin to cxpciicncc Cicntci Community
Spiiitunlity nic ticmcndous. Ncvci bcloic hnvc humnn bcings
hnd to lcnin such things in such n shoit pciiod ol timc.
Indccd, such things hnvc inicly bccn lcnincd cvci by nnyonc
in youi woild bcloic. But now thc nccd hns chnngcd. Thc
ciicumstnnccs nic dillcicnt. Now thcic nic ncw infucnccs
in youi midst, infucnccs thnt you cnn lccl nnd thnt you
cnn know.
Thc visitois scck to disnblc pcoplc liom hnving this
vision nnd this Knowlcdgc within thcmsclvcs, loi youi visitois
do not hnvc it within thcmsclvcs. Thcy do not scc its vnluc.
Thcy do not undcistnnd its icnlity. In this, humnnity ns n
wholc is moic ndvnnccd thnn thcy nic. But this is only n
potcntinl, n potcntinl which must now bc cultivntcd.
Thc nlicn picscncc in thc woild is giowing. It is giowing
cvciy dny, cvciy ycni. Mnny moic pcoplc nic lnlling undci its
pcisunsion, losing thcii nbility to know, bccoming conluscd
nnd distinctcd, bclicving in things thnt cnn only wcnkcn thcm
nnd mnkc thcm impotcnt in thc lncc ol thosc who would scck
to usc thcm loi thcii own puiposcs.
Humnnity is nn cmciging incc. It is vulncinblc. It is lnc-
ing n sct ol ciicumstnnccs nnd infucnccs now which it hns
ncvci hnd to lncc bcloic. You hnvc only cvolvcd to compctc
with cnch othci. You hnvc ncvci hnd to compctc with othci
loims ol intclligcnt lilc. Yct it is this compctition thnt will
sticngthcn you nnd will cnll loith youi gicntcst nttiibutcs il thc
situntion cnn bc clcnily sccn nnd undcistood.
It is thc iolc ol thc Unsccn Oncs to lostci this sticngth.
Thc Unsccn Oncs, whom you would iightly cnll nngcls, do not
only spcnk to thc humnn hcnit but to hcnits cvciywhcic who
nic nblc to listcn nnd who hnvc gnincd thc liccdom to listcn.
Vc comc, thcn, with n dilncult mcssngc, but n mcssngc
ol piomisc nnd hopc. ¡cihnps it is not thc mcssngc thnt pco-
plc wnnt to hcni. It is ccitninly not thc mcssngc thnt thc
visitois would piomotc. It is n mcssngc thnt cnn bc shnicd
liom pcison to pcison, nnd it will bc shnicd bccnusc it is nnt-
uinl to do so. Yct thc visitois nnd thosc who hnvc comc undci
thcii pcisunsion will opposc such nn nwnicncss. Thcy do not
wnnt to scc nn indcpcndcnt humnnity. Thnt is not thcii pui-
posc. Thcy do not cvcn bclicvc it is bcncncinl. Thcicloic, it is
oui sinccic dcsiic thnt thcsc idcns bc considcicd without ticp-
idntion, but with n sciious mind nnd n dccp conccin thnt nic
wcll |ustincd hcic.
Thcic nic mnny pcoplc in thc woild todny, wc undci-
stnnd, who lccl thnt n gicnt chnngc is coming loi humnnity.
Thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc told us thcsc things. Mnny cnuscs nic
nttiibutcd to this scnsc ol chnngc. And mnny outcomcs nic
picdictcd. Yct unlcss you cnn bcgin to compichcnd thc icnlity
thnt humnnity is cmciging into n Cicntci Community ol intcl-
ligcnt lilc, you do not yct hnvc thc iight contcxt loi
undcistnnding thc dcstiny ol humnnity oi thc gicnt chnngc
thnt is occuiiing in thc woild.
Iiom oui pcispcctivc, pcoplc nic boin into thcii timc to
scivc thnt timc. This is n tcnching in Cicntci Community
Spiiitunlity, n tcnching ol which wc nic studcnts ns wcll. It
tcnchcs liccdom nnd thc powci ol shnicd puiposc. It ginnts
nuthoiity to thc individunl nnd to thc individunl who cnn |oin
with othcis÷idcns which nic inicly ncccptcd oi ndoptcd in
thc Cicntci Community, loi thc Cicntci Community is not thc
hcnvcnly stntc. It is n physicnl icnlity with thc iigois ol sui-
vivnl nnd nll thnt thnt cntnils. All bcings within this icnlity
must contcnd with thcsc nccds nnd issucs. And in this, youi
visitois nic moic likc you thnn you icnlizc. Thcy nic not
incompichcnsiblc. Thcy would scck to bc incompichcnsiblc,
but thcy cnn bc undcistood. You hnvc thc powci to do this,
but you must scc with clcni cycs. You must scc with n gicntci
vision nnd know with n gicntci intclligcncc, which you hnvc
thc possibility to cultivntc within youisclvcs.
It is ncccssniy loi us now to spcnk moic icgniding thc
sccond nicn ol infucncc nnd pcisunsion bccnusc this hns
gicnt impoitnncc, nnd it is oui sinccic dcsiic thnt you will
undcistnnd thcsc things nnd considci thcm loi youiscll.
Thc icligions ol thc woild hold thc kcy to humnn
dcdicntion nnd humnn nllcginncc, moic thnn govcinmcnts,
moic thnn nny othci institution. This spcnks wcll loi humnn-
ity bccnusc icligions such ns thcsc nic oltcn hnid to nnd in thc
Cicntci Community. Youi woild is iich in this icspcct, but
youi sticngth is nlso whcic you nic wcnk nnd vulncinblc.
Mnny pcoplc wnnt to bc divincly guidcd nnd nppointcd, to
givc ovci thc icins ol thcii own livcs nnd to hnvc n gicntci
spiiitunl powci diicct thcm, counscl thcm nnd picscivc thcm.
This is n gcnuinc dcsiic, but within n Cicntci Community
contcxt, considcinblc wisdom must bc cultivntcd in oidci loi
this dcsiic to bc lulnllcd. It is vciy snd loi us to scc how pco-
plc will givc thcii nuthoiity nwny so cnsily÷somcthing thcy
hnvc ncvci cvcn lully hnd, thcy will givc nwny willingly to
thosc who nic unknown to thcm.
This mcssngc is dcstincd to icnch pcoplc who hnvc n
gicntci spiiitunl nlnnity. Thcicloic, it is ncccssniy thnt wc
clnbointc on this sub|cct. Vc ndvocntc n spiiitunlity thnt is
tnught in thc Cicntci Community, not thc spiiitunlity thnt is
govcincd by nntions, govcinmcnts oi politicnl nllinnccs, but n
nntuinl spiiitunlity÷thc nbility to know, to scc
nnd to nct. And yct this is not cmphnsizcd by youi
visitois. Thcy scck to hnvc pcoplc bclicvc thnt thc
visitois nic thcii lnmily, thnt thc visitois nic thcii
homc, thnt thc visitois nic thcii biothcis nnd sis-
tcis, thcii mothcis nnd lnthcis. Mnny pcoplc wnnt
to bclicvc, nnd so thcy bclicvc. ¡coplc wnnt to givc ovci thcii
pcisonnl nuthoiity, nnd so it is givcn ovci. ¡coplc wnnt to scc
liicnds nnd snlvntion in thc visitois, nnd so this is whnt thcy
nic shown.
It will tnkc gicnt sobiicty nnd ob|cctivity in oidci to scc
thiough thcsc dcccptions nnd thcsc dilncultics. It will bc ncc-
cssniy loi pcoplc to do this il humnnity is to succcsslully
cmcigc into thc Cicntci Community nnd mnintnin its liccdom
nnd its scll-dctciminntion in nn cnviionmcnt ol gicntci
infucnccs nnd gicntci loiccs. In this, youi woild could
bc ovcitnkcn without niing n shot, loi violcncc is considcicd
piimitivc nnd ciudc nnd is inicly cmploycd in mnttcis such
ns this.
¡cihnps you mny nsk, "Docs this mcnn thnt thcic is nn
invnsion ol oui woild!¨ Vc must sny thnt thc nnswci to this
People waul lo see
írieuds aud salvaliou iu
lhe visilors, aud so lhis
is whal lhey are showu.
is "ycs,¨ nn invnsion ol thc most subtlc kind. Il you cnn cntci-
tnin thcsc thoughts nnd considci thcm sciiously, you will bc
nblc to scc thcsc things loi youiscll. Thc cvidcncc ol this invn-
sion is cvciywhcic. You cnn scc how humnn nbility is ollsct
by thc dcsiic loi hnppincss, pcncc nnd sccuiity, how pcoplc's
vision nnd nbility to know nic hnmpcicd by infucnccs cvcn
within thcii own cultuics. How much gicntci thcsc infucnccs
will bc within n Cicntci Community cnviionmcnt.
This is thc dilncult mcssngc thnt wc must picscnt. This is
thc mcssngc thnt must bc snid, thc tiuth thnt must bc spokcn,
thc tiuth thnt is vitnl nnd cnnnot wnit. It is so ncccssniy loi
pcoplc now to lcnin n gicntci Knowlcdgc, n gicntci Visdom
nnd n gicntci Spiiitunlity so thnt thcy mny nnd thcii tiuc nbil-
itics nnd bc nblc to usc thcm cllcctivcly.
Youi liccdom is nt stnkc. Thc lutuic ol youi woild is nt
stnkc. It is bccnusc ol this thnt wc hnvc bccn scnt hcic to
spcnk loi thc Allics ol Humnnity. Thcic nic thosc in thc uni-
vcisc who nic kccping Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom nlivc nnd who
pincticc n Cicntci Community Spiiitunlity. Thcy do not tinvcl
nll nbout, cnsting infucncc ovci dillcicnt woilds. Thcy do not
tnkc pcoplc ngninst thcii will. Thcy do not stcnl youi nnimnls
nnd youi plnnts. Thcy do not cnst infucncc ovci youi gov-
cinmcnts. Thcy do not scck to biccd with humnnity in oidci
to cicntc n ncw lcndciship hcic. Youi nllics do not intcilcic in
humnn nllniis. Thcy do not mnnipulntc humnn dcstiny. Thcy
wntch liom nlni nnd thcy scnd cmissniics such ns ouisclvcs,
nt gicnt iisk to us, to givc counscl nnd cncouingcmcnt nnd to
clniily things whcn thnt bccomcs ncccssniy. Vc, thcicloic,
comc in pcncc with n vitnl mcssngc.
Now wc must spcnk ol thc louith nicn in which youi vis-
itois scck to cstnblish thcmsclvcs, nnd thnt is thiough
intcibiccding. Thcy cnnnot livc in youi cnviionmcnt. Thcy
nccd youi physicnl stnminn. Thcy nccd youi nntuinl nlnnity
with thc woild. Thcy nccd youi icpioductivc nbilitics. Thcy
nlso wnnt to bond with you bccnusc thcy undcistnnd thnt this
cicntcs nllcginncc. This, in n wny, cstnblishcs thcii picscncc
hcic bccnusc thc ollspiing ol such n pioginm will hnvc blood
iclntions in thc woild nnd yct will hnvc nllcginncc to thc visi-
tois. ¡cihnps this sccms incicdiblc, yct it is so vciy icnl.
Thc visitois nic not hcic to tnkc youi icpioductivc nbili-
tics nwny liom you. Thcy nic hcic to cstnblish thcmsclvcs.
Thcy wnnt humnnity to bclicvc in thcm nnd to scivc thcm.
Thcy wnnt humnnity to woik loi thcm. Thcy will piomisc nny-
thing, ollci nnything nnd do nnything to nchicvc this gonl. Yct
though thcii pcisunsion is gicnt, thcii numbcis nic smnll. But
thcii infucncc is giowing nnd thcii pioginm ol intcibiccding,
which hns bccn undciwny loi scvcinl gcncintions, will cvcn-
tunlly bc cllcctivc. Thcic will bc humnn bcings ol gicntci
intclligcncc but who do not icpicscnt thc humnn lnmily. Such
things nic possiblc nnd hnvc occuiicd countlcss timcs in thc
Cicntci Community. You hnvc only to look nt youi own his-
toiy to scc thc impnct ol cultuics nnd inccs upon onc nnothci
nnd to scc how dominnting nnd how infucntinl thcsc intcinc-
tions cnn bc.
Thus, wc biing with us impoitnnt ncws, sciious ncws.
But you must tnkc hcnit, loi this is not n timc loi nmbivnlcncc.
This is not n timc to scck cscnpc. This is not n timc to conccin
youiscll with youi own hnppincss. This is n timc to contiibutc
to thc woild, to sticngthcn thc humnn lnmily nnd to cnll loith
thosc nntuinl nbilitics thnt cxist in pcoplc÷thc nbility to scc,
to know nnd to nct in hnimony with onc nnothci. Thcsc nbil-
itics cnn ollsct thc infucncc thnt is bcing cnst upon humnnity
nt this timc, but thcsc nbilitics must giow nnd bc shnicd. It is
ol thc utmost impoitnncc.
This is oui counscl. It comcs with good intcn-
tions. Bc glnd thnt you hnvc nllics in thc Cicntci
Community, loi nllics you will nccd. You nic cntci-
ing n gicntci univcisc, nllcd with loiccs nnd
infucnccs thnt you hnvc not yct lcnincd how to
countcinct. You nic cntciing n gicntci pnnoinmn
ol lilc. And you must picpnic loi this. Oui woids
nic but pnit ol thc picpnintion. A picpnintion is
bcing scnt into thc woild now. It docs not comc
liom us. It comcs liom thc Cicntoi ol nll lilc. It
comcs nt |ust thc iight timc. Ioi this is thc timc loi humnnity
to bccomc stiong nnd wisc. You hnvc thc nbility to do this.
And thc cvcnts nnd ciicumstnnccs ol youi lilc cicntc n gicnt
nccd loi this.
Jhis is uol a liue lo
seek escape. Jhis is uol
a liue lo couceru
yourselí wilh your owu
happiuess. Jhis is a liue
lo coulribule lo lhe
world, lo slreuglheu lhe
huuau íauily . . .
The Challenge lo
Human lreedom
umnnity is nppionching n vciy dnngcious nnd
vciy impoitnnt timc in its collcctivc dcvclop-
mcnt. You nic on thc vcigc ol cmciging into n Cicntci
Community ol intclligcnt lilc. You will bc cncountci-
ing othci inccs ol bcings who nic coming to youi
woild sccking to piotcct thcii intcicsts nnd to discovci
whnt oppoitunitics mny lic nhcnd. Thcy nic not nngcls
oi nngclic bcings. Thcy nic not spiiitunl cntitics. Thcy
nic bcings who nic coming to youi woild loi
icsouiccs, loi nllinnccs nnd to gnin nn ndvnntngc in
nn cmciging woild. Thcy nic not cvil. Thcy nic not
holy. In thnt, thcy nic nlso much likc you. Thcy nic
simply diivcn by thcii nccds, thcii nssocintions, thcii
bclicls nnd thcii collcctivc gonls.
This is n vciy gicnt timc loi humnnity, but
humnnity is not picpnicd. Iiom oui vnntngc point, wc
cnn scc this on n lnigci scnlc. Vc do not involvc oui-
sclvcs with thc dnily livcs ol individunls in thc woild.
Vc do not nttcmpt to pcisundc govcinmcnts oi to lny
clnim to ccitnin pnits ol thc woild oi to ccitnin
icsouiccs thnt cxist hcic. Instcnd, wc obscivc, nnd wc
wish to icpoit whnt wc obscivc, loi this is oui mission in
bcing hcic.
Thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc told us thnt thcic nic mnny pco-
plc todny who lccl n stinngc discomloit, n scnsc ol vnguc
uigcncy, n lccling thnt somcthing is going to hnppcn nnd thnt
somcthing must bc donc. ¡cihnps thcic is nothing within thcii
dnily sphcic ol cxpciicncc thnt |ustincs thcsc dccpci lcclings,
thnt vciincs thc impoitnncc ol thcsc lcclings, oi thnt givcs
substnncc to thcii cxpicssion. Vc cnn undcistnnd this
bccnusc wc hnvc bccn thiough similni things ouisclvcs in oui
own histoiics. Vc icpicscnt scvcinl inccs |oincd
togcthci in oui smnll nllinncc to suppoit thc cmci-
gcncc ol Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom in thc univcisc,
pniticulnily with inccs thnt nic on thc thicshold ol
cmciging into thc Cicntci Community. Thcsc
cmciging inccs nic pniticulnily vulncinblc to loi-
cign inllucncc nnd mnnipulntion. Thcy nic
pniticulnily vulncinblc to misundcistnnding thcii
situntion nnd undcistnndnbly so, loi how could
thcy compichcnd thc mcnning nnd thc complcxity
ol lilc within thc Cicntci Community! Thnt is why wc wish to
plny oui smnll pnit in picpniing nnd in cducnting humnnity.
In oui nist discouisc, wc gnvc n biond dcsciiption ol thc
visitois' involvcmcnt in loui nicns. Thc nist nicn is thc infu-
cncc on impoitnnt pcoplc in positions ol powci in
govcinmcnts nnd nt thc hcnd ol icligious institutions. Thc scc-
ond nicn ol infucncc is on pcoplc who hnvc n spiiitunl
inclinntion nnd who wish to opcn thcmsclvcs to thc gicntci
powcis thnt cxist in thc univcisc. Thc thiid nicn ol involvc-
. . . lhere are uauy
people loday who íeel a
slrauge discouíorl, a
seuse oí vague urgeucy,
a íeeliug lhal souelhiug
is goiug lo happeu aud
lhal souelhiug uusl
be doue.
mcnt is thc visitois' building ol cstnblishmcnts in thc woild in
stintcgic locntions, ncni populntion ccntcis, whcic thcii infu-
cncc on thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt cnn bc cxciciscd. And lnstly,
wc spokc ol thcii pioginm ol intcibiccding with humnnity, n
pioginm which hns bccn undciwny loi quitc somc timc.
Vc undcistnnd how tioubling this ncws mny
bc nnd pcihnps how disnppointing it mny bc to
mnny pcoplc who hnd high hopcs nnd cxpcctn-
tions thnt visitois liom bcyond would biing
blcssings nnd gicnt bcncnt to humnnity. It is nnt-
uinl pcihnps to nssumc nnd to cxpcct thcsc things,
but thc Cicntci Community into which humnnity
is cmciging is n dilncult nnd compctitivc cnviion-
mcnt, pniticulnily in nicns in thc univcisc whcic
mnny dillcicnt inccs compctc with cnch othci nnd intcinct loi
tindc nnd commcicc. Youi woild cxists in such nn nicn. This
mny sccm incicdiblc to you bccnusc it hns nlwnys sccmcd
thnt you livcd in isolntion, nlonc within thc vnst cmptincss ol
spncc. But icnlly you livc in nn inhnbitcd pnit ol thc univcisc
whcic tindc nnd commcicc hnvc bccn cstnblishcd nnd whcic
tinditions, intcinctions nnd nssocintions nic nll longstnnding.
And to youi bcncnt, you livc in n bcnutilul woild÷n woild ol
gicnt biologicnl divcisity, n splcndid plncc in continst to thc
stnikncss ol so mnny othci woilds.
Howcvci, this nlso givcs youi situntion gicnt uigcncy
nnd poscs n gcnuinc iisk, loi you posscss whnt mnny othcis
wnnt loi thcmsclvcs. Thcy do not scck to dcstioy you but to
gnin youi nllcginncc nnd youi nllinncc so thnt youi cxistcncc
in thc woild nnd youi nctivitics hcic cnn bc loi thcii bcncnt.
we represeul several
races joiued logelher iu
our suall alliauce lo
supporl lhe euergeuce
oí Kuowledge aud
wisdou iu lhe
uuiverse, . . .
You nic cmciging into n mntuic nnd complicntcd sct ol cii-
cumstnnccs. Hcic you cnnnot bc likc littlc childicn nnd
bclicvc nnd hopc loi thc blcssings ol nll whom you
mny cncountci. You must bccomc wisc nnd dis-
ccining, ns wc, thiough oui dilncult histoiics, hnvc
hnd to bccomc wisc nnd disccining. Now humnn-
ity will hnvc to lcnin nbout thc wnys ol thc Cicntci
Community, nbout thc intiicncics ol intcinction
bctwccn inccs, nbout thc complcxitics ol tindc
nnd nbout thc subtlc mnnipulntions ol nssocin-
tions nnd nllinnccs thnt nic cstnblishcd bctwccn
woilds. It is n dilncult but impoitnnt timc loi
humnnity, n timc ol gicnt piomisc il tiuc picpnin-
tion cnn bc undcitnkcn.
In this, oui sccond discouisc, wc would likc to spcnk in
gicntci dctnil nbout thc intcivcntion into humnn nllniis by
vniious gioups ol visitois, whnt this mny mcnn loi you nnd
whnt this will icquiic. Vc comc not to incitc lcni but to pio-
vokc n scnsc ol icsponsibility, to cngcndci n gicntci
nwnicncss nnd to cncouingc picpnintion loi thc
lilc thnt you nic cntciing into, n gicntci lilc but n
lilc with gicntci pioblcms nnd chnllcngcs ns wcll.
Vc hnvc bccn scnt hcic thiough thc spiiitunl
powci nnd picscncc ol thc Unsccn Oncs. ¡cihnps
you will think ol thcm in n liicndly wny ns nngcls,
but in thc Cicntci Community thcii iolc is gicntci nnd thcii
involvcmcnt nnd thcii nllinnccs nic dccp nnd pcnctinting.
Thcii spiiitunl powci is hcic to blcss scnticnt bcings in nll
woilds nnd in nll plnccs nnd to piomotc thc dcvclopmcnt ol
You are euergiug iulo
a ualure aud cou·
plicaled sel oí circuu·
slauces. here you
cauuol be like lillle
childreu aud believe aud
hope íor lhe blessiugs oí
all whou you uay
we coue uol lo
iucile íear bul lo
provoke a seuse oí
respousibilily, . . .
thc dccpci Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom thnt will mnkc possiblc
thc pcncclul cmcigcncc ol iclntions, both bctwccn woilds nnd
within woilds. Vc nic hcic on thcii bchnll. Thcy hnvc nskcd
us to comc. And thcy hnvc givcn us much ol thc inloimntion
thnt wc hnvc, inloimntion thnt wc could not collcct ouisclvcs.
Iiom thcm wc hnvc lcnincd n gicnt dcnl nbout youi nntuic.
Vc hnvc lcnincd n gicnt dcnl nbout youi nbilitics, youi
sticngths, youi wcnkncsscs nnd youi gicnt vulnci-
nbility. Vc cnn compichcnd thcsc things bccnusc
thc woilds thnt wc hnvc comc liom hnvc pnsscd
thiough this gicnt thicshold ol cmcigcncc into thc
Cicntci Community. Vc hnvc lcnincd n gicnt
dcnl, nnd wc hnvc sullcicd much liom oui own
mistnkcs, mistnkcs thnt wc hopc humnnity will
Vc comc thcn not only with oui own cxpciicncc, but
with n dccpci nwnicncss nnd n dccpci scnsc ol puiposc thnt
hns bccn givcn to us by thc Unsccn Oncs. Vc obscivc youi
woild liom n locntion ncniby, nnd wc monitoi thc communi-
cntions ol thosc who nic visiting you. Vc know who thcy nic.
Vc know whcic thcy comc liom nnd why thcy nic hcic. Vc
do not compctc with thcm, loi wc nic not hcic to cxploit thc
woild. Vc considci ouisclvcs to bc thc Allics ol Humnnity,
nnd wc hopc in timc thnt you will considci us to bc such, loi
such wc nic. And though wc cnnnot piovc this, wc hopc to
dcmonstintc this thiough oui woids nnd thiough thc wisdom
ol oui counscl. Vc hopc to picpnic you loi whnt lics nhcnd.
Vc comc in oui mission with n scnsc ol uigcncy, loi humnn-
ity is wny bchind in its picpnintion loi thc Cicntci
we coue iu our
uissiou wilh a seuse oí
urgeucy, íor huuauily is
way behiud iu ils
preparaliou íor lhe
Crealer Couuuuily.
Community. Mnny cnilici nttcmpts dccndcs ngo to mnkc
contnct with humnn bcings nnd to picpnic humnn bcings loi
thcii lutuic piovcd to bc unsucccsslul. Only n lcw pcoplc
could bc icnchcd, nnd ns wc hnvc bccn told, mnny ol thcsc
contncts wcic misconstiucd nnd wcic uscd by othcis loi dil-
lcicnt puiposcs.
Thcicloic, wc hnvc bccn scnt in thc plncc ol thosc who
cnmc bcloic us to ollci hclp to humnnity. Vc woik togcthci in
oui unitcd cnusc. Vc do not icpicscnt n gicnt militniy powci
but moic n sccict nnd holy nllinncc. Vc do not
wnnt to scc thc kind ol nllniis thnt cxist in thc
Cicntci Community pcipctintcd hcic within youi
woild. Vc do not wnnt to scc humnnity bccomc n
clicnt stntc ol n gicntci nctwoik ol powcis. Vc do
not wnnt to scc humnnity losc its liccdom nnd its
scll-dctciminntion. Thcsc nic icnl iisks. Bccnusc ol this, wc
cncouingc you to considci oui woids dccply, without lcni, il
thnt is possiblc, nnd with thc kind ol conviction nnd dctcimi-
nntion thnt wc know icsidcs in nll humnn hcnits.
Todny nnd tomoiiow nnd thc dny nltci, gicnt nctivity is
undciwny nnd will bc undciwny to cstnblish n nctwoik ol
infucncc ovci thc humnn incc by thosc who nic visiting thc
woild loi thcii own puiposcs. Thcy lccl thnt thcy nic coming
hcic to snvc thc woild liom humnnity. Somc cvcn bclicvc thcy
nic hcic to snvc humnnity liom itscll. Thcy lccl thnt thcy nic
in thc iight nnd do not considci thnt thcii nctions nic innp-
piopiintc oi uncthicnl. Accoiding to thcii cthics, thcy nic
doing whnt is considcicd to bc icnsonnblc nnd impoitnnt.
we do uol waul lo
see huuauily becoue a
clieul slale oí a grealer
uelwork oí powers.
Howcvci, loi nll liccdom-loving bcings, such nn nppionch
cnnnot bc |ustincd.
Vc obscivc thc visitois' nctivitics, which nic giowing.
Lvciy ycni, thcic nic moic ol thcm hcic. Thcy nic coming
liom nlni. Thcy nic biinging supplics. Thcy nic dccpcning
thcii cngngcmcnt nnd involvcmcnt. Thcy nic cstnblishing stn-
tions ol communicntion in mnny plnccs in youi solni systcm.
Thcy nic obsciving nll ol youi initinl loinys into spncc, nnd
thcy will countci nnd dcstioy nnything thnt thcy lccl will intci-
lcic with thcii nctivitics. Thcy nic sccking to cstnblish contiol
not only ol youi woild but ol thc nicn niound youi
woild. This is bccnusc thcic nic compcting loiccs
hcic. Lnch icpicscnts thc nllinncc ol scvcinl inccs.
Now lct us nddicss thc lnst ol thc loui nicns
thnt wc spokc ol in oui nist discouisc. This hns to
do with thc visitois intcibiccding with thc humnn
spccics. Lct us givc you n bit ol histoiy nist. Mnny
thousnnds ol ycnis ngo, in youi timc, scvcinl inccs
cnmc to intcibiccd with humnnity to givc humnn-
ity n gicntci intclligcncc nnd ndnptnbility. This lcd to thc
inthci suddcn cmcigcncc ol whnt wc undcistnnd is cnllcd
"Modcin Mnn.¨ This hns givcn you dominnncc nnd powci in
youi woild. This occuiicd long ngo.
Howcvci, thc intcibiccding pioginm thnt is occuiiing
now is not thc snmc nt nll. It is bcing undcitnkcn by n dillci-
cnt sct ol bcings nnd by dillcicnt nllinnccs. Thiough
intcibiccding, thcy nic sccking to cstnblish n humnn bcing
who will bc pnit ol thcii nssocintion yct who cnn suivivc
Jhey are observiug all
oí your iuilial íorays iulo
space, aud lhey will
couuler aud deslroy
auylhiug lhal lhey íeel
will iuleríere wilh lheir
within youi woild nnd who cnn hnvc n nntuinl nlnnity with
thc woild. Youi visitois cnnnot livc on thc suilncc ol youi
woild. Thcy must cithci scck shcltci undcigiound, which thcy
nic doing, oi thcy must livc nbonid thcii own cinlt, which thcy
oltcn kccp hiddcn in lnigc bodics ol wntci. Thcy wnnt to intci-
biccd with humnnity to piotcct thcii intcicsts hcic, which nic
piimniily thc icsouiccs ol youi woild. Thcy wnnt to hnvc
humnn nllcginncc nssuicd, nnd so loi scvcinl gcncintions thcy
hnvc bccn involvcd in nn intcibiccding pioginm, which
within thc lnst twcnty ycnis hns bccomc quitc cxtcnsivc.
Thcii puiposc is twolold. Iiist, ns wc hnvc mcntioncd,
thc visitois wnnt to cicntc n humnn-likc bcing who cnn livc
within youi woild but who will bc bondcd to thcm nnd who
will hnvc n gicntci sct ol scnsitivitics nnd nbilitics. Thc sccond
puiposc ol this pioginm is to infucncc nll thosc thnt thcy
cncountci nnd to cncouingc pcoplc to nssist thcm in thcii
undcitnking. Thc visitois wnnt nnd nccd humnn nssistnncc.
This luithcis thcii pioginm in nll icspccts. Thcy considci you
vnlunblc. Howcvci, thcy do not considci you to bc thcii pccis
oi thcii cqunls. Usclul, thnt is how you nic pciccivcd. So, in
nll whom thcy will cncountci, in nll whom thcy will tnkc, thc
visitois will scck to cngcndci this scnsc ol thcii supciioiity,
thcii vnluc nnd thc woith nnd thc signincnncc ol thcii cndcnv-
ois in thc woild. Thc visitois will tcll nll whom thcy contnct
thnt thcy nic hcic loi thc good, nnd thcy will nssuic thosc thnt
thcy hnvc cnptuicd thnt thcy nccd not lcni. And with thosc
who sccm pniticulnily icccptivc, thcy will nttcmpt to cstnblish
nllinnccs÷n shnicd scnsc ol puiposc, cvcn n shnicd scnsc ol
idcntity nnd lnmily, ol hciitngc nnd dcstiny.
In thcii pioginm, thc visitois hnvc studicd humnn phys-
iology nnd psychology vciy cxtcnsivcly, nnd thcy will tnkc
ndvnntngc ol whnt pcoplc wnnt, pniticulnily thosc things thnt
pcoplc wnnt but hnvc not bccn nblc to gnin loi thcmsclvcs,
such ns pcncc nnd oidci, bcnuty nnd tinnquillity. Thcsc will
bc ollcicd nnd somc pcoplc will bclicvc. Othcis will simply bc
uscd ns is nccdcd.
Hcic it is ncccssniy to undcistnnd thnt thc visitois
bclicvc thnt this is cntiicly nppiopiintc in oidci to picscivc thc
woild. Thcy lccl thnt thcy nic doing humnnity n
gicnt scivicc, nnd so thcy nic wholchcnitcd in
thcii pcisunsions. Unloitunntcly, this dcmon-
stintcs n gicnt tiuth nbout thc Cicntci
Community÷thnt tiuc Visdom nnd tiuc
Knowlcdgc nic ns inic in thc univcisc ns thcy
must sccm within youi woild. It is nntuinl loi you
to hopc nnd to cxpcct thnt othci inccs hnvc out-
giown dcviousncss, sclnsh puisuits, compctition
nnd confict. But, nlns, this is not thc cnsc. Cicntci
tcchnology docs not inisc thc mcntnl nnd spiiitunl
sticngth ol individunls.
Todny thcic nic mnny pcoplc who nic bcing
tnkcn ngninst thcii will icpcntcdly. Bccnusc
humnnity is vciy supcistitious nnd sccks to dcny things thnt
it cnnnot undcistnnd, this unloitunntc nctivity is bcing cniiicd
on with considcinblc succcss. Lvcn now, thcic nic hybiid
individunls, pnit-humnn, pnit-nlicn, wnlking in youi woild.
Thcic nic not mnny ol thcm, but thcii numbcis will giow in
thc lutuic. ¡cihnps you will mcct onc somc dny. Thcy will
|l is ualural íor you lo
hope aud lo expecl lhal
olher races have
oulgrowu deviousuess,
selísh pursuils,
coupeliliou aud
couNicl. Bul, alas, lhis is
uol lhe case. Crealer
lechuology does uol
raise lhe ueulal aud
spirilual slreuglh oí
look thc snmc ns you but bc dillcicnt. You will think thcy nic
humnn bcings, but somcthing csscntinl will sccm to bc miss-
ing in thcm, somcthing thnt is vnlucd within youi woild. It is
possiblc to bc nblc to disccin nnd to idcntily thcsc individu-
nls, but in oidci to do so, you would hnvc to bccomc skillcd
in thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt nnd lcnin whnt Knowlcdgc nnd
Visdom mcnn in thc Cicntci Community.
Vc lccl thnt lcnining this is ol thc utmost impoitnncc, loi
wc scc nll thnt is hnppcning in youi woild liom oui vnntngc
point, nnd thc Unsccn Oncs counscl us icgniding things wc
cnnnot scc oi hnvc ncccss to. Vc undcistnnd thcsc cvcnts, loi
thcy hnvc hnppcncd countlcss timcs in thc Cicntci
Community, ns infucncc nnd pcisunsion nic cnst upon inccs
thnt nic cithci too wcnk oi too vulncinblc to icspond
Vc hopc nnd wc tiust thnt nonc ol you who mny hcni
this mcssngc will think thnt thcsc intiusions into humnn lilc
nic bcncncinl. Thosc who nic bcing nllcctcd will bc infucnccd
to think thnt thcsc cncountcis nic bcncncinl, both loi thcm-
sclvcs nnd loi thc woild. ¡coplc's spiiitunl nspiintions, thcii
dcsiic loi pcncc nnd hnimony, lnmily nnd inclusion will nll bc
nddicsscd by thc visitois. Thcsc things thnt icpicscnt somc-
thing so spccinl nbout thc humnn lnmily nic, without Visdom
nnd picpnintion, n sign ol youi gicnt vulncinbility. Only thosc
individunls who nic stiong with Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom
could scc thc dcccption bchind thcsc pcisunsions. Only thcy
nic in n position to scc thc dcccption thnt is bcing pcipctintcd
upon thc humnn lnmily. Only thcy cnn piotcct thcii minds
ngninst thc inllucncc thnt is bcing cnst in thc Mcntnl
Lnviionmcnt in so mnny plnccs in thc woild todny. Only thcy
will scc nnd know.
Oui woids will not bc cnough. Mcn nnd womcn must
lcnin to scc nnd to know. Vc cnn only cncouingc this. Oui
coming hcic to youi woild hns occuiicd in nccoidnncc with
thc picscntntion ol thc tcnching in Cicntci Community
Spiiitunlity, loi thc picpnintion is hcic now nnd
thnt is why wc cnn bc n souicc ol cncouingcmcnt.
Il thc picpnintion wcic not hcic, wc would know
thnt oui ndmonitions nnd oui cncouingcmcnt
would not bc ndcquntc nnd would not bc succcss-
lul. Thc Cicntoi nnd thc Unsccn Oncs wnnt to
picpnic humnnity loi thc Cicntci Community. In
lnct, this is thc most impoitnnt nccd ol humnnity
nt this timc.
Thcicloic, wc cncouingc you not to bclicvc
thnt thc tnking ol humnn bcings nnd thcii childicn nnd thcii
lnmilics hns nny bcncnt loi humnnity nt nll. Vc must cmphn-
sizc this. Youi liccdom is piccious. Youi individunl liccdom
nnd youi liccdom ns n incc nic piccious. It hns tnkcn us so
long to icgnin oui liccdom. Vc do not wnnt to scc you losc
Thc intcibiccding pioginm thnt is occuiiing in thc woild
will continuc. Thc only wny thnt it cnn bc stoppcd is by pco-
plc gnining this gicntci nwnicncss nnd scnsc ol innci
nuthoiity. Only this will biing thcsc intiusions to nn cnd. Only
this will uncovci thc dcccption bchind thcm. It is hnid loi us
to imnginc how nwlul this must bc loi youi pcoplc, loi thosc
mcn nnd womcn, loi thosc littlc oncs, who nic undcigoing
. . . we eucourage you
uol lo believe lhal lhe
lakiug oí huuau beiugs
aud lheir childreu aud
lheir íauilies has auy
beueíl íor huuauily al
all. we uusl euphasize
this ticntmcnt, this ic-cducntion, this pncincntion. To oui vnl-
ucs, this sccms nbhoiicnt, nnd yct wc know thnt thcsc things
occui in thc Cicntci Community nnd hnvc occuiicd sincc
bcloic mcmoiy.
¡cihnps oui woids will gcncintc moic nnd moic qucs-
tions. This is hcnlthy nnd this is nntuinl, but wc cnnnot
nnswci nll ol youi qucstions. You must nnd thc mcnns to gnin
thc nnswcis loi youisclvcs. But you cnnnot do this without n
picpnintion, nnd you cnnnot do this without nn oiicntntion.
At this timc, humnnity ns n wholc, wc undcistnnd, cnnnot dil-
lcicntintc bctwccn n Cicntci Community
dcmonstintion nnd n spiiitunl mnnilcstntion. This
is tiuly n dilncult situntion bccnusc youi visitois
cnn pio|cct imngcs, thcy cnn spcnk to pcoplc
thiough thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt nnd thcii voiccs
cnn bc icccivcd nnd cxpicsscd thiough pcoplc.
Thcy cnn cnst this kind ol infucncc bccnusc
humnnity docs not yct hnvc this kind ol skill oi
Humnnity is not unitcd. It is biokcn npnit. It
is in contcntion with itscll. This mnkcs you cxticmcly vulnci-
nblc to outsidc intcilcicncc nnd mnnipulntion. It is
undcistood by youi visitois thnt youi spiiitunl dcsiics nnd
inclinntions mnkc you pniticulnily vulncinblc nnd pniticulnily
good sub|ccts loi thcii usc. How dilncult it is to gnin tiuc
ob|cctivity icgniding thcsc things. Lvcn whcic wc hnvc comc
liom, it hns bccn n gicnt chnllcngc. But loi thosc who wish to
icmnin licc nnd to cxcicisc scll-dctciminntion in thc Cicntci
Community, thcy must dcvclop thcsc skills, nnd thcy must
huuauily is uol
uuiled. |l is brokeu
aparl. |l is iu couleuliou
wilh ilselí. Jhis uakes
you exlreuely vuluer·
able lo oulside
iuleríereuce aud
picscivc thcii own icsouiccs in oidci to nvoid bcing icquiicd
to scck thcm liom othcis. Il youi woild loscs its scll-suln-
cicncy, it will losc much ol its liccdom. Il you must go bcyond
youi woild to scck thc icsouiccs you nccd to livc, thcn you
will losc much ol youi powci to othcis. Bccnusc thc icsouiccs
ol youi woild nic inpidly diminishing, this is n ginvc conccin
loi thosc ol us who wntch liom nlni. It is nlso ol conccin to
youi visitois, loi thcy wnnt to picvcnt thc dcstiuction ol youi
cnviionmcnt, not loi you but loi thcm.
Thc intcibiccding pioginm hns only onc puiposc, nnd
thnt is to cnnblc thc visitois to cstnblish n picscncc nnd n
commnnding infucncc within thc woild. Do not think thnt thc
visitois nic lncking somcthing thnt thcy nccd liom you othci
thnn youi icsouiccs. Do not think thnt thcy nccd youi
humnnity. Thcy only wnnt youi humnnity to nssuic thcm-
sclvcs ol thcii position in thc woild. Do not bc fnttcicd. Do
not indulgc youiscll in such thoughts. Thcy nic unwniinntcd.
Il you cnn lcnin to scc thc situntion clcnily ns it icnlly is, you
will scc nnd you will know thcsc things loi youiscll. You will
undcistnnd why wc nic hcic nnd why humnnity nccds nllics
in n Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc. And you will scc
thc impoitnncc ol lcnining gicntci Knowlcdgc nnd Visdom
nnd ol lcnining Cicntci Community Spiiitunlity.
Bccnusc you nic cmciging into nn cnviionmcnt whcic
thcsc things bccomc vitnl loi succcss, loi liccdom, loi hnppi-
ncss nnd loi sticngth, you will nccd gicntci Knowlcdgc nnd
Visdom in oidci to cstnblish youisclvcs ns nn indcpcndcnt
incc in thc Cicntci Community. Howcvci, youi indcpcndcncc
is bcing lost with cnch pnssing dny. And you mny not scc thc
loss ol youi liccdom, though pcihnps you mny lccl it in somc
wny. How could you scc it! You cnnnot go outsidc youi woild
nnd witncss thc cvcnts thnt suiiound it. You do not hnvc
ncccss to thc politicnl nnd commcicinl involvcmcnts ol thc
nlicn loiccs opcinting in thc woild todny to undcistnnd thcii
complcxity, thcii cthics oi thcii vnlucs.
Ncvci think thnt nny incc in thc univcisc thnt tinvcls loi
commcicc is spiiitunlly ndvnnccd. Thosc who scck commcicc
scck ndvnntngc. Thosc who tinvcl liom woild to woild, thosc
who nic icsouicc cxploicis, thosc who scck to plnnt thcii own
fngs nic not whnt you would considci to bc spiiitunlly
ndvnnccd. Vc do not considci thcm to bc spiiitunlly
ndvnnccd. Thcic is woildly powci, nnd thcic is spiiitunl
powci. You cnn undcistnnd thc dillcicncc bctwccn thcsc
things, nnd now it is ncccssniy to scc this dillcicncc within n
lnigci cnviionmcnt.
Vc comc, thcn, with n scnsc ol commitmcnt nnd stiong
cncouingcmcnt loi you to mnintnin youi liccdom, to bccomc
stiong nnd disccining nnd not to givc into pcisunsions oi
piomiscs ol pcncc, powci nnd inclusion liom thosc you do not
know. And do not lct youiscll bc comloitcd into thinking thnt
nll will tuin out wcll loi humnnity oi cvcn loi you pcisonnlly,
loi this is not Visdom. Ioi thc Visc in nny plncc must lcnin
to scc thc icnlity ol lilc niound thcm nnd lcnin to ncgotintc
this lilc in n bcncncinl wny.
Thcicloic, icccivc oui cncouingcmcnt. Vc shnll spcnk
ngnin conccining thcsc mnttcis nnd illustintc thc impoitnncc
ol gnining disccinmcnt nnd disciction. And wc shnll spcnk
moic nbout thc involvcmcnt ol youi visitois in thc woild in
nicns thnt nic vciy impoitnnt loi you to undcistnnd. Vc hopc
thnt you cnn icccivc oui woids.
1 HL 1 HI R D 8 R I L F I NG
A Creal Warning
c hnvc bccn nnxious to spcnk moic with
you icgniding thc nllniis ol youi woild nnd
to hclp you comc to scc, il possiblc, whnt wc nic scc-
ing liom oui vnntngc point. Vc icnlizc this is dilncult
to icccivc nnd will cnusc considcinblc nnxicty nnd
conccin, but you must bc inloimcd.
Thc situntion is vciy ginvc liom oui pcispcctivc,
nnd wc think it would bc n ticmcndous misloitunc il
pcoplc wcic not inloimcd coiicctly. Thcic is so much
dcccption in thc woild thnt you livc in, nnd in mnny
othci woilds ns wcll, thnt thc tiuth, though nppnicnt
nnd obvious, gocs uniccognizcd, nnd its signs nnd
mcssngcs go undctcctcd. Vc, thcicloic, hopc thnt oui
picscncc cnn hclp clniily thc pictuic nnd hclp you nnd
othcis to scc whnt is tiuly thcic. Vc do not hnvc thcsc
compiomiscs in oui pciccption, loi wc wcic scnt to
witncss thc vciy things thnt wc nic dcsciibing.
Ovci timc, pcihnps you would bc nblc to know
thcsc things on youi own, but you do not hnvc this
kind ol timc. Thc timc now is shoit. Humnnity's
picpnintion loi thc nppcninncc ol loiccs liom thc
Cicntci Community is lni bchind schcdulc. Mnny impoitnnt
pcoplc hnvc not icspondcd. And thc intiusion into thc woild
hns nccclcintcd nt n lni gicntci pncc thnn wns oiiginnlly
thought to bc possiblc.
Vc comc with littlc timc to spnic, nnd yct wc comc with
cncouingcmcnt loi you to shnic this inloimntion. As wc hnvc
indicntcd in oui picvious mcssngcs, thc woild is bcing innl-
tintcd nnd thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt is bcing conditioncd nnd
picpnicd. Thc intcntion is not to cindicntc humnn bcings but
to cmploy thcm, to hnvc thcm bccomc woikcis loi n gicntci
"collcctivc.¨ Thc institutions ol thc woild nnd most ccitninly
thc nntuinl cnviionmcnt nic vnlucd, nnd it is thc piclcicncc ol
thc visitois thnt thcsc bc picscivcd loi thcii usc. Thcy cnnnot
livc hcic, nnd so to gnin youi nllcginncc, thcy nic cmploying
mnny ol thc tcchniqucs thnt wc hnvc dcsciibcd. Vc will con-
tinuc in oui dcsciiption to clniily thcsc things.
Oui niiivnl hcic hns bccn thwnitcd by scvcinl lnctois,
not thc lcnst ol which is n lnck ol icndincss ol thosc whom wc
must icnch diicctly. Oui spcnkci, thc nuthoi ol this book, is
thc only onc with whom wc hnvc bccn nblc to cstnblish n nim
contnct, so wc must givc oui spcnkci thc lundnmcntnl
Iiom thc pcispcctivc ol youi visitois, ns wc hnvc
lcnincd, thc Unitcd Stntcs is considcicd thc woild lcndci, nnd
so thc gicntcst nmount ol cmphnsis will bc plnccd hcic. But
othci mn|oi nntions ns wcll will bc contnctcd, loi thcy nic icc-
ognizcd to hold powci, nnd powci is undcistood by thc
visitois, loi thcy lollow thc dictntcs ol powci without qucstion
nnd to n much gicntci dcgicc thnn is cvcn nppnicnt in youi
Attcmpts will bc mndc to pcisundc thc lcndcis ol thc
stiongcst nntions to bccomc icccptivc to thc picscncc ol thc
visitois nnd to icccivc gilts nnd induccmcnts loi coopcintion
with thc piomisc ol mutunl bcncnt, nnd cvcn thc piomisc ol
woild dominion to somc. Thcic will bc thosc in thc coiiidois
ol powci in thc woild who will icspond to thcsc induccmcnts,
loi thcy will think thnt thcic is n gicnt oppoitunity hcic to tnkc
humnnity bcyond thc spcctci ol nuclcni wni into n ncw com-
munity upon thc cnith, n community which thcy will lcnd loi
thcii own puiposcs. Yct thcsc lcndcis nic dcccivcd, loi thcy
will not bc givcn thc kcys to this icnlm. Thcy will simply bc
thc nibitcis in thc tinnsition ol powci.
This you must undcistnnd. It is not so complcx. Iiom
oui pcispcctivc nnd vnntngc point, it is obvious. Vc hnvc
sccn this occui clscwhcic. It is onc ol thc wnys thnt cstnb-
lishcd oignnizntions ol inccs who hnvc thcii own collcctivcs
icciuit cmciging woilds such ns youis. Thcy bclicvc nimly
thnt thcii ngcndn is viituous nnd loi thc bcttcimcnt ol youi
woild, loi humnnity is not highly icspcctcd, nnd though you
nic viituous in ccitnin wnys, youi linbilitics lni outwcigh youi
potcntinl, liom thcii pcispcctivc. Vc do not hold this vicw oi
wc would not bc in thc position thnt wc nic in, nnd wc would
not bc ollciing oui sciviccs to you ns thc Allics ol Humnnity.
Thcicloic, thcic is n gicnt dilnculty now in disccinmcnt,
n gicnt chnllcngc. Thc chnllcngc is loi humnnity to undci-
stnnd who its nllics rco||y nic nnd to bc nblc to distinguish
thcm liom its potcntinl ndvcisniics. Thcic nic no ncutinl pni-
tics in this mnttci. Thc woild is lni too vnlunblc, its icsouiccs
iccognizcd ns bcing uniquc nnd ol considcinblc woith. Thcic
nic no ncutinl pnitics who nic involvcd in humnn nllniis. Thc
tiuc nntuic ol thc nlicn Intcivcntion is to cxcit infucncc nnd
contiol nnd cvcntunlly to cstnblish dominion hcic.
Vc nic not thc visitois. Vc nic obscivcis. Vc clnim no
iights to youi woild, nnd wc hnvc no ngcndn to cstnblish oui-
sclvcs hcic. Ioi this icnson, oui nnmcs nic hiddcn, loi wc do
not puisuc iclntions with you bcyond oui nbility to piovidc
oui counscl in this wny. Vc cnnnot contiol thc outcomc. Vc
cnn only ndvisc you ns to thc choiccs nnd dccisions thnt youi
pcoplc must mnkc in light ol thcsc gicntci cvcnts.
Humnnity hns gicnt piomisc nnd hns cultivntcd n iich
spiiitunl hciitngc, but it is without cducntion icgniding thc
Cicntci Community into which it is cmciging.
Humnnity is dividcd nnd contcntious within itscll,
thus mnking it vulncinblc to mnnipulntion nnd to
intiusion liom bcyond youi boidcis. Youi pcoplcs
nic picoccupicd with thc conccins ol thc dny, but
thc icnlity ol tomoiiow is not iccognizcd. Vhnt
piont could you possibly gnin by ignoiing thc
gicntci movcmcnt ol thc woild nnd by nssuming
thnt thc Intcivcntion thnt is occuiiing todny is loi
youi bcncnt! Suicly thcic is not onc nmongst you
who could sny this il you but snw thc icnlity ol thc situntion.
In n wny, it is n mnttci ol pcispcctivc. Vc cnn scc nnd
you cnnnot, loi you hnvc not thc vnntngc point. You would
hnvc to bc bcyond youi woild, outsidc thc sphcic ol youi
Jhe challeuge is íor
huuauily lo uuderslaud
who ils allies  are
aud lo be able lo
disliuguish lheu írou
ils poleulial adversaries.
Jhere are uo ueulral
parlies iu lhis ualler.
woild's infucncc, to scc whnt wc nic sccing. And yct, to scc
whnt wc scc, wc must icmnin hiddcn bccnusc il wc wcic dis-
covcicd, wc would suicly pciish. Ioi youi visitois
considci thcii mission hcic to bc ol thc utmost
vnluc, nnd thcy considci thc Lnith to bc thcii
gicntcst piospcct nmong scvcinl othcis. Thcy will
not stop bccnusc ol us. So it is youi own liccdom
thnt you must vnluc nnd thnt you must dclcnd.
Vc cnnnot do this loi you.
Lvciy woild, il it sccks to cstnblish its own
unity, liccdom nnd scll-dctciminntion in thc
Cicntci Community, must cstnblish this liccdom
nnd dclcnd it il ncccssniy. Othciwisc, dominntion will cci-
tninly occui nnd will bc complctc.
Vhy do youi visitois wnnt youi woild! It is so vciy obvi-
ous. It is not you thcy nic intcicstcd in pniticulnily. It is thc
biologicnl icsouiccs ol youi woild. It is thc stintcgic position
ol this solni systcm. You nic usclul to thcm only insolni ns
thcsc things nic vnlucd nnd cnn bc utilizcd. Thcy will ollci
whnt you wnnt nnd thcy will spcnk whnt you wnnt to hcni.
Thcy will ollci induccmcnts, nnd thcy will usc youi icligions
nnd youi icligious idcnls to lostci conndcncc nnd tiust thnt
thcy, moic thnn you, undcistnnd thc nccds ol youi woild nnd
will bc nblc to scivc thcsc nccds to biing nbout n gicntci
cqunnimity hcic. Bccnusc humnnity sccms incnpnblc ol
cstnblishing unity nnd oidci, mnny pcoplc will opcn thcii
minds nnd thcii hcnits to thosc whom thcy bclicvc will hnvc
thc gicntci possibility loi doing so.
In thc sccond discouisc, wc spokc biicfy ol thc intci-
huuauily has greal
prouise aud has
cullivaled a rich spirilual
herilage, bul il is
wilhoul educliou
regardiug lhe Crealer
Couuuuily iulo which il
is euergiug.
biccding pioginm. Somc hnvc hcnid ol this phcnomcnon, nnd
wc undcistnnd thcic hns bccn somc discussion nbout this.
Thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc told us thnt thcic is n giowing nwnic-
ncss thnt such n pioginm cxists, but incicdibly pcoplc cnnnot
scc thc obvious implicntions, bcing so givcn to thcii piclci-
cnccs in thc mnttci nnd so ill cquippcd to dcnl with whnt such
nn Intcivcntion could mcnn. Clcnily, nn intcibiccding pio-
ginm is nn nttcmpt to lusc humnnity's ndnptntion to thc
physicnl woild with thc visitois' gioup mind nnd collcctivc
consciousncss. Such ollspiing would bc in n pcilcct position
to piovidc thc ncw lcndciship loi humnnity, n lcndciship thnt
is boin ol thc visitois' intcntions nnd thc visitois' cnmpnign.
Thcsc individunls would hnvc blood iclntions in thc woild,
nnd so othcis would bc iclntcd to thcm nnd ncccpting ol thcii
picscncc. And yct thcii minds would not bc with you, noi
thcii hcnits. And though thcy mny lccl sympnthy loi you in
youi condition nnd loi whnt youi condition mny wcll tuin out
to bc, thcy would not hnvc thc individunl nuthoiity, not bcing
tinincd in Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc nnd Insight thcmsclvcs, to
nssist you oi to icsist thc collcctivc consciousncss thnt hns
lostcicd thcm hcic nnd givcn thcm lilc.
You scc, individunl liccdom is not vnlucd by thc visitois.
Thcy considci it iccklcss nnd iiicsponsiblc. Thcy only undci-
stnnd thcii own collcctivc consciousncss, which thcy scc ns
piivilcgcd nnd blcsscd. And yct thcy cnnnot ncccss tiuc spiii-
tunlity, which is cnllcd Knowlcdgc in thc univcisc, loi
Knowlcdgc is boin ol nn individunl's scll-discovciy nnd is
biought into bcing thiough iclntionships ol n high cnlibci.
Ncithci ol thcsc phcnomcnn nic picscnt in thc visitois' socinl
mnkcup. Thcy cnnnot think loi thcmsclvcs. Thcii will is not
thciis nlonc. And so nntuinlly thcy cnnnot icspcct thc
piospccts loi dcvcloping thcsc two gicnt phcnom-
cnn within youi woild, nnd thcy nic ccitninly in no
position to lostci such things. Thcy only scck con-
loimity nnd nllcginncc. And thc spiiitunl tcnchings
thnt thcy will lostci in thc woild will only scivc to
mnkc humnns complinnt, opcn nnd unsuspccting
in oidci to gninci n tiust thnt hns ncvci bccn
Vc hnvc sccn thcsc things bcloic in othci
plnccs. Vc hnvc sccn cntiic woilds lnll undci con-
tiol ol such collcctivcs. Thcic nic mnny such
collcctivcs in thc univcisc. Bccnusc such collcctivcs dcnl with
intciplnnctniy tindc nnd cxtcnd ovci vnst icgions, thcy ndhcic
to n stiict conloimity without dcvintion. Thcic is no individu-
nlity nmongst thcm, nt lcnst not in nny wny thnt you could
Vc nic not suic thnt wc cnn givc nn cxnmplc in youi
own woild ol whnt this could bc likc, but wc hnvc bccn told
thcic nic commcicinl intcicsts thnt spnn cultuics in youi
woild, thnt wicld ticmcndous powci nnd yct nic govcincd by
only n lcw. This is pcihnps n good nnnlogy loi whnt wc nic
dcsciibing. Howcvci, whnt wc nic dcsciibing is so much moic
powcilul, pcivnsivc nnd wcll cstnblishcd thnn nnything thnt
you could ollci in thc woild ns n good cxnmplc.
It is tiuc ol intclligcnt lilc cvciywhcic thnt lcni cnn bc n
dcstiuctivc loicc. Yct lcni scivcs onc nnd only onc puiposc il
it is pciccivcd coiicctly nnd thnt is to inloim you ol thc
. . . lhe spirilual
leachiugs lhal lhey will
íosler iu lhe world will
ouly serve lo uake
huuaus coupliaul, opeu
aud uususpecliug iu
order lo garuer a lrusl
lhal has uever beeu
picscncc ol dnngci. Vc nic conccincd, nnd thnt is thc nntuic
ol oui lcni. Vc undcistnnd whnt is nt iisk. Thnt is thc nntuic
ol oui conccin. Youi lcni is boin bccnusc you do not know
whnt is occuiiing, so it is n dcstiuctivc lcni. It is n
lcni thnt cnnnot cmpowci you oi givc you thc pci-
ccption thnt you nccd to compichcnd whnt is
occuiiing within youi woild. Il you cnn bccomc
inloimcd, thcn lcni is tinnsloimcd into conccin
nnd conccin is tinnsloimcd into constiuctivc
nction. Vc know ol no othci wny to dcsciibc this.
Thc intcibiccding pioginm is bccoming vciy succcsslul.
Alicndy thcic nic thosc wnlking youi Lnith who nic boin ol
thc visitois' consciousncss nnd collcctivc cndcnvoi. Thcy cnn-
not icsidc hcic loi long pciiods ol timc, but within only n lcw
ycnis, thcy will bc nblc to dwcll upon thc suilncc ol youi
woild pcimnncntly. Such will bc thc pcilcction ol thcii gcnctic
cngincciing thnt thcy will sccm only slightly dillcicnt liom
you, moic in thcii mnnnci nnd in thcii picscncc thnn in thcii
physicnl nppcninncc, to such n point thnt thcy will likcly go
unnoticcd nnd uniccognizcd. Howcvci, thcy will hnvc gicntci
mcntnl lncultics. And this will givc thcm nn ndvnntngc thnt
you could not mntch unlcss you wcic tinincd in Thc Vnys ol
Such is thc gicntci icnlity into which humnnity is cmcig-
ing÷n univcisc nllcd with wondcis nnd hoiiois, n univcisc ol
infucncc, n univcisc ol compctition, yct nlso n univcisc nllcd
with Cincc, much likc youi own woild but innnitcly gicntci.
Thc Hcnvcn thnt you scck is not hcic. Howcvci, thc loiccs
thnt you must contcnd with nic. This is thc gicntcst thicshold
. . . íear serves oue aud
ouly oue purpose ií il is
perceived correclly aud
lhal is lo iuíoru you oí
lhe preseuce oí dauger.
thnt youi incc will cvci lncc. Lnch ol us in oui gioup hns lnccd
this in oui own icspcctivc woilds, nnd thcic hns bccn n gicnt
dcnl ol lniluic, with only somc succcss. Rnccs ol bcings who
cnn mnintnin thcii liccdom nnd insulntion must bccomc
stiong nnd unitcd nnd will likcly withdinw liom Cicntci
Community intcinctions to n vciy gicnt dcgicc in oidci to pio-
tcct thnt liccdom.
Il you think ol thcsc things, pcihnps you will scc coiol-
lniics in youi own woild. Thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc told us n
gicnt dcnl icgniding youi spiiitunl dcvclopmcnt nnd its gicnt
piomisc, but thcy hnvc nlso counsclcd us thnt youi spiiitunl
picdispositions nnd idcnls nic bcing gicntly mnnipulntcd nt
this timc. Thcic nic cntiic tcnchings bcing intioduccd into thc
woild now thnt tcnch humnn ncquicsccncc nnd thc suspcn-
sion ol ciiticnl nbilitics nnd vnluc only thnt which is
plcnsuinblc nnd comloitnblc. Thcsc tcnchings nic givcn to
disnblc pcoplc's nbility to ncccss Knowlcdgc within thcm-
sclvcs until pcoplc icnch n point whcic thcy lccl thcy nic
complctcly dcpcndcnt upon gicntci loiccs thnt thcy cnnnot
idcntily. At thnt point, thcy will lollow whntcvci is givcn thcm
to do, nnd cvcn il thcy scnsc somcthing is wiong, thcy will no
longci hnvc thc powci to icsist.
Humnnity hns livcd in isolntion loi n long timc. ¡cihnps
it is bclicvcd thnt such nn Intcivcntion cnnnot possibly tnkc
plncc nnd thnt cnch pcison hns piopiictniy iights ovci his oi
hci own consciousncss nnd mind. But thcsc nic only nssump-
tions. Yct wc hnvc bccn told thnt thc Visc in youi woild hnvc
lcnincd to ovcicomc thcsc nssumptions nnd hnvc gnincd thc
sticngth to cstnblish thcii own Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt.
Vc lcni thnt oui woids mny bc too lntc nnd hnvc too lit-
tlc impnct nnd thnt thc onc wc chosc to icccivc us hns too
littlc nssistnncc nnd suppoit to mnkc this inloimntion nvnil-
nblc. Hc will cncountci disbclicl nnd iidiculc, loi hc will not
bc bclicvcd, nnd whnt hc will spcnk ol will contindict whnt
mnny nssumc to bc tiuc. Thosc who hnvc lnllcn undci nlicn
pcisunsion, thcy in pniticulni will opposc him, loi thcy hnvc
no choicc in thc mnttci.
Into this ginvc situntion thc Cicntoi ol nll lilc hns scnt n
picpnintion, n tcnching ol spiiitunl nbility nnd dis-
ccinmcnt, powci nnd nccomplishmcnt. Vc nic
studcnts ol such n tcnching, ns nic mnny thiough-
out thc univcisc. This tcnching is n loim ol Divinc
intcivcntion. It docs not bclong to nny onc woild.
It is not thc piopcity ol nny onc incc. It is not ccn-
tcicd niound nny hcio oi hcioinc, nny onc
individunl. Such n picpnintion is now nvnilnblc. It
will bc nccdcd. Iiom oui pcispcctivc, it is thc only
thing cuiicntly thnt cnn givc humnnity nn oppoi-
tunity to bccomc wisc nnd disccining icgniding
youi ncw lilc in thc Cicntci Community.
As hns occuiicd in youi woild in youi own
histoiy, thc nist to icnch thc ncw lnnds nic thc
cxploicis nnd thc conquciois. Thcy do not comc loi nltiuistic
icnsons. Thcy comc sccking powci, icsouiccs nnd dominion.
This is thc nntuic ol lilc. Il humnnity wcic wcll vciscd in
Cicntci Community nllniis, you would icsist ony visitntion to
youi woild unlcss n mutunl ngiccmcnt hnd bccn cstnblishcd
|í huuauily were well
versed iu Crealer
Couuuuily aííairs, you
would resisl 
visilaliou lo your world
uuless a uulual
agreeueul had beeu
eslablished previously.
You would kuow
euough uol lo allow
your world lo be so
picviously. You would know cnough not to nllow youi woild
to bc so vulncinblc.
At this timc, thcic is moic thnn onc collcctivc compcting
loi ndvnntngc hcic. Thnt plnccs humnnity in thc middlc ol n
vciy unusunl nnd yct cnlightcning sct ol ciicumstnnccs. Thnt
is why thc mcssngcs ol thc visitois will oltcn sccm inconsis-
tcnt. Thcic hns bccn confict nmongst thcm, yct thcy will
ncgotintc with cnch othci should mutunl bcncnt bc iccog-
nizcd. Howcvci, thcy nic still in compctition. To thcm, this is
thc liontici. To thcm, you nic only vnlucd ns bcing usclul. Il
you nic no longci iccognizcd ns bcing usclul, you will simply
bc discnidcd.
Hcic thcic is n gicnt chnllcngc loi thc pcoplc ol youi
woild nnd pniticulnily loi thosc who nic in positions ol powci
nnd icsponsibility to iccognizc thc dillcicncc bctwccn n spii-
itunl picscncc nnd n visitntion liom thc Cicntci Community.
Yct how cnn you hnvc thc linmcwoik to mnkc this distinction!
Vhcic cnn you lcnin such things! Vho in youi woild is in thc
position to tcnch nbout thc icnlity ol thc Cicntci Community!
Only n tcnching liom bcyond thc woild cnn picpnic you loi
lilc bcyond thc woild, nnd lilc bcyond thc woild is now in
youi woild, sccking to cstnblish itscll hcic, sccking to cxtcnd
its infucncc, sccking to win thc minds nnd hcnits nnd souls
ol pcoplc cvciywhcic. It is so simplc. And yct so dcvnstnting.
Thcicloic, oui tnsk in thcsc mcssngcs is to biing n gicnt
wnining, but thc wnining is not cnough. Thcic must bc n
iccognition nmongst youi pcoplc. At lcnst nmongst cnough
pcoplc hcic, thcic must bc nn undcistnnding ol thc icnlity
thnt you nic now lncing. This is thc gicntcst cvcnt in humnn
histoiy÷thc gicntcst thicnt to humnn liccdom nnd thc gicnt-
cst oppoitunity loi humnn unity nnd coopcintion. Vc
iccognizc thcsc gicnt ndvnntngcs nnd possibilitics, but with
cnch pnssing dny thcii piomisc lndcs÷ns moic nnd moic pco-
plc nic cnptuicd nnd thcii nwnicncss is iccultivntcd nnd
icconstitutcd, ns moic nnd moic pcoplc lcnin ol thc spiiitunl
tcnchings thnt nic bcing piomotcd by thc visitois nnd ns moic
nnd moic pcoplc bccomc moic ncquicsccnt nnd lcss nblc to
Vc hnvc comc nt thc icqucst ol thc Unsccn Oncs to
scivc in this cnpncity ns obscivcis. Should wc bc succcsslul,
wc will icmnin in thc pioximity ol youi woild only long
cnough to continuc to givc you this inloimntion. Bcyond thnt,
wc will ictuin to oui own homcs. Should wc lnil nnd should
thc tidc tuin ngninst humnnity nnd should thc gicnt dnikncss
comc ovci thc woild, thc dnikncss ol dominntion, thcn wc will
hnvc to dcpnit, oui mission unlulnllcd. Lithci wny, wc cnnnot
stny with you, though should you show piomisc wc shnll stny
until you nic snlcgunidcd, until you cnn piovidc loi youi-
sclvcs. Includcd in this is thc icquiicmcnt thnt you bc
scll-sulncicnt. Should you bccomc iclinnt upon tindc with
othci inccs, this cicntcs n vciy gicnt iisk ol mnnipulntion liom
bcyond, loi humnnity is not yct stiong cnough to icsist thc
powci in thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt thnt cnn bc cxcitcd hcic
nnd is bcing cxcitcd hcic now.
Thc visitois will tiy nnd cicntc thc impicssion thnt thcy
nic "thc nllics ol humnnity.¨ Thcy will sny thcy nic hcic to
snvc humnnity liom itscll, thnt only thcy cnn ollci thc gicnt
hopc thnt humnnity cnnnot piovidc loi itscll, thnt only thcy
cnn cstnblish tiuc oidci nnd hnimony in thc woild. But this
oidci nnd this hnimony will bc thciis, not youis. And thc licc-
dom thnt thcy piomisc will not bc youis to cn|oy.
1 HL F OUR1 H 8 R I L F I NG
Manipulalion ol Peligious
Tradilions and 8eliels
n oidci to undcistnnd thc visitois' nctivitics in thc
woild todny, wc must picscnt moic inloimntion
icgniding thcii infucncc on woild icligious institu-
tions nnd vnlucs nnd on thc lundnmcntnl spiiitunl
impulscs which nic common to youi nntuic nnd
which, in mnny wnys, nic common to intclligcnt lilc in
mnny pnits ol thc Cicntci Community.
Vc should bcgin by snying thnt thc nctivitics
thnt thc visitois nic conducting in thc woild nt this
timc hnvc bccn cniiicd on mnny timcs bcloic in mnny
dillcicnt plnccs with mnny dillcicnt cultuics in thc
Cicntci Community. Youi visitois nic not thc oiiginn-
tois ol thcsc nctivitics but mcicly usc thcm nt thcii
own disciction nnd hnvc uscd thcm mnny timcs
It is impoitnnt loi you to undcistnnd thnt skills in
infucncc nnd mnnipulntion hnvc bccn dcvclopcd to n
vciy high dcgicc ol lunctionnlity in thc Cicntci
Community. As inccs bccomc moic ndcpt nnd moic
cnpnblc tcchnologicnlly, thcy cxcit moic subtlc nnd
moic pcivnsivc kinds ol infucncc upon onc nnothci.
Humnn bcings hnvc only cvolvcd thus lni to compctc with
cnch othci, so you do not yct hnvc this ndnptivc ndvnntngc.
This in itscll is onc ol thc icnsons why wc nic picscnting this
mntciinl to you. You nic cntciing n wholc ncw sct ol ciicum-
stnnccs thnt icquiic thc cultivntion ol youi inhcicnt nbilitics
ns wcll ns thc lcnining ol ncw skills.
Though humnnity icpicscnts n uniquc situntion, cmci-
gcncc into thc Cicntci Community hns hnppcncd countlcss
timcs bcloic with othci inccs. Thcicloic, whnt is bcing pcipc-
tintcd upon you hns bccn donc bcloic. It hns bccn highly
dcvclopcd nnd is now bcing ndnptcd to youi lilc nnd to youi
situntion with whnt wc lccl is iclntivc cnsc.
Thc ¡ncincntion ¡ioginm thnt is bcing implcmcntcd by
thc visitois is mnking this possiblc, in pnit. Thc dcsiic loi
pcncclul iclntions nnd thc dcsiic to nvoid wni nnd confict nic
ndmiinblc but cnn bc, nnd indccd  bcing, uscd ngninst you.
Lvcn youi most noblc impulscs cnn bc uscd loi othci pui-
poscs. You hnvc sccn this in youi own histoiy, in youi own
nntuic nnd in youi own socictics. ¡cncc cnn only bc cstnb-
lishcd upon n nim loundntion ol wisdom, coopcintion nnd
tiuc nbility.
Humnnity hns nntuinlly bccn conccincd with cstnblish-
ing pcncclul iclntions nmongst its own tiibcs nnd nntions.
Now, howcvci, it hns n gicntci sct ol pioblcms nnd chnllcngcs.
Vc vicw thcsc ns oppoitunitics loi youi dcvclopmcnt, loi it
will only bc thc chnllcngc ol cmciging into thc Cicntci
Community thnt will unitc thc woild nnd givc you thc loun-
dntion loi this unity to bc gcnuinc, stiong nnd cllcctivc.
Thcicloic, wc comc not to ciiticizc youi icligious
institutions oi youi most lundnmcntnl impulscs nnd vnlucs,
but to illustintc how thcy nic bcing uscd ngninst you by thosc
nlicn inccs who nic intcivcning in youi woild. And, il it is
within oui powci, wc wish to cncouingc thc iight cmploymcnt
ol youi gilts nnd youi nccomplishmcnts loi thc picscivntion ol
youi woild, youi liccdom nnd youi intcgiity ns n incc within
n Cicntci Community contcxt.
Thc visitois nic lundnmcntnlly pincticnl in thcii
nppionch. This is both n sticngth nnd n wcnkncss. As wc hnvc
obscivcd thcm, both hcic nnd clscwhcic, wc scc thnt it is dil-
ncult loi thcm to dcvintc liom thcii plnns. Thcy nic not wcll
ndnptcd to chnngc, noi cnn thcy dcnl with complcxity vciy
cllcctivcly. Thcicloic, thcy cniiy out thcii plnn in nn nlmost
cniclcss mnnnci, loi thcy lccl thnt thcy nic in thc iight nnd
thnt thcy hnvc thc ndvnntngc. Thcy do not bclicvc thnt
humnnity will mount icsistnncc ngninst thcm÷nt lcnst not
icsistnncc thnt will nllcct thcm gicntly. And thcy lccl thnt thcii
sccicts nnd thcii ngcndn nic wcll picscivcd nnd nic bcyond
humnn compichcnsion.
In this light, oui nctivity in picscnting this mntciinl to
you mnkcs us thcii cncmics, ccitninly in thcii sight. In oui
sight, howcvci, wc nic mcicly nttcmpting to countci thcii
infucncc nnd to givc you thc undcistnnding thnt you nccd
nnd thc pcispcctivc thnt you must icly upon to picscivc youi
liccdom ns n incc nnd to dcnl with thc icnlitics ol thc Cicntci
Duc to thc pincticnl nntuic ol thcii nppionch, thcy wish
to nccomplish thcii gonls with thc gicntcst clncicncy possiblc.
Thcy wish to unitc humnnity but only in nccoidnncc with
thcii own pniticipntion nnd nctivitics in thc woild. To thcm,
humnn unity is n pincticnl conccin. Thcy do not vnluc divci-
sity in cultuics, thcy ccitninly do not vnluc it within thcii own
cultuics. Thcicloic, thcy will nttcmpt to cindicntc it oi mini-
mizc it, il possiblc, whcicvci thcy nic cxciting thcii infucncc.
In oui picvious discouisc, wc tnlkcd nbout
thc visitois' infucncc on ncw loims ol spiiitunl-
ity÷on ncw idcns nnd ncw cxpicssions ol humnn
divinity nnd humnn nntuic thnt nic in youi woild
nt this timc. In oui discussion now, wc would likc
to locus on thc tinditionnl vnlucs nnd institutions
thnt youi visitois scck to infucncc nnd nic infu-
cncing todny.
Attcmpting to piomotc uniloimity nnd con-
loimity, thc visitois will icly on thosc institutions
nnd thosc vnlucs thnt thcy lccl nic thc most stnblc
nnd pincticnl loi thcii usc. Thcy nic not intcicstcd
in youi idcns, nnd thcy nic not intcicstcd in youi vnlucs,
cxccpt insolni ns thcsc things might luithci thcii ngcndn. Do
not dcccivc youiscll in thinking thnt thcy nic dinwn to youi
spiiitunlity bccnusc thcy lnck such things thcmsclvcs. This
would bc n loolish nnd pcihnps lntnl mistnkc. Do not think
thnt thcy nic cnnmoicd with youi lilc nnd with thosc things
thnt you nnd to bc intiiguing. Ioi only in inic cnscs will you
bc nblc to infucncc thcm in this wny. All nntuinl cuiiosity hns
bccn bicd out ol thcm nnd vciy littlc icmnins. Thcic is, in lnct,
vciy littlc ol whnt you would cnll "Spiiit¨ oi whnt wc would
cnll "Vninc¨ oi "Thc Vny ol Insight.¨ Thcy nic contiollcd nnd
contiolling nnd lollow pnttcins ol thinking nnd bchnvioi thnt
Jhey do uol value
diversily iu cullures,
lhey cerlaiuly do uol
value il wilhiu lheir owu
cullures. Jhereíore, lhey
will alleupl lo eradicale
il or uiuiuize il, ií
possible, wherever lhey
are exerliug lheir
nic nimly cstnblishcd nnd stiictly icinloiccd. Thcy might sccm
to cmpnthizc with youi idcns, but it is only to gnin youi
In tinditionnl icligious institutions in youi woild, thcy
will scck to utilizc thosc vnlucs nnd thosc lundnmcntnl bclicls
thnt cnn scivc in thc lutuic to biing you into nllcginncc to
thcm. Lct us givc you somc cxnmplcs, boin both ol oui own
obscivntions nnd ol thc insight thnt thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc
givcn us ovci timc.
Mnny in youi woild lollow thc Chiistinn lnith. Vc think
this is ndmiinblc though it is ccitninly not thc only nppionch
to thc lundnmcntnl qucstions ol spiiitunl idcntity nnd puiposc
in lilc. Thc visitois will utilizc thc lundnmcntnl idcn ol nllc-
ginncc to n singlc lcndci in oidci to gcncintc nllcginncc to
thcii cnusc. Vithin thc contcxt ol this icligion, thc idcntincn-
tion with }csus thc Chiist will bc gicntly utilizcd. Thc hopc
nnd thc piomisc ol his ictuin to thc woild ollcis youi visitois
n pcilcct oppoitunity, pniticulnily nt this tuining point in thc
It is oui undcistnnding thnt thc tiuc }csus will not ictuin
to thc woild, loi hc is woiking in conccit with thc Unsccn
Oncs nnd scivcs humnnity nnd othci inccs ns wcll. Thc onc
who will comc clniming his nnmc will comc liom thc Cicntci
Community. Hc will bc onc who is boin nnd bicd loi this pui-
posc by thc collcctivcs thnt nic in thc woild todny. Hc will
nppcni humnn nnd will hnvc signincnnt nbilitics compnicd to
whnt you cnn nccomplish nt this momcnt. Hc will sccm com-
plctcly nltiuistic. Hc will bc nblc to pciloim ncts thnt will
cngcndci cithci lcni oi gicnt icvcicncc. Hc will bc nblc to
pio|cct imngcs ol nngcls, dcmons oi whntcvci his supciiois
wish to cxposc you to. Hc will sccm to hnvc spiiitunl powcis.
Yct hc will comc liom thc Cicntci Community, nnd hc will bc
pnit ol thc collcctivc. And hc will cngcndci nllcginncc to lol-
low him. Lvcntunlly, loi thosc who cnnnot lollow him, hc will
cncouingc thcii nlicnntion oi thcii dcstiuction.
Thc visitois do not cnic how mnny ol youi pcoplc nic
dcstioycd so long ns thcy hnvc n piimniy nllcginncc nmongst
thc mn|oiity. Thcicloic, thc visitois will locus on thosc lundn-
mcntnl idcns thnt givc thcm this nuthoiity nnd infucncc.
A Sccond Coming, thcn, is bcing picpnicd by youi visi-
tois. Thc cvidcncc ol this, wc undcistnnd, is nlicndy in thc
woild. ¡coplc do not icnlizc thc picscncc ol thc visitois oi thc
nntuic ol icnlity in thc Cicntci Community, nnd so thcy will
nntuinlly ncccpt thcii piioi bclicls without qucstion, lccling
thnt thc timc hns comc loi thc gicnt ictuin ol thcii Snvioi nnd
thcii Tcnchci. But hc who will comc will not comc liom thc
hcnvcnly host, hc will not icpicscnt Knowlcdgc oi thc Unsccn
Oncs, nnd hc will not icpicscnt thc Cicntoi oi thc Cicntoi's
will. Vc hnvc sccn this plnn in loimulntion in thc woild. Vc
hnvc nlso sccn similni plnns cniiicd out in othci woilds.
In othci icligious tinditions, uniloimity will bc cncoui-
ngcd by thc visitois÷whnt you might cnll n lundnmcntnl kind
ol icligion bnscd upon thc pnst, bnscd upon nllcginncc to
nuthoiity nnd bnscd upon conloimity to thc institution. This
scivcs thc visitois. Thcy nic not intcicstcd in thc idcology nnd
vnlucs ol youi icligious tinditions, only in thcii usclulncss.
Thc moic thnt pcoplc cnn think nlikc, nct nlikc nnd icspond
in picdictnblc wnys, thc moic usclul thcy nic to thc
collcctivcs. This conloimity is bcing piomotcd in mnny dillci-
cnt tinditions. Thc intcnt hcic is not to mnkc thcm nll thc
snmc but to hnvc thcm bc simplc within thcmsclvcs.
In onc pnit ol thc woild, onc pniticulni icli-
gious idcology will picvnil, in n dillcicnt pnit ol thc
woild, n dillcicnt icligious idcology will picvnil.
This is cntiicly usclul to youi visitois, loi thcy do
not cnic il thcic is moic thnn onc icligion so long
ns thcic is oidci, conloimity nnd nllcginncc.
Hnving no icligion ol thcii own thnt you could
possibly lollow oi idcntily with, thcy will usc youis
to cngcndci thcii own vnlucs. Ioi thcy vnluc only totnl nllc-
ginncc to thcii cnusc nnd to thc collcctivcs nnd scck youi totnl
nllcginncc to pniticipntc with thcm in wnys thnt thcy pic-
sciibc. Thcy will nssuic you thnt this will cicntc pcncc nnd
icdcmption in thc woild nnd thc ictuin ol whntcvci icligious
imngc oi pcisonngc is considcicd ol thc gicntcst vnluc hcic.
This is not to sny thnt lundnmcntnl icligion is govcincd
by nlicn loiccs, loi wc undcistnnd thnt lundnmcntnl icligion
hns bccn wcll cstnblishcd in youi woild. Vhnt wc nic snying
hcic is thnt thc impulscs loi this nnd thc mcchnnisms loi this
will bc suppoitcd by thc visitois nnd uscd loi thcii own pui-
poscs. Thcicloic, gicnt cnic must bc givcn by nll who nic tiuc
bclicvcis in thcii tinditions to disccin thcsc infucnccs nnd to
countcinct thcm il possiblc. Hcic it is not thc nvcingc pcison
in thc woild thnt thc visitois scck to convincc, it is thc
Thc visitois nimly bclicvc thnt il thcy do not intcivcnc in
n timcly mnnnci, humnnity will dcstioy itscll nnd thc woild.
haviug uo religiou oí
lheir owu lhal you could
possibly íollow or
ideuliíy wilh, lhey will
use yours lo eugeuder
lheir owu values.
This is not bnscd upon tiuth, it is only nn nssumption. Though
humnnity is nt iisk ol scll-nnnihilntion, this is not ncccssniily
youi dcstiny. But thc collcctivcs bclicvc thnt this is so, nnd so
thcy must nct with hnstc nnd givc thcii pioginms ol pcisun-
sion gicnt cmphnsis. Thosc who cnn bc convinccd will bc
vnlucd ns usclul, thosc thnt cnnnot bc convinccd will bc dis-
cnidcd nnd nlicnntcd. Should thc visitois bccomc stiong
cnough to gnin complctc contiol ol thc woild, thosc who cnn-
not conloim will simply bc climinntcd. Yct thc visitois will not
do thc dcstiuction. It will bc wiought thiough thc vciy indi-
vidunls in thc woild who hnvc lnllcn complctcly undci thcii
This is n tciiiblc sccnniio, wc undcistnnd, but thcic must
bc no conlusion il you nic to undcistnnd nnd icccivc
whnt wc nic cxpicssing in oui mcssngcs to you. It is
not thc nnnihilntion ol humnnity, it is thc intcgintion
ol humnnity thnt thc visitois scck to nccomplish. Thcy
will intcibiccd with you loi this puiposc. Thcy will
nttcmpt to icdiicct youi icligious impulscs nnd insti-
tutions loi this puiposc. Thcy will cstnblish
thcmsclvcs in n clnndcstinc mnnnci in thc woild loi
this puiposc. Thcy will infucncc govcinmcnts nnd
govcinmcnt lcndcis loi this puiposc. Thcy will infu-
cncc militniy powcis in thc woild loi this puiposc. Thc
visitois nic conndcnt thnt thcy cnn bc succcsslul, loi so lni
thcy scc thnt humnnity hns not yct mountcd cnough icsis-
tnncc to countcinct thcii mcnsuics oi to ollsct thcii ngcndn.
To countcinct this, you must lcnin n Cicntci Community
Vny ol Knowlcdgc. Any licc incc in thc univcisc must lcnin
Jhe visilors are
couídeul lhal lhey cau
be successíul, íor so íar
lhey see lhal huuauily
has uol yel uouuled
euough resislauce lo
couuleracl lheir
ueasures or lo oíísel
lheir ageuda.
Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc, howcvci it mny bc dcnncd within
thcii own cultuics. This is thc souicc ol individunl liccdom.
This is whnt cnnblcs individunls nnd socictics to hnvc tiuc
intcgiity nnd to hnvc thc wisdom ncccssniy to dcnl with thc
infucnccs thnt countcinct Knowlcdgc, both within thcii
woilds nnd within thc Cicntci Community. It is, thcicloic,
ncccssniy to lcnin ncw wnys, loi you nic cntciing
n ncw situntion with ncw loiccs nnd ncw infu-
cnccs. Indccd, this is not somc lutuic piospcct but
nn immcdintc chnllcngc. Lilc in thc univcisc docs
not wnit upon youi icndincss. Lvcnts will hnppcn
whcthci you nic picpnicd oi not. Visitntion hns
occuiicd without youi ngiccmcnt nnd without
youi pcimission. And youi lundnmcntnl iights nic
bcing violntcd to n lni gicntci dcgicc thnn you yct icnlizc.
Bccnusc ol this, wc hnvc bccn scnt not only to givc oui
pcispcctivc nnd oui cncouingcmcnt but nlso to sound n cnll-
ing, nn nlnim, to inspiic nn nwnicncss nnd n commitmcnt. Vc
hnvc snid bcloic thnt wc cnnnot snvc youi incc thiough mili-
tniy intcivcntion. Thnt is not oui iolc. And cvcn il wc
nttcmptcd to do so nnd gnincicd thc sticngth to cniiy out
such nn ngcndn, youi woild would bc dcstioycd. Vc cnn only
You will scc in thc lutuic n lciocity ol icligious bclicl
cxpicsscd in violcnt wnys, cniiicd out ngninst pcoplc who dis-
ngicc, ngninst nntions ol lcss sticngth nnd uscd ns n wcnpon
ol nttnck nnd dcstiuction. Thc visitois would likc nothing bct-
tci thnn loi youi icligious institutions to govcin thc nntions.
This you must icsist. Thc visitois would likc nothing bcttci
Jhe visilors would like
uolhiug beller lhau íor
your religious
iuslilulious lo goveru
lhe ualious. Jhis you
uusl resisl.
thnn to hnvc icligious vnlucs shnicd by cvciyonc, loi this
ndds to thcii lnboi loicc nnd mnkcs thcii tnsk cnsici. In nll ol
its mnnilcstntions, such infucncc lundnmcntnlly icduccs
down to ncquicsccncc nnd submission÷submission ol will,
submission ol puiposc, submission ol onc's lilc nnd nbilitics.
Yct this will bc hcinldcd ns n gicnt nchicvcmcnt loi humnnity,
n gicnt ndvnnccmcnt in socicty, n ncw unincntion loi thc
humnn incc, n ncw hopc loi pcncc nnd cqunnimity, n tiiumph
ol humnn spiiit ovci humnn instincts.
Thcicloic, wc comc with oui counscl nnd cncouingc you
to iclinin liom mnking unwisc dccisions, liom giving youi lilc
ovci to things thnt you do not undcistnnd nnd liom ncquicsc-
ing youi disccinmcnt nnd youi disciction loi thc snkc ol nny
piomiscd icwnid. And wc must cncouingc you not to bctiny
Knowlcdgc within youiscll, thc spiiitunl intclligcncc with
which you wcic boin nnd which now holds youi only nnd
gicntcst piomisc.
¡cihnps in hcniing this you will vicw thc univcisc ns n
plncc dcvoid ol Cincc. ¡cihnps you will bccomc cynicnl nnd
nlinid, thinking thnt nvniicc is univcisnl. But this is not thc
cnsc. Vhnt is nccdcd now is loi you to bccomc stiong,
stiongci thnn you nic, stiongci thnn you hnvc bccn. Do not
wclcomc communicntions with thosc intcivcning in youi
woild until you hnvc this sticngth. Do not opcn youi minds
nnd hcnits to visitois liom bcyond thc woild, loi thcy comc
hcic loi thcii own puiposcs. Do not think thnt thcy will lulnll
youi icligious piophcsics oi gicntcst idcnls, loi this is n
Thcic nic gicnt spiiitunl loiccs in thc Cicntci
Community÷individunls nnd cvcn nntions thnt hnvc
nchicvcd vciy high stntcs ol nccomplishmcnt, lni bcyond
whnt humnnity hns dcmonstintcd thus lni. But thcy do not
comc nnd tnkc contiol ol othci woilds. Thcy do not icpicscnt
politicnl nnd cconomic loiccs in thc univcisc. Thcy nic not
involvcd in commcicc bcyond lulnlling thcii own lundnmcn-
tnl nccds. Thcy inicly tinvcl, cxccpt in situntions ol
Lmissniics nic scnt to hclp thosc who nic cmciging into
thc Cicntci Community, cmissniics such ns ouisclvcs. And
thcic nic spiiitunl cmissniics ns wcll÷thc powci ol thc
Unsccn Oncs, who cnn spcnk to thosc who nic icndy to
icccivc nnd who show good hcnit nnd good piomisc. This is
how Cod woiks in thc univcisc.
You nic cntciing n dilncult ncw cnviionmcnt. Youi woild
is vciy vnlunblc to othcis. You will nccd to piotcct it. You will
nccd to picscivc youi icsouiccs so thnt you do not icquiic oi
dcpcnd upon tindc with othci nntions loi thc lundnmcntnl
ncccssitics ol youi lilc. Il you do not picscivc youi icsouiccs,
you will hnvc to iclinquish much ol youi liccdom nnd scll-
Youi spiiitunlity must bc sound. It must bc bnscd upon
icnl cxpciicncc, loi vnlucs nnd bclicls, iitunls nnd tinditions
cnn bc uscd nnd nic bcing uscd by youi visitois loi thcii own
Hcic you cnn bcgin to scc thnt youi visitois nic vciy vul-
ncinblc in ccitnin nicns. Lct us cxploic this luithci.
Individunlly, thcy hnvc vciy littlc will nnd hnvc dilnculty dcnl-
ing with complcxitics. Thcy do not undcistnnd youi spiiitunl
nntuic. And thcy most ccitninly do not undcistnnd thc
impulscs ol Knowlcdgc. Thc stiongci you nic with Knowlcdgc,
thc moic incxplicnblc you bccomc, thc hnidci you nic to con-
tiol nnd thc lcss usclul you bccomc to thcm nnd to thcii
pioginm ol intcgintion. Individunlly, thc stiongci you nic with
Knowlcdgc, thc gicntci chnllcngc you bccomc to thcm. Thc
moic individunls thnt bccomc stiong with Knowlcdgc, thc
moic dilncult it is loi thc visitois to isolntc thcm.
Thc visitois do not hnvc physicnl sticngth. Thcii powci
is in thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt nnd in thc usc ol thcii tcch-
nologics. Thcii numbcis nic smnll compnicd to youis. Thcy
nic wholly iclinnt upon youi ncquicsccncc, nnd thcy nic
ovcily conndcnt thnt thcy cnn succccd. Bnscd upon thcii
cxpciicncc so lni, humnnity hns not ollcicd signincnnt icsis-
tnncc. Yct thc stiongci you nic with Knowlcdgc, thc moic you
bccomc n loicc thnt opposcs intcivcntion nnd
mnnipulntion nnd thc moic you bccomc n loicc
loi liccdom nnd intcgiity loi youi incc.
Though pcihnps not mnny will bc nblc to
hcni oui mcssngc, youi icsponsc  impoitnnt.
¡cihnps it is cnsy to disbclicvc oui picscncc nnd
oui icnlity nnd to icnct ngninst oui mcssngc, yct
wc spcnk in nccoidnncc with Knowlcdgc.
Thcicloic, whnt wc nic snying cnn bc known
within you, il you nic licc to know it.
Vc undcistnnd thnt wc chnllcngc mnny
bclicls nnd convcntions in oui picscntntion. Lvcn oui nppcni-
nncc hcic will sccm incxplicnblc nnd will bc ic|cctcd by mnny.
Yct oui woids nnd oui mcssngc cnn icsonntc with you
. . . lhe slrouger you are
wilh Kuowledge, lhe
uore you becoue a
íorce lhal opposes
iulerveuliou aud
uauipulaliou aud lhe
uore you becoue a
íorce íor íreedou aud
iulegrily íor your race.
bccnusc wc spcnk with Knowlcdgc. Thc powci ol tiuth is thc
gicntcst powci in thc univcisc. It hns thc powci to licc. It hns
thc powci to cnlightcn. And it hns thc powci to
givc sticngth nnd conndcncc to thosc who nccd it.
Vc nic told thnt humnn conscicncc is highly
vnlucd though pcihnps not nlwnys lollowcd. It is
this thnt wc nic spcnking ol whcn wc tnlk nbout
Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc. It is lundnmcntnl to nll ol
youi tiuc spiiitunl impulscs. It is contnincd in youi
icligions nlicndy. It is not ncw to you. But it must
bc vnlucd, oi oui clloits nnd thc clloits ol thc
Unsccn Oncs to picpnic humnnity loi thc Cicntci
Community will not bc succcsslul. Too lcw will icspond. And
thc tiuth will bc n buidcn loi thcm, loi thcy will not bc nblc to
shnic it cllcctivcly.
Thcicloic, wc comc not to ciiticizc youi icligious institu-
tions oi convcntions, but only to illustintc how thcy cnn bc
uscd ngninst you. Vc nic not hcic to icplncc thcm oi to dcny
thcm, but to show how tiuc intcgiity must pcivndc thcsc insti-
tutions nnd convcntions in oidci loi thcm to scivc you in n
gcnuinc wny.
In thc Cicntci Community, spiiitunlity is cmbodicd in
whnt wc cnll Knowlcdgc, Knowlcdgc mcnning thc intclligcncc
ol Spiiit nnd thc movcmcnt ol Spiiit within you. This cmpow-
cis you to know inthci thnn only bclicvc. This givcs you
immunity liom pcisunsion nnd mnnipulntion, loi Knowlcdgc
cnnnot bc mnnipulntcd by nny woildly powci oi loicc. This
givcs lilc to youi icligions nnd hopc loi youi dcstiny.
Vc hold tiuc to thcsc idcns, loi thcy nic lundnmcntnl.
Jhe power oí lrulh is
lhe grealesl power iu
lhe uuiverse. |l has lhe
power lo íree. |l has lhe
power lo eulighleu. ^ud
il has lhe power lo give
slreuglh aud couídeuce
lo lhose who ueed il.
Thcy nic lncking in thc collcctivcs, howcvci, nnd should you
cncountci thc collcctivcs, oi cvcn thcii picscncc, nnd hnvc
thc powci to mnintnin youi own mind, you will scc this loi
Vc nic told thnt thcic nic mnny pcoplc in thc woild who
wish to givc thcmsclvcs ovci, to givc thcmsclvcs nwny to n
gicntci powci in lilc. This is not uniquc to thc woild ol
humnnity, but in thc Cicntci Community such nn nppionch
lcnds to cnslnvcmcnt. Vc undcistnnd thnt in youi own woild,
bcloic thc visitois wcic hcic in such numbcis, such nn
nppionch oltcn lcd to cnslnvcmcnt. But in thc Cicntci
Community, you nic moic vulncinblc nnd must bc wisci, moic
cniclul nnd moic scll-sulncicnt. Rccklcssncss hcic biings with
it n hcnvy piicc nnd gicnt misloitunc.
Il you cnn icspond to Knowlcdgc nnd lcnin n Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc, you will bc nblc to scc thcsc
things loi youiscll. Thcn you will connim oui woids inthci
thnn only bclicvc thcm oi dcny thcm. Thc Cicntoi is mnking
this possiblc, loi thc Cicntoi wills thnt humnnity picpnic loi
its lutuic. Thnt is why wc hnvc comc. Thnt is why wc nic
wntching nnd now hnvc thc oppoitunity to icpoit whnt
wc scc.
Thc icligious tinditions ol thc woild spcnk wcll loi you in
thcii csscntinl tcnchings. Vc hnvc hnd thc oppoitunity to
lcnin nbout thcm liom thc Unsccn Oncs. But thcy nlso icpic-
scnt n potcntinl wcnkncss. Il humnnity wcic moic vigilnnt nnd
undcistood thc icnlitics ol lilc in thc Cicntci Community nnd
thc mcnning ol picmntuic visitntion, youi iisks would not bc
so gicnt ns thcy nic todny. Thcic is hopc nnd cxpcctntion thnt
such visitntion will biing gicnt icwnids nnd will bc n lulnll-
mcnt loi you. Yct you hnvc not bccn nblc to lcnin ol thc
icnlity ol thc Cicntci Community oi ol thc powcilul loiccs
thnt nic intcincting with youi woild. Youi lnck ol undcistnnd-
ing nnd picmntuic tiust in thc visitois do not scivc you.
It is loi this icnson thnt thc Visc thioughout thc Cicntci
Community icmnin hiddcn. Thcy do not scck commcicc in
thc Cicntci Community. Thcy do not scck to bc pnit ol guilds
oi tinding coopcintivcs. Thcy do not scck diplomncy with
mnny woilds. Thcii nctwoik ol nllcginncc is moic mystciious,
moic spiiitunl in nntuic. Thcy undcistnnd thc iisks nnd thc
dilncultics ol cxposuic to thc icnlitics ol lilc in thc physicnl
univcisc. Thcy mnintnin thcii insulntion, nnd thcy icmnin vig-
ilnnt nt thcii boidcis. Thcy only scck to cxtcnd thcii wisdom
thiough mcnns thnt nic lcss physicnl in nntuic.
In youi own woild, pcihnps, you cnn scc this cxpicsscd
in thosc who nic thc wiscst, thc most giltcd, who do not scck
pcisonnl ndvnntngc thiough commcicinl nvcnucs nnd who
nic not givcn to conqucst nnd mnnipulntion. Youi own woild
tclls you so much. Youi own histoiy tclls you so much nnd
illustintcs, though on n smnllci scnlc, cvciything thnt wc nic
picscnting to you hcic.
Thus, it is oui intcntion not only to wnin you ol thc
ginvity ol youi situntion but to piovidc you, il wc cnn, n
gicntci pciccption nnd undcistnnding ol lilc, which you will
nccd. And wc tiust thnt thcic will bc cnough who cnn hcni
thcsc woids nnd icspond to thc gicntncss ol Knowlcdgc.
Vc hopc thcic will bc thosc who cnn iccognizc thnt oui mcs-
sngcs nic not hcic to cvokc lcni nnd pnnic but to cngcndci
icsponsibility nnd n commitmcnt to thc picscivntion ol licc-
dom nnd good within youi woild.
Il humnnity should lnil in opposing thc Intcivcntion, wc
cnn pnint n pictuic ol whnt this would mcnn. Vc hnvc sccn it
clscwhcic, loi cnch onc ol us cnmc vciy closc, within oui own
woilds. Bcing pnit ol n collcctivc, thc plnnct Lnith will bc
mincd loi its icsouiccs, its pcoplc will bc coiinllcd to woik
nnd its icbcls nnd hcictics will bc cithci nlicnntcd oi
dcstioycd. Thc woild will bc picscivcd loi its ngiicultuic nnd
its mining intcicsts. Humnn socictics will cxist, but only in
suboidinntion to powcis liom bcyond youi woild. And should
thc woild cxhnust its usclulncss, should its icsouiccs bc com-
plctcly tnkcn, thcn you will bc lclt, bciclt. Thc suppoitivc lilc
upon youi woild will hnvc bccn tnkcn liom you, thc vciy
mcnns ol suivivnl will hnvc bccn stolcn. This hns hnppcncd
bcloic in mnny othci plnccs.
In thc cnsc ol this woild, thc collcctivcs mny choosc to
picscivc thc woild loi ongoing usc ns n stintcgic post nnd ns
n biologicnl stoichousc. Yct thc humnn populntion would sul-
lci tciiibly undci such oppicssivc iulc. Thc populntion ol
humnnity would bc icduccd. Thc mnnngcmcnt ol humnnity
would bc givcn to thosc who nic bicd to lcnd thc humnn incc
within n ncw oidci. Humnn liccdom ns you know it would no
longci cxist, nnd you would sullci undci thc wcight ol loicign
iulc, n iulc thnt would bc hnish nnd cxncting.
Thcic nic mnny collcctivcs in thc Cicntci Community.
Somc ol thcm nic lnigc, somc ol thcm nic smnll. Somc ol thcm
nic moic cthicnl in thcii tnctics, mnny nic not. To thc cxtcnt
thnt thcy compctc with onc nnothci loi oppoitunitics, such ns
thc iulc ol youi woild, dnngcious nctivitics cnn bc pcipc-
tintcd. Vc must givc this illustintion so thnt you will hnvc no
doubt ns to whnt wc nic snying. Thc choiccs bcloic you nic
vciy limitcd, but vciy lundnmcntnl.
Thcicloic, undcistnnd thnt liom youi visitois' pcispcc-
tivc, you nic nll tiibcs thnt nccd to bc mnnngcd nnd contiollcd
in oidci to scivc thc visitois' intcicsts. Ioi this, youi icligions
nnd n ccitnin dcgicc ol youi socinl icnlity will bc picscivcd.
But you will losc n gicnt dcnl. And much will bc lost bcloic
you icnlizc whnt hns bccn tnkcn liom you. Thcicloic, wc cnn
only ndvocntc n vigilnncc, n icsponsibility nnd n commitmcnt
to lcnin÷to lcnin nbout lilc in thc Cicntci Community, to
lcnin how to picscivc youi own cultuic nnd youi own icnlity
within n gicntci cnviionmcnt nnd to lcnin how to scc who is
hcic to scivc you nnd distinguish thcm liom thosc who nic
not. This gicntci disccinmcnt is so nccdcd in thc woild, cvcn
loi thc icsolution ol youi own dilncultics. But icgniding youi
suivivnl nnd wcll-bcing in thc Cicntci Community, it is
nbsolutcly lundnmcntnl.
Thcicloic, wc cncouingc you to tnkc hcnit. Vc hnvc
moic to shnic with you.
1 HL F I F 1 H 8 R I L F I NG
A New Promise
lor Humanily
n oidci to picpnic loi thc nlicn picscncc thnt is in thc
woild, it is ncccssniy to lcnin moic nbout lilc in thc
Cicntci Community, lilc thnt will cnvclopc youi woild
in thc lutuic, lilc thnt you will bc n pnit ol.
Humnnity's dcstiny wns nlwnys to cmcigc into n
Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc. This is
incvitnblc nnd occuis in nll woilds whcic intclligcnt
lilc hns bccn sccdcd nnd hns dcvclopcd. Lvcntunlly,
you would hnvc comc to icnlizc thnt you livcd within
n Cicntci Community. And, cvcntunlly, you would
hnvc lound thnt you wcic not nlonc in youi own
woild, thnt visitntion wns occuiiing nnd thnt you
would hnvc to lcnin to contcnd with divcigcnt inccs,
loiccs, bclicls nnd nttitudcs thnt nic picvnlcnt in thc
Cicntci Community in which you livc.
Lmciging into thc Cicntci Community is youi
dcstiny. Youi isolntion is now ovci. Though youi woild
hns bccn visitcd mnny timcs in thc pnst, youi isolntcd
stntc hns comc to nn cnd. Now it is ncccssniy loi you
to icnlizc thnt you nic no longci nlonc ÷in thc
univcisc oi cvcn within youi own woild. This undci-
stnnding is picscntcd moic lully in thc Tcnching in Cicntci
Community Spiiitunlity thnt is bcing picscntcd in thc woild
todny. Oui iolc hcic is to dcsciibc lilc ns it cxists in thc
Cicntci Community so thnt you mny hnvc n
dccpci undcistnnding ol thc gicntci pnnoinmn ol
lilc into which you nic cmciging. This is ncccssniy
in oidci loi you to bc nblc to nppionch this ncw
icnlity with gicntci ob|cctivity, undcistnnding nnd
wisdom. Humnnity hns livcd in iclntivc isolntion
loi so long thnt it is nntuinl loi you to considci thnt
thc icst ol thc univcisc lunctions nccoiding to thc
idcns, piinciplcs nnd scicncc thnt you hold sncicd
nnd upon which you bnsc youi nctivitics nnd youi
pciccptions ol thc woild.
Thc Cicntci Community is vnst. Its luithcst
icnchcs hnvc ncvci bccn cxploicd. It is gicntci
thnn nny incc cnn compichcnd. Vithin this mngninccnt cic-
ntion, intclligcnt lilc cxists nt nll lcvcls ol cvolution nnd in
countlcss cxpicssions. Youi woild cxists in n pnit ol thc
Cicntci Community thnt is lniily wcll inhnbitcd. Thcic nic
mnny nicns ol thc Cicntci Community thnt hnvc ncvci bccn
cxploicd nnd othci nicns whcic inccs livc in sccict.
Lvciything cxists in thc Cicntci Community in tcims ol thc
mnnilcstntions ol lilc. And though lilc ns wc hnvc bccn
dcsciibing it sccms dilncult nnd chnllcnging, thc Cicntoi
woiks cvciywhcic, icclniming thc scpnintcd thiough
In thc Cicntci Community, thcic cnn bc no onc icligion,
onc idcology oi onc loim ol govcinmcnt thnt cnn bc ndnptcd
Jhe Crealer Couuuuily
is vasl. |ls íurlhesl
reaches have uever beeu
explored. |l is grealer
lhau auy race cau
coupreheud. wilhiu lhis
uaguiíceul crealiou,
iulelligeul liíe exisls al
all levels oí evoluliou
aud iu couulless
to nll inccs nnd nll pcoplcs. Thcicloic, whcn wc spcnk ol icli-
gion, wc spcnk ol thc spiiitunlity ol Knowlcdgc, loi this is thc
powci nnd picscncc ol Knowlcdgc thnt dwclls in nll intclligcnt
lilc÷within you, within youi visitois nnd within othci inccs
thnt you will cncountci in thc lutuic.
Thus, univcisnl spiiitunlity bccomcs n gicnt locnl point.
It biings togcthci thc divcigcnt undcistnndings nnd idcns thnt
nic picvnlcnt in youi woild nnd givcs youi own spiiitunl icnl-
ity n shnicd loundntion. Yct thc study ol Knowlcdgc is not
only cdilying, it is csscntinl loi suivivnl nnd ndvnnccmcnt in
thc Cicntci Community. Ioi you to bc nblc to cstnblish nnd
sustnin youi liccdom nnd indcpcndcncc in thc Cicntci
Community, you must hnvc this gicntci nbility dcvclopcd
nmongst cnough pcoplc in youi woild. Knowlcdgc is thc only
pnit ol you thnt cnnnot bc mnnipulntcd oi infucnccd. It is thc
souicc ol nll wisc undcistnnding nnd nction. It bccomcs n
ncccssity within n Cicntci Community cnviion-
mcnt il liccdom is vnlucd nnd il you wish to
cstnblish youi own dcstiny without bcing intc-
gintcd into n collcctivc oi nnothci socicty.
Thcicloic, whilc wc picscnt n ginvc situntion
in thc woild todny, wc nlso picscnt n gicnt gilt nnd
n gicnt piomisc loi humnnity, loi thc Cicntoi
would not lcnvc you unpicpnicd loi thc Cicntci
Community, which is thc gicntcst ol nll thicsholds
thnt you ns n incc will lncc. Vc hnvc bccn blcsscd
with this gilt ns wcll. It hns bccn in oui posscssion loi mnny
ol youi ccntuiics. Vc hnvc hnd to lcnin it both out ol choicc
nnd out ol ncccssity.
. . . wheu we speak oí
religiou, we speak oí lhe
spirilualily oí
Kuowledge, íor lhis is
lhe power aud preseuce
oí Kuowledge lhal
dwells iu all iulelligeul
liíe . . .
Indccd, it is thc picscncc nnd thc powci ol Knowlcdgc
which cnnblcs us to spcnk ns youi Allics nnd to piovidc thc
inloimntion thnt wc nic giving in thcsc biicnngs. Hnd wc
ncvci lound this gicnt Rcvclntion, wc would bc isolntcd in oui
own woilds, unnblc to compichcnd thc gicntci loiccs in thc
univcisc which would shnpc oui lutuic nnd oui dcstiny. Ioi
thc gilt thnt is bcing givcn in youi woild todny hns bccn givcn
to us nnd to mnny othci inccs ns wcll who showcd piomisc.
This gilt is cspccinlly impoitnnt loi cmciging inccs such ns
youi own who hold such piomisc nnd yct nic so vulncinblc in
thc Cicntci Community.
Thcicloic, whilc thcic cnn bc no onc icligion oi idcology
in thc univcisc, thcic is n univcisnl piinciplc, undcistnnding
nnd spiiitunl icnlity thnt is nvnilnblc to nll. So complctc is it
thnt it cnn spcnk to thosc who nic vnstly dillcicnt liom you. It
spcnks to thc divcisity ol lilc in nll ol its mnnilcstntions. You,
living within youi woild, now hnvc thc oppoitunity to lcnin ol
such n gicnt icnlity, to cxpciicncc its powci nnd gincc loi
youisclvcs. Indccd, ultimntcly this is thc gilt thnt wc wish to
icinloicc, loi this will picscivc youi liccdom nnd youi scll-
dctciminntion nnd will opcn thc dooi to n gicntci piomisc in
thc univcisc.
Howcvci, you hnvc ndvcisity nnd n gicnt chnllcngc nt
thc outsct. This icquiics you to lcnin n dccpci Knowlcdgc nnd
n gicntci nwnicncss. Should you icspond to this chnllcngc,
you bccomc thc bcncnciniy not only loi youiscll, but loi youi
cntiic incc.
Thc tcnching in Cicntci Community Spiiitunlity is bcing
picscntcd in thc woild todny. It hns ncvci bccn picscntcd
hcic bcloic. It is bcing givcn thiough onc pcison, who scivcs
ns thc intcimcdiniy nnd spcnkci loi this Tindition. It is bcing
scnt into thc woild nt this ciiticnl timc whcn humnnity must
lcnin ol its lilc in thc Cicntci Community nnd ol thc gicntci
loiccs thnt nic shnping thc woild todny. Only n
tcnching nnd undcistnnding liom bcyond thc
woild could givc you this ndvnntngc nnd this
You nic not nlonc in undcitnking such n gicnt
tnsk, loi thcic nic othcis in thc univcisc undcitnk-
ing this, cvcn nt youi stngc ol dcvclopmcnt. You
nic but onc ol mnny inccs cmciging into thc Cicntci
Community nt this timc. Lnch onc holds piomisc nnd yct cnch
is vulncinblc to thc dilncultics, chnllcngcs nnd infucnccs thnt
cxist in this gicntci cnviionmcnt. Indccd, mnny inccs hnvc
lost thcii liccdom bcloic it wns cvci nttnincd only to bccomc
pnit ol collcctivcs oi commcicinl guilds oi clicnt stntcs to
lnigci powcis.
Vc do not wish to scc this hnppcn loi humnnity, loi this
would bc n gicnt loss. It is loi this icnson thnt wc nic hcic. It
is loi this icnson thnt thc Cicntoi is nctivc in thc woild todny,
biinging n ncw undcistnnding to thc humnn lnmily. It is timc
loi humnnity to cnd its ccnsclcss conficts with itscll nnd to
picpnic loi lilc in thc Cicntci Community.
You livc in nn nicn thnt hns n gicnt dcnl ol nctivity
bcyond thc sphcic ol youi tiny solni systcm. Vithin this nicn,
tindc is cniiicd on nlong ccitnin nvcnucs. Voilds intcinct,
compctc nnd somctimcs conllict with cnch othci.
Oppoitunitics nic bcing sought by nll who hnvc commcicinl
|l is liue íor huuauily
lo eud ils ceaseless
couNicls wilh ilselí aud
lo prepare íor liíe iu lhe
Crealer Couuuuily.
intcicsts. Thcy scck not only icsouiccs but nlso nllcginnccs
liom woilds such ns youi own. Somc nic pnit ol lnigci collcc-
tivcs. Othcis mnintnin thcii own nllinnccs on n much smnllci
scnlc. Voilds thnt nic nblc to cmcigc into thc Cicntci
Community succcsslully hnvc hnd to mnintnin thcii nuton-
omy nnd scll-sulncicncy to n gicnt dcgicc. This liccs thcm
liom cxposuic to othci loiccs which would only scivc to
cxploit nnd mnnipulntc thcm.
It is indccd youi scll-sulncicncy nnd thc dcvclopmcnt ol
youi undcistnnding nnd unity thnt bccomc most csscntinl loi
youi wcll-bcing in thc lutuic. And this lutuic is not lni oll, loi
nlicndy thc infucncc ol thc visitois is bccoming gicntci in
youi woild. Mnny individunls hnvc ncquicsccd to thcm
nlicndy nnd now scivc ns thcii cmissniics nnd intcimcdiniics.
Mnny othci individunls simply scivc ns icsouiccs loi thcii
gcnctic pioginm. This hns hnppcncd, ns wc hnvc snid, mnny
timcs in mnny plnccs. It is not n mystciy to us though it must
sccm incompichcnsiblc to you.
Thc Intcivcntion is both n misloitunc nnd n vitnl oppoi-
tunity. Il you nic nblc to icspond, il you nic nblc to picpnic, il
you nic nblc to lcnin Cicntci Community Knowlcdgc nnd
Visdom, thcn you will bc nblc to ollsct thc loiccs thnt nic
intcilciing in youi woild nnd build thc loundntion loi gicntci
unity nmongst youi own pcoplcs nnd tiibcs. Vc, ol couisc,
cncouingc this, loi this sticngthcns thc bond ol Knowlcdgc
In thc Cicntci Community, wnilnic on n lnigc scnlc
inicly occuis. Thcic nic constinining loiccs. Ioi onc thing,
wnilnic distuibs commcicc nnd icsouicc dcvclopmcnt. As n
icsult, lnigc nntions nic not nllowcd to nct iccklcssly, loi it
impcdcs oi ollscts thc gonls ol othci pnitics, othci nntions nnd
othci intcicsts. Civil wni occuis pciiodicnlly in woilds, but
lnigc-scnlc wnilnic bctwccn socictics nnd bctwccn woilds is
inic indccd. It is pnitly loi this icnson thnt skill in thc Mcntnl
Lnviionmcnt hns bccn cstnblishcd, loi nntions do
compctc with cnch othci nnd nttcmpt to infucncc
onc nnothci. Sincc no onc wnnts to dcstioy
icsouiccs nnd oppoitunitics, thcsc gicntci skills
nnd cnpnbilitics nic cultivntcd with vniying
dcgiccs ol succcss nmongst mnny socictics in thc
Cicntci Community. Vhcn thcsc kinds ol infu-
cnccs nic picscnt, thc nccd loi Knowlcdgc is cvcn
Humnnity is ill picpnicd loi this. Yct bccnusc ol youi
iich spiiitunl hciitngc nnd thc dcgicc to which pcisonnl licc-
dom cxists in youi woild todny, thcic is piomisc thnt you mny
bc nblc to ndvnncc in this gicntci undcistnnding nnd thus
sccuic youi liccdom nnd picscivc it.
Thcic nic othci constinints ngninst wnilnic in thc
Cicntci Community. Most tinding socictics bclong to lnigc
guilds thnt hnvc cstnblishcd lnws nnd codcs ol conduct loi
thcii mcmbcis. Thcsc scivc to constinin thc nctivitics ol mnny
who would scck to usc loicc to gnin ncccss to othci woilds
nnd thcii piopiictniy icsouiccs. Ioi wnilnic to bicnk out on n
lnigc scnlc, mnny inccs would hnvc to bc involvcd, nnd this
docs not hnppcn oltcn. Vc undcistnnd thnt humnnity is vciy
. . . lhere is prouise lhal
you uay be able lo
advauce iu lhis grealer
uuderslaudiug aud lhus
secure your íreedou
aud preserve il.
wnilikc nnd conccivcs ol confict in thc Cicntci Community in
tcims ol wnilnic, but in icnlity you will nnd thnt this is not
wcll tolcintcd nnd thnt othci nvcnucs ol pcisunsion nic
cmploycd in plncc ol loicc.
Thus, youi visitois comc to youi woild not
with gicnt nimnmcnts. Thcy do not comc biinging
lnigc militniy loiccs, loi thcy cmploy thc skills thnt
hnvc scivcd thcm in othci wnys÷skills in mnnip-
ulnting thc thoughts, thc impulscs nnd thc lcclings
ol thosc whom thcy cncountci. Humnnity is vciy
vulncinblc to such pcisunsions givcn thc dcgicc ol
supcistition, confict nnd mistiust thnt nic picvn-
lcnt in youi woild nt this timc.
Thcicloic, to undcistnnd youi visitois nnd to
undcistnnd othcis whom you will cncountci in thc
lutuic, you must cstnblish n moic mntuic
nppionch to thc usc ol powci nnd infucncc. This
is n vitnl pnit ol youi Cicntci Community cducn-
tion. ¡nit ol thc picpnintion loi this will bc givcn in thc
Tcnching in Cicntci Community Spiiitunlity, but you must
nlso lcnin thiough diicct cxpciicncc.
At picscnt, wc undcistnnd, thcic is n vciy lnncilul vicw
ol thc Cicntci Community nmongst mnny pcoplc. It is
bclicvcd thnt thosc who nic tcchnologicnlly ndvnnccd nic
spiiitunlly ndvnnccd ns wcll, yct wc cnn nssuic you thnt this
is not thc cnsc. You youisclvcs, though moic tcchnologicnlly
ndvnnccd now thnn you wcic picviously, hnvc not spiiitunlly
ndvnnccd to n vciy gicnt dcgicc. You hnvc moic powci, but
with powci comcs thc nccd loi gicntci icstinint.
we uuderslaud lhal
huuauily is very warlike
aud couceives oí couNicl
iu lhe Crealer
Couuuuily iu lerus oí
waríare, bul iu realily
you will íud lhal lhis is
uol well loleraled aud
lhal olher aveuues oí
persuasiou are
euployed iu place oí
Thcic nic thosc in thc Cicntci Community who hnvc lni
moic powci thnn you nt n tcchnologicnl lcvcl nnd cvcn nt thc
lcvcl ol thought. You will cvolvc to dcnl with thcm, but
wcnponiy will not bc youi locus. Ioi wnilnic on nn intciplnn-
ctniy scnlc is so dcstiuctivc thnt cvciyonc loscs. Vhnt nic thc
spoils ol such n confict! Vhnt ndvnntngcs docs it sccuic!
Indccd, whcn such confict docs cxist, it hnppcns in spncc
itscll nnd inicly in tciicstiinl cnviionmcnts. Roguc nntions
nnd thosc who nic dcstiuctivc nnd nggicssivc nic quickly
countcicd, pniticulnily il thcy cxist in wcll-populntcd nicns
whcic commcicc is cniiicd on.
Thcicloic, it is ncccssniy loi you to undcistnnd thc
nntuic ol confict in thc univcisc bccnusc this will givc you
insight into thc visitois nnd thcii nccds÷why thcy lunction
thc wny thcy do, why individunl liccdom is
unknown nmongst thcm nnd why thcy icly upon
thcii collcctivcs. This givcs thcm stnbility nnd
powci, but it nlso icndcis thcm vulncinblc to thosc
who nic skillcd with Knowlcdgc.
Knowlcdgc cnnblcs you to think in nny num-
bci ol wnys, to nct spontnncously, to pciccivc
icnlity bcyond thc obvious nnd to cxpciicncc thc
lutuic nnd thc pnst. Such nbilitics nic bcyond thc
icnch ol thosc who cnn only lollow thc icgimcns
nnd thc dictntcs ol thcii cultuics. You nic lni bchind thc visi-
tois tcchnologicnlly, but you hnvc thc piomisc to dcvclop
skills in Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc, skills which you will nccd
nnd must lcnin to icly upon incicnsingly.
Vc would not bc thc Allics ol Humnnity il wc did not
Kuowledge euables
you lo lhiuk iu auy
uuuber oí ways, lo acl
spoulaueously, lo
perceive realily beyoud
lhe obvious aud lo
experieuce lhe íulure
aud lhe pasl.
tcnch you nbout lilc in thc Cicntci Community. Vc hnvc sccn
much. Vc hnvc cncountcicd mnny dillcicnt things. Oui
woilds wcic ovcicomc nnd wc hnd to icgnin oui liccdom. Vc
know, liom ciioi nnd liom cxpciicncc, thc nntuic ol thc con-
fict nnd thc chnllcngc thnt you lncc todny. Thnt is why wc nic
wcll suitcd loi this mission in oui scivicc to you. Howcvci,
you will not mcct us, nnd wc will not comc to mcct thc lcnd-
cis ol youi nntions. Thnt is not oui puiposc.
Indccd, you nccd ns littlc intcilcicncc ns possiblc, but
you do nccd gicnt nssistnncc. Thcic nic ncw skills thnt you
must dcvclop nnd n ncw undcistnnding thnt you must gnin.
Lvcn n bcncvolcnt socicty, should thcy comc to youi woild,
would hnvc such nn infucncc nnd such nn impnct upon you
thnt you would bccomc dcpcndcnt upon thcm nnd would not
cstnblish youi own sticngth, youi own powci nnd youi own
scll-sulncicncy. You would bc so iclinnt upon thcii tcchnology
nnd upon thcii undcistnnding thnt thcy would not
bc nblc to lcnvc you. And indccd, thcii niiivnl hcic
would mnkc you cvcn moic vulncinblc to intcilci-
cncc in thc lutuic. Ioi you would dcsiic thcii
tcchnology, nnd you would wnnt to tinvcl nlong
thc coiiidois ol tindc in thc Cicntci Community.
Yct you would not bc picpnicd, nnd you would not
bc wisc.
Thnt is why youi lutuic liicnds nic not hcic.
Thnt is why thcy nic not coming to hclp you. Ioi
you would not bccomc stiong il thcy did. You
would wnnt to nssocintc with thcm, you would wnnt to hnvc
nllinnccs with thcm, but you would bc so wcnk thnt you could
Eveu a beuevoleul
sociely, should lhey
coue lo your world,
would have such au
iuNueuce aud such au
iupacl upou you lhal
you would becoue
depeudeul upou
lheu. . .
not piotcct youisclvcs. In csscncc, you would bccomc pnit ol
thcii cultuic, which thcy do not will.
¡cihnps mnny pcoplc will not bc nblc to undcistnnd
whnt wc nic snying hcic, but in timc this will mnkc
pcilcct scnsc to you, nnd you will scc its wisdom
nnd its ncccssity. At this momcnt, you nic lni too
linil, too distinctcd nnd too confictcd to loim
stiong nllinnccs, cvcn with thosc who could bc
youi lutuic liicnds. Humnnity cnnnot yct spcnk ns
onc voicc, nnd so you nic pionc to intcivcntion
nnd mnnipulntion liom bcyond.
As thc icnlity ol thc Cicntci Community
bccomcs moic wcll known within youi woild, nnd
il oui mcssngc cnn icnch cnough pcoplc, thcn
thcic will bc n giowing conscnsus thnt thcic is n
gicntci pioblcm lncing humnnity. This could cic-
ntc n ncw bnsis loi coopcintion nnd conscnsus. Ioi whnt
possiblc ndvnntngc cnn onc nntion in youi woild hnvc ovci
nnothci whcn thc cntiic woild is thicntcncd by thc
Intcivcntion! And who could scck to gnin individunl powci in
nn cnviionmcnt whcic nlicn loiccs nic intcivcning! Il liccdom
is to bc icnl in youi woild, it must bc shnicd. It must bc icc-
ognizcd nnd known. It cnnnot bc thc piivilcgc ol thc lcw oi
thcic will bc no icnl sticngth hcic.
Vc undcistnnd liom thc Unsccn Oncs thnt nlicndy thcic
nic pcoplc who scck woild dominion bccnusc thcy bclicvc
thcy hnvc thc visitois' blcssings nnd suppoit. Thcy hnvc thc
visitois' nssuinncc thnt thcy will bc nssistcd in thcii qucst loi
powci. And yct, whnt nic thcy giving nwny but thc kcys to
^s lhe realily oí lhe
Crealer Couuuuily
becoues uore well
kuowu wilhiu your
world, aud ií our
uessage cau reach
euough people, lheu
lhere will be a growiug
couseusus lhal lhere is
a grealer probleu íaciug
thcii own liccdom nnd thc liccdom ol thcii woild! Thcy nic
unknowing nnd unwisc. Thcy cnnnot scc thcii ciioi.
Vc nlso undcistnnd thnt thcic nic thosc who bclicvc
thnt thc visitois nic hcic to icpicscnt n spiiitunl icnnissnncc
nnd n ncw hopc loi humnnity, but how cnn thcy know, thcy
who know nothing ol thc Cicntci Community! It is thcii hopc
nnd thcii dcsiic thnt this bc thc cnsc, nnd such wishcs nic
nccommodntcd by thc visitois, loi vciy obvious icnsons.
Vhnt wc nic snying hcic is thcic cnn bc
nothing shoit ol icnl liccdom in thc woild, icnl
powci nnd icnl unity. Vc mnkc oui mcssngc nvnil-
nblc to cvciyonc, nnd wc tiust thnt oui woids cnn
bc icccivcd nnd considcicd sciiously. Yct wc hnvc
no contiol ovci youi icsponsc. And thc supcisti-
tions nnd thc lcnis ol thc woild mny mnkc oui
mcssngc bcyond thc icnch loi mnny. But thc piomisc is still
thcic. To givc you moic, wc would hnvc to tnkc ovci youi
woild, which wc do not wnnt to do. Thcicloic, wc givc nll thnt
wc cnn givc without intcilciing in youi nllniis. Yct thcic nic
mnny who wnnt intcilcicncc. Thcy wnnt to bc icscucd oi
snvcd by somconc clsc. Thcy do not tiust thc possibilitics loi
humnnity. Thcy do not bclicvc in humnnity's inhcicnt
sticngths nnd cnpnbilitics. Thcy will givc ovci thcii liccdom
willingly. Thcy will bclicvc whnt thcy nic told by thc visitois.
And thcy will scivc thcii ncw mnstcis, thinking thnt whnt thcy
nic bcing givcn is thcii own libcintion.
Iiccdom is n piccious thing in thc Cicntci Community.
Ncvci loigct this. Youi liccdom, oui liccdom. And whnt is
liccdom but thc nbility to lollow Knowlcdgc, thc icnlity thnt
|reedou is a precious
lhiug iu lhe Crealer
Couuuuily. Never
íorgel lhis. Your
íreedou, our íreedou.
thc Cicntoi hns givcn you, nnd to cxpicss Knowlcdgc nnd to
contiibutc Knowlcdgc in nll ol its mnnilcstntions!
Youi visitois do not hnvc this liccdom. It is unknown to
thcm. Thcy look nt thc chnos ol youi woild, nnd thcy bclicvc
thnt thc oidci thnt thcy will imposc hcic will bc icdccming loi
you nnd will snvc you liom youi own scll-dcstiuction. This is
nll thcy cnn givc, loi this is nll thnt thcy hnvc. And thcy will
usc you, but thcy do not considci this innppiopiintc, loi thcy
thcmsclvcs nic bcing uscd nnd know ol no nltcinntivc to this.
Thcii pioginmming, thcii conditioning, is so thoiough thnt to
icnch thcm nt thc lcvcl ol thcii dccpci spiiitunlity holds only
icmotc possibilitics. You do not hnvc thc sticngth to do this.
You would hnvc to bc so much stiongci thnn you nic todny to
hnvc n icdccming infucncc on youi visitois. And yct, thcii
conloimity is not so unusunl in thc Cicntci Community. It is
vciy common in lnigc collcctivcs, whcic uniloi-
mity nnd complinncc nic csscntinl to clncicnt
lunctioning, pniticulnily ovci vnst nicns ol spncc.
Thcicloic, do not look nt thc Cicntci
Community with lcni, but with ob|cctivity. Thc
conditions thnt wc nic dcsciibing nlicndy cxist in
youi woild. You cnn undcistnnd thcsc things.
Mnnipulntion is known to you. Infucncc is known
to you. You hnvc |ust ncvci cncountcicd thcm on
such n gicnt scnlc, noi hnvc you cvci hnd to com-
pctc with othci loims ol intclligcnt lilc. As n icsult,
you do not yct hnvc thc skills to do so.
Vc spcnk ol Knowlcdgc bccnusc it is youi gicntcst
nbility. Rcgnidlcss ol whnt tcchnology you cnn dcvclop ovci
You are íar behiud lhe
visilors iu your
developueul, so you
uusl rely upou
Kuowledge. |l is lhe
grealesl íorce iu lhe
uuiverse, aud your
visilors do uol use il. |l
is your ouly hope.
timc, Knowlcdgc is youi gicntcst piomisc. You nic lni bchind
thc visitois in youi tcchnologicnl dcvclopmcnt, so you must
icly upon Knowlcdgc. It is thc gicntcst loicc in thc univcisc,
nnd youi visitois do not usc it. It is youi only hopc. Thnt is
why thc Tcnching in Cicntci Community Spiiitunlity tcnchcs
Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc, piovidcs thc Stcps to Knowlcdgc nnd
tcnchcs Cicntci Community Visdom nnd Insight. Vithout
this picpnintion, you would not hnvc thc skill oi thc pcispcc-
tivc to undcistnnd youi dilcmmn oi to icspond to it cllcctivcly.
It is too big. It is too ncw. And you nic not ndnptcd to thcsc
ncw ciicumstnnccs.
Thc visitois' infucncc is giowing with cnch pnssing dny.
Lvciy pcison who cnn hcni this, lccl this nnd
know this must lcnin Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc, Thc
Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc. This is n
cnlling. It is n gilt. It is n chnllcngc.
Undci moic plcnsnnt ciicumstnnccs, wcll,
thc nccd mny not sccm ns gicnt. But thc nccd is
ticmcndous, loi thcic is no sccuiity, thcic is no plncc to hidc,
thcic is no icticnt in thc woild thnt is sccuic liom thc nlicn
picscncc thnt is hcic. Thnt is why thcic nic only two choiccs:
you cnn ncquicscc oi you cnn stnnd loi youi liccdom.
This is thc gicnt dccision plnccd bcloic cnch pcison.
This is thc gicnt tuining point. You cnnnot bc loolish in thc
Cicntci Community. It is too dcmnnding nn cnviionmcnt. It
icquiics cxccllcncc, commitmcnt. Youi woild is too vnlunblc.
Thc icsouiccs hcic nic covctcd by othcis. Thc stintcgic posi-
tion ol youi woild is hcld in high icgnid. Lvcn il you wcic
living in somc icmotc woild lni liom nny tindc ioutc, lni liom
. . . lhere are ouly lwo
choices. you cau
acquiesce or you cau
slaud íor your íreedou.
nll commcicinl cngngcmcnts, cvcntunlly you would bc dis-
covcicd by somconc. Thnt cvcntunlity hns comc loi you now.
And it is wcll undciwny.
Tnkc hcnit, thcn. This is n timc loi couingc, not loi
nmbivnlcncc. Thc ginvity ol thc situntion lncing you only con-
nims thc impoitnncc ol youi lilc nnd youi icsponsc nnd thc
impoitnncc ol thc picpnintion thnt is bcing givcn in thc woild
todny. It is not only loi youi cdincntion nnd ndvnnccmcnt. It
is loi youi piotcction nnd youi suivivnl ns wcll.
1 HL S I X1 H 8 R I L F I NG
Queslions & Answers
c lccl thnt it is impoitnnt, givcn thc inloi-
mntion thnt wc hnvc piovidcd thus lni, to
icspond to qucstions thnt must suicly niisc icgniding
oui icnlity nnd thc signincnncc ol thc mcssngcs thnt
wc hnvc comc to givc.

¨Givcn thc luck oj hurJ cviJcncc, why shoulJ pcoplc
bclicvc whut you urc tclling thcm ubout thc
Iiist, thcic must bc gicnt cvidcncc conccining
thc visitntion to youi woild. Vc hnvc bccn told thnt
this is thc cnsc. Yct wc hnvc nlso bccn told by thc
Unsccn Oncs thnt pcoplc do not know how to undci-
stnnd thc cvidcncc nnd thnt thcy givc it thcii own
mcnning÷n mcnning thnt thcy piclci to givc it, n
mcnning thnt piovidcs comloit nnd icnssuinncc loi
* Thcsc qucstions wcic scnt to Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy by mnny
ol thc nist icndcis ol thc Allics Mntciinl.
thc most pnit. Vc nic ccitnin thnt thcic is ndcquntc cvidcncc
to vciily thnt thc Intcivcntion is occuiiing in thc woild todny
il onc tnkcs thc timc to look nnd to invcstigntc this mnttci. Thc
lnct thnt youi govcinmcnts oi icligious lcndcis do not icvcnl
such things docs not mcnn thnt such n gicnt cvcnt is not
occuiiing in youi midst.

¨How cun pcoplc know thut you urc rcul!"
Rcgniding oui icnlity, wc cnnnot dcmonstintc oui physi-
cnl picscncc to you, nnd so you must disccin thc mcnning
nnd thc impoit ol oui woids. At this point, it is not mcicly n
mnttci ol bclicl. It icquiics n gicntci iccognition, n
Knowlcdgc, n icsonnncc. Thc woids wc spcnk wc bclicvc nic
tiuc, but thnt docs not nssuic thnt thcy cnn bc icccivcd ns
such. Vc cnnnot contiol thc icsponsc to oui mcssngc. Thcic
nic pcoplc who icquiic moic cvidcncc thnn cnn
possibly bc givcn. Ioi othcis, such cvidcncc will
not bc ncccssniy, loi thcy will lccl nn innci
In thc mcnntimc, pcihnps wc icmnin n con-
tiovcisy, nnd yct wc hopc nnd wc tiust thnt oui
woids cnn bc considcicd sciiously nnd thnt thc
cvidcncc thnt docs cxist, which is substnntinl, cnn
bc gnthcicd nnd undcistood by thosc who nic will-
ing to givc this thcii clloit nnd thcii locus in lilc.
Iiom oui pcispcctivc, thcic is no gicntci pioblcm, chnllcngc
nnd oppoitunity to icccivc youi nttcntion.
Jhe words we speak
we believe are lrue, bul
lhal does uol assure
lhal lhey cau be
received as such. we
cauuol coulrol lhe
respouse lo our
Thcicloic, you nic nt thc bcginning ol n ncw undci-
stnnding. This docs icquiic lnith nnd scll-iclinncc. Mnny will
ic|cct oui woids simply bccnusc thcy do not bclicvc thnt wc
could possibly cxist. Othcis pcihnps will think thnt wc nic
pnit ol somc mnnipulntion thnt is bcing cnst upon thc woild.
Vc cnnnot contiol thcsc icsponscs. Vc cnn only icvcnl oui
mcssngc nnd oui picscncc in youi lilc, howcvci icmovcd thnt
picscncc mny bc. It is not oui picscncc hcic thnt is ol pnin-
mount impoitnncc, but thc mcssngc thnt wc hnvc comc to
icvcnl nnd thc gicntci pcispcctivc nnd undcistnnding thnt wc
cnn piovidc loi you. Youi cducntion must bcgin somcwhcic.
All cducntion bcgins with thc dcsiic to know.
Vc hopc thnt thiough oui discouiscs wc cnn gnin nt
lcnst pnit ol youi conndcncc in oidci to bcgin to icvcnl whnt
wc nic hcic to ollci.

¨Whut Jo you huvc to suy to thosc who vicw thc
|ntcrvcntion us u positivc thing!"
Vc undcistnnd, nist ol nll, thc cxpcctntion thnt nll loiccs
liom thc hcnvcns nic iclntcd to youi spiiitunl undcistnnding,
tinditions nnd lundnmcntnl bclicls. Thc idcn thnt thcic is pio-
snic lilc in thc univcisc is n chnllcngc to thcsc lundnmcntnl
nssumptions. Iiom oui pcispcctivc nnd givcn thc cxpciicncc
ol oui own cultuics, wc undcistnnd thcsc cxpcctntions. In thc
distnnt pnst, wc mnintnincd thcm ouisclvcs. And yct wc hnd
to iclinquish thcm in lncing thc icnlitics ol Cicntci
Community lilc nnd thc mcnning ol visitntion.
You livc in n gicnt physicnl univcisc. It is lull ol lilc. This
lilc icpicscnts countlcss mnnilcstntions nnd nlso icpicscnts
thc cvolution ol intclligcncc nnd spiiitunl nwnicncss nt cvciy
lcvcl. Vhnt this mcnns is thnt whnt you will cncountci in thc
Cicntci Community cncompnsscs nlmost cvciy possibility.
Howcvci, you nic isolntcd nnd do not yct tinvcl in spncc.
And cvcn il you hnd thc cnpnbility to icnch nnothci woild, thc
univcisc is vnst, nnd no onc hns gnincd thc nbility
to go liom onc cnd ol thc gnlnxy to thc othci with
nny kind ol spccd. Thcicloic, thc physicnl uni-
vcisc icmnins cnoimous nnd incompichcnsiblc.
No onc hns mnstcicd its lnws. No onc hns con-
qucicd its tciiitoiics. No onc cnn clnim complctc
dominnncc oi contiol. Lilc hns n gicnt humbling
cllcct in this wny. Lvcn lni bcyond youi boidcis this is tiuc.
You should thcn comc to cxpcct thnt you will mcct intcl-
ligcnccs icpicscnting loiccs loi good, loiccs loi ignoinncc nnd
thosc who nic moic ncutinl icgniding you. Howcvci, in thc
icnlitics ol Cicntci Community tinvcl nnd cxplointion, cmcig-
ing inccs such ns youi own will, nlmost without cxccption,
cncountci icsouicc cxploicis, collcctivcs nnd thosc sccking
ndvnntngc loi thcmsclvcs ns thcii nist contnct with Cicntci
Community lilc.
Rcgniding thc positivc intcipictntion ol visitntion, pnit ol
this is humnn cxpcctntion nnd thc nntuinl dcsiic to wclcomc
n good outcomc nnd to scck hclp liom thc Cicntci
Community loi thc pioblcms thnt humnnity hns not bccn nblc
to icsolvc on its own. It is noimnl to cxpcct such things, pni-
ticulnily whcn you nic considciing thnt youi visitois hnvc
. . . whal you will
eucouuler iu lhe Crealer
Couuuuily eucou·
passes aluosl every
gicntci cnpnbilitics thnn do you. Howcvci, n lnigc pnit ol thc
pioblcm in intcipicting thc gicnt visitntion hns to do with thc
will nnd thc ngcndn ol thc visitois thcmsclvcs. Ioi thcy nic
cncouinging pcoplc cvciywhcic to vicw thcii picscncc hcic ns
wholly bcncncinl to humnnity nnd to its nccds.

¨|j this |ntcrvcntion is so wcll unJcrwuy, why JiJn`t you
comc sooncr!"
At nn cnilici timc, mnny ycnis ngo, scvcinl gioups ol
youi nllics cnmc to youi woild to visit in nn nttcmpt to givc n
mcssngc ol hopc, to picpnic humnnity. But nlns thcii mcs-
sngcs could not bc undcistood nnd wcic misuscd by thosc lcw
who could icccivc thcm. In thc wnkc ol thcii coming, thc vis-
itois liom thc collcctivcs hnvc nmnsscd nnd gnthcicd hcic. It
hns bccn known to us thnt this would hnppcn, loi youi woild
is lni too vnlunblc to bc ovcilookcd, nnd, ns wc hnvc snid, it
docs not cxist in n icmotc nnd distnnt pnit ol thc univcisc.
Youi woild hns bccn obscivcd loi n long timc by thosc who
would scck to usc it loi thcii own bcncnt.

¨Why cun`t our ullics stop thc |ntcrvcntion!"
Vc nic only hcic to obscivc nnd to ndvisc. Thc gicnt
dccisions lncing humnnity nic in youi hnnds. No onc clsc cnn
mnkc thcsc dccisions loi you. Lvcn youi gicnt liicnds lni
bcyond youi woild would not intcivcnc, loi il thcy did so, it
would cnusc wnilnic, nnd youi woild would bccomc n bnttlc-
giound bctwccn opposing loiccs. And should youi liicnds bc
victoiious, you would bccomc wholly iclinnt upon
thcm, unnblc to lcnd loi youiscll oi to mnintnin
youi own sccuiity in thc univcisc. Vc know ol no
bcncvolcnt incc thnt would scck to bcni this bui-
dcn. And in tiuth, it would not scivc you cithci.
Ioi you would bccomc n clicnt stntc to nnothci
powci nnd would hnvc to bc govcincd liom nlni.
This is not bcncncinl loi you in nny wny, nnd it is loi this icn-
son thnt this is not occuiiing. Yct thc visitois will cnst
thcmsclvcs ns snviois nnd icscucis ol humnnity. Thcy will uti-
lizc youi nnivctc. Thcy will cnpitnlizc on youi cxpcctntions,
nnd thcy will scck to wholly bcncnt liom youi tiust.
Thcicloic, it is oui sinccic dcsiic thnt oui woids cnn
scivc ns nn nntidotc to thcii picscncc nnd to thcii mnnipuln-
tion nnd nbusc. Ioi youi iights nic bcing violntcd. Youi
tciiitoiy is bcing innltintcd. Youi govcinmcnts nic bcing pci-
sundcd. And youi icligious idcologics nnd impulscs nic bcing
Thcic must bc n voicc ol tiuth icgniding this. And wc cnn
only tiust thnt you cnn icccivc this voicc ol tiuth. Vc cnn only
hopc thnt thc pcisunsion hns not gonc too lni.

¨Whut urc rculistic gouls jor us to sct, unJ whut is thc
bottom linc with rcgurJ to suving humunity jrom
losing its sclj-Jctcrminution!"
Jhe greal decisious
íaciug huuauily are iu
your hauds. No oue else
cau uake lhese
decisious íor you.
Thc nist stcp is nwnicncss. Mnny pcoplc must bccomc
nwnic thnt thc Lnith is bcing visitcd nnd thnt loicign powcis
nic hcic opcinting in n clnndcstinc mnnnci, sccking to hidc
thcii ngcndn nnd cndcnvois liom humnn undcistnnding. It
must bc vciy clcni thnt thcii picscncc hcic is n gicnt chnllcngc
to humnn liccdom nnd scll-dctciminntion. Thc ngcndn thnt
thcy nic luithciing nnd thc ¡ncincntion ¡ioginm thnt thcy nic
sponsoiing must bc countcicd with sobiicty nnd wisdom
icgniding thcii picscncc. This countcinction must
occui. Thcic nic mnny pcoplc in thc woild todny
who nic nblc to undcistnnd this. Thcicloic, thc
nist stcp is nwnicncss.
Thc ncxt stcp is cducntion. It is ncccssniy loi
mnny pcoplc in dillcicnt cultuics nnd in dillcicnt
nntions to lcnin nbout lilc in thc Cicntci
Community nnd to bcgin to compichcnd whnt you
will bc dcnling with nnd nic dcnling with cvcn nt
this momcnt.
Thcicloic, icnlistic gonls nic nwnicncss nnd cducntion.
This in itscll would obstiuct thc visitois' ngcndn in thc woild.
Thcy nic opcinting now with vciy littlc icsistnncc. Thcy nic
cncountciing lcw obstnclcs. All thosc who scck to vicw thcm
ns "nllics ol humnnity¨ must lcnin thnt this is not thc cnsc.
¡cihnps oui woids will not bc cnough, but thcy nic n
. . . realislic goals are
awareuess aud
educaliou. Jhis iu ilselí
would obslrucl lhe
visilors' ageuda iu lhe
world. Jhey are
operaliug uow wilh very
lillle resislauce.

¨Whcrc cun wc þnJ this cJucution!"
Thc cducntion cnn bc lound in Thc Cicntci Community
Vny ol Knowlcdgc, which is bcing picscntcd in thc woild nt
this timc. Though it picscnts n ncw undcistnnding nbout lilc
nnd spiiitunlity in thc univcisc, it is conncctcd to nll ol thc
gcnuinc spiiitunl pnths thnt nlicndy cxist within youi woild÷
spiiitunl pnths thnt vnluc humnn liccdom nnd thc mcnning ol
tiuc spiiitunlity nnd thnt vnluc coopcintion, pcncc nnd hni-
mony within thc humnn lnmily. Thcicloic, thc tcnching in Thc
Vny ol Knowlcdgc cnlls loith nll thc gicnt tiuths thnt nlicndy
cxist in youi woild nnd givcs thcm n gicntci contcxt nnd nicnn
ol cxpicssion. In this wny, Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol
Knowlcdgc docs not icplncc thc woild's icligions, but pio-
vidcs n lnigci contcxt within which thcy cnn bc tiuly
mcnninglul nnd iclcvnnt to youi timcs.

¨How Jo wc convcy your mcssugc to othcrs!"
Thc tiuth livcs within cnch pcison nt this
momcnt. Il you cnn spcnk to thc tiuth in n pcison,
it will bccomc stiongci nnd bcgin to icsonntc. Oui
gicnt hopc, thc hopc ol thc Unsccn Oncs, thc
spiiitunl loiccs who scivc youi woild, nnd thc
hopc ol thosc who vnluc humnn liccdom nnd wish
to scc youi cmcigcncc into thc Cicntci
Community succcsslully lulnllcd, icly upon this
Jhe lrulh lives wilhiu
each persou al lhis
uoueul. |í you cau
speak lo lhe lrulh iu a
persou, il will becoue
slrouger aud begiu lo
tiuth thnt livcs within cnch pcison. Vc cnnnot loicc this
nwnicncss upon you. Vc cnn only icvcnl it to you nnd tiust
in thc gicntncss ol Knowlcdgc thnt thc Cicntoi hns givcn you
thnt cnn cnnblc you nnd othcis to icspond.

¨Whcrc Jo humunity`s strcngths lic in opposing thc
Iiist, wc undcistnnd liom obsciving youi woild, nnd
liom whnt thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc told us icgniding things thnt
wc cnnnot scc, thnt though thcic nic gicnt pioblcms within
thc woild, thcic is sulncicnt humnn liccdom to givc you n
loundntion loi opposing thc Intcivcntion. This is in continst
to mnny othci woilds whcic individunl liccdom wns ncvci
cstnblishcd to bcgin with. As thcsc woilds cncountci nlicn
loiccs in thcii midst nnd thc icnlity ol Cicntci Community lilc,
thc possibility loi thcm to cstnblish liccdom nnd indcpcn-
dcncc is vciy limitcd.
Thcicloic, you hnvc n gicnt sticngth in thnt humnn licc-
dom is known in youi woild nnd is vnlucd by mnny, though
pcihnps not nll. You know you hnvc somcthing to losc. You
vnluc whnt you hnvc nlicndy, to whntcvci cxtcnt it hns bccn
cstnblishcd. You do not wnnt to bc iulcd by loicign powcis.
You do not cvcn wnnt to bc iulcd hnishly by humnn nuthoii-
tics. Thcicloic, this is n bcginning.
Ncxt, bccnusc youi woild hns iich spiiitunl tinditions
thnt hnvc lostcicd Knowlcdgc in thc individunl nnd lostcicd
humnn coopcintion nnd undcistnnding, thc icnlity ol
Knowlcdgc hns nlicndy bccn cstnblishcd. Agnin, in othci
woilds whcic Knowlcdgc wns ncvci cstnblishcd, thc possibil-
ity loi cstnblishing it nt thc tuining point ol cmciging into thc
Cicntci Community shows littlc hopc loi succcss. Knowlcdgc
is stiong cnough in cnough pcoplc hcic thnt thcy mny bc nblc
to lcnin ol thc icnlity ol lilc in thc Cicntci Community nnd to
compichcnd whnt is occuiiing in thcii midst nt this timc. It is
loi this icnson thnt wc nic hopclul, loi wc tiust in humnn
wisdom. Vc tiust thnt pcoplc cnn iisc nbovc sclnshncss, scll-
picoccupntion nnd scll-piotcction to vicw lilc in n gicntci wny
nnd to lccl n gicntci icsponsibility in scivicc to thcii own kind.
¡cihnps oui lnith is unloundcd, but wc nic tiusting thnt
thc Unsccn Oncs hnvc counsclcd us wiscly icgniding this. As
n icsult, wc hnvc plnccd ouisclvcs nt iisk by bcing in thc piox-
imity ol youi woild nnd witncssing cvcnts bcyond youi
boidcis thnt hnvc diicct bcniing on youi lutuic nnd dcstiny.
Humnnity hns gicnt piomisc. You hnvc n giowing nwnic-
ncss ol pioblcms in thc woild÷thc lnck ol coopcintion
nmongst nntions, thc dcgindntion ol youi nntuinl cnviion-
mcnt, youi diminishing icsouiccs nnd so loith. Il thcsc
pioblcms wcic unknown to youi pcoplc, il thcsc icnlitics hnd
bccn kcpt hiddcn liom youi pcoplc, to thc cxtcnt thnt pcoplc
hnd no idcn ol thc cxistcncc ol thcsc things, thcn wc would
not bc ns hopclul. Howcvci, thc icnlity icmnins thnt humnn-
ity hns thc potcntinl nnd thc piomisc to countcinct nny
intcivcntion into thc woild.

¨|s this |ntcrvcntion going to bccomc u militury invusion!"
As wc hnvc snid, youi woild is too vnlunblc to incitc n
militniy invnsion. No onc who is visiting youi woild wnnts to
dcstioy its inlinstiuctuic oi its nntuinl icsouiccs. Thnt is why
thc visitois do not scck to dcstioy humnnity, but instcnd to
cngngc humnnity in scivicc to thcii collcctivcs.
It is not militniy invnsion thnt thicntcns you. It is thc
powci ol induccmcnt nnd pcisunsion. This will bc built upon
youi own wcnkncss, upon youi own sclnshncss, upon youi
ignoinncc ol lilc in thc Cicntci Community nnd
upon youi blind optimism icgniding youi lutuic
nnd thc mcnning ol lilc bcyond youi boidcis.
To countcinct this, wc piovidc cducntion nnd
wc spcnk ol thc mcnns ol picpnintion thnt nic
bcing scnt into thc woild nt this timc. Il you did
not nlicndy know humnn liccdom, il you wcic not
nlicndy nwnic ol thc pioblcms cndcmic to youi woild, thcn
wc could not cntiust such n picpnintion to you. And wc would
not hnvc conndcncc thnt oui woids would icsonntc with thc
tiuth ol whnt you know.

¨Cun you inµucncc pcoplc us powcrjully us thc visitors, but
jor thc gooJ!"
Oui intcntion is not to infucncc individunls. Oui intcn-
tion is only to picscnt thc pioblcm nnd thc icnlity into which
|l is uol uililary
iuvasiou lhal lhrealeus
you. |l is lhe power oí
iuduceueul aud
you nic cmciging. Thc Unsccn Oncs nic pioviding thc nctunl
mcnns ol picpnintion, loi thnt comcs liom thc Cicntoi ol nll
lilc. In this, thc Unsccn Oncs infucncc individunls loi thc
good. But thcic nic icstinints. As wc hnvc snid, it is youi scll-
dctciminntion thnt must bc sticngthcncd. It is youi powci thnt
must bc incicnscd. It is youi coopcintion nmongst thc humnn
lnmily thnt must bc suppoitcd.
Thcic nic limits ns to how much hclp wc cnn piovidc.
Oui gioup is smnll. Vc nic not wnlking nmongst you.
Thcicloic, thc gicnt undcistnnding ol youi ncw icnlity must
bc shnicd liom pcison to pcison. It cnnnot bc loiccd upon
you liom n loicign powci, cvcn il it wcic loi youi own good.
Vc would not, thcn, bc suppoiting youi liccdom nnd scll-
dctciminntion il wc sponsoicd such n pioginm ol pcisunsion.
Hcic you cnnnot bc likc childicn. You must bccomc mntuic
nnd icsponsiblc. It is youi liccdom thnt is nt stnkc. It is youi
woild thnt is nt stnkc. It is youi coopcintion with cnch othci
thnt is nccdcd.
You now hnvc n gicnt cnusc to unitc youi incc, loi nonc
ol you will bcncnt without thc othci. No nntion will bcncnt il
nny othci nntion lnlls undci nlicn contiol. Humnn liccdom
must bc complctc. Thc coopcintion must occui niound youi
woild. Ioi cvciyonc is in thc snmc situntion now. Thc visitois
do not lnvoi onc gioup ovci nnothci, onc incc ovci nnothci,
onc nntion ovci nnothci. Thcy only scck thc nvcnuc ol lcnst
icsistnncc to cstnblish thcii picscncc nnd thcii dominntion ol
youi woild.

¨How cxtcnsivc is thcir inþltrution oj humunity!"
Thc visitois hnvc n signincnnt picscncc within thc most
ndvnnccd nntions in youi woild, pniticulnily thc nntions ol
Luiopc, Russin, }npnn nnd thc Unitcd Stntcs. Thcsc nic
vicwcd ns thc stiongcst nntions, hnving thc gicntcst powci
nnd infucncc. It is thcic thnt thc visitois will conccntintc.
Howcvci, thcy nic tnking pcoplc liom nll ovci thc woild, nnd
thcy nic luithciing thcii ¡ncincntion ¡ioginm with nll thosc
thnt thcy cnptuic, il thosc individunls cnn bc icsponsivc to
thcii infucncc. Thcicloic, thc visitois' picscncc is woildwidc,
but thcy nic conccntinting on thosc whom thcy hopc will
bccomc thcii nllics. Thcsc nic thc nntions nnd govcinmcnts
nnd icligious lcndcis who hold thc gicntcst powci nnd swny
ovci humnn thought nnd conviction.

¨How much timc Jo wc huvc!"
How much timc do you hnvc! You hnvc somc timc, how
much wc cnnnot tcll. But wc comc with nn uigcnt mcssngc.
This is not n pioblcm thnt cnn simply bc nvoidcd oi dcnicd.
Iiom oui pcispcctivc, it is thc most impoitnnt chnllcngc lnc-
ing humnnity. It is ol thc gicntcst conccin, thc nist piioiity.
You nic lntc in youi picpnintion. This wns cnuscd by mnny
lnctois bcyond oui contiol. But thcic is timc, il you cnn
icspond. Thc outcomc is unccitnin nnd yct thcic is still hopc
loi youi succcss.

¨How cun wc jocus on this |ntcrvcntion givcn thc
immcnsity oj othcr globul problcms which urc occurring
right now!"
Iiist ol nll, wc lccl thnt thcic nic no othci pioblcms in
thc woild thnt nic ns impoitnnt ns this. Iiom oui pcispcctivc,
whntcvci you cnn icsolvc on youi own will hnvc littlc mcnn-
ing in thc lutuic il youi liccdom is lost. Vhnt could you hopc
to gnin! Vhnt could you hopc to nchicvc oi sccuic il you nic
not licc in thc Cicntci Community! All ol youi
nccomplishmcnts would bc givcn to youi ncw gov-
cinois, nll ol youi wcnlth would bc bcstowcd upon
thcm. And though youi visitois nic not ciucl, thcy
nic complctcly committcd to thcii ngcndn. You nic
vnlucd only insolni ns you cnn bc usclul to thcii
cnusc. It is loi this icnson thnt wc do not lccl thnt thcic nic
nny othci pioblcms lncing humnnity ns impoitnnt ns this.

Who is likcly to rcsponJ to this situution!"
Rcgniding who cnn icspond, thcic nic mnny pcoplc in
thc woild todny who hnvc nn inhcicnt knowlcdgc ol thc
Cicntci Community nnd who nic scnsitivc to it. Thcic nic
mnny othcis who hnvc bccn tnkcn by thc visitois nlicndy but
who hnvc not yicldcd to thcm oi to thcii pcisunsion. And
thcic nic mnny othcis who nic conccincd nbout thc lutuic ol
whal could you hope
lo achieve or secure ií
you are uol íree iu lhe
Crealer Couuuuily1
thc woild nnd who nic nlcitcd to thc dnngcis thnt humnnity
lnccs. ¡coplc in nll oi nny ol thcsc thicc cntcgoiics mny bc
nmongst thc nist to icspond to thc Cicntci Community icnlity
nnd to thc picpnintion loi thc Cicntci Community. Thcy mny
comc liom nny wnlk ol lilc, liom nny nntion, liom nny icli-
gious bnckgiound oi liom nny cconomic gioup. Thcy nic
litcinlly nll ovci thc woild. It is upon thcm nnd upon thcii
icsponsc thnt thc gicnt Spiiitunl ¡owcis thnt piotcct nnd ovci-
scc humnn wcllnic nic dcpcnding.

¨You mcntion thut inJiviJuuls urc bcing tukcn ull ovcr thc
worlJ. How cun pcoplc protcct thcmsclvcs or othcrs jrom
bcing ubJuctcJ!"
Thc moic you cnn bccomc stiong with Knowlcdgc nnd
nwnic ol thc visitois' picscncc, thc lcss you
bccomc n dcsiinblc sub|cct loi thcii study nnd
mnnipulntion. Thc moic you usc youi cncountcis
with thcm to gnin insight into  thc moic ol n
hnznid you bccomc. As wc hnvc snid, thcy scck
thc pnth ol lcnst icsistnncc. Thcy wnnt individunls
who nic complinnt nnd yiclding. Thcy wnnt thosc
who cnusc thcm lcw pioblcms nnd littlc conccin.
Yct ns you bccomc stiong with Knowlcdgc,
you will bc bcyond thcii contiol bccnusc now thcy
cnnnot cnptuic youi mind oi youi hcnit. And with timc, you
will hnvc thc powci ol pciccption to scc into thcii minds,
Jhe uore you cau
becoue slroug wilh
Kuowledge aud aware
oí lhe visilors' preseuce,
lhe less you becoue a
desirable subjecl íor
lheir sludy aud
which thcy do not wish. You thcn bccomc n dnngci to thcm,
n chnllcngc to thcm, nnd thcy will nvoid you il thcy cnn.
Thc visitois do not wnnt to bc icvcnlcd. Thcy do not
wish loi confict. Thcy nic ovcily conndcnt thnt thcy cnn
nchicvc thcii gonls without sciious icsistnncc liom thc humnn
lnmily. But oncc such icsistnncc is mountcd, oncc thc powci
ol Knowlcdgc nwnkcns in thc individunl, thcn thc visitois nic
lncing n much moic loimidnblc obstnclc. Thcii intcivcntion
hcic bccomcs thwnitcd nnd moic dilncult to nchicvc. And
thcii pcisunsion ol thosc in powci bccomcs moic dilncult to
nccomplish. Thcicloic, it is thc individunl's icsponsc nnd
commitmcnt to thc tiuth thnt nic csscntinl hcic.
Bccomc nwnic ol thc visitois' picscncc. Do not yicld to
thc pcisunsion thnt thcii picscncc hcic is ol n spiiitunl nntuic
oi thnt it holds gicnt bcncnt oi snlvntion loi humnnity. Rcsist
thc pcisunsion. Rcgnin youi own innci nuthoiity, thc gicnt gilt
thnt thc Cicntoi hns givcn to you. Bccomc n loicc to bc icck-
oncd with icgniding nny who would ticspnss ngninst oi dcny
youi lundnmcntnl iights.
This is Spiiitunl ¡owci bcing cxpicsscd. It is thc Vill ol
thc Cicntoi thnt humnnity should cmcigc into thc Cicntci
Community unitcd within itscll nnd licc liom loicign intci-
vcntion nnd dominntion. It is thc Cicntoi's Vill thnt you
should picpnic loi n lutuic thnt will bc unlikc youi pnst. Vc
nic hcic in scivicc to thc Cicntoi, nnd thus oui picscncc nnd
oui woids scivc this puiposc.

¨|j thc visitors cncountcr rcsistuncc in humunity or in
ccrtuin inJiviJuuls, will thcy comc in grcutcr numbcrs or
will thcy lcuvc!"
Thcii numbcis nic not gicnt. Should thcy cncountci con-
sidcinblc icsistnncc, thcy would hnvc to lnll bnck nnd mnkc
ncw plnns. Thcy nic wholly conndcnt thnt thcii mission cnn
bc lulnllcd without sciious obstnclcs. Yct should
sciious obstnclcs niisc, thcn thcii intcivcntion nnd
pcisunsion would bc thwnitcd, nnd thcy would
hnvc to nnd othci wnys ol gnining contnct with
Vc tiust thnt thc humnn lnmily cnn gcncintc
cnough icsistnncc nnd cnough conscnsus in oidci
to ollsct thcsc infucnccs. It is upon this thnt wc
nic bnsing oui hopc nnd clloits.

¨Whut urc thc most importunt qucstions thut wc must usk
oj oursclvcs unJ othcrs with rcspcct to this problcm oj ulicn
¡cihnps thc most ciiticnl qucstions to nsk youiscll nic,
"Aic wc humnns nlonc within thc univcisc oi in oui own
woild! Aic wc bcing visitcd nt this timc! Is this visitntion bcn-
cncinl to us! Do wc nccd to picpnic!¨
Thcsc nic vciy lundnmcntnl qucstions, but thcy must bc
nskcd. Thcic nic mnny qucstions, howcvci, thnt cnnnot bc
Jheir uuubers are uol
greal. Should lhey
eucouuler cousiderable
resislauce, lhey would
have lo íall back aud
uake uew plaus.
nnswcicd, loi you do not know cnough nbout lilc in thc
Cicntci Community, nnd you nic not yct conndcnt thnt you
hnvc thc nbility to countcinct thcsc infucnccs.
Thcic nic mnny things lncking in humnn cducn-
tion, which is piimniily locuscd upon thc pnst.
Humnnity is cmciging liom n long stntc ol iclntivc
isolntion. Its cducntion, its vnlucs nnd its institu-
tions wcic nll cstnblishcd within this stntc ol isolntion. Yct
youi isolntion now is ovci, loicvci. It wns nlwnys known thnt
this would hnppcn. It wns incvitnblc thnt this would bc thc
cnsc. Thcicloic, youi cducntion nnd youi vnlucs nic cntciing
into n ncw contcxt, to which thcy must ndnpt. And thc ndnp-
tntion must hnppcn quickly bccnusc ol thc nntuic ol thc
Intcivcntion in thc woild todny.
Thcic will bc mnny qucstions thnt you cnnnot nnswci.
You will hnvc to livc with thcm. Youi cducntion nbout thc
Cicntci Community is only nt thc vciy bcginning. You must
nppionch it with gicnt sobiicty nnd cnic. You must countcinct
youi own tcndcncics to tiy nnd mnkc thc situntion plcnsnnt oi
icnssuiing. You must dcvclop nn ob|cctivity nbout lilc, nnd
you must look bcyond youi own pcisonnl sphcic ol intcicsts
in oidci to put youiscll in n position to icspond to thc gicntci
loiccs nnd cvcnts thnt nic shnping youi woild nnd youi

¨Whut ij cnough pcoplc cunnot rcsponJ!"
Vc nic conndcnt thnt cnough pcoplc cnn icspond nnd
bcgin thcii gicnt cducntion nbout lilc in thc Cicntci
huuauily is euergiug
írou a loug slale oí
relalive isolaliou.
Community in oidci to givc piomisc nnd hopc to thc humnn
lnmily. Il this cnnnot bc nchicvcd, thcn thosc who vnluc thcii
liccdom nnd who hnvc this cducntion will hnvc to icticnt.
Thcy will hnvc to kccp Knowlcdgc nlivc in thc woild ns thc
woild lnlls undci complctc contiol. This is n vciy ginvc nltci-
nntivc, nnd yct it hns occuiicd in othci woilds. Thc |ouincy
bnck to liccdom liom such n position is quitc dilncult. Vc
hopc thnt this will not bc youi lntc, nnd thnt is why wc nic
hcic giving you this inloimntion. As wc hnvc snid, thcic nic
cnough pcoplc in thc woild who cnn icspond to ollsct thc
intcntions ol thc visitois nnd to thwnit thcii infucncc on
humnn nllniis nnd humnn vnlucs.

¨You spcuk oj othcr worlJs cmcrging into thc Grcutcr
Community. Cun you spcuk oj succcsscs unJ juilurcs which
might huvc bcuring on our situution!"
Thcic hnvc bccn succcsscs oi wc would not bc hcic. In
my cnsc, ns thc spcnkci loi oui gioup, oui woild hnd nlicndy
bccn gicntly innltintcd bcloic wc icnlizcd thc
situntion nt hnnd. Oui cducntion wns piomptcd by
thc niiivnl ol n gioup such ns ouisclvcs, pioviding
insight nnd inloimntion nbout oui situntion. Vc
hnd nlicn icsouicc tindcis in oui woild intcincting
with oui govcinmcnt. Thosc who wcic in powci nt
thnt timc wcic pcisundcd thnt tindc nnd com-
mcicc would bc bcncncinl to us, loi wc wcic
bcginning to cxpciicncc icsouicc dcplction.
Jhough our race was
uuiled, uulike your owu,
we begau lo be wholly
depeudeul upou lhe
uew lechuology aud
opporluuilies lhal were
beiug preseuled lo us.
Though oui incc wns unitcd, unlikc youi own, wc bcgnn to bc
wholly dcpcndcnt upon thc ncw tcchnology nnd oppoituni-
tics thnt wcic bcing picscntcd to us. And yct ns this occuiicd,
thcic wns n shilt in thc ccntci ol powci. Vc wcic bccoming
thc clicnts. Thc visitois wcic bccoming thc piovidcis. As timc
wcnt on, tcims nnd icstiictions wcic plnccd upon us, subtly
nt nist.
Oui icligious locus nnd bclicls wcic nlso infucnccd by
thc visitois, who showcd intcicst in oui spiiitunl vnlucs but
who wishcd to givc us n ncw undcistnnding, nn undcistnnd-
ing bnscd upon thc collcctivc, bnscd upon thc coopcintion ol
minds thinking nlikc in unison with cnch othci. This wns pic-
scntcd to oui incc ns nn cxpicssion ol spiiitunlity nnd
nchicvcmcnt. Somc wcic pcisundcd, nnd yct bccnusc wc wcic
wcll ndviscd liom oui nllics bcyond oui woild, nllics such ns
ouisclvcs, wc bcgnn to mount n icsistnncc movcmcnt nnd
ovci timc wcic nblc to loicc thc visitois to lcnvc oui woild.
Sincc thnt timc, wc hnvc lcnincd n gicnt dcnl nbout thc
Cicntci Community. Thc tindc thnt wc mnintnin is vciy sclcc-
tivc, with only n lcw othci nntions. Vc hnvc bccn nblc to
nvoid thc collcctivcs, nnd thnt hns picscivcd oui liccdom.
And yct oui succcss wns dilncult to nchicvc, loi thcic wcic
mnny ol us who hnd to dic in thc lncc ol this confict. Ouis is
n stoiy ol succcss, but not without cost. Thcic nic othcis in
oui gioup who hnvc cxpciicnccd similni dilncultics in thcii
intcinction with intcivcning powcis in thc Cicntci
Community. And yct bccnusc wc cvcntunlly lcnincd to tinvcl
bcyond oui boidcis, wc gnincd nllinncc with onc nnothci. Vc
wcic nblc to lcnin whnt spiiitunlity mcnns in thc Cicntci
Community. And thc Unsccn Oncs, who scivc oui woild ns
wcll, hclpcd us in this icgnid to mnkc thc gicnt tinnsition liom
isolntion to Cicntci Community nwnicncss.
Yct thcic hnvc bccn mnny lniluics thnt wc nic nwnic ol.
Cultuics whcic thc indigcnous pcoplcs hnd not cstnblishcd
pcisonnl liccdom oi hnd not tnstcd thc liuits ol coopcintion,
cvcn though thcy wcic ndvnncing tcchnologicnlly, did not
hnvc n loundntion to cstnblish thcii own indcpcndcncc in thc
univcisc. Thcii nbility to icsist thc collcctivcs wns vciy lim-
itcd. Induccd by piomiscs ol gicntci powci, gicntci tcchnology
nnd gicntci wcnlth, nnd induccd by thc sccming bcncnts ol
tindc in thc Cicntci Community, thcii ccntci ol powci lclt
thcii woild. In thc cnd, thcy bccnmc wholly dcpcndcnt upon
thosc who supplicd thcm nnd who gnincd contiol ol thcii
icsouiccs nnd thcii inlinstiuctuics.
Suicly you cnn imnginc how this could bc thc cnsc. Lvcn
within youi own woild nccoiding to youi histoiy, you hnvc
sccn smnllci nntions lnll undci thc dominntion ol gicntci
oncs. You cnn scc this cvcn todny. Thcicloic, thcsc idcns nic
not wholly loicign to you. In thc Cicntci Community, ns in
youi woild, thc stiong will dominntc thc wcnk, il thcy cnn.
This is n icnlity ol lilc cvciywhcic. And it is loi this icnson thnt
wc nic cncouinging youi nwnicncss nnd youi picpnintion, in
oidci thnt you mny bccomc stiong nnd youi scll-dctciminn-
tion mny giow.
It mny bc n ginvc disnppointmcnt to mnny to undcistnnd
nnd to lcnin thnt liccdom is inic in thc univcisc. As nntions
bccomc stiongci nnd moic tcchnologicnl, thcy icquiic gicntci
nnd gicntci uniloimity nnd complinncc nmongst thcii pco-
plcs. As thcy biidgc out into thc Cicntci Community nnd
bccomc involvcd in Cicntci Community nllniis, thc tolcinncc
loi individunl cxpicssion diminishcs to thc point whcic lnigc
nntions thnt hnvc wcnlth nnd powci nic govcincd with n
stiictncss nnd nn cxncting nttitudc thnt you would
nnd nbhoiicnt.
Hcic you must lcnin thnt tcchnologicnl
ndvnnccmcnt nnd spiiitunl ndvnnccmcnt nic not
thc snmc, n lcsson thnt humnnity hns yct to lcnin
nnd which you  lcnin il you nic to cxcicisc
youi nntuinl wisdom in thcsc mnttcis.
Youi woild is gicntly vnlucd. It is iich biolog-
icnlly. You nic sitting on n piizc thnt you must
piotcct il you nic to bc its stcwnids nnd its bcncn-
ciniics. Considci thc pcoplcs in youi woild who
hnvc lost thcii liccdom bccnusc thcy livcd in n plncc consid-
cicd vnlunblc by othcis. It is now thc wholc humnn lnmily
thnt is so impciilcd.

¨Bccuusc thc visitors urc so skillcJ in projccting thoughts
unJ inµucncing pcoplc`s Mcntul Lnvironmcnt, how Jo wc
cnsurc oursclvcs thut whut wc urc sccing is rcul!"
Thc only bnsis loi wisc pciccption is thc cultivntion ol
Knowlcdgc. Il you bclicvc only whnt you scc, thcn you will
bclicvc only whnt is shown to you. Thcic nic mnny, wc nic
told, thnt hnvc this pcispcctivc. Yct wc hnvc lcnincd thnt thc
Cousider lhe peoples
iu your world who have
losl lheir íreedou
because lhey lived iu a
place cousidered
valuable by olhers. |l is
uow lhe whole huuau
íauily lhal is so
Visc cvciywhcic must gnin n gicntci vision nnd n gicntci
disccinmcnt. It is tiuc thnt youi visitois cnn pio|cct imngcs ol
youi snints nnd ol youi icligious nguics. Though this is not
pincticcd oltcn, it ccitninly cnn bc uscd in oidci to cvokc
commitmcnt nnd dcdicntion nmongst thosc who nic nlicndy
givcn to such bclicls. Hcic youi spiiitunlity bccomcs nn nicn
ol vulncinbility whcic Visdom must bc uscd.
Yct thc Cicntoi hns givcn you Knowlcdgc ns n loundn-
tion loi tiuc disccinmcnt. You cnn know whnt you nic sccing
il you nsk youiscll il it is icnl. Yct to do this, you must hnvc
this loundntion, nnd thnt is why thc tcnching in Thc Vny ol
Knowlcdgc is so lundnmcntnl to lcnining Cicntci Community
Spiiitunlity. Vithout this, pcoplc will bclicvc whnt thcy wnnt
to bclicvc, nnd thcy will icly upon whnt thcy scc nnd whnt
thcy nic shown. And thcii potcntinl loi liccdom will hnvc
bccn lost nlicndy, loi it wns ncvci nllowcd to fouiish in thc
nist plncc.

¨You spcuk ubout kccping KnowlcJgc ulivc. How muny will
it tukc to kccp KnowlcJgc ulivc in thc worlJ!"
Vc cnnnot givc you n numbci, but it must bc stiong
cnough to gcncintc n voicc within youi own cultuics. Il this
mcssngc cnn only bc icccivcd by n lcw, thcy will not hnvc this
voicc oi this sticngth. Hcic thcy must shnic thcii wisdom. It
cnnnot bc puicly loi thcii own cdincntion. Mnny moic must
lcnin ol this mcssngc, mnny moic thnn cnn icccivc it todny.

¨|s thcrc u Jungcr in prcscnting this mcssugc!"
Thcic is nlwnys n dnngci in picscnting thc tiuth, not only
in youi woild, but clscwhcic. ¡coplc gnin ndvnntngc liom thc
ciicumstnnccs ns thcy cuiicntly cxist. Thc visitois
will ollci ndvnntngc to thosc in powci who cnn
icccivc thcm nnd who nic not stiong in
Knowlcdgc. ¡coplc bccomc nccustomcd to thcsc
ndvnntngcs nnd build thcii livcs upon thcm. This
mnkcs thcm icsistnnt oi cvcn hostilc to thc pic-
scntntion ol tiuth, which cnlls loi thcii icsponsibility in
scivicc to othcis nnd which mny thicntcn thc bnsis ol thcii
wcnlth nnd nchicvcmcnts.
This is why wc nic hiddcn nnd do not wnlk in youi
woild. Ccitninly thc visitois would dcstioy us il thcy could
nnd us. But humnnity mny scck to dcstioy us ns wcll bccnusc
ol whnt wc icpicscnt, bccnusc ol thc chnllcngc nnd thc ncw
icnlity thnt wc dcmonstintc. Not cvciyonc is icndy to icccivc
thc tiuth cvcn though it is gicntly nccdcd.

¨Cun inJiviJuuls who urc strong with KnowlcJgc inµucncc
thc visitors!"
Thc chnncc ol succcss hcic is vciy limitcd. You nic dcnl-
ing with n collcctivc ol bcings who hnvc bccn bicd to bc
complinnt, whosc wholc lilc nnd cxpciicncc hnvc bccn
cncompnsscd nnd cngcndcicd by n collcctivc mcntnlity. Thcy
Jhere is always a
dauger iu preseuliug lhe
lrulh, uol ouly iu your
world, bul elsewhere.
do not think loi thcmsclvcs. Ioi this icnson, wc do not lccl
thnt you cnn infucncc thcm. Thcic nic lcw nmongst thc
humnn lnmily who hnvc thc sticngth to do this, nnd cvcn hcic
thc possibility loi succcss would bc vciy limitcd. So thc
nnswci must bc "No.¨ Ioi nll pincticnl puiposcs, you cnnnot
win thcm ovci.

¨How urc collcctivcs Jijjcrcnt jrom u unitcJ humunity!"
Collcctivcs nic mndc up ol dillcicnt inccs nnd ol thosc
who nic bicd to scivc thosc inccs. Mnny ol thc bcings thnt nic
bcing cncountcicd in thc woild nic bicd by collcctivcs to bc
scivnnts. Thcii gcnctic hciitngc hns long bccn lost to thcm.
Thcy nic bicd to scivc, ns you biccd nnimnls to scivc you.
Thc humnn coopcintion thnt wc nic piomoting is n coopcin-
tion thnt picscivcs thc scll-dctciminntion ol individunls nnd
piovidcs n position ol sticngth liom which humnnity cnn
intcinct, not only with thc collcctivcs but with othcis who will
visit youi shoics in thc lutuic.
A collcctivc is bnscd upon onc bclicl, onc sct ol piinci-
plcs nnd onc nuthoiity. Its cmphnsis is complctc nllcginncc to
nn idcn oi nn idcnl. Not only is this cngcndcicd in thc cducn-
tion ol youi visitois, but in thcii gcnctic codc ns wcll. Thnt is
why thcy bchnvc in thc wnys thnt thcy do. This is both thcii
sticngth nnd thcii wcnkncss. Thcy hnvc gicnt sticngth in thc
Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt bccnusc thcii minds nic unitcd. But thcy
nic wcnk bccnusc thcy cnnnot think loi thcmsclvcs. Thcy
cnnnot dcnl with complcxitics oi ndvcisity vciy succcsslully.
A mnn oi womnn ol Knowlcdgc would bc incompichcnsiblc to
Humnnity must unitc to picscivc its liccdom, but this is
n vciy dillcicnt cstnblishmcnt liom thc cicntion ol n collcc-
tivc. Vc cnll thcm "collcctivcs¨ bccnusc thcy nic collcctivcs ol
dillcicnt inccs nnd nntionnlitics. Collcctivcs nic not onc incc.
Though thcic nic mnny inccs in thc Cicntci Community thnt
nic iulcd by n dominnnt nuthoiity, n collcctivc is nn oignnizn-
tion thnt spnns bcyond thc nllcginncc ol onc incc to its own
Collcctivcs cnn hnvc gicnt powci. Yct bccnusc thcic nic
mnny collcctivcs, thcy tcnd to compctc with onc nnothci,
which picvcnts nny onc ol thcm liom bccoming dominnnt.
Also, vniious nntions in thc Cicntci Community hnvc long-
stnnding disputcs with onc nnothci, which nic dilncult to
biidgc. ¡cihnps thcy hnvc compctcd loi n long timc loi thc
snmc icsouiccs. ¡cihnps thcy compctc with onc nnothci to
scll thc icsouiccs thnt thcy hnvc. Yct n collcctivc is n dillcicnt
mnttci. As wc nic snying hcic, it is not bnscd upon onc incc
nnd onc woild. Thcy nic thc icsult ol conqucst nnd dominn-
tion. Thnt is why youi visitois nic compiiscd ol dillcicnt inccs
ol bcings nt dillcicnt lcvcls ol nuthoiity nnd commnnd.

¨|n othcr worlJs thut huvc succcssjully uniþcJ, JiJ thcy
muintuin thcir inJiviJuul jrccJom oj thought!"
To vniying dcgiccs. Somc to n vciy high dcgicc, othcis
lcss so, dcpcnding upon thcii histoiy, thcii psychologicnl
mnkc-up nnd thc nccds ol thcii own suivivnl. Youi lilc in thc
woild hns bccn iclntivcly cnsy compnicd to whcic othci inccs
hnvc dcvclopcd. Most plnccs whcic intclligcnt lilc cxists hnvc
bccn colonizcd, loi thcic nic not mnny tciicstiinl plnncts such
ns youi own thnt piovidc such n wcnlth ol biologicnl
icsouiccs. Thcii liccdom, in lnigc pnit, dcpcndcd upon thc
wcnlth ol thcii cnviionmcnts. But thcy hnvc nll bccn succcss-
lul in thwniting nlicn innltintion nnd hnvc cstnblishcd thcii
own lincs ol tindc, commcicc nnd communicntion bnscd
upon thcii own scll-dctciminntion. This is n inic nccomplish-
mcnt nnd must bc cnincd nnd piotcctcd.

¨Whut will it tukc to uchicvc humun unity!"
Humnnity is vciy vulncinblc in thc Cicntci Community.
This vulncinbility, in timc, cnn lostci n lundnmcntnl coopcin-
tion nmongst thc humnn lnmily, loi you must |oin nnd unitc
in oidci to suivivc nnd to ndvnncc. This is pnit ol hnving n
Cicntci Community nwnicncss. Il this is bnscd upon thc piin-
ciplcs ol humnn contiibution, liccdom nnd scll-cxpicssion,
thcn youi scll-sulncicncy cnn bccomc vciy stiong nnd vciy
iich. But thcic must bc gicntci coopcintion in thc woild.
¡coplc cnnnot livc loi thcmsclvcs nlonc oi put thcii own pci-
sonnl gonls nbovc nnd bcyond thc nccds ol cvciyonc clsc.
Somc mny vicw this ns n loss ol liccdom. Vc scc it ns n guni-
nntcc loi lutuic liccdom. Ioi givcn thc cuiicnt nttitudcs
picvnlcnt in thc woild todny, youi lutuic liccdom would bc
vciy dilncult to sccuic oi mnintnin. Tnkc hccd. Thosc who nic
diivcn by thcii own sclnshncss nic thc pcilcct cnndidntcs loi
loicign infucncc nnd mnnipulntion. Il thcy nic in positions ol
powci, thcy will givc ovci thcii nntion's wcnlth, thcii nntion's
liccdom nnd thcii nntion's icsouiccs in oidci to gnin ndvnn-
tngc loi thcmsclvcs.
Thcicloic, gicntci coopcintion is icquiicd. Suicly you
cnn scc this. Suicly this is nppnicnt cvcn within youi own
woild. But this is vciy dillcicnt liom thc lilc ol thc collcctivc,
whcic inccs hnvc bccn dominntcd nnd contiollcd, whcic
thosc who nic complinnt nic biought into thc collcctivcs nnd
thosc who nic not nic nlicnntcd oi dcstioycd. Suicly such nn
cstnblishmcnt, though it mny hnvc considcinblc infucncc,
cnnnot bc bcncncinl loi its mcmbcis. And yct this is thc pnth
thnt mnny in thc Cicntci Community hnvc tnkcn. Vc do not
wish to scc humnnity lnll into such nn oignnizntion. Thnt
would bc n gicnt tingcdy nnd n loss.

¨How is thc humun pcrspcctivc Jijjcrcnt jrom yours!"
Onc ol thc dillcicnccs is thnt wc hnvc dcvclopcd n
Cicntci Community pcispcctivc, which is n lcss scll-ccntcicd
wny ol looking nt thc woild. It is n point ol vicw thnt givcs
gicnt clniity nnd cnn piovidc gicnt ccitninty icgniding thc
smnllci pioblcms thnt you lncc in youi dnily nllniis. Il you cnn
solvc n gicnt pioblcm, you cnn solvc lcssci oncs. You hnvc n
gicnt pioblcm. Lvciy humnn bcing in thc woild lnccs this
gicnt pioblcm. It cnn unitc you nnd cnnblc you to ovcicomc
youi long-stnnding dillcicnccs nnd conficts. It is thnt gicnt
nnd thnt powcilul. This is why wc sny thcic is n possibility loi
icdcmption within thc vciy ciicumstnnccs thnt thicntcn youi
wcll-bcing nnd youi lutuic.
Vc know thnt thc powci ol Knowlcdgc
within thc individunl cnn icstoic thnt individunl
nnd nll ol thcii iclntionships to n highci dcgicc ol
nccomplishmcnt, iccognition nnd nbility. You
must discovci this loi youiscll.
Oui livcs nic vciy dillcicnt. Onc ol thc dillci-
cnccs is thnt oui livcs nic givcn to scivicc, n
scivicc thnt wc hnvc choscn. Vc hnvc thc liccdom
to choosc nnd thus oui choicc is icnl nnd mcnn-
inglul nnd is bnscd upon oui own undcistnnding.
Amongst oui gioup nic icpicscntntivcs liom scv-
cinl dillcicnt woilds. Vc hnvc comc togcthci in scivicc to
humnnity. Vc icpicscnt n gicntci nllinncc thnt is moic spiii-
tunl in nntuic.

¨This mcssugc is coming through onc mun. Why urcn`t you
contucting cvcryboJy ij this is so importunt!"
It is mcicly n mnttci ol clncicncy. Vc do not contiol who
is sclcctcd to icccivc us. Thnt is n mnttci loi thc Unsccn Oncs,
thosc whom you could iightly cnll "Angcls.¨ Vc think ol thcm
in this wny. Thcy hnvc sclcctcd this pcison, n pcison who hns
no position in thc woild, who is not iccognizcd in thc woild,
nn individunl who hns bccn choscn bccnusc ol his qunlitics
nnd bccnusc ol his hciitngc in thc Cicntci Community. Vc
You have a greal
probleu. Every huuau
beiug iu lhe world íaces
lhis greal probleu. |l
cau uuile you aud
euable you lo overcoue
your loug·slaudiug
diííereuces aud couNicls.
|l is lhal greal aud lhal
nic glnd to hnvc onc thiough whom wc cnn spcnk. Il wc spokc
thiough moic, thcy pcihnps would disngicc with onc nnothci,
nnd thc mcssngc would bccomc conluscd nnd lost.
Vc undcistnnd, liom oui own studcnthood, thnt thc
tinnsmission ol spiiitunl wisdom is gcncinlly givcn thiough
onc, with thc suppoit ol othcis. This individunl must bcni thc
wcight nnd thc buidcn nnd thc iisk ol bcing so choscn. Vc
icspcct him loi doing this, nnd wc undcistnnd whnt n buidcn
it cnn bc. This will bc misconstiucd, pcihnps, nnd thnt is why
thc Visc must icmnin hiddcn. Vc must icmnin hiddcn. Hc
must icmnin hiddcn. In this wny, thc mcssngc cnn bc givcn,
nnd thc mcsscngci cnn bc picscivcd. Ioi thcic will bc hostil-
ity townids this mcssngc. Thc visitois will opposc it nnd nic
opposing it nlicndy. Thcii opposition cnn bc signincnnt but
will piimniily bc nimcd nt thc mcsscngci himscll. It is loi this
icnson thnt thc mcsscngci must bc piotcctcd.
Vc know thnt thc nnswcis to thcsc qucstions will gcnci-
ntc moic qucstions. And mnny ol thcsc cnnnot bc nnswcicd,
pcihnps cvcn loi n long timc. Thc Visc nnywhcic must livc
with qucstions thnt thcy cnnnot yct nnswci. It is thiough thcii
pnticncc nnd thcii pciscvcinncc thnt icnl nnswcis cmcigc nnd
thnt thcy nic nblc to cxpciicncc thcm nnd cmbody thcm.
umnnity is nt n ncw bcginning. It is lnccd with
n ginvc situntion. Thc nccd loi n ncw cducn-
tion nnd undcistnnding is pninmount. Vc nic hcic to
scivc this nccd nt thc icqucst ol thc Unsccn Oncs.
Thcy nic iclying upon us to shnic oui wisdom, loi wc
livc in thc physicnl univcisc, ns do you. Vc nic not
nngclic bcings. Vc nic not pcilcct. Vc hnvc not
nchicvcd gicnt hcights ol spiiitunl nwnicncss nnd
nccomplishmcnt. And thcicloic oui mcssngc to you
nbout thc Cicntci Community, wc tiust, will bc moic
iclcvnnt nnd moic cnsily icccivcd. Thc Unsccn Oncs
know lni moic thnn wc nbout lilc in thc univcisc nnd
nbout thc lcvcls ol ndvnnccmcnt nnd nccomplishmcnt
thnt nic nvnilnblc nnd thnt nic pincticcd in mnny
plnccs. Yct thcy hnvc nskcd us to spcnk icgniding thc
icnlity ol physicnl lilc bccnusc wc nic lully cngngcd
thcic. And wc hnvc lcnincd thiough oui own tiinls
nnd ciiois thc impoitnncc nnd thc mcnning ol whnt
wc nic shniing with you.
Thus, wc comc ns thc Allics ol Humnnity, loi
such wc nic. Bc thnnklul thnt you hnvc nllics thnt cnn

hclp you nnd thnt cnn cducntc you nnd thnt cnn suppoit youi
sticngth, youi liccdom nnd youi nccomplishmcnt. Ioi with-
out this nssistnncc, thc piospcct ol youi suiviving thc kind ol
nlicn innltintion thnt you nic cxpciicncing now would bc vciy
limitcd. Ycs, thcic would bc n lcw individunls who would
comc to icnlizc thc situntion ns it nctunlly cxists, but thcii
numbcis would not bc gicnt cnough, nnd thcii voiccs would
go unhcnid.
In this, wc cnn only nsk loi youi tiust. Vc hopc thnt
thiough thc wisdom ol oui woids nnd thiough thc oppoituni-
tics you hnvc to lcnin thcii mcnning nnd iclcvnncc, thnt wc
cnn gnin this tiust ovci timc, loi you hnvc nllics in thc Cicntci
Community. You hnvc gicnt liicnds bcyond this woild who
hnvc sullcicd thc chnllcngcs thnt you nic lncing now nnd
hnvc nchicvcd succcss. Bccnusc wc wcic nssistcd, wc must
now nssist othcis. Thnt is oui sncicd covcnnnt. It is to this
thnt wc nic nimly committcd.
It is nbout thc icncwnl ol thc humnn spiiit.
It is nbout pcoplc bccoming nwnic ol thc Intcivcntion
nnd spcnking out ngninst it.
It is nbout cnding thc isolntion nnd thc iidiculc
thnt kccp pcoplc liom cxpicssing whnt thcy scc nnd know.
It is nbout ovcicoming lcni, nvoidnncc, lnntnsy nnd dcccption.
It is nbout pcoplc bccoming stiong, nwnic nnd cmpowcicd.
Thc Allics ol Humnnity piovidc thc ciiticnl counscl thnt cnnblcs us to
iccognizc thc Intcivcntion nnd to ollsct its infucnccs. To do this, thc
Allics uigc us to cxcicisc oui nntivc intclligcncc nnd oui iight to lulnll
oui dcstiny ns n licc incc in thc Cicntci Community.
It is timc to bcgin.
Hopc in thc woild is ickindlcd by thosc who
bccomc stiong with Knowlcdgc. Hopc cnn lndc nwny
nnd thcn bc icignitcd. It cnn sccm to comc nnd go,
dcpcnding on how pcoplc nic swnycd nnd whnt thcy
choosc loi thcmsclvcs. Hopc icsts with you. Bccnusc
thc Unsccn Oncs nic hcic docs not mcnn thnt thcic is
hopc, loi without you, thcic would bc no hopc. Ioi
you nnd othcis likc you nic biinging n ncw hopc into
thc woild bccnusc you nic lcnining to icccivc thc gilt
ol Knowlcdgc. This biings n ncw hopc into thc woild.
¡cihnps you cnnnot scc this lully nt this momcnt.
¡cihnps it sccms bcyond youi undcistnnding. But
liom n gicntci pcispcctivc, it is so vciy tiuc nnd so
vciy impoitnnt.
Thc woild's cmcigcncc into thc Cicntci
Community spcnks to this, loi il no onc wcic picpni-
ing loi thc Cicntci Community, wcll, thcn, hopc
would sccm to lndc. And humnnity's dcstiny would
sccm to bc uttcily picdictnblc. But bccnusc thcic is hopc in
thc woild, bccnusc thcic is hopc in you nnd in othcis likc you
who nic icsponding to n gicntci cnlling, thc dcstiny ol humnn-
ity hns gicntci piomisc, nnd thc liccdom ol humnnity mny
wcll yct bc sccuicd.


1he LIhics o! CohIacI
At cvciy tuin, thc Allics cncouingc us to tnkc nn
nctivc iolc in disccining nnd opposing thc cxtintciics-
tiinl Intcivcntion thnt is occuiiing in oui woild todny.
This includcs disccining oui iights nnd piioiitics ns
thc nntivc pcoplc ol this woild nnd cstnblishing oui
own Rulcs ol Lngngcmcnt conccining nll picscnt nnd
lutuic contnct with othci inccs ol bcings.
Looking nt thc nntuinl woild nnd bnck thiough
humnn histoiy nmply dcmonstintcs to us thc lcssons
ol intcivcntion: thnt compctition loi icsouiccs is nn
intcginl pnit ol nntuic, thnt intcivcntion by onc cul-
tuic upon nnothci is nlwnys cniiicd out loi
scll-intcicst nnd hns n dcstiuctivc impnct on thc cul-
tuic nnd liccdom ol thc pcoplc bcing discovcicd nnd
thnt thc stiong nlwnys dominntc thc wcnk, il thcy cnn.
Vhilc it is conccivnblc thnt thosc LT inccs visit-
ing oui woild mny bc nn cxccption to this iulc, such
nn cxccption would hnvc to bc piovcn bcyond n
shndow ol n doubt, by giving humnnity thc iight to
nsscss nny pioposnl loi visitntion. This hns ccitninly
not occuiicd. Instcnd, in humnnity's cxpciicncc ol Contnct so
lni, wc hnvc hnd oui nuthoiity nnd piopiictniy iights ns thc
nntivc pcoplc ol this woild ciicumvcntcd. Thc "visitois¨ hnvc
puisucd thcii own ngcndn, without icgnid loi humnnity's
nppiovnl oi inloimcd pniticipntion.
As both thc Allics Biicnngs nnd much ol thc UIO/LT
icscnich clcnily indicntc, cthicnl contnct is not occuiiing.
Vhilc it mny bc nppiopiintc loi n loicign incc to shnic with us
thcii cxpciicncc nnd wisdom liom nlni, ns thc Allics hnvc
donc, it is not nppiopiintc loi inccs to comc hcic uninvitcd
nnd nttcmpt to intcilcic in humnn nllniis, cvcn undci thc
guisc ol hclping us. Civcn thc lcvcl ol humnnity's dcvclop-
mcnt nt this timc ns n young incc, it is not cthicnl to do this.
Humnnity hns not hnd thc oppoitunity to cstnblish its
own Rulcs ol Lngngcmcnt oi sct thc boundniics thnt cvciy
nntivc incc must cstnblish loi its own snlcty nnd sccuiity.
Doing so would scivc to lostci humnn unity nnd coopcintion
bccnusc wc would hnvc to comc togcthci to nccomplish this.
This nction would icquiic thc nwnicncss thnt wc nic onc pco-
plc shniing onc woild, thnt wc nic not nlonc in thc Univcisc
nnd thnt oui boundniics to spncc must bc cstnblishcd nnd
piotcctcd. Tingicnlly, this ncccssniy dcvclopmcntnl pioccss is
now bcing ciicumvcntcd.
It is to cncouingc humnnity's picpnintion loi thc icnlitics
ol lilc in thc Cicntci Community thnt thc Allics Biicnngs wcic
scnt. Indccd, thc Allics' mcssngc to humnnity is n dcmonstin-
tion ol whnt cthicnl contnct icnlly is. Thcy nic mnintnining n
hnnds-oll nppionch, icspccting oui nntivc nbilitics nnd
nuthoiity whilc cncouinging thc liccdom nnd unity thnt thc
humnn lnmily is going to nccd to in oidci to nnvigntc oui
lutuic in thc Cicntci Community. Vhilc mnny pcoplc todny
doubt thnt humnnity hns thc powci nnd intcgiity to mcct its
own nccds nnd chnllcngcs in thc lutuic, thc Allics nssuic us
thnt this powci, thc spiiitunl powci ol Knowlcdgc, icsidcs
within nll ol us nnd thnt wc must usc it on oui own bchnll.
Thc picpnintion loi humnnity's cmcigcncc into thc
Cicntci Community hns bccn givcn. Thc two scts ol thc Allics
ol Humnnity Biiclings nnd thc books ol Thc Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc nic nvnilnblc to icndcis cvciy-
whcic. Thcy cnn bc vicwcd nt www.nllicsolhumnnity.oig nnd
www.gicntcicommunity.oig. Togcthci thcy piovidc thc mcnns
loi ollsctting thc Intcivcntion nnd loi lncing oui lutuic in n
chnnging woild nt thc thicshold ol spncc. This is thc only such
picpnintion in thc woild todny. It is thc vciy picpnintion thnt
thc Allics hnvc so uigcntly cnllcd loi.
In icsponsc to thc Allics Biicnngs, n gioup ol dcdicntcd
icndcis hnvc cinltcd n documcnt cntitlcd thc Dcclnintion ol
Humnn Sovcicignty. Modclcd on thc Unitcd Stntcs
Dcclnintion ol Indcpcndcncc, thc Dcclnintion ol Humnn
Sovcicignty scts out to cstnblish thc Lthics ol Contnct nnd thc
Rulcs ol Lngngcmcnt thnt wc, ns thc nntivc pcoplc ol thc
woild, now dcspcintcly nccd in oidci to picscivc humnn licc-
dom nnd sovcicignty. As thc indigcnous pcoplc ol this woild,
wc hnvc thc iight nnd icsponsibility to dctciminc whcn nnd
how visitntion will occui nnd who mny cntci oui woild. Vc
must lct it bc known to nll nntions nnd gioups in thc Univcisc
who nic nwnic ol oui cxistcncc thnt wc nic scll-dctcimincd
nnd intcnd to cxcicisc oui iights nnd icsponsibilitics ns nn
cmciging incc ol licc pcoplc in thc Cicntci Community. Thc
Dcclnintion ol Humnn Sovcicignty is n bcginning nnd cnn bc
icnd onlinc nt www.humnnsovcicignty.oig.
1akihg AcIioh - WhaI you cah do
1hc Allics nsk us to tnkc n stnnd loi thc wcll-bcing
ol oui woild nnd to bccomc, in csscncc, Allics ol
Humnnity ouisclvcs. Yct to bc icnl, this commitmcnt
must comc liom oui conscicncc, thc dccpcst pnit ol
ouisclvcs. Thcic nic mnny things thnt you cnn do to
ollsct thc Intcivcntion nnd to bccomc n positivc loicc
by sticngthcning youiscll nnd othcis niound you.
Somc icndcis hnvc cxpicsscd lcclings ol hopc-
lcssncss nltci icnding thc Allics mntciinl. Il this is youi
cxpciicncc, it is impoitnnt to icmcmbci thnt it is thc
intcntion ol thc Intcivcntion to infucncc you to lccl
cithci ncccpting nnd hopclul oi hclplcss nnd impotcnt
in thc lncc ol thcii picscncc. Do not nllow youiscll to
bc so pcisundcd. You nnd youi sticngth by tnking
nction. Vhnt cnn you icnlly do! Thcic is n gicnt dcnl
you cnn do.

Educate yourseI!.
¡icpnintion must bcgin with nwnicncss nnd cducn-
tion. You must hnvc nn undcistnnding ol whnt you nic
dcnling with. Lducntc youiscll nbout thc UIO/LT phcnomc-
non. Lducntc youiscll nbout thc lntcst discovciics ol
plnnctniy scicncc nnd nstiobiology thnt nic bccoming nvnil-
nblc to us.
º Scc "Additionnl Rcsouiccs¨ in thc Appcndix.

ßesist the inñuence o! the Paciñcation Program.
Rcsist thc ¡ncincntion ¡ioginm. Rcsist thc infucncc to
bccomc listlcss nnd unicsponsivc to youi own Knowlcdgc.
Rcsist thc Intcivcntion thiough nwnicncss, thiough ndvocncy
nnd thiough undcistnnding. ¡iomotc humnn coopcintion,
unity nnd intcgiity.
º Grcotcr Community Spirituo|ity, Chnptci o: "Vhnt is thc
Cicntci Community!¨ nnd Chnptci 11: "Vhnt Is Youi ¡icpni-
ntion Ioi!¨
º Living thc Woy oj Know|cJgc, Chnptci 1: "Living in nn
Lmciging Voild¨

ßecome avare o! the MentaI Environment.
Thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt is thc cnviionmcnt ol thought nnd
infucncc in which wc nll livc. Its cllcct upon oui thinking,
cmotions nnd nctions is cvcn gicntci thnn thc cllcct ol thc
physicnl cnviionmcnt. Thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt is now bcing
diicctly nllcctcd nnd infucnccd by thc Intcivcntion. It is nlso
bcing nllcctcd by govcinmcnt nnd commcicinl intcicsts nll
niound us. Bccoming nwnic ol thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt is
ciucinl to mnintnining youi own liccdom to think liccly nnd
clcnily. Thc nist stcp thnt you cnn tnkc is to consciously
choosc who nnd whnt is infucncing youi thinking nnd dcci-
sions thiough thc input thnt you icccivc liom thc outsidc.
This includcs mcdin, books nnd pcisunsivc liicnds, lnmily
nnd nuthoiity nguics. Sct youi own guidclincs nnd lcnin how
to clcnily dctciminc, with disccinmcnt nnd ob|cctivity, whnt
othci pcoplc, nnd cvcn thc cultuic nt lnigc, nic tclling you.
Lnch ol us must lcnin to consciously disccin thcsc infucnccs
in oidci to piotcct nnd uplilt thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt in
which wc livc.
º WisJom jrom thc Grcotcr Community, Vo|umc ||, Chnptci 12:
"Scll-Lxpicsson nnd thc Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt¨ nnd Chnptci
15: "Rcsponding to thc Cicntci Community¨

5tudy The Greater Community Way o! KnovIedge.
Lcnining Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc biings
you into diicct contnct with thc dccpci spiiitunl mind thnt thc
Cicntoi ol nll lilc hns plnccd within you. It is nt thc lcvcl ol
this dccpci mind bcyond oui intcllcct, nt thc lcvcl ol
Knowlcdgc, thnt you nic snlc liom intcilcicncc nnd mnnipu-
lntion liom nny woildly oi Cicntci Community powci.
Knowlcdgc nlso holds loi you youi gicntci spiiitunl puiposc
loi coming into thc woild nt this timc. It is thc vciy ccntci ol
youi spiiitunlity. You cnn bcgin youi |ouincy in Thc Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc todny by stniting thc study ol
Stcps to Know|cJgc onlinc nt www.gicntcicommunity.oig.
º Grcotcr Community Spirituo|ity, Chnptci +: "Vhnt is
º |iving thc Woy oj Know|cJgc: All chnptcis
º Study ol Stcps to Know|cJgc: Thc ßool oj |nncr Knowing

form an AIIies ßeading Group.
To cicntc n positivc cnviionmcnt whcic thc Allics mntciinl cnn
bc dccply considcicd, |oin with othcis to loim nn Allics
Rcnding Cioup. Vc hnvc lound thnt whcn pcoplc icnd thc
Allics Biicnngs nnd thc books ol Thc Cicntci Community Vny
ol Knowlcdgc nloud with othcis in n suppoitivc gioup sctting
nnd nic licc to shnic qucstions nnd insights ns thcy go, thcii
compichcnsion ol thc mntciinl giows signincnntly. This is onc
wny thnt you cnn bcgin to nnd othcis who shnic youi nwnic-
ncss nnd dcsiic to know thc tiuth nbout thc Intcivcntion. You
cnn stnit with |ust onc othci pcison.
º WisJom jrom thc Grcotcr Community, Vo|umc ||, Chnptci 10:
"Cicntci Community Visitntions,¨ Chnptci 15: "Rcsponding
to thc Cicntci Community,¨ Chnptci 17: "Visitois' ¡ciccp-
tions ol Humnnity,¨ nnd Chnptci 2S: "Cicntci Community
º Thc A||ics oj Humonity ßool Two: All chnptcis.

Preserve and protect the environment.
Vith cnch pnssing dny, wc nic lcnining moic nnd moic nbout thc
nccd to picscivc, piotcct nnd icstoic oui nntuinl cnviionmcnt.
Lvcn il thc Intcivcntion did not cxist, this would still bc n piioi-
ity. Yct thc Allics' mcssngc givcs ncw impctus nnd n ncw
undcistnnding loi thc nccd to cicntc n sustninnblc usc ol oui
woild's nntuinl icsouiccs. Bccomc conscious nbout how you livc
nnd whnt you consumc nnd nnd whnt you cnn do to suppoit
thc cnviionmcnt. As thc Allics cmphnsizc, oui scll-sulncicncy
ns n incc will bc ncccssniy to snlcgunid oui liccdom nnd
ndvnnccmcnt within n Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc.
º WisJom jrom thc Grcotcr Community, Vo|umc |, Chnptci 1+:
"Voild Lvolution¨
º WisJom jrom thc Grcotcr Community, Vo|umc ||, Chnptci 25:

5pread the message about the
AIIies o! Humanity ßrieñngs.
Youi shniing thc Allics' mcssngc with othcis is vitnlly impoi-
tnnt loi thc lollowing icnsons:
÷You hclp bicnk thc numbing silcncc thnt suiiounds
thc icnlity nnd spcctci ol thc cxtintciicstiinl Intcivcntion.
÷You hclp bicnk down thc isolntion thnt kccps pcoplc
liom connccting with onc nnothci nbout this gicnt chnllcngc.
÷You nwnkcn thosc who hnvc lnllcn undci thc
infucncc ol thc ¡ncincntion ¡ioginm, giving thcm n chnncc to
usc thcii own minds to ic-cvnluntc thc mcnning ol this
÷You sticngthcn thc icsolvc within youiscll nnd within
othcis not to cnpitulntc to cithci lcni oi nvoidnncc in mccting
thc gicnt chnllcngc ol oui timc.
÷You biing connimntion to othci pcoplc's own insights
nnd Knowlcdgc nbout thc Intcivcntion.
÷You hclp cstnblish thc icsistnncc thnt cnn thwnit thc
Intcivcntion nnd piomotc thc cmpowcimcnt thnt cnn givc
humnnity thc unity nnd sticngth to cstnblish oui own Rulcs ol
÷Shnic this book nnd its mcssngc with othcis. Thc
cntiic nist sct ol biicnngs is now nvnilnblc to icnd nnd to
downlond nt no cost nt thc Allics wcbsitc: www.nllicsolhu-
÷Rcnd thc Dcclnintion ol Humnn Sovcicignty nnd
shnic this vnlunblc documcnt with othcis. It cnn bc icnd
onlinc nnd piintcd nt www.humnnsovcicignty.oig.
÷Lncouingc youi locnl bookstoic nnd libiniy to cniiy
both volumcs ol Thc A||ics oj Humonity nnd thc othci books
by Mnishnll Vinn Summcis. This incicnscs ncccss to thc
mntciinl loi othci icndcis.
÷Shnic thc Allics mntciinl nnd pcispcctivc in cxisting
onlinc loiums nnd discussions gioups whcncvci nppiopiintc.
÷Attcnd iclntcd conlcicnccs nnd gnthciings nnd shnic
thc Allics pcispcctivc.
÷Tinnslntc thc Allics ol Humnnity Biicnngs. Il you nic
multi-lingunl, plcnsc considci hclping to tinnslntc thc biicl-
ings in oidci to mnkc thcm nvnilnblc to moic icndcis niound
thc woild.
÷Contnct Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy to icccivc n licc
Allics ndvocncy pnckct with mntciinls thnt cnn hclp you shnic
this mcssngc with othcis.
º |iving thc Woy oj Know|cJgc, Chnptci 9: "Shniing Thc Vny ol
Knowlcdgc with Othcis¨
º WisJom jrom Thc Grcotcr Community, Vo|umc ||, Chnptci 19:

This is by no mcnns n complctc list. It is mcicly n bcginning.
Look nt youi own lilc nnd scc whnt oppoitunitics mny cxist
thcic, nnd bc opcn to youi own Knowlcdgc nnd insights on
this mnttci. In nddition to doing thc things listcd nbovc, pco-
plc hnvc nlicndy lound cicntivc wnys to cxpicss thc Allics'
mcssngc ÷ thiough nit, thiough music, thiough poctiy. Iind
youi wny.
Foi 25 ycnis, I hnvc bccn immciscd in n icligious
cxpciicncc. This hns icsultcd in my iccciving n vnst
body ol wiitings nbout thc nntuic ol humnn spiiitunl-
ity nnd humnnity's dcstiny within n lnigci pnnoinmn
ol intclligcnt lilc in thc Univcisc. Thcsc wiitings,
cncompnsscd in thc tcnching in Thc Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc, contnin n thcologicnl
linmcwoik thnt nccounts loi lilc nnd thc picscncc ol
Cod in thc Grcotcr Community, thc vnst cxpnnsc ol
spncc nnd timc thnt wc know to bc oui Univcisc.
Thc cosmology thnt I hnvc bccn iccciving con-
tnins mnny mcssngcs, onc ol which is thnt humnnity
is cmciging into n Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt
lilc nnd loi this wc must picpnic. Inhcicnt in this mcs-
sngc is thc undcistnnding thnt humnnity is not nlonc
in thc Univcisc, oi cvcn nlonc within oui own woild,
nnd thnt within this Cicntci Community, humnnity
will hnvc liicnds, compctitois nnd ndvcisniics.
This lnigci icnlity wns dinmnticnlly connimcd by
thc suddcn nnd uncxpcctcd tinnsmission ol thc nist
sct ol thc Allics ol Humnnity Biicnngs in 1997. Thicc
ycnis cnilici, in 199+, I hnd icccivcd thc thcologicnl
linmcwoik loi compichcnding thc Allics Biicnngs in
my book Grcotcr Community Spirituo|ity÷A Ncw Rcvc|otion.
At thnt point, ns n icsult ol my spiiitunl woik nnd wiitings, it
bccnmc known to mc thnt humnnity hns nllics in thc Univcisc
who nic conccincd nbout thc wcll-bcing nnd lutuic liccdom
ol oui incc.
Vithin thc giowing cosmology thnt hns bccn icvcnlcd to
mc is thc undcistnnding thnt, in thc histoiy ol intclligcnt lilc
in thc Univcisc, cthicnlly ndvnnccd inccs hnvc nn obligntion
to bcqucnth thcii wisdom to young cmciging inccs such ns
oui own nnd thnt this bcqucst must tnkc plncc without diicct
intcilcicncc oi intcivcning in thc nllniis ol thnt young incc.
Thc intcnt hcic is to inloim, not to intcilcic. This "pnssing
down ol wisdom¨ icpicscnts n long-cxisting, cthicnl linmc-
woik icgniding Contnct with cmciging inccs nnd how it
should bc conductcd. Thc two scts ol thc Allics ol Humnnity
Biicnngs nic n clcni dcmonstintion ol this modcl ol non-intci-
lcicncc nnd cthicnl Contnct. This modcl should bc n guiding
light nnd n stnndnid thnt wc should cxpcct othci inccs to hold
to in thcii nttcmpt to contnct us oi to visit oui woild. Yct this
dcmonstintion ol cthicnl Contnct stnnds in stnik continst to
thc Intcivcntion thnt is occuiiing in thc woild todny.
Vc nic moving into n position ol cxticmc vulncinbility.
Vith thc spcctci ol icsouicc dcplction, cnviionmcntnl dcgin-
dntion nnd thc iisk ol n luithci linctuiing ol thc humnn lnmily
giowing cvciydny, wc nic iipc loi Intcivcntion. Vc livc in
sccming isolntion in n iich nnd vnlunblc woild thnt is bcing
sought by othcis bcyond oui shoics. Vc nic distinctcd nnd
dividcd nnd do not scc thc gicnt pciil intcivcning nt oui boi-
dcis. It is n phcnomcnon thnt histoiy hns icpcntcd ovci nnd
ovci ngnin icgniding thc lntc ol isolntcd nntivc pcoplcs who
wcic lncing intcivcntion loi thc nist timc. Vc nic unicnlistic
in oui nssumptions nbout thc powcis nnd bcncnccncc ol
intclligcnt lilc in thc Univcisc. And wc nic only now |ust
bcginning to tnkc stock ol thc condition thnt wc hnvc cicntcd
loi ouisclvcs within oui own woild.
Thc unpopulni tiuth is thnt thc humnn lnmily is not
icndy loi n diicct cxpciicncc ol Contnct nnd ccitninly not
icndy loi nn intcivcntion. Vc nist must put oui own housc in
oidci. Vc do not yct hnvc thc spccics mntuiity to cngngc with
othci inccs in thc Cicntci Community liom n position ol
unity, sticngth nnd disccinmcnt. And until wc cnn icnch such
n position, il cvci wc cnn, thcn no incc should nttcmpt to
diicctly intcivcnc in oui woild. Thc Allics nic pioviding us
much nccdcd wisdom nnd pcispcctivc, yct thcy nic not intci-
vcning. Thcy tcll us thnt oui lntc is, nnd should bc, in oui own
hnnds. Such is thc buidcn ol liccdom in thc Univcisc.
Rcgnidlcss ol oui lnck ol icndincss, howcvci, Intcivcn-
tion is occuiiing. Humnnity must now picpnic loi this, thc
most conscqucntinl thicshold in humnn histoiy. Rnthci thnn
|ust bcing cnsunl witncsscs to this phcnomcnon, wc nic nt thc
vciy ccntci ol it. It is hnppcning whcthci wc nic nwnic ol it oi
not. It hns thc powci to chnngc thc outcomc loi humnnity. And
it hns cvciything to do with who wc nic nnd why wc nic hcic
in thc woild nt this timc.
Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc hns bccn
givcn to piovidc both thc tcnching nnd thc picpnintion thnt
wc now nccd to lncc this gicnt thicshold, to icncw thc humnn
spiiit nnd to sct n ncw couisc loi thc humnn lnmily. It spcnks
to thc uigcnt nccd loi humnn unity nnd coopcintion, thc
piimncy ol Knowlcdgc, oui spiiitunl intclligcncc, nnd thc
gicntci icsponsibilitics wc must now nssumc nt thc thicsh-
old ol spncc. It icpicscnts n Ncw Mcssngc liom thc Cicntoi
ol nll lilc.
My mission is to biing this gicntci cosmology nnd picpn-
intion into thc woild nnd with it n ncw hopc nnd piomisc loi
n stiuggling humnnity. My long picpnintion nnd thc immcnsc
tcnching in Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc nic
hcic loi this puiposc. Thc Allics ol Humnnity Biicnngs nic but
n smnll pnit ol this lnigci mcssngc. It is timc now to cnd oui
ccnsclcss conficts nnd to picpnic loi lilc in thc Cicntci
Community. To do this, wc nccd n ncw undcistnnding ol oui-
sclvcs ns onc pcoplc÷thc nntivc pcoplc ol this woild, boin ol
onc spiiitunlity÷nnd ol oui vulncinblc position ns n young,
cmciging incc in thc Univcisc. This is my mcssngc loi humnn-
ity nnd this is why I hnvc comc.

THL ALLILS OI HUMANITY: A smnll gioup ol physi-
cnl bcings liom thc Cicntci Community who nic
hiddcn in thc vicinity ol oui woild in oui solni sys-
tcm. Thcii mission is to obscivc, icpoit nnd ndvisc
us on thc nctivitics ol thc nlicn visitois nnd intci-
vcntion in thc woild todny. Thcy icpicscnt thc Visc
in mnny woilds.
THL VISITORS: Scvcinl othci nlicn inccs liom thc
Cicntci Community "visiting¨ oui woild without
oui pcimission who nic nctivcly intcilciing in
humnn nllniis. Thc visitois nic involvcd in n long
pioccss ol intcginting thcmsclvcs into thc lnbiic
nnd soul ol humnn lilc loi thc puiposc ol gnining
contiol ol thc woild's icsouiccs nnd pcoplc.
THL INTLRVLNTION: Thc nlicn visitois' picscncc,
puiposc nnd nctivitics in thc woild.
THL ¡ACIIICATION ¡ROCRAM: Thc visitois' pioginm
ol pcisunsion nnd infucncc nimcd nt disniming
pcoplc's nwnicncss nnd disccinmcnt ol thc
Intcivcntion in oidci to icndci humnnity pnssivc
nnd complinnt.
THL CRLATLR COMMUNITY: Spncc. Thc vnst physicnl nnd
spiiitunl Univcisc into which humnnity is cmciging, which
contnins intclligcnt lilc in countlcss mnnilcstntions.
THL UNSLLN ONLS: Thc Angcls ol thc Cicntoi who ovciscc
thc spiiitunl dcvclopmcnt ol scnticnt bcings thioughout thc
Cicntci Community. Thc Allics iclci to thcm ns "Thc
Unsccn Oncs.¨
HUMAN DLSTINY: Humnnity is dcstincd to cmcigc into thc
Cicntci Community. This is oui cvolution.
THL COLLLCTIVLS: Complcx hicinichicnl oignnizntions com-
poscd ol scvcinl nlicn inccs which nic bound togcthci by n
common nllcginncc. Thcic is moic thnn onc collcctivc pic-
scnt in thc woild todny to which thc nlicn visitois bclong.
Thcsc collcctivcs hnvc compcting ngcndns.
THL MLNTAL LNVIRONMLNT: Thc cnviionmcnt ol thought
nnd mcntnl infucncc.
KNOVLLDCL: Thc spiiitunl intclligcncc thnt livcs within cnch
pcison. Thc Souicc ol nll thnt wc know. Intiinsic undci-
stnnding. Ltcinnl Visdom. Thc timclcss pnit ol us which
cnnnot bc infucnccd, mnnipulntcd oi coiiuptcd. A potcn-
tinl in nll intclligcnt lilc. Knowlcdgc is Cod in you nnd Cod
is nll Knowlcdgc in thc Univcisc.
THL VAYS OI INSICHT: Vniious tcnchings in Thc Vny ol
Knowlcdgc thnt nic tnught in mnny woilds in thc Cicntci
tunl tcnching liom thc Cicntoi thnt is pincticcd in mnny
plnccs in thc Cicntci Community. It tcnchcs how to cxpcii-
cncc nnd cxpicss Knowlcdgc nnd how to picscivc
individunl liccdom in thc Univcisc. This tcnching hns bccn
scnt hcic to picpnic humnnity loi thc icnlitics ol lilc in thc
Cicntci Community.
I wns gicntly impicsscd with Thc A||ics oj Humonity
. . . bccnusc thc mcssngc iings tiuc. Rndni contncts,
giound cllccts, vidcotnpc nnd nlm nll piovc UIOs nic
icnl. Now wc must considci thc icnl qucstion: thc
ngcndn ol thcii occupnnts. Thc A||ics oj Humonity
loicclully conlionts this issuc, onc which mny piovc
ciiticnl to thc lutuic ol humnnkind.¨
÷}im Mniis, nuthoi ol
A|icn AgcnJo nnd Ru|c by Sccrccy
In light ol dccndcs spcnt studying both chnnncling
nnd ulology/cxtintciicstiiology, I hnvc n vciy positivc
icsponsc to both Summcis ns n chnnncl nnd to thc
mcssngc liom his icpoitcd souiccs in this book. I nm
dccply impicsscd with his intcgiity ns n humnn bcing,
ns n spiiit, nnd ns n tiuc chnnncl. In thcii mcssngc
nnd dcmcnnoi, both Summcis nnd his souiccs
convincingly dcmonstintc to mc n tiuc scivicc-to-
othci oiicntntion in thc lncc ol so much humnn, nnd
now nppnicntly cvcn cxtintciicstiinl, scivicc-to-scll
oiicntntion. Vhilc sciious nnd wnining in tonc, this
book's mcssngc quickcns my spiiit with thc piomisc ol
thc wondcis thnt nwnit oui spccics ns wc |oin thc Cicntci
Community. Vc must nt thc snmc timc nnd nnd ncccss oui
biithiight iclntion to oui Cicntoi to cnsuic wc nic not unduly
mnnipulntcd oi cxploitcd by somc mcmbcis ol thnt gicntci
community in thc pioccss.¨
÷}on Klimo, nuthoi ol
Chonnc|ing: |nvcstigotions on Rccciving
|njormotion jrom Poronormo| Sourccs
Studying thc UIO/Alicn Abduction phcnomcnon loi ¹0
ycnis hns bccn likc piccing togcthci n ginnt |igsnw puzzlc.
Youi book, nt lnst, gnvc mc n linmcwoik loi ntting thc
icmnining picccs.¨
÷Liick Schwnitz, LCSV, Cnliloinin
Is thcic n licc lunch in thc cosmos! Thc A||ics oj Humonity
icminds us most loicclully, thcic isn't.¨
÷Llninc Douglnss, MUION Co-stntc diicctoi, Utnh
1hc Allics will hnvc n gicnt ccho nmong thc Spnnish-
spcnking populntion niound thc woild. I cnn nssuic this!
So mnny pcoplc, not only in my countiy, nghting loi thcii
iights to picscivc thcii cultuics! Youi books only connim
whnt thcy hnvc bccn tiying to tcll us in so mnny wnys, loi
such n long timc.¨
÷Ingiid Cnbicin, Mcxico
1his book icsonntcd dccply within mc. To mc, [Thc A||ics oj
Humonity] is nothing shoit ol gioundbicnking. I honoi thc
loiccs, humnn nnd othciwisc, thnt hnvc biought this book
into bcing, nnd I piny thnt its uigcnt wnining is hccdcd.¨
÷Rnymond Chong, Singnpoic
Much ol Thc Allics mntciinl icsonntcs with whnt I hnvc
lcnincd, oi lccl instinctivcly to bc tiuc.¨
÷Timothy Cood, Biitish UIO icscnichci
nuthoi ol ßcyonJ Top Sccrct nnd Uncorth|y Disc|osurc
1HL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY nddicsscs lundnmcntnl
qucstions nbout thc icnlity, nntuic nnd puiposc ol thc
cxtintciicstiinl picscncc in thc woild todny. Howcvci,
this book iniscs mnny moic qucstions which must bc
cxploicd thiough luithci study. As such, it scivcs ns n
cntnlyst loi gicntci nwnicncss nnd n cnll to nction.
To lcnin moic, thcic nic two tincks which thc
icndci cnn lollow, cithci scpnintcly oi togcthci. Thc
nist tinck is thc study ol thc UIO/LT phcnomcnon
itscll, which hns bccn widcly documcntcd ovci thc
lnst loui dccndcs by icscnichcis icpicscnting mnny
dillcicnt points ol vicw. In thc lollowing pngcs, wc
hnvc listcd somc impoitnnt icsouiccs on this sub|cct
thnt wc lccl nic cspccinlly iclcvnnt to thc Allics mntc-
iinl. Vc cncouingc nll icndcis to bccomc moic
inloimcd nbout this phcnomcnon.
Thc sccond tinck is loi icndcis who would likc to
cxploic thc spiiitunl implicntions ol thc phcnomcnon
nnd whnt you pcisonnlly cnn do to picpnic. Ioi this
wc iccommcnd thc wiitings ol MV Summcis which
nic listcd in thc lollowing pngcs.
To stny inloimcd nbout ncw mntciinls iclntcd to
THL A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY, plcnsc visit thc Allics
wcbsitc nt: www.nllicsolhumnnity.oig. Ioi moic inloimntion
nbout Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc, plcnsc
visit: www.gicntcicommunity.oig.
8clow is n picliminniy list ol icsouiccs on thc sub-
|cct ol thc UIO/LT phcnomcnon. It is not intcndcd by
nny mcnns to bc nn cxhnustivc biblioginphy on thc
sub|cct, mcicly n plncc to stnit. Oncc youi icscnich
into thc icnlity ol thc phcnomcnon hns bcgun, thcic
will bc moic nnd moic mntciinls loi you to cxploic,
both by thcsc nnd othci souiccs. Disccinmcnt is
nlwnys ndviscd.
Bcilinci, Don: UIO ßricjing Documcnt, Dcll
¡ublishing, 1995.
Biynn, C.D.B.: C|osc Lncountcrs oj thc Iourth KinJ:
A|icn AbJuction, UIOs onJ thc Conjcrcncc ot
M|T, ¡cnguin, 199o.
Dolnn, Richnid: UIOs onJ thc Notiono| Sccurity Stotc:
Chrono|ogy oj o Covcrup, 1941-1973, Hnmpton
Ronds ¡ublishing, 2002.
Iowlci, Rnymond L.: Thc A||ogosh AbJuctions:
UnJcniob|c LviJcncc oj A|icn |ntcrvcntion, 2
Ldition, Cinnitc ¡ublishing, LLC, 2005.
Cood, Timothy: Uncorth|y Disc|osurc, Aiiow Books,
Ciinspoon, Dnvid: Loncly ¡lnncts: Thc Noturo| Phi|osophy oj
A|icn |ijc, Hnipci Collins ¡ublishcis, 200¹.
Hopkins, Budd nnd Rnincy, Cniol: Sight Unsccn: Scicncc, UIO
|nvisibi|ity, onJ Tronsgcnic ßcings, Atiin, 200¹.
Howc, Lindn Moulton: An A|icn Horvcst, LMH ¡ioductions,
}ncobs, Dnvid: Thc Thrcot: Whot thc A|icns Rco||y Wont,
Simon & Schustci, 199S.
Mnck, }ohn L.: AbJuction: Humon Lncountcrs with A|icns,
Chnilcs Sciibnci's Sons, 199+.
Mniis, }im: A|icn AgcnJo: |nvcstigoting thc Lxtrotcrrcstrio|
Prcscncc Among Us, Hnipci Collins, 1997.
Snudci, Richnid: UnJcrwotcr onJ UnJcrgrounJ ßoscs,
Advcntuics Unlimitcd ¡icss, 2001.
Tuinci, Kniln: Tolcn: |nsiJc thc A|icn-Humon AbJuction
AgcnJo, Bcikclcy Books, 1992.
Thc A|icn AgcnJo onJ thc Lthics oj Contoct with Mnishnll Vinn
Summcis, MUION Symposium, 200o. Avnilnblc
thiough Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy.
Thc LT |ntcrvcntion onJ Contro| in thc Mcnto| Lnvironmcnt,
with Mnishnll Vinn Summcis, Conspiincy Con, 2007.
Avnilnblc thiough Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy.
Out oj thc ß|uc: Thc Dcµnitivc |nvcstigotion oj thc UIO
Phcnomcnon, Hnnovci Housc, 2007. To oidci:
UIOs: Thc ßcst LviJcncc: (thicc-pnit sciics wiittcn nnd
diicctcd by Ccoigc Knnpp).
A Ncw Rcvc|otion. ¡iovidcs ncw nnswcis to
27 lundnmcntnl qucstions nbout thc mcnning
ol lilc, oui iclntionship with Cod nnd oui
dcstiny, nll liom n Cicntci Community
pcispcctivc. Thc "Thcology ol Contnct¨ loi
undcistnnding thc icnlity nnd thc spiiitunlity
ol intclligcnt lilc in thc Univcisc.
|SßN 978-1-884238-21-5: 27 choptcrs,
384 pogcs: TroJc Popcr: $17.95
STLPS TO KNOW|LDGL: Thc ßool oj |nncr
Knowing. A piolound guidc to cxpciicncing
nnd npplying Knowlcdgc, thc gicntci
Spiiitunl Intclligcncc thnt livcs within you.
Thc picpnintion book loi humnnity's
cmcigcncc into n Cicntci Community ol
intclligcnt lilc. Thc Book ol ¡incticc in Thc
Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc.

Vinnci ol thc "Ycni 2000 Book ol thc Ycni Awnid¨ loi
|SßN 978-1-884238-18-5: 3ó5 procticcs,
520 pogcs: TroJc Popcr: $19.95
Vo|umc |: How to |ivc with Ccrtointy, Strcngth onJ
WisJom in on Lmcrging Wor|J. Thc Cicntci
Community Tcnching on topics innging liom
"Mniiingc¨ nnd "Achicving ¡cncc¨ to "¡iovoking
Chnngc¨ nnd "Voild Lvolution.¨ ¹5 Chnptcis. Thc
Iiist Book ol Discouiscs in Thc Cicntci Community
Vny ol Knowlcdgc.
|SßN 978-1-884238-11-ó: 35 choptcrs,
448 pogcs: TroJc Popcr: $25.
Vo|umc ||: How to IinJ Purposc, Mconing onJ
Dircction in on Lmcrging Wor|J. Thc Cicntci
Community Tcnching on topics innging liom
"Disccinmcnt¨ nnd "Solving ¡ioblcms¨ to
"Lnviionmcnts¨ nnd "Visitois' ¡ciccptions ol
Humnnity.¨ ¹+ Chnptcis. Thc Sccond Book ol
Discouiscs in Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol
Knowlcdgc. Silvci Awnid Iinnlist in thc 1997 Bcn|nmin
Iinnklin Book Awnid loi Spiiitunlity.
|SßN 978-1-884238-12-3: 34 choptcrs,
448 pogcs: TroJc Popcr: $25.
a-s/a// (·ao Joooe-s

       

a-s/a// (·ao Joooe-s
        


||V|NG THL WAY OI KNOW|LDGL: ßui|Jing thc
IounJotion jor ßccoming o Mon or Womon oj
Know|cJgc in on Lmcrging Wor|J. How to biing thc
gincc, thc guidnncc nnd thc powci ol Knowlcdgc
into thc "Ioui ¡illnis¨ ol youi lilc: youi
iclntionships, youi woik, youi hcnlth nnd youi
spiiitunl diicction. Altci STLPS TO KNOW|LDGL, thc
sccond gicnt pincticc loi lcnining nnd living Thc
Vny ol Knowlcdgc.
|SßN 978-1-884238-03-1: 11 choptcrs,
1ó8 Pogcs: Wirc ßounJ: $20.
Currcnt|y ovoi|ob|c on|y through Ncw Know|cJgc |ibrory.
Your Pcop|c, Your Purposc onJ Your Mission in thc
Wor|J. A lilclong icsouicc loi discovciing nnd
lulnlling youi tiuc puiposc loi coming into thc
woild. Rcvcnls thc souicc ol cnch pcison's dccp
ycnining loi tiuc iclntionship nnd ollcis n
icvolutionniy undcistnnding ol thosc kcy
iclntionships thnt will chnngc youi lilc. Not mcicly n
book to icnd, but n compnnion book mcnnt to bc studicd,
dccply considcicd nnd npplicd.
|SßN 978-1-884238-87-1.
!o. W:y
a( l»aai.J;.
MV Summers
(k|A!|k CO//LNl!Y S|lkl!LA|l!Y A N.a k.c.i:i·a»


lINlINC YCUk llClll,
IN Tll WCkll

(k|A!|k CO//LNl!Y S|lkl!LA|l!Y A N.a k.c.i:i·a»
A|||LS OI HUMAN|TY, ßOOK TWO: Humon Unity,
IrccJom onJ thc HiJJcn Rco|ity oj Contoct.
Complctcs thc Allics' vitnl mcssngc to humnnity
bcgun in Book Onc. ¡iovidcs ncw inloimntion nbout
thc intcinction bctwccn inccs in oui locnl Univcisc
nnd nbout thc most dnngcious nspccts ol thc
Intcivcntion ns it ndvnnccs its hiddcn ngcndn in thc
woild. A must-icnd loi nnyonc who is conccincd
nbout thc lutuic nnd liccdom ol humnnity.
|SßN 978-1-884238-35-2: ó ßricµngs onJ 3 Commcntorics,
205 pogcs: TroJc popcr, $14.95.
Thc Books ol Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc cnn
bc icqucstcd nt youi locnl bookstoic oi oidcicd liom
nn onlinc bookscllci. You cnn nlso oidci diicctly liom us nt
Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy. At this timc ||V|NG THL WAY
cnn bc oidcicd only liom Ncw Knowlcdgc Libiniy nt
nklCgicntcicommunity.oig oi (¹0¹) 9¹S-S+01. Ioi book
oidcis outsidc ol Coloindo plcnsc cnll 1-S00-9¹S-¹S91. To
vicw thc Books ol Knowlcdgc in gicntci dctnil, plcnsc visit oui
wcbsitc nt www.gicntcicommunity.oig.
"You nic not mcicly n humnn bcing in this onc woild.
You nic n citizcn ol thc Cicntci Community ol woilds.
This is thc physicnl Univcisc thnt you iccognizc
thiough youi scnscs. It is lni gicntci thnn you cnn now
compichcnd. . . You nic n citizcn ol n gicntci physicnl
Univcisc. This ncknowlcdgcs not only youi Lincngc
nnd youi Hciitngc but nlso youi puiposc in lilc nt this
timc, loi thc woild ol humnnity is giowing into thc lilc
ol thc Cicntci Community ol woilds. This is known to
you, though youi bclicls mny not yct nccount loi it.¨
Stcp 1S7: I nm n citizcn ol thc
Cicntci Community ol Voilds
"You hnvc comc into thc woild nt n gicnt tuining
point, n tuining point only pnit ol which you will scc
in youi own lilctimc. It is n tuining point whcic youi
woild gnins contnct with thc woilds in its vicinity. This
is thc nntuinl cvolution ol humnnity, ns it is thc nntuinl
cvolution ol nll intclligcnt lilc in nll woilds.¨
Stcp 190: Thc woild is cmciging into thc
Cicntci Community ol woilds nnd thnt
is why I hnvc comc
"You hnvc gicnt liicnds bcyond this woild. Thnt is why
humnnity is sccking to cntci into thc Cicntci Community
bccnusc thc Cicntci Community icpicscnts n biondci inngc
ol its tiuc iclntionships. You hnvc tiuc liicnds bcyond thc
woild bccnusc you nic not nlonc in thc woild nnd you nic not
nlonc in thc Cicntci Community ol woilds. You hnvc liicnds
bcyond this woild bccnusc youi Spiiitunl Inmily hns its
icpicscntntivcs cvciywhcic. You hnvc liicnds bcyond this
woild bccnusc you nic woiking not mcicly on thc cvolution ol
youi woild but on thc cvolution ol thc Univcisc ns wcll.
Bcyond youi imnginntion, bcyond youi conccptunl
cnpnbilitics, this is most ccitninly tiuc.¨
Stcp 211: I hnvc gicnt liicnds bcyond
this woild.
"Do not icnct with hopc. Do not icnct with lcni. Rcspond with
Chnptci 10: Cicntci Community
"Vhy is this hnppcning!¨ Scicncc cnnnot nnswci thnt.
Rcnson cnnnot nnswci thnt. Vishlul thinking cnnnot nnswci
thnt. Icnilul scll-piotcction cnnnot nnswci thnt. Vhnt cnn
nnswci thnt! You must nsk this qucstion with n dillcicnt kind
ol mind, scc with dillcicnt kinds ol cycs nnd hnvc n dillcicnt
cxpciicncc hcic.¨
Chnptci 10: Cicntci Community
"You must think ol Cod now in thc Cicntci Community÷not
n humnn Cod, not n Cod ol youi wiittcn histoiy, not n Cod ol
youi tiinls nnd tiibulntions, but n Cod loi nll timc, loi nll
inccs, loi nll dimcnsions, loi thosc who nic piimitivc nnd loi
thosc who nic ndvnnccd, loi thosc who think likc you nnd loi
thosc who think so dillcicntly, loi thosc who bclicvc nnd loi
thosc loi whom bclicl is incxplicnblc. This is Cod in thc
Cicntci Community. And this is whcic you must bcgin.¨
Chnptci 1: Vhnt is Cod!
"You nic nccdcd in thc woild. It is timc to picpnic. It is timc
to bccomc locuscd nnd dctcimincd. Thcic is no cscnpc liom
this, loi only thosc who nic dcvclopcd in Thc Vny ol
Knowlcdgc will hnvc cnpnbility in thc lutuic nnd will bc nblc
to mnintnin thcii liccdom in n Mcntnl Lnviionmcnt thnt will
bc incicnsingly infucnccd by thc Cicntci Community.¨
Chnptci o: Thc ¡illni ol Spiiitunl
"Thcic nic no hciocs hcic. Thcic is no onc to woiship. Thcic
is n loundntion to bc built. Thcic is woik to bc donc. Thcic is
n picpnintion to undcigo. And thcic is n woild to scivc.¨
Chnptci o: Thc ¡illni ol Spiiitunl
"Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc is bcing
picscntcd into thc woild, whcic it is unknown. It hns no
histoiy nnd no bnckgiound hcic. ¡coplc nic not uscd to it. It
docs not ncccssniily lit in with thcii idcns, bclicls oi
cxpcctntions. It docs not conloim to thc woild's cuiicnt
icligious undcistnnding. It comcs in n nnkcd loim÷without
iitunl nnd pngcnntiy, without wcnlth nnd cxccss. It comcs
puicly nnd simply. It is likc n child in thc woild. It is
sccmingly vulncinblc, nnd yct it icpicscnts n Cicntci Rcnlity
nnd n gicntci piomisc loi humnnity.¨
÷Sncicd Viitings: unpublishcd
"Thcic nic thosc in thc Cicntci Community who nic moic
powcilul thnn you. Thcy cnn outsmnit you, but only il you nic
not looking. Thcy cnn nllcct youi mind, but thcy cnnnot
contiol it il you nic with Knowlcdgc.¨
Chnptci 10: Bcing ¡icscnt in thc Voild
"Humnnity livcs in n vciy big housc. ¡nit ol thc housc is on
nic. And othcis nic visiting hcic to dctciminc how thc nic cnn
bc put out loi thcii bcncnt.¨
Chnptci 11: ¡icpniing loi thc Iutuic
"Co out on n clcni night nnd look up. Youi dcstiny is thcic.
Youi dilncultics nic thcic. Youi oppoitunitics nic thcic. Youi
icdcmption is thcic.¨
Chnptci 15: Vho Scivcs Humnnity!
"You should ncvci nssumc thnt thcic is n gicntci logic in nn
ndvnnccd incc, unlcss it is stiong with Knowlcdgc. In lnct,
thcy mny bc ns loitincd ngninst Knowlcdgc ns you nic. Old
hnbits, iitunls, stiuctuics nnd nuthoiitics must bc chnllcngcd
by thc cvidcncc ol Knowlcdgc. Thnt is why cvcn in thc
Cicntci Community, thc mnn oi womnn ol Knowlcdgc is n
powcilul loicc.¨
÷STLPS TO KNOW|LDGL: Uppcr |cvc|s
"Youi lcnilcssncss in thc lutuic must not bc boin ol pictcnsc,
but boin ol youi ccitninty in Knowlcdgc. In this wny, you will
bc n iclugc ol pcncc nnd n souicc ol wcnlth loi othcis. This is
whnt you nic mcnnt to bc. This is why you hnvc comc into
thc woild.¨
Stcp 1o2: I will not bc nlinid todny.
"It is not nn cnsy timc to bc in thc woild, but il contiibution
is youi puiposc nnd intcntion, it is thc iight timc to bc in
thc woild.¨
Chnptci 11: Vhnt Is Youi
¡icpnintion loi!
"In oidci loi you to cniiy out youi mission, you must hnvc
gicnt nllics bccnusc Cod knows you cnnnot do it nlonc.¨
Chnptci 12: Vhom Vill You Mcct!
"Thc Cicntoi would not lcnvc humnnity without n picpnintion
loi thc Cicntci Community. And loi this, Thc Cicntci
Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc is bcing picscntcd. It is boin ol
thc Cicnt Vill ol thc Univcisc. It is communicntcd thiough thc
Angcls ol thc Univcisc who scivc thc cmcigcncc ol Knowlcdgc
cvciywhcic nnd who cultivntc iclntionships thnt cnn cmbody
Knowlcdgc cvciywhcic. This woik is thc woik ol thc Divinc in
thc woild, not to biing you to thc Divinc, but to biing you to
thc woild, loi thc woild nccds you. Thnt is why you wcic scnt
hcic. Thnt is why you hnvc choscn to comc. And you hnvc
choscn to comc to scivc nnd suppoit thc woild's cmcigcncc
into thc Cicntci Community, loi thnt is thc gicnt nccd ol
humnnity nt this timc, nnd thnt gicnt nccd will ovcishndow nll
ol thc nccds ol humnnity in thc timcs to comc.¨
1hough hc is littlc known in thc woild todny,
Mnishnll Vinn Summcis mny ultimntcly bc iccognizcd
ns thc most signincnnt spiiitunl tcnchci to cmcigc in
oui lilctimc. Ioi moic thnn twcnty ycnis hc hns bccn
quictly wiiting nnd tcnching n spiiitunlity thnt
ncknowlcdgcs thc undcninblc icnlity thnt humnnity
livcs in n vnst nnd populntcd Univcisc nnd now
uigcntly nccds to picpnic loi its cmcigcncc into n
Cicntci Community ol intclligcnt lilc.
MV Summcis tcnchcs thc disciplinc ol
Know|cJgc, oi innci knowing. "Oui dccpcst intuition,¨
hc snys, "is but nn cxtcinnl cxpicssion ol thc gicnt
powci ol Knowlcdgc.¨ His books Stcps to Know|cJgc:
Thc ßool oj |nncr Knowing, winnci ol thc Ycni 2000
Book ol thc Ycni Awnid loi Spiiitunlity in thc Unitcd
Stntcs, nnd Grcotcr Community Spirituo|ity: A Ncw
Rcvc|otion togcthci compiisc n loundntion thnt could
bc considcicd thc nist "Thcology ol Contnct.¨ Thc
cntiic body ol his woik, somc twcnty volumcs, only n
hnndlul yct cuiicntly publishcd by Ncw Knowlcdgc
Libiniy, mny wcll icpicscnt somc ol thc most oiiginnl
nnd ndvnnccd spiiitunl tcnchings to nppcni in modcin
histoiy. Hc is nlso thc Ioundci ol Thc Socicty loi Thc
Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc, n icligious non-piont
Vith Thc A||ics oj Humonity, Mnishnll Vinn Summcis
bccomcs pcihnps thc nist mn|oi spiiitunl tcnchci to sound n
clcni wnining nbout thc tiuc nntuic ol thc Intcivcntion now
occuiiing in thc woild, cnlling loi pcisonnl icsponsibility,
picpnintion, nnd collcctivc nwnicncss. Hc hns dcvotcd his lilc
to iccciving Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol Knowlcdgc, n gilt
to humnnity liom thc Cicntoi. Hc is committcd to biinging this
Ncw Mcssngc liom Cod into thc woild. To icnd nbout thc
Ncw Mcssngc onlinc, plcnsc visit www.ncwmcssngc.oig.
1hc Socicty loi Thc Cicntci Community Vny ol
Knowlcdgc hns n gicnt mission in thc woild. Thc
Allics ol Humnnity hnvc picscntcd thc pioblcm ol thc
Intcivcntion nnd nll thnt it poitcnds. In icsponsc to
this ginvc chnllcngc, n solution hns bccn givcn in thc
spiiitunl tcnching cnllcd Thc Cicntci Community Vny
ol Knowlcdgc. This tcnching piovidcs thc Cicntci
Community pcispcctivc nnd spiiitunl picpnintion thnt
humnnity will nccd in oidci to mnintnin oui iight ol
scll-dctciminntion nnd to succcsslully tnkc oui plncc
ns nn cmciging woild within n lnigci Univcisc ol
intclligcnt lilc.
Thc mission ol Thc Socicty is to picscnt this Ncw
Mcssngc loi humnnity thiough its publicntions, intci-
nct wcbsitcs, cducntionnl pioginms nnd contcmplntivc
sciviccs nnd icticnts. Thc Socicty's gonl is to dcvclop
mcn nnd womcn ol Knowlcdgc who will bc thc nist to
pioncci n Cicntci Community picpnintion in thc woild
todny nnd to bcgin to ollsct thc impnct ol thc
Intcivcntion. Thcsc mcn nnd womcn will bc icsponsi-
blc loi kccping Knowlcdgc nnd wisdom nlivc in thc
woild ns thc stiugglc loi humnnity's liccdom intcnsincs.
Thc Socicty wns loundcd in 1992 ns n icligious
non-piont oignnizntion by Mnishnll Vinn Summcis. Ovci thc
ycnis, n gioup ol dcdicntcd studcnts hns bccn gnthciing to
diicctly nssist him. Thc Socicty hns bccn suppoitcd nnd mnin-
tnincd by this coic ol dcvotcd studcnts who nic committcd to
biinging n ncw spiiitunl nwnicncss nnd picpnintion into thc
woild. Thc Socicty's mission icquiics thc suppoit nnd pnitici-
pntion ol mnny moic pcoplc. Civcn thc ginvity ol thc woild's
condition, thcic is nn uigcnt nccd loi Knowlcdgc nnd picpn-
intion. Thus, Thc Socicty is cnlling mcn nnd womcn
cvciywhcic to nssist us in giving thc gilt ol this Ncw Mcssngc
to thc woild nt this ciiticnl tuining point in oui histoiy.
As n icligious non-piont oignnizntion, Thc Socicty hns
bccn suppoitcd cntiicly thiough voluntniy nctivity, tithcs nnd
contiibutions. Howcvci, thc giowing nccd to icnch nnd pic-
pnic pcoplc niound thc woild is suipnssing Thc Socicty's
nbility to lulnll its mission.
You cnn bccomc n pnit ol this gicnt mission thiough
youi contiibution. Shnic thc Allics' mcssngc with othcis. Hclp
inisc thc nwnicncss ol thc lnct thnt wc nic onc pcoplc nnd onc
woild cmciging into n gicntci nicnn ol intclligcnt lilc. Bccomc
n studcnt ol Thc Vny ol Knowlcdgc. And il you nic in n posi-
tion to bc n bcnclnctoi loi this gicnt undcitnking oi il you
know somconc who is, plcnsc contnct Thc Socicty. Youi con-
tiibution is nccdcd now in oidci to mnkc possiblc thc
disscminntion ol thc Allics' ciiticnl mcssngc woildwidc nnd to
hclp tuin thc tidc loi humnnity.

"You stnnd nt thc thicshold ol iccciving
somcthing ol thc gicntcst mngnitudc,
somcthing thnt is nccdcd in thc woild÷
somcthing thnt is bcing tinnslciicd
to thc woild nnd tinnslntcd into
thc woild.
You nic nmong thc nist
who will icccivc this.
Rcccivc it wcll.¨
¡.O. Box 172+, Bouldci, CO S0¹0o-172+
(¹0¹) 9¹S-S+01, lnx (¹0¹) 9¹S-121+

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