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A Question of Spirit

We often go through our lives hearing spiritual this and

spiritual that, and many people from all faiths will have had
certain views of what spirit is according to what faith if any
they were brought up on as children. Some will carry on, in life
happy with these various accepted versions.

Others will abandon any form of spiritual belief and be happy

(or unhappy) just to get on with life. But some, like myself may
prefer to question orthodox and accepted views of what spirit
is. Of course what I think, is my own view, developed over
years of contemplation, reading and dare I say it, intuitive

I suppose initially, the idea of a guy with a long white beard sat
on a throne in the sky just didn't feel right. It all seemed a bit
mean if you only got one bite of the apple (no pun intended)
and if you screwed up, got fried for eternity. What about all the
innocents who got a bad deal at the hands of the nasties on

Not much compassion in the old man if he allows this

continuously. On top of that (literally) how big is heaven
anyway? Without any form of recycling, the accommodation
would have to be so high-rise by now, it would seem like hell

There's even a bouncer on the gate, for God's sake ! (pun

intended). If you don't match the house rules, down you go. As
for the devil or Satan, whichever alias he is using, who is he
actually working for? If he and his minion's sole purpose is to
corrupt and lead astray us poor mortals into doing dastardly
deeds you would think he would welcome the said miscreants
with open arms.

But no! we are told that all you can expect is an eternity as a
human kebab. Has he got a secret deal going with the old man
upstairs or what? If we are to believe this version, then they
are both in each others pockets and life is one big con!.

You may think after reading the above that I am bitter and
twisted, far from it. Cynical, yes. Bemused? yes, and saddened
that generations of people have been controlled by other
unscrupulous people in the name of their all powerful God. It
also saddens me to think of how many may have died in
absolute fear and dread of what they were about to

Like many children, I used to wonder if there really were fairies

and goblins, angels and ghosts etc. And also like many people
as they grew older put such ideas away along with the toybox.
Years later, I began to ponder on the origins of fairy tales,
ghost stories and the apparent reality of Angels.
My reading became avid and varied, from mythology to near
death experiences and accounts of reincarnation. It was while
reading about the various cultural mythologies, with their
pantheon of Gods and Goddesses, that an underlying pattern
began to emerge. There seemed to be an evolutionary
hierarchy not just in the physical world but within the non
physical, i.e. the spiritual dimensions.

In cosmological circles, it is widely accepted that all potential

energy/matter for the creation of the universe was contained
within an area the size of a pea, called the singularity. Nothing
could exist outside of it because of the infinite gravity.

Space and time couldn't exist because there was no physical

dimension, and there was no physical dimension because all
potential matter was trapped as pure energy within the

Many mythologies and modern accounts of near death or

between life states, share a common theme of either
timelessness or of past, present and future coexisting

If spirit then, coexists with the physical dimension but at a

different frequency or frequencies, this would allow for it's
existence outside of 'NORMAL' space and time. Before the
singularity expanded to form the physical universe all spiritual
potential may have been encompassed within a spiritual
singularity, i.e. the Godhead or pure spirit.

To exist as pure spirit for an eternity would serve no purpose,

there would be no self awareness. So in order to become self
aware, this pure spirit would need to become conscious to gain
experience of existence outside of itself. To do this, spirit
would need to fragment, to expand and in doing so release the
singularity, both physical and spiritual.

But the essence that is spirit expands more in a sense of

differing frequencial states. Almost like the layers of an onion,
yet coexisting and permeating the energy that makes up the
matter of the physical universe.

It has been said in certain religious philosophies that all

existence is an illusion. This has been born out by recent
discoveries that show the electrons, neutrons and protons of
molecular structure to be nothing more than different wave
forms of energy held by a mysterious undetectable force.

As matter coalesced into suns and planets, so spirit aligned

itself with these collections of matter, not separately as such
but conceptually within the spiritual dimension. Each new form
of energy/matter being guided by spiritual form.

When a person attunes themselves to the nature spirit of a

place or a particular plant or tree, they may actually perceive
this spirit as a physical entity. When we invoke the spirit of a
God or Goddess Archetype we tap into the deity's spiritual
energy and may perceive their physical form that has been
built up out of the spiritual energy through repetition over
generations. This does not mean they are not real, they are,
for prayer and belief can be emotionally, extremely powerful.

Evolution is a two way street. When plant and animal life

began their long journey, spirit was the guide and blueprint,
itself learning and evolving from its mistakes and successes. It
should be remembered that many worlds and civilisations have
evolved and died out before us.

The blueprint for sentient life began as a spiritual concept

guided by group soul. This group soul would over millennia
fragment to form different species and fragment again
forming ever smaller evolutionary groups, down to twin souls
encompassing the male/female aspect and finally the

Homo Sapiens is just one of these species from many. Our

purpose is to live and relive, to evolve spiritually and
eventually re-merge with our group souls and in our turn guide
and nurture other worlds and species on their evolutionary
journey. In other words, we may become angels and

Some souls resent their separation from the Godhead and the
cycle of death and rebirth. They may become negative in their
outlook and disruptive, even evil. But they still have to go
through the evolutionary process of Karma and rebirth. It's
not a question of being punished, but rather a natural state of

Every time we commit a negative act, it lowers the state of our

spiritual energy. If a person leads a despicable life doing harm
to others, the main person they are harming is themselves. At
the end of a particular incarnation, they may find themselves
seemingly trapped at a spiritual level inhabited by similar lost

It may well look like their particular concept of hell, but their
sense of entrapment is entirely illusory, they are holding
themselves there. Once they accept their responsibility and
feel genuine remorse and the desire to make amends and learn
by their mistakes, they will be able to move on. Otherwise
they will reincarnate into similar lives repeatedly until they
evolve past that particular problem area.

In fact there can be no evolution without the interaction of

positive and negative. It is by balancing these two polarities
within ourselves that we grow in spiritual light.

The choice of polarity is within us not outside. When we accept

responsibility for our own destiny, each step forward brings us
closer to the Godhead.



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