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implantation: nidation; the attachment of the zygote to the uterine endometrium interstitial nephritis: a form of nephritis affecting the interstitium of the kidneys surrounding the tubules. Living: the total number of children currently living menstrual cycle: periodic uterine bleeding in response to cyclic hormonal changes. A process that allows for conception and implantation of new life. nephritis: inflammation of the nephrons in the kidneys. ovulation: the phase of a female's menstrual cycle in which a mature egg is released from the ovarian follicles into the oviduct. para: the number of pregnancies that reached the age of viability generally accepted to be 24 weeks, regardless of whether the babies were born alive or not. perirenal abscess: a pocket of pus caused by an infection around one or both kidneys. post term: the total number of infants born after 42 weeks preterm: the total number of infants born before 37 weeks primigravida: a woman during her first pregnancy prostatitis: inflammation of the prostate gland

abortion: any interruption of a pregnancy before the fetus is viable (a stage of development that will enable the fetus to survive outside the uterus if born at that time) age of gestation: number of weeks fetus remained in utero age of viability: the earliest age at which fetuses could survive if they were born at that time; generally accepted as 24 weeks, or fetuses weighing more than 400 g bacteriuria: the presence of bacteria in the urine cystitis: inflammation of the urinary bladder Escherichia coli: a species of rod-shaped, facultatively anaerobic bacteria in the large intestine of humans and other animals, sometimes pathogenic fertilization: the union of the sperm and ovum flank: the section of flesh on the body of a person or an animal between the last rib and the hip; the side gravida: number of times a woman has been pregnant, including the present pregnancy; a pregnant woman

pyuria: the condition of urine containing pus. Defined as the presence of 6-10 or more neutrophils per high power field of unspun, voided mid-stream urine. renal abscess: an abscess is a localized collection of pus in a hollow area formed by the breaking up of tissues. A renal abscess is one that is confined to the kidney and is caused either by bacteria from an infection traveling to the kidneys through the bloodstream or by a urinary tract infection traveling to the kidney and then spreading to the kidney tissue. term: the total number of infants born at term or 37 or more weeks. urethritis: inflammation of the urethra. The most common symptom is painful or difficult urination. Correction: definition of pyelonephritis Acute pyelonephritis Chronic pyelonephritis reflux

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